/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** \file * \ingroup pythonintern * * This file defines the '_bpy' module which is used by python's 'bpy' package * to access C defined builtin functions. * A script writer should never directly access this module. */ /* Future-proof, See https://docs.python.org/3/c-api/arg.html#strings-and-buffers */ #define PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN #include #include "BLI_string.h" #include "BLI_string_utils.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_appdir.h" #include "BKE_blender_version.h" #include "BKE_bpath.h" #include "BKE_global.h" /* XXX, G_MAIN only */ #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_enum_types.h" #include "RNA_prototypes.h" #include "RNA_types.h" #include "GPU_state.h" #include "bpy.h" #include "bpy_app.h" #include "bpy_capi_utils.h" #include "bpy_driver.h" #include "bpy_library.h" #include "bpy_operator.h" #include "bpy_props.h" #include "bpy_rna.h" #include "bpy_rna_data.h" #include "bpy_rna_gizmo.h" #include "bpy_rna_id_collection.h" #include "bpy_rna_types_capi.h" #include "bpy_utils_previews.h" #include "bpy_utils_units.h" #include "../generic/py_capi_utils.h" #include "../generic/python_utildefines.h" /* external util modules */ #include "../generic/idprop_py_api.h" #include "../generic/idprop_py_ui_api.h" #include "bpy_msgbus.h" #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE # include "BPy_Freestyle.h" #endif PyObject *bpy_package_py = NULL; PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_script_paths_doc, ".. function:: script_paths()\n" "\n" " Return 2 paths to blender scripts directories.\n" "\n" " :return: (system, user) strings will be empty when not found.\n" " :rtype: tuple of strings\n"); static PyObject *bpy_script_paths(PyObject *UNUSED(self)) { PyObject *ret = PyTuple_New(2); PyObject *item; const char *path; path = BKE_appdir_folder_id(BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS, NULL); item = PyC_UnicodeFromByte(path ? path : ""); BLI_assert(item != NULL); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 0, item); path = BKE_appdir_folder_id(BLENDER_USER_SCRIPTS, NULL); item = PyC_UnicodeFromByte(path ? path : ""); BLI_assert(item != NULL); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 1, item); return ret; } static bool bpy_blend_foreach_path_cb(BPathForeachPathData *bpath_data, char *UNUSED(path_dst), const char *path_src) { PyObject *py_list = bpath_data->user_data; PyList_APPEND(py_list, PyC_UnicodeFromByte(path_src)); return false; /* Never edits the path. */ } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_blend_paths_doc, ".. function:: blend_paths(absolute=False, packed=False, local=False)\n" "\n" " Returns a list of paths to external files referenced by the loaded .blend file.\n" "\n" " :arg absolute: When true the paths returned are made absolute.\n" " :type absolute: boolean\n" " :arg packed: When true skip file paths for packed data.\n" " :type packed: boolean\n" " :arg local: When true skip linked library paths.\n" " :type local: boolean\n" " :return: path list.\n" " :rtype: list of strings\n"); static PyObject *bpy_blend_paths(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { eBPathForeachFlag flag = 0; PyObject *list; bool absolute = false; bool packed = false; bool local = false; static const char *_keywords[] = {"absolute", "packed", "local", NULL}; static _PyArg_Parser _parser = { "|$" /* Optional keyword only arguments. */ "O&" /* `absolute` */ "O&" /* `packed` */ "O&" /* `local` */ ":blend_paths", _keywords, 0, }; if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(args, kw, &_parser, PyC_ParseBool, &absolute, PyC_ParseBool, &packed, PyC_ParseBool, &local)) { return NULL; } if (absolute) { flag |= BKE_BPATH_FOREACH_PATH_ABSOLUTE; } if (!packed) { flag |= BKE_BPATH_FOREACH_PATH_SKIP_PACKED; } if (local) { flag |= BKE_BPATH_FOREACH_PATH_SKIP_LINKED; } list = PyList_New(0); BKE_bpath_foreach_path_main(&(BPathForeachPathData){ .bmain = G_MAIN, .callback_function = bpy_blend_foreach_path_cb, .flag = flag, .user_data = list, }); return list; } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_flip_name_doc, ".. function:: flip_name(name, strip_digits=False)\n" "\n" " Flip a name between left/right sides, useful for \n" " mirroring bone names.