/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "NOD_node_tree_ref.hh" #include "BLI_dot_export.hh" namespace blender::nodes { NodeTreeRef::NodeTreeRef(bNodeTree *btree) : btree_(btree) { Map node_mapping; LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNode *, bnode, &btree->nodes) { NodeRef &node = *allocator_.construct().release(); node.tree_ = this; node.bnode_ = bnode; node.id_ = nodes_by_id_.append_and_get_index(&node); RNA_pointer_create(&btree->id, &RNA_Node, bnode, &node.rna_); LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, bsocket, &bnode->inputs) { InputSocketRef &socket = *allocator_.construct().release(); socket.node_ = &node; socket.index_ = node.inputs_.append_and_get_index(&socket); socket.is_input_ = true; socket.bsocket_ = bsocket; socket.id_ = sockets_by_id_.append_and_get_index(&socket); RNA_pointer_create(&btree->id, &RNA_NodeSocket, bsocket, &socket.rna_); } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeSocket *, bsocket, &bnode->outputs) { OutputSocketRef &socket = *allocator_.construct().release(); socket.node_ = &node; socket.index_ = node.outputs_.append_and_get_index(&socket); socket.is_input_ = false; socket.bsocket_ = bsocket; socket.id_ = sockets_by_id_.append_and_get_index(&socket); RNA_pointer_create(&btree->id, &RNA_NodeSocket, bsocket, &socket.rna_); } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeLink *, blink, &bnode->internal_links) { InternalLinkRef &internal_link = *allocator_.construct().release(); internal_link.blink_ = blink; for (InputSocketRef *socket_ref : node.inputs_) { if (socket_ref->bsocket_ == blink->fromsock) { internal_link.from_ = socket_ref; break; } } for (OutputSocketRef *socket_ref : node.outputs_) { if (socket_ref->bsocket_ == blink->tosock) { internal_link.to_ = socket_ref; break; } } node.internal_links_.append(&internal_link); } input_sockets_.extend(node.inputs_.as_span()); output_sockets_.extend(node.outputs_.as_span()); node_mapping.add_new(bnode, &node); } LISTBASE_FOREACH (bNodeLink *, blink, &btree->links) { OutputSocketRef &from_socket = this->find_output_socket( node_mapping, blink->fromnode, blink->fromsock); InputSocketRef &to_socket = this->find_input_socket( node_mapping, blink->tonode, blink->tosock); LinkRef &link = *allocator_.construct().release(); link.from_ = &from_socket; link.to_ = &to_socket; link.blink_ = blink; links_.append(&link); from_socket.directly_linked_links_.append(&link); to_socket.directly_linked_links_.append(&link); } for (InputSocketRef *input_socket : input_sockets_) { if (input_socket->is_multi_input_socket()) { std::sort(input_socket->directly_linked_links_.begin(), input_socket->directly_linked_links_.end(), [&](const LinkRef *a, const LinkRef *b) -> bool { int index_a = a->blink()->multi_input_socket_index; int index_b = b->blink()->multi_input_socket_index; return index_a > index_b; }); } } this->create_linked_socket_caches(); for (NodeRef *node : nodes_by_id_) { const bNodeType *nodetype = node->bnode_->typeinfo; nodes_by_type_.add(nodetype, node); if (node->is_portal_in()) { NodePortalIn *storage = (NodePortalIn *)node->bnode_->storage; portal_in_nodes_by_id_.add(storage->portal_id, node); } else if (node->is_portal_out()) { NodePortalOut *storage = (NodePortalOut *)node->bnode_->storage; portal_out_nodes_by_id_.add(storage->portal_id, node); } } } NodeTreeRef::~NodeTreeRef() { /* The destructor has to be called manually, because these types are allocated in a linear * allocator. */ for (NodeRef *node : nodes_by_id_) { node->~NodeRef(); } for (InputSocketRef *socket : input_sockets_) { socket->~InputSocketRef(); } for (OutputSocketRef *socket : output_sockets_) { socket->~OutputSocketRef(); } for (LinkRef *link : links_) { link->~LinkRef(); } } InputSocketRef &NodeTreeRef::find_input_socket(Map &node_mapping, bNode *bnode, bNodeSocket *bsocket) { NodeRef *node = node_mapping.lookup(bnode); for (InputSocketRef *socket : node->inputs_) { if (socket->bsocket_ == bsocket) { return *socket; } } BLI_assert_unreachable(); return *node->inputs_[0]; } OutputSocketRef &NodeTreeRef::find_output_socket(Map &node_mapping, bNode *bnode, bNodeSocket *bsocket) { NodeRef *node = node_mapping.lookup(bnode); for (OutputSocketRef *socket : node->outputs_) { if (socket->bsocket_ == bsocket) { return *socket; } } BLI_assert_unreachable(); return *node->outputs_[0]; } void NodeTreeRef::create_linked_socket_caches() { for (InputSocketRef *socket : input_sockets_) { /* Find directly linked socket based on incident links. */ Vector directly_linked_sockets; for (LinkRef *link : socket->directly_linked_links_) { directly_linked_sockets.append(link->from_); } socket->directly_linked_sockets_ = allocator_.construct_array_copy( directly_linked_sockets.as_span()); /* Find