/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2005 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ #include "node_shader_util.hh" #include "sky_model.h" #include "BLI_task.hh" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "NOD_socket_search_link.hh" namespace blender::nodes::node_shader_tex_sky_cc { static void node_declare(NodeDeclarationBuilder &b) { b.add_input(N_("Vector")).hide_value(); b.add_output(N_("Color")).no_muted_links(); } static void node_shader_buts_tex_sky(uiLayout *layout, bContext *C, PointerRNA *ptr) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "sky_type", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, "", ICON_NONE); if (RNA_enum_get(ptr, "sky_type") == SHD_SKY_PREETHAM) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "sun_direction", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, "", ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "turbidity", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } if (RNA_enum_get(ptr, "sky_type") == SHD_SKY_HOSEK) { uiItemR(layout, ptr, "sun_direction", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, "", ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "turbidity", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "ground_albedo", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } if (RNA_enum_get(ptr, "sky_type") == SHD_SKY_NISHITA) { Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C); if (BKE_scene_uses_blender_eevee(scene)) { uiItemL(layout, TIP_("Sun disc not available in Eevee"), ICON_ERROR); } uiItemR(layout, ptr, "sun_disc", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, 0); uiLayout *col; if (RNA_boolean_get(ptr, "sun_disc")) { col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); uiItemR(col, ptr, "sun_size", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, ptr, "sun_intensity", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); uiItemR(col, ptr, "sun_elevation", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, ptr, "sun_rotation", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(layout, ptr, "altitude", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, true); uiItemR(col, ptr, "air_density", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, ptr, "dust_density", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); uiItemR(col, ptr, "ozone_density", UI_ITEM_R_SPLIT_EMPTY_NAME, nullptr, ICON_NONE); } } static void node_shader_init_tex_sky(bNodeTree * /*ntree*/, bNode *node) { NodeTexSky *tex = MEM_cnew("NodeTexSky"); BKE_texture_mapping_default(&tex->base.tex_mapping, TEXMAP_TYPE_POINT); BKE_texture_colormapping_default(&tex->base.color_mapping); tex->sun_direction[0] = 0.0f; tex->sun_direction[1] = 0.0f; tex->sun_direction[2] = 1.0f; tex->turbidity = 2.2f; tex->ground_albedo = 0.3f; tex->sun_disc = true; tex->sun_size = DEG2RADF(0.545f); tex->sun_intensity = 1.0f; tex->sun_elevation = DEG2RADF(15.0f); tex->sun_rotation = 0.0f; tex->altitude = 0.0f; tex->air_density = 1.0f; tex->dust_density = 1.0f; tex->ozone_density = 1.0f; tex->sky_model = SHD_SKY_NISHITA; node->storage = tex; } struct SkyModelPreetham { float config_Y[5], config_x[5], config_y[5]; /* named after xyY color space */ float radiance[3]; }; static float sky_perez_function(const float *lam, float theta, float gamma) { float ctheta = cosf(theta); float cgamma = cosf(gamma); return (1.0 + lam[0] * expf(lam[1] / ctheta)) * (1.0 + lam[2] * expf(lam[3] * gamma) + lam[4] * cgamma * cgamma); } static void sky_precompute_old(SkyModelPreetham *sunsky, const float sun_angles[], float turbidity) { float