/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2018 Blender Foundation. */ /** \file * \ingroup DNA * * Utilities for stand-alone makesdna.c and Blender to share. */ #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_assert.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLI_sys_types.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_memarena.h" #include "dna_utils.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Struct Member Evaluation * \{ */ int DNA_elem_array_size(const char *str) { int result = 1; int current = 0; while (true) { char c = *str++; switch (c) { case '\0': return result; case '[': current = 0; break; case ']': result *= current; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': current = current * 10 + (c - '0'); break; default: break; } } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Struct Member Manipulation * \{ */ static bool is_identifier(const char c) { return ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_')); } uint DNA_elem_id_offset_start(const char *elem_full) { uint elem_full_offset = 0; while (!is_identifier(elem_full[elem_full_offset])) { elem_full_offset++; } return elem_full_offset; } uint DNA_elem_id_offset_end(const char *elem_full) { uint elem_full_offset = 0; while (is_identifier(elem_full[elem_full_offset])) { elem_full_offset++; } return elem_full_offset; } uint DNA_elem_id_strip_copy(char *elem_dst, const char *elem_src) { const uint elem_src_offset = DNA_elem_id_offset_start(elem_src); const char *elem_src_trim = elem_src + elem_src_offset; const uint elem_src_trim_len = DNA_elem_id_offset_end(elem_src_trim); memcpy(elem_dst, elem_src_trim, elem_src_trim_len); elem_dst[elem_src_trim_len] = '\0'; return elem_src_trim_len; } uint DNA_elem_id_strip(char *elem) { const uint elem_offset = DNA_elem_id_offset_start(elem); const char *elem_trim = elem + elem_offset; const uint elem_trim_len = DNA_elem_id_offset_end(elem_trim); memmove(elem, elem_trim, elem_trim_len); elem[elem_trim_len] = '\0'; return elem_trim_len; } bool DNA_elem_id_match(const char *elem_search, const int elem_search_len, const char *elem_full, uint *r_elem_full_offset) { BLI_assert(strlen(elem_search) == elem_search_len); const uint elem_full_offset = DNA_elem_id_offset_start(elem_full); const char *elem_full_trim = elem_full + elem_full_offset; if (strncmp(elem_search, elem_full_trim, elem_search_len) == 0) { const char c = elem_full_trim[elem_search_len]; if (c == '\0' || !is_identifier(c)) { *r_elem_full_offset = elem_full_offset; return true; } } return false; } char *DNA_elem_id_rename(struct MemArena *mem_arena, const char *elem_src, const int elem_src_len, const char *elem_dst, const int elem_dst_len, const char *elem_src_full, const int elem_src_full_len, const uint elem_src_full_offset_len) { BLI_assert(strlen(elem_src) == elem_src_len); BLI_assert(strlen(elem_dst) == elem_dst_len); BLI_assert(strlen(elem_src_full) == elem_src_full_len); BLI_assert(DNA_elem_id_offset_start(elem_src_full) == elem_src_full_offset_len); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(elem_src); const int elem_final_len = (elem_src_full_len - elem_src_len) + elem_dst_len; char *elem_dst_full = BLI_memarena_alloc(mem_arena, elem_final_len + 1); uint i = 0; if (elem_src_full_offset_len != 0) { memcpy(elem_dst_full, elem_src_full, elem_src_full_offset_len); i = elem_src_full_offset_len; } memcpy(&elem_dst_full[i], elem_dst, elem_dst_len + 1); i += elem_dst_len; uint elem_src_full_offset_end = elem_src_full_offset_len + elem_src_len; if (elem_src_full[elem_src_full_offset_end] != '\0') { const int elem_full_tail_len = (elem_src_full_len - elem_src_full_offset_end); memcpy(&elem_dst_full[i], &elem_src_full[elem_src_full_offset_end], elem_full_tail_len + 1); i += elem_full_tail_len; } BLI_assert((strlen(elem_dst_full) == elem_final_len) && (i == elem_final_len)); return elem_dst_full; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Versioning * \{ */ static uint strhash_pair_p(const void *ptr) { const char *const *pair = ptr; return (BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(pair[0]) ^ BLI_ghashutil_strhash_p(pair[1])); } static bool strhash_pair_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const char *const *pair_a = a; const char *const *pair_b = b; return (STREQ(pair_a[0], pair_b[0]) && STREQ(pair_a[1], pair_b[1])) ? false : true; } void DNA_alias_maps(enum eDNA_RenameDir version_dir, GHash **r_struct_map, GHash **r_elem_map) { GHash *struct_map_local = NULL; if (r_struct_map) { const char *data[][2] = { #define DNA_STRUCT_RENAME(old, new) {#old, #new}, #define DNA_STRUCT_RENAME_ELEM(struct_name, old, new) #include "dna_rename_defs.h" #undef DNA_STRUCT_RENAME #undef DNA_STRUCT_RENAME_ELEM }; int elem_key, elem_val; if (version_dir == DNA_RENAME_ALIAS_FROM_STATIC) { elem_key = 0; elem_val = 1; } else { elem_key = 1; elem_val = 0; } GHash *struct_map = BLI_ghash_str_new_ex(__func__, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) { BLI_ghash_insert(struct_map, (void *)data[i][elem_key], (void *)data[i][elem_val]); } if (version_dir == DNA_RENAME_STATIC_FROM_ALIAS) { const char *renames[][2] = { {"uint8_t", "uchar"}, {"int16_t", "short"}, {"uint16_t", "ushort"}, {"int32_t", "int"}, {"uint32_t", "int"}, }; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(renames); i++) { BLI_ghash_insert(struct_map, (void *)renames[i][0], (void *)renames[i][1]); } } *r_struct_map = struct_map; /* We know the direction of this, for local use. */ struct_map_local = BLI_ghash_str_new_ex(__func__, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) { BLI_ghash_insert(struct_map_local, (void *)data[i][1], (void *)data[i][0]); } } if (r_elem_map != NULL) { const char *data[][3] = { #define DNA_STRUCT_RENAME(old, new) #define DNA_STRUCT_RENAME_ELEM(struct_name, old, new) {#struct_name, #old, #new}, #include "dna_rename_defs.h" #undef DNA_STRUCT_RENAME #undef DNA_STRUCT_RENAME_ELEM }; int elem_key, elem_val; if (version_dir == DNA_RENAME_ALIAS_FROM_STATIC) { elem_key = 1; elem_val = 2; } else { elem_key = 2; elem_val = 1; } GHash *elem_map = BLI_ghash_new_ex( strhash_pair_p, strhash_pair_cmp, __func__, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(data); i++) { const char **str_pair = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(char *) * 2, __func__); str_pair[0] = BLI_ghash_lookup_default(struct_map_local, data[i][0], (void *)data[i][0]); str_pair[1] = data[i][elem_key]; BLI_ghash_insert(elem_map, (void *)str_pair, (void *)data[i][elem_val]); } *r_elem_map = elem_map; } if (struct_map_local) { BLI_ghash_free(struct_map_local, NULL, NULL); } } #undef DNA_MAKESDNA /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Struct Name Legacy Hack * \{ */ const char *DNA_struct_rename_legacy_hack_static_from_alias(const char *name) { /* Only keep this for compatibility: *NEVER ADD NEW STRINGS HERE*. * * The renaming here isn't complete, references to the old struct names * are still included in DNA, now fixing these struct names properly * breaks forward compatibility. Leave these as-is, but don't add to them! * See D4342#98780. */ /* 'bScreen' replaces the old IrisGL 'Screen' struct */ if (STREQ("bScreen", name)) { return "Screen"; } /* Groups renamed to collections in 2.8 */ if (STREQ("Collection", name)) { return "Group"; } if (STREQ("CollectionObject", name)) { return "GroupObject"; } return name; } const char *DNA_struct_rename_legacy_hack_alias_from_static(const char *name) { /* 'bScreen' replaces the old IrisGL 'Screen' struct */ if (STREQ("Screen", name)) { return "bScreen"; } /* Groups renamed to collections in 2.8 */ if (STREQ("Group", name)) { return "Collection"; } if (STREQ("GroupObject", name)) { return "CollectionObject"; } return name; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Internal helpers for C++ * \{ */ void _DNA_internal_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t size); void _DNA_internal_memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, const size_t size) { memcpy(dst, src, size); } void _DNA_internal_memzero(void *dst, size_t size); void _DNA_internal_memzero(void *dst, const size_t size) { memset(dst, 0, size); } /** \} */