\n" "\n" " :arg name: Bone name to flip.\n" " :type name: string\n" " :arg strip_digits: Whether to remove ``.###`` suffix.\n" " :type strip_digits: bool\n" " :return: The flipped name.\n" " :rtype: string\n"); static PyObject *bpy_flip_name(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { const char *name_src = NULL; Py_ssize_t name_src_len; bool strip_digits = false; static const char *_keywords[] = {"", "strip_digits", NULL}; static _PyArg_Parser _parser = { "s#" /* `name` */ "|$" /* Optional, keyword only arguments. */ "O&" /* `strip_digits` */ ":flip_name", _keywords, 0, }; if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast( args, kw, &_parser, &name_src, &name_src_len, PyC_ParseBool, &strip_digits)) { return NULL; } /* Worst case we gain one extra byte (besides null-terminator) by changing * "Left" to "Right", because only the first appearance of "Left" gets replaced. */ const size_t size = name_src_len + 2; char *name_dst = PyMem_MALLOC(size); const size_t name_dst_len = BLI_string_flip_side_name(name_dst, name_src, strip_digits, size); PyObject *result = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(name_dst, name_dst_len); PyMem_FREE(name_dst); return result; } // PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_user_resource_doc[] = /* now in bpy/utils.py */ static PyObject *bpy_user_resource(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { const struct PyC_StringEnumItems type_items[] = { {BLENDER_USER_DATAFILES, "DATAFILES"}, {BLENDER_USER_CONFIG, "CONFIG"}, {BLENDER_USER_SCRIPTS, "SCRIPTS"}, {BLENDER_USER_AUTOSAVE, "AUTOSAVE"}, {0, NULL}, }; struct PyC_StringEnum type = {type_items}; const char *subdir = NULL; const char *path; static const char *_keywords[] = {"type", "path", NULL}; static _PyArg_Parser _parser = { "O&" /* `type` */ "|$" /* Optional keyword only arguments. */ "s" /* `path` */ ":user_resource", _keywords, 0, }; if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(args, kw, &_parser, PyC_ParseStringEnum, &type, &subdir)) { return NULL; } /* same logic as BKE_appdir_folder_id_create(), * but best leave it up to the script author to create */ path = BKE_appdir_folder_id_user_notest(type.value_found, subdir); return PyC_UnicodeFromByte(path ? path : ""); } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_system_resource_doc, ".. function:: system_resource(type, path=\"\")\n" "\n" " Return a system resource path.\n" "\n" " :arg type: string in ['DATAFILES', 'SCRIPTS', 'PYTHON'].\n" " :type type: string\n" " :arg path: Optional subdirectory.\n" " :type path: string\n"); static PyObject *bpy_system_resource(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { const struct PyC_StringEnumItems type_items[] = { {BLENDER_SYSTEM_DATAFILES, "DATAFILES"}, {BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS, "SCRIPTS"}, {BLENDER_SYSTEM_PYTHON, "PYTHON"}, {0, NULL}, }; struct PyC_StringEnum type = {type_items}; const char *subdir = NULL; const char *path; static const char *_keywords[] = {"type", "path", NULL}; static _PyArg_Parser _parser = { "O&" /* `type` */ "|$" /* Optional keyword only arguments. */ "s" /* `path` */ ":system_resource", _keywords, 0, }; if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(args, kw, &_parser, PyC_ParseStringEnum, &type, &subdir)) { return NULL; } path = BKE_appdir_folder_id(type.value_found, subdir); return PyC_UnicodeFromByte(path ? path : ""); } PyDoc_STRVAR( bpy_resource_path_doc, ".. function:: resource_path(type, major=bpy.app.version[0], minor=bpy.app.version[1])\n" "\n" " Return the base path for storing system files.\n" "\n" " :arg type: string in ['USER', 'LOCAL', 'SYSTEM'].\n" " :type type: string\n" " :arg major: major version, defaults to current.\n" " :type major: int\n" " :arg minor: minor version, defaults to current.\n" " :type minor: string\n" " :return: the resource path (not necessarily existing).