/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** \file * \ingroup obj */ #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_lib_id.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_mapping.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "obj_export_mesh.hh" namespace blender::io::obj { OBJMesh::OBJMesh(Depsgraph *depsgraph, const OBJExportParams &export_params, Object *mesh_object) { export_object_eval_ = DEG_get_evaluated_object(depsgraph, mesh_object); export_mesh_eval_ = BKE_object_get_evaluated_mesh(export_object_eval_); mesh_eval_needs_free_ = false; if (!export_mesh_eval_) { /* Curves and NURBS surfaces need a new mesh when they're * exported in the form of vertices and edges. */ export_mesh_eval_ = BKE_mesh_new_from_object(depsgraph, export_object_eval_, true, true); /* Since a new mesh been allocated, it needs to be freed in the destructor. */ mesh_eval_needs_free_ = true; } if (export_params.export_triangulated_mesh && ELEM(export_object_eval_->type, OB_MESH, OB_SURF)) { std::tie(export_mesh_eval_, mesh_eval_needs_free_) = triangulate_mesh_eval(); } set_world_axes_transform(export_params.forward_axis, export_params.up_axis); } /** * Free new meshes allocated for triangulated meshes, or Curve converted to Mesh. */ OBJMesh::~OBJMesh() { free_mesh_if_needed(); if (poly_smooth_groups_) { MEM_freeN(poly_smooth_groups_); } } void OBJMesh::free_mesh_if_needed() { if (mesh_eval_needs_free_ && export_mesh_eval_) { BKE_id_free(nullptr, export_mesh_eval_); } } std::pair OBJMesh::triangulate_mesh_eval() { if (export_mesh_eval_->totpoly <= 0) { return {export_mesh_eval_, false}; } const struct BMeshCreateParams bm_create_params = {0u}; const struct BMeshFromMeshParams bm_convert_params = {1u, 0, 0, 0}; /* Lower threshold where triangulation of a polygon starts, i.e. a quadrilateral will be * triangulated here. */ const int triangulate_min_verts = 4; unique_bmesh_ptr bmesh( BKE_mesh_to_bmesh_ex(export_mesh_eval_, &bm_create_params, &bm_convert_params)); BM_mesh_triangulate(bmesh.get(), MOD_TRIANGULATE_NGON_BEAUTY, MOD_TRIANGULATE_QUAD_SHORTEDGE, triangulate_min_verts, false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); Mesh *triangulated = BKE_mesh_from_bmesh_for_eval_nomain( bmesh.get(), nullptr, export_mesh_eval_); free_mesh_if_needed(); return {triangulated, true}; } void OBJMesh::set_world_axes_transform(const eTransformAxisForward forward, const eTransformAxisUp up) { float axes_transform[3][3]; unit_m3(axes_transform); /* +Y-forward and +Z-up are the default Blender axis settings. */ mat3_from_axis_conversion(OBJ_AXIS_Y_FORWARD, OBJ_AXIS_Z_UP, forward, up, axes_transform); /* mat3_from_axis_conversion returns a transposed matrix! */ transpose_m3(axes_transform); mul_m4_m3m4(world_and_axes_transform_, axes_transform, export_object_eval_->obmat); /* mul_m4_m3m4 does not transform last row of obmat, i.e. location data. */ mul_v3_m3v3(world_and_axes_transform_[3], axes_transform, export_object_eval_->obmat[3]); world_and_axes_transform_[3][3] = export_object_eval_->obmat[3][3]; } int OBJMesh::tot_vertices() const { return export_mesh_eval_->totvert; } int OBJMesh::tot_polygons() const { return export_mesh_eval_->totpoly; } int OBJMesh::tot_uv_vertices() const { return tot_uv_vertices_; } int OBJMesh::tot_edges() const { return export_mesh_eval_->totedge; } int16_t OBJMesh::tot_materials() const { return export_mesh_eval_->totcol; } int OBJMesh::ith_smooth_group(const int poly_index) const { /* Calculate smooth groups first: #OBJMesh::calc_smooth_groups. */ BLI_assert(tot_smooth_groups_ != -NEGATIVE_INIT); BLI_assert(poly_smooth_groups_); return poly_smooth_groups_[poly_index]; } void OBJMesh::ensure_mesh_normals() const { BKE_mesh_calc_normals_split(export_mesh_eval_); } void OBJMesh::ensure_mesh_edges() const { BKE_mesh_calc_edges(export_mesh_eval_, true, false); BKE_mesh_calc_edges_loose(export_mesh_eval_); } void OBJMesh::calc_smooth_groups(const bool use_bitflags) { poly_smooth_groups_ = BKE_mesh_calc_smoothgroups(export_mesh_eval_->medge, export_mesh_eval_->totedge, export_mesh_eval_->mpoly, export_mesh_eval_->totpoly, export_mesh_eval_->mloop, export_mesh_eval_->totloop, &tot_smooth_groups_, use_bitflags); } const Material *OBJMesh::get_object_material(const int16_t mat_nr) const { /* "+ 1" as material getter needs one-based indices. */ const Material *r_mat = BKE_object_material_get(export_object_eval_, mat_nr + 1); #ifdef DEBUG if (!r_mat) { std::cerr << "Material not found for mat_nr = " << mat_nr << std::endl; } #endif return r_mat; } bool OBJMesh::is_ith_poly_smooth(const int poly_index) const { return export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index].flag & ME_SMOOTH; } int16_t OBJMesh::ith_poly_matnr(const int poly_index) const { BLI_assert(poly_index < export_mesh_eval_->totpoly); const int16_t r_mat_nr = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index].mat_nr; return r_mat_nr >= 0 ? r_mat_nr : NOT_FOUND; } const char *OBJMesh::get_object_name() const { return export_object_eval_->id.name + 2; } const char *OBJMesh::get_object_mesh_name() const { return export_mesh_eval_->id.name + 2; } const char *OBJMesh::get_object_material_name(const int16_t mat_nr) const { const Material *mat = get_object_material(mat_nr); if (!mat) { return nullptr; } return mat->id.name + 2; } float3 OBJMesh::calc_vertex_coords(const int vert_index, const float scaling_factor) const { float3 r_coords; copy_v3_v3(r_coords, export_mesh_eval_->mvert[vert_index].co); mul_v3_fl(r_coords, scaling_factor); mul_m4_v3(world_and_axes_transform_, r_coords); return r_coords; } Vector OBJMesh::calc_poly_vertex_indices(const int poly_index) const { const MPoly &mpoly = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index]; const MLoop *mloop = &export_mesh_eval_->mloop[mpoly.loopstart]; const int totloop = mpoly.totloop; Vector r_poly_vertex_indices(totloop); for (int loop_index = 0; loop_index < totloop; loop_index++) { r_poly_vertex_indices[loop_index] = mloop[loop_index].v; } return r_poly_vertex_indices; } void OBJMesh::store_uv_coords_and_indices(Vector> &r_uv_coords) { const MPoly *mpoly = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly; const MLoop *mloop = export_mesh_eval_->mloop; const int totpoly = export_mesh_eval_->totpoly; const int totvert = export_mesh_eval_->totvert; const MLoopUV *mloopuv = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer(&export_mesh_eval_->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV)); if (!mloopuv) { tot_uv_vertices_ = 0; return; } const float limit[2] = {STD_UV_CONNECT_LIMIT, STD_UV_CONNECT_LIMIT}; UvVertMap *uv_vert_map = BKE_mesh_uv_vert_map_create( mpoly, mloop, mloopuv, totpoly, totvert, limit, false, false); uv_indices_.resize(totpoly); /* At least total vertices of a mesh will be present in its texture map. So * reserve minimum space early. */ r_uv_coords.reserve(totvert); tot_uv_vertices_ = 0; for (int vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < totvert; vertex_index++) { const UvMapVert *uv_vert = BKE_mesh_uv_vert_map_get_vert(uv_vert_map, vertex_index); for (; uv_vert; uv_vert = uv_vert->next) { if (uv_vert->separate) { tot_uv_vertices_ += 1; } const int vertices_in_poly = mpoly[uv_vert->poly_index].totloop; /* Store UV vertex coordinates. */ r_uv_coords.resize(tot_uv_vertices_); const int loopstart = mpoly[uv_vert->poly_index].loopstart; Span vert_uv_coords(mloopuv[loopstart + uv_vert->loop_of_poly_index].uv, 2); r_uv_coords[tot_uv_vertices_ - 1][0] = vert_uv_coords[0]; r_uv_coords[tot_uv_vertices_ - 1][1] = vert_uv_coords[1]; /* Store UV vertex indices. */ uv_indices_[uv_vert->poly_index].resize(vertices_in_poly); /* Keep indices zero-based and let the writer handle the "+ 1" as per OBJ spec. */ uv_indices_[uv_vert->poly_index][uv_vert->loop_of_poly_index] = tot_uv_vertices_ - 1; } } BKE_mesh_uv_vert_map_free(uv_vert_map); } Span OBJMesh::calc_poly_uv_indices(const int poly_index) const { if (uv_indices_.size() <= 0) { return {}; } BLI_assert(poly_index < export_mesh_eval_->totpoly); BLI_assert(poly_index < uv_indices_.size()); return