/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2012 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. */ /** \file blender/python/bmesh/bmesh_py_utils.c * \ingroup pybmesh * * This file defines the 'bmesh.utils' module. * Utility functions for operating on 'bmesh.types' */ #include #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_math_base.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "../mathutils/mathutils.h" #include "bmesh.h" #include "bmesh_py_types.h" #include "bmesh_py_utils.h" /* own include */ #include "../generic/py_capi_utils.h" #include "../generic/python_utildefines.h" PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_edge_doc, ".. method:: vert_collapse_edge(vert, edge)\n" "\n" " Collapse a vertex into an edge.\n" "\n" " :arg vert: The vert that will be collapsed.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg edge: The edge to collapse into.\n" " :type edge: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :return: The resulting edge from the collapse operation.\n" " :rtype: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_edge(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMEdge *py_edge; BPy_BMVert *py_vert; BMesh *bm; BMEdge *e_new = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!:vert_collapse_edge", &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert, &BPy_BMEdge_Type, &py_edge)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_edge); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); /* this doubles for checking that the verts are in the same mesh */ if (!(py_edge->e->v1 == py_vert->v || py_edge->e->v2 == py_vert->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_collapse_edge(vert, edge): the vertex is not found in the edge"); return NULL; } if (BM_vert_edge_count_is_over(py_vert->v, 2)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_collapse_edge(vert, edge): vert has more than 2 connected edges"); return NULL; } bm = py_edge->bm; e_new = BM_vert_collapse_edge(bm, py_edge->e, py_vert->v, true, true); if (e_new) { return BPy_BMEdge_CreatePyObject(bm, e_new); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_collapse_edge(vert, edge): no new edge created, internal error"); return NULL; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_faces_doc, ".. method:: vert_collapse_faces(vert, edge, fac, join_faces)\n" "\n" " Collapses a vertex that has only two manifold edges onto a vertex it shares an edge with.\n" "\n" " :arg vert: The vert that will be collapsed.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg edge: The edge to collapse into.\n" " :type edge: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :arg fac: The factor to use when merging customdata [0 - 1].\n" " :type fac: float\n" " :return: The resulting edge from the collapse operation.\n" " :rtype: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_faces(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMEdge *py_edge; BPy_BMVert *py_vert; float fac; int do_join_faces; BMesh *bm; BMEdge *e_new = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!fi:vert_collapse_faces", &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert, &BPy_BMEdge_Type, &py_edge, &fac, &do_join_faces)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_edge); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); /* this doubles for checking that the verts are in the same mesh */ if (!(py_edge->e->v1 == py_vert->v || py_edge->e->v2 == py_vert->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_collapse_faces(vert, edge): the vertex is not found in the edge"); return NULL; } if (BM_vert_edge_count_is_over(py_vert->v, 2)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_collapse_faces(vert, edge): vert has more than 2 connected edges"); return NULL; } bm = py_edge->bm; e_new = BM_vert_collapse_faces(bm, py_edge->e, py_vert->v, clamp_f(fac, 0.0f, 1.0f), true, do_join_faces, true); if (e_new) { return BPy_BMEdge_CreatePyObject(bm, e_new); } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_collapse_faces(vert, edge): no new edge created, internal error"); return NULL; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_vert_dissolve_doc, ".. method:: vert_dissolve(vert)\n" "\n" " Dissolve this vertex (will be removed).\n" "\n" " :arg vert: The vert to be dissolved.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :return: True when the vertex dissolve is successful.\n" " :rtype: boolean\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_vert_dissolve(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMVert *py_vert; BMesh *bm; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!:vert_dissolve", &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); bm = py_vert->bm; return PyBool_FromLong((BM_vert_dissolve(bm, py_vert->v))); } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_vert_splice_doc, ".. method:: vert_splice(vert, vert_target)\n" "\n" " Splice vert into vert_target.\n" "\n" " :arg vert: The vertex to be removed.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg vert_target: The vertex to use.\n" " :type vert_target: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" "\n" " .. note:: The verts mustn't share an edge or face.