/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation (2008). * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_genfile.h" #include "DNA_sdna_types.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "RNA_types.h" #include "rna_internal.h" /* Global used during defining */ BlenderDefRNA DefRNA = {0, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, 0, 0, 0}; /* Duplicated code since we can't link in blenkernel or blenlib */ #ifndef MIN2 #define MIN2(x,y) ((x)<(y)? (x): (y)) #define MAX2(x,y) ((x)>(y)? (x): (y)) #endif void rna_addtail(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { Link *link= vlink; link->next = NULL; link->prev = listbase->last; if (listbase->last) ((Link *)listbase->last)->next = link; if (listbase->first == 0) listbase->first = link; listbase->last = link; } void rna_remlink(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { Link *link= vlink; if (link->next) link->next->prev = link->prev; if (link->prev) link->prev->next = link->next; if (listbase->last == link) listbase->last = link->prev; if (listbase->first == link) listbase->first = link->next; } void rna_freelinkN(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { rna_remlink(listbase, vlink); MEM_freeN(vlink); } void rna_freelistN(ListBase *listbase) { Link *link, *next; for(link=listbase->first; link; link=next) { next= link->next; MEM_freeN(link); } listbase->first= listbase->last= NULL; } /* DNA utility function for looking up members */ typedef struct DNAStructMember { char *type; char *name; int arraylength; int pointerlevel; } DNAStructMember; static int rna_member_cmp(const char *name, const char *oname) { int a=0; /* compare without pointer or array part */ while(name[0]=='*') name++; while(oname[0]=='*') oname++; while(1) { if(name[a]=='[' && oname[a]==0) return 1; if(name[a]==0) break; if(name[a] != oname[a]) return 0; a++; } if(name[a]==0 && oname[a] == '.') return 2; if(name[a]==0 && oname[a] == '-' && oname[a+1] == '>') return 3; return (name[a] == oname[a]); } static int rna_find_sdna_member(SDNA *sdna, const char *structname, const char *membername, DNAStructMember *smember) { char *dnaname; short *sp; int a, b, structnr, totmember, cmp; structnr= DNA_struct_find_nr(sdna, structname); if(structnr == -1) return 0; sp= sdna->structs[structnr]; totmember= sp[1]; sp+= 2; for(a=0; anames[sp[1]]; cmp= rna_member_cmp(dnaname, membername); if(cmp == 1) { smember->type= sdna->types[sp[0]]; smember->name= dnaname; smember->arraylength= DNA_elem_array_size(smember->name, strlen(smember->name)); smember->pointerlevel= 0; for(b=0; dnaname[b] == '*'; b++) smember->pointerlevel++; return 1; } else if(cmp == 2) { membername= strstr(membername, ".") + strlen("."); return rna_find_sdna_member(sdna, sdna->types[sp[0]], membername, smember); } else if(cmp == 3) { membername= strstr(membername, "->") + strlen("->"); return rna_find_sdna_member(sdna, sdna->types[sp[0]], membername, smember); } } return 0; } static int rna_validate_identifier(const char *identifier, char *error, int property) { int a=0; /* list from http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#id5 */ static char *kwlist[] = { "and", "as", "assert", "break", "class", "continue", "def", "del", "elif", "else", "except", "exec", "finally", "for", "from", "global", "if", "import", "in", "is", "lambda", "not", "or", "pass", "print", "raise", "return", "try", "while", "with", "yield", NULL }; if (!isalpha(identifier[0])) { strcpy(error, "first character failed isalpha() check"); return 0; } for(a=0; identifier[a]; a++) { if(DefRNA.preprocess && property) { if(isalpha(identifier[a]) && isupper(identifier[a])) { strcpy(error, "property names must contain lower case characters only"); return 0; } } if (identifier[a]=='_') { continue; } if (identifier[a]==' ') { strcpy(error, "spaces are not ok in identifier names"); return 0; } if (isalnum(identifier[a])==0) { strcpy(error, "one of the characters failed an isalnum() check and is not an underscore"); return 0; } } for(a=0; kwlist[a]; a++) { if (strcmp(identifier, kwlist[a]) == 0) { strcpy(error, "this keyword is reserved by python"); return 0; } } return 1; } /* Blender Data Definition */ BlenderRNA *RNA_create() { BlenderRNA *brna; brna= MEM_callocN(sizeof(BlenderRNA), "BlenderRNA"); DefRNA.sdna= DNA_sdna_from_data(DNAstr, DNAlen, 0); DefRNA.structs.first= DefRNA.structs.last= NULL; DefRNA.error= 0; DefRNA.preprocess= 1; return brna; } void RNA_define_free(BlenderRNA *brna) { StructDefRNA *srna; AllocDefRNA *alloc; for(alloc=DefRNA.allocs.first; alloc; alloc=alloc->next) MEM_freeN(alloc->mem); rna_freelistN(&DefRNA.allocs); for(srna=DefRNA.structs.first; srna; srna=srna->next) rna_freelistN(&srna->properties); rna_freelistN(&DefRNA.structs); if(DefRNA.sdna) { DNA_sdna_free(DefRNA.sdna); DefRNA.sdna= NULL; } DefRNA.error= 0; } void RNA_free(BlenderRNA *brna) { StructRNA *srna, *nextsrna; PropertyRNA *prop, *nextprop; if(DefRNA.preprocess) { RNA_define_free(brna); for(srna=brna->structs.first; srna; srna=srna->next) rna_freelistN(&srna->properties); rna_freelistN(&brna->structs); MEM_freeN(brna); } else { for(srna=brna->structs.first; srna; srna=nextsrna) { nextsrna= srna->next; for(prop=srna->properties.first; prop; prop=nextprop) { nextprop= prop->next; if(prop->flag & PROP_RUNTIME) rna_freelinkN(&srna->properties, prop); } if(srna->flag & STRUCT_RUNTIME) rna_freelinkN(&brna->structs, srna); } } } static size_t rna_property_type_sizeof(PropertyType type) { switch(type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: return sizeof(BooleanPropertyRNA); case PROP_INT: return sizeof(IntPropertyRNA); case PROP_FLOAT: return sizeof(FloatPropertyRNA); case PROP_STRING: return sizeof(StringPropertyRNA); case PROP_ENUM: return sizeof(EnumPropertyRNA); case PROP_POINTER: return sizeof(PointerPropertyRNA); case PROP_COLLECTION: return sizeof(CollectionPropertyRNA); default: return 0; } } static StructDefRNA *rna_find_def_struct(StructRNA *srna) { StructDefRNA *ds; for(ds=DefRNA.structs.first; ds; ds=ds->next) if(ds->srna == srna) return ds; return NULL; } /* Struct Definition */ StructRNA *RNA_def_struct(BlenderRNA *brna, const char *identifier, const char *from) { StructRNA *srna, *srnafrom= NULL; StructDefRNA *ds= NULL, *dsfrom= NULL; PropertyRNA *prop; if(DefRNA.preprocess) { char error[512]; if (rna_validate_identifier(identifier, error, 0) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct: struct identifier \"%s\" error - %s\n", identifier, error); DefRNA.error= 1; } } if(from) { /* find struct to derive from */ for(srnafrom= brna->structs.first; srnafrom; srnafrom=srnafrom->next) if(strcmp(srnafrom->identifier, from) == 0) break; if(!srnafrom) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct: struct %s not found to define %s.\n", from, identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; } } srna= MEM_callocN(sizeof(StructRNA), "StructRNA"); DefRNA.laststruct= srna; if(srnafrom) { /* copy from struct to derive stuff, a bit clumsy since we can't * use MEM_dupallocN, data structs may not be alloced but builtin */ memcpy(srna, srnafrom, sizeof(StructRNA)); srna->properties.first= srna->properties.last= NULL; if(DefRNA.preprocess) { srna->base= srnafrom; dsfrom= rna_find_def_struct(srnafrom); } else srna->base= srnafrom; } srna->identifier= identifier; srna->name= identifier; /* may be overwritten later RNA_def_struct_ui_text */ srna->description= ""; rna_addtail(&brna->structs, srna); if(DefRNA.preprocess) { ds= MEM_callocN(sizeof(StructDefRNA), "StructDefRNA"); ds->srna= srna; rna_addtail(&DefRNA.structs, ds); if(dsfrom) ds->dnafromname= dsfrom->dnaname; } /* in preprocess, try to find sdna */ if(DefRNA.preprocess) RNA_def_struct_sdna(srna, srna->identifier); else srna->flag |= STRUCT_RUNTIME; if(srnafrom) { srna->nameproperty= srnafrom->nameproperty; srna->iteratorproperty= srnafrom->iteratorproperty; } else { /* define some builtin properties */ prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "rna_properties", PROP_COLLECTION, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_BUILTIN); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "Properties", "RNA property collection."); if(DefRNA.preprocess) { RNA_def_property_struct_type(prop, "Property"); RNA_def_property_collection_funcs(prop, "rna_builtin_properties_begin", "rna_builtin_properties_next", "rna_iterator_listbase_end", "rna_builtin_properties_get", 0, 0, 0); } else { #ifdef RNA_RUNTIME CollectionPropertyRNA *cprop= (CollectionPropertyRNA*)prop; cprop->begin= rna_builtin_properties_begin; cprop->next= rna_builtin_properties_next; cprop->get= rna_builtin_properties_get; cprop->structtype= &RNA_Property; #endif } prop= RNA_def_property(srna, "rna_type", PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_flag(prop, PROP_NOT_EDITABLE); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, "RNA", "RNA type definition."); if(DefRNA.preprocess) { RNA_def_property_struct_type(prop, "Struct"); RNA_def_property_pointer_funcs(prop, "rna_builtin_type_get", NULL); } else { #ifdef RNA_RUNTIME PointerPropertyRNA *pprop= (PointerPropertyRNA*)prop; pprop->get= rna_builtin_type_get; pprop->structtype= &RNA_Struct; #endif } } return srna; } void RNA_def_struct_sdna(StructRNA *srna, const char *structname) { StructDefRNA *ds= DefRNA.structs.last; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(!DNA_struct_find_nr(DefRNA.sdna, structname)) { if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_sdna: %s not found.\n", structname); DefRNA.error= 1; } return; } ds->dnaname= structname; } void RNA_def_struct_sdna_from(StructRNA *srna, const char *structname, const char *propname) { StructDefRNA *ds= DefRNA.structs.last; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_sdna_from: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(!ds->dnaname) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_sdna_from: %s base struct must know DNA already.\n", structname); return; } if(!DNA_struct_find_nr(DefRNA.sdna, structname)) { if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_sdna_from: %s not found.