/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2005 by the Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup modifiers */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_defaults.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "BKE_action.h" /* BKE_pose_channel_find_name */ #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_lib_query.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_build.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "MOD_modifiertypes.h" #include "MOD_ui_common.h" #include "BLI_array.hh" #include "BLI_listbase_wrapper.hh" #include "BLI_vector.hh" using blender::Array; using blender::IndexRange; using blender::ListBaseWrapper; using blender::MutableSpan; using blender::Span; using blender::Vector; /* For delete geometry node. */ void copy_masked_vertices_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map); void copy_masked_edges_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map, Span edge_map); void copy_masked_polys_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map, Span edge_map, Span masked_poly_indices, Span new_loop_starts); static void initData(ModifierData *md) { MaskModifierData *mmd = (MaskModifierData *)md; BLI_assert(MEMCMP_STRUCT_AFTER_IS_ZERO(mmd, modifier)); MEMCPY_STRUCT_AFTER(mmd, DNA_struct_default_get(MaskModifierData), modifier); } static void requiredDataMask(Object *UNUSED(ob), ModifierData *UNUSED(md), CustomData_MeshMasks *r_cddata_masks) { r_cddata_masks->vmask |= CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT; } static void foreachIDLink(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, IDWalkFunc walk, void *userData) { MaskModifierData *mmd = reinterpret_cast(md); walk(userData, ob, (ID **)&mmd->ob_arm, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } static void updateDepsgraph(ModifierData *md, const ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext *ctx) { MaskModifierData *mmd = reinterpret_cast(md); if (mmd->ob_arm) { bArmature *arm = (bArmature *)mmd->ob_arm->data; /* Tag relationship in depsgraph, but also on the armature. */ /* TODO(sergey): Is it a proper relation here? */ DEG_add_object_relation(ctx->node, mmd->ob_arm, DEG_OB_COMP_TRANSFORM, "Mask Modifier"); arm->flag |= ARM_HAS_VIZ_DEPS; DEG_add_modifier_to_transform_relation(ctx->node, "Mask Modifier"); } } /* A vertex will be in the mask if a selected bone influences it more than a certain threshold. */ static void compute_vertex_mask__armature_mode(MDeformVert *dvert, Mesh *mesh, Object *armature_ob, float threshold, MutableSpan r_vertex_mask) { /* Element i is true if there is a selected bone that uses vertex group i. */ Vector selected_bone_uses_group; LISTBASE_FOREACH (bDeformGroup *, def, &mesh->vertex_group_names) { bPoseChannel *pchan = BKE_pose_channel_find_name(armature_ob->pose, def->name); bool bone_for_group_exists = pchan && pchan->bone && (pchan->bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED); selected_bone_uses_group.append(bone_for_group_exists); } Span use_vertex_group = selected_bone_uses_group; for (int i : r_vertex_mask.index_range()) { Span weights(dvert[i].dw, dvert[i].totweight); r_vertex_mask[i] = false; /* check the groups that vertex is assigned to, and see if it was any use */ for (const MDeformWeight &dw : weights) { if (use_vertex_group.get(dw.def_nr, false)) { if (dw.weight > threshold) { r_vertex_mask[i] = true; break; } } } } } /* A vertex will be in the