/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_mesh_mapping.h" #include "BLI_task.hh" #include "node_geometry_util.hh" namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_mesh_topology_edges_of_vertex_cc { static void node_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b) { b.add_input(N_("Vertex Index")) .implicit_field(implicit_field_inputs::index) .description( N_("The vertex to retrieve data from. Defaults to the vertex from the context")); b.add_input(N_("Weights")) .supports_field() .hide_value() .description( N_("Values used to sort the edges connected to the vertex. Uses indices by default")); b.add_input(N_("Sort Index")) .min(0) .supports_field() .description(N_("Which of the sorted edges to output")); b.add_output(N_("Edge Index")) .dependent_field() .description(N_("An edge connected to the face, chosen by the sort index")); b.add_output(N_("Total")) .dependent_field() .description(N_("The number of edges connected to each vertex")); } static void convert_span(const Span src, MutableSpan dst) { for (const int i : src.index_range()) { dst[i] = src[i]; } } class EdgesOfVertInput final : public bke::MeshFieldInput { const Field vert_index_; const Field sort_index_; const Field sort_weight_; public: EdgesOfVertInput(Field vert_index, Field sort_index, Field sort_weight) : bke::MeshFieldInput(CPPType::get(), "Edge of Vertex"), vert_index_(std::move(vert_index)), sort_index_(std::move(sort_index)), sort_weight_(std::move(sort_weight)) { category_ = Category::Generated; } GVArray get_varray_for_context(const Mesh &mesh, const eAttrDomain domain, const IndexMask mask) const final { const IndexRange vert_range(mesh.totvert); const Span edges = mesh.edges(); Array> vert_to_edge_map = bke::mesh_topology::build_vert_to_edge_map(edges, mesh.totvert); const bke::MeshFieldContext context{mesh, domain}; fn::FieldEvaluator evaluator{context, &mask}; evaluator.add(vert_index_); evaluator.add(sort_index_); evaluator.evaluate(); const VArray vert_indices = evaluator.get_evaluated(0); const VArray indices_in_sort = evaluator.get_evaluated(1); const bke::MeshFieldContext edge_context{mesh, ATTR_DOMAIN_EDGE}; fn::FieldEvaluator edge_evaluator{edge_context, mesh.totedge}; edge_evaluator.add(sort_weight_); edge_evaluator.evaluate(); const VArray all_sort_weights = edge_evaluator.get_evaluated(0); Array edge_of_vertex(mask.min_array_size()); threading::parallel_for(mask.index_range(), 1024, [&](const IndexRange range) { /* Reuse arrays to avoid allocation. */ Array edge_indices; Array sort_weights; Array sort_indices; for (const int selection_i : mask.slice(range)) { const int vert_i = vert_indices[selection_i]; const int index_in_sort = indices_in_sort[selection_i]; if (!vert_range.contains(vert_i)) { edge_of_vertex[selection_i] = 0; continue; } const Span edges = vert_to_edge_map[vert_i]; if (edges.is_empty()) { edge_of_vertex[selection_i] = 0; continue; } /* Retrieve the connected edge indices as 64 bit integers for #materialize_compressed. */ edge_indices.reinitialize(edges.size()); convert_span(edges, edge_indices); /* Retrieve a compressed array of weights for each edge. */ sort_weights.reinitialize(edges.size()); all_sort_weights.materialize_compressed(IndexMask(edge_indices), sort_weights.as_mutable_span()); /* Sort a separate array of compressed indices corresponding to the compressed weights. * This allows using `materialize_compressed` to avoid virtual function call overhead * when accessing values in the sort weights. However, it means a separate array of * indices within the compressed array is necessary for sorting. */ sort_indices.reinitialize(edges.size()); std::iota(sort_indices.begin(), sort_indices.end(), 0); std::stable_sort(sort_indices.begin(), sort_indices.end(), [&](int a, int b) { return sort_weights[a] < sort_weights[b]; }); const int index_in_sort_wrapped = mod_i(index_in_sort, edges.size()); edge_of_vertex[selection_i] = edge_indices[sort_indices[index_in_sort_wrapped]]; } }); return VArray::ForContainer(std::move(edge_of_vertex)); } uint64_t hash() const final { return 98762349875636; } bool is_equal_to(const fn::FieldNode &other) const final { if (const auto *typed = dynamic_cast(&other)) { return typed->vert_index_ == vert_index_ && typed->sort_index_ == sort_index_ && typed->sort_weight_ == sort_weight_; } return false; } std::optional preferred_domain(const Mesh & /*mesh*/)const final { return ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT; } }; class EdgesOfVertCountInput final : public bke::MeshFieldInput { public: EdgesOfVertCountInput() : bke::MeshFieldInput(CPPType::get(), "Corner Face Index") { category_ = Category::Generated; } GVArray get_varray_for_context(const Mesh &mesh, const eAttrDomain domain, const IndexMask /*mask*/) const final { if (domain != ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT) { return {}; } const Span edges = mesh.edges(); Array counts(mesh.totvert, 0); for (const int i : edges.index_range()) { counts[edges[i].v1]++; counts[edges[i].v2]++; } return VArray::ForContainer(std::move(counts)); } uint64_t hash() const final { return 436758278618374; } bool is_equal_to(const fn::FieldNode &other) const final { if (dynamic_cast(&other)) { return true; } return false; } std::optional preferred_domain(const Mesh & /*mesh*/)const final { return ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT; } }; static void node_geo_exec(GeoNodeExecParams params) { const Field vert_index = params.extract_input>("Vertex Index"); if (params.output_is_required("Total")) { params.set_output("Total", Field(std::make_shared( vert_index, Field(std::make_shared()), ATTR_DOMAIN_POINT))); } if (params.output_is_required("Edge Index")) { params.set_output("Edge Index", Field(std::make_shared( vert_index, params.extract_input>("Sort Index"), params.extract_input>("Weights")))); } } } // namespace blender::nodes::node_geo_mesh_topology_edges_of_vertex_cc void register_node_type_geo_mesh_topology_edges_of_vertex() { namespace file_ns = blender::nodes::node_geo_mesh_topology_edges_of_vertex_cc; static bNodeType ntype; geo_node_type_base( &ntype, GEO_NODE_MESH_TOPOLOGY_EDGES_OF_VERTEX, "Edges of Vertex", NODE_CLASS_INPUT); ntype.geometry_node_execute = file_ns::node_geo_exec; ntype.declare = file_ns::node_declare; nodeRegisterType(&ntype); }