/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2020 Blender Foundation * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup bgpencil */ #include "BLI_float2.hh" #include "BLI_float3.hh" #include "BLI_float4x4.hh" #include "BLI_path_util.h" #include "BLI_span.hh" #include "DNA_gpencil_types.h" #include "DNA_layer_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "BKE_camera.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_gpencil.h" #include "BKE_gpencil_geom.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "UI_view2d.h" #include "ED_view3d.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "gpencil_io_base.hh" using blender::Span; namespace blender::io::gpencil { /* Constructor. */ GpencilIO::GpencilIO(const GpencilIOParams *iparams) { params_ = *iparams; /* Easy access data. */ bmain_ = CTX_data_main(params_.C); depsgraph_ = CTX_data_depsgraph_pointer(params_.C); scene_ = CTX_data_scene(params_.C); rv3d_ = (RegionView3D *)params_.region->regiondata; gpd_ = (params_.ob != nullptr) ? (bGPdata *)params_.ob->data : nullptr; cfra_ = iparams->frame_cur; /* Calculate camera matrix. */ prepare_camera_params(scene_, iparams); } void GpencilIO::prepare_camera_params(Scene *scene, const GpencilIOParams *iparams) { params_ = *iparams; const bool is_pdf = params_.mode == GP_EXPORT_TO_PDF; const bool any_camera = (params_.v3d->camera != nullptr); const bool force_camera_view = is_pdf && any_camera; /* Ensure camera switch is applied. */ BKE_scene_camera_switch_update(scene); /* Calculate camera matrix. */ Object *cam_ob = scene->camera; if (cam_ob != nullptr) { /* Set up parameters. */ CameraParams params; BKE_camera_params_init(¶ms); BKE_camera_params_from_object(¶ms, cam_ob); /* Compute matrix, view-plane, etc. */ RenderData *rd = &scene_->r; BKE_camera_params_compute_viewplane(¶ms, rd->xsch, rd->ysch, rd->xasp, rd->yasp); BKE_camera_params_compute_matrix(¶ms); float viewmat[4][4]; invert_m4_m4(viewmat, cam_ob->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(persmat_, params.winmat, viewmat); } else { unit_m4(persmat_); } winx_ = params_.region->winx; winy_ = params_.region->winy; /* Camera rectangle. */ if ((rv3d_->persp == RV3D_CAMOB) || (force_camera_view)) { render_x_ = (scene_->r.xsch * scene_->r.size) / 100; render_y_ = (scene_->r.ysch * scene_->r.size) / 100; ED_view3d_calc_camera_border(CTX_data_scene(params_.C), depsgraph_, params_.region, params_.v3d, rv3d_, &camera_rect_, true); is_camera_ = true; camera_ratio_ = render_x_ / (camera_rect_.xmax - camera_rect_.xmin); offset_.x = camera_rect_.xmin; offset_.y = camera_rect_.ymin; } else { is_camera_ = false; /* Calc selected object boundbox. Need set initial value to some variables. */ camera_ratio_ = 1.0f; offset_.x = 0.0f; offset_.y = 0.0f; create_object_list(); selected_objects_boundbox_calc(); rctf boundbox; selected_objects_boundbox_get(&boundbox); render_x_ = boundbox.xmax - boundbox.xmin; render_y_ = boundbox.ymax - boundbox.ymin; offset_.x = boundbox.xmin; offset_.y = boundbox.ymin; } } /** Create a list of selected objects sorted from back to front */ void GpencilIO::create_object_list() { ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(params_.C); float3 camera_z_axis; copy_v3_v3(camera_z_axis, rv3d_->viewinv[2]); ob_list_.clear(); LISTBASE_FOREACH (Base *, base, &view_layer->object_bases) { Object *object = base->object; if (object->type != OB_GPENCIL) { continue; } if ((params_.select_mode == GP_EXPORT_ACTIVE) && (params_.ob != object)) { continue; } if ((params_.select_mode == GP_EXPORT_SELECTED) && ((base->flag & BASE_SELECTED) == 0)) { continue; } /* Save z-depth from view to sort from back to front. */ if (is_camera_) { float camera_z = dot_v3v3(camera_z_axis, object->obmat[3]); ObjectZ obz = {camera_z, object}; ob_list_.append(obz); } else { float zdepth = 0; if (rv3d_) { if (rv3d_->is_persp) { zdepth = ED_view3d_calc_zfac(rv3d_, object->obmat[3], nullptr); } else { zdepth = -dot_v3v3(rv3d_->viewinv[2], object->obmat[3]); } ObjectZ obz = {zdepth * -1.0f, object}; ob_list_.append(obz); } } } /* Sort list of objects from point of view. */ std::sort(ob_list_.begin(), ob_list_.end(), [](const ObjectZ &obz1, const ObjectZ &obz2) { return obz1.zdepth < obz2.zdepth; }); } /** * Set file input_text full path. * \param filename: Path of the file provided by save dialog. */ void GpencilIO::filename_set(const char *filename) { BLI_strncpy(filename_, filename, FILE_MAX); BLI_path_abs(filename_, BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain_)); } /** Convert to screenspace. */ bool GpencilIO::gpencil_3D_point_to_screen_space(const float3 co, float2 &r_co) { float3 parent_co = diff_mat_ * co; float2 screen_co; eV3DProjTest test = (eV3DProjTest)(V3D_PROJ_RET_OK); if (ED_view3d_project_float_global(params_.region, parent_co, screen_co, test) == V3D_PROJ_RET_OK) { if (!ELEM(V2D_IS_CLIPPED, screen_co[0], screen_co[1])) { copy_v2_v2(r_co, screen_co); /* Invert X axis. */ if (invert_axis_[0]) { r_co[0] = winx_ - r_co[0]; } /* Invert Y axis. */ if (invert_axis_[1]) { r_co[1] = winy_ - r_co[1]; } /* Apply offset and scale. */ sub_v2_v2(r_co, &offset_.x); mul_v2_fl(r_co, camera_ratio_); return true; } } r_co[0] = V2D_IS_CLIPPED; r_co[1] = V2D_IS_CLIPPED; /* Invert X axis. */ if (invert_axis_[0]) { r_co[0] = winx_ - r_co[0]; } /* Invert Y axis. */ if (invert_axis_[1]) { r_co[1] = winy_ - r_co[1]; } return false; } /** Convert to render space. */ float2 GpencilIO::gpencil_3D_point_to_render_space(const float3 co) { float3 parent_co = diff_mat_ * co; float2 r_co; mul_v2_project_m4_v3(&r_co.x, persmat_, &parent_co.x); r_co.x = (r_co.x + 1.0f) / 2.0f * (float)render_x_; r_co.y = (r_co.y + 1.0f) / 2.0f * (float)render_y_; /* Invert X axis. */ if (invert_axis_[0]) { r_co.x = (float)render_x_ - r_co.x; } /* Invert Y axis. */ if (invert_axis_[1]) { r_co.y = (float)render_y_ - r_co.y; } return r_co; } /** Convert to 2D. */ float2 GpencilIO::gpencil_3D_point_to_2D(const float3 co) { const bool is_camera = (bool)(rv3d_->persp == RV3D_CAMOB); if (is_camera) { return gpencil_3D_point_to_render_space(co); } float2 result; gpencil_3D_point_to_screen_space(co, result); return result; } /** Get radius of point. */ float GpencilIO::stroke_point_radius_get(bGPDlayer *gpl, bGPDstroke *gps) { bGPDspoint *pt = &gps->points[0]; const float2 screen_co = gpencil_3D_point_to_2D(&pt->x); /* Radius. */ bGPDstroke *gps_perimeter = BKE_gpencil_stroke_perimeter_from_view( rv3d_, gpd_, gpl, gps, 3, diff_mat_.values); pt = &gps_perimeter->points[0]; const float2 screen_ex = gpencil_3D_point_to_2D(&pt->x); const float2 v1 = screen_co - screen_ex; float radius = v1.length(); BKE_gpencil_free_stroke(gps_perimeter); return MAX2(radius, 1.0f); } void GpencilIO::prepare_layer_export_matrix(Object *ob, bGPDlayer *gpl) { BKE_gpencil_layer_transform_matrix_get(depsgraph_, ob, gpl, diff_mat_.values); diff_mat_ = diff_mat_ * float4x4(gpl->layer_invmat); } void GpencilIO::prepare_stroke_export_colors(Object *ob, bGPDstroke *gps) { MaterialGPencilStyle *gp_style = BKE_gpencil_material_settings(ob, gps->mat_nr + 1); /* Stroke color. */ copy_v4_v4(stroke_color_, gp_style->stroke_rgba); avg_opacity_ = 0.0f; /* Get average vertex color and apply. */ float avg_color[4] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; for (const bGPDspoint &pt : Span(gps->points, gps->totpoints)) { add_v4_v4(avg_color, pt.vert_color); avg_opacity_ += pt.strength; } mul_v4_v4fl(avg_color, avg_color, 1.0f / (float)gps->totpoints); interp_v3_v3v3(stroke_color_, stroke_color_, avg_color, avg_color[3]); avg_opacity_ /= (float)gps->totpoints; /* Fill color. */ copy_v4_v4(fill_color_, gp_style->fill_rgba); /* Apply vertex color for fill. */ interp_v3_v3v3(fill_color_, fill_color_, gps->vert_color_fill, gps->vert_color_fill[3]); } float GpencilIO::stroke_average_opacity_get() { return avg_opacity_; } bool GpencilIO::is_camera_mode() { return is_camera_; } /* Calculate selected strokes boundbox. */ void GpencilIO::selected_objects_boundbox_calc() { const float gap = 10.0f; float2 min, max; INIT_MINMAX2(min, max); for (ObjectZ &obz : ob_list_) { Object *ob = obz.ob; /* Use evaluated version to get strokes with modifiers. */ Object *ob_eval = (Object *)DEG_get_evaluated_id(depsgraph_, &ob->id); bGPdata *gpd_eval = (bGPdata *)ob_eval->data; LISTBASE_FOREACH (bGPDlayer *, gpl, &gpd_eval->layers) { if (gpl->flag & GP_LAYER_HIDE) { continue; } BKE_gpencil_layer_transform_matrix_get(depsgraph_, ob_eval, gpl, diff_mat_.values); bGPDframe *gpf = gpl->actframe; if (gpf == nullptr) { continue; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bGPDstroke *, gps, &gpf->strokes) { if (gps->totpoints == 0) { continue; } for (const bGPDspoint &pt : MutableSpan(gps->points, gps->totpoints)) { const float2 screen_co = gpencil_3D_point_to_2D(&pt.x); minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, screen_co); } } } } /* Add small gap. */ add_v2_fl(min, gap * -1.0f); add_v2_fl(max, gap); select_boundbox_.xmin = min[0]; select_boundbox_.ymin = min[1]; select_boundbox_.xmax = max[0]; select_boundbox_.ymax = max[1]; } void GpencilIO::selected_objects_boundbox_get(rctf *boundbox) { boundbox->xmin = select_boundbox_.xmin; boundbox->xmax = select_boundbox_.xmax; boundbox->ymin = select_boundbox_.ymin; boundbox->ymax = select_boundbox_.ymax; } void GpencilIO::frame_number_set(const int value) { cfra_ = value; } } // namespace blender::io::gpencil