# -*- mode: cmake; indent-tabs-mode: t; -*- # $Id: CMakeLists.txt 17433 2008-11-12 21:16:53Z blendix $ # ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006, Blender Foundation # All rights reserved. # # The Original Code is: all of this file. # # Contributor(s): Jacques Beaurain. # # ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** # Generated code has some unused vars we can ignore. remove_strict_flags() # message(STATUS "Configuring makesrna") # files rna_access.c rna_define.c makesrna.c intentionally excluded. set(DEFSRC rna_ID.c rna_action.c rna_actuator.c rna_animation.c rna_animviz.c rna_armature.c rna_boid.c rna_brush.c rna_camera.c rna_cloth.c rna_color.c rna_constraint.c rna_context.c rna_controller.c rna_curve.c rna_fcurve.c rna_fluidsim.c rna_gpencil.c rna_group.c rna_image.c rna_key.c rna_lamp.c rna_lattice.c rna_main.c rna_material.c rna_mesh.c rna_meta.c rna_modifier.c rna_nla.c rna_nodetree.c rna_object.c rna_object_force.c rna_packedfile.c rna_particle.c rna_pose.c rna_property.c rna_render.c rna_rna.c rna_scene.c rna_screen.c rna_sculpt_paint.c rna_sensor.c rna_sequencer.c rna_smoke.c rna_sound.c rna_space.c rna_test.c rna_text.c rna_texture.c rna_timeline.c rna_ui.c rna_userdef.c rna_vfont.c rna_wm.c rna_world.c ) set(APISRC rna_action_api.c rna_actuator_api.c rna_animation_api.c rna_armature_api.c rna_controller_api.c rna_fcurve_api.c rna_image_api.c rna_main_api.c rna_material_api.c rna_mesh_api.c rna_object_api.c rna_pose_api.c rna_scene_api.c rna_sensor_api.c rna_sequencer_api.c rna_text_api.c rna_ui_api.c rna_wm_api.c ) string(REGEX REPLACE "rna_([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*).c" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/rna_\\1_gen.c" GENSRC "${DEFSRC}") set_source_files_properties(GENSRC PROPERTIES GENERATED true) set(SRC_RNA_INC ../RNA_access.h ../RNA_define.h ../RNA_documentation.h ../RNA_enum_types.h ../RNA_types.h ) set(SRC makesrna.c rna_define.c ${DEFSRC} ${APISRC} ../../../../intern/guardedalloc/intern/mallocn.c ../../../../intern/guardedalloc/intern/mmap_win.c ) set(INC ) if(WITH_PYTHON) add_definitions(-DWITH_PYTHON) endif() if(WITH_GAMEENGINE) add_definitions(-DWITH_GAMEENGINE) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_OPENEXR) add_definitions(-DWITH_OPENEXR) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_TIFF) add_definitions(-DWITH_TIFF) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_OPENJPEG) add_definitions(-DWITH_OPENJPEG) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_DDS) add_definitions(-DWITH_DDS) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_CINEON) add_definitions(-DWITH_CINEON) endif() if(WITH_IMAGE_HDR) add_definitions(-DWITH_HDR) endif() if(WITH_CODEC_QUICKTIME) list(APPEND INC ../../quicktime) add_definitions(-DWITH_QUICKTIME) endif() if(WITH_CODEC_FFMPEG) list(APPEND INC ${FFMPEG_INC}) add_definitions(-DWITH_FFMPEG) endif() if(WITH_LCMS) list(APPEND INC ${LCMS_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_definitions(-DWITH_LCMS) endif() if(NOT WITH_MOD_FLUID) add_definitions(-DDISABLE_ELBEEM) endif() if(WITH_FFTW3) add_definitions(-DFFTW3=1) endif() if(WITH_SDL) add_definitions(-DWITH_SDL) endif() if(WITH_OPENAL) add_definitions(-DWITH_OPENAL) endif() if(WITH_JACK) add_definitions(-DWITH_JACK) endif() if(WITH_OPENCOLLADA) add_definitions(-DWITH_COLLADA) endif() # Build makesrna executable blender_include_dirs( . .. ../../blenkernel ../../blenloader ../../blenlib ../../blenfont ../../gpu ../../imbuf ../../ikplugin ../../makesdna ../../windowmanager ../../editors/include ../../render/extern/include ../../../../intern/audaspace/intern ../../../../intern/guardedalloc ../../../../intern/memutil ${GLEW_INCLUDE_PATH} ) add_executable(makesrna ${SRC} ${SRC_RNA_INC} ${SRC_DNA_INC}) target_link_libraries(makesrna bf_dna) # Output rna_*_gen.c # note (linux only): with crashes try add this after COMMAND: valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${GENSRC} COMMAND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin/${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/makesrna ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ DEPENDS makesrna ) # Build bf_rna set(SRC rna_access.c ${GENSRC} ${SRC_RNA_INC} rna_internal.h rna_internal_types.h rna_nodetree_types.h ) blender_add_lib(bf_rna "${SRC}" "${INC}")