CURVE Module documentation INTRODUCTION The Curve module gives access to the curves objects. Curves are used for many things in blender : creation of graphical objects, duplication of meshes, displacement of meshes, in IPOs for instance. Blender has three main types of curves : nurbs curves, each control point has three coordinates. bezier curves, each control point has nine coordinates. text curves, which represent graphical text objects. functions of the module : Get(Name:string) : returns the Curve whose name is Name. get : same as Get New(Name:string (optional)) : Creates a new Curve Object. If the parameter Name is given, it will be the name of the Curve Object, else the name will be choosen by blender. Curve Object member functions : getName() : Retreives the Curve Object name. setName(Name : string) : Sets the Curve Object name. getPathLen() : Retrieves the Curve Object path length. setPathLen(len:int) : Sets the Curve Object path length. getTotcol() : Retreives the parameter totcol of the Curve. setTotcol(val:int) : Sets the parameter totcol /*I do not know what means this parameter...*/ getFlag()Retrieves the mode of the Curve Object setFlag(val:int) :Sets the mode of the Curve. The mode of the curve is a combination of parameters. Bits 0,1,2 : "Back", "Front" and "3D". Bit 3 : "CurvePath" is set. Bit 4 : "CurveFollow" is set. getBevresol() : Retreives the bevel resolution of the curve. setBevresol(val:float) : Sets the bevel resolution of the curve. getResolu() : Retreives the U-resolution of the curve. setResolu(val:int) : sets the U-resolution of the curve. getResolv() : Retreives the V-resolution of the curve. setResolv(val:int) : sets the V-resolution of the curve. getWidth() : Retreives the bevel width of the curve. setWidth(val:float) : Sets the bevel width. getExt1() : Retreives the bevel height1 of the curve. setExt1(val:float) : Sets the bevel height1 of the curve. getExt2() : Retreives the bevel height2 of the curve. setExt2(val:float) : Sets the bevel height2 of the curve. getControlPoint(i:int) : Retreives the i-th control point. Depending upon the curve type, returne a list of 4(nurbs) or 9(bez) floats. setControlPoint(i:int, x1:float,...x4:float) setControlPoint(i:int, x1:float,...x9:float) : Sets the i-th control point value. getLoc() : Retreives the Curve location(from the center) setLoc(x:float,y:float,z:float) : Sets the Curve location getRot() : Retreives the Curve rotation(from the center) setRot(x:float,y:float,z:float) : Sets the Curve rotation. getSize() : Retreives the Curve size. setSize(x:float,y:float,z:float) : Sets the Curve size. Direct acces to the parameters values : You cann read and write the parameter XXX with the following syntax : val = obj.XXX or obj.XXX = val. The possible parameters names are :"name","pathlen","resolu","resolv","width","ext1", and "ext2" Submodules : No submodule.