\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_vert_splice(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMVert *py_vert; BPy_BMVert *py_vert_target; BMesh *bm; bool ok; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!:vert_splice", &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert, &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert_target)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert_target); bm = py_vert->bm; BPY_BM_CHECK_SOURCE_OBJ(bm, "vert_splice", py_vert_target); if (py_vert->v == py_vert_target->v) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_splice(...): vert arguments match"); return NULL; } if (BM_edge_exists(py_vert->v, py_vert_target->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_splice(...): verts can't share an edge"); return NULL; } if (BM_vert_pair_share_face_check(py_vert->v, py_vert_target->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vert_splice(...): verts can't share a face"); return NULL; } /* should always succeed */ ok = BM_vert_splice(bm, py_vert_target->v, py_vert->v); BLI_assert(ok == true); UNUSED_VARS_NDEBUG(ok); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_vert_separate_doc, ".. method:: vert_separate(vert, edges)\n" "\n" " Separate this vertex at every edge.\n" "\n" " :arg vert: The vert to be separated.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg edges: The edges to separated.\n" " :type edges: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :return: The newly separated verts (including the vertex passed).\n" " :rtype: tuple of :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_vert_separate(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMVert *py_vert; PyObject *edge_seq; BMesh *bm; BMVert **elem; int elem_len; /* edges to split */ BMEdge **edge_array; Py_ssize_t edge_array_len; PyObject *ret; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O:vert_separate", &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert, &edge_seq)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); bm = py_vert->bm; edge_array = BPy_BMElem_PySeq_As_Array(&bm, edge_seq, 0, PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, &edge_array_len, BM_EDGE, true, true, "vert_separate(...)"); if (edge_array == NULL) { return NULL; } BM_vert_separate(bm, py_vert->v, edge_array, edge_array_len, false, &elem, &elem_len); /* return collected verts */ ret = BPy_BMVert_Array_As_Tuple(bm, elem, elem_len); MEM_freeN(elem); PyMem_FREE(edge_array); return ret; } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_edge_split_doc, ".. method:: edge_split(edge, vert, fac)\n" "\n" " Split an edge, return the newly created data.\n" "\n" " :arg edge: The edge to split.\n" " :type edge: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :arg vert: One of the verts on the edge, defines the split direction.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg fac: The point on the edge where the new vert will be created [0 - 1].\n" " :type fac: float\n" " :return: The newly created (edge, vert) pair.\n" " :rtype: tuple\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_edge_split(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMEdge *py_edge; BPy_BMVert *py_vert; float fac; BMesh *bm; BMVert *v_new = NULL; BMEdge *e_new = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!f:edge_split", &BPy_BMEdge_Type, &py_edge, &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert, &fac)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_edge); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert); /* this doubles for checking that the verts are in the same mesh */ if (!(py_edge->e->v1 == py_vert->v || py_edge->e->v2 == py_vert->v)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "edge_split(edge, vert): the vertex is not found in the edge"); return NULL; } bm = py_edge->bm; v_new = BM_edge_split(bm, py_edge->e, py_vert->v, &e_new, clamp_f(fac, 0.0f, 1.0f)); if (v_new && e_new) { PyObject *ret = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SET_ITEMS(ret, BPy_BMEdge_CreatePyObject(bm, e_new), BPy_BMVert_CreatePyObject(bm, v_new)); return ret; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "edge_split(edge, vert): couldn't split the edge, internal error"); return NULL; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_edge_rotate_doc, ".. method:: edge_rotate(edge, ccw=False)\n" "\n" " Rotate the edge and return the newly created edge.\n" " If rotating the edge fails, None will be returned.\n" "\n" " :arg edge: The edge to rotate.\n" " :type edge: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :arg ccw: When True the edge will be rotated counter clockwise.\n" " :type ccw: boolean\n" " :return: The newly rotated edge.\n" " :rtype: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_edge_rotate(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMEdge *py_edge; bool do_ccw = false; BMesh *bm; BMEdge *e_new = NULL; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O!|O&:edge_rotate", &BPy_BMEdge_Type, &py_edge, PyC_ParseBool, &do_ccw)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_edge); bm = py_edge->bm; e_new = BM_edge_rotate(bm, py_edge->e, do_ccw, 0); if (e_new) { return BPy_BMEdge_CreatePyObject(bm, e_new); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_face_split_doc, ".. method:: face_split(face, vert_a, vert_b, coords=(), use_exist=True, example=None)\n" "\n" " Face split with optional intermediate points.\n" "\n" " :arg face: The face to cut.\n" " :type face: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" " :arg vert_a: First vertex to cut in the face (face must contain the vert).\n" " :type vert_a: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg vert_b: Second vertex to cut in the face (face must contain the vert).\n" " :type vert_b: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :arg coords: Optional argument to define points in between *vert_a* and *vert_b*.\n" " :type coords: sequence of float triplets\n" " :arg use_exist: .Use an existing edge if it exists (Only used when *coords* argument is empty or omitted)\n" " :type use_exist: boolean\n" " :arg example: Newly created edge will copy settings from this one.\n" " :type example: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :return: The newly created face or None on failure.