/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "BLI_array_utils.hh" #include "BLI_disjoint_set.hh" #include "BLI_task.hh" #include "BLI_vector_set.hh" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "BKE_attribute_math.hh" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_runtime.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "node_geometry_util.hh" namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_extrude_mesh_cc { NODE_STORAGE_FUNCS(NodeGeometryExtrudeMesh) static void node_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b) { b.add_input("Mesh").supported_type(GEO_COMPONENT_TYPE_MESH); b.add_input(N_("Selection")).default_value(true).supports_field().hide_value(); b.add_input(N_("Offset")) .subtype(PROP_TRANSLATION) .implicit_field(implicit_field_inputs::normal) .hide_value(); b.add_input(N_("Offset Scale")).default_value(1.0f).supports_field(); b.add_input(N_("Individual")).default_value(true); b.add_output("Mesh"); b.add_output(N_("Top")).field_source(); b.add_output(N_("Side")).field_source(); } static void node_layout(uiLayout *layout, bContext * /*C*/, PointerRNA *ptr) { uiLayoutSetPropSep(layout, true); uiLayoutSetPropDecorate(layout, false); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "mode", 0, "", ICON_NONE); } static void node_init(bNodeTree * /*tree*/, bNode *node) { NodeGeometryExtrudeMesh *data = MEM_cnew(__func__); data->mode = GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH_FACES; node->storage = data; } static void node_update(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { const NodeGeometryExtrudeMesh &storage = node_storage(*node); const GeometryNodeExtrudeMeshMode mode = GeometryNodeExtrudeMeshMode(storage.mode); bNodeSocket *individual_socket = static_cast(node->inputs.last); nodeSetSocketAvailability(ntree, individual_socket, mode == GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH_FACES); } struct AttributeOutputs { StrongAnonymousAttributeID top_id; StrongAnonymousAttributeID side_id; }; static void save_selection_as_attribute(Mesh &mesh, const AnonymousAttributeID *id, const eAttrDomain domain, const IndexMask selection) { MutableAttributeAccessor attributes = mesh.attributes_for_write(); BLI_assert(!attributes.contains(id)); SpanAttributeWriter attribute = attributes.lookup_or_add_for_write_span(id, domain); /* Rely on the new attribute being zeroed by default. */ BLI_assert(!attribute.span.as_span().contains(true)); if (selection.is_range()) { attribute.span.slice(selection.as_range()).fill(true); } else { attribute.span.fill_indices(selection, true); } attribute.finish(); } /** * \note Some areas in this file rely on the new sections of attributes from #CustomData_realloc * to be zeroed. */ static void expand_mesh(Mesh &mesh, const int vert_expand, const int edge_expand, const int poly_expand, const int loop_expand) { if (vert_expand != 0) { const int old_verts_num = mesh.totvert; mesh.totvert += vert_expand; CustomData_realloc(&mesh.vdata, old_verts_num, mesh.totvert); } if (edge_expand != 0) { const int old_edges_num = mesh.totedge; mesh.totedge += edge_expand; CustomData_realloc(&mesh.edata, old_edges_num, mesh.totedge); } if (poly_expand != 0) { const int old_polys_num = mesh.totpoly; mesh.totpoly += poly_expand; CustomData_realloc(&mesh.pdata, old_polys_num, mesh.totpoly); } if (loop_expand != 0) { const int old_loops_num = mesh.totloop; mesh.totloop += loop_expand; CustomData_realloc(&mesh.ldata, old_loops_num, mesh.totloop); } } static CustomData &get_customdata(Mesh &mesh, const eAttrDomain domain) { switch (domain) { case ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT: return mesh.vdata; case ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE: return mesh.edata; case ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE: return mesh.pdata; case ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER: return mesh.ldata; default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); return mesh.vdata; } } /** * \note The result may be an empty span. */ static MutableSpan get_orig_index_layer(Mesh &mesh, const eAttrDomain domain) { const bke::AttributeAccessor attributes = mesh.attributes(); CustomData &custom_data = get_customdata(mesh, domain); if (int *orig_indices = static_cast(CustomData_get_layer(&custom_data, CD_ORIGINDEX))) { return {orig_indices, attributes.domain_size(domain)}; } return {}; } static MEdge new_edge(const int v1, const int v2) { MEdge edge; edge.v1 = v1; edge.v2 = v2; edge.flag = ME_EDGEDRAW; return edge; } static MEdge new_loose_edge(const int v1, const int v2) { MEdge edge; edge.v1 = v1; edge.v2 = v2; edge.flag = ME_LOOSEEDGE; return edge; } static MPoly new_poly(const int loopstart, const int totloop) { MPoly poly; poly.loopstart = loopstart; poly.totloop = totloop; poly.flag = 0; return poly; } /** * \param get_mix_indices_fn: Returns a Span of indices of the source points to mix for every * result point. */ template void copy_with_mixing(MutableSpan dst, Span src, GetMixIndicesFn get_mix_indices_fn) { threading::parallel_for(dst.index_range(), 512, [&](const IndexRange range) { attribute_math::DefaultPropagationMixer mixer{dst.slice(range)}; for (const int i_dst : IndexRange(range.size())) { for (const int i_src : get_mix_indices_fn(range[i_dst])) { mixer.mix_in(i_dst, src[i_src]); } } mixer.finalize(); }); } static Array> create_vert_to_edge_map(const int vert_size, Span edges, const int vert_offset = 0) { Array> vert_to_edge_map(vert_size); for (const int i : edges.index_range()) { vert_to_edge_map[edges[i].v1 - vert_offset].append(i); vert_to_edge_map[edges[i].v2 - vert_offset].append(i); } return vert_to_edge_map; } static void extrude_mesh_vertices(Mesh &mesh, const Field &selection_field, const Field &offset_field, const AttributeOutputs &attribute_outputs) { const int orig_vert_size = mesh.totvert; const int orig_edge_size = mesh.totedge; bke::MeshFieldContext context{mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT}; FieldEvaluator evaluator{context, mesh.totvert}; evaluator.add(offset_field); evaluator.set_selection(selection_field); evaluator.evaluate(); const IndexMask selection = evaluator.get_evaluated_selection_as_mask(); const VArray offsets = evaluator.get_evaluated(0); /* This allows parallelizing attribute mixing for new