/* * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include "Armature.h" //This must come first #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_armature.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "Bone.h" #include "NLA.h" #include "gen_utils.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" //This must come before BIF_editarmature.h... #include "BIF_editarmature.h" //------------------UNDECLARED EXTERNAL PROTOTYPES-------------------- //These are evil 'extern' declarations for functions with no anywhere extern void free_editArmature(void); extern void make_boneList(ListBase* list, ListBase *bones, EditBone *parent); extern void editbones_to_armature (ListBase *list, Object *ob); //------------------------ERROR CODES--------------------------------- //This is here just to make me happy and to have more consistant error strings :) static const char sBoneDictError[] = "ArmatureType.bones - Error: "; static const char sBoneDictBadArgs[] = "ArmatureType.bones - Bad Arguments: "; static const char sArmatureError[] = "ArmatureType - Error: "; static const char sArmatureBadArgs[] = "ArmatureType - Bad Arguments: "; static const char sModuleError[] = "Blender.Armature - Error: "; static const char sModuleBadArgs[] = "Blender.Armature - Bad Arguments: "; //################## BonesDict_Type (internal) ######################## /*This is an internal psuedo-dictionary type that allows for manipulation * of bones inside of an armature. It is a subobject of armature. * i.e. Armature.bones['key']*/ //##################################################################### //------------------METHOD IMPLEMENTATIONS----------------------------- //------------------------Armature.bones.items() //Returns a list of key:value pairs like dict.items() PyObject* BonesDict_items(BPy_BonesDict *self) { if (self->editmode_flag){ return PyDict_Items(self->editbonesMap); }else{ return PyDict_Items(self->bonesMap); } } //------------------------Armature.bones.keys() //Returns a list of keys like dict.keys() PyObject* BonesDict_keys(BPy_BonesDict *self) { if (self->editmode_flag){ return PyDict_Keys(self->editbonesMap); }else{ return PyDict_Keys(self->bonesMap); } } //------------------------Armature.bones.values() //Returns a list of values like dict.values() PyObject* BonesDict_values(BPy_BonesDict *self) { if (self->editmode_flag){ return PyDict_Values(self->editbonesMap); }else{ return PyDict_Values(self->bonesMap); } } //------------------ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION--------------------------- //------------------TYPE_OBECT IMPLEMENTATION----------------------- //------------------------tp_doc //The __doc__ string for this object static char BPy_BonesDict_doc[] = "This is an internal subobject of armature\ designed to act as a Py_Bone dictionary."; //------------------------tp_methods //This contains a list of all methods the object contains static PyMethodDef BPy_BonesDict_methods[] = { {"items", (PyCFunction) BonesDict_items, METH_NOARGS, "() - Returns the key:value pairs from the dictionary"}, {"keys", (PyCFunction) BonesDict_keys, METH_NOARGS, "() - Returns the keys the dictionary"}, {"values", (PyCFunction) BonesDict_values, METH_NOARGS, "() - Returns the values from the dictionary"}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; //-----------------(internal) static int BoneMapping_Init(PyObject *dictionary, ListBase *bones){ Bone *bone = NULL; PyObject *py_bone = NULL; for (bone = bones->first; bone; bone = bone->next){ py_bone = PyBone_FromBone(bone); if (!py_bone) return -1; if(PyDict_SetItem(dictionary, PyString_FromString(bone->name), py_bone) == -1){ return -1; } Py_DECREF(py_bone); if (bone->childbase.first) BoneMapping_Init(dictionary, &bone->childbase); } return 0; } //-----------------(internal) static int EditBoneMapping_Init(PyObject *dictionary, ListBase *editbones){ EditBone *editbone = NULL; PyObject *py_editbone = NULL; for (editbone = editbones->first; editbone; editbone = editbone->next){ py_editbone = PyEditBone_FromEditBone(editbone); if (!py_editbone) return -1; if(PyDict_SetItem(dictionary, PyString_FromString(editbone->name), py_editbone) == -1){ return -1; } Py_DECREF(py_editbone); } return 0; } //----------------- BonesDict_InitBones static int BonesDict_InitBones(BPy_BonesDict *self) { PyDict_Clear(self->bonesMap); if (BoneMapping_Init(self->bonesMap, self->bones) == -1) return 0; return 1; } //----------------- BonesDict_InitEditBones static int BonesDict_InitEditBones(BPy_BonesDict *self) { PyDict_Clear(self->editbonesMap); if (EditBoneMapping_Init(self->editbonesMap, &self->editbones) == -1) return 0; return 1; } //------------------------tp_repr //This is the string representation of the object static PyObject *BonesDict_repr(BPy_BonesDict *self) { char str[4096]; PyObject *key, *value; int pos = 0; char *p = str; p += sprintf(str, "[Bone Dict: {"); if (self->editmode_flag){ while (PyDict_Next(self->editbonesMap, &pos, &key, &value)) { p += sprintf(p, "%s : %s, ", PyString_AsString(key), PyString_AsString(value->ob_type->tp_repr(value))); } }else{ while (PyDict_Next(self->bonesMap, &pos, &key, &value)) { p += sprintf(p, "%s : %s, ", PyString_AsString(key), PyString_AsString(value->ob_type->tp_repr(value))); } } p += sprintf(p, "}]\n"); return PyString_FromString(str); } //------------------------tp_dealloc //This tells how to 'tear-down' our object when ref count hits 0 static void BonesDict_dealloc(BPy_BonesDict * self) { Py_DECREF(self->bonesMap); Py_DECREF(self->editbonesMap); BLI_freelistN(&self->editbones); BonesDict_Type.tp_free(self); return; } //------------------------mp_length //This gets the size of the dictionary int BonesDict_len(BPy_BonesDict *self) { if (self->editmode_flag){ return BLI_countlist(&self->editbones); }else{ return BLI_countlist(self->bones); } } //-----------------------mp_subscript //This defines getting a bone from the dictionary - x = Bones['key'] PyObject *BonesDict_GetItem(BPy_BonesDict *self, PyObject* key) { PyObject *value = NULL; if (self->editmode_flag){ value = PyDict_GetItem(self->editbonesMap, key); }else{ value = PyDict_GetItem(self->bonesMap, key); } if(value == NULL){ /* item not found in dict. throw exception */ char buffer[128]; char* key_str; key_str = PyString_AsString( key ); if( !key_str ){ /* key not a py string */ key_str = ""; /* use empty string for printing */ } PyOS_snprintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), "KeyError: bone %s not found", key_str); return EXPP_ReturnPyObjError(PyExc_KeyError, buffer ); } return EXPP_incr_ret(value); } //-----------------------mp_ass_subscript //This does dict assignment - Bones['key'] = value int BonesDict_SetItem(BPy_BonesDict *self, PyObject *key, PyObject *value) { BPy_EditBone *editbone_for_deletion; struct EditBone *editbone = NULL; char *key_str = ""; if (self->editmode_flag){ //Get the key name if(key && PyString_Check(key)){ key_str = PyString_AsString(key); }else{ goto AttributeError; } //parse value for assignment if (value && EditBoneObject_Check(value)){ //create a new editbone editbone = MEM_callocN(sizeof(EditBone), "eBone"); BLI_strncpy(editbone->name, key_str, 32); unique_editbone_name(editbone->name); editbone->dist = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->dist; editbone->ease1 = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->ease1; editbone->ease2 = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->ease2; editbone->flag = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->flag; editbone->parent = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->parent; editbone->rad_head = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->rad_head; editbone->rad_tail = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->rad_tail; editbone->roll = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->roll; editbone->segments = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->segments; editbone->weight = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->weight; editbone->xwidth = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->xwidth; editbone->zwidth = ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->zwidth; VECCOPY(editbone->head, ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->head); VECCOPY(editbone->tail, ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->tail); //set object pointer ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->editbone = editbone; //fix the bone's head position if flags indicate that it is 'connected' if (editbone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED){ if(!editbone->parent){ ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->editbone = NULL; MEM_freeN(editbone); goto AttributeError3; }else{ VECCOPY(editbone->head, editbone->parent->tail); } } //set in editbonelist BLI_addtail(&self->editbones, editbone); //set the new editbone in the mapping if(PyDict_SetItemString(self->editbonesMap, key_str, value) == -1){ ((BPy_EditBone*)value)->editbone = NULL; BLI_freelinkN(&self->editbones, editbone); goto RuntimeError; } }else if(!value){ //they are trying to delete the bone using 'del' if(PyDict_GetItem(self->editbonesMap, key) != NULL){ /*first kill the datastruct then remove the item from the dict and wait for GC to pick it up. We have to delete the datastruct here because the tp_dealloc doesn't handle it*/ editbone_for_deletion = (BPy_EditBone*)PyDict_GetItem(self->editbonesMap, key); /*this is ugly but you have to set the parent to NULL for else editbones_to_armature will crash looking for this bone*/ for (editbone = self->editbones.first; editbone; editbone = editbone->next){ if (editbone->parent == editbone_for_deletion->editbone) editbone->parent = NULL; /*any parent's were connected to this we must remove the flag or else the 'root' ball doesn't get draw*/ if (editbone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED) editbone->flag &= ~BONE_CONNECTED; } BLI_freelinkN(&self->editbones, editbone_for_deletion->editbone); if(PyDict_DelItem(self->editbonesMap, key) == -1) goto RuntimeError; }else{ goto KeyError; } } return 0; }else{ goto AttributeError2; } KeyError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_KeyError, "%s%s%s%s", sBoneDictError, "The key: ", key_str, " is not present in this dictionary!"); RuntimeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_RuntimeError, "%s%s", sBoneDictError, "Unable to access dictionary!"); AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sBoneDictBadArgs, "Expects EditboneType Object"); AttributeError2: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sBoneDictBadArgs, "You must call makeEditable() first"); AttributeError3: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sBoneDictBadArgs, "The 'connected' flag is set but the bone has no parent!"); } //------------------TYPE_OBJECT DEFINITION-------------------------- //Mapping Protocol static PyMappingMethods BonesDict_MapMethods = { (inquiry) BonesDict_len, //mp_length (binaryfunc)BonesDict_GetItem, //mp_subscript (objobjargproc)BonesDict_SetItem, //mp_ass_subscript }; //BonesDict TypeObject PyTypeObject BonesDict_Type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) //tp_head 0, //tp_internal "BonesDict", //tp_name sizeof(BPy_BonesDict), //tp_basicsize 0, //tp_itemsize (destructor)BonesDict_dealloc, //tp_dealloc 0, //tp_print 0, //tp_getattr 0, //tp_setattr 0, //tp_compare (reprfunc) BonesDict_repr, //tp_repr 0, //tp_as_number 0, //tp_as_sequence &BonesDict_MapMethods, //tp_as_mapping 0, //tp_hash 0, //tp_call 0, //tp_str 0, //tp_getattro 0, //tp_setattro 0, //tp_as_buffer Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, //tp_flags BPy_BonesDict_doc, //tp_doc 0, //tp_traverse 0, //tp_clear 0, //tp_richcompare 0, //tp_weaklistoffset 0, //tp_iter 0, //tp_iternext BPy_BonesDict_methods, //tp_methods 0, //tp_members 0, //tp_getset 0, //tp_base 0, //tp_dict 0, //tp_descr_get 0, //tp_descr_set 0, //tp_dictoffset 0, //tp_init 0, //tp_alloc 0, //tp_new 0, //tp_free 0, //tp_is_gc 0, //tp_bases 0, //tp_mro 0, //tp_cache 0, //tp_subclasses 0, //tp_weaklist 0 //tp_del }; //-----------------------PyBonesDict_FromPyArmature static PyObject *PyBonesDict_FromPyArmature(BPy_Armature *py_armature) { BPy_BonesDict *py_BonesDict = NULL; //create py object py_BonesDict = (BPy_BonesDict *)BonesDict_Type.tp_alloc(&BonesDict_Type, 0); if (!py_BonesDict) goto RuntimeError; //create internal dictionaries py_BonesDict->bonesMap = PyDict_New(); py_BonesDict->editbonesMap = PyDict_New(); if (!py_BonesDict->bonesMap || !py_BonesDict->editbonesMap) goto RuntimeError; //set listbase pointer py_BonesDict->bones = &py_armature->armature->bonebase; //now that everything is setup - init the mappings if (!BonesDict_InitBones(py_BonesDict)) goto RuntimeError; if (!BonesDict_InitEditBones(py_BonesDict)) goto RuntimeError; //set editmode flag py_BonesDict->editmode_flag = 0; return (PyObject*)py_BonesDict; RuntimeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_RuntimeError, "%s%s", sBoneDictError, "Failed to create class"); } //######################### Armature_Type ############################# /*This type represents a thin wrapper around bArmature data types * internal to blender. It contains the psuedo-dictionary BonesDict * as an assistant in manipulating it's own bone collection*/ //################################################################# //------------------METHOD IMPLEMENTATION------------------------------ //------------------------Armature.makeEditable() static PyObject *Armature_makeEditable(BPy_Armature *self) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_EDITMODE) goto AttributeError; make_boneList(&self->Bones->editbones, self->Bones->bones, NULL); if (!BonesDict_InitEditBones(self->Bones)) return