/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2011 by Bastien Montagne. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup modifiers */ #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_ghash.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "DNA_color_types.h" /* CurveMapping. */ #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "BKE_colortools.h" /* CurveMapping. */ #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_lib_query.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_screen.h" #include "BKE_texture.h" /* Texture masking. */ #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "BLO_read_write.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_build.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph_query.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "MOD_modifiertypes.h" #include "MOD_ui_common.h" #include "MOD_util.h" #include "MOD_weightvg_util.h" /************************************** * Modifiers functions. * **************************************/ static void initData(ModifierData *md) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; wmd->edit_flags = 0; wmd->falloff_type = MOD_WVG_MAPPING_NONE; wmd->default_weight = 0.0f; wmd->cmap_curve = BKE_curvemapping_add(1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); BKE_curvemapping_init(wmd->cmap_curve); wmd->rem_threshold = 0.01f; wmd->add_threshold = 0.01f; wmd->mask_constant = 1.0f; wmd->mask_tex_use_channel = MOD_WVG_MASK_TEX_USE_INT; /* Use intensity by default. */ wmd->mask_tex_mapping = MOD_DISP_MAP_LOCAL; } static void freeData(ModifierData *md) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; BKE_curvemapping_free(wmd->cmap_curve); } static void copyData(const ModifierData *md, ModifierData *target, const int flag) { const WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (const WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; WeightVGEditModifierData *twmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)target; BKE_modifier_copydata_generic(md, target, flag); twmd->cmap_curve = BKE_curvemapping_copy(wmd->cmap_curve); } static void requiredDataMask(Object *UNUSED(ob), ModifierData *md, CustomData_MeshMasks *r_cddata_masks) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; /* We need vertex groups! */ r_cddata_masks->vmask |= CD_MASK_MDEFORMVERT; /* Ask for UV coordinates if we need them. */ if (wmd->mask_tex_mapping == MOD_DISP_MAP_UV) { r_cddata_masks->fmask |= CD_MASK_MTFACE; } /* No need to ask for CD_PREVIEW_MLOOPCOL... */ } static bool dependsOnTime(ModifierData *md) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; if (wmd->mask_texture) { return BKE_texture_dependsOnTime(wmd->mask_texture); } return false; } static void foreachObjectLink(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, ObjectWalkFunc walk, void *userData) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; walk(userData, ob, &wmd->mask_tex_map_obj, IDWALK_CB_NOP); } static void foreachIDLink(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, IDWalkFunc walk, void *userData) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; walk(userData, ob, (ID **)&wmd->mask_texture, IDWALK_CB_USER); foreachObjectLink(md, ob, (ObjectWalkFunc)walk, userData); } static void foreachTexLink(ModifierData *md, Object *ob, TexWalkFunc walk, void *userData) { walk(userData, ob, md, "mask_texture"); } static void updateDepsgraph(ModifierData *md, const ModifierUpdateDepsgraphContext *ctx) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; bool need_transform_relation = false; if (wmd->mask_texture != NULL) { DEG_add_generic_id_relation(ctx->node, &wmd->mask_texture->id, "WeightVGEdit Modifier"); if (wmd->mask_tex_map_obj != NULL && wmd->mask_tex_mapping == MOD_DISP_MAP_OBJECT) { MOD_depsgraph_update_object_bone_relation( ctx->node, wmd->mask_tex_map_obj, wmd->mask_tex_map_bone, "WeightVGEdit Modifier"); need_transform_relation = true; } else if (wmd->mask_tex_mapping == MOD_DISP_MAP_GLOBAL) { need_transform_relation = true; } } if (need_transform_relation) { DEG_add_modifier_to_transform_relation(ctx->node, "WeightVGEdit Modifier"); } } static bool isDisabled(const struct Scene *UNUSED(scene), ModifierData *md, bool