edges. */ Array> vert_to_edge_map = create_vert_to_edge_map(orig_vert_size, mesh.edges()); expand_mesh(mesh, selection.size(), selection.size(), 0, 0); const IndexRange new_vert_range{orig_vert_size, selection.size()}; const IndexRange new_edge_range{orig_edge_size, selection.size()}; MutableSpan new_verts = mesh.verts_for_write().slice(new_vert_range); MutableSpan new_edges = mesh.edges_for_write().slice(new_edge_range); for (const int i_selection : selection.index_range()) { new_edges[i_selection] = new_loose_edge(selection[i_selection], new_vert_range[i_selection]); } MutableAttributeAccessor attributes = mesh.attributes_for_write(); attributes.for_all([&](const AttributeIDRef &id, const AttributeMetaData meta_data) { if (!ELEM(meta_data.domain, ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE)) { return true; } if (meta_data.data_type == CD_PROP_STRING) { return true; } GSpanAttributeWriter attribute = attributes.lookup_or_add_for_write_span( id, meta_data.domain, meta_data.data_type); switch (attribute.domain) { case ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT: /* New vertices copy the attribute values from their source vertex. */ array_utils::gather(attribute.span, selection, attribute.span.slice(new_vert_range)); break; case ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE: attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(meta_data.data_type, [&](auto dummy) { using T = decltype(dummy); MutableSpan data = attribute.span.typed(); /* New edge values are mixed from of all the edges connected to the source vertex. */ copy_with_mixing(data.slice(new_edge_range), data.as_span(), [&](const int i) { return vert_to_edge_map[selection[i]].as_span(); }); }); break; default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); } attribute.finish(); return true; }); devirtualize_varray(offsets, [&](const auto offsets) { threading::parallel_for(selection.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i : range) { const float3 offset = offsets[selection[i]]; add_v3_v3(new_verts[i].co, offset); } }); }); MutableSpan vert_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT); vert_orig_indices.slice(new_vert_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan new_edge_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE); new_edge_orig_indices.slice(new_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); if (attribute_outputs.top_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.top_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT, new_vert_range); } if (attribute_outputs.side_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.side_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE, new_edge_range); } BKE_mesh_runtime_clear_cache(&mesh); } static Array> mesh_calculate_polys_of_edge(const Mesh &mesh) { Span polys = mesh.polys(); Span loops = mesh.loops(); Array> polys_of_edge(mesh.totedge); for (const int i_poly : polys.index_range()) { const MPoly &poly = polys[i_poly]; for (const MLoop &loop : loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) { polys_of_edge[loop.e].append(i_poly); } } return polys_of_edge; } static void fill_quad_consistent_direction(Span other_poly_loops, MutableSpan new_loops, const int vert_connected_to_poly_1, const int vert_connected_to_poly_2, const int vert_across_from_poly_1, const int vert_across_from_poly_2, const int edge_connected_to_poly, const int connecting_edge_1, const int edge_across_from_poly, const int connecting_edge_2) { /* Find the loop on the polygon connected to the new quad that uses the duplicate edge. */ bool start_with_connecting_edge = true; for (const MLoop &loop : other_poly_loops) { if (loop.e == edge_connected_to_poly) { start_with_connecting_edge = loop.v == vert_connected_to_poly_1; break; } } if (start_with_connecting_edge) { new_loops[0].v = vert_connected_to_poly_1; new_loops[0].e = connecting_edge_1; new_loops[1].v = vert_across_from_poly_1; new_loops[1].e = edge_across_from_poly; new_loops[2].v = vert_across_from_poly_2; new_loops[2].e = connecting_edge_2; new_loops[3].v = vert_connected_to_poly_2; new_loops[3].e = edge_connected_to_poly; } else { new_loops[0].v = vert_connected_to_poly_1; new_loops[0].e = edge_connected_to_poly; new_loops[1].v = vert_connected_to_poly_2; new_loops[1].e = connecting_edge_2; new_loops[2].v = vert_across_from_poly_2; new_loops[2].e = edge_across_from_poly; new_loops[3].v = vert_across_from_poly_1; new_loops[3].e = connecting_edge_1; } } template static VectorSet vert_indices_from_edges(const Mesh &mesh, const Span edge_indices) { static_assert(is_same_any_v); const Span edges = mesh.edges(); VectorSet vert_indices; vert_indices.reserve(edge_indices.size()); for (const T i_edge : edge_indices) { const MEdge &edge = edges[i_edge]; vert_indices.add(edge.v1); vert_indices.add(edge.v2); } return vert_indices; } static void extrude_mesh_edges(Mesh &mesh, const Field &selection_field, const Field &offset_field, const AttributeOutputs &attribute_outputs) { const int orig_vert_size = mesh.totvert; Span orig_edges = mesh.edges(); Span orig_polys = mesh.polys(); const int orig_loop_size = mesh.totloop; bke::MeshFieldContext edge_context{mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE}; FieldEvaluator edge_evaluator{edge_context, mesh.totedge}; edge_evaluator.set_selection(selection_field); edge_evaluator.add(offset_field); edge_evaluator.evaluate(); const IndexMask edge_selection = edge_evaluator.get_evaluated_selection_as_mask(); const VArray edge_offsets = edge_evaluator.get_evaluated(0); if (edge_selection.is_empty()) { return; } const Array> edge_to_poly_map = mesh_calculate_polys_of_edge(mesh); /* Find the offsets on the vertex domain for translation. This must be done before the mesh's * custom data layers are reallocated, in case the virtual array references on of them. */ Array vert_offsets; if (!edge_offsets.is_single()) { vert_offsets.reinitialize(orig_vert_size); attribute_math::DefaultPropagationMixer mixer(vert_offsets); for (const int i_edge : edge_selection) { const MEdge &edge = orig_edges[i_edge]; const float3 offset = edge_offsets[i_edge]; mixer.mix_in(edge.v1, offset); mixer.mix_in(edge.v2, offset); } mixer.finalize(); } const VectorSet new_vert_indices = vert_indices_from_edges(mesh, edge_selection.indices()); const