# Blender.Armature module and the Armature PyType object """ The Blender.Armature submodule. Armature ======== This module provides access to B{Armature} objects in Blender. These are "skeletons", used to deform and animate other objects -- meshes, for example. Example:: import Blender from Blender import Armature # armatures = Armature.Get() for a in armatures: print "Armature ", a print "- The root bones of %s: %s" % (a.name, a.getBones()) """ def New (name = 'ArmatureData'): """ Create a new Armature object. @type name: string @param name: The Armature name. @rtype: Blender Armature @return: The created Armature object. """ def Get (name = None): """ Get the Armature object(s) from Blender. @type name: string @param name: The name of the Armature. @rtype: Blender Armature or a list of Blender Armatures @return: It depends on the I{name} parameter: - (name): The Armature object with the given I{name}; - (): A list with all Armature objects in the current scene. """ class Armature: """ The Armature object =================== This object gives access to Armature-specific data in Blender. @ivar name: The Armature name. @ivar bones: A List of Bones that make up this armature. """ def getName(): """ Get the name of this Armature object. @rtype: string """ def setName(name): """ Set the name of this Armature object. @type name: string @param name: The new name. """ def getBones(): """ Get all the Armature bones. @rtype: PyList @return: a list of PyBone objects that make up the armature. """ def addBone(bone): """ Add a bone to the armature. @type bone: PyBone @param bone: The Python Bone to add to the armature. @warn: If a bone is added to the armature with no parent if will not be parented. You should set the parent of the bone before adding to the armature. """ def drawAxes(bool): """ Set whether or not to draw the armature's axes per bone. @type bool: boolean (true or false) @param bool: specifies whether or not to draw axes """ def drawNames(bool): """ Set whether or not to draw the armature's names per bone. @type bool: boolean (true or false) @param bool: specifies whether or not to draw names """