/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2007 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup nodes */ #include #include #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_map.hh" #include "BLI_multi_value_map.hh" #include "BLI_set.hh" #include "BLI_stack.hh" #include "BLI_string.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "RNA_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "NOD_common.h" #include "node_common.h" #include "node_util.h" using blender::Map; using blender::MultiValueMap; using blender::Set; using blender::Stack; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Node Group * \{ */ bNodeSocket *node_group_find_input_socket(bNode *groupnode, const char *identifier) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, sock, &groupnode->inputs) { if (STREQ(sock->identifier, identifier)) { return sock; } } return nullptr; } bNodeSocket *node_group_find_output_socket(bNode *groupnode, const char *identifier) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, sock, &groupnode->outputs) { if (STREQ(sock->identifier, identifier)) { return sock; } } return nullptr; } /* groups display their internal tree name as label */ void node_group_label(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node, char *label, int maxlen) { BLI_strncpy(label, (node->id) ? node->id->name + 2 : IFACE_("Missing Data-Block"), maxlen); } bool node_group_poll_instance(bNode *node, bNodeTree *nodetree, const char **disabled_hint) { if (node->typeinfo->poll(node->typeinfo, nodetree, disabled_hint)) { bNodeTree *grouptree = (bNodeTree *)node->id; if (grouptree) { return nodeGroupPoll(nodetree, grouptree, disabled_hint); } return true; /* without a linked node tree, group node is always ok */ } return false; } bool nodeGroupPoll(bNodeTree *nodetree, bNodeTree *grouptree, const char **r_disabled_hint) { bool valid = true; /* unspecified node group, generally allowed * (if anything, should be avoided on operator level) */ if (grouptree == nullptr) { return true; } if (nodetree == grouptree) { *r_disabled_hint = "Nesting a node group inside of itself is not allowed"; return false; } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, node, &grouptree->nodes) { if (node->typeinfo->poll_instance && !node->typeinfo->poll_instance(node, nodetree, r_disabled_hint)) { valid = false; break; } } return valid; } /* used for both group nodes and interface nodes */ static bNodeSocket *group_verify_socket(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *gnode, bNodeSocket *iosock, ListBase *verify_lb, eNodeSocketInOut in_out) { bNodeSocket *sock; for (sock = (bNodeSocket *)verify_lb->first; sock; sock = sock->next) { if (STREQ(sock->identifier, iosock->identifier)) { break; } } if (sock) { strcpy(sock->name, iosock->name); const int mask = SOCK_HIDE_VALUE; sock->flag = (sock->flag & ~mask) | (iosock->flag & mask); /* Update socket type if necessary */ if (sock->typeinfo != iosock->typeinfo) { nodeModifySocketType(ntree, gnode, sock, iosock->idname); /* Flag the tree to make sure link validity is updated after type changes. */ ntree->update |= NTREE_UPDATE_LINKS; } if (iosock->typeinfo->interface_verify_socket) { iosock->typeinfo->interface_verify_socket(ntree, iosock, gnode, sock, "interface"); } } else { sock = nodeAddSocket(ntree, gnode, in_out, iosock->idname, iosock->identifier, iosock->name); if (iosock->typeinfo->interface_init_socket) { iosock->typeinfo->interface_init_socket(ntree, iosock, gnode, sock, "interface"); } } /* remove from list temporarily, to distinguish from orphaned sockets */ BLI_remlink(verify_lb, sock); return sock; } /* used for both group nodes and interface nodes */ static void group_verify_socket_list(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *gnode, ListBase *iosock_lb, ListBase *verify_lb, eNodeSocketInOut in_out) { bNodeSocket *sock, *nextsock; /* step by step compare */ bNodeSocket *iosock = (bNodeSocket *)iosock_lb->first; for (; iosock; iosock = iosock->next) { /* abusing new_sock pointer for verification here! only used inside this function */ iosock->new_sock = group_verify_socket(ntree, gnode, iosock, verify_lb, in_out); } /* leftovers are removed */ for (sock = (bNodeSocket *)verify_lb->first; sock; sock = nextsock) { nextsock = sock->next; nodeRemoveSocket(ntree, gnode, sock); } /* and we put back the verified sockets */ iosock = (bNodeSocket *)iosock_lb->first; for (; iosock; iosock = iosock->next) { if (iosock->new_sock) { BLI_addtail(verify_lb, iosock->new_sock); iosock->new_sock = nullptr; } } } /* make sure all group node in ntree, which use ngroup, are sync'd */ void node_group_update(struct bNodeTree *ntree, struct bNode *node) { /* check inputs and outputs, and remove or insert them */ if (node->id == nullptr) { nodeRemoveAllSockets(ntree, node); } else if ((ID_IS_LINKED(node->id) && (node->id->tag & LIB_TAG_MISSING))) { /* Missing data-block, leave sockets unchanged so that when it comes back * the links remain valid. */ } else { bNodeTree *ngroup = (bNodeTree *)node->id; group_verify_socket_list(ntree, node, &ngroup->inputs, &node->inputs, SOCK_IN); group_verify_socket_list(ntree, node, &ngroup->outputs, &node->outputs, SOCK_OUT); } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Node Frame * \{ */ static void node_frame_init(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node) { NodeFrame *data = (NodeFrame *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(NodeFrame), "frame node storage"); node->storage = data; data->flag |= NODE_FRAME_SHRINK; data->label_size = 20; } void register_node_type_frame(void) { /* frame type is used for all tree types, needs dynamic allocation */ bNodeType *ntype = (bNodeType *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(bNodeType), "frame node type"); ntype->free_self = (void (*)(bNodeType *))MEM_freeN; node_type_base(ntype, NODE_FRAME, "Frame", NODE_CLASS_LAYOUT, NODE_BACKGROUND); node_type_init(ntype, node_frame_init); node_type_storage(ntype, "NodeFrame", node_free_standard_storage, node_copy_standard_storage); node_type_size(ntype, 150, 100, 0); nodeRegisterType(ntype); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Node Re-Route * \{ */ static void node_reroute_init(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { /* NOTE: Cannot use socket templates for this, since it would reset the socket type * on each file read via the template verification procedure. */ nodeAddStaticSocket(ntree, node, SOCK_IN, SOCK_RGBA, PROP_NONE, "Input", "Input"); nodeAddStaticSocket(ntree, node, SOCK_OUT, SOCK_RGBA, PROP_NONE, "Output", "Output"); } void register_node_type_reroute(void) { /* frame type is used for all tree types, needs dynamic allocation */ bNodeType *ntype = (bNodeType *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(bNodeType), "frame node type"); ntype->free_self = (void (*)(bNodeType *))MEM_freeN; node_type_base(ntype, NODE_REROUTE, "Reroute", NODE_CLASS_LAYOUT, 0); node_type_init(ntype, node_reroute_init); nodeRegisterType(ntype); } static void propagate_reroute_type_from_start_socket( bNodeSocket *start_socket, const MultiValueMap &links_map, Map &r_reroute_types) { Stack nodes_to_check; for (bNodeLink *link : links_map.lookup(start_socket)) { if (link->tonode->type == NODE_REROUTE) { nodes_to_check.push(link->tonode); } if (link->fromnode->type == NODE_REROUTE) { nodes_to_check.push(link->fromnode); } } const bNodeSocketType *current_type = start_socket->typeinfo; while (!nodes_to_check.is_empty()) { bNode *reroute_node = nodes_to_check.pop(); BLI_assert(reroute_node->type == NODE_REROUTE); if (r_reroute_types.add(reroute_node, current_type)) { for (bNodeLink *link : links_map.lookup((bNodeSocket *)reroute_node->inputs.first)) { if (link->fromnode->type == NODE_REROUTE) { nodes_to_check.push(link->fromnode); } } for (bNodeLink *link : links_map.lookup((bNodeSocket *)reroute_node->outputs.first)) { if (link->tonode->type == NODE_REROUTE) { nodes_to_check.push(link->tonode); } } } } } /* Global update function for Reroute node types. * This depends on connected nodes, so must be done as a tree-wide update. */ void ntree_update_reroute_nodes(bNodeTree *ntree) { /* Contains nodes that are linked to at least one reroute node. */ Set nodes_linked_with_reroutes; /* Contains all links that are linked to at least one reroute node. */ MultiValueMap links_map; /* Build acceleration data structures for the algorithm below. */ LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeLink *, link, &ntree->links) { if (link->fromsock == nullptr || link->tosock == nullptr) { continue; } if (link->fromnode->type != NODE_REROUTE && link->tonode->type != NODE_REROUTE) { continue; } if (link->fromnode->type != NODE_REROUTE) { nodes_linked_with_reroutes.add(link->fromnode); } if (link->tonode->type != NODE_REROUTE) { nodes_linked_with_reroutes.add(link->tonode); } links_map.add(link->fromsock, link); links_map.add(link->tosock, link); } /* Will contain the socket type for every linked reroute node. */ Map reroute_types; /* Propagate socket types from left to right. */ for (bNode *start_node : nodes_linked_with_reroutes) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, output_socket, &start_node->outputs) { propagate_reroute_type_from_start_socket(output_socket, links_map, reroute_types); } } /* Propagate socket types from right to left. This affects reroute nodes that haven't been * changed in the the loop above. */ for (bNode *start_node : nodes_linked_with_reroutes) { LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, input_socket, &start_node->inputs) { propagate_reroute_type_from_start_socket(input_socket, links_map, reroute_types); } } /* Actually update reroute nodes with changed types. */ for (const auto item : reroute_types.items()) { bNode *reroute_node = item.key; const bNodeSocketType *socket_type = item.value; bNodeSocket *input_socket = (bNodeSocket *)reroute_node->inputs.first; bNodeSocket *output_socket = (bNodeSocket *)reroute_node->outputs.first; if (input_socket->typeinfo != socket_type) { nodeModifySocketType(ntree, reroute_node, input_socket, socket_type->idname); } if (output_socket->typeinfo != socket_type) { nodeModifySocketType(ntree, reroute_node, output_socket, socket_type->idname); } } } static bool node_is_connected_to_output_recursive(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { bNodeLink *link; /* avoid redundant checks, and infinite loops in case of cyclic node links */ if (node->done) { return false; } node->done = 1; /* main test, done before child loop so it catches output nodes themselves as well */ if (node->typeinfo->nclass == NODE_CLASS_OUTPUT && node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT) { return true; } /* test all connected nodes, first positive find is sufficient to return true */ for (link = (bNodeLink *)ntree->links.first; link; link = link->next) { if (link->fromnode == node) { if (node_is_connected_to_output_recursive(ntree, link->tonode)) { return true; } } } return false; } bool BKE_node_is_connected_to_output(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { bNode *tnode; /* clear flags */ for (tnode = (bNode *)ntree->nodes.first; tnode; tnode = tnode->next) { tnode->done = 0; } return node_is_connected_to_output_recursive(ntree, node); } void BKE_node_tree_unlink_id(ID *id, struct bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *node; for (node = (bNode *)ntree->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) { if (node->id == id) { node->id = nullptr; } } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Node #GROUP_INPUT / #GROUP_OUTPUT * \{ */ static void node_group_input_init(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { node_group_input_update(ntree, node); } bNodeSocket *node_group_input_find_socket(bNode *node, const char *identifier) { bNodeSocket *sock; for (sock = (bNodeSocket *)node->outputs.first; sock; sock = sock->next) { if (STREQ(sock->identifier, identifier)) { return sock; } } return nullptr; } void node_group_input_update(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *extsock = (bNodeSocket *)node->outputs.last; bNodeLink *link, *linknext, *exposelink; /* Adding a tree socket and verifying will remove the extension socket! * This list caches the existing links from the extension socket * so they can be recreated after verification. */ ListBase tmplinks; /* find links from the extension socket and store them */ BLI_listbase_clear(&tmplinks); for (link = (bNodeLink *)ntree->links.first; link; link = linknext) { linknext = link->next; if (nodeLinkIsHidden(link)) { continue; } if (link->fromsock == extsock) { bNodeLink *tlink = (bNodeLink *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(bNodeLink), "temporary link"); *tlink = *link; BLI_addtail(&tmplinks, tlink); nodeRemLink(ntree, link); } } /* find valid link to expose */ exposelink = nullptr; for (link = (bNodeLink *)tmplinks.first; link; link = link->next) { /* XXX Multiple sockets can be connected to the extension socket at once, * in that case the arbitrary first link determines name and type. * This could be improved by choosing the "best" type among all links, * whatever