mask if the vertex group influences it more than a certain threshold. */ static void compute_vertex_mask__vertex_group_mode(MDeformVert *dvert, int defgrp_index, float threshold, MutableSpan r_vertex_mask) { for (int i : r_vertex_mask.index_range()) { const bool found = BKE_defvert_find_weight(&dvert[i], defgrp_index) > threshold; r_vertex_mask[i] = found; } } static void invert_boolean_array(MutableSpan array) { for (bool &value : array) { value = !value; } } static void compute_masked_vertices(Span vertex_mask, MutableSpan r_vertex_map, uint *r_num_masked_vertices) { BLI_assert(vertex_mask.size() == r_vertex_map.size()); uint num_masked_vertices = 0; for (uint i_src : r_vertex_map.index_range()) { if (vertex_mask[i_src]) { r_vertex_map[i_src] = num_masked_vertices; num_masked_vertices++; } else { r_vertex_map[i_src] = -1; } } *r_num_masked_vertices = num_masked_vertices; } static void computed_masked_edges(const Mesh *mesh, Span vertex_mask, MutableSpan r_edge_map, uint *r_num_masked_edges) { BLI_assert(mesh->totedge == r_edge_map.size()); uint num_masked_edges = 0; for (int i : IndexRange(mesh->totedge)) { const MEdge &edge = mesh->medge[i]; /* only add if both verts will be in new mesh */ if (vertex_mask[edge.v1] && vertex_mask[edge.v2]) { r_edge_map[i] = num_masked_edges; num_masked_edges++; } else { r_edge_map[i] = -1; } } *r_num_masked_edges = num_masked_edges; } static void computed_masked_edges_smooth(const Mesh *mesh, Span vertex_mask, MutableSpan r_edge_map, uint *r_num_masked_edges, uint *r_num_add_vertices) { BLI_assert(mesh->totedge == r_edge_map.size()); uint num_masked_edges = 0; uint num_add_vertices = 0; for (int i : IndexRange(mesh->totedge)) { const MEdge &edge = mesh->medge[i]; /* only add if both verts will be in new mesh */ bool v1 = vertex_mask[edge.v1]; bool v2 = vertex_mask[edge.v2]; if (v1 && v2) { r_edge_map[i] = num_masked_edges; num_masked_edges++; } else if (v1 != v2) { r_edge_map[i] = -2; num_add_vertices++; } else { r_edge_map[i] = -1; } } num_masked_edges += num_add_vertices; *r_num_masked_edges = num_masked_edges; *r_num_add_vertices = num_add_vertices; } static void computed_masked_polygons(const Mesh *mesh, Span vertex_mask, Vector &r_masked_poly_indices, Vector &r_loop_starts, uint *r_num_masked_polys, uint *r_num_masked_loops) { BLI_assert(mesh->totvert == vertex_mask.size()); r_masked_poly_indices.reserve(mesh->totpoly); r_loop_starts.reserve(mesh->totpoly); uint num_masked_loops = 0; for (int i : IndexRange(mesh->totpoly)) { const MPoly &poly_src = mesh->mpoly[i]; bool all_verts_in_mask = true; Span loops_src(&mesh->mloop[poly_src.loopstart], poly_src.totloop); for (const MLoop &loop : loops_src) { if (!vertex_mask[loop.v]) { all_verts_in_mask = false; break; } } if (all_verts_in_mask) { r_masked_poly_indices.append_unchecked(i); r_loop_starts.append_unchecked(num_masked_loops); num_masked_loops += poly_src.totloop; } } *r_num_masked_polys = r_masked_poly_indices.size(); *r_num_masked_loops = num_masked_loops; } static void compute_interpolated_polygons(const Mesh *mesh, Span vertex_mask, uint num_add_vertices, uint num_masked_loops, Vector &r_masked_poly_indices, Vector &r_loop_starts, uint *r_num_add_edges, uint *r_num_add_polys, uint *r_num_add_loops) { BLI_assert(mesh->totvert == vertex_mask.size()); /* Can't really know ahead of time how much space to use exactly. Estimate limit instead. */ /* NOTE: this reserve can only lift the capacity if