/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * Contributors: 2004/2005/2006 Blender Foundation, full recode * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/render/intern/source/convertblender.c * \ingroup render */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLI_rand.h" #include "BLI_task.h" #include "BLI_memarena.h" #include "BLI_linklist.h" #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE # include "BLI_edgehash.h" #endif #include "BLF_translation.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_camera_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_effect_types.h" #include "DNA_group_types.h" #include "DNA_lamp_types.h" #include "DNA_image_types.h" #include "DNA_lattice_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_meta_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_node_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_object_force.h" #include "DNA_object_fluidsim.h" #include "DNA_particle_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_texture_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "BKE_anim.h" #include "BKE_armature.h" #include "BKE_action.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_colortools.h" #include "BKE_constraint.h" #include "BKE_displist.h" #include "BKE_deform.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h" #include "BKE_effect.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_group.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_ipo.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_lattice.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_mball.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_particle.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_subsurf.h" #include "BKE_texture.h" #include "BKE_world.h" #include "PIL_time.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "envmap.h" #include "occlusion.h" #include "pointdensity.h" #include "voxeldata.h" #include "render_types.h" #include "rendercore.h" #include "renderdatabase.h" #include "renderpipeline.h" #include "shadbuf.h" #include "shading.h" #include "strand.h" #include "texture.h" #include "volume_precache.h" #include "sss.h" #include "zbuf.h" #include "sunsky.h" #include "RE_render_ext.h" /* 10 times larger than normal epsilon, test it on default nurbs sphere with ray_transp (for quad detection) */ /* or for checking vertex normal flips */ #define FLT_EPSILON10 1.19209290e-06F /* could enable at some point but for now there are far too many conversions */ #ifdef __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion" #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* tool functions/defines for ad hoc simplification and possible future * cleanup */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define UVTOINDEX(u, v) (startvlak + (u) * sizev + (v)) /* * * NOTE THAT U/V COORDINATES ARE SOMETIMES SWAPPED !! * * ^ ()----p4----p3----() * | | | | | * u | | F1 | F2 | * | | | | * ()----p1----p2----() * v -> */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void split_v_renderfaces(ObjectRen *obr, int startvlak, int UNUSED(startvert), int UNUSED(usize), int vsize, int uIndex, int UNUSED(cyclu), int cyclv) { int vLen = vsize-1+(!!cyclv); int v; for (v=0; vv2); if (cyclv) { vlr->v2 = vert; if (v==vLen-1) { VlakRen *vlr = RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, startvlak + vLen*uIndex + 0); vlr->v1 = vert; } else { VlakRen *vlr = RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, startvlak + vLen*uIndex + v+1); vlr->v1 = vert; } } else { vlr->v2 = vert; if (vv1 = vert; } if (v==0) { vlr->v1 = RE_vertren_copy(obr, vlr->v1); } } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Stress, tangents and normals */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void calc_edge_stress_add(float *accum, VertRen *v1, VertRen *v2) { float len= len_v3v3(v1->co, v2->co)/len_v3v3(v1->orco, v2->orco); float *acc; acc= accum + 2*v1->index; acc[0]+= len; acc[1]+= 1.0f; acc= accum + 2*v2->index; acc[0]+= len; acc[1]+= 1.0f; } static void calc_edge_stress(Render *UNUSED(re), ObjectRen *obr, Mesh *me) { float loc[3], size[3], *accum, *acc, *accumoffs, *stress; int a; if (obr->totvert==0) return; BKE_mesh_texspace_get(me, loc, NULL, size); accum= MEM_callocN(2*sizeof(float)*obr->totvert, "temp accum for stress"); /* de-normalize orco */ for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { VertRen *ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); if (ver->orco) { ver->orco[0]= ver->orco[0]*size[0] +loc[0]; ver->orco[1]= ver->orco[1]*size[1] +loc[1]; ver->orco[2]= ver->orco[2]*size[2] +loc[2]; } } /* add stress values */ accumoffs= accum; /* so we can use vertex index */ for (a=0; atotvlak; a++) { VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); if (vlr->v1->orco && vlr->v4) { calc_edge_stress_add(accumoffs, vlr->v1, vlr->v2); calc_edge_stress_add(accumoffs, vlr->v2, vlr->v3); calc_edge_stress_add(accumoffs, vlr->v3, vlr->v1); if (vlr->v4) { calc_edge_stress_add(accumoffs, vlr->v3, vlr->v4); calc_edge_stress_add(accumoffs, vlr->v4, vlr->v1); calc_edge_stress_add(accumoffs, vlr->v2, vlr->v4); } } } for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { VertRen *ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); if (ver->orco) { /* find stress value */ acc= accumoffs + 2*ver->index; if (acc[1]!=0.0f) acc[0]/= acc[1]; stress= RE_vertren_get_stress(obr, ver, 1); *stress= *acc; /* restore orcos */ ver->orco[0] = (ver->orco[0]-loc[0])/size[0]; ver->orco[1] = (ver->orco[1]-loc[1])/size[1]; ver->orco[2] = (ver->orco[2]-loc[2])/size[2]; } } MEM_freeN(accum); } /* gets tangent from tface or orco */ static void calc_tangent_vector(ObjectRen *obr, VlakRen *vlr, int do_tangent) { MTFace *tface= RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, obr->actmtface, NULL, 0); VertRen *v1=vlr->v1, *v2=vlr->v2, *v3=vlr->v3, *v4=vlr->v4; float tang[3], *tav; float *uv1, *uv2, *uv3, *uv4; float uv[4][2]; if (tface) { uv1= tface->uv[0]; uv2= tface->uv[1]; uv3= tface->uv[2]; uv4= tface->uv[3]; } else if (v1->orco) { uv1= uv[0]; uv2= uv[1]; uv3= uv[2]; uv4= uv[3]; map_to_sphere(&uv[0][0], &uv[0][1], v1->orco[0], v1->orco[1], v1->orco[2]); map_to_sphere(&uv[1][0], &uv[1][1], v2->orco[0], v2->orco[1], v2->orco[2]); map_to_sphere(&uv[2][0], &uv[2][1], v3->orco[0], v3->orco[1], v3->orco[2]); if (v4) map_to_sphere(&uv[3][0], &uv[3][1], v4->orco[0], v4->orco[1], v4->orco[2]); } else return; tangent_from_uv(uv1, uv2, uv3, v1->co, v2->co, v3->co, vlr->n, tang); if (do_tangent) { tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, v1, 1); add_v3_v3(tav, tang); tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, v2, 1); add_v3_v3(tav, tang); tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, v3, 1); add_v3_v3(tav, tang); } if (v4) { tangent_from_uv(uv1, uv3, uv4, v1->co, v3->co, v4->co, vlr->n, tang); if (do_tangent) { tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, v1, 1); add_v3_v3(tav, tang); tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, v3, 1); add_v3_v3(tav, tang); tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, v4, 1); add_v3_v3(tav, tang); } } } /**************************************************************** ************ tangent space generation interface **************** ****************************************************************/ typedef struct { ObjectRen *obr; } SRenderMeshToTangent; /* interface */ #include "mikktspace.h" static int GetNumFaces(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext) { SRenderMeshToTangent *pMesh = (SRenderMeshToTangent *) pContext->m_pUserData; return pMesh->obr->totvlak; } static int GetNumVertsOfFace(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, const int face_num) { SRenderMeshToTangent *pMesh = (SRenderMeshToTangent *) pContext->m_pUserData; VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(pMesh->obr, face_num); return vlr->v4!=NULL ? 4 : 3; } static void GetPosition(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, float r_co[3], const int face_num, const int vert_index) { //assert(vert_index>=0 && vert_index<4); SRenderMeshToTangent *pMesh = (SRenderMeshToTangent *) pContext->m_pUserData; VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(pMesh->obr, face_num); const float *co = (&vlr->v1)[vert_index]->co; copy_v3_v3(r_co, co); } static void GetTextureCoordinate(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, float r_uv[2], const int face_num, const int vert_index) { //assert(vert_index>=0 && vert_index<4); SRenderMeshToTangent *pMesh = (SRenderMeshToTangent *) pContext->m_pUserData; VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(pMesh->obr, face_num); MTFace *tface= RE_vlakren_get_tface(pMesh->obr, vlr, pMesh->obr->actmtface, NULL, 0); const float *coord; if (tface != NULL) { coord= tface->uv[vert_index]; copy_v2_v2(r_uv, coord); } else if ((coord = (&vlr->v1)[vert_index]->orco)) { map_to_sphere(&r_uv[0], &r_uv[1], coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]); } else { /* else we get un-initialized value, 0.0 ok default? */ zero_v2(r_uv); } } static void GetNormal(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, float r_no[3], const int face_num, const int vert_index) { //assert(vert_index>=0 && vert_index<4); SRenderMeshToTangent *pMesh = (SRenderMeshToTangent *) pContext->m_pUserData; VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(pMesh->obr, face_num); if (vlr->flag & ME_SMOOTH) { const float *n = (&vlr->v1)[vert_index]->n; copy_v3_v3(r_no, n); } else { negate_v3_v3(r_no, vlr->n); } } static void SetTSpace(const SMikkTSpaceContext *pContext, const float fvTangent[3], const float fSign, const int face_num, const int iVert) { //assert(vert_index>=0 && vert_index<4); SRenderMeshToTangent *pMesh = (SRenderMeshToTangent *) pContext->m_pUserData; VlakRen *vlr = RE_findOrAddVlak(pMesh->obr, face_num); float *ftang = RE_vlakren_get_nmap_tangent(pMesh->obr, vlr, 1); if (ftang!=NULL) { copy_v3_v3(&ftang[iVert*4+0], fvTangent); ftang[iVert*4+3]=fSign; } } static void calc_vertexnormals(Render *UNUSED(re), ObjectRen *obr, int do_tangent, int do_nmap_tangent) { int a; /* clear all vertex normals */ for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { VertRen *ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); ver->n[0]=ver->n[1]=ver->n[2]= 0.0f; } /* calculate cos of angles and point-masses, use as weight factor to * add face normal to vertex */ for (a=0; atotvlak; a++) { VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); if (vlr->flag & ME_SMOOTH) { float *n4= (vlr->v4)? vlr->v4->n: NULL; float *c4= (vlr->v4)? vlr->v4->co: NULL; accumulate_vertex_normals(vlr->v1->n, vlr->v2->n, vlr->v3->n, n4, vlr->n, vlr->v1->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v3->co, c4); } if (do_tangent) { /* tangents still need to be calculated for flat faces too */ /* weighting removed, they are not vertexnormals */ calc_tangent_vector(obr, vlr, do_tangent); } } /* do solid faces */ for (a=0; atotvlak; a++) { VlakRen *vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); if ((vlr->flag & ME_SMOOTH)==0) { if (is_zero_v3(vlr->v1->n)) copy_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, vlr->n); if (is_zero_v3(vlr->v2->n)) copy_v3_v3(vlr->v2->n, vlr->n); if (is_zero_v3(vlr->v3->n)) copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, vlr->n); if (vlr->v4 && is_zero_v3(vlr->v4->n)) copy_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, vlr->n); } } /* normalize vertex normals */ for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { VertRen *ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); normalize_v3(ver->n); if (do_tangent) { float *tav= RE_vertren_get_tangent(obr, ver, 0); if (tav) { /* orthonorm. */ const float tdn = dot_v3v3(tav, ver->n); tav[0] -= ver->n[0]*tdn; tav[1] -= ver->n[1]*tdn; tav[2] -= ver->n[2]*tdn; normalize_v3(tav); } } } /* normal mapping tangent with mikktspace */ if (do_nmap_tangent != FALSE) { SRenderMeshToTangent mesh2tangent; SMikkTSpaceContext sContext; SMikkTSpaceInterface sInterface; memset(&mesh2tangent, 0, sizeof(SRenderMeshToTangent)); memset(&sContext, 0, sizeof(SMikkTSpaceContext)); memset(&sInterface, 0, sizeof(SMikkTSpaceInterface)); mesh2tangent.obr = obr; sContext.m_pUserData = &mesh2tangent; sContext.m_pInterface = &sInterface; sInterface.m_getNumFaces = GetNumFaces; sInterface.m_getNumVerticesOfFace = GetNumVertsOfFace; sInterface.m_getPosition = GetPosition; sInterface.m_getTexCoord = GetTextureCoordinate; sInterface.m_getNormal = GetNormal; sInterface.m_setTSpaceBasic = SetTSpace; genTangSpaceDefault(&sContext); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Autosmoothing: */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct ASvert { int totface; ListBase faces; } ASvert; typedef struct ASface { struct ASface *next, *prev; VlakRen *vlr[4]; VertRen *nver[4]; } ASface; static void as_addvert(ASvert *asv, VertRen *v1, VlakRen *vlr) { ASface *asf; int a; if (v1 == NULL) return; if (asv->faces.first==NULL) { asf= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ASface), "asface"); BLI_addtail(&asv->faces, asf); } asf= asv->faces.last; for (a=0; a<4; a++) { if (asf->vlr[a]==NULL) { asf->vlr[a]= vlr; asv->totface++; break; } } /* new face struct */ if (a==4) { asf= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ASface), "asface"); BLI_addtail(&asv->faces, asf); asf->vlr[0]= vlr; asv->totface++; } } static int as_testvertex(VlakRen *vlr, VertRen *UNUSED(ver), ASvert *asv, float thresh) { /* return 1: vertex needs a copy */ ASface *asf; float inp; int a; if (vlr == NULL) return 0; asf= asv->faces.first; while (asf) { for (a=0; a<4; a++) { if (asf->vlr[a] && asf->vlr[a]!=vlr) { inp = fabsf(dot_v3v3(vlr->n, asf->vlr[a]->n)); if (inp < thresh) return 1; } } asf= asf->next; } return 0; } static VertRen *as_findvertex(VlakRen *vlr, VertRen *UNUSED(ver), ASvert *asv, float thresh) { /* return when new vertex already was made */ ASface *asf; float inp; int a; asf= asv->faces.first; while (asf) { for (a=0; a<4; a++) { if (asf->vlr[a] && asf->vlr[a]!