/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Blender Foundation * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup DNA */ #ifndef __DNA_OBJECT_FORCE_TYPES_H__ #define __DNA_OBJECT_FORCE_TYPES_H__ #include "DNA_defs.h" #include "DNA_listBase.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* pd->forcefield: Effector Fields types */ typedef enum ePFieldType { /** (this is used for general effector weight). */ PFIELD_NULL = 0, /** Force away/towards a point depending on force strength. */ PFIELD_FORCE = 1, /** Force around the effector normal. */ PFIELD_VORTEX = 2, /** Force from the cross product of effector normal and point velocity. */ PFIELD_MAGNET = 3, /** Force away and towards a point depending which side of the effector normal the point is. */ PFIELD_WIND = 4, /** Force along curve for dynamics, a shaping curve for hair paths. */ PFIELD_GUIDE = 5, /** Force based on texture values calculated at point coordinates. */ PFIELD_TEXTURE = 6, /** Force of a harmonic (damped) oscillator. */ PFIELD_HARMONIC = 7, /** Force away/towards a point depending on point charge. */ PFIELD_CHARGE = 8, /** Force due to a Lennard-Jones potential. */ PFIELD_LENNARDJ = 9, /** Defines predator / goal for boids. */ PFIELD_BOID = 10, /** Force defined by BLI_gTurbulence. */ PFIELD_TURBULENCE = 11, /** Linear & quadratic drag. */ PFIELD_DRAG = 12, /** Force based on fluid simulation velocities. */ PFIELD_FLUIDFLOW = 13, /* Keep last. */ NUM_PFIELD_TYPES, } ePFieldType; typedef struct PartDeflect { /** General settings flag. */ int flag; /** Deflection flag - does mesh deflect particles. */ short deflect; /** Force field type, do the vertices attract / repel particles? */ short forcefield; /** Fall-off type. */ short falloff; /** Point, plane or surface. */ short shape; /** Texture effector. */ short tex_mode; /** For curve guide. */ short kink, kink_axis; short zdir; /* Main effector values */ /** The strength of the force (+ or - ). */ float f_strength; /** Damping ratio of the harmonic effector. */ float f_damp; /** * How much force is converted into "air flow", i.e. * force used as the velocity of surrounding medium. */ float f_flow; /** Noise size for noise effector, restlength for harmonic effector. */ float f_size; /* fall-off */ /** The power law - real gravitation is 2 (square). */ float f_power; /** If indicated, use this maximum. */ float maxdist; /** If indicated, use this minimum. */ float mindist; /** Radial fall-off power. */ float f_power_r; /** Radial versions of above. */ float maxrad; float minrad; /* particle collisions */ /** Damping factor for particle deflection. */ float pdef_damp; /** Random element of damping for deflection. */ float pdef_rdamp; /** Chance of particle passing through mesh. */ float pdef_perm; /** Friction factor for particle deflection. */ float pdef_frict; /** Random element of friction for deflection. */ float pdef_rfrict; /** Surface particle stickiness. */ float pdef_stickness; /** Used for forces. */ float absorption; /* softbody collisions */ /** Damping factor for softbody deflection. */ float pdef_sbdamp; /** Inner face thickness for softbody deflection. */ float pdef_sbift; /** Outer face thickness for softbody deflection. */ float pdef_sboft; /* guide curve, same as for particle child effects */ float clump_fac, clump_pow; float kink_freq, kink_shape, kink_amp, free_end; /* texture effector */ /** Used for calculating partial derivatives. */ float tex_nabla; /** Texture of the texture effector. */ struct Tex *tex; /* effector noise */ /** Random noise generator for e.g. wind. */ struct RNG *rng; /** Noise of force. */ float f_noise; /** Noise random seed. */ int seed; /* Display Size */ /** Runtime only : start of the curve or draw scale. */ float drawvec1[4]; /** Runtime only : end of the curve. */ float drawvec2[4]; /** Runtime only. */ float drawvec_falloff_min[3]; char _pad1[4]; /** Runtime only. */ float drawvec_falloff_max[3]; char _pad2[4]; /** Force source object. */ struct Object *f_source; /** Friction of cloth collisions. */ float pdef_cfrict; char _pad[4]; } PartDeflect; typedef struct EffectorWeights { /** Only use effectors from this group of objects. */ struct Collection *group; /** Effector type specific weights. */ float weight[14]; float global_gravity; short flag, rt[3]; char _pad[4]; } EffectorWeights; /* EffectorWeights->flag */ #define EFF_WEIGHT_DO_HAIR 1 /** * Point cache file data types: * - Used as `(1 << flag)` so poke jahka if you reach the limit of 15. * - To add new data types update: * - #BKE_ptcache_data_size() * - #ptcache_file_pointers_init() */ #define BPHYS_DATA_INDEX 0 #define BPHYS_DATA_LOCATION 1 #define BPHYS_DATA_SMOKE_LOW 1 #define BPHYS_DATA_VELOCITY 2 #define BPHYS_DATA_SMOKE_HIGH 2 #define BPHYS_DATA_ROTATION 3 #define BPHYS_DATA_DYNAMICPAINT 3 #define BPHYS_DATA_AVELOCITY 4 /* used for particles */ #define BPHYS_DATA_XCONST 4 /* used for cloth */ #define BPHYS_DATA_SIZE 5 #define BPHYS_DATA_TIMES 6 #define BPHYS_DATA_BOIDS 7 #define BPHYS_TOT_DATA 8 #define BPHYS_EXTRA_FLUID_SPRINGS 1 typedef struct PTCacheExtra { struct PTCacheExtra *next, *prev; unsigned int type, totdata; void *data; } PTCacheExtra; typedef struct PTCacheMem { struct PTCacheMem *next, *prev; unsigned int frame, totpoint; unsigned int data_types, flag; /** BPHYS_TOT_DATA. */ void *data[8]; /** BPHYS_TOT_DATA. */ void *cur[8]; struct ListBase extradata; } PTCacheMem; typedef struct PointCache { struct PointCache *next, *prev; /** Generic flag. */ int flag; /** * The number of frames between cached frames. * This should probably be an upper bound for a per point adaptive step in the future, * buf for now it's the same for all points. Without adaptivity this can effect the perceived * simulation quite a bit though. If for example particles are colliding with a horizontal * plane (with high damping) they quickly come to a stop on the plane, however there are still * forces acting on the particle (gravity and collisions), so the particle velocity isn't * necessarily zero for the whole duration of the frame even if the particle seems stationary. * If all simulation frames aren't cached (step > 1) these velocities are interpolated into * movement for the non-cached frames. * The result will look like the point is oscillating around the collision location. * So for now cache step should be set to 1 for accurate reproduction of collisions. */ int step; /** Current frame of simulation (only if SIMULATION_VALID). */ int simframe; /** Simulation start frame. */ int startframe; /** Simulation end frame. */ int endframe; /** Frame being edited (runtime only). */ int editframe; /** Last exact frame that's cached. */ int last_exact; /** Used for editing cache - what is the last baked frame. */ int last_valid; char _pad[4]; /* for external cache files */ /** Number of cached points. */ int totpoint; /** Modifier stack index. */ int index; short compression, rt; char name[64]; char prev_name[64]; char info[128]; /** File path, 1024 = FILE_MAX. */ char path[1024]; /** * Array