/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2005 by the Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup modifiers */ #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "bmesh_tools.h" // #define USE_TIMEIT #ifdef USE_TIMEIT # include "PIL_time.h" # include "PIL_time_utildefines.h" #endif #include "MOD_ui_common.h" #include "MOD_util.h" static void initData(ModifierData *md) { DecimateModifierData *dmd = (DecimateModifierData *)md; dmd->percent = 1.0; dmd->angle = DEG2RADF(5.0f); dmd->defgrp_factor = 1.0; } static void requiredDataMask(Object *UNUSED(ob), ModifierData *md, CustomData_MeshMasks *r_cddata_masks) { DecimateModifierData *dmd = (DecimateModifierData *)md; /* ask for vertexgroups if we need them */ if (dmd->defgrp_name[0] != '\0' && (dmd->defgrp_factor > 0.0f)) { r_cddata_masks->vmask |= CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT; } } static DecimateModifierData *getOriginalModifierData(const DecimateModifierData *dmd, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx) { Object *ob_orig = DEG_get_original_object(ctx->object); return (DecimateModifierData *)BKE_modifiers_findby_name(ob_orig, dmd->modifier.name); } static void updateFaceCount(const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, DecimateModifierData *dmd, int face_count) { dmd->face_count = face_count; if (DEG_is_active(ctx->depsgraph)) { /* update for display only */ DecimateModifierData *dmd_orig = getOriginalModifierData(dmd, ctx); dmd_orig->face_count = face_count; } } static Mesh *modifyMesh(ModifierData *md, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, Mesh *meshData) { DecimateModifierData *dmd = (DecimateModifierData *)md; Mesh *mesh = meshData, *result = NULL; BMesh *bm; bool calc_face_normal; float *vweights = NULL; #ifdef USE_TIMEIT TIMEIT_START(decim); #endif /* set up front so we dont show invalid info in the UI */ updateFaceCount(ctx, dmd, mesh->totpoly); switch (dmd->mode) { case MOD_DECIM_MODE_COLLAPSE: if (dmd->percent == 1.0f) { return mesh; } calc_face_normal = true; break; case MOD_DECIM_MODE_UNSUBDIV: if (dmd->iter == 0) { return mesh; } calc_face_normal = false; break; case MOD_DECIM_MODE_DISSOLVE: if (dmd->angle == 0.0f) { return mesh; } calc_face_normal = true; break; default: return mesh; } if (dmd->face_count <= 3) { BKE_modifier_set_error(md, "Modifier requires more than 3 input faces"); return mesh; } if (dmd->mode == MOD_DECIM_MODE_COLLAPSE) { if (dmd->defgrp_name[0] && (dmd->defgrp_factor > 0.0f)) { MDeformVert *dvert; int defgrp_index; MOD_get_vgroup(ctx->object, mesh, dmd->defgrp_name, &dvert, &defgrp_index); if (dvert) { const uint vert_tot = mesh->totvert; uint i; vweights = MEM_malloc_arrayN(vert_tot, sizeof(float), __func__); if (dmd->flag & MOD_DECIM_FLAG_INVERT_VGROUP) { for (i = 0; i < vert_tot; i++) { vweights[i] = 1.0f - BKE_defvert_find_weight(&dvert[i], defgrp_index); } } else { for (i = 0; i < vert_tot; i++) { vweights[i] = BKE_defvert_find_weight(&dvert[i], defgrp_index); } } } } } bm = BKE_mesh_to_bmesh_ex(mesh, &(struct BMeshCreateParams){0}, &(struct BMeshFromMeshParams){ .calc_face_normal = calc_face_normal, .cd_mask_extra = {.vmask = CD_MASK_ORIGINDEX, .emask = CD_MASK_ORIGINDEX, .pmask = CD_MASK_ORIGINDEX}, }); switch (dmd->mode) { case MOD_DECIM_MODE_COLLAPSE: { const bool do_triangulate = (dmd->flag & MOD_DECIM_FLAG_TRIANGULATE) != 0; const int symmetry_axis = (dmd->flag & MOD_DECIM_FLAG_SYMMETRY) ? dmd->symmetry_axis : -1; const float symmetry_eps = 0.00002f; BM_mesh_decimate_collapse(bm, dmd->percent, vweights, dmd->defgrp_factor, do_triangulate, symmetry_axis, symmetry_eps); break; } case MOD_DECIM_MODE_UNSUBDIV: { BM_mesh_decimate_unsubdivide(bm, dmd->iter); break; } case MOD_DECIM_MODE_DISSOLVE: { const bool