IndexRange new_vert_range{orig_vert_size, new_vert_indices.size()}; /* The extruded edges connect the original and duplicate edges. */ const IndexRange connect_edge_range{orig_edges.size(), new_vert_range.size()}; /* The duplicate edges are extruded copies of the selected edges. */ const IndexRange duplicate_edge_range = connect_edge_range.after(edge_selection.size()); /* There is a new polygon for every selected edge. */ const IndexRange new_poly_range{orig_polys.size(), edge_selection.size()}; /* Every new polygon is a quad with four corners. */ const IndexRange new_loop_range{orig_loop_size, new_poly_range.size() * 4}; expand_mesh(mesh, new_vert_range.size(), connect_edge_range.size() + duplicate_edge_range.size(), new_poly_range.size(), new_loop_range.size()); MutableSpan edges = mesh.edges_for_write(); MutableSpan connect_edges = edges.slice(connect_edge_range); MutableSpan duplicate_edges = edges.slice(duplicate_edge_range); MutableSpan polys = mesh.polys_for_write(); MutableSpan new_polys = polys.slice(new_poly_range); MutableSpan loops = mesh.loops_for_write(); MutableSpan new_loops = loops.slice(new_loop_range); for (const int i : connect_edges.index_range()) { connect_edges[i] = new_edge(new_vert_indices[i], new_vert_range[i]); } for (const int i : duplicate_edges.index_range()) { const MEdge &orig_edge = edges[edge_selection[i]]; const int i_new_vert_1 = new_vert_indices.index_of(orig_edge.v1); const int i_new_vert_2 = new_vert_indices.index_of(orig_edge.v2); duplicate_edges[i] = new_edge(new_vert_range[i_new_vert_1], new_vert_range[i_new_vert_2]); } for (const int i : new_polys.index_range()) { new_polys[i] = new_poly(new_loop_range[i * 4], 4); } for (const int i : edge_selection.index_range()) { const int orig_edge_index = edge_selection[i]; const MEdge &duplicate_edge = duplicate_edges[i]; const int new_vert_1 = duplicate_edge.v1; const int new_vert_2 = duplicate_edge.v2; const int extrude_index_1 = new_vert_1 - orig_vert_size; const int extrude_index_2 = new_vert_2 - orig_vert_size; Span connected_polys = edge_to_poly_map[orig_edge_index]; /* When there was a single polygon connected to the new polygon, we can use the old one to keep * the face direction consistent. When there is more than one connected edge, the new face * direction is totally arbitrary and the only goal for the behavior is to be deterministic. */ Span connected_poly_loops = {}; if (connected_polys.size() == 1) { const MPoly &connected_poly = polys[connected_polys.first()]; connected_poly_loops = loops.slice(connected_poly.loopstart, connected_poly.totloop); } fill_quad_consistent_direction(connected_poly_loops, new_loops.slice(4 * i, 4), new_vert_indices[extrude_index_1], new_vert_indices[extrude_index_2], new_vert_1, new_vert_2, orig_edge_index, connect_edge_range[extrude_index_1], duplicate_edge_range[i], connect_edge_range[extrude_index_2]); } /* Create a map of indices in the extruded vertices array to all of the indices of edges * in the duplicate edges array that connect to that vertex. This can be used to simplify the * mixing of attribute data for the connecting edges. */ const Array> new_vert_to_duplicate_edge_map = create_vert_to_edge_map( new_vert_range.size(), duplicate_edges, orig_vert_size); MutableAttributeAccessor attributes = mesh.attributes_for_write(); attributes.for_all([&](const AttributeIDRef &id, const AttributeMetaData meta_data) { if (meta_data.data_type == CD_PROP_STRING) { return true; } GSpanAttributeWriter attribute = attributes.lookup_or_add_for_write_span( id, meta_data.domain, meta_data.data_type); if (!attribute) { return true; /* Impossible to write the "normal" attribute. */ } attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(meta_data.data_type, [&](auto dummy) { using T = decltype(dummy); MutableSpan data = attribute.span.typed(); switch (attribute.domain) { case ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT: { /* New vertices copy the attribute values from their source vertex. */ array_utils::gather( data.as_span(), new_vert_indices.as_span(), data.slice(new_vert_range)); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE: { /* Edges parallel to original edges copy the edge attributes from the original edges. */ MutableSpan duplicate_data = data.slice(duplicate_edge_range); array_utils::gather(data.as_span(), edge_selection, duplicate_data); /* Edges connected to original vertices mix values of selected connected edges. */ MutableSpan connect_data = data.slice(connect_edge_range); copy_with_mixing(connect_data, duplicate_data.as_span(), [&](const int i_new_vert) { return new_vert_to_duplicate_edge_map[i_new_vert].as_span(); }); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE: { /* Attribute values for new faces are a mix of the values of faces connected to the its * original edge. */ copy_with_mixing(data.slice(new_poly_range), data.as_span(), [&](const int i) { return edge_to_poly_map[edge_selection[i]].as_span(); }); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER: { /* New corners get the average value of all adjacent corners on original faces connected * to the original edge of their face. */ MutableSpan new_data = data.slice(new_loop_range); threading::parallel_for(edge_selection.index_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_edge_selection : range) { const int orig_edge_index = edge_selection[i_edge_selection]; Span connected_polys = edge_to_poly_map[orig_edge_index]; if (connected_polys.is_empty()) { /* If there are no connected polygons, there is no corner data to * interpolate. */ new_data.slice(4 * i_edge_selection, 4).fill(T()); continue; } /* Both corners on each vertical edge of the side polygon get the same value, * so there are only two unique values to mix. */ Array side_poly_corner_data(2); attribute_math::DefaultPropagationMixer mixer{side_poly_corner_data}; const MEdge &duplicate_edge = duplicate_edges[i_edge_selection]; const int new_vert_1 = duplicate_edge.v1; const int new_vert_2 = duplicate_edge.v2; const int orig_vert_1 = new_vert_indices[new_vert_1 - orig_vert_size]; const int orig_vert_2 = new_vert_indices[new_vert_2 - orig_vert_size]; /* Average the corner data from the corners that share a vertex from the * polygons that share an edge with the extruded edge. */ for (const int i_connected_poly : connected_polys.index_range()) { const MPoly &connected_poly = polys[connected_polys[i_connected_poly]]; for (const int i_loop : IndexRange(connected_poly.loopstart, connected_poly.totloop)) { const MLoop &loop = loops[i_loop]; if (loop.v == orig_vert_1) { mixer.mix_in(0, data[i_loop]); } if (loop.v == orig_vert_2) { mixer.mix_in(1, data[i_loop]); } } } mixer.finalize(); /* Instead of replicating the order in #fill_quad_consistent_direction here, it's * simpler (though probably slower) to just match the corner data based on the vertex * indices. */ for (const int i : IndexRange(4 * i_edge_selection, 4)) { if (ELEM(new_loops[i].v, new_vert_1, orig_vert_1)) { new_data[i] = side_poly_corner_data.first(); } else if (ELEM(new_loops[i].v, new_vert_2, orig_vert_2)) { new_data[i] = side_poly_corner_data.last(); } } } }); break; } default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); } }); attribute.finish(); return true; }); MutableSpan new_verts = mesh.verts_for_write().slice(new_vert_range); if (edge_offsets.is_single()) { const float3 offset = edge_offsets.get_internal_single(); threading::parallel_for(new_verts.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i : range) { add_v3_v3(new_verts[i].co, offset); } }); } else { threading::parallel_for(new_verts.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i : range) { add_v3_v3(new_verts[i].co, vert_offsets[new_vert_indices[i]]); } }); } MutableSpan vert_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT); vert_orig_indices.slice(new_vert_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan edge_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE); edge_orig_indices.slice(connect_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); edge_orig_indices.slice(duplicate_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan poly_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE); poly_orig_indices.slice(new_poly_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); if (attribute_outputs.top_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.top_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE, duplicate_edge_range); } if (attribute_outputs.side_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.side_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE, new_poly_range); } BKE_mesh_runtime_clear_cache(&mesh); } /** * Edges connected to one selected face are on the boundary of a region and will be duplicated into * a "side face". Edges inside a region will be duplicated to leave any original faces unchanged. */ static void extrude_mesh_face_regions(Mesh &mesh, const Field &selection_field, const Field &offset_field, const AttributeOutputs &attribute_outputs) { const int orig_vert_size = mesh.totvert; Span orig_edges = mesh.edges(); Span orig_polys = mesh.polys(); Span orig_loops = mesh.loops(); bke::MeshFieldContext poly_context{mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE}; FieldEvaluator poly_evaluator{poly_context, mesh.totpoly}; poly_evaluator.set_selection(selection_field); poly_evaluator.add(offset_field); poly_evaluator.evaluate(); const IndexMask poly_selection = poly_evaluator.get_evaluated_selection_as_mask(); const VArray poly_offsets = poly_evaluator.get_evaluated(0); if (poly_selection.is_empty()) { return; } Array poly_selection_array(orig_polys.size(), false); for (const int i_poly : poly_selection) { poly_selection_array[i_poly] = true; } /* Mix the offsets from the face domain to the vertex domain. Evaluate on the face domain above * in order to be consistent with the selection, and to use the face normals rather than vertex * normals as an offset, for example. */ Array vert_offsets; if (!poly_offsets.is_single()) { vert_offsets.reinitialize(orig_vert_size); attribute_math::DefaultPropagationMixer mixer(vert_offsets); for (const int i_poly : poly_selection) { const MPoly &poly = orig_polys[i_poly]; const float3 offset = poly_offsets[i_poly]; for (const MLoop &loop : orig_loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) { mixer.mix_in(loop.v, offset); } } mixer.finalize(); } /* All of the faces (selected and deselected) connected to each edge. */ const Array> edge_to_poly_map = mesh_calculate_polys_of_edge(mesh); /* All vertices that are connected to the selected polygons. * Start the size at one vert per poly to reduce unnecessary reallocation. */ VectorSet all_selected_verts; all_selected_verts.reserve(orig_polys.size()); for (const int i_poly : poly_selection) { const MPoly &poly = orig_polys[i_poly]; for (const MLoop &loop : orig_loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) { all_selected_verts.add(loop.v); } } /* Edges inside of an extruded region that are also attached to deselected edges. They must be * duplicated in order to leave the old edge attached to the unchanged deselected faces. */ VectorSet new_inner_edge_indices; /* Edges inside of an extruded region. Their vertices should be translated * with the offset, but the edges themselves should not be duplicated. */ Vector inner_edge_indices; /* The extruded face corresponding to each boundary edge (and each boundary face). */ Vector edge_extruded_face_indices; /* Edges on the outside of selected regions, either because there are no * other connected faces, or because all of the other faces aren't selected. */ VectorSet boundary_edge_indices; for (const int i_edge : orig_edges.index_range()) { Span polys = edge_to_poly_map[i_edge]; int i_selected_poly = -1; int deselected_poly_count = 0; int selected_poly_count = 0; for (const int i_other_poly : polys) { if (poly_selection_array[i_other_poly]) { selected_poly_count++; i_selected_poly = i_other_poly; } else { deselected_poly_count++; } } if (selected_poly_count == 1) { /* If there is only one selected polygon connected to the edge, * the edge should be extruded to form a "side face". */ boundary_edge_indices.add_new(i_edge); edge_extruded_face_indices.append(i_selected_poly); } else if (selected_poly_count > 1) { /* The edge is inside an extruded region of faces. */ if (deselected_poly_count > 0) { /* Add edges that are also connected to deselected edges to a separate list. */ new_inner_edge_indices.add_new(i_edge); } else { /* Otherwise, just keep track of edges inside the region so that * we can reattach them to duplicated vertices if necessary. */ inner_edge_indices.append(i_edge); } } } VectorSet new_vert_indices = vert_indices_from_edges(mesh, boundary_edge_indices.as_span()); /* Before adding the rest of the new vertices from the new inner edges, store the number * of new vertices from the boundary edges, since this is the number of connecting edges. */ const int extruded_vert_size = new_vert_indices.size(); /* The vertices attached to duplicate inner edges also have to be duplicated. */ for (const int i_edge : new_inner_edge_indices) { const MEdge &edge = orig_edges[i_edge]; new_vert_indices.add(edge.v1); new_vert_indices.add(edge.v2); } /* New vertices forming the duplicated boundary edges and the ends of the new inner edges. */ const IndexRange new_vert_range{orig_vert_size, new_vert_indices.size()}; /* One edge connects each selected vertex to a new vertex on the extruded polygons. */ const IndexRange connect_edge_range{orig_edges.size(), extruded_vert_size}; /* Each selected edge is duplicated to form a single edge on the extrusion. */ const IndexRange boundary_edge_range = connect_edge_range.after(boundary_edge_indices.size()); /* Duplicated edges inside regions that were connected to deselected faces. */ const IndexRange new_inner_edge_range = boundary_edge_range.after(new_inner_edge_indices.size()); /* Each edge selected for extrusion is extruded into a single face. */ const IndexRange side_poly_range{orig_polys.size(), boundary_edge_indices.size()}; /* The loops that form the new side faces. */ const IndexRange side_loop_range{orig_loops.size(), side_poly_range.size() * 4}; expand_mesh(mesh, new_vert_range.size(), connect_edge_range.size() + boundary_edge_range.size() + new_inner_edge_range.size(), side_poly_range.size(), side_loop_range.size()); MutableSpan edges = mesh.edges_for_write(); MutableSpan connect_edges = edges.slice(connect_edge_range); MutableSpan boundary_edges = edges.slice(boundary_edge_range); MutableSpan new_inner_edges = edges.slice(new_inner_edge_range); MutableSpan polys = mesh.polys_for_write(); MutableSpan new_polys = polys.slice(side_poly_range); MutableSpan loops = mesh.loops_for_write(); MutableSpan new_loops = loops.slice(side_loop_range); /* Initialize the edges that form the sides of the extrusion. */ for (const int i : connect_edges.index_range()) { connect_edges[i] = new_edge(new_vert_indices[i], new_vert_range[i]); } /* Initialize the edges that form the top of the extrusion. */ for (const int i : boundary_edges.index_range()) { const MEdge &orig_edge = edges[boundary_edge_indices[i]]; const int i_new_vert_1 = new_vert_indices.index_of(orig_edge.v1); const int i_new_vert_2 = new_vert_indices.index_of(orig_edge.v2); boundary_edges[i] = new_edge(new_vert_range[i_new_vert_1], new_vert_range[i_new_vert_2]); } /* Initialize the new edges inside of extrude regions. */ for (const int i : new_inner_edge_indices.index_range()) { const MEdge &orig_edge = edges[new_inner_edge_indices[i]]; const int i_new_vert_1 = new_vert_indices.index_of(orig_edge.v1); const int i_new_vert_2 = new_vert_indices.index_of(orig_edge.v2); new_inner_edges[i] = new_edge(new_vert_range[i_new_vert_1], new_vert_range[i_new_vert_2]); } /* Initialize the new side polygons. */ for (const int i : new_polys.index_range()) { new_polys[i] = new_poly(side_loop_range[i * 4], 4); } /* Connect original edges inside face regions to any new vertices, if necessary. */ for (const int i : inner_edge_indices) { MEdge &edge = edges[i]; const int i_new_vert_1 = new_vert_indices.index_of_try(edge.v1); const int i_new_vert_2 = new_vert_indices.index_of_try(edge.v2); if (i_new_vert_1 != -1) { edge.v1 = new_vert_range[i_new_vert_1]; } if (i_new_vert_2 != -1) { edge.v2 = new_vert_range[i_new_vert_2]; } } /* Connect the selected faces to the extruded or duplicated edges and the new vertices. */ for (const int i_poly : poly_selection) { const MPoly &poly = polys[i_poly]; for (MLoop &loop : loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) { const int i_new_vert = new_vert_indices.index_of_try(loop.v); if (i_new_vert != -1) { loop.v = new_vert_range[i_new_vert]; } const int i_boundary_edge = boundary_edge_indices.index_of_try(loop.e); if (i_boundary_edge != -1) { loop.e = boundary_edge_range[i_boundary_edge]; /* Skip the next check, an edge cannot be both a boundary edge and an inner edge. */ continue; } const int i_new_inner_edge = new_inner_edge_indices.index_of_try(loop.e); if (i_new_inner_edge != -1) { loop.e = new_inner_edge_range[i_new_inner_edge]; } } } /* Create the faces on the sides of extruded regions. */ for (const int i : boundary_edge_indices.index_range()) { const MEdge &boundary_edge = boundary_edges[i]; const int new_vert_1 = boundary_edge.v1; const int new_vert_2 = boundary_edge.v2; const int extrude_index_1 = new_vert_1 - orig_vert_size; const int extrude_index_2 = new_vert_2 - orig_vert_size; const MPoly &extrude_poly = polys[edge_extruded_face_indices[i]]; fill_quad_consistent_direction(loops.slice(extrude_poly.loopstart, extrude_poly.totloop), new_loops.slice(4 * i, 4), new_vert_1, new_vert_2, new_vert_indices[extrude_index_1], new_vert_indices[extrude_index_2], boundary_edge_range[i], connect_edge_range[extrude_index_1], boundary_edge_indices[i], connect_edge_range[extrude_index_2]); } /* Create a map of indices in the extruded vertices array to all of the indices of edges * in the duplicate edges array that connect to that vertex. This can be used to simplify the * mixing of attribute data for the connecting edges. */ const Array> new_vert_to_duplicate_edge_map = create_vert_to_edge_map( new_vert_range.size(), boundary_edges, orig_vert_size); MutableAttributeAccessor attributes = mesh.attributes_for_write(); attributes.for_all([&](const AttributeIDRef &id, const AttributeMetaData meta_data) { if (meta_data.data_type == CD_PROP_STRING) { return true; } GSpanAttributeWriter attribute = attributes.lookup_or_add_for_write_span( id, meta_data.domain, meta_data.data_type); if (!attribute) { return true; /* Impossible to write the "normal" attribute. */ } attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(meta_data.data_type, [&](auto dummy) { using T = decltype(dummy); MutableSpan data = attribute.span.typed(); switch (attribute.domain) { case ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT: { /* New vertices