theta = sun_angles[0]; float theta2 = theta * theta; float theta3 = theta2 * theta; float T = turbidity; float T2 = T * T; float chi = (4.0f / 9.0f - T / 120.0f) * (M_PI - 2.0f * theta); sunsky->radiance[0] = (4.0453f * T - 4.9710f) * tanf(chi) - 0.2155f * T + 2.4192f; sunsky->radiance[0] *= 0.06f; sunsky->radiance[1] = (0.00166f * theta3 - 0.00375f * theta2 + 0.00209f * theta) * T2 + (-0.02903f * theta3 + 0.06377f * theta2 - 0.03202f * theta + 0.00394f) * T + (0.11693f * theta3 - 0.21196f * theta2 + 0.06052f * theta + 0.25886f); sunsky->radiance[2] = (0.00275f * theta3 - 0.00610f * theta2 + 0.00317f * theta) * T2 + (-0.04214f * theta3 + 0.08970f * theta2 - 0.04153f * theta + 0.00516f) * T + (0.15346f * theta3 - 0.26756f * theta2 + 0.06670f * theta + 0.26688f); sunsky->config_Y[0] = (0.1787f * T - 1.4630f); sunsky->config_Y[1] = (-0.3554f * T + 0.4275f); sunsky->config_Y[2] = (-0.0227f * T + 5.3251f); sunsky->config_Y[3] = (0.1206f * T - 2.5771f); sunsky->config_Y[4] = (-0.0670f * T + 0.3703f); sunsky->config_x[0] = (-0.0193f * T - 0.2592f); sunsky->config_x[1] = (-0.0665f * T + 0.0008f); sunsky->config_x[2] = (-0.0004f * T + 0.2125f); sunsky->config_x[3] = (-0.0641f * T - 0.8989f); sunsky->config_x[4] = (-0.0033f * T + 0.0452f); sunsky->config_y[0] = (-0.0167f * T - 0.2608f); sunsky->config_y[1] = (-0.0950f * T + 0.0092f); sunsky->config_y[2] = (-0.0079f * T + 0.2102f); sunsky->config_y[3] = (-0.0441f * T - 1.6537f); sunsky->config_y[4] = (-0.0109f * T + 0.0529f); sunsky->radiance[0] /= sky_perez_function(sunsky->config_Y, 0, theta); sunsky->radiance[1] /= sky_perez_function(sunsky->config_x, 0, theta); sunsky->radiance[2] /= sky_perez_function(sunsky->config_y, 0, theta); } static int node_shader_gpu_tex_sky(GPUMaterial *mat, bNode *node, bNodeExecData * /*execdata*/, GPUNodeStack *in, GPUNodeStack *out) { node_shader_gpu_default_tex_coord(mat, node, &in[0].link); node_shader_gpu_tex_mapping(mat, node, in, out); NodeTexSky *tex = (NodeTexSky *)node->storage; float sun_angles[2]; /* [0]=theta=zenith angle [1]=phi=azimuth */ sun_angles[0] = acosf(tex->sun_direction[2]); sun_angles[1] = atan2f(tex->sun_direction[0], tex->sun_direction[1]); if (tex->sky_model == 0) { /* Preetham */ SkyModelPreetham sunsky; sky_precompute_old(&sunsky, sun_angles, tex->turbidity); XYZ_to_RGB xyz_to_rgb; get_XYZ_to_RGB_for_gpu(&xyz_to_rgb); return GPU_stack_link(mat, node, "node_tex_sky_preetham", in, out, /* Pass config_Y/x/y as 3x(vec4+float) */ GPU_uniform(&sunsky.config_Y[0]), GPU_uniform(&sunsky.config_Y[4]), GPU_uniform(&sunsky.config_x[0]), GPU_uniform(&sunsky.config_x[4]), GPU_uniform(&sunsky.config_y[0]), GPU_uniform(&sunsky.config_y[4]), GPU_uniform(sun_angles), GPU_uniform(sunsky.radiance), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.r), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.g), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.b)); } else if (tex->sky_model == 1) { /* Hosek / Wilkie */ sun_angles[0] = fmin(M_PI_2, sun_angles[0]); /* clamp to horizon */ SKY_ArHosekSkyModelState *sky_state = SKY_arhosek_xyz_skymodelstate_alloc_init( tex->turbidity, tex->ground_albedo, fmax(0.0, M_PI_2 - sun_angles[0])); /* Pass sky_state->configs[3][9] as 3*(vec4+vec4)+vec3 */ float config_x07[8], config_y07[8], config_z07[8], config_xyz8[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { config_x07[i] = float(sky_state->configs[0][i]); config_y07[i] = float(sky_state->configs[1][i]); config_z07[i] = float(sky_state->configs[2][i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { config_xyz8[i] = float(sky_state->configs[i][8]); } float