NULL; self->Bones->editmode_flag = 1; return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_None); AttributeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "The armature cannot be placed manually in editmode before you call makeEditable()!"); } //------------------------Armature.update() //This is a bit ugly because you need an object link to do this static PyObject *Armature_update(BPy_Armature *self) { Object *obj = NULL; for (obj = G.main->object.first; obj; obj = obj->id.next){ if (obj->data == self->armature) break; } if (obj){ editbones_to_armature (&self->Bones->editbones, obj); if (!BonesDict_InitBones(self->Bones)) return NULL; self->Bones->editmode_flag = 0; BLI_freelistN(&self->Bones->editbones); }else{ goto AttributeError; } return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_None); AttributeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "The armature must be linked to an object before you can save changes!"); } //------------------ATTRIBUTE IMPLEMENTATION--------------------------- //------------------------Armature.autoIK (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getAutoIK(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_AUTO_IK) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.autoIK (setter) static int Armature_setAutoIK(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->flag |= ARM_AUTO_IK; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->flag &= ~ARM_AUTO_IK; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.mirrorEdit (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getMirrorEdit(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_MIRROR_EDIT) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.mirrorEdit (setter) static int Armature_setMirrorEdit(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->flag |= ARM_MIRROR_EDIT; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->flag &= ~ARM_MIRROR_EDIT; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.drawType (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getDrawType(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->drawtype == ARM_OCTA){ return EXPP_GetModuleConstant("Blender.Armature", "OCTAHEDRON") ; }else if (self->armature->drawtype == ARM_LINE){ return EXPP_GetModuleConstant("Blender.Armature", "STICK") ; }else if (self->armature->drawtype == ARM_B_BONE){ return EXPP_GetModuleConstant("Blender.Armature", "BBONE") ; }else if (self->armature->drawtype == ARM_ENVELOPE){ return EXPP_GetModuleConstant("Blender.Armature", "ENVELOPE") ; }else{ goto RuntimeError; } RuntimeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_RuntimeError, "%s%s%s", sArmatureError, "drawType: ", "Internal failure!"); } //------------------------Armature.drawType (setter) static int Armature_setDrawType(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { PyObject *val = NULL, *name = NULL; long numeric_value; if(value){ if(BPy_Constant_Check(value)){ name = PyDict_GetItemString(((BPy_constant*)value)->dict, "name"); if (!STREQ2(PyString_AsString(name), "OCTAHEDRON", "STICK") && !STREQ2(PyString_AsString(name), "BBONE", "ENVELOPE")) goto ValueError; val = PyDict_GetItemString(((BPy_constant*)value)->dict, "value"); if (PyInt_Check(val)){ numeric_value = PyInt_AS_LONG(val); self->armature->drawtype = (int)numeric_value; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects module constant"); ValueError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Argument must be the constant OCTAHEDRON, STICK, BBONE, or ENVELOPE"); } //------------------------Armature.ghostStep (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getStep(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { return PyInt_FromLong((long)self->armature->ghostsize); } //------------------------Armature.ghostStep (setter) static int Armature_setStep(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { long numerical_value; if(value){ if(PyInt_Check(value)){ numerical_value = PyInt_AS_LONG(value); if (numerical_value > 20.0f || numerical_value < 1.0f) goto ValueError; self->armature->ghostsize = (short)numerical_value; return 0; } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects Integer"); ValueError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Argument must fall within 1-20"); } //------------------------Armature.ghost (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getGhost(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { return PyInt_FromLong((long)self->armature->ghostep); } //------------------------Armature.ghost (setter) static int Armature_setGhost(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { long numerical_value; if(value){ if(PyInt_Check(value)){ numerical_value = PyInt_AS_LONG(value); if (numerical_value > 30.0f || numerical_value < 0.0f) goto ValueError; self->armature->ghostep = (short)numerical_value; return 0; } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects Integer"); ValueError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Argument must fall within 0-30"); } //------------------------Armature.drawNames (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getDrawNames(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_DRAWNAMES) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.drawNames (setter) static int Armature_setDrawNames(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->flag |= ARM_DRAWNAMES; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->flag &= ~ARM_DRAWNAMES; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.drawAxes (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getDrawAxes(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_DRAWAXES) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.drawAxes (setter) static int Armature_setDrawAxes(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->flag |= ARM_DRAWAXES; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->flag &= ~ARM_DRAWAXES; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.delayDeform (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getDelayDeform(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_DELAYDEFORM) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.delayDeform (setter) static int Armature_setDelayDeform(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->flag |= ARM_DELAYDEFORM; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->flag &= ~ARM_DELAYDEFORM; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.restPosition (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getRestPosition(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->flag & ARM_RESTPOS) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.restPosition (setter) static int Armature_setRestPosition(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->flag |= ARM_RESTPOS; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->flag &= ~ARM_RESTPOS; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.envelopes (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getEnvelopes(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->deformflag & ARM_DEF_ENVELOPE) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.envelopes (setter) static int Armature_setEnvelopes(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->deformflag |= ARM_DEF_ENVELOPE; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->deformflag &= ~ARM_DEF_ENVELOPE; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.vertexGroups (getter) static PyObject *Armature_getVertexGroups(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { if (self->armature->deformflag & ARM_DEF_VGROUP) return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_True); else return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_False); } //------------------------Armature.vertexGroups (setter) static int Armature_setVertexGroups(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { if(value){ if(PyBool_Check(value)){ if (value == Py_True){ self->armature->deformflag |= ARM_DEF_VGROUP; return 0; }else if (value == Py_False){ self->armature->deformflag &= ~ARM_DEF_VGROUP; return 0; } } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects True or False"); } //------------------------Armature.name (getter) //Gets the name of the armature static PyObject *Armature_getName(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { return PyString_FromString(self->armature->id.name +2); //*new* } //------------------------Armature.name (setter) //Sets the name of the armature static int Armature_setName(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { char buffer[24]; char *name = ""; if(value){ if(PyString_Check(value)){ name = PyString_AsString(value); PyOS_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", name); rename_id(&self->armature->id, buffer); return 0; } } goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, "Expects string"); } //------------------------Armature.bones (getter) //Gets the name of the armature static PyObject *Armature_getBoneDict(BPy_Armature *self, void *closure) { return EXPP_incr_ret((PyObject*)self->Bones); } //------------------------Armature.bones (setter) //Sets the name of the armature /*TODO*/ /*Copy Bones through x = y*/ static int