# Blender.Mathutils module and its subtypes """ The Blender.Mathutils submodule. Mathutils ========= This module provides access to matrices, eulers, quaternions and vectors. Example:: import Blender from Blender import Mathutils from Blender.Mathutils import * vec = Vector([1,2,3]) mat = RotationMatrix(90, 4, 'x') matT = TranslationMatrix(vec) matTotal = mat * matT matTotal.invert() mat3 = matTotal.rotationPart quat1 = mat.toQuat() quat2 = mat3.toQuat() angle = DifferenceQuats(quat1, quat2) print angle """ def Rand (high = 1, low = 0): """ Return a random number within a range. High and low represent the range from which the random number must return its result. @type high: float @param high: The upper range. @type low: float @param low: The lower range. """ def CopyVec(vector): """ Create a copy of the Vector object. @type vector: Vector object. @param vector: A 2d,3d or 4d vector to be copied. @rtype: Vector object. @return: A new vector object which is a copy of the one passed in. """ def CrossVecs(vec1, vec2): """ Return the cross product of two vectors. @type vec1: Vector object. @param vec1: A 3d vector. @type vec2: Vector object. @param vec2: A 3d vector. @rtype: Vector object. @return: A new vector representing the cross product of the two vectors. """ def DotVecs(vec1, vec2): """ Return the dot product of two vectors. @type vec1: Vector object. @param vec1: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @type vec2: Vector object. @param vec2: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @rtype: float @return: Return the scalar product of vector muliplication. """ def AngleBetweenVecs(vec1, vec2): """ Return the angle between two vectors. @type vec1: Vector object. @param vec1: A 2d or 3d vector. @type vec2: Vector object. @param vec2: A 2d or 3d vector. @rtype: float @return: The angle between the vectors in degrees. """ def MidpointVecs(vec1, vec2): """ Return a vector to the midpoint between two vectors. @type vec1: Vector object. @param vec1: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @type vec2: Vector object. @param vec2: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @rtype: Vector object @return: The vector to the midpoint. """ def VecMultMat(vec, mat): """ Multiply a vector and matrix (pre-multiply) Vector size and matrix column size must equal. @type vec: Vector object. @param vec: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @type mat: Matrix object. @param mat: A 2d,3d or 4d matrix. @rtype: Vector object @return: The row vector that results from the muliplication. """ def ProjectVecs(vec1, vec2): """ Return the projection of vec1 onto vec2. @type vec1: Vector object. @param vec1: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @type vec2: Vector object. @param vec2: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @rtype: Vector object @return: The parallel projection vector. """ def RotationMatrix(angle, matSize, axisFlag, axis): """ Create a matrix representing a rotation. @type angle: float @param angle: The angle of rotation desired. @type matSize: int @param matSize: The size of the rotation matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d. @type axisFlag: string (optional) @param axisFlag: Possible values: - "x - x-axis rotation" - "y - y-axis rotation" - "z - z-axis rotation" - "r - arbitrary rotation around vector" @type axis: Vector object. (optional) @param axis: The arbitrary axis of rotation used with "R" @rtype: Matrix object. @return: A new rotation matrix. """ def TranslationMatrix(vector): """ Create a matrix representing a translation @type vector: Vector object @param vector: The translation vector @rtype: Matrix object. @return: An identity matrix with a translation. """ def ScaleMatrix(factor, matSize, axis): """ Create a matrix representing a scaling. @type factor: float @param factor: The factor of scaling to apply. @type matSize: int @param matSize: The size of the scale matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d. @type axis: Vector object. (optional) @param axis: Direction to influence scale. @rtype: Matrix object. @return: A new scale matrix. """ def OrthoProjectionMatrix(plane, matSize, axis): """ Create a matrix to represent an orthographic projection @type plane: string @param plane: Can be any of the following: - "x - x projection (2D)" - "y - y projection (2D)" - "xy - xy projection" - "xz - xz projection" - "yz - yz projection" - "r - arbitrary projection