# The Blender Module # The module files in this folder are used to create the API documentation. # Doc system used: epydoc - http://epydoc.sf.net # pseudo command line (check the epy_docgen.sh file): # epydoc -o BPY_API_23x --url "http://www.blender.org" -t Blender.py \ # -n "Blender" --no-private --no-frames Blender.py \ # Types.py Scene.py Object.py [ ... etc] """ The main Blender module. B{New}: L{Run}, L{UpdateMenus}, new options to L{Get}, L{ShowHelp}, L{SpaceHandlers} dictionary. Blender ======= @type bylink: bool @var bylink: True if the current script is being executed as a script link. @type link: Blender Object or None; integer (space handlers) @var link: for normal script links, 'link' points to the linked Object (can be a scene, object (mesh, camera, lamp), material or world). For space handler script links, 'link' is an integer from the Blender.L{SpaceHandlers} dictionary. For script not running as script links, 'link' is None. @type event: string or int @var event: this has three possible uses: script link type or events callback ascii value: - for normal script links it is a string representing the link type (OnLoad, FrameChanged, Redraw, etc.). - for EVENT space handler script links it is the passed event. - for normal L{GUI} scripts I{during the events callback}, it holds the ascii value of the current event, if it is a valid one. Users interested in this should also check the builtin 'ord' and 'chr' Python functions. @type mode: string @var mode: Blender's current mode: - 'interactive': normal mode, with an open window answering to user input; - 'background': Blender was started as 'C{blender -b }' and will exit as soon as it finishes rendering or executing a script (ex: 'C{blender -b -P