=vlr) { /* this face already made a copy for this vertex! */ if (asf->nver[a]) { inp = fabsf(dot_v3v3(vlr->n, asf->vlr[a]->n)); if (inp >= thresh) { return asf->nver[a]; } } } } asf= asf->next; } return NULL; } /* note; autosmooth happens in object space still, after applying autosmooth we rotate */ /* note2; actually, when original mesh and displist are equal sized, face normals are from original mesh */ static void autosmooth(Render *UNUSED(re), ObjectRen *obr, float mat[4][4], int degr) { ASvert *asv, *asverts; ASface *asf; VertRen *ver, *v1; VlakRen *vlr; float thresh; int a, b, totvert; if (obr->totvert==0) return; asverts= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ASvert)*obr->totvert, "all smooth verts"); thresh= cosf(DEG2RADF((0.5f + (float)degr))); /* step zero: give faces normals of original mesh, if this is provided */ /* step one: construct listbase of all vertices and pointers to faces */ for (a=0; atotvlak; a++) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); /* skip wire faces */ if (vlr->v2 != vlr->v3) { as_addvert(asverts+vlr->v1->index, vlr->v1, vlr); as_addvert(asverts+vlr->v2->index, vlr->v2, vlr); as_addvert(asverts+vlr->v3->index, vlr->v3, vlr); if (vlr->v4) as_addvert(asverts+vlr->v4->index, vlr->v4, vlr); } } totvert= obr->totvert; /* we now test all vertices, when faces have a normal too much different: they get a new vertex */ for (a=0, asv=asverts; atotface > 1) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); asf= asv->faces.first; while (asf) { for (b=0; b<4; b++) { /* is there a reason to make a new vertex? */ vlr= asf->vlr[b]; if ( as_testvertex(vlr, ver, asv, thresh) ) { /* already made a new vertex within threshold? */ v1= as_findvertex(vlr, ver, asv, thresh); if (v1==NULL) { /* make a new vertex */ v1= RE_vertren_copy(obr, ver); } asf->nver[b]= v1; if (vlr->v1==ver) vlr->v1= v1; if (vlr->v2==ver) vlr->v2= v1; if (vlr->v3==ver) vlr->v3= v1; if (vlr->v4==ver) vlr->v4= v1; } } asf= asf->next; } } } /* free */ for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); } for (a=0; atotvlak; a++) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); /* skip wire faces */ if (vlr->v2 != vlr->v3) { if (vlr->v4) normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); else normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Orco hash and Materials */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static float *get_object_orco(Render *re, void *ob) { if (!re->orco_hash) { return NULL; } return BLI_ghash_lookup(re->orco_hash, ob); } static void set_object_orco(Render *re, void *ob, float *orco) { if (!re->orco_hash) re->orco_hash = BLI_ghash_ptr_new("set_object_orco gh"); BLI_ghash_insert(re->orco_hash, ob, orco); } static void free_mesh_orco_hash(Render *re) { if (re->orco_hash) { BLI_ghash_free(re->orco_hash, NULL, MEM_freeN); re->orco_hash = NULL; } } static void check_material_mapto(Material *ma) { int a; ma->mapto_textured = 0; /* cache which inputs are actually textured. * this can avoid a bit of time spent iterating through all the texture slots, map inputs and map tos * every time a property which may or may not be textured is accessed */ for (a=0; amtex[a] && ma->mtex[a]->tex) { /* currently used only in volume render, so we'll check for those flags */ if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_DENSITY) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_DENSITY; if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_EMISSION) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_EMISSION; if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_EMISSION_COL) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_EMISSION_COL; if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_SCATTERING) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_SCATTERING; if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_TRANSMISSION_COL) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_TRANSMISSION_COL; if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_REFLECTION) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_REFLECTION; if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_REFLECTION_COL) ma->mapto_textured |= MAP_REFLECTION_COL; } } } static void flag_render_node_material(Render *re, bNodeTree *ntree) { bNode *node; for (node = ntree->nodes.first; node; node = node->next) { if (node->id) { if (GS(node->id->name)==ID_MA) { Material *ma= (Material *)node->id; if ((ma->mode & MA_TRANSP) && (ma->mode & MA_ZTRANSP)) re->flag |= R_ZTRA; ma->flag |= MA_IS_USED; } else if (node->type==NODE_GROUP) flag_render_node_material(re, (bNodeTree *)node->id); } } } static Material *give_render_material(Render *re, Object *ob, short nr) { extern Material defmaterial; /* material.c */ Material *ma; ma= give_current_material(ob, nr); if (ma==NULL) ma= &defmaterial; if (re->r.mode & R_SPEED) ma->texco |= NEED_UV; if (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_VOLUME) { ma->mode |= MA_TRANSP; ma->mode &= ~MA_SHADBUF; } if ((ma->mode & MA_TRANSP) && (ma->mode & MA_ZTRANSP)) re->flag |= R_ZTRA; /* for light groups and SSS */ ma->flag |= MA_IS_USED; if (ma->nodetree && ma->use_nodes) flag_render_node_material(re, ma->nodetree); check_material_mapto(ma); return ma; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Particles */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct ParticleStrandData { struct MCol *mcol; float *orco, *uvco, *surfnor; float time, adapt_angle, adapt_pix, size; int totuv, totcol; int first, line, adapt, override_uv; } ParticleStrandData; /* future thread problem... */ static void static_particle_strand(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, Material *ma, ParticleStrandData *sd, const float vec[3], const float vec1[3]) { static VertRen *v1= NULL, *v2= NULL; VlakRen *vlr= NULL; float nor[3], cross[3], crosslen, w, dx, dy, width; static float anor[3], avec[3]; int flag, i; static int second=0; sub_v3_v3v3(nor, vec, vec1); normalize_v3(nor); /* nor needed as tangent */ cross_v3_v3v3(cross, vec, nor); /* turn cross in pixelsize */ w= vec[2]*re->winmat[2][3] + re->winmat[3][3]; dx= re->winx*cross[0]*re->winmat[0][0]; dy= re->winy*cross[1]*re->winmat[1][1]; w= sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)/w; if (w!=0.0f) { float fac; if (ma->strand_ease!=0.0f) { if (ma->strand_ease<0.0f) fac= pow(sd->time, 1.0f+ma->strand_ease); else fac= pow(sd->time, 1.0f/(1.0f-ma->strand_ease)); } else fac= sd->time; width= ((1.0f-fac)*ma->strand_sta + (fac)*ma->strand_end); /* use actual Blender units for strand width and fall back to minimum width */ if (ma->mode & MA_STR_B_UNITS) { crosslen= len_v3(cross); w= 2.0f*crosslen*ma->strand_min/w; if (width < w) width= w; /*cross is the radius of the strand so we want it to be half of full width */ mul_v3_fl(cross, 0.5f/crosslen); } else width/=w; mul_v3_fl(cross, width); } if (ma->mode & MA_TANGENT_STR) flag= R_SMOOTH|R_TANGENT; else flag= R_SMOOTH; /* only 1 pixel wide strands filled in as quads now, otherwise zbuf errors */ if (ma->strand_sta==1.0f) flag |= R_STRAND; /* single face line */ if (sd->line) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->flag= flag; vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v1->co, vec); add_v3_v3(vlr->v1->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, nor); vlr->v1->orco= sd->orco; vlr->v1->accum = -1.0f; /* accum abuse for strand texco */ copy_v3_v3(vlr->v2->co, vec); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->v2->co, vlr->v2->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v2->n, nor); vlr->v2->orco= sd->orco; vlr->v2->accum= vlr->v1->accum; copy_v3_v3(vlr->v4->co, vec1); add_v3_v3(vlr->v4->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, nor); vlr->v4->orco= sd->orco; vlr->v4->accum = 1.0f; /* accum abuse for strand texco */ copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->co, vec1); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->v3->co, vlr->v3->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, nor); vlr->v3->orco= sd->orco; vlr->v3->accum= vlr->v4->accum; normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->ec= ME_V2V3; if (sd->surfnor) { float *snor= RE_vlakren_get_surfnor(obr, vlr, 1); copy_v3_v3(snor, sd->surfnor); } if (sd->uvco) { for (i=0; itotuv; i++) { MTFace *mtf; mtf=RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, i, NULL, 1); mtf->uv[0][0]=mtf->uv[1][0]= mtf->uv[2][0]=mtf->uv[3][0]=(sd->uvco+2*i)[0]; mtf->uv[0][1]=mtf->uv[1][1]= mtf->uv[2][1]=mtf->uv[3][1]=(sd->uvco+2*i)[1]; } if (sd->override_uv>=0) { MTFace *mtf; mtf=RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, sd->override_uv, NULL, 0); mtf->uv[0][0]=mtf->uv[3][0]=0.0f; mtf->uv[1][0]=mtf->uv[2][0]=1.0f; mtf->uv[0][1]=mtf->uv[1][1]=0.0f; mtf->uv[2][1]=mtf->uv[3][1]=1.0f; } } if (sd->mcol) { for (i=0; itotcol; i++) { MCol *mc; mc=RE_vlakren_get_mcol(obr, vlr, i, NULL, 1); mc[0]=mc[1]=mc[2]=mc[3]=sd->mcol[i]; mc[0]=mc[1]=mc[2]=mc[3]=sd->mcol[i]; } } } /* first two vertices of a strand */ else if (sd->first) { if (sd->adapt) { copy_v3_v3(anor, nor); copy_v3_v3(avec, vec); second=1; } v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(v1->co, vec); add_v3_v3(v1->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(v1->n, nor); v1->orco= sd->orco; v1->accum = -1.0f; /* accum abuse for strand texco */ copy_v3_v3(v2->co, vec); sub_v3_v3v3(v2->co, v2->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(v2->n, nor); v2->orco= sd->orco; v2->accum= v1->accum; } /* more vertices & faces to strand */ else { if (sd->adapt==0 || second) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->flag= flag; vlr->v1= v1; vlr->v2= v2; vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); v1= vlr->v4; /* cycle */ v2= vlr->v3; /* cycle */ if (sd->adapt) { second=0; copy_v3_v3(anor, nor); copy_v3_v3(avec, vec); } } else if (sd->adapt) { float dvec[3], pvec[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, avec, vec); project_v3_v3v3(pvec, dvec, vec); sub_v3_v3v3(dvec, dvec, pvec); w= vec[2]*re->winmat[2][3] + re->winmat[3][3]; dx= re->winx*dvec[0]*re->winmat[0][0]/w; dy= re->winy*dvec[1]*re->winmat[1][1]/w; w= sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); if (dot_v3v3(anor, nor)adapt_angle && w>sd->adapt_pix) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->flag= flag; vlr->v1= v1; vlr->v2= v2; vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); v1= vlr->v4; /* cycle */ v2= vlr->v3; /* cycle */ copy_v3_v3(anor, nor); copy_v3_v3(avec, vec); } else { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak-1); } } copy_v3_v3(vlr->v4->co, vec); add_v3_v3(vlr->v4->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, nor); vlr->v4->orco= sd->orco; vlr->v4->accum= -1.0f + 2.0f * sd->time; /* accum abuse for strand texco */ copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->co, vec); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->v3->co, vlr->v3->co, cross); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, nor); vlr->v3->orco= sd->orco; vlr->v3->accum= vlr->v4->accum; normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->ec= ME_V2V3; if (sd->surfnor) { float *snor= RE_vlakren_get_surfnor(obr, vlr, 1); copy_v3_v3(snor, sd->surfnor); } if (sd->uvco) { for (i=0; itotuv; i++) { MTFace *mtf; mtf=RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, i, NULL, 1); mtf->uv[0][0]=mtf->uv[1][0]= mtf->uv[2][0]=mtf->uv[3][0]=(sd->uvco+2*i)[0]; mtf->uv[0][1]=mtf->uv[1][1]= mtf->uv[2][1]=mtf->uv[3][1]=(sd->uvco+2*i)[1]; } if (sd->override_uv>=0) { MTFace *mtf; mtf=RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, sd->override_uv, NULL, 0); mtf->uv[0][0]=mtf->uv[3][0]=0.0f; mtf->uv[1][0]=mtf->uv[2][0]=1.0f; mtf->uv[0][1]=mtf->uv[1][1]=(vlr->v1->accum+1.0f)/2.0f; mtf->uv[2][1]=mtf->uv[3][1]=(vlr->v3->accum+1.0f)/2.0f; } } if (sd->mcol) { for (i=0; itotcol; i++) { MCol *mc; mc=RE_vlakren_get_mcol(obr, vlr, i, NULL, 1); mc[0]=mc[1]=mc[2]=mc[3]=sd->mcol[i]; mc[0]=mc[1]=mc[2]=mc[3]=sd->mcol[i]; } } } } static void static_particle_wire(ObjectRen *obr, Material *ma, const float vec[3], const float vec1[3], int first, int line) { VlakRen *vlr; static VertRen *v1; if (line) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v3= vlr->v2; vlr->v4= NULL; copy_v3_v3(vlr->v1->co, vec); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v2->co, vec1); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->n, vec, vec1); normalize_v3(vlr->n); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, vlr->n); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v2->n, vlr->n); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->ec= ME_V1V2; } else if (first) { v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(v1->co, vec); } else { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= v1; vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v3= vlr->v2; vlr->v4= NULL; v1= vlr->v2; /* cycle */ copy_v3_v3(v1->co, vec); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->n, vec, vec1); normalize_v3(vlr->n); copy_v3_v3(v1->n, vlr->n); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->ec= ME_V1V2; } } static void particle_curve(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, DerivedMesh *dm, Material *ma, ParticleStrandData *sd, const float loc[3], const float loc1[3], int seed, float *pa_co) { HaloRen *har = NULL; if (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_WIRE) static_particle_wire(obr, ma, loc, loc1, sd->first, sd->line); else if (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_HALO) { har= RE_inithalo_particle(re, obr, dm, ma, loc, loc1, sd->orco, sd->uvco, sd->size, 1.0, seed, pa_co); if (har) har->lay= obr->ob->lay; } else static_particle_strand(re, obr, ma, sd, loc, loc1); } static void particle_billboard(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, Material *ma, ParticleBillboardData *bb) { VlakRen *vlr; MTFace *mtf; float xvec[3], yvec[3], zvec[3], bb_center[3]; /* Number of tiles */ int totsplit = bb->uv_split * bb->uv_split; int tile, x, y; /* Tile offsets */ float uvx = 0.0f, uvy = 0.0f, uvdx = 1.0f, uvdy = 1.0f, time = 0.0f; vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); vlr->v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); psys_make_billboard(bb, xvec, yvec, zvec, bb_center); add_v3_v3v3(vlr->v1->co, bb_center, xvec); add_v3_v3(vlr->v1->co, yvec); mul_m4_v3(re->viewmat, vlr->v1->co); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->v2->co, bb_center, xvec); add_v3_v3(vlr->v2->co, yvec); mul_m4_v3(re->viewmat, vlr->v2->co); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->v3->co, bb_center, xvec); sub_v3_v3v3(vlr->v3->co, vlr->v3->co, yvec); mul_m4_v3(re->viewmat, vlr->v3->co); add_v3_v3v3(vlr->v4->co, bb_center, xvec); sub_v3_v3(vlr->v4->co, yvec); mul_m4_v3(re->viewmat, vlr->v4->co); normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, vlr->n); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v2->n, vlr->n); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, vlr->n); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, vlr->n); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->ec= ME_V2V3; if (bb->uv_split > 1) { uvdx = uvdy = 1.0f / (float)bb->uv_split; if (ELEM(bb->anim, PART_BB_ANIM_AGE, PART_BB_ANIM_FRAME)) { if (bb->anim == PART_BB_ANIM_FRAME) time = ((int)(bb->time * bb->lifetime) % totsplit)/(float)totsplit; else time = bb->time; } else if (bb->anim == PART_BB_ANIM_ANGLE) { if (bb->align == PART_BB_VIEW) { time = (float)fmod((bb->tilt + 1.0f) / 2.0f, 1.0); } else { float axis1[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; float axis2[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; axis1[(bb->align + 1) % 3] = 1.0f; axis2[(bb->align + 2) % 3] = 1.0f; if (bb->lock == 0) { zvec[bb->align] = 0.0f; normalize_v3(zvec); } time = saacos(dot_v3v3(zvec, axis1)) / (float)M_PI; if (dot_v3v3(zvec, axis2) < 0.0f) time = 1.0f - time / 2.0f; else time /= 2.0f; } } if (bb->split_offset == PART_BB_OFF_LINEAR) time = (float)fmod(time + (float)bb->num / (float)totsplit, 1.0f); else if (bb->split_offset==PART_BB_OFF_RANDOM) time = (float)fmod(time + bb->random, 1.0f); /* Find the coordinates in tile space (integer), then convert to UV * space (float). Note that Y is flipped. */ tile = (int)((time + FLT_EPSILON10) * totsplit); x = tile % bb->uv_split; y = tile / bb->uv_split; y = (bb->uv_split - 1) - y; uvx = uvdx * x; uvy = uvdy * y; } /* normal UVs */ if (bb->uv[0] >= 0) { mtf = RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, bb->uv[0], NULL, 1); mtf->uv[0][0] = 1.0f; mtf->uv[0][1] = 1.0f; mtf->uv[1][0] = 0.0f; mtf->uv[1][1] = 1.0f; mtf->uv[2][0] = 0.0f; mtf->uv[2][1] = 0.0f; mtf->uv[3][0] = 1.0f; mtf->uv[3][1] = 0.0f; } /* time-index UVs */ if (bb->uv[1] >= 0) { mtf = RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, bb->uv[1], NULL, 1); mtf->uv[0][0] = mtf->uv[1][0] = mtf->uv[2][0] = mtf->uv[3][0] = bb->time; mtf->uv[0][1] = mtf->uv[1][1] = mtf->uv[2][1] = mtf->uv[3][1] = (float)bb->num/(float)bb->totnum; } /* split UVs */ if (bb->uv_split > 1 && bb->uv[2] >= 0) { mtf = RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, bb->uv[2], NULL, 1); mtf->uv[0][0] = uvx + uvdx; mtf->uv[0][1] = uvy + uvdy; mtf->uv[1][0] = uvx; mtf->uv[1][1] = uvy + uvdy; mtf->uv[2][0] = uvx; mtf->uv[2][1] = uvy; mtf->uv[3][0] = uvx + uvdx; mtf->uv[3][1] = uvy; } } static void particle_normal_ren(short ren_as, ParticleSettings *part, Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, DerivedMesh *dm, Material *ma, ParticleStrandData *sd, ParticleBillboardData *bb, ParticleKey *state, int seed, float hasize, float *pa_co) { float loc[3], loc0[3], loc1[3], vel[3]; copy_v3_v3(loc, state->co); if (ren_as != PART_DRAW_BB) mul_m4_v3(re->viewmat, loc); switch (ren_as) { case PART_DRAW_LINE: sd->line = 1; sd->time = 0.0f; sd->size = hasize; copy_v3_v3(vel, state->vel); mul_mat3_m4_v3(re->viewmat, vel); normalize_v3(vel); if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_VEL_LENGTH) mul_v3_fl(vel, len_v3(state->vel)); madd_v3_v3v3fl(loc0, loc, vel, -part->draw_line[0]); madd_v3_v3v3fl(loc1, loc, vel, part->draw_line[1]); particle_curve(re, obr, dm, ma, sd, loc0, loc1, seed, pa_co); break; case PART_DRAW_BB: copy_v3_v3(bb->vec, loc); copy_v3_v3(bb->vel, state->vel); particle_billboard(re, obr, ma, bb); break; default: { HaloRen *har = NULL; har = RE_inithalo_particle(re, obr, dm, ma, loc, NULL, sd->orco, sd->uvco, hasize, 0.0, seed, pa_co); if (har) har->lay= obr->ob->lay; break; } } } static void get_particle_uvco_mcol(short from, DerivedMesh *dm, float *fuv, int num, ParticleStrandData *sd) { int i; /* get uvco */ if (sd->uvco && ELEM(from, PART_FROM_FACE, PART_FROM_VOLUME)) { for (i=0; itotuv; i++) { if (num != DMCACHE_NOTFOUND) { MFace *mface = dm->getTessFaceData(dm, num, CD_MFACE); MTFace *mtface = (MTFace*)CustomData_get_layer_n(&dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE, i); mtface += num; psys_interpolate_uvs(mtface, mface->v4, fuv, sd->uvco + 2 * i); } else { sd->uvco[2*i] = 0.0f; sd->uvco[2*i + 1] = 0.0f; } } } /* get mcol */ if (sd->mcol && ELEM(from, PART_FROM_FACE, PART_FROM_VOLUME)) { for (i=0; itotcol; i++) { if (num != DMCACHE_NOTFOUND) { MFace *mface = dm->getTessFaceData(dm, num, CD_MFACE); MCol *mc = (MCol*)CustomData_get_layer_n(&dm->faceData, CD_MCOL, i); mc += num * 4; psys_interpolate_mcol(mc, mface->v4, fuv, sd->mcol + i); } else memset(&sd->mcol[i], 0, sizeof(MCol)); } } } static int render_new_particle_system(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, ParticleSystem *psys, int timeoffset) { Object *ob= obr->ob; // Object *tob=0; Material *ma = NULL; ParticleSystemModifierData *psmd; ParticleSystem *tpsys = NULL; ParticleSettings *part, *tpart = NULL; ParticleData *pars, *pa = NULL, *tpa = NULL; ParticleKey *states = NULL; ParticleKey state; ParticleCacheKey *cache = NULL; ParticleBillboardData bb; ParticleSimulationData sim = {NULL}; ParticleStrandData sd; StrandBuffer *strandbuf = NULL; StrandVert *svert = NULL; StrandBound *sbound = NULL; StrandRen *strand = NULL; RNG *rng = NULL; float loc[3], loc1[3], loc0[3], mat[4][4], nmat[3][3], co[3], nor[3], duplimat[4][4]; float strandlen=0.0f, curlen=0.0f; float hasize, pa_size, r_tilt, r_length; float pa_time, pa_birthtime, pa_dietime; float random, simplify[2], pa_co[3]; const float cfra= BKE_scene_frame_get(re->scene); int i, a, k, max_k=0, totpart, do_simplify = FALSE, do_surfacecache = FALSE, use_duplimat = FALSE; int totchild=0, step_nbr; int seed, path_nbr=0, orco1=0, num; int totface; char **uv_name = NULL; const int *index_mf_to_mpoly = NULL; const int *index_mp_to_orig = NULL; /* 1. check that everything is ok & updated */ if (psys==NULL) return 0; part=psys->part; pars=psys->particles; if (part==NULL || pars==NULL || !psys_check_enabled(ob, psys)) return 0; if (part->ren_as==PART_DRAW_OB || part->ren_as==PART_DRAW_GR || part->ren_as==PART_DRAW_NOT) return 1; if ((re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) && psys->edit) return 0; /* 2. start initializing things */ /* last possibility to bail out! */ psmd = psys_get_modifier(ob, psys); if (!(psmd->modifier.mode & eModifierMode_Render)) return 0; sim.scene= re->scene; sim.ob= ob; sim.psys= psys; sim.psmd= psmd; if (part->phystype==PART_PHYS_KEYED) psys_count_keyed_targets(&sim); totchild=psys->totchild; /* can happen for disconnected/global hair */ if (part->type==PART_HAIR && !psys->childcache) totchild= 0; if (re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) { /* preview render */ totchild = (int)((float)totchild * (float)part->disp / 100.0f); step_nbr = part->draw_step; } else { step_nbr = part->ren_step; } psys->flag |= PSYS_DRAWING; rng= BLI_rng_new(psys->seed); totpart=psys->totpart; memset(&sd, 0, sizeof(ParticleStrandData)); sd.override_uv = -1; /* 2.1 setup material stff */ ma= give_render_material(re, ob, part->omat); #if 0 /* XXX old animation system */ if (ma->ipo) { calc_ipo(ma->ipo, cfra); execute_ipo((ID *)ma, ma->ipo); } #endif /* XXX old animation system */ hasize = ma->hasize; seed = ma->seed1; re->flag |= R_HALO; RE_set_customdata_names(obr, &psmd->dm->faceData); sd.totuv = CustomData_number_of_layers(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE); sd.totcol = CustomData_number_of_layers(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MCOL); if (ma->texco & TEXCO_UV && sd.totuv) { sd.uvco = MEM_callocN(sd.totuv * 2 * sizeof(float), "particle_uvs"); if (ma->strand_uvname[0]) { sd.override_uv = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE, ma->strand_uvname); sd.override_uv -= CustomData_get_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE); } } else sd.uvco = NULL; if (sd.totcol) sd.mcol = MEM_callocN(sd.totcol * sizeof(MCol), "particle_mcols"); /* 2.2 setup billboards */ if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_BB) { int first_uv = CustomData_get_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE); bb.uv[0] = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE, psys->bb_uvname[0]); if (bb.uv[0] < 0) bb.uv[0] = CustomData_get_active_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE); bb.uv[1] = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE, psys->bb_uvname[1]); bb.uv[2] = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(&psmd->dm->faceData, CD_MTFACE, psys->bb_uvname[2]); if (first_uv >= 0) { bb.uv[0] -= first_uv; bb.uv[1] -= first_uv; bb.uv[2] -= first_uv; } bb.align = part->bb_align; bb.anim = part->bb_anim; bb.lock = part->draw & PART_DRAW_BB_LOCK; bb.ob = (part->bb_ob ? part->bb_ob : RE_GetCamera(re)); bb.split_offset = part->bb_split_offset; bb.totnum = totpart+totchild; bb.uv_split = part->bb_uv_split; } /* 2.5 setup matrices */ mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); /* need to be that way, for imat texture */ copy_m3_m4(nmat, ob->imat); transpose_m3(nmat); if (psys->flag & PSYS_USE_IMAT) { /* psys->imat is the original emitter's inverse matrix, ob->obmat is the duplicated object's matrix */ mul_m4_m4m4(duplimat, ob->obmat, psys->imat); use_duplimat = TRUE; } /* 2.6 setup strand rendering */ if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_PATH && psys->pathcache) { path_nbr=(int)pow(2.0, (double) step_nbr); if (path_nbr) { if (!ELEM(ma->material_type, MA_TYPE_HALO, MA_TYPE_WIRE)) { sd.orco = get_object_orco(re, psys); if (!sd.orco) { sd.orco = MEM_mallocN(3*sizeof(float)*(totpart+totchild), "particle orcos"); set_object_orco(re, psys, sd.orco); } } } if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_REN_ADAPT) { sd.adapt = 1; sd.adapt_pix = (float)part->adapt_pix; sd.adapt_angle = cosf(DEG2RADF((float)part->adapt_angle)); } if (part->draw & PART_DRAW_REN_STRAND) { strandbuf= RE_addStrandBuffer(obr, (totpart+totchild)*(path_nbr+1)); strandbuf->ma= ma; strandbuf->lay= ob->lay; copy_m4_m4(strandbuf->winmat, re->winmat); strandbuf->winx= re->winx; strandbuf->winy= re->winy; strandbuf->maxdepth= 2; strandbuf->adaptcos= cosf(DEG2RADF((float)part->adapt_angle)); strandbuf->overrideuv= sd.override_uv; strandbuf->minwidth= ma->strand_min; if (ma->strand_widthfade == 0.0f) strandbuf->widthfade= -1.0f; else if (ma->strand_widthfade >= 1.0f) strandbuf->widthfade= 2.0f - ma->strand_widthfade; else strandbuf->widthfade= 1.0f/MAX2(ma->strand_widthfade, 1e-5f); if (part->flag & PART_HAIR_BSPLINE) strandbuf->flag |= R_STRAND_BSPLINE; if (ma->mode & MA_STR_B_UNITS) strandbuf->flag |= R_STRAND_B_UNITS; svert= strandbuf->vert; if (re->r.mode & R_SPEED) do_surfacecache = TRUE; else if ((re->wrld.mode & (WO_AMB_OCC|WO_ENV_LIGHT|WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT)) && (re->wrld.ao_gather_method == WO_AOGATHER_APPROX)) if (ma->amb != 0.0f) do_surfacecache = TRUE; totface= psmd->dm->getNumTessFaces(psmd->dm); index_mf_to_mpoly = psmd->dm->getTessFaceDataArray(psmd->dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); index_mp_to_orig = psmd->dm->getPolyDataArray(psmd->dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); if (index_mf_to_mpoly == NULL) { index_mp_to_orig = NULL; } for (a=0; atotbound = max_ii(strandbuf->totbound, (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, a): a); strandbuf->totbound++; strandbuf->bound= MEM_callocN(sizeof(StrandBound)*strandbuf->totbound, "StrandBound"); sbound= strandbuf->bound; sbound->start= sbound->end= 0; } } if (sd.orco == NULL) { sd.orco = MEM_mallocN(3 * sizeof(float), "particle orco"); orco1 = 1; } if (path_nbr == 0) psys->lattice_deform_data = psys_create_lattice_deform_data(&sim); /* 3. start creating renderable things */ for (a=0, pa=pars; aflag & PARS_UNEXIST) continue; pa_time=(cfra-pa->time)/pa->lifetime; pa_birthtime = pa->time; pa_dietime = pa->dietime; hasize = ma->hasize; /* XXX 'tpsys' is alwyas NULL, this code won't run! */ /* get orco */ if (tpsys && part->phystype == PART_PHYS_NO) { tpa = tpsys->particles + pa->num; psys_particle_on_emitter( psmd, tpart->from, tpa->num, pa->num_dmcache, tpa->fuv, tpa->foffset, co, nor, NULL, NULL, sd.orco, NULL); } else { psys_particle_on_emitter( psmd, part->from, pa->num, pa->num_dmcache, pa->fuv, pa->foffset, co, nor, NULL, NULL, sd.orco, NULL); } /* get uvco & mcol */ num= pa->num_dmcache; if (num == DMCACHE_NOTFOUND) if (pa->num < psmd->dm->getNumTessFaces(psmd->dm)) num= pa->num; get_particle_uvco_mcol(part->from, psmd->dm, pa->fuv, num, &sd); pa_size = pa->size; r_tilt = 2.0f*(psys_frand(psys, a) - 0.5f); r_length = psys_frand(psys, a+1); if (path_nbr) { cache = psys->pathcache[a]; max_k = (int)cache->steps; } if (totchild && (part->draw&PART_DRAW_PARENT)==0) continue; } else { ChildParticle *cpa= psys->child+a-totpart; if (path_nbr) { cache = psys->childcache[a-totpart]; if (cache->steps < 0) continue; max_k = (int)cache->steps; } pa_time = psys_get_child_time(psys, cpa, cfra, &pa_birthtime, &pa_dietime); pa_size = psys_get_child_size(psys, cpa, cfra, &pa_time); r_tilt = 2.0f*(psys_frand(psys, a + 21) - 0.5f); r_length = psys_frand(psys, a + 22); num = cpa->num; /* get orco */ if (part->childtype == PART_CHILD_FACES) { psys_particle_on_emitter( psmd, PART_FROM_FACE, cpa->num, DMCACHE_ISCHILD, cpa->fuv, cpa->foffset, co, nor, NULL, NULL, sd.orco, NULL); } else { ParticleData *par = psys->particles + cpa->parent; psys_particle_on_emitter( psmd, part->from, par->num, DMCACHE_ISCHILD, par->fuv, par->foffset, co, nor, NULL, NULL, sd.orco, NULL); } /* get uvco & mcol */ if (part->childtype==PART_CHILD_FACES) { get_particle_uvco_mcol(PART_FROM_FACE, psmd->dm, cpa->fuv, cpa->num, &sd); } else { ParticleData *parent = psys->particles + cpa->parent; num = parent->num_dmcache; if (num == DMCACHE_NOTFOUND) if (parent->num < psmd->dm->getNumTessFaces(psmd->dm)) num = parent->num; get_particle_uvco_mcol(part->from, psmd->dm, parent->fuv, num, &sd); } do_simplify = psys_render_simplify_params(psys, cpa, simplify); if (strandbuf) { int orignum = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, cpa->num) : cpa->num; if ((orignum > sbound - strandbuf->bound) && (orignum < strandbuf->totbound)) { sbound = &strandbuf->bound[orignum]; sbound->start = sbound->end = obr->totstrand; } } } /* TEXCO_PARTICLE */ pa_co[0] = pa_time; pa_co[1] = 0.f; pa_co[2] = 0.f; /* surface normal shading setup */ if (ma->mode_l & MA_STR_SURFDIFF) { mul_m3_v3(nmat, nor); sd.surfnor= nor; } else sd.surfnor= NULL; /* strand render setup */ if (strandbuf) { strand= RE_findOrAddStrand(obr, obr->totstrand++); strand->buffer= strandbuf; strand->vert= svert; copy_v3_v3(strand->orco, sd.orco); if (do_simplify) { float *ssimplify= RE_strandren_get_simplify(obr, strand, 1); ssimplify[0]= simplify[0]; ssimplify[1]= simplify[1]; } if (sd.surfnor) { float *snor= RE_strandren_get_surfnor(obr, strand, 1); copy_v3_v3(snor, sd.surfnor); } if (do_surfacecache && num >= 0) { int *facenum= RE_strandren_get_face(obr, strand, 1); *facenum= num; } if (sd.uvco) { for (i=0; iend++; } /* strandco computation setup */ if (path_nbr) { strandlen= 0.0f; curlen= 0.0f; for (k=1; k<=path_nbr; k++) if (k<=max_k) strandlen += len_v3v3((cache+k-1)->co, (cache+k)->co); } if (path_nbr) { /* render strands */ for (k=0; k<=path_nbr; k++) { float time; if (k<=max_k) { copy_v3_v3(state.co, (cache+k)->co); copy_v3_v3(state.vel, (cache+k)->vel); } else continue; if (k > 0) curlen += len_v3v3((cache+k-1)->co, (cache+k)->co); time= curlen/strandlen; copy_v3_v3(loc, state.co); mul_m4_v3(re->viewmat, loc); if (strandbuf) { copy_v3_v3(svert->co, loc); svert->strandco= -1.0f + 2.0f*time; svert++; strand->totvert++; } else { sd.size = hasize; if (k==1) { sd.first = 1; sd.time = 0.0f; sub_v3_v3v3(loc0, loc1, loc); add_v3_v3v3(loc0, loc1, loc0); particle_curve(re, obr, psmd->dm, ma, &sd, loc1, loc0, seed, pa_co); } sd.first = 0; sd.time = time; if (k) particle_curve(re, obr, psmd->dm, ma, &sd, loc, loc1, seed, pa_co); copy_v3_v3(loc1, loc); } } } else { /* render normal particles */ if (part->trail_count > 