copy the attributes from their original vertices. */ array_utils::gather( data.as_span(), new_vert_indices.as_span(), data.slice(new_vert_range)); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE: { /* Edges parallel to original edges copy the edge attributes from the original edges. */ MutableSpan boundary_data = data.slice(boundary_edge_range); array_utils::gather(data.as_span(), boundary_edge_indices.as_span(), boundary_data); /* Edges inside of face regions also just duplicate their source data. */ MutableSpan new_inner_data = data.slice(new_inner_edge_range); array_utils::gather(data.as_span(), new_inner_edge_indices.as_span(), new_inner_data); /* Edges connected to original vertices mix values of selected connected edges. */ MutableSpan connect_data = data.slice(connect_edge_range); copy_with_mixing(connect_data, boundary_data.as_span(), [&](const int i) { return new_vert_to_duplicate_edge_map[i].as_span(); }); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE: { /* New faces on the side of extrusions get the values from the corresponding selected * face. */ array_utils::gather( data.as_span(), edge_extruded_face_indices.as_span(), data.slice(side_poly_range)); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER: { /* New corners get the values from the corresponding corner on the extruded face. */ MutableSpan new_data = data.slice(side_loop_range); threading::parallel_for( boundary_edge_indices.index_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_boundary_edge : range) { const MPoly &poly = polys[edge_extruded_face_indices[i_boundary_edge]]; const MEdge &boundary_edge = boundary_edges[i_boundary_edge]; const int new_vert_1 = boundary_edge.v1; const int new_vert_2 = boundary_edge.v2; const int orig_vert_1 = new_vert_indices[new_vert_1 - orig_vert_size]; const int orig_vert_2 = new_vert_indices[new_vert_2 - orig_vert_size]; /* Retrieve the data for the first two sides of the quad from the extruded * polygon, which we generally expect to have just a small amount of sides. This * loop could be eliminated by adding a cache of connected loops (which would * also simplify some of the other code to find the correct loops on the extruded * face). */ T data_1; T data_2; for (const int i_loop : IndexRange(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop)) { if (loops[i_loop].v == new_vert_1) { data_1 = data[i_loop]; } if (loops[i_loop].v == new_vert_2) { data_2 = data[i_loop]; } } /* Instead of replicating the order in #fill_quad_consistent_direction here, it's * simpler (though probably slower) to just match the corner data based on the * vertex indices. */ for (const int i : IndexRange(4 * i_boundary_edge, 4)) { if (ELEM(new_loops[i].v, new_vert_1, orig_vert_1)) { new_data[i] = data_1; } else if (ELEM(new_loops[i].v, new_vert_2, orig_vert_2)) { new_data[i] = data_2; } } } }); break; } default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); } }); attribute.finish(); return true; }); /* Translate vertices based on the offset. If the vertex is used by a selected edge, it will * have been duplicated and only the new vertex should use the offset. Otherwise the vertex might * still need an offset, but it was reused on the inside of a region of extruded faces. */ MutableSpan verts = mesh.verts_for_write(); if (poly_offsets.is_single()) { const float3 offset = poly_offsets.get_internal_single(); threading::parallel_for( IndexRange(all_selected_verts.size()), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_orig : all_selected_verts.as_span().slice(range)) { const int i_new = new_vert_indices.index_of_try(i_orig); MVert &vert = verts[(i_new == -1) ? i_orig : new_vert_range[i_new]]; add_v3_v3(vert.co, offset); } }); } else { threading::parallel_for( IndexRange(all_selected_verts.size()), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_orig : all_selected_verts.as_span().slice(range)) { const int i_new = new_vert_indices.index_of_try(i_orig); const float3 offset = vert_offsets[i_orig]; MVert &vert = verts[(i_new == -1) ? i_orig : new_vert_range[i_new]]; add_v3_v3(vert.co, offset); } }); } MutableSpan vert_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT); vert_orig_indices.slice(new_vert_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan edge_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE); edge_orig_indices.slice(connect_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); edge_orig_indices.slice(new_inner_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); edge_orig_indices.slice(boundary_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan poly_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE); poly_orig_indices.slice(side_poly_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); if (attribute_outputs.top_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.top_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE, poly_selection); } if (attribute_outputs.side_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.side_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE, side_poly_range); } BKE_mesh_runtime_clear_cache(&mesh); } /* Get the range into an array of extruded corners, edges, or vertices for a particular polygon. */ static IndexRange selected_corner_range(Span offsets, const int index) { const int offset = offsets[index]; const int next_offset = offsets[index + 1]; return IndexRange(offset, next_offset - offset); } static void extrude_individual_mesh_faces(Mesh &mesh, const Field &selection_field, const Field &offset_field, const AttributeOutputs &attribute_outputs) { const int orig_vert_size = mesh.totvert; const int orig_edge_size = mesh.totedge; Span orig_polys = mesh.polys(); Span orig_loops = mesh.loops(); /* Use a mesh for the result of the evaluation because the mesh is reallocated before * the vertices are moved, and the evaluated result might reference an attribute. */ Array poly_offset(orig_polys.size()); bke::MeshFieldContext poly_context{mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE}; FieldEvaluator poly_evaluator{poly_context, mesh.totpoly}; poly_evaluator.set_selection(selection_field); poly_evaluator.add_with_destination(offset_field, poly_offset.as_mutable_span()); poly_evaluator.evaluate(); const IndexMask poly_selection = poly_evaluator.get_evaluated_selection_as_mask(); /* Build