\n" " :rtype: string\n"); static PyObject *bpy_resource_path(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { const struct PyC_StringEnumItems type_items[] = { {BLENDER_RESOURCE_PATH_USER, "USER"}, {BLENDER_RESOURCE_PATH_LOCAL, "LOCAL"}, {BLENDER_RESOURCE_PATH_SYSTEM, "SYSTEM"}, {0, NULL}, }; struct PyC_StringEnum type = {type_items}; int major = BLENDER_VERSION / 100, minor = BLENDER_VERSION % 100; const char *path; static const char *_keywords[] = {"type", "major", "minor", NULL}; static _PyArg_Parser _parser = { "O&" /* `type` */ "|$" /* Optional keyword only arguments. */ "i" /* `major` */ "i" /* `minor` */ ":resource_path", _keywords, 0, }; if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast( args, kw, &_parser, PyC_ParseStringEnum, &type, &major, &minor)) { return NULL; } path = BKE_appdir_folder_id_version(type.value_found, (major * 100) + minor, false); return PyC_UnicodeFromByte(path ? path : ""); } /* This is only exposed for tests, see: `tests/python/bl_pyapi_bpy_driver_secure_eval.py`. */ PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_driver_secure_code_test_doc, ".. function:: _driver_secure_code_test(code)\n" "\n" " Test if the script should be considered trusted.\n" "\n" " :arg code: The code to test.\n" " :type code: code\n" " :arg namespace: The namespace of values which are allowed.\n" " :type namespace: dict\n" " :arg verbose: Print the reason for considering insecure to the ``stderr``.\n" " :type verbose: bool\n" " :return: True when the script is considered trusted.\n" " :rtype: bool\n"); static PyObject *bpy_driver_secure_code_test(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args, PyObject *kw) { PyObject *py_code; PyObject *py_namespace = NULL; const bool verbose = false; static const char *_keywords[] = {"code", "namespace", "verbose", NULL}; static _PyArg_Parser _parser = { "O!" /* `expression` */ "|$" /* Optional keyword only arguments. */ "O!" /* `namespace` */ "O&" /* `verbose` */ ":driver_secure_code_test", _keywords, 0, }; if (!_PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywordsFast(args, kw, &_parser, &PyCode_Type, &py_code, &PyDict_Type, &py_namespace, PyC_ParseBool, &verbose)) { return NULL; } return PyBool_FromLong(BPY_driver_secure_bytecode_test(py_code, py_namespace, verbose)); } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_escape_identifier_doc, ".. function:: escape_identifier(string)\n" "\n" " Simple string escaping function used for animation paths.\n" "\n" " :arg string: text\n" " :type string: string\n" " :return: The escaped string.\n" " :rtype: string\n"); static PyObject *bpy_escape_identifier(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *value) { Py_ssize_t value_str_len; const char *value_str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(value, &value_str_len); if (value_str == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected a string"); return NULL; } const size_t size = (value_str_len * 2) + 1; char *value_escape_str = PyMem_MALLOC(size); const Py_ssize_t value_escape_str_len = BLI_str_escape(value_escape_str, value_str, size); PyObject *value_escape; if (value_escape_str_len == value_str_len) { Py_INCREF(value); value_escape = value; } else { value_escape = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(value_escape_str, value_escape_str_len); } PyMem_FREE(value_escape_str); return value_escape; } PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_unescape_identifier_doc, ".. function:: unescape_identifier(string)\n" "\n" " Simple string un-escape function used for animation paths.\n" " This performs the reverse of `escape_identifier`.\n" "\n" " :arg string: text\n" " :type string: string\n" " :return: The un-escaped string.\n" " :rtype: string\n"); static PyObject *bpy_unescape_identifier(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *value) { Py_ssize_t value_str_len; const char *value_str = PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(value, &value_str_len); if (value_str == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "expected a string"); return NULL; } const size_t size = value_str_len + 1; char *value_unescape_str = PyMem_MALLOC(size); const Py_ssize_t value_unescape_str_len = BLI_str_unescape(value_unescape_str, value_str, size); PyObject *value_unescape; if (value_unescape_str_len == value_str_len) { Py_INCREF(value); value_unescape = value; } else { value_unescape = PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(value_unescape_str, value_unescape_str_len); } PyMem_FREE(value_unescape_str); return value_unescape; } /** * \note only exposed for generating documentation, see: `doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.py`. */ PyDoc_STRVAR( bpy_context_members_doc, ".. function:: context_members()\n" "\n" " :return: A dict where the key is the context and the value is a tuple of it's members.