plane" @type matSize: int @param matSize: The size of the projection matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d. @type axis: Vector object. (optional) @param axis: Arbitrary perpendicular plane vector. @rtype: Matrix object. @return: A new projeciton matrix. """ def ShearMatrix(plane, factor, matSize): """ Create a matrix to represent an orthographic projection @type plane: string @param plane: Can be any of the following: - "x - x shear (2D)" - "y - y shear (2D)" - "xy - xy shear" - "xz - xz shear" - "yz - yz shear" @type factor: float @param factor: The factor of shear to apply. @type matSize: int @param matSize: The size of the projection matrix to construct. Can be 2d, 3d, or 4d. @rtype: Matrix object. @return: A new shear matrix. """ def CopyMat(matrix): """ Create a copy of the Matrix object. @type matrix: Matrix object. @param matrix: A 2d,3d or 4d matrix to be copied. @rtype: Matrix object. @return: A new matrix object which is a copy of the one passed in. """ def MatMultVec(mat, vec): """ Multiply a matrix and a vector (post-multiply) Vector size and matrix row size must equal. @type vec: Vector object. @param vec: A 2d,3d or 4d vector. @type mat: Matrix object. @param mat: A 2d,3d or 4d matrix. @rtype: Vector object @return: The column vector that results from the muliplication. """ def CopyQuat(quaternion): """ Create a copy of the Quaternion object. @type quaternion: Quaternion object. @param quaternion: Quaternion to be copied. @rtype: Quaternion object. @return: A new quaternion object which is a copy of the one passed in. """ def CrossQuats(quat1, quat2): """ Return the cross product of two quaternions. @type quat1: Quaternion object. @param quat1: Quaternion. @type quat2: Quaternion object. @param quat2: Quaternion. @rtype: Quaternion object. @return: A new quaternion representing the cross product of the two quaternions. """ def DotQuats(quat1, quat2): """ Return the dot product of two quaternions. @type quat1: Quaternion object. @param quat1: Quaternion. @type quat2: Quaternion object. @param quat2: Quaternion. @rtype: float @return: Return the scalar product of quaternion muliplication. """ def DifferenceQuats(quat1, quat2): """ Returns a quaternion represting the rotational difference. @type quat1: Quaternion object. @param quat1: Quaternion. @type quat2: Quaternion object. @param quat2: Quaternion. @rtype: Quaternion object @return: Return a quaternion which which represents the rotational difference between the two quat rotations. """ def Slerp(quat1, quat2, factor): """ Returns the interpolation of two quaternions. @type quat1: Quaternion object. @param quat1: Quaternion. @type quat2: Quaternion object. @param quat2: Quaternion. @type factor: float @param factor: The interpolation value @rtype: Quaternion object @return: The interpolated rotation. """ def CopyEuler(euler): """ Create a new euler object. @type euler: Euler object @param euler: The euler to copy @rtype: Euler object @return: A copy of the euler object passed in. """ def RotateEuler(euler, angle, axis): """ Roatate a euler by an amount in degrees around an axis. @type euler: Euler object @param euler: Euler to rotate. @type angle: float @param angle: The amount of rotation in degrees @type axis: string @param axis: axis to rotate around: - "x" - "y" - "z" """ class Vector: """ The Vector object ================= This object gives access to Vectors in Blender. @cvar x: The x value. @cvar y: The y value. @cvar z: The z value (if any). @cvar w: The w value (if any). @cvar length: The magnitude of the vector. """ def __init__(list = None): """ Create a new Vector object from a list. Example:: v = Blender.Mathutils.Vector([1,0,0]) @type list: PyList of float or int @param list: The list of values for the Vector object. Must be 2, 3, or 4 values. The list is mapped to the parameters as [x,y,z,w]. @rtype: Vector object. @return: It depends wheter a parameter was passed: - (list): Vector object initialized with the given values; - (): An empty 3 dimensional vector. """ def zero(): """ Set all values to zero. """ def normalize(): """ Normalize the vector. """ def negate(): """ Set all values to their negative. """ def resize2D(): """ Resize the vector to 2d. """ def resize3D(): """ Resize the vector to 3d. """ def resize4D(): """ Resize the vector to 4d. """ class Euler: """ The Euler object ================ This object gives access to Eulers in Blender. @cvar x: The heading