of length `endframe - startframe + 1` with flags to indicate cached frames. * Can be later used for other per frame flags too if needed. */ char *cached_frames; int cached_frames_len; char _pad1[4]; struct ListBase mem_cache; struct PTCacheEdit *edit; /** Free callback. */ void (*free_edit)(struct PTCacheEdit *edit); } PointCache; typedef struct SBVertex { float vec[4]; } SBVertex; /* Container for data that is shared among CoW copies. * * This is placed in a separate struct so that values can be changed * without having to update all CoW copies. */ typedef struct SoftBody_Shared { struct PointCache *pointcache; struct ListBase ptcaches; } SoftBody_Shared; typedef struct SoftBody { /* dynamic data */ int totpoint, totspring; /** Not saved in file. */ struct BodyPoint *bpoint; /** Not saved in file. */ struct BodySpring *bspring; char _pad; char msg_lock; short msg_value; /* part of UI: */ /* general options */ /** Softbody mass of *vertex*. */ float nodemass; /** * Along with it introduce mass painting * starting to fix old bug .. nastiness that VG are indexes * rather find them by name tag to find it -> jow20090613. * MAX_VGROUP_NAME */ char namedVG_Mass[64]; /** Softbody amount of gravitaion to apply. */ float grav; /** Friction to env. */ float mediafrict; /** Error limit for ODE solver. */ float rklimit; /** User control over simulation speed. */ float physics_speed; /* goal */ /** Softbody goal springs. */ float goalspring; /** Softbody goal springs friction. */ float goalfrict; /** Quick limits for goal. */ float mingoal; float maxgoal; /** Default goal for vertices without vgroup. */ float defgoal; /** Index starting at 1. */ short vertgroup; /** * Starting to fix old bug .. nastiness that VG are indexes * rather find them by name tag to find it -> jow20090613. * MAX_VGROUP_NAME */ char namedVG_Softgoal[64]; short fuzzyness; /* springs */ /** Softbody inner springs. */ float inspring; /** Softbody inner springs friction. */ float infrict; /** * Along with it introduce Spring_K painting * starting to fix old bug .. nastiness that VG are indexes * rather find them by name tag to find it -> jow20090613. * MAX_VGROUP_NAME */ char namedVG_Spring_K[64]; /* baking */ int sfra, efra; int interval; /** Local==1: use local coords for baking. */ short local, solverflags; /* -- these must be kept for backwards compatibility -- */ /** Array of size totpointkey. */ SBVertex **keys; /** If totpointkey != totpoint or totkey!- (efra-sfra)/interval -> free keys. */ int totpointkey, totkey; /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ float secondspring; /* self collision*/ /** Fixed collision ball size if > 0. */ float colball; /** Cooling down collision response. */ float balldamp; /** Pressure the ball is loaded with. */ float ballstiff; short sbc_mode; short aeroedge; short minloops; short maxloops; short choke; short solver_ID; short plastic; short springpreload; /** Scratchpad/cache on live time not saved in file. */ struct SBScratch *scratch; float shearstiff; float inpush; struct SoftBody_Shared *shared; /** Moved to SoftBody_Shared. */ struct PointCache *pointcache DNA_DEPRECATED; /** Moved to SoftBody_Shared. */ struct ListBase ptcaches DNA_DEPRECATED; struct Collection *collision_group; struct EffectorWeights *effector_weights; /* reverse esimated obmatrix .. no need to store in blend file .. how ever who cares */ float lcom[3]; float lrot[3][3]; float lscale[3][3]; int last_frame; } SoftBody; /* pd->flag: various settings */ #define