there are ngons, which get split. */ r_masked_poly_indices.reserve(r_masked_poly_indices.size() + num_add_vertices); r_loop_starts.reserve(r_loop_starts.size() + num_add_vertices); uint num_add_edges = 0; uint num_add_polys = 0; uint num_add_loops = 0; for (int i : IndexRange(mesh->totpoly)) { const MPoly &poly_src = mesh->mpoly[i]; int in_count = 0; int start = -1; int dst_totloop = -1; Span loops_src(&mesh->mloop[poly_src.loopstart], poly_src.totloop); for (const int j : loops_src.index_range()) { const MLoop &loop = loops_src[j]; if (vertex_mask[loop.v]) { in_count++; } else if (start == -1) { start = j; } } if (0 < in_count && in_count < poly_src.totloop) { /* Ring search starting at a vertex which is not included in the mask. */ const MLoop *last_loop = &loops_src[start]; bool v_loop_in_mask_last = vertex_mask[last_loop->v]; for (const int j : loops_src.index_range()) { const MLoop &loop = loops_src[(start + 1 + j) % poly_src.totloop]; const bool v_loop_in_mask = vertex_mask[loop.v]; if (v_loop_in_mask && !v_loop_in_mask_last) { dst_totloop = 3; } else if (!v_loop_in_mask && v_loop_in_mask_last) { BLI_assert(dst_totloop > 2); r_masked_poly_indices.append(i); r_loop_starts.append(num_masked_loops + num_add_loops); num_add_loops += dst_totloop; num_add_polys++; num_add_edges++; dst_totloop = -1; } else if (v_loop_in_mask && v_loop_in_mask_last) { BLI_assert(dst_totloop > 2); dst_totloop++; } last_loop = &loop; v_loop_in_mask_last = v_loop_in_mask; } } } *r_num_add_edges = num_add_edges; *r_num_add_polys = num_add_polys; *r_num_add_loops = num_add_loops; } void copy_masked_vertices_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map) { BLI_assert(src_mesh.totvert == vertex_map.size()); for (const int i_src : vertex_map.index_range()) { const int i_dst = vertex_map[i_src]; if (i_dst == -1) { continue; } const MVert &v_src = src_mesh.mvert[i_src]; MVert &v_dst = dst_mesh.mvert[i_dst]; v_dst = v_src; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.vdata, &dst_mesh.vdata, i_src, i_dst, 1); } } static float get_interp_factor_from_vgroup( MDeformVert *dvert, int defgrp_index, float threshold, uint v1, uint v2) { /* NOTE: this calculation is done twice for every vertex, * instead of storing it the first time and then reusing it. */ float value1 = BKE_defvert_find_weight(&dvert[v1], defgrp_index); float value2 = BKE_defvert_find_weight(&dvert[v2], defgrp_index); return (threshold - value1) / (value2 - value1); } static void add_interp_verts_copy_edges_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_mask, Span vertex_map, MDeformVert *dvert, int defgrp_index, float threshold, uint num_masked_edges, uint num_add_verts, MutableSpan r_edge_map) { BLI_assert(src_mesh.totvert == vertex_mask.size()); BLI_assert(src_mesh.totedge == r_edge_map.size()); uint vert_index = dst_mesh.totvert - num_add_verts; uint edge_index = num_masked_edges - num_add_verts; for (int i_src : IndexRange(src_mesh.totedge)) { if (r_edge_map[i_src] != -1) { int i_dst = r_edge_map[i_src]; if (i_dst == -2) { i_dst = edge_index; } const MEdge &e_src = src_mesh.medge[i_src]; MEdge &e_dst = dst_mesh.medge[i_dst]; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.edata, &dst_mesh.edata, i_src, i_dst, 1); e_dst = e_src; e_dst.v1 = vertex_map[e_src.v1]; e_dst.v2 = vertex_map[e_src.v2]; } if (r_edge_map[i_src] == -2) { const int i_dst = edge_index++; r_edge_map[i_src] = i_dst; const MEdge &e_src = src_mesh.medge[i_src]; /* Cut