UNUSED(useRenderParams)) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; /* If no vertex group, bypass. */ return (wmd->defgrp_name[0] == '\0'); } static Mesh *modifyMesh(ModifierData *md, const ModifierEvalContext *ctx, Mesh *mesh) { BLI_assert(mesh != NULL); WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; MDeformVert *dvert = NULL; MDeformWeight **dw = NULL; float *org_w; /* Array original weights. */ float *new_w; /* Array new weights. */ int i; const bool invert_vgroup_mask = (wmd->edit_flags & MOD_WVG_EDIT_INVERT_VGROUP_MASK) != 0; /* Flags. */ const bool do_add = (wmd->edit_flags & MOD_WVG_EDIT_ADD2VG) != 0; const bool do_rem = (wmd->edit_flags & MOD_WVG_EDIT_REMFVG) != 0; /* Only do weight-preview in Object, Sculpt and Pose modes! */ #if 0 const bool do_prev = (wmd->modifier.mode & eModifierMode_DoWeightPreview); #endif /* Get number of verts. */ const int numVerts = mesh->totvert; /* Check if we can just return the original mesh. * Must have verts and therefore verts assigned to vgroups to do anything useful! */ if ((numVerts == 0) || BLI_listbase_is_empty(&ctx->object->defbase)) { return mesh; } /* Get vgroup idx from its name. */ const int defgrp_index = BKE_object_defgroup_name_index(ctx->object, wmd->defgrp_name); if (defgrp_index == -1) { return mesh; } const bool has_mdef = CustomData_has_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT); /* If no vertices were ever added to an object's vgroup, dvert might be NULL. */ if (!has_mdef) { /* If this modifier is not allowed to add vertices, just return. */ if (!do_add) { return mesh; } } if (has_mdef) { dvert = CustomData_duplicate_referenced_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT, numVerts); } else { /* Add a valid data layer! */ dvert = CustomData_add_layer(&mesh->vdata, CD_MDEFORMVERT, CD_CALLOC, NULL, numVerts); } /* Ultimate security check. */ if (!dvert) { return mesh; } mesh->dvert = dvert; /* Get org weights, assuming 0.0 for vertices not in given vgroup. */ org_w = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(float), "WeightVGEdit Modifier, org_w"); new_w = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(float), "WeightVGEdit Modifier, new_w"); dw = MEM_malloc_arrayN(numVerts, sizeof(MDeformWeight *), "WeightVGEdit Modifier, dw"); for (i = 0; i < numVerts; i++) { dw[i] = BKE_defvert_find_index(&dvert[i], defgrp_index); if (dw[i]) { org_w[i] = new_w[i] = dw[i]->weight; } else { org_w[i] = new_w[i] = wmd->default_weight; } } /* Do mapping. */ const bool do_invert_mapping = (wmd->edit_flags & MOD_WVG_INVERT_FALLOFF) != 0; const bool do_normalize = (wmd->edit_flags & MOD_WVG_EDIT_WEIGHTS_NORMALIZE) != 0; if (do_invert_mapping || wmd->falloff_type != MOD_WVG_MAPPING_NONE) { RNG *rng = NULL; if (wmd->falloff_type == MOD_WVG_MAPPING_RANDOM) { rng = BLI_rng_new_srandom(BLI_ghashutil_strhash(ctx->object->id.name + 2)); } weightvg_do_map(numVerts, new_w, wmd->falloff_type, do_invert_mapping, wmd->cmap_curve, rng); if (rng) { BLI_rng_free(rng); } } /* Do masking. */ struct Scene *scene = DEG_get_evaluated_scene(ctx->depsgraph); weightvg_do_mask(ctx, numVerts, NULL, org_w, new_w, ctx->object, mesh, wmd->mask_constant, wmd->mask_defgrp_name, scene, wmd->mask_texture, wmd->mask_tex_use_channel, wmd->mask_tex_mapping, wmd->mask_tex_map_obj, wmd->mask_tex_map_bone, wmd->mask_tex_uvlayer_name, invert_vgroup_mask); /* Update/add/remove from vgroup. */ weightvg_update_vg(dvert, defgrp_index, dw, numVerts, NULL, org_w, do_add, wmd->add_threshold, do_rem, wmd->rem_threshold, do_normalize); /* If weight preview enabled... */ #if 0 /* XXX Currently done in mod stack :/ */ if (do_prev) { DM_update_weight_mcol(ob, dm, 0, org_w, 0, NULL); } #endif /* Freeing stuff. */ MEM_freeN(org_w); MEM_freeN(new_w); MEM_freeN(dw); /* Return the vgroup-modified mesh. */ return mesh; } static void panel_draw(const bContext *C, Panel *panel) { uiLayout *sub, *col, *row; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ptr; PointerRNA ob_ptr; modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(C, panel, &ob_ptr, &ptr); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); uiItemPointerR(col, &ptr, "vertex_group", &ob_ptr, "vertex_groups", NULL, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, &ptr, "default_weight", UI_ITEM_R_SLIDER, NULL, ICON_NONE); col = uiLayoutColumnWithHeading(layout, false, IFACE_("Group Add")); row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(row, false); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiItemR(sub, &ptr, "use_add", 0, "", ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(sub, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_boolean_get(&ptr, "use_add")); uiLayoutSetPropSep(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, &ptr, "add_threshold", UI_ITEM_R_SLIDER, "Threshold", ICON_NONE); uiItemDecoratorR(row, &ptr, "add_threshold", 0); col = uiLayoutColumnWithHeading(layout, false, IFACE_("Group Remove")); row = uiLayoutRow(col, true); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(row, false); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiItemR(sub, &ptr, "use_remove", 0, "", ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(sub, true); uiLayoutSetActive(sub, RNA_boolean_get(&ptr, "use_remove")); uiLayoutSetPropSep(sub, false); uiItemR(sub, &ptr, "remove_threshold", UI_ITEM_R_SLIDER, "Threshold", ICON_NONE); uiItemDecoratorR(row, &ptr, "remove_threshold", 0); uiItemR(layout, &ptr, "normalize", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE); modifier_panel_end(layout, &ptr); } static void falloff_panel_draw(const bContext *C, Panel *panel) { uiLayout *row, *sub; uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ptr; PointerRNA ob_ptr; modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(C, panel, &ob_ptr, &ptr); uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); row = uiLayoutRow(layout, true); uiItemR(row, &ptr, "falloff_type", 0, IFACE_("Type"), ICON_NONE); sub = uiLayoutRow(row, true); uiLayoutSetPropSep(sub, false); uiItemR(row, &ptr, "invert_falloff", 0, "", ICON_ARROW_LEFTRIGHT); if (RNA_enum_get(&ptr, "falloff_type") == MOD_WVG_MAPPING_CURVE) { uiTemplateCurveMapping(layout, &ptr, "map_curve", 0, false, false, false, false); } } static void influence_panel_draw(const bContext *C, Panel *panel) { uiLayout *layout = panel->layout; PointerRNA ptr; PointerRNA ob_ptr; modifier_panel_get_property_pointers(C, panel, &ob_ptr, &ptr); weightvg_ui_common(C, &ob_ptr, &ptr, layout); } static void panelRegister(ARegionType *region_type) { PanelType *panel_type = modifier_panel_register( region_type, eModifierType_WeightVGEdit, panel_draw); modifier_subpanel_register( region_type, "falloff", "Falloff", NULL, falloff_panel_draw, panel_type); modifier_subpanel_register( region_type, "influence", "Influence", NULL, influence_panel_draw, panel_type); } static void blendWrite(BlendWriter *writer, const ModifierData *md) { const WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (const WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; if (wmd->cmap_curve) { BKE_curvemapping_blend_write(writer, wmd->cmap_curve); } } static void blendRead(BlendDataReader *reader, ModifierData *md) { WeightVGEditModifierData *wmd = (WeightVGEditModifierData *)md; BLO_read_data_address(reader, &wmd->cmap_curve); if (wmd->cmap_curve) { BKE_curvemapping_blend_read(reader, wmd->cmap_curve); } } ModifierTypeInfo modifierType_WeightVGEdit = { /* name */ "VertexWeightEdit", /* structName */ "WeightVGEditModifierData", /* structSize */ sizeof(WeightVGEditModifierData), /* type */ eModifierTypeType_NonGeometrical, /* flags */ eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh | eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsMapping | eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode | eModifierTypeFlag_UsesPreview, /* copyData */ copyData, /* deformVerts */ NULL, /* deformMatrices */ NULL, /* deformVertsEM */ NULL, /* deformMatricesEM */ NULL, /* modifyMesh */ modifyMesh, /* modifyHair */ NULL, /* modifyPointCloud */ NULL, /* modifyVolume */ NULL, /* initData */ initData, /* requiredDataMask */ requiredDataMask, /* freeData */ freeData, /* isDisabled */ isDisabled, /* updateDepsgraph */ updateDepsgraph, /* dependsOnTime */ dependsOnTime, /* dependsOnNormals */ NULL, /* foreachObjectLink */ foreachObjectLink, /* foreachIDLink */ foreachIDLink, /* foreachTexLink */ foreachTexLink, /* freeRuntimeData */ NULL, /* panelRegister */ panelRegister, /* blendWrite */ blendWrite, /* blendRead */ blendRead, };