\n", structname); DefRNA.error= 1; } return; } ds->dnafromprop= propname; ds->dnaname= structname; } void RNA_def_struct_name_property(struct StructRNA *srna, struct PropertyRNA *prop) { if(prop->type != PROP_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_name_property: %s.%s, must be a string property.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; } else srna->nameproperty= prop; } void RNA_def_struct_nested(BlenderRNA *brna, StructRNA *srna, const char *structname) { StructRNA *srnafrom; /* find struct to derive from */ for(srnafrom= brna->structs.first; srnafrom; srnafrom=srnafrom->next) if(strcmp(srnafrom->identifier, structname) == 0) break; if(!srnafrom) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_nested: struct %s not found.\n", structname); DefRNA.error= 1; } srna->nested= srnafrom; } void RNA_def_struct_flag(StructRNA *srna, int flag) { srna->flag= flag; } void RNA_def_struct_refine_func(StructRNA *srna, const char *refine) { if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_refine_func: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(refine) srna->refine= (StructRefineFunc)refine; } void RNA_def_struct_identifier(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier) { if(DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_name_runtime: only at runtime.\n"); return; } srna->identifier= identifier; } void RNA_def_struct_ui_text(StructRNA *srna, const char *name, const char *description) { srna->name= name; srna->description= description; } void RNA_struct_free(BlenderRNA *brna, StructRNA *srna) { rna_freelistN(&srna->properties); rna_freelinkN(&brna->structs, srna); } /* Property Definition */ PropertyRNA *RNA_def_property(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int type, int subtype) { StructDefRNA *ds; PropertyDefRNA *dp= NULL; PropertyRNA *prop; if(DefRNA.preprocess) { char error[512]; if (rna_validate_identifier(identifier, error, 1) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property: property identifier \"%s\" - %s\n", identifier, error); DefRNA.error= 1; } ds= DefRNA.structs.last; dp= MEM_callocN(sizeof(PropertyDefRNA), "PropertyDefRNA"); rna_addtail(&ds->properties, dp); } prop= MEM_callocN(rna_property_type_sizeof(type), "PropertyRNA"); switch(type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: break; case PROP_INT: { IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; iprop->hardmin= (subtype == PROP_UNSIGNED)? 0: INT_MIN; iprop->hardmax= INT_MAX; iprop->softmin= (subtype == PROP_UNSIGNED)? 0: -10000; /* rather arbitrary .. */ iprop->softmax= 10000; iprop->step= 1; break; } case PROP_FLOAT: { FloatPropertyRNA *fprop= (FloatPropertyRNA*)prop; fprop->hardmin= (subtype == PROP_UNSIGNED)? 0.0f: -FLT_MAX; fprop->hardmax= FLT_MAX; if(subtype == PROP_COLOR) { fprop->softmin= 0.0f; fprop->softmax= 1.0f; } else if(subtype == PROP_PERCENTAGE) { fprop->softmin= fprop->hardmin= 0.0f; fprop->softmax= fprop->hardmax= 1.0f; } else { fprop->softmin= (subtype == PROP_UNSIGNED)? 0.0f: -10000.0f; /* rather arbitrary .. */ fprop->softmax= 10000.0f; } fprop->step= 10; fprop->precision= 3; break; } case PROP_STRING: { StringPropertyRNA *sprop= (StringPropertyRNA*)prop; sprop->defaultvalue= ""; sprop->maxlength= 0; break; } case PROP_ENUM: case PROP_POINTER: case PROP_COLLECTION: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property: %s.%s, invalid property type.\n", srna->identifier, identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return NULL; } if(DefRNA.preprocess) { dp->srna= srna; dp->prop= prop; } prop->magic= RNA_MAGIC; prop->identifier= identifier; prop->type= type; prop->subtype= subtype; prop->name= identifier; prop->description= ""; if(type == PROP_COLLECTION || type == PROP_POINTER) prop->flag= PROP_NOT_EDITABLE|PROP_NOT_ANIMATEABLE; if(DefRNA.preprocess) { switch(type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier, 0); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; case PROP_INT: { DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_int_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; } case PROP_FLOAT: { DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_float_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; } case PROP_STRING: { DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_string_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; } case PROP_ENUM: DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_enum_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; case PROP_POINTER: DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_pointer_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; case PROP_COLLECTION: DefRNA.silent= 1; RNA_def_property_collection_sdna(prop, NULL, identifier, NULL); DefRNA.silent= 0; break; } } else prop->flag |= PROP_IDPROPERTY|PROP_RUNTIME; rna_addtail(&srna->properties, prop); return prop; } void RNA_def_property_flag(PropertyRNA *prop, int flag) { #if 0 StructRNA *srna; #endif prop->flag |= flag; #if 0 if(prop->type != PROP_POINTER && prop->type != PROP_COLLECTION) { if(flag & (PROP_EVALUATE_DEPENDENCY|PROP_INVERSE_EVALUATE_DEPENDENCY|PROP_RENDER_DEPENDENCY|PROP_INVERSE_RENDER_DEPENDENCY)) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_flag: %s.