1) { float length = part->path_end * (1.0f - part->randlength * r_length); int trail_count = part->trail_count * (1.0f - part->randlength * r_length); float ct = (part->draw & PART_ABS_PATH_TIME) ? cfra : pa_time; float dt = length / (trail_count ? (float)trail_count : 1.0f); /* make sure we have pointcache in memory before getting particle on path */ psys_make_temp_pointcache(ob, psys); for (i=0; i < trail_count; i++, ct -= dt) { if (part->draw & PART_ABS_PATH_TIME) { if (ct < pa_birthtime || ct > pa_dietime) continue; } else if (ct < 0.0f || ct > 1.0f) continue; state.time = (part->draw & PART_ABS_PATH_TIME) ? -ct : ct; psys_get_particle_on_path(&sim, a, &state, 1); if (psys->parent) mul_m4_v3(psys->parent->obmat, state.co); if (use_duplimat) mul_m4_v4(duplimat, state.co); if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_BB) { bb.random = random; bb.offset[0] = part->bb_offset[0]; bb.offset[1] = part->bb_offset[1]; bb.size[0] = part->bb_size[0] * pa_size; if (part->bb_align==PART_BB_VEL) { float pa_vel = len_v3(state.vel); float head = part->bb_vel_head*pa_vel; float tail = part->bb_vel_tail*pa_vel; bb.size[1] = part->bb_size[1]*pa_size + head + tail; /* use offset to adjust the particle center. this is relative to size, so need to divide! */ if (bb.size[1] > 0.0f) bb.offset[1] += (head-tail) / bb.size[1]; } else bb.size[1] = part->bb_size[1] * pa_size; bb.tilt = part->bb_tilt * (1.0f - part->bb_rand_tilt * r_tilt); bb.time = ct; bb.num = a; } pa_co[0] = (part->draw & PART_ABS_PATH_TIME) ? (ct-pa_birthtime)/(pa_dietime-pa_birthtime) : ct; pa_co[1] = (float)i/(float)(trail_count-1); particle_normal_ren(part->ren_as, part, re, obr, psmd->dm, ma, &sd, &bb, &state, seed, hasize, pa_co); } } else { state.time=cfra; if (psys_get_particle_state(&sim, a, &state, 0)==0) continue; if (psys->parent) mul_m4_v3(psys->parent->obmat, state.co); if (use_duplimat) mul_m4_v3(duplimat, state.co); if (part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_BB) { bb.random = random; bb.offset[0] = part->bb_offset[0]; bb.offset[1] = part->bb_offset[1]; bb.size[0] = part->bb_size[0] * pa_size; if (part->bb_align==PART_BB_VEL) { float pa_vel = len_v3(state.vel); float head = part->bb_vel_head*pa_vel; float tail = part->bb_vel_tail*pa_vel; bb.size[1] = part->bb_size[1]*pa_size + head + tail; /* use offset to adjust the particle center. this is relative to size, so need to divide! */ if (bb.size[1] > 0.0f) bb.offset[1] += (head-tail) / bb.size[1]; } else bb.size[1] = part->bb_size[1] * pa_size; bb.tilt = part->bb_tilt * (1.0f - part->bb_rand_tilt * r_tilt); bb.time = pa_time; bb.num = a; bb.lifetime = pa_dietime-pa_birthtime; } particle_normal_ren(part->ren_as, part, re, obr, psmd->dm, ma, &sd, &bb, &state, seed, hasize, pa_co); } } if (orco1==0) sd.orco+=3; if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } if (do_surfacecache) strandbuf->surface= cache_strand_surface(re, obr, psmd->dm, mat, timeoffset); /* 4. clean up */ #if 0 /* XXX old animation system */ if (ma) do_mat_ipo(re->scene, ma); #endif /* XXX old animation system */ if (orco1) MEM_freeN(sd.orco); if (sd.uvco) MEM_freeN(sd.uvco); if (sd.mcol) MEM_freeN(sd.mcol); if (uv_name) MEM_freeN(uv_name); if (states) MEM_freeN(states); BLI_rng_free(rng); psys->flag &= ~PSYS_DRAWING; if (psys->lattice_deform_data) { end_latt_deform(psys->lattice_deform_data); psys->lattice_deform_data = NULL; } if (path_nbr && (ma->mode_l & MA_TANGENT_STR)==0) calc_vertexnormals(re, obr, 0, 0); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Halo's */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void make_render_halos(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, Mesh *UNUSED(me), int totvert, MVert *mvert, Material *ma, float *orco) { Object *ob= obr->ob; HaloRen *har; float xn, yn, zn, nor[3], view[3]; float vec[3], hasize, mat[4][4], imat[3][3]; int a, ok, seed= ma->seed1; mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); copy_m3_m4(imat, ob->imat); re->flag |= R_HALO; for (a=0; ahasize; copy_v3_v3(vec, mvert->co); mul_m4_v3(mat, vec); if (ma->mode & MA_HALOPUNO) { xn= mvert->no[0]; yn= mvert->no[1]; zn= mvert->no[2]; /* transpose ! */ nor[0]= imat[0][0]*xn+imat[0][1]*yn+imat[0][2]*zn; nor[1]= imat[1][0]*xn+imat[1][1]*yn+imat[1][2]*zn; nor[2]= imat[2][0]*xn+imat[2][1]*yn+imat[2][2]*zn; normalize_v3(nor); copy_v3_v3(view, vec); normalize_v3(view); zn = dot_v3v3(nor, view); if (zn>=0.0f) hasize= 0.0f; else hasize*= zn*zn*zn*zn; } if (orco) har= RE_inithalo(re, obr, ma, vec, NULL, orco, hasize, 0.0, seed); else har= RE_inithalo(re, obr, ma, vec, NULL, mvert->co, hasize, 0.0, seed); if (har) har->lay= ob->lay; } if (orco) orco+= 3; seed++; } } static int verghalo(const void *a1, const void *a2) { const HaloRen *har1= *(const HaloRen**)a1; const HaloRen *har2= *(const HaloRen**)a2; if (har1->zs < har2->zs) return 1; else if (har1->zs > har2->zs) return -1; return 0; } static void sort_halos(Render *re, int totsort) { ObjectRen *obr; HaloRen *har= NULL, **haso; int a; if (re->tothalo==0) return; re->sortedhalos= MEM_callocN(sizeof(HaloRen*)*re->tothalo, "sorthalos"); haso= re->sortedhalos; for (obr=re->objecttable.first; obr; obr=obr->next) { for (a=0; atothalo; a++) { if ((a & 255)==0) har= obr->bloha[a>>8]; else har++; *(haso++)= har; } } qsort(re->sortedhalos, totsort, sizeof(HaloRen*), verghalo); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Displacement Mapping */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static short test_for_displace(Render *re, Object *ob) { /* return 1 when this object uses displacement textures. */ Material *ma; int i; for (i=1; i<=ob->totcol; i++) { ma=give_render_material(re, ob, i); /* ma->mapto is ORed total of all mapto channels */ if (ma && (ma->mapto & MAP_DISPLACE)) return 1; } return 0; } static void displace_render_vert(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, ShadeInput *shi, VertRen *vr, int vindex, float *scale, float mat[4][4], float imat[3][3]) { MTFace *tface; short texco= shi->mat->texco; float sample=0, displace[3]; char *name; int i; /* shi->co is current render coord, just make sure at least some vector is here */ copy_v3_v3(shi->co, vr->co); /* vertex normal is used for textures type 'col' and 'var' */ copy_v3_v3(shi->vn, vr->n); if (mat) mul_m4_v3(mat, shi->co); if (imat) { shi->vn[0] = dot_v3v3(imat[0], vr->n); shi->vn[1] = dot_v3v3(imat[1], vr->n); shi->vn[2] = dot_v3v3(imat[2], vr->n); } if (texco & TEXCO_UV) { shi->totuv= 0; shi->actuv= obr->actmtface; for (i=0; (tface=RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, shi->vlr, i, &name, 0)); i++) { ShadeInputUV *suv= &shi->uv[i]; /* shi.uv needs scale correction from tface uv */ suv->uv[0]= 2*tface->uv[vindex][0]-1.0f; suv->uv[1]= 2*tface->uv[vindex][1]-1.0f; suv->uv[2]= 0.0f; suv->name= name; shi->totuv++; } } /* set all rendercoords, 'texco' is an ORed value for all textures needed */ if ((texco & TEXCO_ORCO) && (vr->orco)) { copy_v3_v3(shi->lo, vr->orco); } if (texco & TEXCO_GLOB) { copy_v3_v3(shi->gl, shi->co); mul_m4_v3(re->viewinv, shi->gl); } if (texco & TEXCO_NORM) { copy_v3_v3(shi->orn, shi->vn); } if (texco & TEXCO_REFL) { /* not (yet?) */ } if (texco & TEXCO_STRESS) { float *s= RE_vertren_get_stress(obr, vr, 0); if (s) { shi->stress= *s; if (shi->stress<1.0f) shi->stress-= 1.0f; else shi->stress= (shi->stress-1.0f)/shi->stress; } else shi->stress= 0.0f; } shi->displace[0]= shi->displace[1]= shi->displace[2]= 0.0; do_material_tex(shi, re); //printf("no=%f, %f, %f\nbefore co=%f, %f, %f\n", vr->n[0], vr->n[1], vr->n[2], //vr->co[0], vr->co[1], vr->co[2]); displace[0]= shi->displace[0] * scale[0]; displace[1]= shi->displace[1] * scale[1]; displace[2]= shi->displace[2] * scale[2]; if (mat) mul_m3_v3(imat, displace); /* 0.5 could become button once? */ vr->co[0] += displace[0]; vr->co[1] += displace[1]; vr->co[2] += displace[2]; //printf("after co=%f, %f, %f\n", vr->co[0], vr->co[1], vr->co[2]); /* we just don't do this vertex again, bad luck for other face using same vertex with * different material... */ vr->flag |= 1; /* Pass sample back so displace_face can decide which way to split the quad */ sample = shi->displace[0]*shi->displace[0]; sample += shi->displace[1]*shi->displace[1]; sample += shi->displace[2]*shi->displace[2]; vr->accum=sample; /* Should be sqrt(sample), but I'm only looking for "bigger". Save the cycles. */ return; } static void displace_render_face(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, VlakRen *vlr, float *scale, float mat[4][4], float imat[3][3]) { ShadeInput shi; /* Warning, This is not that nice, and possibly a bit slow, * however some variables were not initialized properly in, unless using shade_input_initialize(...), we need to do a memset */ memset(&shi, 0, sizeof(ShadeInput)); /* end warning! - Campbell */ /* set up shadeinput struct for multitex() */ /* memset above means we don't need this */ /*shi.osatex= 0;*/ /* signal not to use dx[] and dy[] texture AA vectors */ shi.obr= obr; shi.vlr= vlr; /* current render face */ shi.mat= vlr->mat; /* current input material */ shi.thread= 0; /* TODO, assign these, displacement with new bumpmap is skipped without - campbell */ #if 0 /* order is not known ? */ shi.v1= vlr->v1; shi.v2= vlr->v2; shi.v3= vlr->v3; #endif /* Displace the verts, flag is set when done */ if (!vlr->v1->flag) displace_render_vert(re, obr, &shi, vlr->v1, 0, scale, mat, imat); if (!vlr->v2->flag) displace_render_vert(re, obr, &shi, vlr->v2, 1, scale, mat, imat); if (!vlr->v3->flag) displace_render_vert(re, obr, &shi, vlr->v3, 2, scale, mat, imat); if (vlr->v4) { if (!vlr->v4->flag) displace_render_vert(re, obr, &shi, vlr->v4, 3, scale, mat, imat); /* closest in displace value. This will help smooth edges. */ if (fabsf(vlr->v1->accum - vlr->v3->accum) > fabsf(vlr->v2->accum - vlr->v4->accum)) vlr->flag |= R_DIVIDE_24; else vlr->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; } /* Recalculate the face normal - if flipped before, flip now */ if (vlr->v4) { normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); } else { normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); } } static void do_displacement(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, float mat[4][4], float imat[3][3]) { VertRen *vr; VlakRen *vlr; // float min[3]={1e30, 1e30, 1e30}, max[3]={-1e30, -1e30, -1e30}; float scale[3]={1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}, temp[3];//, xn int i; //, texflag=0; Object *obt; /* Object Size with parenting */ obt=obr->ob; while (obt) { mul_v3_v3v3(temp, obt->size, obt->dscale); scale[0]*=temp[0]; scale[1]*=temp[1]; scale[2]*=temp[2]; obt=obt->parent; } /* Clear all flags */ for (i=0; itotvert; i++) { vr= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, i); vr->flag= 0; } for (i=0; itotvlak; i++) { vlr=RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, i); displace_render_face(re, obr, vlr, scale, mat, imat); } /* Recalc vertex normals */ calc_vertexnormals(re, obr, 0, 0); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Metaball */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void init_render_mball(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr) { Object *ob= obr->ob; DispList *dl; VertRen *ver; VlakRen *vlr, *vlr1; Material *ma; float *data, *nors, *orco=NULL, mat[4][4], imat[3][3], xn, yn, zn; int a, need_orco, vlakindex, *index, negative_scale; ListBase dispbase= {NULL, NULL}; if (ob!=BKE_mball_basis_find(re->scene, ob)) return; mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); copy_m3_m4(imat, ob->imat); negative_scale = is_negative_m4(mat); ma= give_render_material(re, ob, 1); need_orco= 0; if (ma->texco & TEXCO_ORCO) { need_orco= 1; } BKE_displist_make_mball_forRender(re->eval_ctx, re->scene, ob, &dispbase); dl= dispbase.first; if (dl == NULL) return; data= dl->verts; nors= dl->nors; if (need_orco) { orco= get_object_orco(re, ob); if (!orco) { /* orco hasn't been found in cache - create new one and add to cache */ orco= BKE_mball_make_orco(ob, &dispbase); set_object_orco(re, ob, orco); } } for (a=0; anr; a++, data+=3, nors+=3) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, data); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); /* render normals are inverted */ xn= -nors[0]; yn= -nors[1]; zn= -nors[2]; /* transpose ! */ ver->n[0]= imat[0][0]*xn+imat[0][1]*yn+imat[0][2]*zn; ver->n[1]= imat[1][0]*xn+imat[1][1]*yn+imat[1][2]*zn; ver->n[2]= imat[2][0]*xn+imat[2][1]*yn+imat[2][2]*zn; normalize_v3(ver->n); //if (ob->transflag & OB_NEG_SCALE) negate_v3(ver->n); if (need_orco) { ver->orco= orco; orco+=3; } } index= dl->index; for (a=0; aparts; a++, index+=4) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, index[0]); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, index[1]); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, index[2]); vlr->v4 = NULL; if (negative_scale) normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v1->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v3->co); else normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->flag= ME_SMOOTH; vlr->ec= 0; /* mball -too bad- always has triangles, because quads can be non-planar */ if (index[3] && index[3]!