/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Adapted from the Blender Alembic importer implementation. * * Modifications Copyright (C) 2021 Tangent Animation. * All rights reserved. */ #include "usd_reader_nurbs.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include #include #include #include #include static bool set_knots(const pxr::VtDoubleArray &knots, float *&nu_knots) { if (knots.empty()) { return false; } /* Skip first and last knots, as they are used for padding. */ const size_t num_knots = knots.size(); nu_knots = static_cast(MEM_callocN(num_knots * sizeof(float), __func__)); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_knots; i++) { nu_knots[i] = (float)knots[i]; } return true; } namespace blender::io::usd { void USDNurbsReader::create_object(Main *bmain, const double /* motionSampleTime */) { curve_ = BKE_curve_add(bmain, name_.c_str(), OB_CURVE); curve_->flag |= CU_3D; curve_->actvert = CU_ACT_NONE; curve_->resolu = 2; object_ = BKE_object_add_only_object(bmain, OB_CURVE, name_.c_str()); object_->data = curve_; } void USDNurbsReader::read_object_data(Main *bmain, const double motionSampleTime) { Curve *cu = (Curve *)object_->data; read_curve_sample(cu, motionSampleTime); if (curve_prim_.GetPointsAttr().ValueMightBeTimeVarying()) { add_cache_modifier(); } USDXformReader::read_object_data(bmain, motionSampleTime); } void USDNurbsReader::read_curve_sample(Curve *cu, const double motionSampleTime) { curve_prim_ = pxr::UsdGeomNurbsCurves(prim_); pxr::UsdAttribute widthsAttr = curve_prim_.GetWidthsAttr(); pxr::UsdAttribute vertexAttr = curve_prim_.GetCurveVertexCountsAttr(); pxr::UsdAttribute pointsAttr = curve_prim_.GetPointsAttr(); pxr::VtIntArray usdCounts; vertexAttr.Get(&usdCounts, motionSampleTime); pxr::VtVec3fArray usdPoints; pointsAttr.Get(&usdPoints, motionSampleTime); pxr::VtFloatArray usdWidths; widthsAttr.Get(&usdWidths, motionSampleTime); pxr::VtIntArray orders; curve_prim_.GetOrderAttr().Get(&orders, motionSampleTime); pxr::VtDoubleArray knots; curve_prim_.GetKnotsAttr().Get(&knots, motionSampleTime); pxr::VtVec3fArray usdNormals; curve_prim_.GetNormalsAttr().Get(&usdNormals, motionSampleTime); /* If normals, extrude, else bevel. * Perhaps to be replaced by Blender USD Schema. */ if (!usdNormals.empty()) { /* Set extrusion to 1. */ curve_->extrude = 1.0f; } else { /* Set bevel depth to 1. */ curve_->bevel_radius = 1.0f; } size_t idx = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < usdCounts.size(); i++) { const int num_verts = usdCounts[i]; Nurb *nu = static_cast(MEM_callocN(sizeof(Nurb), __func__)); nu->flag = CU_SMOOTH; nu->type = CU_NURBS; nu->resolu = cu->resolu; nu->resolv = cu->resolv; nu->pntsu = num_verts; nu->pntsv = 1; if (i < orders.size()) { nu->orderu = static_cast(orders[i]); } else { nu->orderu = 4; nu->orderv = 4; } /* TODO(makowalski): investigate setting Cyclic U and Endpoint U options. */ #if 0 if (knots.size() > 3) { if ((knots[0] == knots[1]) && (knots[knots.size()] == knots[knots.size() - 1])) { nu->flagu |= CU_NURB_ENDPOINT; } else { nu->flagu |= CU_NURB_CYCLIC; } } #endif float weight = 1.0f; nu->bp = static_cast(MEM_callocN(sizeof(BPoint) * nu->pntsu, __func__)); BPoint *bp = nu->bp; for (int j = 0; j < nu->pntsu; j++, bp++, idx++) { bp->vec[0] = (float)usdPoints[idx][0]; bp->vec[1] = (float)usdPoints[idx][1]; bp->vec[2] = (float)usdPoints[idx][2]; bp->vec[3] = weight; bp->f1 = SELECT; bp->weight = weight; float radius = 0.1f; if (idx < usdWidths.size()) { radius = usdWidths[idx]; } bp->radius = radius; } if (!set_knots(knots, nu->knotsu)) { BKE_nurb_knot_calc_u(nu); } BLI_addtail(BKE_curve_nurbs_get(cu), nu); } } Mesh *USDNurbsReader::read_mesh(struct Mesh * /* existing_mesh */, const double motionSampleTime, const int /* read_flag */, const char ** /* err_str */) { pxr::UsdGeomCurves curve_prim_(prim_); pxr::UsdAttribute widthsAttr = curve_prim_.GetWidthsAttr(); pxr::UsdAttribute vertexAttr = curve_prim_.GetCurveVertexCountsAttr(); pxr::UsdAttribute pointsAttr = curve_prim_.GetPointsAttr(); pxr::VtIntArray usdCounts; vertexAttr.Get(&usdCounts, motionSampleTime); int num_subcurves = usdCounts.size(); pxr::VtVec3fArray usdPoints; pointsAttr.Get(&usdPoints, motionSampleTime); int vertex_idx = 0; int curve_idx; Curve *curve = static_cast(object_->data); const int curve_count = BLI_listbase_count(&curve->nurb); bool same_topology = curve_count == num_subcurves; if (same_topology) { Nurb *nurbs = static_cast(curve->nurb.first); for (curve_idx = 0; nurbs; nurbs = nurbs->next, curve_idx++) { const int num_in_usd = usdCounts[curve_idx]; const int num_in_blender = nurbs->pntsu; if (num_in_usd != num_in_blender) { same_topology = false; break; } } } if (!same_topology) { BKE_nurbList_free(&curve->nurb); read_curve_sample(curve, motionSampleTime); } else { Nurb *nurbs = static_cast(curve->nurb.first); for (curve_idx = 0; nurbs; nurbs = nurbs->next, curve_idx++) { const int totpoint = usdCounts[curve_idx]; if (nurbs->bp) { BPoint *point = nurbs->bp; for (int i = 0; i < totpoint; i++, point++, vertex_idx++) { point->vec[0] = usdPoints[vertex_idx][0]; point->vec[1] = usdPoints[vertex_idx][1]; point->vec[2] = usdPoints[vertex_idx][2]; } } else if (nurbs->bezt) { BezTriple *bezier = nurbs->bezt; for (int i = 0; i < totpoint; i++, bezier++, vertex_idx++) { bezier->vec[1][0] = usdPoints[vertex_idx][0]; bezier->vec[1][1] = usdPoints[vertex_idx][1]; bezier->vec[1][2] = usdPoints[vertex_idx][2]; } } } } return BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_curve(object_); } } // namespace blender::io::usd