%s, only pointer and collection types can create dependencies.\n", ds->srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; } } #endif } void RNA_def_property_array(PropertyRNA *prop, int arraylength) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(arraylength<0) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_array: %s.%s, array length must be zero of greater.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if(arraylength>RNA_MAX_ARRAY) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_array: %s.%s, array length must be smaller than %d.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier, RNA_MAX_ARRAY); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: case PROP_INT: case PROP_FLOAT: prop->arraylength= arraylength; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_array: %s.%s, only boolean/int/float can be array.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_ui_text(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *name, const char *description) { prop->name= name; prop->description= description; } void RNA_def_property_ui_range(PropertyRNA *prop, double min, double max, double step, int precision) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_INT: { IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; iprop->softmin= (int)min; iprop->softmax= (int)max; iprop->step= (int)step; break; } case PROP_FLOAT: { FloatPropertyRNA *fprop= (FloatPropertyRNA*)prop; fprop->softmin= (float)min; fprop->softmax= (float)max; fprop->step= (float)step; fprop->precision= (int)precision; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_ui_range: %s.%s, invalid type for ui range.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_range(PropertyRNA *prop, double min, double max) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_INT: { IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; iprop->hardmin= (int)min; iprop->hardmax= (int)max; iprop->softmin= MAX2((int)min, iprop->hardmin); iprop->softmax= MIN2((int)max, iprop->hardmax); break; } case PROP_FLOAT: { FloatPropertyRNA *fprop= (FloatPropertyRNA*)prop; fprop->hardmin= (float)min; fprop->hardmax= (float)max; fprop->softmin= MAX2((float)min, fprop->hardmin); fprop->softmax= MIN2((float)max, fprop->hardmax); break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_range: %s.%s, invalid type for range.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_struct_type(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *type) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_struct_type: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_POINTER: { PointerPropertyRNA *pprop= (PointerPropertyRNA*)prop; pprop->structtype = (StructRNA*)type; break; } case PROP_COLLECTION: { CollectionPropertyRNA *cprop= (CollectionPropertyRNA*)prop; cprop->structtype = (StructRNA*)type; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_struct_type: %s.%s, invalid type for struct type.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_struct_runtime(PropertyRNA *prop, StructRNA *type) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_struct_runtime: only at runtime.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_POINTER: { PointerPropertyRNA *pprop= (PointerPropertyRNA*)prop; pprop->structtype = type; break; } case PROP_COLLECTION: { CollectionPropertyRNA *cprop= (CollectionPropertyRNA*)prop; cprop->structtype = type; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_struct_runtime: %s.%s, invalid type for struct type.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_enum_items(PropertyRNA *prop, const EnumPropertyItem *item) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; int i, defaultfound= 0; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_ENUM: { EnumPropertyRNA *eprop= (EnumPropertyRNA*)prop; eprop->item= item; eprop->totitem= 0; for(i=0; item[i].identifier; i++) { eprop->totitem++; if(item[i].value == eprop->defaultvalue) defaultfound= 1; } if(!defaultfound) eprop->defaultvalue= item[0].value; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_enum_items: %s.%s, invalid type for struct type.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_string_maxlength(PropertyRNA *prop, int maxlength) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_STRING: { StringPropertyRNA *sprop= (StringPropertyRNA*)prop; sprop->maxlength= maxlength; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_string_maxlength: %s.%s, type is not string.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_boolean_default(PropertyRNA *prop, int value) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: { BooleanPropertyRNA *bprop= (BooleanPropertyRNA*)prop; bprop->defaultvalue= value; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_boolean_default: %s.%s, type is not boolean.