=index[2]) { vlr1= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlakindex= vlr1->index; *vlr1= *vlr; vlr1->index= vlakindex; vlr1->v2= vlr1->v3; vlr1->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, index[3]); if (negative_scale) normal_tri_v3(vlr1->n, vlr1->v1->co, vlr1->v2->co, vlr1->v3->co); else normal_tri_v3(vlr1->n, vlr1->v3->co, vlr1->v2->co, vlr1->v1->co); } } /* enforce display lists remade */ BKE_displist_free(&dispbase); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Surfaces and Curves */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* returns amount of vertices added for orco */ static int dl_surf_to_renderdata(ObjectRen *obr, DispList *dl, Material **matar, float *orco, float mat[4][4]) { VertRen *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4, *ver; VlakRen *vlr, *vlr1, *vlr2, *vlr3; float *data, n1[3]; int u, v, orcoret= 0; int p1, p2, p3, p4, a; int sizeu, nsizeu, sizev, nsizev; int startvert, startvlak; startvert= obr->totvert; nsizeu = sizeu = dl->parts; nsizev = sizev = dl->nr; data= dl->verts; for (u = 0; u < sizeu; u++) { v1 = RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); /* save this for possible V wrapping */ copy_v3_v3(v1->co, data); data += 3; if (orco) { v1->orco= orco; orco+= 3; orcoret++; } mul_m4_v3(mat, v1->co); for (v = 1; v < sizev; v++) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, data); data += 3; if (orco) { ver->orco= orco; orco+= 3; orcoret++; } mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); } /* if V-cyclic, add extra vertices at end of the row */ if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_U) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, v1->co); if (orco) { ver->orco= orco; orco+=3; orcoret++; //orcobase + 3*(u*sizev + 0); } } } /* Done before next loop to get corner vert */ if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_U) nsizev++; if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_V) nsizeu++; /* if U cyclic, add extra row at end of column */ if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_V) { for (v = 0; v < nsizev; v++) { v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, startvert + v); ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, v1->co); if (orco) { ver->orco= orco; orco+=3; orcoret++; //ver->orco= orcobase + 3*(0*sizev + v); } } } sizeu = nsizeu; sizev = nsizev; startvlak= obr->totvlak; for (u = 0; u < sizeu - 1; u++) { p1 = startvert + u * sizev; /* walk through face list */ p2 = p1 + 1; p3 = p2 + sizev; p4 = p3 - 1; for (v = 0; v < sizev - 1; v++) { v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p1); v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p2); v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p3); v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p4); vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= v1; vlr->v2= v2; vlr->v3= v3; vlr->v4= v4; normal_quad_v3(n1, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); copy_v3_v3(vlr->n, n1); vlr->mat= matar[ dl->col]; vlr->ec= ME_V1V2+ME_V2V3; vlr->flag= dl->rt; add_v3_v3(v1->n, n1); add_v3_v3(v2->n, n1); add_v3_v3(v3->n, n1); add_v3_v3(v4->n, n1); p1++; p2++; p3++; p4++; } } /* fix normals for U resp. V cyclic faces */ sizeu--; sizev--; /* dec size for face array */ if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_V) { for (v = 0; v < sizev; v++) { /* optimize! :*/ vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(sizeu - 1, v)); vlr1= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(0, v)); add_v3_v3(vlr1->v1->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr1->v2->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, vlr1->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, vlr1->n); } } if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_U) { for (u = 0; u < sizeu; u++) { /* optimize! :*/ vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(u, 0)); vlr1= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(u, sizev-1)); add_v3_v3(vlr1->v2->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr1->v3->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, vlr1->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, vlr1->n); } } /* last vertex is an extra case: * * ^ ()----()----()----() * | | | || | * u | |(0,n)||(0,0)| * | | || | * ()====()====[]====() * | | || | * | |(m,n)||(m,0)| * | | || | * ()----()----()----() * v -> * * vertex [] is no longer shared, therefore distribute * normals of the surrounding faces to all of the duplicates of [] */ if ((dl->flag & DL_CYCL_V) && (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_U)) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(sizeu - 1, sizev - 1)); /* (m, n) */ vlr1= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(0, 0)); /* (0, 0) */ add_v3_v3v3(n1, vlr->n, vlr1->n); vlr2= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(0, sizev-1)); /* (0, n) */ add_v3_v3(n1, vlr2->n); vlr3= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, UVTOINDEX(sizeu-1, 0)); /* (m, 0) */ add_v3_v3(n1, vlr3->n); copy_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, n1); copy_v3_v3(vlr1->v1->n, n1); copy_v3_v3(vlr2->v2->n, n1); copy_v3_v3(vlr3->v4->n, n1); } for (a = startvert; a < obr->totvert; a++) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); normalize_v3(ver->n); } return orcoret; } static void init_render_dm(DerivedMesh *dm, Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, int timeoffset, float *orco, float mat[4][4]) { Object *ob= obr->ob; int a, end, totvert, vertofs; short mat_iter; VertRen *ver; VlakRen *vlr; MVert *mvert = NULL; MFace *mface; Material *ma; #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE const int *index_mf_to_mpoly = NULL; const int *index_mp_to_orig = NULL; FreestyleFace *ffa = NULL; #endif /* Curve *cu= ELEM(ob->type, OB_FONT, OB_CURVE) ? ob->data : NULL; */ mvert= dm->getVertArray(dm); totvert= dm->getNumVerts(dm); for (a=0; atotvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, mvert->co); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); if (orco) { ver->orco= orco; orco+=3; } } if (!timeoffset) { /* store customdata names, because DerivedMesh is freed */ RE_set_customdata_names(obr, &dm->faceData); /* still to do for keys: the correct local texture coordinate */ /* faces in order of color blocks */ vertofs= obr->totvert - totvert; for (mat_iter= 0; (mat_iter < ob->totcol || (mat_iter==0 && ob->totcol==0)); mat_iter++) { ma= give_render_material(re, ob, mat_iter+1); end= dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); mface= dm->getTessFaceArray(dm); #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE if (ob->type == OB_MESH) { Mesh *me= ob->data; index_mf_to_mpoly= dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); index_mp_to_orig= dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); ffa= CustomData_get_layer(&me->pdata, CD_FREESTYLE_FACE); } #endif for (a=0; amat_nr == mat_iter) { float len; v1= mface->v1; v2= mface->v2; v3= mface->v3; v4= mface->v4; flag= mface->flag & ME_SMOOTH; vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v1); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v2); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v3); if (v4) vlr->v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v4); else vlr->v4 = NULL; /* render normals are inverted in render */ if (vlr->v4) len= normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); else len= normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->flag= flag; vlr->ec= 0; /* mesh edges rendered separately */ #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE if (ffa) { int index = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, a) : a; vlr->freestyle_face_mark= (ffa[index].flag & FREESTYLE_FACE_MARK) ? 1 : 0; } else { vlr->freestyle_face_mark= 0; } #endif if (len==0) obr->totvlak--; else { CustomDataLayer *layer; MTFace *mtface, *mtf; MCol *mcol, *mc; int index, mtfn= 0, mcn= 0; char *name; for (index=0; indexfaceData.totlayer; index++) { layer= &dm->faceData.layers[index]; name= layer->name; if (layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) { mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, mtfn++, &name, 1); mtface= (MTFace*)layer->data; *mtf= mtface[a]; } else if (layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) { mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(obr, vlr, mcn++, &name, 1); mcol= (MCol*)layer->data; memcpy(mc, &mcol[a*4], sizeof(MCol)*4); } } } } } } /* Normals */ calc_vertexnormals(re, obr, 0, 0); } } static void init_render_surf(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, int timeoffset) { Object *ob= obr->ob; Nurb *nu = NULL; Curve *cu; ListBase displist= {NULL, NULL}; DispList *dl; Material **matar; float *orco=NULL, mat[4][4]; int a, totmat, need_orco=0; DerivedMesh *dm= NULL; cu= ob->data; nu= cu->nurb.first; if (nu == NULL) return; mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); /* material array */ totmat= ob->totcol+1; matar= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Material*)*totmat, "init_render_surf matar"); for (a=0; atexco & TEXCO_ORCO) need_orco= 1; } if (ob->parent && (ob->parent->type==OB_LATTICE)) need_orco= 1; BKE_displist_make_surf(re->scene, ob, &displist, &dm, 1, 0, 1); if (dm) { if (need_orco) { orco = get_object_orco(re, ob); if (!orco) { orco= BKE_displist_make_orco(re->scene, ob, dm, 1, 1); if (orco) { set_object_orco(re, ob, orco); } } } init_render_dm(dm, re, obr, timeoffset, orco, mat); dm->release(dm); } else { if (need_orco) { orco = get_object_orco(re, ob); if (!orco) { orco = BKE_curve_surf_make_orco(ob); set_object_orco(re, ob, orco); } } /* walk along displaylist and create rendervertices/-faces */ for (dl=displist.first; dl; dl=dl->next) { /* watch out: u ^= y, v ^= x !! */ if (dl->type==DL_SURF) orco+= 3*dl_surf_to_renderdata(obr, dl, matar, orco, mat); } } BKE_displist_free(&displist); MEM_freeN(matar); } static void init_render_curve(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, int timeoffset) { Object *ob= obr->ob; Curve *cu; VertRen *ver; VlakRen *vlr; DispList *dl; DerivedMesh *dm = NULL; ListBase disp={NULL, NULL}; Material **matar; float *data, *fp, *orco=NULL; float n[3], mat[4][4], nmat[4][4]; int nr, startvert, a, b; int need_orco=0, totmat; cu= ob->data; if (ob->type==OB_FONT && cu->str==NULL) return; else if (ob->type==OB_CURVE && cu->nurb.first==NULL) return; BKE_displist_make_curveTypes_forRender(re->scene, ob, &disp, &dm, 0, 1); dl= disp.first; if (dl==NULL) return; mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); /* local object -> world space transform for normals */ copy_m4_m4(nmat, mat); transpose_m4(nmat); invert_m4(nmat); /* material array */ totmat= ob->totcol+1; matar= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Material*)*totmat, "init_render_surf matar"); for (a=0; atexco & TEXCO_ORCO) need_orco= 1; } if (dm) { if (need_orco) { orco = get_object_orco(re, ob); if (!orco) { orco = BKE_displist_make_orco(re->scene, ob, dm, 1, 1); if (orco) { set_object_orco(re, ob, orco); } } } init_render_dm(dm, re, obr, timeoffset, orco, mat); dm->release(dm); } else { if (need_orco) { orco = get_object_orco(re, ob); if (!orco) { orco = BKE_curve_make_orco(re->scene, ob, NULL); set_object_orco(re, ob, orco); } } while (dl) { if (dl->col > ob->totcol) { /* pass */ } else if (dl->type==DL_INDEX3) { int *index; startvert= obr->totvert; data= dl->verts; for (a=0; anr; a++, data+=3) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, data); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); if (orco) { ver->orco = orco; orco += 3; } } if (timeoffset==0) { float tmp[3]; const int startvlak= obr->totvlak; zero_v3(n); index= dl->index; for (a=0; aparts; a++, index+=3) { int v1 = index[0], v2 = index[1], v3 = index[2]; float *co1 = &dl->verts[v1 * 3], *co2 = &dl->verts[v2 * 3], *co3 = &dl->verts[v3 * 3]; vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, startvert + v1); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, startvert + v2); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, startvert + v3); vlr->v4= NULL; /* to prevent float accuracy issues, we calculate normal in local object space (not world) */ if (area_tri_v3(co3, co2, co1)>FLT_EPSILON) { normal_tri_v3(tmp, co3, co2, co1); add_v3_v3(n, tmp); } vlr->mat= matar[ dl->col ]; vlr->flag= 0; vlr->ec= 0; } /* transform normal to world space */ mul_m4_v3(nmat, n); normalize_v3(n); /* vertex normals */ for (a= startvlak; atotvlak; a++) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); copy_v3_v3(vlr->n, n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v2->n, vlr->n); } for (a=startvert; atotvert; a++) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); normalize_v3(ver->n); } } } else if (dl->type==DL_SURF) { /* cyclic U means an extruded full circular curve, we skip bevel splitting then */ if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_U) { orco+= 3*dl_surf_to_renderdata(obr, dl, matar, orco, mat); } else { int p1, p2, p3, p4; fp= dl->verts; startvert= obr->totvert; nr= dl->nr*dl->parts; while (nr--) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, fp); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); fp+= 3; if (orco) { ver->orco = orco; orco += 3; } } if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_V && orco) { fp = dl->verts; nr = dl->nr; while (nr--) { ver = RE_findOrAddVert(obr, obr->totvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, fp); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); ver->orco = orco; fp += 3; orco += 3; } } if (dl->bevelSplitFlag || timeoffset==0) { const int startvlak= obr->totvlak; for (a=0; aparts; a++) { if (BKE_displist_surfindex_get(dl, a, &b, &p1, &p2, &p3, &p4)==0) break; p1+= startvert; p2+= startvert; p3+= startvert; p4+= startvert; if (dl->flag & DL_CYCL_V && orco && a == dl->parts - 1) { p3 = p1 + dl->nr; p4 = p2 + dl->nr; } for (; bnr; b++) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); /* important 1 offset in order is kept [#24913] */ vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p2); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p1); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p3); vlr->v4= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, p4); vlr->ec= ME_V2V3+ME_V3V4; if (a==0) vlr->ec+= ME_V1V2; vlr->flag= dl->rt; normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); vlr->mat= matar[ dl->col ]; p4= p3; p3++; p2= p1; p1++; } } if (dl->bevelSplitFlag) { for (a=0; aparts-1+!!(dl->flag&DL_CYCL_V); a++) if (dl->bevelSplitFlag[a>>5]&(1<<(a&0x1F))) split_v_renderfaces(obr, startvlak, startvert, dl->parts, dl->nr, a, dl->flag&DL_CYCL_V, dl->flag&DL_CYCL_U); } /* vertex normals */ for (a= startvlak; atotvlak; a++) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); add_v3_v3(vlr->v1->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v3->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v2->n, vlr->n); add_v3_v3(vlr->v4->n, vlr->n); } for (a=startvert; atotvert; a++) { ver= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, a); normalize_v3(ver->n); } } } } dl= dl->next; } } BKE_displist_free(&disp); MEM_freeN(matar); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Mesh */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ struct edgesort { unsigned int v1, v2; int f; unsigned int i1, i2; }; /* edges have to be added with lowest index first for sorting */ static void to_edgesort(struct edgesort *ed, unsigned int i1, unsigned int i2, unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, int f) { if (v1 > v2) { SWAP(unsigned int, v1, v2); SWAP(unsigned int, i1, i2); } ed->v1= v1; ed->v2= v2; ed->i1= i1; ed->i2= i2; ed->f = f; } static int vergedgesort(const void *v1, const void *v2) { const struct edgesort *x1=v1, *x2=v2; if ( x1->v1 > x2->v1) return 1; else if ( x1->v1 < x2->v1) return -1; else if ( x1->v2 > x2->v2) return 1; else if ( x1->v2 < x2->v2) return -1; return 0; } static struct edgesort *make_mesh_edge_lookup(DerivedMesh *dm, int *totedgesort) { MFace *mf, *mface; MTFace *tface=NULL; struct edgesort *edsort, *ed; unsigned int *mcol=NULL; int a, totedge=0, totface; mface= dm->getTessFaceArray(dm); totface= dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); tface= dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_MTFACE); mcol= dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_MCOL); if (mcol==NULL && tface==NULL) return NULL; /* make sorted table with edges and face indices in it */ for (a= totface, mf= mface; a>0; a--, mf++) { if (mf->v4) totedge+=4; else if (mf->v3) totedge+=3; } if (totedge==0) return NULL; ed= edsort= MEM_callocN(totedge*sizeof(struct edgesort), "edgesort"); for (a=0, mf=mface; av1, mf->v2, a); to_edgesort(ed++, 1, 