\n" " :rtype: (:class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`, :class:`bmesh.types.BMLoop`) pair\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_face_split(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { static const char *kwlist[] = {"face", "vert_a", "vert_b", "coords", "use_exist", "example", NULL}; BPy_BMFace *py_face; BPy_BMVert *py_vert_a; BPy_BMVert *py_vert_b; /* optional */ PyObject *py_coords = NULL; bool edge_exists = true; BPy_BMEdge *py_edge_example = NULL; float *coords; int ncoords = 0; BMesh *bm; BMFace *f_new = NULL; BMLoop *l_new = NULL; BMLoop *l_a, *l_b; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords( args, kw, "O!O!O!|OO&O!:face_split", (char **)kwlist, &BPy_BMFace_Type, &py_face, &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert_a, &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert_b, &py_coords, PyC_ParseBool, &edge_exists, &BPy_BMEdge_Type, &py_edge_example)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_face); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert_a); BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_vert_b); if (py_edge_example) { BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_edge_example); } /* this doubles for checking that the verts are in the same mesh */ if ((l_a = BM_face_vert_share_loop(py_face->f, py_vert_a->v)) && (l_b = BM_face_vert_share_loop(py_face->f, py_vert_b->v))) { /* pass */ } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "face_split(...): one of the verts passed is not found in the face"); return NULL; } if (py_vert_a->v == py_vert_b->v) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "face_split(...): vert arguments must differ"); return NULL; } if (py_coords) { ncoords = mathutils_array_parse_alloc_v(&coords, 3, py_coords, "face_split(...): "); if (ncoords == -1) { return NULL; } } else { if (BM_loop_is_adjacent(l_a, l_b)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "face_split(...): verts are adjacent in the face"); return NULL; } } /* --- main function body --- */ bm = py_face->bm; if (ncoords) { f_new = BM_face_split_n(bm, py_face->f, l_a, l_b, (float (*)[3])coords, ncoords, &l_new, py_edge_example ? py_edge_example->e : NULL); PyMem_Free(coords); } else { f_new = BM_face_split(bm, py_face->f, l_a, l_b, &l_new, py_edge_example ? py_edge_example->e : NULL, edge_exists); } if (f_new && l_new) { PyObject *ret = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SET_ITEMS(ret, BPy_BMFace_CreatePyObject(bm, f_new), BPy_BMLoop_CreatePyObject(bm, l_new)); return ret; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "face_split(...): couldn't split the face, internal error"); return NULL; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_face_split_edgenet_doc, ".. method:: face_split_edgenet(face, edgenet)\n" "\n" " Splits a face into any number of regions defined by an edgenet.\n" "\n" " :arg face: The face to split.\n" " :type face: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" " :arg face: The face to split.\n" " :type face: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" " :arg edgenet: Sequence of edges.\n" " :type edgenet: :class:`bmesh.types.BMEdge`\n" " :return: The newly created faces.\n" " :rtype: tuple of (:class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`)\n" "\n" " .. note::\n" "\n" " Regions defined by edges need to connect to the face, otherwise they're ignored as loose edges.\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_face_split_edgenet(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { static const char *kwlist[] = {"face", "edgenet", NULL}; BPy_BMFace *py_face; PyObject *edge_seq; BMEdge **edge_array; Py_ssize_t edge_array_len; BMesh *bm; BMFace **face_arr; int face_arr_len; bool ok; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kw, "O!O:face_split_edgenet", (char **)kwlist, &BPy_BMFace_Type, &py_face, &edge_seq)) { return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_face); bm = py_face->bm; edge_array = BPy_BMElem_PySeq_As_Array(&bm, edge_seq, 1, PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, &edge_array_len, BM_EDGE, true, true, "face_split_edgenet(...)"); if (edge_array == NULL) { return NULL; } /* --- main function body --- */ ok = BM_face_split_edgenet(bm, py_face->f, edge_array, edge_array_len, &face_arr, &face_arr_len); PyMem_FREE(edge_array); if (ok) { PyObject *ret = BPy_BMFace_Array_As_Tuple(bm, face_arr, face_arr_len); if (face_arr) { MEM_freeN(face_arr); } return ret; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "face_split_edgenet(...): couldn't split the face, internal error"); return NULL; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_face_join_doc, ".. method:: face_join(faces, remove=True)\n" "\n" " Joins a sequence of faces.\n" "\n" " :arg faces: Sequence of faces.\n" " :type faces: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" " :arg remove: Remove the edges and vertices between the faces.\n" " :type remove: boolean\n" " :return: The newly created face or None on failure.\n" " :rtype: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_face_join(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BMesh *bm = NULL; PyObject *py_face_array; BMFace **face_array; Py_ssize_t face_seq_len = 0; BMFace *f_new; bool do_remove = true; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "O|O&:face_join", &py_face_array, PyC_ParseBool, &do_remove)) { return NULL; } face_array = BPy_BMElem_PySeq_As_Array(&bm, py_face_array, 2, PY_SSIZE_T_MAX, &face_seq_len, BM_FACE, true, true, "face_join(...)"); if (face_array == NULL) { return NULL; /* error will be set */ } /* Go ahead and join the face! * --------------------------- */ f_new = BM_faces_join(bm, face_array, (int)face_seq_len, do_remove); PyMem_FREE(face_array); if (f_new) { return BPy_BMFace_CreatePyObject(bm, f_new); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_face_vert_separate_doc, ".. method:: face_vert_separate(face, vert)\n" "\n" " Rip a vertex in a face away and add a new vertex.