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_boolean_array_default(PropertyRNA *prop, const int *array) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: { BooleanPropertyRNA *bprop= (BooleanPropertyRNA*)prop; bprop->defaultarray= array; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_boolean_default: %s.%s, type is not boolean.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_int_default(PropertyRNA *prop, int value) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_INT: { IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; iprop->defaultvalue= value; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_int_default: %s.%s, type is not int.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_int_array_default(PropertyRNA *prop, const int *array) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_INT: { IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; iprop->defaultarray= array; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_int_default: %s.%s, type is not int.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_float_default(PropertyRNA *prop, float value) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_FLOAT: { FloatPropertyRNA *fprop= (FloatPropertyRNA*)prop; fprop->defaultvalue= value; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_float_default: %s.%s, type is not float.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } /* array must remain valid after this function finishes */ void RNA_def_property_float_array_default(PropertyRNA *prop, const float *array) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_FLOAT: { FloatPropertyRNA *fprop= (FloatPropertyRNA*)prop; fprop->defaultarray= array; /* WARNING, this array must not come from the stack and lost */ break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_float_default: %s.%s, type is not float.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_string_default(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *value) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_STRING: { StringPropertyRNA *sprop= (StringPropertyRNA*)prop; sprop->defaultvalue= value; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_string_default: %s.%s, type is not string.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_enum_default(PropertyRNA *prop, int value) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; int i, defaultfound= 0; switch(prop->type) { case PROP_ENUM: { EnumPropertyRNA *eprop= (EnumPropertyRNA*)prop; eprop->defaultvalue= value; for(i=0; itotitem; i++) { if(eprop->item[i].value == eprop->defaultvalue) defaultfound= 1; } if(!defaultfound && eprop->totitem) { if(value == 0) { eprop->defaultvalue= eprop->item[0].value; } else { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_enum_default: %s.%s, default is not in items.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; } } break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_enum_default: %s.%s, type is not enum.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } /* SDNA */ static PropertyDefRNA *rna_def_property_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { DNAStructMember smember; StructDefRNA *ds= DefRNA.structs.last; PropertyDefRNA *dp= ds->properties.last; if(!structname) structname= ds->dnaname; if(!propname) propname= prop->identifier; if(!rna_find_sdna_member(DefRNA.sdna, structname, propname, &smember)) { if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "rna_def_property_sdna: %s.%s not found.\n", structname, propname); DefRNA.error= 1; } return NULL; } if(smember.arraylength > 1) prop->arraylength= smember.arraylength; else prop->arraylength= 0; dp->dnastructname= structname; dp->dnastructfromname= ds->dnafromname; dp->dnastructfromprop= ds->dnafromprop; dp->dnaname= propname; dp->dnatype= smember.type; dp->dnaarraylength= smember.arraylength; dp->dnapointerlevel= smember.pointerlevel; return dp; } void RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname, int bit) { PropertyDefRNA *dp; StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_BOOLEAN) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna: %s.%s, type is not boolean.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if((dp=rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname))) dp->booleanbit= bit; } void RNA_def_property_boolean_negative_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname, int booleanbit) { StructDefRNA *ds; PropertyDefRNA *dp; RNA_def_property_boolean_sdna(prop, structname, propname, booleanbit); if((ds=DefRNA.structs.last) && (dp=ds->properties.last)) dp->booleannegative= 1; } void RNA_def_property_int_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { PropertyDefRNA *dp; IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_INT) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_int_sdna: %s.%s, type is not int.