uv_indices_[poly_index]; } float3 OBJMesh::calc_poly_normal(const int poly_index) const { float3 r_poly_normal; const MPoly &poly = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index]; const MLoop &mloop = export_mesh_eval_->mloop[poly.loopstart]; const MVert &mvert = *(export_mesh_eval_->mvert); BKE_mesh_calc_poly_normal(&poly, &mloop, &mvert, r_poly_normal); mul_mat3_m4_v3(world_and_axes_transform_, r_poly_normal); return r_poly_normal; } void OBJMesh::calc_loop_normals(const int poly_index, Vector &r_loop_normals) const { r_loop_normals.clear(); const MPoly &mpoly = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index]; const float( *lnors)[3] = (const float(*)[3])(CustomData_get_layer(&export_mesh_eval_->ldata, CD_NORMAL)); for (int loop_of_poly = 0; loop_of_poly < mpoly.totloop; loop_of_poly++) { float3 loop_normal; copy_v3_v3(loop_normal, lnors[mpoly.loopstart + loop_of_poly]); mul_mat3_m4_v3(world_and_axes_transform_, loop_normal); r_loop_normals.append(loop_normal); } } std::pair> OBJMesh::calc_poly_normal_indices( const int poly_index, const int object_tot_prev_normals) const { const MPoly &mpoly = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index]; const int totloop = mpoly.totloop; Vector r_poly_normal_indices(totloop); if (is_ith_poly_smooth(poly_index)) { for (int poly_loop_index = 0; poly_loop_index < totloop; poly_loop_index++) { /* Using polygon loop index is fine because polygon/loop normals and their normal indices are * written by looping over #Mesh.mpoly /#Mesh.mloop in the same order. */ r_poly_normal_indices[poly_loop_index] = object_tot_prev_normals + poly_loop_index; } /* For a smooth-shaded polygon, #Mesh.totloop -many loop normals are written. */ return {totloop, r_poly_normal_indices}; } for (int poly_loop_index = 0; poly_loop_index < totloop; poly_loop_index++) { r_poly_normal_indices[poly_loop_index] = object_tot_prev_normals; } /* For a flat-shaded polygon, one polygon normal is written. */ return {1, r_poly_normal_indices}; } int16_t OBJMesh::get_poly_deform_group_index(const int poly_index) const { BLI_assert(poly_index < export_mesh_eval_->totpoly); const MPoly &mpoly = export_mesh_eval_->mpoly[poly_index]; const MLoop *mloop = &export_mesh_eval_->mloop[mpoly.loopstart]; const Object *obj = export_object_eval_; const int tot_deform_groups = BKE_object_defgroup_count(obj); /* Indices of the vector index into deform groups of an object; values are the] * number of vertex members in one deform group. */ Vector deform_group_members(tot_deform_groups, 0); /* Whether at least one vertex in the polygon belongs to any group. */ bool found_group = false; const MDeformVert *dvert_orig = static_cast( CustomData_get_layer(&export_mesh_eval_->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT)); if (!dvert_orig) { return NOT_FOUND; } const MDeformWeight *curr_weight = nullptr; const MDeformVert *dvert = nullptr; for (int loop_index = 0; loop_index < mpoly.totloop; loop_index++) { dvert = &dvert_orig[(mloop + loop_index)->v]; curr_weight = dvert->dw; if (curr_weight) { bDeformGroup *vertex_group = static_cast( BLI_findlink(BKE_object_defgroup_list(obj), curr_weight->def_nr)); if (vertex_group) { deform_group_members[curr_weight->def_nr] += 1; found_group = true; } } } if (!found_group) { return NOT_FOUND; } /* Index of the group with maximum vertices. */ int16_t max_idx = std::max_element(deform_group_members.begin(), deform_group_members.end()) - deform_group_members.begin(); return max_idx; } const char *OBJMesh::get_poly_deform_group_name(const int16_t def_group_index) const { const bDeformGroup &vertex_group = *(static_cast( BLI_findlink(BKE_object_defgroup_list(export_object_eval_), def_group_index))); return vertex_group.name; } std::optional> OBJMesh::calc_loose_edge_vert_indices(const int edge_index) const { const MEdge &edge = export_mesh_eval_->medge[edge_index]; if (edge.flag & ME_LOOSEEDGE) { return std::array{static_cast(edge.v1), static_cast(edge.v2)}; } return std::nullopt; } } // namespace blender::io::obj