value in degrees. @cvar y: The pitch value in degrees. @cvar z: The roll value in degrees. """ def __init__(list = None): """ Create a new euler object. Example:: euler = Euler([45,0,0]) @type list: PyList of float/int @param list: 3d list to initialize euler @rtype: Euler object @return: Euler representing heading, pitch, bank. @note: Values are in degrees. """ def zero(): """ Set all values to zero. """ def unique(): """ Calculate a unique rotation for this euler. """ def toMatrix(): """ Return a matrix representation of the euler. @rtype: Matrix object @return: A roation matrix representation of the euler. """ def toQuat(): """ Return a quaternion representation of the euler. @rtype: Quaternion object @return: Quaternion representation of the euler. """ class Quaternion: """ The Quaternion object ===================== This object gives access to Quaternions in Blender. @cvar w: The w value. @cvar x: The x value. @cvar y: The y value. @cvar z: The z value. @cvar magnitude: The magnitude of the quaternion. @cvar axis: Vector representing the axis of rotation. @cvar angle: A scalar representing the amount of rotation in degrees. """ def __init__(list, angle = None): """ Create a new quaternion object from initialized values. Example:: quat = Mathutils.Quaternion([1.0,0.0,0.0]) @type list: PyList of int/float @param list: A 3d or 4d list to initialize quaternion. 4d if intializing [w,x,y,z], 3d if used as an axis of rotation. @type angle: float (optional) @param angle: An arbitrary rotation amount around 'list'. List is used as an axis of rotation in this case. @rtype: New quaternion object. @return: It depends wheter a parameter was passed: - (list/angle): Quaternion object initialized with the given values; - (): An identity 4 dimensional quaternion. """ def identity(): """ Set the quaternion to the identity quaternion. """ def negate(): """ Set the quaternion to it's negative. """ def conjugate(): """ Set the quaternion to it's conjugate. """ def inverse(): """ Set the quaternion to it's inverse """ def normalize(): """ Normalize the quaternion. """ def toEuler(): """ Return Euler representation of the quaternion. @rtype: Euler object @return: Euler representation of the quaternion. """ def toMatrix(): """ Return a matrix representation of the quaternion. @rtype: Matrix object @return: A rotation matrix representation of the quaternion. """ class Matrix: """ The Matrix Object ================= This object gives access to Matrices in Blender. @cvar rowsize: The row size of the matrix. @cvar colsize: The column size of the matrix. """ def __init__(list1 = None, list2 = None, list3 = None, list4 = None): """ Create a new matrix object from initialized values. Example:: matrix = Mathutils.Matrix([1,1,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]) @type list1: PyList of int/float @param list1: A 2d,3d or 4d list. @type list2: PyList of int/float @param list2: A 2d,3d or 4d list. @type list3: PyList of int/float @param list3: A 2d,3d or 4d list. @type list4: PyList of int/float @param list4: A 2d,3d or 4d list. @rtype: New matrix object. @return: It depends wheter a parameter was passed: - (list1, etc.): Matrix object initialized with the given values; - (): An empty 3 dimensional matrix. """ def zero(): """ Set all matrix values to 0. """ def identity(): """ Set the matrix to the identity matrix. """ def transpose(): """ Set the matrix to it's transpose. """ def determinant(): """ Return the determinant of a matrix. @rtype: int @return: Return a the determinant of a matrix. """ def invert(): """ Set the matrix to it's inverse. """ def rotationPart(): """ Return the 3d submatrix corresponding to the linear term of the embedded affine transformation in 3d. This matrix represents rotation and scale. Note that the (4,4) element of a matrix can be used for uniform scaling, too. @rtype: Matrix object. @return: Return the 3d matrix for rotation and scale. """ def translationPart(): """ Return a the translation part of a 4 row matrix. @rtype: Vector object. @return: Return a the translation of a matrix. """ def resize4x4(): """ Resize the matrix to by 4x4 """ def toEuler(): """ Return an Euler representation of the rotation matrix. @rtype: Euler object @return: Euler representation of the rotation matrix. """ def toQuat(): """ Return a quaternion representation of the rotation matrix @rtype: Quaternion object @return: Quaternion representation of the rotation matrix """