Armature_setBoneDict(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) { goto AttributeError; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s", sArmatureError, "You are not allowed to change the .Bones attribute"); } //------------------TYPE_OBECT IMPLEMENTATION-------------------------- //------------------------tp_doc //The __doc__ string for this object static char BPy_Armature_doc[] = "This object wraps a Blender Armature object."; //------------------------tp_methods //This contains a list of all methods the object contains static PyMethodDef BPy_Armature_methods[] = { {"makeEditable", (PyCFunction) Armature_makeEditable, METH_NOARGS, "() - Unlocks the ability to modify armature bones"}, {"update", (PyCFunction) Armature_update, METH_NOARGS, "() - Rebuilds the armature based on changes to bones since the last call to makeEditable"}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; //------------------------tp_getset //This contains methods for attributes that require checking static PyGetSetDef BPy_Armature_getset[] = { {"name", (getter)Armature_getName, (setter)Armature_setName, "The armature's name", NULL}, {"bones", (getter)Armature_getBoneDict, (setter)Armature_setBoneDict, "The armature's Bone dictionary", NULL}, {"vertexGroups", (getter)Armature_getVertexGroups, (setter)Armature_setVertexGroups, "Enable/Disable vertex group defined deformation", NULL}, {"envelopes", (getter)Armature_getEnvelopes, (setter)Armature_setEnvelopes, "Enable/Disable bone envelope defined deformation", NULL}, {"restPosition", (getter)Armature_getRestPosition, (setter)Armature_setRestPosition, "Show armature rest position - disables posing", NULL}, {"delayDeform", (getter)Armature_getDelayDeform, (setter)Armature_setDelayDeform, "Don't deform children when manipulating bones in pose mode", NULL}, {"drawAxes", (getter)Armature_getDrawAxes, (setter)Armature_setDrawAxes, "Enable/Disable drawing the bone axes", NULL}, {"drawNames", (getter)Armature_getDrawNames, (setter)Armature_setDrawNames, "Enable/Disable drawing the bone names", NULL}, {"ghost", (getter)Armature_getGhost, (setter)Armature_setGhost, "Draw a number of ghosts around the current frame for current Action", NULL}, {"ghostStep", (getter)Armature_getStep, (setter)Armature_setStep, "The number of frames between ghost instances", NULL}, {"drawType", (getter)Armature_getDrawType, (setter)Armature_setDrawType, "The type of drawing currently applied to the armature", NULL}, {"mirrorEdit", (getter)Armature_getMirrorEdit, (setter)Armature_setMirrorEdit, "Enable/Disable X-axis mirrored editing", NULL}, {"autoIK", (getter)Armature_getAutoIK, (setter)Armature_setAutoIK, "Adds temporal IK chains while grabbing bones", NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; //------------------------tp_new //This methods creates a new object (note it does not initialize it - only the building) //This can be called through python by myObject.__new__() however, tp_init is not called static PyObject *Armature_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { BPy_Armature *py_armature = NULL; bArmature *bl_armature; bl_armature = add_armature(); if(bl_armature) { bl_armature->id.us = 0; // return count to 0 - add_armature() inc'd it py_armature = (BPy_Armature*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); //*new* if (py_armature == NULL) goto RuntimeError; py_armature->armature = bl_armature; //create armature.bones py_armature->Bones = (BPy_BonesDict*)PyBonesDict_FromPyArmature(py_armature); if (!py_armature->Bones) goto RuntimeError; } else { goto RuntimeError; } return (PyObject*)py_armature; RuntimeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_RuntimeError, "%s%s%s", sArmatureError, " __new__: ", "couldn't create Armature Data in Blender"); } //------------------------tp_init //This methods does initialization of the new object //This method will get called in python by 'myObject(argument, keyword=value)' //tp_new will be automatically called before this static int Armature_init(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) { char buf[21]; char *name = "myArmature"; static char *kwlist[] = {"name", NULL}; if(!