destination edge and make v1 the new vertex. */ MEdge &e_dst = dst_mesh.medge[i_dst]; if (!vertex_mask[e_src.v1]) { e_dst.v1 = vert_index; } else { BLI_assert(!vertex_mask[e_src.v2]); e_dst.v2 = e_dst.v1; e_dst.v1 = vert_index; } /* Create the new vertex. */ float fac = get_interp_factor_from_vgroup( dvert, defgrp_index, threshold, e_src.v1, e_src.v2); float weights[2] = {1.0f - fac, fac}; CustomData_interp( &src_mesh.vdata, &dst_mesh.vdata, (int *)&e_src.v1, weights, nullptr, 2, vert_index); MVert &v = dst_mesh.mvert[vert_index]; MVert &v1 = src_mesh.mvert[e_src.v1]; MVert &v2 = src_mesh.mvert[e_src.v2]; interp_v3_v3v3(v.co, v1.co, v2.co, fac); float no1[3]; float no2[3]; normal_short_to_float_v3(no1, v1.no); normal_short_to_float_v3(no2, v2.no); mul_v3_fl(no1, weights[0]); madd_v3_v3fl(no1, no2, weights[1]); normalize_v3(no1); normal_float_to_short_v3(v.no, no1); vert_index++; } } BLI_assert(vert_index == dst_mesh.totvert); BLI_assert(edge_index == num_masked_edges); } void copy_masked_edges_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map, Span edge_map) { BLI_assert(src_mesh.totvert == vertex_map.size()); BLI_assert(src_mesh.totedge == edge_map.size()); for (const int i_src : IndexRange(src_mesh.totedge)) { const int i_dst = edge_map[i_src]; if (ELEM(i_dst, -1, -2)) { continue; } const MEdge &e_src = src_mesh.medge[i_src]; MEdge &e_dst = dst_mesh.medge[i_dst]; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.edata, &dst_mesh.edata, i_src, i_dst, 1); e_dst = e_src; e_dst.v1 = vertex_map[e_src.v1]; e_dst.v2 = vertex_map[e_src.v2]; } } static void copy_masked_polys_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map, Span edge_map, Span masked_poly_indices, Span new_loop_starts, int num_masked_polys) { for (const int i_dst : IndexRange(num_masked_polys)) { const int i_src = masked_poly_indices[i_dst]; const MPoly &mp_src = src_mesh.mpoly[i_src]; MPoly &mp_dst = dst_mesh.mpoly[i_dst]; const int i_ml_src = mp_src.loopstart; const int i_ml_dst = new_loop_starts[i_dst]; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.pdata, &dst_mesh.pdata, i_src, i_dst, 1); CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.ldata, &dst_mesh.ldata, i_ml_src, i_ml_dst, mp_src.totloop); const MLoop *ml_src = src_mesh.mloop + i_ml_src; MLoop *ml_dst = dst_mesh.mloop + i_ml_dst; mp_dst = mp_src; mp_dst.loopstart = i_ml_dst; for (int i : IndexRange(mp_src.totloop)) { ml_dst[i].v = vertex_map[ml_src[i].v]; ml_dst[i].e = edge_map[ml_src[i].e]; } } } void copy_masked_polys_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_map, Span edge_map, Span masked_poly_indices, Span new_loop_starts) { for (const int i_dst : masked_poly_indices.index_range()) { const int i_src = masked_poly_indices[i_dst]; const MPoly &mp_src = src_mesh.mpoly[i_src]; MPoly &mp_dst = dst_mesh.mpoly[i_dst]; const int i_ml_src = mp_src.loopstart; const int i_ml_dst = new_loop_starts[i_dst]; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.pdata, &dst_mesh.pdata, i_src, i_dst, 1); CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.ldata, &dst_mesh.ldata, i_ml_src, i_ml_dst, mp_src.totloop); const MLoop *ml_src = src_mesh.mloop + i_ml_src; MLoop *ml_dst = dst_mesh.mloop + i_ml_dst; mp_dst = mp_src; mp_dst.loopstart = i_ml_dst; for (int i : IndexRange(mp_src.totloop)) { ml_dst[i].v = vertex_map[ml_src[i].v]; ml_dst[i].e = edge_map[ml_src[i].e]; } } } static void add_interpolated_polys_to_new_mesh(const