\n" " :rtype: dict\n"); static PyObject *bpy_context_members(PyObject *UNUSED(self)) { extern const char *buttons_context_dir[]; extern const char *clip_context_dir[]; extern const char *file_context_dir[]; extern const char *image_context_dir[]; extern const char *node_context_dir[]; extern const char *screen_context_dir[]; extern const char *sequencer_context_dir[]; extern const char *text_context_dir[]; extern const char *view3d_context_dir[]; struct { const char *name; const char **dir; } context_members_all[] = { {"buttons", buttons_context_dir}, {"clip", clip_context_dir}, {"file", file_context_dir}, {"image", image_context_dir}, {"node", node_context_dir}, {"screen", screen_context_dir}, {"sequencer", sequencer_context_dir}, {"text", text_context_dir}, {"view3d", view3d_context_dir}, }; PyObject *result = _PyDict_NewPresized(ARRAY_SIZE(context_members_all)); for (int context_index = 0; context_index < ARRAY_SIZE(context_members_all); context_index++) { const char *name = context_members_all[context_index].name; const char **dir = context_members_all[context_index].dir; int i; for (i = 0; dir[i]; i++) { /* Pass. */ } PyObject *members = PyTuple_New(i); for (i = 0; dir[i]; i++) { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(members, i, PyUnicode_FromString(dir[i])); } PyDict_SetItemString(result, name, members); Py_DECREF(members); } BLI_assert(PyDict_GET_SIZE(result) == ARRAY_SIZE(context_members_all)); return result; } /** * \note only exposed for generating documentation, see: `doc/python_api/sphinx_doc_gen.py`. */ PyDoc_STRVAR(bpy_rna_enum_items_static_doc, ".. function:: rna_enum_items_static()\n" "\n" " :return: A dict where the key the name of the enum, the value is a tuple of " ":class:`bpy.types.EnumPropertyItem`.\n" " :rtype: dict of \n"); static PyObject *bpy_rna_enum_items_static(PyObject *UNUSED(self)) { #define DEF_ENUM(id) {STRINGIFY(id), id}, struct { const char *id; const EnumPropertyItem *items; } enum_info[] = { #include "RNA_enum_items.h" }; PyObject *result = _PyDict_NewPresized(ARRAY_SIZE(enum_info)); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(enum_info); i++) { /* Include all items (including headings & separators), can be shown in documentation. */ const EnumPropertyItem *items = enum_info[i].items; const int items_count = RNA_enum_items_count(items); PyObject *value = PyTuple_New(items_count); for (int item_index = 0; item_index < items_count; item_index++) { PointerRNA ptr; RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_EnumPropertyItem, (void *)&items[item_index], &ptr); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(value, item_index, pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&ptr)); } PyDict_SetItemString(result, enum_info[i].id, value); Py_DECREF(value); } return result; } static PyMethodDef bpy_methods[] = { {"script_paths", (PyCFunction)bpy_script_paths, METH_NOARGS, bpy_script_paths_doc}, {"blend_paths", (PyCFunction)bpy_blend_paths, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_blend_paths_doc}, {"flip_name", (PyCFunction)bpy_flip_name, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_flip_name_doc}, {"user_resource", (PyCFunction)bpy_user_resource, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, NULL}, {"system_resource", (PyCFunction)bpy_system_resource, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_system_resource_doc}, {"resource_path", (PyCFunction)bpy_resource_path, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_resource_path_doc}, {"_driver_secure_code_test", (PyCFunction)bpy_driver_secure_code_test, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, bpy_driver_secure_code_test_doc}, {"escape_identifier", (PyCFunction)bpy_escape_identifier, METH_O, bpy_escape_identifier_doc}, {"unescape_identifier", (PyCFunction)bpy_unescape_identifier, METH_O, bpy_unescape_identifier_doc}, {"context_members", (PyCFunction)bpy_context_members, METH_NOARGS, bpy_context_members_doc}, {"rna_enum_items_static", (PyCFunction)bpy_rna_enum_items_static, METH_NOARGS, bpy_rna_enum_items_static_doc}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}, }; static