2, mf->v2, mf->v3, a); if (mf->v4) { to_edgesort(ed++, 2, 3, mf->v3, mf->v4, a); to_edgesort(ed++, 3, 0, mf->v4, mf->v1, a); } else if (mf->v3) to_edgesort(ed++, 2, 3, mf->v3, mf->v1, a); } qsort(edsort, totedge, sizeof(struct edgesort), vergedgesort); *totedgesort= totedge; return edsort; } static void use_mesh_edge_lookup(ObjectRen *obr, DerivedMesh *dm, MEdge *medge, VlakRen *vlr, struct edgesort *edgetable, int totedge) { struct edgesort ed, *edp; CustomDataLayer *layer; MTFace *mtface, *mtf; MCol *mcol, *mc; int index, mtfn, mcn; char *name; if (medge->v1 < medge->v2) { ed.v1= medge->v1; ed.v2= medge->v2; } else { ed.v1= medge->v2; ed.v2= medge->v1; } edp= bsearch(&ed, edgetable, totedge, sizeof(struct edgesort), vergedgesort); /* since edges have different index ordering, we have to duplicate mcol and tface */ if (edp) { mtfn= mcn= 0; for (index=0; indexfaceData.totlayer; index++) { layer= &dm->faceData.layers[index]; name= layer->name; if (layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) { mtface= &((MTFace*)layer->data)[edp->f]; mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, mtfn++, &name, 1); *mtf= *mtface; memcpy(mtf->uv[0], mtface->uv[edp->i1], sizeof(float)*2); memcpy(mtf->uv[1], mtface->uv[edp->i2], sizeof(float)*2); memcpy(mtf->uv[2], mtface->uv[1], sizeof(float)*2); memcpy(mtf->uv[3], mtface->uv[1], sizeof(float)*2); } else if (layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) { mcol= &((MCol*)layer->data)[edp->f*4]; mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(obr, vlr, mcn++, &name, 1); mc[0]= mcol[edp->i1]; mc[1]= mc[2]= mc[3]= mcol[edp->i2]; } } } } static void free_camera_inside_volumes(Render *re) { BLI_freelistN(&re->render_volumes_inside); } static void init_camera_inside_volumes(Render *re) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi; VolumeOb *vo; /* coordinates are all in camera space, so camera coordinate is zero. we also * add an offset for the clip start, however note that with clip start it's * actually impossible to do a single 'inside' test, since there will not be * a single point where all camera rays start from, though for small clip start * they will be close together. */ float co[3] = {0.f, 0.f, -re->clipsta}; for (vo= re->volumes.first; vo; vo= vo->next) { for (obi= re->instancetable.first; obi; obi= obi->next) { if (obi->obr == vo->obr) { if (point_inside_volume_objectinstance(re, obi, co)) { MatInside *mi; mi = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MatInside), "camera inside material"); mi->ma = vo->ma; mi->obi = obi; BLI_addtail(&(re->render_volumes_inside), mi); } } } } #if 0 /* debug */ { MatInside *m; for (m = re->render_volumes_inside.first; m; m = m->next) { printf("matinside: ma: %s\n", m->ma->id.name + 2); } } #endif } static void add_volume(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, Material *ma) { struct VolumeOb *vo; vo = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(VolumeOb), "volume object"); vo->ma = ma; vo->obr = obr; BLI_addtail(&re->volumes, vo); } #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE static EdgeHash *make_freestyle_edge_mark_hash(Mesh *me, DerivedMesh *dm) { EdgeHash *edge_hash= NULL; FreestyleEdge *fed; MEdge *medge; int totedge, a; int *index; medge = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); totedge = dm->getNumEdges(dm); index = dm->getEdgeDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); fed = CustomData_get_layer(&me->edata, CD_FREESTYLE_EDGE); if (fed) { edge_hash = BLI_edgehash_new(__func__); if (!index) { if (me->totedge == totedge) { for (a = 0; a < me->totedge; a++) { if (fed[a].flag & FREESTYLE_EDGE_MARK) { BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, medge[a].v1, medge[a].v2, medge + a); } } } } else { for (a = 0; a < totedge; a++) { if (index[a] == ORIGINDEX_NONE) continue; if (fed[index[a]].flag & FREESTYLE_EDGE_MARK) BLI_edgehash_insert(edge_hash, medge[a].v1, medge[a].v2, medge+a); } } } return edge_hash; } static bool has_freestyle_edge_mark(EdgeHash *edge_hash, int v1, int v2) { MEdge *medge= BLI_edgehash_lookup(edge_hash, v1, v2); return (!medge) ? 0 : 1; } #endif static void init_render_mesh(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, int timeoffset) { Object *ob= obr->ob; Mesh *me; MVert *mvert = NULL; MFace *mface; VlakRen *vlr; //, *vlr1; VertRen *ver; Material *ma; DerivedMesh *dm; CustomDataMask mask; float xn, yn, zn, imat[3][3], mat[4][4]; //nor[3], float *orco = NULL; int need_orco=0, need_stress=0, need_nmap_tangent=0, need_tangent=0, need_origindex=0; int a, a1, ok, vertofs; int end, do_autosmooth = FALSE, totvert = 0; int use_original_normals = FALSE; int recalc_normals = 0; /* false by default */ int negative_scale; #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE FreestyleFace *ffa; #endif me= ob->data; mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); copy_m3_m4(imat, ob->imat); negative_scale= is_negative_m4(mat); if (me->totvert==0) return; need_orco= 0; for (a=1; a<=ob->totcol; a++) { ma= give_render_material(re, ob, a); if (ma) { if (ma->texco & (TEXCO_ORCO|TEXCO_STRESS)) need_orco= 1; if (ma->texco & TEXCO_STRESS) need_stress= 1; /* normalmaps, test if tangents needed, separated from shading */ if (ma->mode_l & MA_TANGENT_V) { need_tangent= 1; if (me->mtpoly==NULL) need_orco= 1; } if (ma->mode_l & MA_NORMAP_TANG) { if (me->mtpoly==NULL) { need_orco= 1; need_tangent= 1; } need_nmap_tangent= 1; } } } if (re->flag & R_NEED_TANGENT) { /* exception for tangent space baking */ if (me->mtpoly==NULL) { need_orco= 1; need_tangent= 1; } need_nmap_tangent= 1; } /* origindex currently only used when baking to vertex colors */ if (re->flag & R_BAKING && re->r.bake_flag & R_BAKE_VCOL) need_origindex= 1; /* check autosmooth and displacement, we then have to skip only-verts optimize */ do_autosmooth |= (me->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH); if (do_autosmooth) timeoffset= 0; if (test_for_displace(re, ob ) ) timeoffset= 0; mask= CD_MASK_BAREMESH|CD_MASK_MTFACE|CD_MASK_MCOL; if (!timeoffset) if (need_orco) mask |= CD_MASK_ORCO; #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE mask |= CD_MASK_ORIGINDEX | CD_MASK_FREESTYLE_EDGE | CD_MASK_FREESTYLE_FACE; #endif if (re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) dm= mesh_create_derived_view(re->scene, ob, mask); else dm= mesh_create_derived_render(re->scene, ob, mask); if (dm==NULL) return; /* in case duplicated object fails? */ if (mask & CD_MASK_ORCO) { orco = get_object_orco(re, ob); if (!orco) { orco= dm->getVertDataArray(dm, CD_ORCO); if (orco) { orco= MEM_dupallocN(orco); set_object_orco(re, ob, orco); } } } mvert= dm->getVertArray(dm); totvert= dm->getNumVerts(dm); /* attempt to autsmooth on original mesh, only without subsurf */ if (do_autosmooth && me->totvert==totvert && me->totface==dm->getNumTessFaces(dm)) use_original_normals= TRUE; ma= give_render_material(re, ob, 1); if (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_HALO) { make_render_halos(re, obr, me, totvert, mvert, ma, orco); } else { const int *index_vert_orig = NULL; const int *index_mf_to_mpoly = NULL; const int *index_mp_to_orig = NULL; if (need_origindex) { index_vert_orig = dm->getVertDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); /* double lookup for faces -> polys */ #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE index_mf_to_mpoly = dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); index_mp_to_orig = dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); #endif } for (a=0; atotvert++); copy_v3_v3(ver->co, mvert->co); if (do_autosmooth == FALSE) { /* autosmooth on original unrotated data to prevent differences between frames */ normal_short_to_float_v3(ver->n, mvert->no); mul_m4_v3(mat, ver->co); mul_transposed_m3_v3(imat, ver->n); normalize_v3(ver->n); negate_v3(ver->n); } if (orco) { ver->orco= orco; orco+=3; } if (need_origindex) { int *origindex; origindex = RE_vertren_get_origindex(obr, ver, 1); /* Use orig index array if it's available (e.g. in the presence * of modifiers). */ if (index_vert_orig) *origindex = index_vert_orig[a]; else *origindex = a; } } if (!timeoffset) { #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE EdgeHash *edge_hash; /* create a hash table of Freestyle edge marks */ edge_hash = make_freestyle_edge_mark_hash(me, dm); #endif /* store customdata names, because DerivedMesh is freed */ RE_set_customdata_names(obr, &dm->faceData); /* add tangent layer if we need one */ if (need_nmap_tangent!=0 && CustomData_get_layer_index(&dm->faceData, CD_TANGENT) == -1) DM_add_tangent_layer(dm); /* still to do for keys: the correct local texture coordinate */ /* faces in order of color blocks */ vertofs= obr->totvert - totvert; for (a1=0; (a1totcol || (a1==0 && ob->totcol==0)); a1++) { ma= give_render_material(re, ob, a1+1); /* test for 100% transparent */ ok = 1; if ((ma->alpha == 0.0f) && (ma->spectra == 0.0f) && (ma->filter == 0.0f) && (ma->mode & MA_TRANSP) && (ma->mode & (MA_RAYTRANSP | MA_RAYMIRROR)) == 0) { ok = 0; /* texture on transparency? */ for (a=0; amtex[a] && ma->mtex[a]->tex) { if (ma->mtex[a]->mapto & MAP_ALPHA) ok= 1; } } } /* if wire material, and we got edges, don't do the faces */ if (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_WIRE) { end= dm->getNumEdges(dm); if (end) ok= 0; } if (ok) { end= dm->getNumTessFaces(dm); mface= dm->getTessFaceArray(dm); #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE index_mf_to_mpoly= dm->getTessFaceDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); index_mp_to_orig= dm->getPolyDataArray(dm, CD_ORIGINDEX); ffa= CustomData_get_layer(&me->pdata, CD_FREESTYLE_FACE); #endif for (a=0; amat_nr==a1 ) { float len; int reverse_verts = (negative_scale != 0 && do_autosmooth == FALSE); int rev_tab[] = {reverse_verts==0 ? 0 : 2, 1, reverse_verts==0 ? 2 : 0, 3}; v1= reverse_verts==0 ? mface->v1 : mface->v3; v2= mface->v2; v3= reverse_verts==0 ? mface->v3 : mface->v1; v4= mface->v4; flag= mface->flag & ME_SMOOTH; vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v1); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v2); vlr->v3= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v3); if (v4) vlr->v4 = RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+v4); else vlr->v4 = NULL; #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE /* Freestyle edge/face marks */ if (edge_hash) { int edge_mark = 0; if (has_freestyle_edge_mark(edge_hash, v1, v2)) edge_mark |= R_EDGE_V1V2; if (has_freestyle_edge_mark(edge_hash, v2, v3)) edge_mark |= R_EDGE_V2V3; if (!v4) { if (has_freestyle_edge_mark(edge_hash, v3, v1)) edge_mark |= R_EDGE_V3V1; } else { if (has_freestyle_edge_mark(edge_hash, v3, v4)) edge_mark |= R_EDGE_V3V4; if (has_freestyle_edge_mark(edge_hash, v4, v1)) edge_mark |= R_EDGE_V4V1; } vlr->freestyle_edge_mark= edge_mark; } if (ffa) { int index = (index_mf_to_mpoly) ? DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, a) : a; vlr->freestyle_face_mark= (ffa[index].flag & FREESTYLE_FACE_MARK) ? 1 : 0; } else { vlr->freestyle_face_mark= 0; } #endif /* render normals are inverted in render */ if (use_original_normals) { MFace *mf= me->mface+a; MVert *mv= me->mvert; if (vlr->v4) len= normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, mv[mf->v4].co, mv[mf->v3].co, mv[mf->v2].co, mv[mf->v1].co); else len= normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, mv[mf->v3].co, mv[mf->v2].co, mv[mf->v1].co); } else { if (vlr->v4) len= normal_quad_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); else len= normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); } vlr->mat= ma; vlr->flag= flag; vlr->ec= 0; /* mesh edges rendered separately */ if (len==0) obr->totvlak--; else { CustomDataLayer *layer; MTFace *mtface, *mtf; MCol *mcol, *mc; int index, mtfn= 0, mcn= 0, mtng=0, vindex; char *name; int nr_verts = v4!=0 ? 4 : 3; for (index=0; indexfaceData.totlayer; index++) { layer= &dm->faceData.layers[index]; name= layer->name; if (layer->type == CD_MTFACE && mtfn < MAX_MTFACE) { int t; mtf= RE_vlakren_get_tface(obr, vlr, mtfn++, &name, 1); mtface= (MTFace*)layer->data; *mtf = mtface[a]; /* copy face info */ for (vindex=0; vindexuv[vindex][t]=mtface[a].uv[rev_tab[vindex]][t]; } else if (layer->type == CD_MCOL && mcn < MAX_MCOL) { mc= RE_vlakren_get_mcol(obr, vlr, mcn++, &name, 1); mcol= (MCol*)layer->data; for (vindex=0; vindextype == CD_TANGENT && mtng < 1) { if (need_nmap_tangent != 0) { const float * tangent = (const float *) layer->data; float * ftang = RE_vlakren_get_nmap_tangent(obr, vlr, 1); for (vindex=0; vindex modified mpoly -> original mpoly * - OR Tesselated mesh; look up from tessface -> mpoly * - OR Failsafe; tessface == mpoly. Could probably assert(false) in this case? */ int *origindex; origindex = RE_vlakren_get_origindex(obr, vlr, 1); if (index_mf_to_mpoly && index_mp_to_orig) *origindex = DM_origindex_mface_mpoly(index_mf_to_mpoly, index_mp_to_orig, a); else if (index_mf_to_mpoly) *origindex = index_mf_to_mpoly[a]; else *origindex = a; } } } } } } #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE /* release the hash table of Freestyle edge marks */ if (edge_hash) BLI_edgehash_free(edge_hash, NULL); #endif /* exception... we do edges for wire mode. potential conflict when faces exist... */ end= dm->getNumEdges(dm); mvert= dm->getVertArray(dm); ma= give_render_material(re, ob, 1); if (end && (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_WIRE)) { MEdge *medge; struct edgesort *edgetable; int totedge= 0; recalc_normals= 1; medge= dm->getEdgeArray(dm); /* we want edges to have UV and vcol too... */ edgetable= make_mesh_edge_lookup(dm, &totedge); for (a1=0; a1flag&ME_EDGERENDER) { MVert *v0 = &mvert[medge->v1]; MVert *v1 = &mvert[medge->v2]; vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, obr->totvlak++); vlr->v1= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+medge->v1); vlr->v2= RE_findOrAddVert(obr, vertofs+medge->v2); vlr->v3= vlr->v2; vlr->v4= NULL; if (edgetable) use_mesh_edge_lookup(obr, dm, medge, vlr, edgetable, totedge); xn= -(v0->no[0]+v1->no[0]); yn= -(v0->no[1]+v1->no[1]); zn= -(v0->no[2]+v1->no[2]); /* transpose ! */ vlr->n[0]= imat[0][0]*xn+imat[0][1]*yn+imat[0][2]*zn; vlr->n[1]= imat[1][0]*xn+imat[1][1]*yn+imat[1][2]*zn; vlr->n[2]= imat[2][0]*xn+imat[2][1]*yn+imat[2][2]*zn; normalize_v3(vlr->n); vlr->mat= ma; vlr->flag= 0; vlr->ec= ME_V1V2; } } if (edgetable) MEM_freeN(edgetable); } } } if (!timeoffset) { if (need_stress) calc_edge_stress(re, obr, me); if (test_for_displace(re, ob ) ) { recalc_normals= 1; calc_vertexnormals(re, obr, 0, 0); if (do_autosmooth) do_displacement(re, obr, mat, imat); else do_displacement(re, obr, NULL, NULL); } if (do_autosmooth) { recalc_normals= 1; autosmooth(re, obr, mat, me->smoothresh); } if (recalc_normals!=0 || need_tangent!