radiance[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { radiance[i] = sky_state->radiances[i] * (2 * M_PI / 683); } SKY_arhosekskymodelstate_free(sky_state); XYZ_to_RGB xyz_to_rgb; get_XYZ_to_RGB_for_gpu(&xyz_to_rgb); return GPU_stack_link(mat, node, "node_tex_sky_hosekwilkie", in, out, GPU_uniform(&config_x07[0]), GPU_uniform(&config_x07[4]), GPU_uniform(&config_y07[0]), GPU_uniform(&config_y07[4]), GPU_uniform(&config_z07[0]), GPU_uniform(&config_z07[4]), GPU_uniform(config_xyz8), GPU_uniform(sun_angles), GPU_uniform(radiance), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.r), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.g), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.b)); } else { /* Nishita */ Array pixels(4 * GPU_SKY_WIDTH * GPU_SKY_HEIGHT); threading::parallel_for(IndexRange(GPU_SKY_HEIGHT), 2, [&](IndexRange range) { SKY_nishita_skymodel_precompute_texture(pixels.data(), 4, range.first(), range.one_after_last(), GPU_SKY_WIDTH, GPU_SKY_HEIGHT, tex->sun_elevation, tex->altitude, tex->air_density, tex->dust_density, tex->ozone_density); }); float sun_rotation = fmodf(tex->sun_rotation, 2.0f * M_PI); if (sun_rotation < 0.0f) { sun_rotation += 2.0f * M_PI; } sun_rotation = 2.0f * M_PI - sun_rotation; XYZ_to_RGB xyz_to_rgb; get_XYZ_to_RGB_for_gpu(&xyz_to_rgb); eGPUSamplerState sampler = GPU_SAMPLER_REPEAT | GPU_SAMPLER_FILTER; /* To fix pole issue we clamp the v coordinate. */ sampler &= ~GPU_SAMPLER_REPEAT_T; float layer; GPUNodeLink *sky_texture = GPU_image_sky( mat, GPU_SKY_WIDTH, GPU_SKY_HEIGHT, pixels.data(), &layer, sampler); return GPU_stack_link(mat, node, "node_tex_sky_nishita", in, out, GPU_constant(&sun_rotation), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.r), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.g), GPU_uniform(xyz_to_rgb.b), sky_texture, GPU_constant(&layer)); } } static void node_shader_update_sky(bNodeTree *ntree, bNode *node) { bNodeSocket *sockVector = nodeFindSocket(node, SOCK_IN, "Vector"); NodeTexSky *tex = (NodeTexSky *)node->storage; nodeSetSocketAvailability(ntree, sockVector, !(tex->sky_model == 2 && tex->sun_disc == 1)); } static void node_gather_link_searches(GatherLinkSearchOpParams ¶ms) { const NodeDeclaration &declaration = *params.node_type().fixed_declaration; if (params.in_out() == SOCK_OUT) { search_link_ops_for_declarations(params, declaration.outputs()); return; } if (params.node_tree().typeinfo->validate_link( static_cast(params.other_socket().type), SOCK_FLOAT)) { params.add_item(IFACE_("Vector"), [](LinkSearchOpParams ¶ms) { bNode &node = params.add_node("ShaderNodeTexSky"); NodeTexSky *tex = (NodeTexSky *)node.storage; tex->sun_disc = false; params.update_and_connect_available_socket(node, "Vector"); }); } } } // namespace blender::nodes::node_shader_tex_sky_cc /* node type definition */ void register_node_type_sh_tex_sky() { namespace file_ns = blender::nodes::node_shader_tex_sky_cc; static bNodeType ntype; sh_node_type_base(&ntype, SH_NODE_TEX_SKY, "Sky Texture", NODE_CLASS_TEXTURE); ntype.declare = file_ns::node_declare; ntype.draw_buttons = file_ns::node_shader_buts_tex_sky; node_type_size_preset(&ntype, NODE_SIZE_MIDDLE); ntype.initfunc = file_ns::node_shader_init_tex_sky; node_type_storage(&ntype, "NodeTexSky", node_free_standard_storage, node_copy_standard_storage); ntype.gpu_fn = file_ns::node_shader_gpu_tex_sky; /* Remove vector input for Nishita sky model. */ ntype.updatefunc = file_ns::node_shader_update_sky; ntype.gather_link_search_ops = file_ns::node_gather_link_searches; nodeRegisterType(&ntype); }