PyObject *bpy_import_test(const char *modname) { PyObject *mod = PyImport_ImportModuleLevel(modname, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); GPU_bgl_end(); if (mod) { Py_DECREF(mod); } else { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } return mod; } void BPy_init_modules(struct bContext *C) { PointerRNA ctx_ptr; PyObject *mod; /* Needs to be first since this dir is needed for future modules */ const char *const modpath = BKE_appdir_folder_id(BLENDER_SYSTEM_SCRIPTS, "modules"); if (modpath) { // printf("bpy: found module path '%s'.\n", modpath); PyObject *sys_path = PySys_GetObject("path"); /* borrow */ PyObject *py_modpath = PyUnicode_FromString(modpath); PyList_Insert(sys_path, 0, py_modpath); /* add first */ Py_DECREF(py_modpath); } else { printf("bpy: couldn't find 'scripts/modules', blender probably won't start.\n"); } /* stand alone utility modules not related to blender directly */ IDProp_Init_Types(); /* not actually a submodule, just types */ IDPropertyUIData_Init_Types(); #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE Freestyle_Init(); #endif mod = PyModule_New("_bpy"); /* add the module so we can import it */ PyDict_SetItemString(PyImport_GetModuleDict(), "_bpy", mod); Py_DECREF(mod); /* needs to be first so bpy_types can run */ PyModule_AddObject(mod, "types", BPY_rna_types()); /* needs to be first so bpy_types can run */ BPY_library_load_type_ready(); BPY_rna_data_context_type_ready(); BPY_rna_gizmo_module(mod); bpy_import_test("bpy_types"); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "data", BPY_rna_module()); /* imports bpy_types by running this */ bpy_import_test("bpy_types"); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "props", BPY_rna_props()); /* ops is now a python module that does the conversion from SOME_OT_foo -> some.foo */ PyModule_AddObject(mod, "ops", BPY_operator_module()); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "app", BPY_app_struct()); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "_utils_units", BPY_utils_units()); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "_utils_previews", BPY_utils_previews_module()); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "msgbus", BPY_msgbus_module()); RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_Context, C, &ctx_ptr); bpy_context_module = (BPy_StructRNA *)pyrna_struct_CreatePyObject(&ctx_ptr); /* odd that this is needed, 1 ref on creation and another for the module * but without we get a crash on exit */ Py_INCREF(bpy_context_module); PyModule_AddObject(mod, "context", (PyObject *)bpy_context_module); /* Register methods and property get/set for RNA types. */ BPY_rna_types_extend_capi(); for (int i = 0; bpy_methods[i].ml_name; i++) { PyMethodDef *m = &bpy_methods[i]; /* Currently there is no need to support these. */ BLI_assert((m->ml_flags & (METH_CLASS | METH_STATIC)) == 0); PyModule_AddObject(mod, m->ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(m, NULL)); } /* register funcs (bpy_rna.c) */ PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_register_class.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_register_class, NULL)); PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_unregister_class.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_unregister_class, NULL)); PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_owner_id_get.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_owner_id_get, NULL)); PyModule_AddObject(mod, meth_bpy_owner_id_set.ml_name, (PyObject *)PyCFunction_New(&meth_bpy_owner_id_set, NULL)); /* add our own modules dir, this is a python package */ bpy_package_py = bpy_import_test("bpy"); }