an array of offsets into the new data for each polygon. This is used to facilitate * parallelism later on by avoiding the need to keep track of an offset when iterating through * all polygons. */ int extrude_corner_size = 0; Array index_offsets(poly_selection.size() + 1); for (const int i_selection : poly_selection.index_range()) { const MPoly &poly = orig_polys[poly_selection[i_selection]]; index_offsets[i_selection] = extrude_corner_size; extrude_corner_size += poly.totloop; } index_offsets.last() = extrude_corner_size; const IndexRange new_vert_range{orig_vert_size, extrude_corner_size}; /* One edge connects each selected vertex to a new vertex on the extruded polygons. */ const IndexRange connect_edge_range{orig_edge_size, extrude_corner_size}; /* Each selected edge is duplicated to form a single edge on the extrusion. */ const IndexRange duplicate_edge_range = connect_edge_range.after(extrude_corner_size); /* Each edge selected for extrusion is extruded into a single face. */ const IndexRange side_poly_range{orig_polys.size(), duplicate_edge_range.size()}; const IndexRange side_loop_range{orig_loops.size(), side_poly_range.size() * 4}; expand_mesh(mesh, new_vert_range.size(), connect_edge_range.size() + duplicate_edge_range.size(), side_poly_range.size(), side_loop_range.size()); MutableSpan new_verts = mesh.verts_for_write().slice(new_vert_range); MutableSpan edges = mesh.edges_for_write(); MutableSpan connect_edges = edges.slice(connect_edge_range); MutableSpan duplicate_edges = edges.slice(duplicate_edge_range); MutableSpan polys = mesh.polys_for_write(); MutableSpan new_polys = polys.slice(side_poly_range); MutableSpan loops = mesh.loops_for_write(); /* For every selected polygon, build the faces that form the sides of the extrusion. Filling some * of this data like the new edges or polygons could be easily split into separate loops, which * may or may not be faster, and would involve more duplication. */ threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const IndexRange poly_corner_range = selected_corner_range(index_offsets, i_selection); const MPoly &poly = polys[poly_selection[i_selection]]; Span poly_loops = loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop); for (const int i : IndexRange(poly.totloop)) { const int i_next = (i == poly.totloop - 1) ? 0 : i + 1; const MLoop &orig_loop = poly_loops[i]; const MLoop &orig_loop_next = poly_loops[i_next]; const int i_extrude = poly_corner_range[i]; const int i_extrude_next = poly_corner_range[i_next]; const int i_duplicate_edge = duplicate_edge_range[i_extrude]; const int new_vert = new_vert_range[i_extrude]; const int new_vert_next = new_vert_range[i_extrude_next]; const int orig_edge = orig_loop.e; const int orig_vert = orig_loop.v; const int orig_vert_next = orig_loop_next.v; duplicate_edges[i_extrude] = new_edge(new_vert, new_vert_next); new_polys[i_extrude] = new_poly(side_loop_range[i_extrude * 4], 4); MutableSpan side_loops = loops.slice(side_loop_range[i_extrude * 4], 4); side_loops[0].v = new_vert_next; side_loops[0].e = i_duplicate_edge; side_loops[1].v = new_vert; side_loops[1].e = connect_edge_range[i_extrude]; side_loops[2].v = orig_vert; side_loops[2].e = orig_edge; side_loops[3].v = orig_vert_next; side_loops[3].e = connect_edge_range[i_extrude_next]; connect_edges[i_extrude] = new_edge(orig_vert, new_vert); } } }); MutableAttributeAccessor attributes = mesh.attributes_for_write(); attributes.for_all([&](const AttributeIDRef &id, const AttributeMetaData meta_data) { if (meta_data.data_type == CD_PROP_STRING) { return true; } GSpanAttributeWriter attribute = attributes.lookup_or_add_for_write_span( id, meta_data.domain, meta_data.data_type); if (!attribute) { return true; /* Impossible to write the "normal" attribute. */ } attribute_math::convert_to_static_type(meta_data.data_type, [&](auto dummy) { using T = decltype(dummy); MutableSpan data = attribute.span.typed(); switch (attribute.domain) { case ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT: { /* New vertices copy the attributes from their original vertices. */ MutableSpan new_data = data.slice(new_vert_range); threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const MPoly &poly = polys[poly_selection[i_selection]]; Span poly_loops = loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop); const int corner_offset = index_offsets[i_selection]; for (const int i : poly_loops.index_range()) { const int orig_index = poly_loops[i].v; new_data[corner_offset + i] = data[orig_index]; } } }); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE: { MutableSpan duplicate_data = data.slice(duplicate_edge_range); MutableSpan connect_data = data.slice(connect_edge_range); threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 512, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const MPoly &poly = polys[poly_selection[i_selection]]; Span poly_loops = loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop); const IndexRange poly_corner_range = selected_corner_range(index_offsets, i_selection); /* The data for the duplicate edge is simply a copy of the original edge's data. */ for (const int i : poly_loops.index_range()) { const int orig_index = poly_loops[i].e; duplicate_data[poly_corner_range[i]] = data[orig_index]; } /* For the extruded edges, mix the data from the two neighboring original edges of * the extruded polygon. */ for (const int i : poly_loops.index_range()) { const int i_loop_prev = (i == 0) ? poly.totloop - 1 : i - 1; const int orig_index = poly_loops[i].e; const int orig_index_prev = poly_loops[i_loop_prev].e; if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { /* Propagate selections with "or" instead of "at least half". */ connect_data[poly_corner_range[i]] = data[orig_index] || data[orig_index_prev]; } else { connect_data[poly_corner_range[i]] = attribute_math::mix2( 0.5f, data[orig_index], data[orig_index_prev]); } } } }); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE: { /* Each side face gets the values from the corresponding new face. */ MutableSpan new_data = data.slice(side_poly_range); threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const int poly_index = poly_selection[i_selection]; const IndexRange poly_corner_range = selected_corner_range(index_offsets, i_selection); new_data.slice(poly_corner_range).fill(data[poly_index]); } }); break; } case ATTR_DOMAIN_CORNER: { /* Each corner on a side face gets its value from the matching corner on an extruded * face. */ MutableSpan new_data = data.slice(side_loop_range); threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const MPoly &poly = polys[poly_selection[i_selection]]; Span poly_loop_data = data.