/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2005 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup modifiers */ #include #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_array.hh" #include "BLI_float4x4.hh" #include "BLI_math_geom.h" #include "BLI_math_matrix.h" #include "BLI_vector.hh" #include "BLI_vector_set.hh" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "DNA_collection_types.h" #include "DNA_defaults.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "BKE_collection.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_global.h" /* only to check G.debug */ #include "BKE_lib_id.h" #include "BKE_lib_query.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_boolean_convert.hh" #include "BKE_mesh_wrapper.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_prototypes.h" #include "MOD_ui_common.h" #include "MOD_util.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "bmesh_tools.h" #include "tools/bmesh_boolean.h" #include "tools/bmesh_intersect.h" // #define DEBUG_TIME #ifdef DEBUG_TIME # include "BLI_timeit.hh" #endif using blender::Array; using blender::float4x4; using blender::IndexRange; using blender::MutableSpan; using blender::Span; using blender::Vector; using blender::VectorSet; static void initData(ModifierData *md) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; BLI_assert(MEMCMP_STRUCT_AFTER_IS_ZERO(bmd, modifier)); MEMCPY_STRUCT_AFTER(bmd, DNA_struct_default_get(BooleanModifierData), modifier); } static bool isDisabled(const struct Scene *UNUSED(scene), ModifierData *md, bool UNUSED(useRenderParams)) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; Collection *col = bmd->collection; if (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) { return !bmd->object || bmd->object->type != OB_MESH; } if (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Collection) { /* The Exact solver tolerates an empty collection. */ return !col && bmd->solver != eBooleanModifierSolver_Exact; } return false; } static void foreachIDLink(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, IDWalkFunc walk, void *userData) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; walk(userData, ob, (ID **)&bmd->collection, IDWALK_CB_USER); walk(userData, ob, (ID **)&bmd->object, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } static void updateDepsgraph(ModifierData *md, const ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext *ctx) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; if ((bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) && bmd->object != nullptr) { DEG_add_object_relation(ctx->node, bmd->object, DEG_OB_COMP_TRANSFORM, "Boolean Modifier"); DEG_add_object_relation(ctx->node, bmd->object, DEG_OB_COMP_GEOMETRY, "Boolean Modifier"); } Collection *col = bmd->collection; if ((bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Collection) && col != nullptr) { DEG_add_collection_geometry_relation(ctx->node, col, "Boolean Modifier"); } /* We need own transformation as well. */ DEG_add_depends_on_transform_relation(ctx->node, "Boolean Modifier"); } static Mesh *get_quick_mesh( Object *ob_self, Mesh *mesh_self, Object *ob_operand_ob, Mesh *mesh_operand_ob, int operation) { Mesh *result = nullptr; if (mesh_self->totpoly == 0 || mesh_operand_ob->totpoly == 0) { switch (operation) { case eBooleanModifierOp_Intersect: result = BKE_mesh_new_nomain(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case eBooleanModifierOp_Union: if (mesh_self->totpoly != 0) { result = mesh_self; } else { result = (Mesh *)BKE_id_copy_ex( nullptr, &mesh_operand_ob->id, nullptr, LIB_ID_COPY_LOCALIZE); float imat[4][4]; float omat[4][4]; invert_m4_m4(imat, ob_self->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(omat, imat, ob_operand_ob->obmat); const int mverts_len = result->totvert; MVert *mv = result->mvert; for (int i = 0; i < mverts_len; i++, mv++) { mul_m4_v3(omat, mv->co); } BKE_mesh_tag_coords_changed(result); } break; case eBooleanModifierOp_Difference: result = mesh_self; break; } } return result; } /* has no meaning for faces, do this so we can tell which face is which */ #define BM_FACE_TAG BM_ELEM_DRAW /** * Compare selected/unselected. */ static int bm_face_isect_pair(BMFace *f, void *UNUSED(user_data)) { return BM_elem_flag_test(f, BM_FACE_TAG) ? 