do_dissolve_boundaries = (dmd->flag & MOD_DECIM_FLAG_ALL_BOUNDARY_VERTS) != 0; BM_mesh_decimate_dissolve(bm, dmd->angle, do_dissolve_boundaries, (BMO_Delimit)dmd->delimit); break; } } if (vweights) { MEM_freeN(vweights); } updateFaceCount(ctx, dmd, bm->totface); result = BKE_mesh_from_bmesh_for_eval_nomain(bm, NULL, mesh); /* make sure we never alloc'd these */ BLI_assert(bm->vtoolflagpool == NULL && bm->etoolflagpool == NULL && bm->ftoolflagpool == NULL); BLI_assert(bm->vtable == NULL && bm->etable == NULL && bm->ftable == NULL); BM_mesh_free(bm); #ifdef USE_TIMEIT TIMEIT_END(decim); #endif result->runtime.cd_dirty_vert |= CD_MASK_NORMAL; return result; } static void panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *sub, *row; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ob_ptr; PointerRNA *ptr = modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, &ob_ptr); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); int decimate_type = RNA_enum_get(ptr, "decimate_type"); char count_info[32]; snprintf(count_info, 32, "%s: %d", IFACE_("Face Count"), RNA_int_get(ptr, "face_count")); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "decimate_type", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); if (decimate_type == MOD_DECIM_MODE_COLLAPSE) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "ratio", UI_ITEM_R_SLIDER, NULL, ICON_NONE); row = uiLayoutRowWithHeading(layout, true, IFACE_("Symmetry")); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(row, false); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "use_symmetry", 0, "", ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(sub, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_boolean_get(ptr, "use_symmetry")); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "symmetry_axis", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE); uiItemDecoratorR(row, ptr, "symmetry_axis", 0); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "use_collapse_triangulate", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); modifier_vgroup_ui(layout, ptr, &ob_ptr, "vertex_group", "invert_vertex_group", NULL); } else if (decimate_type == MOD_DECIM_MODE_UNSUBDIV) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "iterations", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } else { /* decimate_type == MOD_DECIM_MODE_DISSOLVE. */ uiItemR(layout, ptr, "angle_limit", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "delimit", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "use_dissolve_boundaries", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); } uiItemL(layout, count_info, ICON_NONE); modifier_panel_end(layout, ptr); } static void panelRegister(ARegionType *region_type) { modifier_panel_register(region_type, eModifierType_Decimate, panel_draw); } ModifierTypeInfo modifierType_Decimate = { /* name */ "Decimate", /* structName */ "DecimateModifierData", /* structSize */ sizeof(DecimateModifierData), /* type */ eModifierTypeType_Nonconstructive, /* flags */ eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh | eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsCVs, /* copyData */ BKE_modifier_copydata_generic, /* deformVerts */ NULL, /* deformMatrices */ NULL, /* deformVertsEM */ NULL, /* deformMatricesEM */ NULL, /* modifyMesh */ modifyMesh, /* modifyHair */ NULL, /* modifyPointCloud */ NULL, /* modifyVolume */ NULL, /* initData */ initData, /* requiredDataMask */ requiredDataMask, /* freeData */ NULL, /* isDisabled */ NULL, /* updateDepsgraph */ NULL, /* dependsOnTime */ NULL, /* dependsOnNormals */ NULL, /* foreachObjectLink */ NULL, /* foreachIDLink */ NULL, /* foreachTexLink */ NULL, /* freeRuntimeData */ NULL, /* panelRegister */ panelRegister, /* blendWrite */ NULL, /* blendRead */ NULL, };