=0) calc_vertexnormals(re, obr, need_tangent, need_nmap_tangent); } dm->release(dm); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Lamps and Shadowbuffers */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void initshadowbuf(Render *re, LampRen *lar, float mat[4][4]) { struct ShadBuf *shb; float viewinv[4][4]; /* if (la->spsi<16) return; */ /* memory alloc */ shb= (struct ShadBuf *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(struct ShadBuf), "initshadbuf"); lar->shb= shb; if (shb==NULL) return; VECCOPY(shb->co, lar->co); /* int copy */ /* percentage render: keep track of min and max */ shb->size= (lar->bufsize*re->r.size)/100; if (shb->size<512) shb->size= 512; else if (shb->size > lar->bufsize) shb->size= lar->bufsize; shb->size &= ~15; /* make sure its multiples of 16 */ shb->samp= lar->samp; shb->soft= lar->soft; shb->shadhalostep= lar->shadhalostep; normalize_m4(mat); invert_m4_m4(shb->winmat, mat); /* winmat is temp */ /* matrix: combination of inverse view and lampmat */ /* calculate again: the ortho-render has no correct viewinv */ invert_m4_m4(viewinv, re->viewmat); mul_m4_m4m4(shb->viewmat, shb->winmat, viewinv); /* projection */ shb->d= lar->clipsta; shb->clipend= lar->clipend; /* bias is percentage, made 2x larger because of correction for angle of incidence */ /* when a ray is closer to parallel of a face, bias value is increased during render */ shb->bias= (0.02f*lar->bias)*0x7FFFFFFF; /* halfway method (average of first and 2nd z) reduces bias issues */ if (ELEM(lar->buftype, LA_SHADBUF_HALFWAY, LA_SHADBUF_DEEP)) shb->bias= 0.1f*shb->bias; shb->compressthresh= lar->compressthresh; } void area_lamp_vectors(LampRen *lar) { float xsize= 0.5f*lar->area_size, ysize= 0.5f*lar->area_sizey, multifac; /* make it smaller, so area light can be multisampled */ multifac= 1.0f/sqrtf((float)lar->ray_totsamp); xsize *= multifac; ysize *= multifac; /* corner vectors */ lar->area[0][0]= lar->co[0] - xsize*lar->mat[0][0] - ysize*lar->mat[1][0]; lar->area[0][1]= lar->co[1] - xsize*lar->mat[0][1] - ysize*lar->mat[1][1]; lar->area[0][2]= lar->co[2] - xsize*lar->mat[0][2] - ysize*lar->mat[1][2]; /* corner vectors */ lar->area[1][0]= lar->co[0] - xsize*lar->mat[0][0] + ysize*lar->mat[1][0]; lar->area[1][1]= lar->co[1] - xsize*lar->mat[0][1] + ysize*lar->mat[1][1]; lar->area[1][2]= lar->co[2] - xsize*lar->mat[0][2] + ysize*lar->mat[1][2]; /* corner vectors */ lar->area[2][0]= lar->co[0] + xsize*lar->mat[0][0] + ysize*lar->mat[1][0]; lar->area[2][1]= lar->co[1] + xsize*lar->mat[0][1] + ysize*lar->mat[1][1]; lar->area[2][2]= lar->co[2] + xsize*lar->mat[0][2] + ysize*lar->mat[1][2]; /* corner vectors */ lar->area[3][0]= lar->co[0] + xsize*lar->mat[0][0] - ysize*lar->mat[1][0]; lar->area[3][1]= lar->co[1] + xsize*lar->mat[0][1] - ysize*lar->mat[1][1]; lar->area[3][2]= lar->co[2] + xsize*lar->mat[0][2] - ysize*lar->mat[1][2]; /* only for correction button size, matrix size works on energy */ lar->areasize= lar->dist*lar->dist/(4.0f*xsize*ysize); } /* If lar takes more lamp data, the decoupling will be better. */ static GroupObject *add_render_lamp(Render *re, Object *ob) { Lamp *la= ob->data; LampRen *lar; GroupObject *go; float mat[4][4], angle, xn, yn; float vec[3]; int c; /* previewrender sets this to zero... prevent accidents */ if (la==NULL) return NULL; /* prevent only shadow from rendering light */ if (la->mode & LA_ONLYSHADOW) if ((re->r.mode & R_SHADOW)==0) return NULL; re->totlamp++; /* groups is used to unify support for lightgroups, this is the global lightgroup */ go= MEM_callocN(sizeof(GroupObject), "groupobject"); BLI_addtail(&re->lights, go); go->ob= ob; /* lamprens are in own list, for freeing */ lar= (LampRen *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(LampRen), "lampren"); BLI_addtail(&re->lampren, lar); go->lampren= lar; mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); copy_m3_m4(lar->mat, mat); copy_m3_m4(lar->imat, ob->imat); lar->bufsize = la->bufsize; lar->samp = la->samp; lar->buffers= la->buffers; if (lar->buffers==0) lar->buffers= 1; lar->buftype= la->buftype; lar->filtertype= la->filtertype; lar->soft = la->soft; lar->shadhalostep = la->shadhalostep; lar->clipsta = la->clipsta; lar->clipend = la->clipend; lar->bias = la->bias; lar->compressthresh = la->compressthresh; lar->type= la->type; lar->mode= la->mode; lar->energy= la->energy; if (la->mode & LA_NEG) lar->energy= -lar->energy; lar->vec[0]= -mat[2][0]; lar->vec[1]= -mat[2][1]; lar->vec[2]= -mat[2][2]; normalize_v3(lar->vec); lar->co[0]= mat[3][0]; lar->co[1]= mat[3][1]; lar->co[2]= mat[3][2]; lar->dist= la->dist; lar->haint= la->haint; lar->distkw= lar->dist*lar->dist; lar->r= lar->energy*la->r; lar->g= lar->energy*la->g; lar->b= lar->energy*la->b; lar->shdwr= la->shdwr; lar->shdwg= la->shdwg; lar->shdwb= la->shdwb; lar->k= la->k; /* area */ lar->ray_samp= la->ray_samp; lar->ray_sampy= la->ray_sampy; lar->ray_sampz= la->ray_sampz; lar->area_size= la->area_size; lar->area_sizey= la->area_sizey; lar->area_sizez= la->area_sizez; lar->area_shape= la->area_shape; /* Annoying, lamp UI does this, but the UI might not have been used? - add here too. * make sure this matches buttons_shading.c's logic */ if (ELEM4(la->type, LA_AREA, LA_SPOT, LA_SUN, LA_LOCAL) && (la->mode & LA_SHAD_RAY)) if (ELEM3(la->type, LA_SPOT, LA_SUN, LA_LOCAL)) if (la->ray_samp_method == LA_SAMP_CONSTANT) la->ray_samp_method = LA_SAMP_HALTON; lar->ray_samp_method= la->ray_samp_method; lar->ray_samp_type= la->ray_samp_type; lar->adapt_thresh= la->adapt_thresh; lar->sunsky = NULL; if ( ELEM(lar->type, LA_SPOT, LA_LOCAL)) { lar->ray_totsamp= lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_samp; lar->area_shape = LA_AREA_SQUARE; lar->area_sizey= lar->area_size; } else if (lar->type==LA_AREA) { switch (lar->area_shape) { case LA_AREA_SQUARE: lar->ray_totsamp= lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_samp; lar->ray_sampy= lar->ray_samp; lar->area_sizey= lar->area_size; break; case LA_AREA_RECT: lar->ray_totsamp= lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_sampy; break; case LA_AREA_CUBE: lar->ray_totsamp= lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_samp; lar->ray_sampy= lar->ray_samp; lar->ray_sampz= lar->ray_samp; lar->area_sizey= lar->area_size; lar->area_sizez= lar->area_size; break; case LA_AREA_BOX: lar->ray_totsamp= lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_sampy*lar->ray_sampz; break; } area_lamp_vectors(lar); init_jitter_plane(lar); /* subsamples */ } else if (lar->type==LA_SUN) { lar->ray_totsamp= lar->ray_samp*lar->ray_samp; lar->area_shape = LA_AREA_SQUARE; lar->area_sizey= lar->area_size; if ((la->sun_effect_type & LA_SUN_EFFECT_SKY) || (la->sun_effect_type & LA_SUN_EFFECT_AP)) { lar->sunsky = (struct SunSky*)MEM_callocN(sizeof(struct SunSky), "sunskyren"); lar->sunsky->effect_type = la->sun_effect_type; copy_v3_v3(vec, ob->obmat[2]); normalize_v3(vec); InitSunSky(lar->sunsky, la->atm_turbidity, vec, la->horizon_brightness, la->spread, la->sun_brightness, la->sun_size, la->backscattered_light, la->skyblendfac, la->skyblendtype, la->sky_exposure, la->sky_colorspace); InitAtmosphere(lar->sunsky, la->sun_intensity, 1.0, 1.0, la->atm_inscattering_factor, la->atm_extinction_factor, la->atm_distance_factor); } } else lar->ray_totsamp= 0; lar->spotsi= la->spotsize; if (lar->mode & LA_HALO) { if (lar->spotsi > DEG2RADF(170.0f)) lar->spotsi = DEG2RADF(170.0f); } lar->spotsi= cosf(lar->spotsi * 0.5f); lar->spotbl= (1.0f-lar->spotsi)*la->spotblend; memcpy(lar->mtex, la->mtex, MAX_MTEX*sizeof(void *)); lar->lay = ob->lay & 0xFFFFFF; /* higher 8 bits are localview layers */ lar->falloff_type = la->falloff_type; lar->ld1= la->att1; lar->ld2= la->att2; lar->curfalloff = curvemapping_copy(la->curfalloff); if (lar->curfalloff) { /* so threads don't conflict on init */ curvemapping_initialize(lar->curfalloff); } if (lar->type==LA_SPOT) { normalize_v3(lar->imat[0]); normalize_v3(lar->imat[1]); normalize_v3(lar->imat[2]); xn= saacos(lar->spotsi); xn= sin(xn)/cos(xn); lar->spottexfac= 1.0f/(xn); if (lar->mode & LA_ONLYSHADOW) { if ((lar->mode & (LA_SHAD_BUF|LA_SHAD_RAY))==0) lar->mode -= LA_ONLYSHADOW; } } /* set flag for spothalo en initvars */ if (la->type==LA_SPOT && (la->mode & LA_HALO) && (la->buftype != LA_SHADBUF_DEEP)) { if (la->haint>0.0f) { re->flag |= R_LAMPHALO; /* camera position (0, 0, 0) rotate around lamp */ lar->sh_invcampos[0]= -lar->co[0]; lar->sh_invcampos[1]= -lar->co[1]; lar->sh_invcampos[2]= -lar->co[2]; mul_m3_v3(lar->imat, lar->sh_invcampos); /* z factor, for a normalized volume */ angle= saacos(lar->spotsi); xn= lar->spotsi; yn= sin(angle); lar->sh_zfac= yn/xn; /* pre-scale */ lar->sh_invcampos[2]*= lar->sh_zfac; /* halfway shadow buffer doesn't work for volumetric effects */ if (lar->buftype == LA_SHADBUF_HALFWAY) lar->buftype = LA_SHADBUF_REGULAR; } } else if (la->type==LA_HEMI) { lar->mode &= ~(LA_SHAD_RAY|LA_SHAD_BUF); } for (c=0; cmtex[c] && la->mtex[c]->tex) { if (la->mtex[c]->mapto & LAMAP_COL) lar->mode |= LA_TEXTURE; if (la->mtex[c]->mapto & LAMAP_SHAD) lar->mode |= LA_SHAD_TEX; if (G.is_rendering) { if (re->osa) { if (la->mtex[c]->tex->type==TEX_IMAGE) lar->mode |= LA_OSATEX; } } } } /* old code checked for internal render (aka not yafray) */ { /* to make sure we can check ray shadow easily in the render code */ if (lar->mode & LA_SHAD_RAY) { if ( (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE)==0) lar->mode &= ~LA_SHAD_RAY; } if (re->r.mode & R_SHADOW) { if (la->type==LA_AREA && (lar->mode & LA_SHAD_RAY) && (lar->ray_samp_method == LA_SAMP_CONSTANT)) { init_jitter_plane(lar); } else if (la->type==LA_SPOT && (lar->mode & LA_SHAD_BUF) ) { /* Per lamp, one shadow buffer is made. */ lar->bufflag= la->bufflag; copy_m4_m4(mat, ob->obmat); initshadowbuf(re, lar, mat); /* mat is altered */ } /* this is the way used all over to check for shadow */ if (lar->shb || (lar->mode & LA_SHAD_RAY)) { LampShadowSample *ls; LampShadowSubSample *lss; int a, b; memset(re->shadowsamplenr, 0, sizeof(re->shadowsamplenr)); lar->shadsamp= MEM_mallocN(re->r.threads*sizeof(LampShadowSample), "lamp shadow sample"); ls= lar->shadsamp; /* shadfacs actually mean light, let's put them to 1 to prevent unitialized accidents */ for (a=0; ar.threads; a++, ls++) { lss= ls->s; for (b=0; br.osa; b++, lss++) { lss->samplenr= -1; /* used to detect whether we store or read */ lss->shadfac[0]= 1.0f; lss->shadfac[1]= 1.0f; lss->shadfac[2]= 1.0f; lss->shadfac[3]= 1.0f; } } } } } return go; } static bool is_object_hidden(Render *re, Object *ob) { if (re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) /* note: in rendered viewport, for now we always use render visibility rather than * viewport visibility, because using viewport visibility can cause some problems. * for example, mesh deform cage is drawn as a solid/textured mesh (not a wireframe * mesh) and its unnecessary surfaces and shadows mess up the preview. we need more * discussion about the way to take viewport visibility into account. */ return (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_RENDER) != 0; else return (ob->restrictflag & OB_RESTRICT_RENDER) != 0; } /* layflag: allows material group to ignore layerflag */ static void add_lightgroup(Render *re, Group *group, int exclusive) { GroupObject *go, *gol; group->id.flag &= ~LIB_DOIT; /* it's a bit too many loops in loops... but will survive */ /* note that 'exclusive' will remove it from the global list */ for (go= group->gobject.first; go; go= go->next) { go->lampren= NULL; if (is_object_hidden(re, go->ob)) continue; if (go->ob->lay & re->lay) { if (go->ob && go->ob->type==OB_LAMP) { for (gol= re->lights.first; gol; gol= gol->next) { if (gol->ob==go->ob) { go->lampren= gol->lampren; break; } } if (go->lampren==NULL) gol= add_render_lamp(re, go->ob); if (gol && exclusive) { BLI_remlink(&re->lights, gol); MEM_freeN(gol); } } } } } static void set_material_lightgroups(Render *re) { Group *group; Material *ma; /* not for preview render */ if (re->scene->r.scemode & (R_BUTS_PREVIEW|R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW)) return; for (group= re->main->group.first; group; group=group->id.next) group->id.flag |= LIB_DOIT; /* it's a bit too many loops in loops... but will survive */ /* hola! materials not in use...? */ for (ma= re->main->mat.first; ma; ma=ma->id.next) { if (ma->group && (ma->group->id.flag & LIB_DOIT)) add_lightgroup(re, ma->group, ma->mode & MA_GROUP_NOLAY); } } static void set_renderlayer_lightgroups(Render *re, Scene *sce) { SceneRenderLayer *srl; for (srl= sce->r.layers.first; srl; srl= srl->next) { if (srl->light_override) add_lightgroup(re, srl->light_override, 0); } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* World */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void init_render_world(Render *re) { void *wrld_prev[2] = { re->wrld.aotables, re->wrld.aosphere, }; int a; if (re->scene && re->scene->world) { re->wrld = *(re->scene->world); copy_v3_v3(re->grvec, re->viewmat[2]); normalize_v3(re->grvec); copy_m3_m4(re->imat, re->viewinv); for (a=0; awrld.mtex[a] && re->wrld.mtex[a]->tex) re->wrld.skytype |= WO_SKYTEX; /* AO samples should be OSA minimum */ if (re->osa) while (re->wrld.aosamp*re->wrld.aosamp < re->osa) re->wrld.aosamp++; if (!