1 : 0; } static bool BMD_error_messages(const Object *ob, ModifierData *md) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; Collection *col = bmd->collection; bool error_returns_result = false; const bool operand_collection = (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Collection) != 0; const bool use_exact = bmd->solver == eBooleanModifierSolver_Exact; const bool operation_intersect = bmd->operation == eBooleanModifierOp_Intersect; #ifndef WITH_GMP /* If compiled without GMP, return a error. */ if (use_exact) { BKE_modifier_set_error(ob, md, "Compiled without GMP, using fast solver"); error_returns_result = false; } #endif /* If intersect is selected using fast solver, return a error. */ if (operand_collection && operation_intersect && !use_exact) { BKE_modifier_set_error(ob, md, "Cannot execute, intersect only available using exact solver"); error_returns_result = true; } /* If the selected collection is empty and using fast solver, return a error. */ if (operand_collection) { if (!use_exact && BKE_collection_is_empty(col)) { BKE_modifier_set_error(ob, md, "Cannot execute, fast solver and empty collection"); error_returns_result = true; } /* If the selected collection contain non mesh objects, return a error. */ if (col) { FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_BEGIN (col, operand_ob) { if (operand_ob->type != OB_MESH) { BKE_modifier_set_error( ob, md, "Cannot execute, the selected collection contains non mesh objects"); error_returns_result = true; } } FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_END; } } return error_returns_result; } static BMesh *BMD_mesh_bm_create( Mesh *mesh, Object *object, Mesh *mesh_operand_ob, Object *operand_ob, bool *r_is_flip) { #ifdef DEBUG_TIME SCOPED_TIMER(__func__); #endif *r_is_flip = (is_negative_m4(object->obmat) != is_negative_m4(operand_ob->obmat)); const BMAllocTemplate allocsize = BMALLOC_TEMPLATE_FROM_ME(mesh, mesh_operand_ob); BMeshCreateParams bmesh_create_params{}; BMesh *bm = BM_mesh_create(&allocsize, &bmesh_create_params); /* Keep `mesh` first, needed so active layers are set based on `mesh` not `mesh_operand_ob`, * otherwise the wrong active render layer is used, see T92384. * * NOTE: while initializing customer data layers the is not essential, * it avoids the overhead of having to re-allocate #BMHeader.data when the 2nd mesh is added * (if it contains additional custom-data layers). */ const Mesh *mesh_array[2] = {mesh, mesh_operand_ob}; BM_mesh_copy_init_customdata_from_mesh_array(bm, mesh_array, ARRAY_SIZE(mesh_array), &allocsize); BMeshFromMeshParams bmesh_from_mesh_params{}; bmesh_from_mesh_params.calc_face_normal = true; bmesh_from_mesh_params.calc_vert_normal = true; BM_mesh_bm_from_me(bm, mesh_operand_ob, &bmesh_from_mesh_params); if (UNLIKELY(*r_is_flip)) { const int cd_loop_mdisp_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&bm->ldata, CD_MDISPS); BMIter iter; BMFace *efa; BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) { BM_face_normal_flip_ex(bm, efa, cd_loop_mdisp_offset, true); } } BM_mesh_bm_from_me(bm, mesh, &bmesh_from_mesh_params); return bm; } static void BMD_mesh_intersection(BMesh *bm, ModifierData *md, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, Mesh *mesh_operand_ob, Object *object, Object *operand_ob, bool is_flip) { #ifdef DEBUG_TIME SCOPED_TIMER(__func__); #endif BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; /* main bmesh intersection setup */ /* create tessface & intersect */ const int looptris_tot = poly_to_tri_count(bm->totface, bm->totloop); BMLoop *(*looptris)[3] = (BMLoop * (*)[3]) MEM_malloc_arrayN(looptris_tot, sizeof(*looptris), __func__); BM_mesh_calc_tessellation_beauty(bm, looptris); /* postpone this until after tessellating * so we can use the original normals before the vertex are moved */ { BMIter iter; int i; const int i_verts_end = mesh_operand_ob->totvert; const int i_faces_end = mesh_operand_ob->totpoly; float imat[4][4]; float omat[4][4]; invert_m4_m4(imat, object->obmat); mul_m4_m4m4(omat, imat, operand_ob->obmat); BMVert *eve; i = 0; BM_ITER_MESH (eve, &iter, bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) { mul_m4_v3(omat, eve->co); if (++i == i_verts_end) { break; } } /* we need face normals because of 'BM_face_split_edgenet' * we could calculate on the fly too (before calling split). */ float nmat[3][3]; copy_m3_m4(nmat, omat); invert_m3(nmat); if (UNLIKELY(is_flip)) { negate_m3(nmat); } Array material_remap(operand_ob->totcol ? operand_ob->totcol : 1); /* Using original (not evaluated) object here since we are writing to it. */ /* XXX Pretty sure comment above is fully wrong now with CoW & co ? */ BKE_object_material_remap_calc(ctx->object, operand_ob, material_remap.data()); BMFace *efa; i = 0; BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) { mul_transposed_m3_v3(nmat, efa->no); normalize_v3(efa->no); /* Temp tag to test which side split faces are from. */ BM_elem_flag_enable(efa, BM_FACE_TAG); /* remap material */ if (LIKELY(efa->mat_nr < operand_ob->totcol)) { efa->mat_nr = material_remap[efa->mat_nr]; } if (++i == i_faces_end) { break; } } } /* not needed, but normals for 'dm' will be invalid, * currently this is ok for 'BM_mesh_intersect' */ // BM_mesh_normals_update(bm); bool use_separate = false; bool use_dissolve = true; bool use_island_connect = true; /* change for testing */ if (G.debug & G_DEBUG) { use_separate = (bmd->bm_flag & eBooleanModifierBMeshFlag_BMesh_Separate) != 0; use_dissolve = (bmd->bm_flag & eBooleanModifierBMeshFlag_BMesh_NoDissolve) == 0; use_island_connect = (bmd->bm_flag & eBooleanModifierBMeshFlag_BMesh_NoConnectRegions) == 0; } BM_mesh_intersect(bm, looptris, looptris_tot, bm_face_isect_pair, nullptr, false, use_separate, use_dissolve, use_island_connect, false, false, bmd->operation, bmd->double_threshold); MEM_freeN(looptris); } #ifdef WITH_GMP /* Get a mapping from material slot numbers in the source geometry to slot numbers in the result * geometry. The material is added to the result geometry if it doesn't already use it. */ static Array get_material_remap(Object &object, const Mesh &mesh, VectorSet &materials) { const int material_num = mesh.totcol; if (material_num == 0) { /* Necessary for faces using the default material when there are no material slots. */ return Array({materials.index_of_or_add(nullptr)}); } Array map(material_num); for (const int i : IndexRange(material_num)) { Material *material = BKE_object_material_get_eval(&object, i + 1); map[i] = materials.index_of_or_add(material); } return map; } static Mesh *exact_boolean_mesh(BooleanModifierData *bmd, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, Mesh *mesh) { Vector meshes; Vector obmats; VectorSet materials; Vector> material_remaps; # ifdef DEBUG_TIME SCOPED_TIMER(__func__); # endif if ((bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) && bmd->object == nullptr) { return mesh; } meshes.append(mesh); obmats.append((float4x4 *)&ctx->object->obmat); material_remaps.append({}); if (mesh->totcol == 0) { /* Necessary for faces using the default material when there are no material slots. */ materials.add(nullptr); } else { materials.add_multiple({mesh->mat, mesh->totcol}); } if (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) { Mesh *mesh_operand = BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_evaluated_object(bmd->object); if (!mesh_operand) { return mesh; } BKE_mesh_wrapper_ensure_mdata(mesh_operand); meshes.append(mesh_operand); obmats.append((float4x4 *)&bmd->object->obmat); material_remaps.append(get_material_remap(*bmd->object, *mesh_operand, materials)); } else if (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Collection) { Collection *collection = bmd->collection; /* Allow collection to be empty; then target mesh will just removed self-intersections. */ if (collection) { FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_BEGIN (collection, ob) { if (ob->type == OB_MESH && ob != ctx->object) { Mesh *collection_mesh = BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_evaluated_object(ob); if (!collection_mesh) { continue; } BKE_mesh_wrapper_ensure_mdata(collection_mesh); meshes.append(collection_mesh); obmats.append((float4x4 *)&ob->obmat); material_remaps.append(get_material_remap(*ob, *collection_mesh, materials)); } } FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_END; } } const bool use_self = (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Self) != 0; const bool hole_tolerant = (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_HoleTolerant) != 0; Mesh *result = blender::meshintersect::direct_mesh_boolean(meshes, obmats, *(float4x4 *)&ctx->object->obmat, material_remaps, use_self, hole_tolerant, bmd->operation, nullptr); MEM_SAFE_FREE(result->mat); result->mat = (Material **)MEM_malloc_arrayN(materials.size(), sizeof(Material *), __func__); result->totcol = materials.size(); MutableSpan(result->mat, result->totcol).copy_from(materials); return result; } #endif static Mesh *modifyMesh(ModifierData *md, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, Mesh *mesh) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData *)md; Object *object = ctx->object; Mesh *result = mesh; Collection *collection = bmd->collection; /* Return result for certain errors. */ if (BMD_error_messages(ctx->object, md)) { return result; } #ifdef WITH_GMP if (bmd->solver == eBooleanModifierSolver_Exact) { return exact_boolean_mesh(bmd, ctx, mesh); } #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TIME SCOPED_TIMER(__func__); #endif if (bmd->flag & eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) { if (bmd->object == nullptr) { return result; } Object *operand_ob = bmd->object; Mesh *mesh_operand_ob = BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_evaluated_object(operand_ob); if (mesh_operand_ob) { /* XXX This is utterly non-optimal, we may go from a bmesh to a mesh back to a bmesh! * But for 2.90 better not try to be smart here. */ BKE_mesh_wrapper_ensure_mdata(mesh_operand_ob); /* when one of objects is empty (has got no faces) we could speed up * calculation a bit returning one of objects' derived meshes (or empty one) * Returning mesh is depended on modifiers operation (sergey) */ result = get_quick_mesh(object, mesh, operand_ob, mesh_operand_ob, bmd->operation); if (result == nullptr) { bool is_flip; BMesh *bm = BMD_mesh_bm_create(mesh, object, mesh_operand_ob, operand_ob, &is_flip); BMD_mesh_intersection(bm, md, ctx, mesh_operand_ob, object, operand_ob, is_flip); result = BKE_mesh_from_bmesh_for_eval_nomain(bm, nullptr, mesh); BM_mesh_free(bm); } if (result == nullptr) { BKE_modifier_set_error(object, md, "Cannot execute boolean operation"); } } } else { if (collection == nullptr) { return result; } FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_BEGIN (collection, operand_ob) { if (operand_ob->type == OB_MESH && operand_ob != ctx->object) { Mesh *mesh_operand_ob = BKE_modifier_get_evaluated_mesh_from_evaluated_object(operand_ob); if (mesh_operand_ob == nullptr) { continue; } /* XXX This is utterly non-optimal, we may go from a bmesh to a mesh back to a bmesh! * But for 2.90 better not try to be smart here. */ BKE_mesh_wrapper_ensure_mdata(mesh_operand_ob); bool is_flip; BMesh *bm = BMD_mesh_bm_create(result, object, mesh_operand_ob, operand_ob, &is_flip); BMD_mesh_intersection(bm, md, ctx, mesh_operand_ob, object, operand_ob, is_flip); /* Needed for multiple objects to work. */ if (result == mesh) { result = BKE_mesh_from_bmesh_for_eval_nomain(bm, nullptr, mesh); } else { BMeshToMeshParams bmesh_to_mesh_params{}; bmesh_to_mesh_params.calc_object_remap = false; BM_mesh_bm_to_me(nullptr, bm, result, &bmesh_to_mesh_params); } BM_mesh_free(bm); } } FOREACH_COLLECTION_OBJECT_RECURSIVE_END; } return result; } static void requiredDataMask(Object *UNUSED(ob), ModifierData *UNUSED(md), CustomData_MeshMasks *r_cddata_masks) { r_cddata_masks->vmask |= CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT; r_cddata_masks->emask |= CD_MASK_MEDGE; r_cddata_masks->fmask |= CD_MASK_MTFACE; } static void panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, nullptr); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "operation", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "operand_type", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); if (RNA_enum_get(ptr, "operand_type") == eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "object", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } else { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "collection", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } uiItemR(layout, ptr, "solver", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, nullptr, ICON_NONE); modifier_panel_end(layout, ptr); } static void solver_options_panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA *ptr = modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, nullptr); const bool use_exact = RNA_enum_get(ptr, "solver") == eBooleanModifierSolver_Exact; uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); uiLayout *col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); if (use_exact) { /* When operand is collection, we always use_self. */ if (RNA_enum_get(ptr, "operand_type") == eBooleanModifierFlag_Object) { uiItemR(col, ptr, "use_self", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } uiItemR(col, ptr, "use_hole_tolerant", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } else { uiItemR(col, ptr, "double_threshold", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } if (G.debug) { uiItemR(col, ptr, "debug_options", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } } static void panelRegister(ARegionType *region_type) { PanelType *panel = modifier_panel_register(region_type, eModifierType_Boolean, panel_draw); modifier_subpanel_register( region_type, "solver_options", "Solver Options", nullptr, solver_options_panel_draw, panel); } ModifierTypeInfo modifierType_Boolean = { /* name */ N_("Boolean"), /* structName */ "BooleanModifierData", /* structSize */ sizeof(BooleanModifierData), /* srna */ &RNA_BooleanModifier, /* type */ eModifierTypeType_Nonconstructive, /* flags */ (ModifierTypeFlag)(eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh | eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode), /* icon */ ICON_MOD_BOOLEAN, /* copyData */ BKE_modifier_copydata_generic, /* deformVerts */ nullptr, /* deformMatrices */ nullptr, /* deformVertsEM */ nullptr, /* deformMatricesEM */ nullptr, /* modifyMesh */ modifyMesh, /* modifyGeometrySet */ nullptr, /* initData */ initData, /* requiredDataMask */ requiredDataMask, /* freeData */ nullptr, /* isDisabled */ isDisabled, /* updateDepsgraph */ updateDepsgraph, /* dependsOnTime */ nullptr, /* dependsOnNormals */ nullptr, /* foreachIDLink */ foreachIDLink, /* foreachTexLink */ nullptr, /* freeRuntimeData */ nullptr, /* panelRegister */ panelRegister, /* blendWrite */ nullptr, /* blendRead */ nullptr, };