# Blender.Curve module and the Curve PyType object """ The Blender.Curve submodule. Curve Data ========== This module provides access to B{Curve Data} objects in Blender. A Blender Curve can consist of multiple curves. Try converting a Text object to a Curve to see an example of this. Each curve is of type Bezier or Nurb. The underlying curves can be accessed with the [] operator. Operator [] returns an object of type CurNurb. The Curve module also supports the Python iterator interface. This means you can access the curves in a Curve or the control points in a CurNurb using a python for statement. Add a Curve to a Scene Example:: from Blender import Curve, Object, Scene c = Curve.New() # create new curve data cur = Scene.getCurrent() # get current scene ob = Object.New('Curve') # make curve object ob.link(c) # link curve data with this object cur.link(ob) # link object into scene Iterator Example:: ob = Object.GetSelected()[0] curve = ob.getData() for cur in curve: print type( cur ), cur for point in cur: print type( point ), point """ def New ( name): """ Create a new Curve Data object. @type name: string @param name: The Curve Data name. @rtype: Blender Curve @return: The created Curve Data object. """ def Get (name = None): """ Get the Curve Data object(s) from Blender. @type name: string @param name: The name of the Curve Data. @rtype: Blender Curve or a list of Blender Curves @return: It depends on the 'name' parameter: - (name): The Curve Data object with the given name; - (): A list with all Curve Data objects in the current scene. """ class Curve: """ The Curve Data object ===================== This object gives access to Curve-specific data in Blender. @ivar name: The Curve Data name. @ivar pathlen: The Curve Data path length. @ivar totcol: The Curve Data maximal number of linked materials. @ivar flag: The Curve Data flag value; see function getFlag for the semantics. @ivar bevresol: The Curve Data bevel resolution. @ivar resolu: The Curve Data U-resolution. @ivar resolv: The Curve Data V-resolution. @ivar width: The Curve Data width. @ivar ext1: The Curve Data extent 1(for bevels). @ivar ext2: The Curve Data extent2 (for bevels). @ivar loc: The Curve Data location(from the center). @ivar rot: The Curve Data rotation(from the center). @ivar size: The Curve Data size(from the center). @ivar bevob: The Curve Bevel Object @cvar key: The L{Key.Key} object associated with this Curve, if any. """ def getName(): """ Get the name of this Curve Data object. @rtype: string """ def setName(name): """ Set the name of this Curve Data object. @rtype: PyNone @type name: string @param name: The new name. """ def getPathLen(): """ Get this Curve's path length. @rtype: int @return: the path length. """ def setPathLen(len): """ Set this Curve's path length. @rtype: PyNone @type len: int @param len: the new curve's length. """ def getTotcol(): """ Get the number of materials linked to the Curve. @rtype: int @return: number of materials linked. """ def setTotcol(totcol): """ Set the number of materials linked to the Curve. @rtype: PyNone @type totcol: int @param totcol: number of materials linked. """ def getFlag(): """ Get the Curve flag value. This item is a bitfield whose value is a combination of the following parameters. - Bit 0 : "3D" is set - Bit 1 : "Front" is set - Bit 2 : "Back" is set - Bit 3 : "CurvePath" is set. - Bit 4 : "CurveFollow" is set. @rtype: integer bitfield """ def setFlag(val): """ Set the Curve flag value. The flag corresponds to the Blender settings for 3D, Front, Back, CurvePath and CurveFollow. This parameter is a bitfield. @rtype: PyNone @type val: integer bitfield @param val : The Curve's flag bits. See L{getFlag} for the meaning of the individual bits. """ def getBevresol(): """ Get the Curve's bevel resolution value. @rtype: float """ def setBevresol(bevelresol): """ Set the Curve's bevel resolution value. @rtype: PyNone @type bevelresol: float @param bevelresol: The new Curve's bevel resolution value. """ def getResolu(): """ Get the Curve's U-resolution value. @rtype: float """ def setResolu(resolu): """ Set the Curve's U-resolution value. @rtype: PyNone @type resolu: float @param resolu: The new Curve's U-resolution value. """ def getResolv(): """ Get the Curve's V-resolution value. @rtype: float """ def setResolv(resolv): """ Set the Curve's V-resolution value. @rtype: PyNone @type resolv: float @param resolv: The new Curve's V-resolution value. """ def getWidth(): """ Get the Curve's width value. @rtype: float """ def setWidth(width): """ Set the Curve's width value. @rtype: PyNone @type width: float @param width: The new Curve's width value. """ def getExt1(): """ Get the Curve's ext1 value. @rtype: float """ def setExt1(ext1): """ Set the Curve's ext1 value. @rtype: PyNone @type ext1: float @param ext1: The new Curve's ext1 value. """ def getExt2(): """ Get the Curve's ext2 value. @rtype: float """ def setExt2(ext2): """ Set the Curve's ext2 value. @rtype: PyNone @type ext2: float @param ext2: The new Curve's ext2 value. """ def getControlPoint(numcurve,numpoint): """ Get the curve's control point value. The numpoint arg is an index into the list of points and starts with 0. @type numcurve: int @type numpoint: int @rtype: list of floats @return: depends upon the curve's type. - type Bezier : a list of nine floats. Values are x, y, z for handle-1, vertex and handle-2 - type Nurb : a list of 4 floats. Values are x, y, z, w. """ def setControlPoint( numcurve, numpoint, controlpoint): """ Set the Curve's controlpoint value. The numpoint arg is an index into the list of points and starts with 0. @rtype: PyNone @type numcurve: int @type numpoint: int @type controlpoint: list @param numcurve: index for spline in Curve, starting from 0 @param numpoint: index for point in spline, starting from 0 @param controlpoint: The new controlpoint value. See L{getControlPoint} for the length of the list. """ def appendPoint( numcurve, new_control_point ): """ add a new control point to the indicated curve. @rtype: PyNone @type numcurve: int @type new_control_point: list xyzw or BezTriple @param numcurve: index for spline in Curve, starting from 0 @param new_control_point: depends on curve's type. - type Bezier: a BezTriple - type Nurb: a list of four floats for the xyzw values @raise AttributeError: throws exception if numcurve is out of range. """ def appendNurb( new_point ): """ add a new curve to this Curve. The new point is added to the new curve. Blender does not support a curve with zero points. The new curve is added to the end of the list of curves in the Curve. @rtype: CurNurb @return: the newly added spline @type new_point: BezTriple or list of xyzw coordinates for a Nurb curve. @param new_point: see L{CurNurb.append} for description of parameter. """ def getLoc(): """ Get the curve's location value. @rtype: a list of 3 floats. """ def setLoc(location): """ Set the curve's location value. @rtype: PyNone @type location: list[3] @param location: The new Curve's location values. """ def getRot(): """ Get the curve's rotation value. @rtype: a list of 3 floats. """ def setRot(rotation): """ Set the Curve's rotation value. @rtype: PyNone @type rotation: list[3] @param rotation: The new Curve's rotation values. """ def getSize(): """ Get the curve's size value. @rtype: a list of 3 floats. """ def setSize(size): """ Set the curve size value. @rtype: PyNone @type size: list[3] @param size: The new Curve's size values. """ def getMaterials(): """ Returns a list of materials assigned to the Curve. @rtype: list of Material Objects @return: list of Material Objects assigned to the Curve. """ def getBevOb(): """ Returns the Bevel Object (BevOb) assigned to the Curve. @rtype: Blender Object or PyNone @return: Bevel Object (BevOb) assigned to the Curve. """ def setBevOb( object ): """ Assign a Bevel Object (BevOb) to the Curve. Passing None as the object parameter removes the bevel. @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone @type object: Curve type Blender Object @param object: Blender Object to assign as Bevel Object (BevOb) @raise TypeError: throws exception if the parameter is not a Curve type Blender Object or PyNone """ def getTaperOb(): """ Returns the Taper Object (TaperOb) assigned to the Curve. @rtype: Blender Object or PyNone @return: Taper Object (TaperOb) assigned to the Curve. """ def setTaperOb( object ): """ Assign a Taper Object (TaperOb) to the Curve. Passing None as the object parameter removes the taper. @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone @type object: Curve type Blender Object @param object: Blender Object to assign as Taper Object (TaperOb) @raise TypeError: throws exception if the parameter is not a Curve type Blender Object or PyNone """ def update(): """ Updates display list for a Curve. Used after making changes to control points. You B{must} use this if you want to see your changes! @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone """ def isNurb( curve_num ): """ method used to determine whether a CurNurb is of type Bezier or of type Nurb. @rtype: integer @return: Zero if curve is type Bezier, One if curve is of type Nurb. @type curve_num: integer @param curve_num: zero-based index into list of curves in this Curve. @raise AttributeError: throws exception if curve_num is out of range. """ def isCyclic( curve_num ): """ Boolean method checks whether the curve is cyclic (closed) or not. @rtype: boolean @return: True if is cyclic, False if not @type curve_num: integer @param curve_num: zero-based index into list of curves in this Curve @raise AttributeError: throws exception if curve_num is out of range. """ def getNumCurves(): """ Get the number of curves in this Curve Data object. @rtype: integer """ def getNumPoints( curve_num ): """ Get the number of control points in the curve. @type curve_num: integer @param curve_num: zero-based index into list of curves in this Curve @rtype: integer """ def getKey(): """ Return the L{Key.Key} object containing the keyframes for this curve, if any. @rtype: L{Key.Key} object or None """ class CurNurb: """ The CurNurb Object ================== This object provides access to the control points of the curves that make up a Blender Curve. The CurNurb supports the python iterator protocol which means you can use a python for statement to access the points in a curve. The CurNurb also supports the sequence protocol which means you can access the control points of a CurNurb using the [] operator. @ivar flagU: The CurNurb knot flag U. See L{setFlagU} for bit definitions. @ivar flagV: The CurNurb knot flag V (0: uniform, 1: endpoints, 2: bezier) @ivar type: The type of the curve (Poly: 0, Bezier: 1, NURBS: 4) """ def __setitem__( n, point ): """ Replace the Nth point in the curve. The type of the argument must match the type of the curve. List of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians) for Nurbs or BezTriple for Bezier. @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone @type n: integer @param n: the index of the element to replace @type point: BezTriple or list of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians) @param point: the point that will replace the one in the curve. The point can be either a BezTriple type or a list of 4 floats in x,y,z,w (optionally tilt in radians as 5th value) format for a Nurb curve. """ def __getitem__( n ): """ Get the Nth element in the curve. For Bezier curves, that element is a BezTriple. For the rest (Poly and Nurbs), it is a list of 5 floats: x, y, z, weight, tilt (in radians). NOTE 1: This element element is independant on the curve, modifying it will not affect the curve. NOTE 2: Each successive call returns a new object. @rtype: BezTriple (Bezier Curve) or List of 5 floats [x, y, z, w, t] for Poly or Nurbs @return: The Nth element in the curve @type n: integer @param n: the index of the element to return """ def append( new_point ): """ Appends a new point to a curve. This method appends points to both Bezier and Nurb curves. The type of the argument must match the type of the curve. List of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians) for Nurbs or BezTriple for Bezier. @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone @type new_point: BezTriple or list of 4 floats (optional 5th float is the tilt value in radians) @param new_point: the new point to be appended to the curve. The new point can be either a BezTriple type or a list of 4 floats in x,y,z,w (optionally tilt in radians as 5th value) format for a Nurb curve. """ def setMatIndex( index ): """ Sets the Material index for this CurNurb. @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone @type index: integer @param index: the new value for the Material number of this CurNurb. No range checking is done. """ def getMatIndex(): """ Returns the Material index for this CurNurb. @rtype: integer @return: integer """ def isNurb(): """ Boolean method used to determine whether a CurNurb is of type Bezier or of type Nurb. @rtype: boolean @return: True or False """ def isCyclic(): """ Boolean method checks whether a CurNurb is cyclic (a closed curve) or not. @rtype: boolean @return: True or False """ def getFlagU(): """ Get the CurNurb knot flag U. This flag is a bitfield. See L{setFlagU} for bit definitions. @rtype: integer @return: 0 - uniform, 2 - endpoints, 4 - bezier """ def setFlagU( value ): """ Set the entire CurNurb knot flag U (knots are recalculated automatically). Another of Blender's bitfields. - bit 0: continuous. - bit 1: endpoints. - bit 2: bezier. @type value: integer @param value: CurNurb knot flag (0 - uniform, 2 - endpoints, 4 - bezier) @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone """ def getFlagV(): """ Get the CurNurb knot flag V @rtype: integer @return: 0 - uniform, 1 - endpoints, 2 - bezier """ def setFlagV( value ): """ Set the CurNurb knot flag V (knots are recalculated automatically) @type value: integer @param value: CurNurb knot flag (0 - uniform, 1 - endpoints, 2 - bezier) @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone """ def getType(): """ Get the type of the curve @rtype: integer @return: 0 - Poly, 1 - Bezier, 4 - NURBS """ def getType( value ): """ Set the type of the curve and converts the curve to its new type if needed @type value: integer @param value: CurNurb type flag (0 - Poly, 1 - Bezier, 4 - NURBS) @rtype: PyNone @return: PyNone """