# Blender.Image module and the Image PyType object """ The Blender.Image submodule. Image ===== This module provides access to B{Image} objects in Blender. Example:: import Blender from Blender import Image # image = Image.Load("/path/to/my/image.png") # load an image file print "Image from", image.getFilename(), print "loaded to obj", image.getName()) image.setXRep(4) # set x tiling factor image.setYRep(2) # set y tiling factor print "All Images available now:", Image.Get() """ def Load (filename): """ Load the image called 'filename' into an Image object. @type filename: string @param filename: The full path to the image file. @rtype: Blender Image @return: A Blender Image object with the data from I{filename}. """ def New (name): """ Create a new Image object (not implemented yet!). @type name: string @param name: The name of the new Image object. @rtype: Blender Image @return: A new Blender Image object. @warn: This function wasn't implemented yet. It simply returns None. """ def Get (name = None): """ Get the Image object(s) from Blender. @type name: string @param name: The name of the Image object. @rtype: Blender Image or a list of Blender Images @return: It depends on the I{name} parameter: - (name): The Image object called I{name}, None if not found; - (): A list with all Image objects in the current scene. """ class Image: """ The Image object ================ This object gives access to Images in Blender. @cvar name: The name of this Image object. @cvar filename: The filename (path) to the image file loaded into this Image object. @cvar size: The [width, height] dimensions of the image (in pixels). @cvar depth: The pixel depth of the image. @cvar xrep: Texture tiling: the number of repetitions in the x (horizontal) axis. @cvar yrep: Texture tiling: the number of repetitions in the y (vertical) axis. """ def getName(): """ Get the name of this Image object. @rtype: string """ def getFilename(): """ Get the filename of the image file loaded into this Image object. @rtype: string """ def getSize(): """ Get the [width, height] dimensions (in pixels) of this image. @rtype: list of 2 ints """ def getDepth(): """ Get the pixel depth of this image. @rtype: int """ def getXRep(): """ Get the number of repetitions in the x (horizontal) axis for this Image. This is for texture tiling. @rtype: int """ def getYRep(): """ Get the number of repetitions in the y (vertical) axis for this Image. This is for texture tiling. @rtype: int """ def reload(): """ Reloads this image from the filesystem. If used within a loop you need to redraw the Window to see the change in the image, e.g. with Window.RedrawAll(). @warn: if the image file is corrupt or still being written, it will be replaced by a blank image in Blender, but no error will be returned. @returns: None """ def setName(name): """ Set the name of this Image object. @type name: string @param name: The new name. """ def setXRep(xrep): """ Texture tiling: set the number of x repetitions for this Image. @type xrep: int @param xrep: The new value in [1, 16]. """ def setYRep(yrep): """ Texture tiling: set the number of y repetitions for this Image. @type yrep: int @param yrep: The new value in [1, 16]. """