/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2007 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup nodes */ #include #include "DNA_color_types.h" #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_node_tree_update.h" #include "BKE_tracking.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "node_common.h" #include "node_util.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "NOD_composite.h" #include "node_composite_util.hh" #ifdef WITH_COMPOSITOR # include "COM_compositor.h" #endif static void composite_get_from_context(const bContext *C, bNodeTreeType *UNUSED(treetype), bNodeTree **r_ntree, ID **r_id, ID **r_from) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); *r_from = nullptr; *r_id = &scene->id; *r_ntree = scene->nodetree; } static void foreach_nodeclass(Scene *UNUSED(scene), void *calldata, bNodeClassCallback func) { func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_INPUT, N_("Input")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_OUTPUT, N_("Output")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_OP_COLOR, N_("Color")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_OP_VECTOR, N_("Vector")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_OP_FILTER, N_("Filter")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_CONVERTER, N_("Converter")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_MATTE, N_("Matte")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_DISTORT, N_("Distort")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_GROUP, N_("Group")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_INTERFACE, N_("Interface")); func(calldata, NODE_CLASS_LAYOUT, N_("Layout")); } static void free_node_cache(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, sock, &node->outputs) { if (sock->cache) { sock->cache = nullptr; } } } static void free_cache(bNodeTree *ntree) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, node, &ntree->nodes) { free_node_cache(ntree, node); } } /* local tree then owns all compbufs */ static void localize(bNodeTree *localtree, bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *node = (bNode *)ntree->nodes.first; bNode *local_node = (bNode *)localtree->nodes.first; while (node != nullptr) { /* Ensure new user input gets handled ok. */ node->need_exec = 0; local_node->original = node; /* move over the compbufs */ /* right after #ntreeCopyTree() `oldsock` pointers are valid */ if (ELEM(node->type, CMP_NODE_VIEWER, CMP_NODE_SPLITVIEWER)) { if (node->id) { if (node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT) { local_node->id = (ID *)node->id; } else { local_node->id = nullptr; } } } node = node->next; local_node = local_node->next; } } static void local_sync(bNodeTree *localtree, bNodeTree *ntree) { BKE_node_preview_sync_tree(ntree, localtree); } static void local_merge(Main *bmain, bNodeTree *localtree, bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *lnode; bNodeSocket *lsock; /* move over the compbufs and previews */ BKE_node_preview_merge_tree(ntree, localtree, true); for (lnode = (bNode *)localtree->nodes.first; lnode; lnode = lnode->next) { if (bNode *orig_node = nodeFindNodebyName(ntree, lnode->name)) { if (ELEM(lnode->type, CMP_NODE_VIEWER, CMP_NODE_SPLITVIEWER)) { if (lnode->id && (lnode->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) { /* image_merge does sanity check for pointers */ BKE_image_merge(bmain, (Image *)orig_node->id, (Image *)lnode->id); } } else if (lnode->type == CMP_NODE_MOVIEDISTORTION) { /* special case for distortion node: distortion context is allocating in exec function * and to achieve much better performance on further calls this context should be * copied back to original node */ if (lnode->storage) { if (orig_node->storage) { BKE_tracking_distortion_free((MovieDistortion *)orig_node->storage); } orig_node->storage = BKE_tracking_distortion_copy((MovieDistortion *)lnode->storage); } } for (lsock = (bNodeSocket *)lnode->outputs.first; lsock; lsock = lsock->next) { if (bNodeSocket *orig_socket = nodeFindSocket(orig_node, SOCK_OUT, lsock->identifier)) { orig_socket->cache = lsock->cache; lsock->cache = nullptr; orig_socket = nullptr; } } } } } static void update(bNodeTree *ntree) { ntreeSetOutput(ntree); ntree_update_reroute_nodes(ntree); } static void composite_node_add_init(bNodeTree *UNUSED(bnodetree), bNode *bnode) { /* Composite node will only show previews for input classes * by default, other will be hidden * but can be made visible with the show_preview option */ if (bnode->typeinfo->nclass != NODE_CLASS_INPUT) { bnode->flag &= ~NODE_PREVIEW; } } static bool composite_node_tree_socket_type_valid(bNodeTreeType *UNUSED(ntreetype), bNodeSocketType *socket_type) { return nodeIsStaticSocketType(socket_type) && ELEM(socket_type->type, SOCK_FLOAT, SOCK_VECTOR, SOCK_RGBA); } bNodeTreeType *ntreeType_Composite; void register_node_tree_type_cmp() { bNodeTreeType *tt = ntreeType_Composite = (bNodeTreeType *)MEM_callocN( sizeof(bNodeTreeType), "compositor node tree type"); tt->type = NTREE_COMPOSIT; strcpy(tt->idname, "CompositorNodeTree"); strcpy(tt->ui_name, N_("Compositor")); tt->ui_icon = ICON_NODE_COMPOSITING; strcpy(tt->ui_description, N_("Compositing nodes")); tt->free_cache = free_cache; tt->free_node_cache = free_node_cache; tt->foreach_nodeclass = foreach_nodeclass; tt->localize = localize; tt->local_sync = local_sync; tt->local_merge = local_merge; tt->update = update; tt->get_from_context = composite_get_from_context; tt->node_add_init = composite_node_add_init; tt->valid_socket_type = composite_node_tree_socket_type_valid; tt->rna_ext.srna = &RNA_CompositorNodeTree; ntreeTypeAdd(tt); } void ntreeCompositExecTree(Scene *scene, bNodeTree *ntree, RenderData *rd, int rendering, int do_preview, const ColorManagedViewSettings *view_settings, const ColorManagedDisplaySettings *display_settings, const char *view_name) { #ifdef WITH_COMPOSITOR COM_execute(rd, scene, ntree, rendering, view_settings, display_settings, view_name); #else UNUSED_VARS(scene, ntree, rd, rendering, view_settings, display_settings, view_name); #endif UNUSED_VARS(do_preview); } /* *********************************************** */ void ntreeCompositUpdateRLayers(bNodeTree *ntree) { if (ntree == nullptr) { return; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, node, &ntree->nodes) { if (node->type == CMP_NODE_R_LAYERS) { node_cmp_rlayers_outputs(ntree, node); } } } void ntreeCompositRegisterPass(bNodeTree *ntree, Scene *scene, ViewLayer *view_layer, const char *name, eNodeSocketDatatype type) { if (ntree == nullptr) { return; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, node, &ntree->nodes) { if (node->type == CMP_NODE_R_LAYERS) { node_cmp_rlayers_register_pass(ntree, node, scene, view_layer, name, type); } } } void ntreeCompositTagRender(Scene *scene) { /* XXX Think using G_MAIN here is valid, since you want to update current file's scene nodes, * not the ones in temp main generated for rendering? * This is still rather weak though, * ideally render struct would store own main AND original G_MAIN. */ for (Scene *sce_iter = (Scene *)G_MAIN->scenes.first; sce_iter; sce_iter = (Scene *)sce_iter->id.next) { if (sce_iter->nodetree) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, node, &sce_iter->nodetree->nodes) { if (node->id == (ID *)scene || node->type == CMP_NODE_COMPOSITE) { BKE_ntree_update_tag_node_property(sce_iter->nodetree, node); } else if (node->type == CMP_NODE_TEXTURE) /* uses scene size_x/size_y */ { BKE_ntree_update_tag_node_property(sce_iter->nodetree, node); } } } } BKE_ntree_update_main(G_MAIN, nullptr); } /* XXX after render animation system gets a refresh, this call allows composite to end clean */ void ntreeCompositClearTags(bNodeTree *ntree) { if (ntree == nullptr) { return; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, node, &ntree->nodes) { node->need_exec = 0; if (node->type == NODE_GROUP) { ntreeCompositClearTags((bNodeTree *)node->id); } } }