PFIELD_USEMAX (1 << 0) /*#define PDEFLE_DEFORM (1 << 1)*/ /*UNUSED*/ /** TODO: do_versions for below */ #define PFIELD_GUIDE_PATH_ADD (1 << 2) /** used for do_versions */ #define PFIELD_PLANAR (1 << 3) #define PDEFLE_KILL_PART (1 << 4) /** used for do_versions */ #define PFIELD_POSZ (1 << 5) #define PFIELD_TEX_OBJECT (1 << 6) /** used for turbulence */ #define PFIELD_GLOBAL_CO (1 << 6) #define PFIELD_TEX_2D (1 << 7) /** used for harmonic force */ #define PFIELD_MULTIPLE_SPRINGS (1 << 7) #define PFIELD_USEMIN (1 << 8) #define PFIELD_USEMAXR (1 << 9) #define PFIELD_USEMINR (1 << 10) #define PFIELD_TEX_ROOTCO (1 << 11) /** used for do_versions */ #define PFIELD_SURFACE (1 << 12) #define PFIELD_VISIBILITY (1 << 13) #define PFIELD_DO_LOCATION (1 << 14) #define PFIELD_DO_ROTATION (1 << 15) /** apply curve weights */ #define PFIELD_GUIDE_PATH_WEIGHT (1 << 16) /** multiply smoke force by density */ #define PFIELD_SMOKE_DENSITY (1 << 17) /** used for (simple) force */ #define PFIELD_GRAVITATION (1 << 18) /** Enable cloth collision side detection based on normal. */ #define PFIELD_CLOTH_USE_CULLING (1 << 19) /** Replace collision direction with collider normal. */ #define PFIELD_CLOTH_USE_NORMAL (1 << 20) /* pd->falloff */ #define PFIELD_FALL_SPHERE 0 #define PFIELD_FALL_TUBE 1 #define PFIELD_FALL_CONE 2 /* pd->shape */ #define PFIELD_SHAPE_POINT 0 #define PFIELD_SHAPE_PLANE 1 #define PFIELD_SHAPE_SURFACE 2 #define PFIELD_SHAPE_POINTS 3 #define PFIELD_SHAPE_LINE 4 /* pd->tex_mode */ #define PFIELD_TEX_RGB 0 #define PFIELD_TEX_GRAD 1 #define PFIELD_TEX_CURL 2 /* pd->zdir */ #define PFIELD_Z_BOTH 0 #define PFIELD_Z_POS 1 #define PFIELD_Z_NEG 2 /* pointcache->flag */ #define PTCACHE_BAKED (1 << 0) #define PTCACHE_OUTDATED (1 << 1) #define PTCACHE_SIMULATION_VALID (1 << 2) #define PTCACHE_BAKING (1 << 3) //#define PTCACHE_BAKE_EDIT (1 << 4) //#define PTCACHE_BAKE_EDIT_ACTIVE (1 << 5) #define PTCACHE_DISK_CACHE (1 << 6) ///* removed since 2.64 - [#30974], could be added back in a more useful way */ //#define PTCACHE_QUICK_CACHE (1 << 7) #define PTCACHE_FRAMES_SKIPPED (1 << 8) #define PTCACHE_EXTERNAL (1 << 9) #define PTCACHE_READ_INFO (1 << 10) /** don't use the filename of the blendfile the data is linked from (write a local cache) */ #define PTCACHE_IGNORE_LIBPATH (1 << 11) /** * High resolution cache is saved for smoke for backwards compatibility, * so set this flag to know it's a "fake" cache. */ #define PTCACHE_FAKE_SMOKE (1 << 12) #define PTCACHE_IGNORE_CLEAR (1 << 13) #define PTCACHE_FLAG_INFO_DIRTY (1 << 14) /* PTCACHE_OUTDATED + PTCACHE_FRAMES_SKIPPED */ #define PTCACHE_REDO_NEEDED 258 #define PTCACHE_COMPRESS_NO 0 #define PTCACHE_COMPRESS_LZO 1 #define PTCACHE_COMPRESS_LZMA 2 /* ob->softflag */ #define OB_SB_ENABLE 1 /* deprecated, use modifier */ #define OB_SB_GOAL 2 #define OB_SB_EDGES 4 #define OB_SB_QUADS 8 #define OB_SB_POSTDEF 16 // #define OB_SB_REDO 32 // #define OB_SB_BAKESET 64 // #define OB_SB_BAKEDO 128 // #define OB_SB_RESET 256 #define OB_SB_SELF 512 #define OB_SB_FACECOLL 1024 #define OB_SB_EDGECOLL 2048 /* #define OB_SB_COLLFINAL 4096 */ /* deprecated */ /* #define OB_SB_BIG_UI 8192 */ /* deprecated */ #define OB_SB_AERO_ANGLE 16384 /* sb->solverflags */ #define SBSO_MONITOR 1 #define SBSO_OLDERR 2 #define SBSO_ESTIMATEIPO 4 /* sb->sbc_mode */ #define SBC_MODE_MANUAL 0 #define SBC_MODE_AVG 1 #define SBC_MODE_MIN 2 #define SBC_MODE_MAX 3 #define SBC_MODE_AVGMINMAX 4 #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __DNA_OBJECT_FORCE_TYPES_H__ */