logically linked sockets. */ Vector logically_linked_sockets; this->foreach_logical_origin( *socket, [&](OutputSocketRef &origin) { logically_linked_sockets.append(&origin); }); if (logically_linked_sockets == directly_linked_sockets) { socket->logically_linked_sockets_ = socket->directly_linked_sockets_; } else { socket->logically_linked_sockets_ = allocator_.construct_array_copy( logically_linked_sockets.as_span()); } } for (OutputSocketRef *socket : output_sockets_) { /* Find directly linked socket based on incident links. */ Vector directly_linked_sockets; for (LinkRef *link : socket->directly_linked_links_) { directly_linked_sockets.append(link->to_); } socket->directly_linked_sockets_ = allocator_.construct_array_copy( directly_linked_sockets.as_span()); /* Find logically linked sockets. */ Vector logically_linked_sockets; this->foreach_logical_target( *socket, [&](InputSocketRef &target) { logically_linked_sockets.append(&target); }); if (logically_linked_sockets == directly_linked_sockets) { socket->logically_linked_sockets_ = socket->directly_linked_sockets_; } else { socket->logically_linked_sockets_ = allocator_.construct_array_copy( logically_linked_sockets.as_span()); } } } void NodeTreeRef::foreach_logical_origin(InputSocketRef &socket, FunctionRef callback, bool only_follow_first_input_link) { Span links_to_check = socket.directly_linked_links_; if (only_follow_first_input_link) { links_to_check = links_to_check.take_front(1); } for (LinkRef *link : links_to_check) { if (link->is_muted()) { continue; } OutputSocketRef *origin = link->from_; NodeRef *origin_node = origin->node_; if (origin_node->is_reroute_node()) { this->foreach_logical_origin(*origin_node->inputs_[0], callback, false); } else if (origin_node->is_muted()) { for (InternalLinkRef *internal_link : origin_node->internal_links_) { if (internal_link->to_ == origin) { this->foreach_logical_origin(*internal_link->from_, callback, true); break; } } } else { callback(*origin); } } } void NodeTreeRef::foreach_logical_target(OutputSocketRef &socket, FunctionRef callback) { for (LinkRef *link : socket.directly_linked_links_) { if (link->is_muted()) { continue; } InputSocketRef *target = link->to_; NodeRef *target_node = target->node_; if (target_node->is_reroute_node()) { this->foreach_logical_target(*target_node->outputs_[0], callback); } else if (target_node->is_muted()) { for (InternalLinkRef *internal_link : target_node->internal_links_) { if (internal_link->from_ == target) { this->foreach_logical_target(*internal_link->to_, callback); } } } else { callback(*target); } } } static bool has_link_cycles_recursive(const NodeRef &node, MutableSpan visited, MutableSpan is_in_stack) { const int node_id = node.id(); if (is_in_stack[node_id]) { return true; } if (visited[node_id]) { return false; } visited[node_id] = true; is_in_stack[node_id] = true; for (const OutputSocketRef *from_socket : node.outputs()) { for (const InputSocketRef *to_socket : from_socket->directly_linked_sockets()) { const NodeRef &to_node = to_socket->node(); if (has_link_cycles_recursive(to_node, visited, is_in_stack)) { return true; } } } is_in_stack[node_id] = false; return false; } bool NodeTreeRef::has_link_cycles() const { const int node_amount = nodes_by_id_.size(); Array visited(node_amount, false); Array is_in_stack(node_amount, false); for (const NodeRef *node : nodes_by_id_) { if (has_link_cycles_recursive(*node, visited, is_in_stack)) { return true; } } return false; } std::string NodeTreeRef::to_dot() const { dot::DirectedGraph digraph; digraph.set_rankdir(dot::Attr_rankdir::LeftToRight); Map dot_nodes; for (const NodeRef *node : nodes_by_id_) { dot::Node &dot_node = digraph.new_node(""); dot_node.set_background_color("white"); Vector input_names; Vector output_names; for (const InputSocketRef *socket : node->inputs()) { input_names.append(socket->name()); } for (const OutputSocketRef *socket : node->outputs()) { output_names.append(socket->name()); } dot_nodes.add_new(node, dot::NodeWithSocketsRef(dot_node, node->name(), input_names, output_names)); } for (const OutputSocketRef *from_socket : output_sockets_) { for (const InputSocketRef *to_socket : from_socket->directly_linked_sockets()) { dot::NodeWithSocketsRef &from_dot_node = dot_nodes.lookup(&from_socket->node()); dot::NodeWithSocketsRef &to_dot_node = dot_nodes.lookup(&to_socket->node()); digraph.new_edge(from_dot_node.output(from_socket->index()), to_dot_node.input(to_socket->index())); } } return digraph.to_dot_string(); } const NodeTreeRef &get_tree_ref_from_map(NodeTreeRefMap &node_tree_refs, bNodeTree &btree) { return *node_tree_refs.lookup_or_add_cb(&btree, [&]() { return std::make_unique(&btree); }); } } // namespace blender::nodes