\n" "\n" " :arg face: The face to separate.\n" " :type face: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" " :arg vert: A vertex in the face to separate.\n" " :type vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" " :return vert: The newly created vertex or None on failure.\n" " :rtype vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" "\n" " .. note::\n" "\n" " This is the same as loop_separate, and has only been added for convenience.\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_face_vert_separate(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { BPy_BMFace *py_face; BPy_BMVert *py_vert; BMesh *bm; BMLoop *l; BMVert *v_old, *v_new; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!:face_vert_separate", &BPy_BMFace_Type, &py_face, &BPy_BMVert_Type, &py_vert)) { return NULL; } bm = py_face->bm; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(py_face); BPY_BM_CHECK_SOURCE_OBJ(bm, "face_vert_separate()", py_vert); l = BM_face_vert_share_loop(py_face->f, py_vert->v); if (l == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "vertex not found in face"); return NULL; } v_old = l->v; v_new = BM_face_loop_separate(bm, l); if (v_new != v_old) { return BPy_BMVert_CreatePyObject(bm, v_new); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_face_flip_doc, ".. method:: face_flip(faces)\n" "\n" " Flip the faces direction.\n" "\n" " :arg face: Face to flip.\n" " :type face: :class:`bmesh.types.BMFace`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_face_flip(PyObject *UNUSED(self), BPy_BMFace *value) { if (!BPy_BMFace_Check(value)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "face_flip(face): BMFace expected, not '%.200s'", Py_TYPE(value)->tp_name); return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(value); BM_face_normal_flip(value->bm, value->f); Py_RETURN_NONE; } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_bm_utils_loop_separate_doc, ".. method:: loop_separate(loop)\n" "\n" " Rip a vertex in a face away and add a new vertex.\n" "\n" " :arg loop: The loop to separate.\n" " :type loop: :class:`bmesh.types.BMLoop`\n" " :return vert: The newly created vertex or None on failure.\n" " :rtype vert: :class:`bmesh.types.BMVert`\n" ); static PyObject *bpy_bm_utils_loop_separate(PyObject *UNUSED(self), BPy_BMLoop *value) { BMesh *bm; BMLoop *l; BMVert *v_old, *v_new; if (!BPy_BMLoop_Check(value)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "loop_separate(loop): BMLoop expected, not '%.200s'", Py_TYPE(value)->tp_name); return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(value); bm = value->bm; l = value->l; v_old = l->v; v_new = BM_face_loop_separate(bm, l); if (v_new != v_old) { return BPy_BMVert_CreatePyObject(bm, v_new); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } } static struct PyMethodDef BPy_BM_utils_methods[] = { {"vert_collapse_edge", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_edge, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_edge_doc}, {"vert_collapse_faces", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_faces, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_vert_collapse_faces_doc}, {"vert_dissolve", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_vert_dissolve, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_vert_dissolve_doc}, /* could use METH_O */ {"vert_splice", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_vert_splice, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_vert_splice_doc}, {"vert_separate", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_vert_separate, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_vert_separate_doc}, {"edge_split", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_edge_split, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_edge_split_doc}, {"edge_rotate", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_edge_rotate, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_edge_rotate_doc}, {"face_split", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_face_split, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_bm_utils_face_split_doc}, {"face_split_edgenet", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_face_split_edgenet, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_bm_utils_face_split_edgenet_doc}, {"face_join", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_face_join, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_face_join_doc}, {"face_vert_separate", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_face_vert_separate, METH_VARARGS, bpy_bm_utils_face_vert_separate_doc}, {"face_flip", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_face_flip, METH_O, bpy_bm_utils_face_flip_doc}, {"loop_separate", (PyCFunction)bpy_bm_utils_loop_separate, METH_O, bpy_bm_utils_loop_separate_doc}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} }; PyDoc_STRVAR(BPy_BM_utils_doc, "This module provides access to blenders bmesh data structures." ); static struct PyModuleDef BPy_BM_utils_module_def = { PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "bmesh.utils", /* m_name */ BPy_BM_utils_doc, /* m_doc */ 0, /* m_size */ BPy_BM_utils_methods, /* m_methods */ NULL, /* m_reload */ NULL, /* m_traverse */ NULL, /* m_clear */ NULL, /* m_free */ }; PyObject *BPyInit_bmesh_utils(void) { PyObject *submodule; submodule = PyModule_Create(&BPy_BM_utils_module_def); return submodule; }