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|s", kwlist, &name)){ goto AttributeError; } //rename the armature if a name is supplied if(!BLI_streq(name, "myArmature")){ PyOS_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", name); rename_id(&self->armature->id, buf); } return 0; AttributeError: return EXPP_intError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s%s", sArmatureBadArgs, " __init__: ", "Expects string(name)"); } //------------------------tp_richcompare //This method allows the object to use comparison operators //TODO: We need some armature comparisons static PyObject *Armature_richcmpr(BPy_Armature *self, PyObject *v, int op) { return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_None); } //------------------------tp_repr //This is the string representation of the object static PyObject *Armature_repr(BPy_Armature *self) { return PyString_FromFormat( "[Armature: \"%s\"]", self->armature->id.name + 2 ); //*new* } //------------------------tp_dealloc //This tells how to 'tear-down' our object when ref count hits 0 ///tp_dealloc static void Armature_dealloc(BPy_Armature * self) { Py_DECREF(self->Bones); Armature_Type.tp_free(self); return; } //------------------TYPE_OBECT DEFINITION-------------------------- PyTypeObject Armature_Type = { PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) //tp_head 0, //tp_internal "Armature", //tp_name sizeof(BPy_Armature), //tp_basicsize 0, //tp_itemsize (destructor)Armature_dealloc, //tp_dealloc 0, //tp_print 0, //tp_getattr 0, //tp_setattr 0, //tp_compare (reprfunc) Armature_repr, //tp_repr 0, //tp_as_number 0, //tp_as_sequence 0, //tp_as_mapping 0, //tp_hash 0, //tp_call 0, //tp_str 0, //tp_getattro 0, //tp_setattro 0, //tp_as_buffer Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, //tp_flags BPy_Armature_doc, //tp_doc 0, //tp_traverse 0, //tp_clear (richcmpfunc)Armature_richcmpr, //tp_richcompare 0, //tp_weaklistoffset 0, //tp_iter 0, //tp_iternext BPy_Armature_methods, //tp_methods 0, //tp_members BPy_Armature_getset, //tp_getset 0, //tp_base 0, //tp_dict 0, //tp_descr_get 0, //tp_descr_set 0, //tp_dictoffset (initproc)Armature_init, //tp_init 0, //tp_alloc (newfunc)Armature_new, //tp_new 0, //tp_free 0, //tp_is_gc 0, //tp_bases 0, //tp_mro 0, //tp_cache 0, //tp_subclasses 0, //tp_weaklist 0 //tp_del }; //-------------------MODULE METHODS IMPLEMENTATION------------------------ //----------------Blender.Armature.Get() /* This function will return a Py_Armature when a single string is passed * or else it will return a {key:value} dictionary when mutliple strings are passed * or it will return a {key:value} dictionary of all armatures when nothing is passed*/ static PyObject *M_Armature_Get(PyObject * self, PyObject * args) { PyObject *seq = NULL, *item = NULL, *dict = NULL, *py_armature = NULL; char *name = "", buffer[24]; int size = 0, i; void *data; //GET ARGUMENTS - () ('s') ('s',..) (['s',..]) are exceptable size = PySequence_Length(args); if (size == 1) { seq = PySequence_GetItem(args, 0); //*new* if (!seq) goto RuntimeError; if(!PyString_Check(seq)){ if (PySequence_Check(seq)) { size = PySequence_Length(seq); } else { Py_DECREF(seq); goto AttributeError; } } } else { seq = EXPP_incr_ret(args); //*take ownership* } //'seq' should be a list, empty tuple or string - check list for strings if(!PyString_Check(seq)){ for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ item = PySequence_GetItem(seq, i); //*new* if (!item) { Py_DECREF(seq); goto RuntimeError; } if(!PyString_Check(item)){ EXPP_decr2(item, seq); goto AttributeError; } Py_DECREF(item); } } //GET ARMATURES if(size != 1){ dict = PyDict_New(); //*new* if(!dict){ Py_DECREF(seq); goto RuntimeError; } if(size == 0){ //GET ALL ARMATURES data = G.main->armature.first; //get the first data ID from the armature library while (data){ py_armature = PyArmature_FromArmature(data); //*new* sprintf(buffer, "%s", ((bArmature*)data)->id.name +2); if(PyDict_SetItemString(dict, buffer, py_armature) == -1){ //add to dictionary EXPP_decr3(seq, dict, py_armature); goto RuntimeError; } Py_DECREF(py_armature); data = ((ID*)data)->next; } Py_DECREF(seq); }else{ //GET ARMATURE LIST for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { item = PySequence_GetItem(seq, i); //*new* name = PyString_AsString(item); Py_DECREF(item); data = find_id("AR", name); //get data from library if (data != NULL){ py_armature = PyArmature_FromArmature(data); //*new* if(PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, py_armature) == -1){ //add to dictionary EXPP_decr3(seq, dict, py_armature); goto RuntimeError; } Py_DECREF(py_armature); }else{ if(PyDict_SetItemString(dict, name, Py_None) == -1){ //add to dictionary EXPP_decr2(seq, dict); goto RuntimeError; } Py_DECREF(Py_None); } } Py_DECREF(seq); } return dict; }else{ //GET SINGLE ARMATURE if(!PyString_Check(seq)){ //This handles the bizarre case where (['s']) is passed item = PySequence_GetItem(seq, 0); //*new* name = PyString_AsString(item); Py_DECREF(item); }else{ name = PyString_AsString(seq); } Py_DECREF(seq); data = find_id("AR", name); //get data from library if (data != NULL){ return PyArmature_FromArmature(data); //*new* }else{ return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_None); } } RuntimeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_RuntimeError, "%s%s%s", sModuleError, "Get(): ", "Internal Error Ocurred"); AttributeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_AttributeError, "%s%s%s", sModuleBadArgs, "Get(): ", "- Expects (optional) string sequence"); } //-------------------MODULE METHODS DEFINITION----------------------------- static PyObject *M_Armature_Get( PyObject * self, PyObject * args ); static char M_Armature_Get_doc[] = "(name) - return the armature with the name 'name', \ returns None if not found.\n If 'name' is not specified, it returns a list of all \ armatures in the\ncurrent scene."; struct PyMethodDef M_Armature_methods[] = { {"Get", M_Armature_Get, METH_VARARGS, M_Armature_Get_doc}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; //------------------VISIBLE PROTOTYPE IMPLEMENTATION----------------------- //-----------------(internal) //Converts a bArmature to a PyArmature PyObject *PyArmature_FromArmature(struct bArmature *armature) { BPy_Armature *py_armature = NULL; //create armature type py_armature = (BPy_Armature*)Armature_Type.tp_alloc(&Armature_Type, 0); //*new* if (!py_armature) goto RuntimeError; py_armature->armature = armature; //create armature.bones py_armature->Bones = (BPy_BonesDict*)PyBonesDict_FromPyArmature(py_armature); if (!py_armature->Bones) goto RuntimeError; return (PyObject *) py_armature; RuntimeError: return EXPP_objError(PyExc_RuntimeError, "%s%s%s", sModuleError, "PyArmature_FromArmature: ", "Internal Error Ocurred"); } //-----------------(internal) //Converts a PyArmature to a bArmature struct bArmature *PyArmature_AsArmature(BPy_Armature *py_armature) { return (py_armature->armature); } //-------------------MODULE INITIALIZATION-------------------------------- PyObject *Armature_Init(void) { PyObject *module, *dict; //Initializes TypeObject.ob_type if (PyType_Ready(&Armature_Type) < 0 || PyType_Ready(&BonesDict_Type) < 0 || PyType_Ready(&EditBone_Type) < 0 || PyType_Ready(&Bone_Type) < 0) { return EXPP_incr_ret(Py_None); } //Register the module module = Py_InitModule3("Blender.Armature", M_Armature_methods, "The Blender Armature module"); //Add TYPEOBJECTS to the module PyModule_AddObject(module, "Armature", EXPP_incr_ret((PyObject *)&Armature_Type)); //*steals* PyModule_AddObject(module, "Bone", EXPP_incr_ret((PyObject *)&Bone_Type)); //*steals* PyModule_AddObject(module, "Editbone", EXPP_incr_ret((PyObject *)&EditBone_Type)); //*steals* //Add CONSTANTS to the module PyModule_AddObject(module, "CONNECTED", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("CONNECTED", BONE_CONNECTED))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "HINGE", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("HINGE", BONE_HINGE))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "NO_DEFORM", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("NO_DEFORM", BONE_NO_DEFORM))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "MULTIPLY", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("MULTIPLY", BONE_MULT_VG_ENV))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "HIDDEN_EDIT", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("HIDDEN_EDIT", BONE_HIDDEN_A))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "ROOT_SELECTED", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("ROOT_SELECTED", BONE_ROOTSEL))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "BONE_SELECTED", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("BONE_SELECTED", BONE_SELECTED))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "TIP_SELECTED", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("TIP_SELECTED", BONE_TIPSEL))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "OCTAHEDRON", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("OCTAHEDRON", ARM_OCTA))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "STICK", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("STICK", ARM_LINE))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "BBONE", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("BBONE", ARM_B_BONE))); PyModule_AddObject(module, "ENVELOPE", EXPP_incr_ret(PyConstant_NewInt("ENVELOPE", ARM_ENVELOPE))); //Add SUBMODULES to the module dict = PyModule_GetDict( module ); //borrowed PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "NLA", NLA_Init()); //creates a *new* module return module; }