/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2005 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file blender/nodes/shader/node_shader_util.c * \ingroup nodes */ #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "node_shader_util.h" #include "node_exec.h" bool sh_node_poll_default(bNodeType *UNUSED(ntype), bNodeTree *ntree) { return STREQ(ntree->idname, "ShaderNodeTree"); } void sh_node_type_base(struct bNodeType *ntype, int type, const char *name, short nclass, short flag) { node_type_base(ntype, type, name, nclass, flag); ntype->poll = sh_node_poll_default; ntype->insert_link = node_insert_link_default; ntype->update_internal_links = node_update_internal_links_default; } /* ****** */ void nodestack_get_vec(float *in, short type_in, bNodeStack *ns) { const float *from = ns->vec; if (type_in == SOCK_FLOAT) { if (ns->sockettype == SOCK_FLOAT) *in = *from; else *in = (from[0] + from[1] + from[2]) / 3.0f; } else if (type_in == SOCK_VECTOR) { if (ns->sockettype == SOCK_FLOAT) { in[0] = from[0]; in[1] = from[0]; in[2] = from[0]; } else { copy_v3_v3(in, from); } } else { /* type_in==SOCK_RGBA */ if (ns->sockettype == SOCK_RGBA) { copy_v4_v4(in, from); } else if (ns->sockettype == SOCK_FLOAT) { in[0] = from[0]; in[1] = from[0]; in[2] = from[0]; in[3] = 1.0f; } else { copy_v3_v3(in, from); in[3] = 1.0f; } } } void node_gpu_stack_from_data(struct GPUNodeStack *gs, int type, bNodeStack *ns) { memset(gs, 0, sizeof(*gs)); if (ns == NULL) { /* node_get_stack() will generate NULL bNodeStack pointers for unknown/unsupported types of sockets... */ zero_v4(gs->vec); gs->link = NULL; gs->type = GPU_NONE; gs->hasinput = false; gs->hasoutput = false; gs->sockettype = type; } else { nodestack_get_vec(gs->vec, type, ns); gs->link = ns->data; if (type == SOCK_FLOAT) gs->type = GPU_FLOAT; else if (type == SOCK_VECTOR) gs->type = GPU_VEC3; else if (type == SOCK_RGBA) gs->type = GPU_VEC4; else if (type == SOCK_SHADER) gs->type = GPU_CLOSURE; else gs->type = GPU_NONE; gs->hasinput = ns->hasinput && ns->data; /* XXX Commented out the ns->data check here, as it seems it's not always set, * even though there *is* a valid connection/output... But that might need * further investigation. */ gs->hasoutput = ns->hasoutput /*&& ns->data*/; gs->sockettype = ns->sockettype; } } void node_data_from_gpu_stack(bNodeStack *ns, GPUNodeStack *gs) { copy_v4_v4(ns->vec, gs->vec); ns->data = gs->link; ns->sockettype = gs->sockettype; } static void gpu_stack_from_data_list(GPUNodeStack *gs, ListBase *sockets, bNodeStack **ns) { bNodeSocket *sock; int i; for (sock = sockets->first, i = 0; sock; sock = sock->next, i++) node_gpu_stack_from_data(&gs[i], sock->type, ns[i]); gs[i].end = true; } static void data_from_gpu_stack_list(ListBase *sockets, bNodeStack **ns, GPUNodeStack *gs) { bNodeSocket *sock; int i; for (sock = sockets->first, i = 0; sock; sock = sock->next, i++) node_data_from_gpu_stack(ns[i], &gs[i]); } bNode *nodeGetActiveTexture(bNodeTree *ntree) { /* this is the node we texture paint and draw in textured draw */ bNode *node, *tnode, *inactivenode = NULL, *activetexnode = NULL, *activegroup = NULL; bool hasgroup = false; if (!ntree) return NULL; for (node = ntree->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) { if (node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE_TEXTURE) { activetexnode = node; /* if active we can return immediately */ if (node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE) return node; } else if (!inactivenode && node->typeinfo->nclass == NODE_CLASS_TEXTURE) inactivenode = node; else if (node->type == NODE_GROUP) { if (node->flag & NODE_ACTIVE) activegroup = node; else hasgroup = true; } } /* first, check active group for textures */ if (activegroup) { tnode = nodeGetActiveTexture((bNodeTree *)activegroup->id); /* active node takes priority, so ignore any other possible nodes here */ if (tnode) return tnode; } if (activetexnode) return activetexnode; if (hasgroup) { /* node active texture node in this tree, look inside groups */ for (node = ntree->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) { if (node->type == NODE_GROUP) { tnode = nodeGetActiveTexture((bNodeTree *)node->id); if (tnode && ((tnode->flag & NODE_ACTIVE_TEXTURE) || !inactivenode)) return tnode; } } } return inactivenode; } void ntreeExecGPUNodes(bNodeTreeExec *exec, GPUMaterial *mat, int do_outputs) { bNodeExec *nodeexec; bNode *node; int n; bNodeStack *stack; bNodeStack *nsin[MAX_SOCKET]; /* arbitrary... watch this */ bNodeStack *nsout[MAX_SOCKET]; /* arbitrary... watch this */ GPUNodeStack gpuin[MAX_SOCKET + 1], gpuout[MAX_SOCKET + 1]; bool do_it; stack = exec->stack; for (n = 0, nodeexec = exec->nodeexec; n < exec->totnodes; ++n, ++nodeexec) { node = nodeexec->node; do_it = false; /* for groups, only execute outputs for edited group */ if (node->typeinfo->nclass == NODE_CLASS_OUTPUT) { if (do_outputs && (node->flag & NODE_DO_OUTPUT)) do_it = true; } else { do_it = true; } if (do_it) { if (node->typeinfo->gpufunc) { node_get_stack(node, stack, nsin, nsout); gpu_stack_from_data_list(gpuin, &node->inputs, nsin); gpu_stack_from_data_list(gpuout, &node->outputs, nsout); if (node->typeinfo->gpufunc(mat, node, &nodeexec->data, gpuin, gpuout)) data_from_gpu_stack_list(&node->outputs, nsout, gpuout); } } } } void node_shader_gpu_tex_mapping(GPUMaterial *mat, bNode *node, GPUNodeStack *in, GPUNodeStack *UNUSED(out)) { NodeTexBase *base = node->storage; TexMapping *texmap = &base->tex_mapping; float domin = (texmap->flag & TEXMAP_CLIP_MIN) != 0; float domax = (texmap->flag & TEXMAP_CLIP_MAX) != 0; if (domin || domax || !(texmap->flag & TEXMAP_UNIT_MATRIX)) { static float max[3] = { FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX}; static float min[3] = {-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX}; GPUNodeLink *tmin, *tmax, *tmat0, *tmat1, *tmat2, *tmat3; tmin = GPU_uniform((domin) ? texmap->min : min); tmax = GPU_uniform((domax) ? texmap->max : max); tmat0 = GPU_uniform((float *)texmap->mat[0]); tmat1 = GPU_uniform((float *)texmap->mat[1]); tmat2 = GPU_uniform((float *)texmap->mat[2]); tmat3 = GPU_uniform((float *)texmap->mat[3]); GPU_link(mat, "mapping", in[0].link, tmat0, tmat1, tmat2, tmat3, tmin, tmax, &in[0].link); if (texmap->type == TEXMAP_TYPE_NORMAL) GPU_link(mat, "texco_norm", in[0].link, &in[0].link); } }