that means. */ if (link->tosock->type != SOCK_CUSTOM) { exposelink = link; break; } } if (exposelink) { bNodeSocket *gsock, *newsock; gsock = ntreeAddSocketInterfaceFromSocket(ntree, exposelink->tonode, exposelink->tosock); node_group_input_update(ntree, node); newsock = node_group_input_find_socket(node, gsock->identifier); /* redirect links from the extension socket */ for (link = (bNodeLink *)tmplinks.first; link; link = link->next) { nodeAddLink(ntree, node, newsock, link->tonode, link->tosock); } } BLI_freelistN(&tmplinks); /* check inputs and outputs, and remove or insert them */ { /* value_in_out inverted for interface nodes to get correct socket value_property */ group_verify_socket_list(ntree, node, &ntree->inputs, &node->outputs, SOCK_OUT); /* add virtual extension socket */ nodeAddSocket(ntree, node, SOCK_OUT, "NodeSocketVirtual", "__extend__", ""); } } void register_node_type_group_input(void) { /* used for all tree types, needs dynamic allocation */ bNodeType *ntype = (bNodeType *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(bNodeType), "node type"); ntype->free_self = (void (*)(bNodeType *))MEM_freeN; node_type_base(ntype, NODE_GROUP_INPUT, "Group Input", NODE_CLASS_INTERFACE, 0); node_type_size(ntype, 140, 80, 400); node_type_init(ntype, node_group_input_init); node_type_update(ntype, node_group_input_update); nodeRegisterType(ntype); } static void node_group_output_init(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { node_group_output_update(ntree, node); } bNodeSocket *node_group_output_find_socket(bNode *node, const char *identifier) { bNodeSocket *sock; for (sock = (bNodeSocket *)node->inputs.first; sock; sock = sock->next) { if (STREQ(sock->identifier, identifier)) { return sock; } } return nullptr; } void node_group_output_update(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *extsock = (bNodeSocket *)node->inputs.last; bNodeLink *link, *linknext, *exposelink; /* Adding a tree socket and verifying will remove the extension socket! * This list caches the existing links to the extension socket * so they can be recreated after verification. */ ListBase tmplinks; /* find links to the extension socket and store them */ BLI_listbase_clear(&tmplinks); for (link = (bNodeLink *)ntree->links.first; link; link = linknext) { linknext = link->next; if (nodeLinkIsHidden(link)) { continue; } if (link->tosock == extsock) { bNodeLink *tlink = (bNodeLink *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(bNodeLink), "temporary link"); *tlink = *link; BLI_addtail(&tmplinks, tlink); nodeRemLink(ntree, link); } } /* find valid link to expose */ exposelink = nullptr; for (link = (bNodeLink *)tmplinks.first; link; link = link->next) { /* XXX Multiple sockets can be connected to the extension socket at once, * in that case the arbitrary first link determines name and type. * This could be improved by choosing the "best" type among all links, * whatever that means. */ if (link->fromsock->type != SOCK_CUSTOM) { exposelink = link; break; } } if (exposelink) { bNodeSocket *gsock, *newsock; /* XXX what if connecting virtual to virtual socket?? */ gsock = ntreeAddSocketInterfaceFromSocket(ntree, exposelink->fromnode, exposelink->fromsock); node_group_output_update(ntree, node); newsock = node_group_output_find_socket(node, gsock->identifier); /* redirect links to the extension socket */ for (link = (bNodeLink *)tmplinks.first; link; link = link->next) { nodeAddLink(ntree, link->fromnode, link->fromsock, node, newsock); } } BLI_freelistN(&tmplinks); /* check inputs and outputs, and remove or insert them */ { /* value_in_out inverted for interface nodes to get correct socket value_property */ group_verify_socket_list(ntree, node, &ntree->outputs, &node->inputs, SOCK_IN); /* add virtual extension socket */ nodeAddSocket(ntree, node, SOCK_IN, "NodeSocketVirtual", "__extend__", ""); } } void register_node_type_group_output(void) { /* used for all tree types, needs dynamic allocation */ bNodeType *ntype = (bNodeType *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(bNodeType), "node type"); ntype->free_self = (void (*)(bNodeType *))MEM_freeN; node_type_base(ntype, NODE_GROUP_OUTPUT, "Group Output", NODE_CLASS_INTERFACE, 0); node_type_size(ntype, 140, 80, 400); node_type_init(ntype, node_group_output_init); node_type_update(ntype, node_group_output_update); nodeRegisterType(ntype); } /** \} */