# Blender.Image module and the Image PyType object """ The Blender.Image submodule. Image ===== B{New}: L{Image.setFilename}. This module provides access to B{Image} objects in Blender. Example:: import Blender from Blender import Image # image = Image.Load("/path/to/my/image.png") # load an image file print "Image from", image.getFilename(), print "loaded to obj", image.getName()) image.setXRep(4) # set x tiling factor image.setYRep(2) # set y tiling factor print "All Images available now:", Image.Get() """ def Load (filename): """ Load the image called 'filename' into an Image object. @type filename: string @param filename: The full path to the image file. @rtype: Blender Image @return: A Blender Image object with the data from I{filename}. """ def New (name): """ Create a new Image object (not implemented yet!). @type name: string @param name: The name of the new Image object. @rtype: Blender Image @return: A new Blender Image object. @warn: This function wasn't implemented yet. It simply returns None. """ def Get (name = None): """ Get the Image object(s) from Blender. @type name: string @param name: The name of the Image object. @rtype: Blender Image or a list of Blender Images @return: It depends on the I{name} parameter: - (name): The Image object called I{name}, None if not found; - (): A list with all Image objects in the current scene. """ class Image: """ The Image object ================ This object gives access to Images in Blender. @cvar name: The name of this Image object. @cvar filename: The filename (path) to the image file loaded into this Image object. @cvar size: The [width, height] dimensions of the image (in pixels). @cvar depth: The pixel depth of the image. @cvar xrep: Texture tiling: the number of repetitions in the x (horizontal) axis. @cvar yrep: Texture tiling: the number of repetitions in the y (vertical) axis. @cvar bindcode: Texture's bind code (readonly). """ def getName(): """ Get the name of this Image object. @rtype: string """ def getFilename(): """ Get the filename of the image file loaded into this Image object. @rtype: string """ def getSize(): """ Get the [width, height] dimensions (in pixels) of this image. @rtype: list of 2 ints """ def getDepth(): """ Get the pixel depth of this image. @rtype: int """ def getPixel(x, y): """ Get the the colors of the current pixel in the form [r,g,b,a]. Pixel coordinates are in the range from 0 to N-1. See L{getMaxXY} @returns: [ r, g, b, a] @rtype: list of 4 floats @type x: int @type y: int @param x: the x coordinate of pixel. @param y: the y coordinate of pixel. """ def getMaxXY(): """ Get the x & y size for the image. Image coordinates range from 0 to size-1. @returns: [x, y] @rtype: list of 2 ints """ def getXRep(): """ Get the number of repetitions in the x (horizontal) axis for this Image. This is for texture tiling. @rtype: int """ def getYRep(): """ Get the number of repetitions in the y (vertical) axis for this Image. This is for texture tiling. @rtype: int """ def getBindCode(): """ Get the Image's bindcode. This is for texture loading using BGL calls. See, for example, L{BGL.glBindTexture} and L{glLoad}. @rtype: int """ def reload(): """ Reloads this image from the filesystem. If used within a loop you need to redraw the Window to see the change in the image, e.g. with Window.RedrawAll(). @warn: if the image file is corrupt or still being written, it will be replaced by a blank image in Blender, but no error will be returned. @returns: None """ def glLoad(): """ Load this image's data into OpenGL texture memory, if it is not already loaded (image.bindcode is 0 if it is not loaded yet). @note: Usually you don't need to call this method. It is only necessary if you want to draw textured objects in the Scripts window and the image's bind code is zero at that moment, otherwise Blender itself can take care of binding / unbinding textures. Calling this method for an image with nonzero bind code simply returns the image's bind code value (see L{getBindCode}). @rtype: int @returns: the texture's bind code. """ def glFree(): """ Delete this image's data from OpenGL texture memory, only (the image itself is not removed from Blender's memory). Internally, glDeleteTextures (see L{BGL.glDeleteTextures}) is used, but this method also updates Blender's Image object so that its bind code is set to 0. See also L{Image.glLoad}, L{Image.getBindCode}. """ def setName(name): """ Set the name of this Image object. @type name: string @param name: The new name. """ def setFilename(name): """ Change the filename of this Image object. @type name: string @param name: The new full filename. @warn: use this with caution and note that the filename is truncated if larger than 160 characters. """ def setXRep(xrep): """ Texture tiling: set the number of x repetitions for this Image. @type xrep: int @param xrep: The new value in [1, 16]. """ def setYRep(yrep): """ Texture tiling: set the number of y repetitions for this Image. @type yrep: int @param yrep: The new value in [1, 16]. """