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if((dp= rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname))) { /* SDNA doesn't pass us unsigned unfortunately .. */ if(strcmp(dp->dnatype, "char") == 0) { iprop->hardmin= iprop->softmin= CHAR_MIN; iprop->hardmax= iprop->softmax= CHAR_MAX; } else if(strcmp(dp->dnatype, "short") == 0) { iprop->hardmin= iprop->softmin= SHRT_MIN; iprop->hardmax= iprop->softmax= SHRT_MAX; } else if(strcmp(dp->dnatype, "int") == 0) { iprop->hardmin= INT_MIN; iprop->hardmax= INT_MAX; iprop->softmin= -10000; /* rather arbitrary .. */ iprop->softmax= 10000; } if(prop->subtype == PROP_UNSIGNED) iprop->hardmin= iprop->softmin= 0; } } void RNA_def_property_float_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_FLOAT) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_float_sdna: %s.%s, type is not float.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname); } void RNA_def_property_enum_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { PropertyDefRNA *dp; StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_ENUM) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_enum_sdna: %s.%s, type is not enum.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if((dp=rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname))) { if(prop->arraylength) { prop->arraylength= 0; if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_enum_sdna: %s.%s, array not supported for enum type.\n", structname, propname); DefRNA.error= 1; } } } } void RNA_def_property_enum_bitflag_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { StructDefRNA *ds; PropertyDefRNA *dp; RNA_def_property_enum_sdna(prop, structname, propname); if((ds=DefRNA.structs.last) && (dp=ds->properties.last)) dp->enumbitflags= 1; } void RNA_def_property_string_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { PropertyDefRNA *dp; StringPropertyRNA *sprop= (StringPropertyRNA*)prop; StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_STRING) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_string_sdna: %s.%s, type is not string.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if((dp=rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname))) { if(prop->arraylength) { sprop->maxlength= prop->arraylength; prop->arraylength= 0; } } } void RNA_def_property_pointer_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname) { PropertyDefRNA *dp; StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_POINTER) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_pointer_sdna: %s.%s, type is not pointer.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if((dp=rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname))) { if(prop->arraylength) { prop->arraylength= 0; if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_pointer_sdna: %s.%s, array not supported for pointer type.\n", structname, propname); DefRNA.error= 1; } } } } void RNA_def_property_collection_sdna(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *structname, const char *propname, const char *lengthpropname) { PropertyDefRNA *dp; CollectionPropertyRNA *cprop= (CollectionPropertyRNA*)prop; StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_sdna: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(prop->type != PROP_COLLECTION) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_collection_sdna: %s.%s, type is not collection.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; return; } if((dp=rna_def_property_sdna(prop, structname, propname))) { if(prop->arraylength && !lengthpropname) { prop->arraylength= 0; if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_collection_sdna: %s.%s, array of collections not supported.\n", structname, propname); DefRNA.error= 1; } } if(strcmp(dp->dnatype, "ListBase") == 0) { cprop->next= (PropCollectionNextFunc)"rna_iterator_listbase_next"; cprop->get= (PropCollectionGetFunc)"rna_iterator_listbase_get"; cprop->end= (PropCollectionEndFunc)"rna_iterator_listbase_end"; } } if(dp && lengthpropname) { DNAStructMember smember; StructDefRNA *ds= DefRNA.structs.last; if(!structname) structname= ds->dnaname; if(lengthpropname[0] == 0 || rna_find_sdna_member(DefRNA.sdna, structname, lengthpropname, &smember)) { if(lengthpropname[0] == 0) { dp->dnalengthfixed= prop->arraylength; prop->arraylength= 0; } else { dp->dnalengthstructname= structname; dp->dnalengthname= lengthpropname; } cprop->next= (PropCollectionNextFunc)"rna_iterator_array_next"; cprop->end= (PropCollectionEndFunc)"rna_iterator_array_end"; if(dp->dnapointerlevel >= 2) cprop->get= (PropCollectionGetFunc)"rna_iterator_array_dereference_get"; else cprop->get= (PropCollectionGetFunc)"rna_iterator_array_get"; } else { if(!DefRNA.silent) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_collection_sdna: %s.%s not found.\n", structname, lengthpropname); DefRNA.error= 1; } } } } /* Functions */ void RNA_def_property_editable_func(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *editable) { if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_editable_func: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } if(editable) prop->editable= (EditableFunc)editable; } void RNA_def_property_update(PropertyRNA *prop, int noteflag, const char *func) { if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_struct_refine_func: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } prop->noteflag= noteflag; prop->update= (UpdateFunc)func; } void RNA_def_property_boolean_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *get, const char *set) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_BOOLEAN: { BooleanPropertyRNA *bprop= (BooleanPropertyRNA*)prop; if(prop->arraylength) { if(get) bprop->getarray= (PropBooleanArrayGetFunc)get; if(set) bprop->setarray= (PropBooleanArraySetFunc)set; } else { if(get) bprop->get= (PropBooleanGetFunc)get; if(set) bprop->set= (PropBooleanSetFunc)set; } break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_boolean_funcs: %s.