Mesh &src_mesh, Mesh &dst_mesh, Span vertex_mask, Span vertex_map, Span edge_map, MDeformVert *dvert, int defgrp_index, float threshold, Span masked_poly_indices, Span new_loop_starts, int num_masked_polys, int num_add_edges) { int edge_index = dst_mesh.totedge - num_add_edges; int sub_poly_index = 0; int last_i_src = -1; for (const int i_dst : IndexRange(num_masked_polys, masked_poly_indices.size() - num_masked_polys)) { const int i_src = masked_poly_indices[i_dst]; if (i_src == last_i_src) { sub_poly_index++; } else { sub_poly_index = 0; last_i_src = i_src; } const MPoly &mp_src = src_mesh.mpoly[i_src]; MPoly &mp_dst = dst_mesh.mpoly[i_dst]; const int i_ml_src = mp_src.loopstart; int i_ml_dst = new_loop_starts[i_dst]; const int mp_totloop = (i_dst + 1 < new_loop_starts.size() ? new_loop_starts[i_dst + 1] : dst_mesh.totloop) - i_ml_dst; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.pdata, &dst_mesh.pdata, i_src, i_dst, 1); mp_dst = mp_src; mp_dst.loopstart = i_ml_dst; mp_dst.totloop = mp_totloop; /* Ring search starting at a vertex which is not included in the mask. */ int start = -sub_poly_index - 1; bool skip = false; Span loops_src(&src_mesh.mloop[i_ml_src], mp_src.totloop); for (const int j : loops_src.index_range()) { if (!vertex_mask[loops_src[j].v]) { if (start == -1) { start = j; break; } if (!skip) { skip = true; } } else if (skip) { skip = false; start++; } } BLI_assert(start >= 0); BLI_assert(edge_index < dst_mesh.totedge); const MLoop *last_loop = &loops_src[start]; bool v_loop_in_mask_last = vertex_mask[last_loop->v]; int last_index = start; for (const int j : loops_src.index_range()) { const int index = (start + 1 + j) % mp_src.totloop; const MLoop &loop = loops_src[index]; const bool v_loop_in_mask = vertex_mask[loop.v]; if (v_loop_in_mask && !v_loop_in_mask_last) { /* Start new cut. */ float fac = get_interp_factor_from_vgroup( dvert, defgrp_index, threshold, last_loop->v, loop.v); float weights[2] = {1.0f - fac, fac}; int indices[2] = {i_ml_src + last_index, i_ml_src + index}; CustomData_interp( &src_mesh.ldata, &dst_mesh.ldata, indices, weights, nullptr, 2, i_ml_dst); MLoop &cut_dst_loop = dst_mesh.mloop[i_ml_dst]; cut_dst_loop.e = edge_map[last_loop->e]; cut_dst_loop.v = dst_mesh.medge[cut_dst_loop.e].v1; i_ml_dst++; CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.ldata, &dst_mesh.ldata, i_ml_src + index, i_ml_dst, 1); MLoop &next_dst_loop = dst_mesh.mloop[i_ml_dst]; next_dst_loop.v = vertex_map[loop.v]; next_dst_loop.e = edge_map[loop.e]; i_ml_dst++; } else if (!v_loop_in_mask && v_loop_in_mask_last) { BLI_assert(i_ml_dst != mp_dst.loopstart); /* End active cut. */ float fac = get_interp_factor_from_vgroup( dvert, defgrp_index, threshold, last_loop->v, loop.v); float weights[2] = {1.0f - fac, fac}; int indices[2] = {i_ml_src + last_index, i_ml_src + index}; CustomData_interp( &src_mesh.ldata, &dst_mesh.ldata, indices, weights, nullptr, 2, i_ml_dst); MLoop &cut_dst_loop = dst_mesh.mloop[i_ml_dst]; cut_dst_loop.e = edge_index; cut_dst_loop.v = dst_mesh.medge[edge_map[last_loop->e]].v1; i_ml_dst++; /* Create closing edge. */ MEdge &cut_edge = dst_mesh.medge[edge_index]; cut_edge.v1 = dst_mesh.mloop[mp_dst.loopstart].v; cut_edge.v2 = cut_dst_loop.v; BLI_assert(cut_edge.v1 != cut_edge.v2); cut_edge.flag = ME_EDGEDRAW | ME_EDGERENDER; edge_index++; /* Only handle one of the cuts per iteration. */ break; } else if (v_loop_in_mask && v_loop_in_mask_last) { BLI_assert(i_ml_dst != mp_dst.loopstart); /* Extend active poly. */ CustomData_copy_data(&src_mesh.ldata, &dst_mesh.ldata, i_ml_src + index, i_ml_dst, 1); MLoop &dst_loop = dst_mesh.mloop[i_ml_dst]; dst_loop.v = vertex_map[loop.v]; dst_loop.e = edge_map[loop.e]; i_ml_dst++; } last_loop = &loop; last_index = index; v_loop_in_mask_last = v_loop_in_mask; } BLI_assert(mp_dst.loopstart + mp_dst.totloop == i_ml_dst); } BLI_assert(edge_index == dst_mesh.totedge); } /* Components of the algorithm: * 1. Figure out which vertices should be present in the output mesh. * 2. Find edges and polygons only using those vertices. * 3. Create a new mesh that only uses the found vertices, edges and polygons. */ static Mesh *modifyMesh(ModifierData *md, const ModifierEvalContext *UNUSED(ctx), Mesh *mesh) { MaskModifierData *mmd = reinterpret_cast(md); const bool invert_mask = mmd->flag & MOD_MASK_INV; const bool use_interpolation = mmd->mode == MOD_MASK_MODE_VGROUP && (mmd->flag & MOD_MASK_SMOOTH); /* Return empty or input mesh when there are no vertex groups. */ MDeformVert *dvert = (MDeformVert *)CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT); if (dvert == nullptr) { return invert_mask ? mesh : BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_template(mesh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /* Quick test to see if we can return early. */ if (!(ELEM(mmd->mode, MOD_MASK_MODE_ARM, MOD_MASK_MODE_VGROUP)) || (mesh->totvert == 0) || BLI_listbase_is_empty(&mesh->vertex_group_names)) { return mesh; } int defgrp_index = -1; Array vertex_mask; if (mmd->mode == MOD_MASK_MODE_ARM) { Object *armature_ob = mmd->ob_arm; /* Return input mesh if there is no armature with bones. */ if (ELEM(nullptr, armature_ob, armature_ob->pose)) { return mesh; } vertex_mask = Array(mesh->totvert); compute_vertex_mask__armature_mode(dvert, mesh, armature_ob, mmd->threshold, vertex_mask); } else { BLI_assert(mmd->mode == MOD_MASK_MODE_VGROUP); defgrp_index = BKE_id_defgroup_name_index(&mesh->id, mmd->vgroup); /* Return input mesh if the vertex group does not exist. */ if (defgrp_index == -1) { return mesh; } vertex_mask = Array(mesh->totvert); compute_vertex_mask__vertex_group_mode(dvert, defgrp_index, mmd->threshold, vertex_mask); } if (invert_mask) { invert_boolean_array(vertex_mask); } Array vertex_map(mesh->totvert); uint num_masked_vertices; compute_masked_vertices(vertex_mask, vertex_map, &num_masked_vertices); Array edge_map(mesh->totedge); uint num_masked_edges; uint num_add_vertices; if (use_interpolation) { computed_masked_edges_smooth( mesh, vertex_mask, edge_map, &num_masked_edges, &num_add_vertices); } else { computed_masked_edges(mesh, vertex_mask, edge_map, &num_masked_edges); num_add_vertices = 0; } Vector masked_poly_indices; Vector new_loop_starts; uint num_masked_polys; uint num_masked_loops; computed_masked_polygons(mesh, vertex_mask, masked_poly_indices, new_loop_starts, &num_masked_polys, &num_masked_loops); uint num_add_edges = 0; uint num_add_polys = 0; uint num_add_loops = 0; if (use_interpolation) { compute_interpolated_polygons(mesh, vertex_mask, num_add_vertices, num_masked_loops, masked_poly_indices, new_loop_starts, &num_add_edges, &num_add_polys, &num_add_loops); } Mesh *result = BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_template(mesh, num_masked_vertices + num_add_vertices, num_masked_edges + num_add_edges, 0, num_masked_loops + num_add_loops, num_masked_polys + num_add_polys); copy_masked_vertices_to_new_mesh(*mesh, *result, vertex_map); if (use_interpolation) { add_interp_verts_copy_edges_to_new_mesh(*mesh, *result, vertex_mask, vertex_map, dvert, defgrp_index, mmd->threshold, num_masked_edges, num_add_vertices, edge_map); } else { copy_masked_edges_to_new_mesh(*mesh, *result, vertex_map, edge_map); } copy_masked_polys_to_new_mesh(*mesh, *result, vertex_map, edge_map, masked_poly_indices, new_loop_starts, num_masked_polys); if (use_interpolation) { add_interpolated_polys_to_new_mesh(*mesh, *result, vertex_mask, vertex_map, edge_map, dvert, defgrp_index, mmd->threshold, masked_poly_indices, new_loop_starts, num_masked_polys, num_add_edges); } BKE_mesh_calc_edges_loose(result); BKE_mesh_normals_tag_dirty(result); return result; } static bool isDisabled(const struct Scene *UNUSED(scene), ModifierData *md, bool UNUSED(useRenderParams)) { MaskModifierData *mmd = reinterpret_cast(md); /* The object type check is only needed here in case we have a placeholder * object assigned (because the library containing the armature is missing). * * In other cases it should be impossible to have a type mismatch. */ return mmd->ob_arm && mmd->ob_arm->type != OB_ARMATURE; } static void panel_draw(const bContext *UNUSED(C), Panel *panel) { uiLayout *sub, *row; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ob_ptr; PointerRNA *ptr = modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(panel, &ob_ptr); int mode = RNA_enum_get(ptr, "mode"); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "mode", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); if (mode == MOD_MASK_MODE_ARM) { row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemR(row, ptr, "armature", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, ptr, "invert_vertex_group", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); } else if (mode == MOD_MASK_MODE_VGROUP) { modifier_vgroup_ui(layout, ptr, &ob_ptr, "vertex_group", "invert_vertex_group", nullptr); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "use_smooth", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } uiItemR(layout, ptr, "threshold", 0, nullptr, ICON_NONE); modifier_panel_end(layout, ptr); } static void panelRegister(ARegionType *region_type) { modifier_panel_register(region_type, eModifierType_Mask, panel_draw); } ModifierTypeInfo modifierType_Mask = { /* name */ "Mask", /* structName */ "MaskModifierData", /* structSize */ sizeof(MaskModifierData), /* srna */ &RNA_MaskModifier, /* type */ eModifierTypeType_Nonconstructive, /* flags */ (ModifierTypeFlag)(eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh | eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsMapping | eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode), /* icon */ ICON_MOD_MASK, /* copyData */ BKE_modifier_copydata_generic, /* deformVerts */ nullptr, /* deformMatrices */ nullptr, /* deformVertsEM */ nullptr, /* deformMatricesEM */ nullptr, /* modifyMesh */ modifyMesh, /* modifyHair */ nullptr, /* modifyGeometrySet */ nullptr, /* initData */ initData, /* requiredDataMask */ requiredDataMask, /* freeData */ nullptr, /* isDisabled */ isDisabled, /* updateDepsgraph */ updateDepsgraph, /* dependsOnTime */ nullptr, /* dependsOnNormals */ nullptr, /* foreachIDLink */ foreachIDLink, /* foreachTexLink */ nullptr, /* freeRuntimeData */ nullptr, /* panelRegister */ panelRegister, /* blendWrite */ nullptr, /* blendRead */ nullptr, };