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop); const IndexRange poly_corner_range = selected_corner_range(index_offsets, i_selection); for (const int i : IndexRange(poly.totloop)) { const int i_next = (i == poly.totloop - 1) ? 0 : i + 1; const int i_extrude = poly_corner_range[i]; MutableSpan side_loop_data = new_data.slice(i_extrude * 4, 4); /* The two corners on each side of the side polygon get the data from the matching * corners of the extruded polygon. This order depends on the loop filling the loop * indices. */ side_loop_data[0] = poly_loop_data[i_next]; side_loop_data[1] = poly_loop_data[i]; side_loop_data[2] = poly_loop_data[i]; side_loop_data[3] = poly_loop_data[i_next]; } } }); break; } default: BLI_assert_unreachable(); } }); attribute.finish(); return true; }); /* Offset the new vertices. */ threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const IndexRange poly_corner_range = selected_corner_range(index_offsets, i_selection); for (MVert &vert : new_verts.slice(poly_corner_range)) { add_v3_v3(vert.co, poly_offset[poly_selection[i_selection]]); } } }); MutableSpan vert_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT); vert_orig_indices.slice(new_vert_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan edge_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE); edge_orig_indices.slice(connect_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); edge_orig_indices.slice(duplicate_edge_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); MutableSpan poly_orig_indices = get_orig_index_layer(mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE); poly_orig_indices.slice(side_poly_range).fill(ORIGINDEX_NONE); /* Finally update each extruded polygon's loops to point to the new edges and vertices. * This must be done last, because they were used to find original indices for attribute * interpolation before. Alternatively an original index array could be built for each domain. */ threading::parallel_for(poly_selection.index_range(), 256, [&](const IndexRange range) { for (const int i_selection : range) { const IndexRange poly_corner_range = selected_corner_range(index_offsets, i_selection); const MPoly &poly = polys[poly_selection[i_selection]]; MutableSpan poly_loops = loops.slice(poly.loopstart, poly.totloop); for (const int i : IndexRange(poly.totloop)) { MLoop &loop = poly_loops[i]; loop.v = new_vert_range[poly_corner_range[i]]; loop.e = duplicate_edge_range[poly_corner_range[i]]; } } }); if (attribute_outputs.top_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.top_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE, poly_selection); } if (attribute_outputs.side_id) { save_selection_as_attribute( mesh, attribute_outputs.side_id.get(), ATTR_DOMAIN_FACE, side_poly_range); } BKE_mesh_runtime_clear_cache(&mesh); } static void node_geo_exec(GeoNodeExecParams params) { GeometrySet geometry_set = params.extract_input("Mesh"); Field selection = params.extract_input>("Selection"); Field offset_field = params.extract_input>("Offset"); Field scale_field = params.extract_input>("Offset Scale"); const NodeGeometryExtrudeMesh &storage = node_storage(params.node()); GeometryNodeExtrudeMeshMode mode = GeometryNodeExtrudeMeshMode(storage.mode); /* Create a combined field from the offset and the scale so the field evaluator * can take care of the multiplication and to simplify each extrude function. */ static fn::CustomMF_SI_SI_SO multiply_fn{ "Scale", [](const float3 &offset, const float scale) { return offset * scale; }, fn::CustomMF_presets::AllSpanOrSingle()}; std::shared_ptr multiply_op = std::make_shared( FieldOperation(multiply_fn, {std::move(offset_field), std::move(scale_field)})); const Field final_offset{std::move(multiply_op)}; AttributeOutputs attribute_outputs; if (params.output_is_required("Top")) { attribute_outputs.top_id = StrongAnonymousAttributeID("Top"); } if (params.output_is_required("Side")) { attribute_outputs.side_id = StrongAnonymousAttributeID("Side"); } const bool extrude_individual = mode == GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH_FACES && params.extract_input("Individual"); geometry_set.modify_geometry_sets([&](GeometrySet &geometry_set) { if (Mesh *mesh = geometry_set.get_mesh_for_write()) { switch (mode) { case GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH_VERTICES: extrude_mesh_vertices(*mesh, selection, final_offset, attribute_outputs); break; case GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH_EDGES: extrude_mesh_edges(*mesh, selection, final_offset, attribute_outputs); break; case GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH_FACES: { if (extrude_individual) { extrude_individual_mesh_faces(*mesh, selection, final_offset, attribute_outputs); } else { extrude_mesh_face_regions(*mesh, selection, final_offset, attribute_outputs); } break; } } BLI_assert(BKE_mesh_is_valid(mesh)); } }); params.set_output("Mesh", std::move(geometry_set)); if (attribute_outputs.top_id) { params.set_output("Top", AnonymousAttributeFieldInput::Create( std::move(attribute_outputs.top_id), params.attribute_producer_name())); } if (attribute_outputs.side_id) { params.set_output("Side", AnonymousAttributeFieldInput::Create( std::move(attribute_outputs.side_id), params.attribute_producer_name())); } } } // namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_extrude_mesh_cc void register_node_type_geo_extrude_mesh() { namespace file_ns = blender::nodes::node_geo_extrude_mesh_cc; static bNodeType ntype; geo_node_type_base(&ntype, GEO_NODE_EXTRUDE_MESH, "Extrude Mesh", NODE_CLASS_GEOMETRY); ntype.declare = file_ns::node_declare; ntype.initfunc = file_ns::node_init; ntype.updatefunc = file_ns::node_update; ntype.geometry_node_execute = file_ns::node_geo_exec; node_type_storage( &ntype, "NodeGeometryExtrudeMesh", node_free_standard_storage, node_copy_standard_storage); ntype.draw_buttons = file_ns::node_layout; nodeRegisterType(&ntype); }