%s, type is not boolean.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_int_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *get, const char *set, const char *range) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_INT: { IntPropertyRNA *iprop= (IntPropertyRNA*)prop; if(prop->arraylength) { if(get) iprop->getarray= (PropIntArrayGetFunc)get; if(set) iprop->setarray= (PropIntArraySetFunc)set; } else { if(get) iprop->get= (PropIntGetFunc)get; if(set) iprop->set= (PropIntSetFunc)set; } if(range) iprop->range= (PropIntRangeFunc)range; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_int_funcs: %s.%s, type is not int.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_float_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *get, const char *set, const char *range) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_FLOAT: { FloatPropertyRNA *fprop= (FloatPropertyRNA*)prop; if(prop->arraylength) { if(get) fprop->getarray= (PropFloatArrayGetFunc)get; if(set) fprop->setarray= (PropFloatArraySetFunc)set; } else { if(get) fprop->get= (PropFloatGetFunc)get; if(set) fprop->set= (PropFloatSetFunc)set; } if(range) fprop->range= (PropFloatRangeFunc)range; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_float_funcs: %s.%s, type is not float.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_enum_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *get, const char *set) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_ENUM: { EnumPropertyRNA *eprop= (EnumPropertyRNA*)prop; if(get) eprop->get= (PropEnumGetFunc)get; if(set) eprop->set= (PropEnumSetFunc)set; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_enum_funcs: %s.%s, type is not enum.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_string_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *get, const char *length, const char *set) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_STRING: { StringPropertyRNA *sprop= (StringPropertyRNA*)prop; if(get) sprop->get= (PropStringGetFunc)get; if(length) sprop->length= (PropStringLengthFunc)length; if(set) sprop->set= (PropStringSetFunc)set; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_string_funcs: %s.%s, type is not string.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_pointer_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *get, const char *set) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_POINTER: { PointerPropertyRNA *pprop= (PointerPropertyRNA*)prop; if(get) pprop->get= (PropPointerGetFunc)get; if(set) pprop->set= (PropPointerSetFunc)set; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_pointer_funcs: %s.%s, type is not pointer.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } void RNA_def_property_collection_funcs(PropertyRNA *prop, const char *begin, const char *next, const char *end, const char *get, const char *length, const char *lookupint, const char *lookupstring) { StructRNA *srna= DefRNA.laststruct; if(!DefRNA.preprocess) { fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_*_funcs: only during preprocessing.\n"); return; } switch(prop->type) { case PROP_COLLECTION: { CollectionPropertyRNA *cprop= (CollectionPropertyRNA*)prop; if(begin) cprop->begin= (PropCollectionBeginFunc)begin; if(next) cprop->next= (PropCollectionNextFunc)next; if(end) cprop->end= (PropCollectionEndFunc)end; if(get) cprop->get= (PropCollectionGetFunc)get; if(length) cprop->length= (PropCollectionLengthFunc)length; if(lookupint) cprop->lookupint= (PropCollectionLookupIntFunc)lookupint; if(lookupstring) cprop->lookupstring= (PropCollectionLookupStringFunc)lookupstring; break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "RNA_def_property_collection_funcs: %s.%s, type is not collection.\n", srna->identifier, prop->identifier); DefRNA.error= 1; break; } } /* Compact definitions */ PropertyRNA *RNA_def_boolean(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int default_value, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_boolean_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_boolean_array(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, int *default_value, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_NONE); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_boolean_array_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_boolean_vector(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, int *default_value, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_BOOLEAN, PROP_VECTOR); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_boolean_array_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_int(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int default_value, int hardmin, int hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, int softmin, int softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_INT, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_int_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_int_vector(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const int *default_value, int hardmin, int hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, int softmin, int softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_INT, PROP_VECTOR); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_int_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_int_array(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const int *default_value, int hardmin, int hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, int softmin, int softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_INT, PROP_NONE); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_int_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_string(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, const char *default_value, int maxlen, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_STRING, PROP_NONE); if(maxlen != 0) RNA_def_property_string_maxlength(prop, maxlen); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_string_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_string_file_path(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, const char *default_value, int maxlen, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_STRING, PROP_FILEPATH); if(maxlen != 0) RNA_def_property_string_maxlength(prop, maxlen); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_string_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_string_dir_path(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, const char *default_value, int maxlen, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_STRING, PROP_DIRPATH); if(maxlen != 0) RNA_def_property_string_maxlength(prop, maxlen); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_string_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_enum(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, EnumPropertyItem *items, int default_value, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); if(items) RNA_def_property_enum_items(prop, items); RNA_def_property_enum_default(prop, default_value); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, float default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_float_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float_vector(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const float *default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_VECTOR); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float_color(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const float *default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_COLOR); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float_matrix(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const float *default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_MATRIX); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float_rotation(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const float *default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_ROTATION); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float_array(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, int len, const float *default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_NONE); if(len != 0) RNA_def_property_array(prop, len); if(default_value) RNA_def_property_float_array_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_float_percentage(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, float default_value, float hardmin, float hardmax, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description, float softmin, float softmax) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_FLOAT, PROP_PERCENTAGE); RNA_def_property_float_default(prop, default_value); if(hardmin != hardmax) RNA_def_property_range(prop, hardmin, hardmax); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); RNA_def_property_ui_range(prop, softmin, softmax, 1, 3); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_pointer_runtime(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, StructRNA *type, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_POINTER, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_struct_runtime(prop, type); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; } PropertyRNA *RNA_def_collection_runtime(StructRNA *srna, const char *identifier, StructRNA *type, const char *ui_name, const char *ui_description) { PropertyRNA *prop; prop= RNA_def_property(srna, identifier, PROP_COLLECTION, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property_struct_runtime(prop, type); RNA_def_property_ui_text(prop, ui_name, ui_description); return prop; }