(re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) && (re->wrld.ao_gather_method == WO_AOGATHER_RAYTRACE)) re->wrld.mode &= ~(WO_AMB_OCC|WO_ENV_LIGHT|WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT); } else { memset(&re->wrld, 0, sizeof(World)); re->wrld.exp= 0.0f; re->wrld.range= 1.0f; /* for mist pass */ re->wrld.miststa= re->clipsta; re->wrld.mistdist= re->clipend-re->clipsta; re->wrld.misi= 1.0f; } re->wrld.linfac= 1.0f + powf((2.0f*re->wrld.exp + 0.5f), -10); re->wrld.logfac= logf((re->wrld.linfac-1.0f)/re->wrld.linfac) / re->wrld.range; /* restore runtime vars, needed for viewport rendering [#36005] */ re->wrld.aotables = wrld_prev[0]; re->wrld.aosphere = wrld_prev[1]; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Object Finalization */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* prevent phong interpolation for giving ray shadow errors (terminator problem) */ static void set_phong_threshold(ObjectRen *obr) { // VertRen *ver; VlakRen *vlr; float thresh= 0.0, dot; int tot=0, i; /* Added check for 'pointy' situations, only dotproducts of 0.9 and larger * are taken into account. This threshold is meant to work on smooth geometry, not * for extreme cases (ton) */ for (i=0; itotvlak; i++) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, i); if ((vlr->flag & R_SMOOTH) && (vlr->flag & R_STRAND)==0) { dot= dot_v3v3(vlr->n, vlr->v1->n); dot= ABS(dot); if (dot>0.9f) { thresh+= dot; tot++; } dot= dot_v3v3(vlr->n, vlr->v2->n); dot= ABS(dot); if (dot>0.9f) { thresh+= dot; tot++; } dot= dot_v3v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->n); dot= ABS(dot); if (dot>0.9f) { thresh+= dot; tot++; } if (vlr->v4) { dot= dot_v3v3(vlr->n, vlr->v4->n); dot= ABS(dot); if (dot>0.9f) { thresh+= dot; tot++; } } } } if (tot) { thresh/= (float)tot; obr->ob->smoothresh= cosf(0.5f*(float)M_PI-saacos(thresh)); } } /* per face check if all samples should be taken. * if raytrace or multisample, do always for raytraced material, or when material full_osa set */ static void set_fullsample_trace_flag(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr) { VlakRen *vlr; int a, trace, mode, osa; osa= re->osa; trace= re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE; for (a=obr->totvlak-1; a>=0; a--) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); mode= vlr->mat->mode; if (trace && (mode & MA_TRACEBLE)) vlr->flag |= R_TRACEBLE; if (osa) { if (mode & MA_FULL_OSA) { vlr->flag |= R_FULL_OSA; } else if (trace) { if (mode & MA_SHLESS) { /* pass */ } else if (vlr->mat->material_type == MA_TYPE_VOLUME) { /* pass */ } else if ((mode & MA_RAYMIRROR) || ((mode & MA_TRANSP) && (mode & MA_RAYTRANSP))) { /* for blurry reflect/refract, better to take more samples * inside the raytrace than as OSA samples */ if ((vlr->mat->gloss_mir == 1.0f) && (vlr->mat->gloss_tra == 1.0f)) vlr->flag |= R_FULL_OSA; } } } } } /* split quads for predictable baking * dir 1 == (0, 1, 2) (0, 2, 3), 2 == (1, 3, 0) (1, 2, 3) */ static void split_quads(ObjectRen *obr, int dir) { VlakRen *vlr, *vlr1; int a; for (a=obr->totvlak-1; a>=0; a--) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); /* test if rendering as a quad or triangle, skip wire */ if (vlr->v4 && (vlr->flag & R_STRAND)==0 && (vlr->mat->material_type != MA_TYPE_WIRE)) { if (vlr->v4) { vlr1= RE_vlakren_copy(obr, vlr); vlr1->flag |= R_FACE_SPLIT; if ( dir==2 ) vlr->flag |= R_DIVIDE_24; else vlr->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; /* new vertex pointers */ if (vlr->flag & R_DIVIDE_24) { vlr1->v1= vlr->v2; vlr1->v2= vlr->v3; vlr1->v3= vlr->v4; vlr->v3 = vlr->v4; vlr1->flag |= R_DIVIDE_24; } else { vlr1->v1= vlr->v1; vlr1->v2= vlr->v3; vlr1->v3= vlr->v4; vlr1->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; } vlr->v4 = vlr1->v4 = NULL; #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE /* Freestyle edge marks */ if (vlr->flag & R_DIVIDE_24) { vlr1->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V2V3) ? R_EDGE_V1V2 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V3V4) ? R_EDGE_V2V3 : 0); vlr->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V1V2) ? R_EDGE_V1V2 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V4V1) ? R_EDGE_V3V1 : 0); } else { vlr1->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V3V4) ? R_EDGE_V2V3 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V4V1) ? R_EDGE_V3V1 : 0); vlr->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V1V2) ? R_EDGE_V1V2 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V2V3) ? R_EDGE_V2V3 : 0); } #endif /* new normals */ normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); normal_tri_v3(vlr1->n, vlr1->v3->co, vlr1->v2->co, vlr1->v1->co); } /* clear the flag when not divided */ else vlr->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; } } } static void check_non_flat_quads(ObjectRen *obr) { VlakRen *vlr, *vlr1; VertRen *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4; float nor[3], xn, flen; int a; for (a=obr->totvlak-1; a>=0; a--) { vlr= RE_findOrAddVlak(obr, a); /* test if rendering as a quad or triangle, skip wire */ if (vlr->v4 && (vlr->flag & R_STRAND)==0 && (vlr->mat->material_type != MA_TYPE_WIRE)) { /* check if quad is actually triangle */ v1= vlr->v1; v2= vlr->v2; v3= vlr->v3; v4= vlr->v4; sub_v3_v3v3(nor, v1->co, v2->co); if ( ABS(nor[0])v1= v2; vlr->v2= v3; vlr->v3= v4; vlr->v4= NULL; } else { sub_v3_v3v3(nor, v2->co, v3->co); if ( ABS(nor[0])v2= v3; vlr->v3= v4; vlr->v4= NULL; } else { sub_v3_v3v3(nor, v3->co, v4->co); if ( ABS(nor[0])v4= NULL; } else { sub_v3_v3v3(nor, v4->co, v1->co); if ( ABS(nor[0])v4= NULL; } } } } if (vlr->v4) { /* Face is divided along edge with the least gradient */ /* Flagged with R_DIVIDE_24 if divide is from vert 2 to 4 */ /* 4---3 4---3 */ /* |\ 1| or |1 /| */ /* |0\ | |/ 0| */ /* 1---2 1---2 0 = orig face, 1 = new face */ /* render normals are inverted in render! we calculate normal of single tria here */ flen= normal_tri_v3(nor, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v1->co); if (flen==0.0f) normal_tri_v3(nor, vlr->v4->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); xn = dot_v3v3(nor, vlr->n); if (ABS(xn) < 0.999995f ) { /* checked on noisy fractal grid */ float d1, d2; vlr1= RE_vlakren_copy(obr, vlr); vlr1->flag |= R_FACE_SPLIT; /* split direction based on vnorms */ normal_tri_v3(nor, vlr->v1->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v3->co); d1 = dot_v3v3(nor, vlr->v1->n); normal_tri_v3(nor, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v4->co); d2 = dot_v3v3(nor, vlr->v2->n); if (fabsf(d1) < fabsf(d2) ) vlr->flag |= R_DIVIDE_24; else vlr->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; /* new vertex pointers */ if (vlr->flag & R_DIVIDE_24) { vlr1->v1= vlr->v2; vlr1->v2= vlr->v3; vlr1->v3= vlr->v4; vlr->v3 = vlr->v4; vlr1->flag |= R_DIVIDE_24; } else { vlr1->v1= vlr->v1; vlr1->v2= vlr->v3; vlr1->v3= vlr->v4; vlr1->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; } vlr->v4 = vlr1->v4 = NULL; /* new normals */ normal_tri_v3(vlr->n, vlr->v3->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v1->co); normal_tri_v3(vlr1->n, vlr1->v3->co, vlr1->v2->co, vlr1->v1->co); #ifdef WITH_FREESTYLE /* Freestyle edge marks */ if (vlr->flag & R_DIVIDE_24) { vlr1->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V2V3) ? R_EDGE_V1V2 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V3V4) ? R_EDGE_V2V3 : 0); vlr->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V1V2) ? R_EDGE_V1V2 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V4V1) ? R_EDGE_V3V1 : 0); } else { vlr1->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V3V4) ? R_EDGE_V2V3 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V4V1) ? R_EDGE_V3V1 : 0); vlr->freestyle_edge_mark= ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V1V2) ? R_EDGE_V1V2 : 0) | ((vlr->freestyle_edge_mark & R_EDGE_V2V3) ? R_EDGE_V2V3 : 0); } #endif } /* clear the flag when not divided */ else vlr->flag &= ~R_DIVIDE_24; } } } } static void finalize_render_object(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, int timeoffset) { Object *ob= obr->ob; VertRen *ver= NULL; StrandRen *strand= NULL; StrandBound *sbound= NULL; float min[3], max[3], smin[3], smax[3]; int a, b; if (obr->totvert || obr->totvlak || obr->tothalo || obr->totstrand) { /* the exception below is because displace code now is in init_render_mesh call, * I will look at means to have autosmooth enabled for all object types * and have it as general postprocess, like displace */ if (ob->type!=OB_MESH && test_for_displace(re, ob)) do_displacement(re, obr, NULL, NULL); if (!timeoffset) { /* phong normal interpolation can cause error in tracing * (terminator problem) */ ob->smoothresh= 0.0; if ((re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) && (re->r.mode & R_SHADOW)) set_phong_threshold(obr); if (re->flag & R_BAKING && re->r.bake_quad_split != 0) { /* Baking lets us define a quad split order */ split_quads(obr, re->r.bake_quad_split); } else if (BKE_object_is_animated(re->scene, ob)) split_quads(obr, 1); else { if ((re->r.mode & R_SIMPLIFY && re->r.simplify_flag & R_SIMPLE_NO_TRIANGULATE) == 0) check_non_flat_quads(obr); } set_fullsample_trace_flag(re, obr); /* compute bounding boxes for clipping */ INIT_MINMAX(min, max); for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { if ((a & 255)==0) ver= obr->vertnodes[a>>8].vert; else ver++; minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, ver->co); } if (obr->strandbuf) { float width; /* compute average bounding box of strandpoint itself (width) */ if (obr->strandbuf->flag & R_STRAND_B_UNITS) obr->strandbuf->maxwidth = max_ff(obr->strandbuf->ma->strand_sta, obr->strandbuf->ma->strand_end); else obr->strandbuf->maxwidth= 0.0f; width= obr->strandbuf->maxwidth; sbound= obr->strandbuf->bound; for (b=0; bstrandbuf->totbound; b++, sbound++) { INIT_MINMAX(smin, smax); for (a=sbound->start; aend; a++) { strand= RE_findOrAddStrand(obr, a); strand_minmax(strand, smin, smax, width); } copy_v3_v3(sbound->boundbox[0], smin); copy_v3_v3(sbound->boundbox[1], smax); minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, smin); minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, smax); } } copy_v3_v3(obr->boundbox[0], min); copy_v3_v3(obr->boundbox[1], max); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Database */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int render_object_type(short type) { return OB_TYPE_SUPPORT_MATERIAL(type); } static void find_dupli_instances(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, DupliObject *dob) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi; float imat[4][4], obmat[4][4], obimat[4][4], nmat[3][3]; int first = 1; mul_m4_m4m4(obmat, re->viewmat, obr->obmat); invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat); /* for objects instanced by dupliverts/faces/particles, we go over the * list of instances to find ones that instance obr, and setup their * matrices and obr pointer */ for (obi=re->instancetable.last; obi; obi=obi->prev) { if (!obi->obr && obi->ob == obr->ob && obi->psysindex == obr->psysindex) { obi->obr= obr; /* compute difference between object matrix and * object matrix with dupli transform, in viewspace */ copy_m4_m4(obimat, obi->mat); mul_m4_m4m4(obi->mat, obimat, imat); copy_m3_m4(nmat, obi->mat); invert_m3_m3(obi->nmat, nmat); transpose_m3(obi->nmat); if (dob) { copy_v3_v3(obi->dupliorco, dob->orco); obi->dupliuv[0]= dob->uv[0]; obi->dupliuv[1]= dob->uv[1]; } if (!first) { re->totvert += obr->totvert; re->totvlak += obr->totvlak; re->tothalo += obr->tothalo; re->totstrand += obr->totstrand; } else first= 0; } } } static void assign_dupligroup_dupli(Render *re, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, ObjectRen *obr, DupliObject *dob) { float imat[4][4], obmat[4][4], obimat[4][4], nmat[3][3]; mul_m4_m4m4(obmat, re->viewmat, obr->obmat); invert_m4_m4(imat, obmat); obi->obr= obr; /* compute difference between object matrix and * object matrix with dupli transform, in viewspace */ copy_m4_m4(obimat, obi->mat); mul_m4_m4m4(obi->mat, obimat, imat); copy_m3_m4(nmat, obi->mat); invert_m3_m3(obi->nmat, nmat); transpose_m3(obi->nmat); if (dob) { copy_v3_v3(obi->dupliorco, dob->orco); obi->dupliuv[0]= dob->uv[0]; obi->dupliuv[1]= dob->uv[1]; } re->totvert += obr->totvert; re->totvlak += obr->totvlak; re->tothalo += obr->tothalo; re->totstrand += obr->totstrand; } static ObjectRen *find_dupligroup_dupli(Render *re, Object *ob, int psysindex) { ObjectRen *obr; /* if the object is itself instanced, we don't want to create an instance * for it */ if (ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI) return NULL; /* try to find an object that was already created so we can reuse it * and save memory */ for (obr=re->objecttable.first; obr; obr=obr->next) if (obr->ob == ob && obr->psysindex == psysindex && (obr->flag & R_INSTANCEABLE)) return obr; return NULL; } static void set_dupli_tex_mat(Render *re, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, DupliObject *dob, float omat[4][4]) { /* For duplis we need to have a matrix that transform the coordinate back * to it's original position, without the dupli transforms. We also check * the matrix is actually needed, to save memory on lots of dupliverts for * example */ static Object *lastob= NULL; static int needtexmat= 0; /* init */ if (!re) { lastob= NULL; needtexmat= 0; return; } /* check if we actually need it */ if (lastob != dob->ob) { Material ***material; short a, *totmaterial; lastob= dob->ob; needtexmat= 0; totmaterial= give_totcolp(dob->ob); material= give_matarar(dob->ob); if (totmaterial && material) for (a= 0; a<*totmaterial; a++) if ((*material)[a] && (*material)[a]->texco & TEXCO_OBJECT) needtexmat= 1; } if (needtexmat) { float imat[4][4]; obi->duplitexmat= BLI_memarena_alloc(re->memArena, sizeof(float)*4*4); invert_m4_m4(imat, dob->mat); mul_serie_m4(obi->duplitexmat, re->viewmat, omat, imat, re->viewinv, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } copy_v3_v3(obi->dupliorco, dob->orco); copy_v2_v2(obi->dupliuv, dob->uv); } static void init_render_object_data(Render *re, ObjectRen *obr, int timeoffset) { Object *ob= obr->ob; ParticleSystem *psys; int i; if (obr->psysindex) { if ((!obr->prev || obr->prev->ob != ob || (obr->prev->flag & R_INSTANCEABLE)==0) && ob->type==OB_MESH) { /* the emitter mesh wasn't rendered so the modifier stack wasn't * evaluated with render settings */ DerivedMesh *dm; if (re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) dm = mesh_create_derived_view(re->scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH|CD_MASK_MTFACE|CD_MASK_MCOL); else dm = mesh_create_derived_render(re->scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH|CD_MASK_MTFACE|CD_MASK_MCOL); dm->release(dm); } for (psys=ob->particlesystem.first, i=0; ipsysindex-1; i++) psys= psys->next; render_new_particle_system(re, obr, psys, timeoffset); } else { if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_FONT, OB_CURVE)) init_render_curve(re, obr, timeoffset); else if (ob->type==OB_SURF) init_render_surf(re, obr, timeoffset); else if (ob->type==OB_MESH) init_render_mesh(re, obr, timeoffset); else if (ob->type==OB_MBALL) init_render_mball(re, obr); } finalize_render_object(re, obr, timeoffset); re->totvert += obr->totvert; re->totvlak += obr->totvlak; re->tothalo += obr->tothalo; re->totstrand += obr->totstrand; } static void add_render_object(Render *re, Object *ob, Object *par, DupliObject *dob, float omat[4][4], int timeoffset) { ObjectRen *obr; ObjectInstanceRen *obi; ParticleSystem *psys; int show_emitter, allow_render= 1, index, psysindex, i; index= (dob)? dob->persistent_id[0]: 0; /* the emitter has to be processed first (render levels of modifiers) */ /* so here we only check if the emitter should be rendered */ if (ob->particlesystem.first) { show_emitter= 0; for (psys=ob->particlesystem.first; psys; psys=psys->next) { show_emitter += psys->part->draw & PART_DRAW_EMITTER; if (!(re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW)) psys_render_set(ob, psys, re->viewmat, re->winmat, re->winx, re->winy, timeoffset); } /* if no psys has "show emitter" selected don't render emitter */ if (show_emitter == 0) allow_render= 0; } /* one render object for the data itself */ if (allow_render) { obr= RE_addRenderObject(re, ob, par, index, 0, ob->lay); if ((dob && !dob->animated) || (ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI)) { obr->flag |= R_INSTANCEABLE; copy_m4_m4(obr->obmat, ob->obmat); } init_render_object_data(re, obr, timeoffset); /* only add instance for objects that have not been used for dupli */ if (!(ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI)) { obi= RE_addRenderInstance(re, obr, ob, par, index, 0, NULL, ob->lay); if (dob) set_dupli_tex_mat(re, obi, dob, omat); } else find_dupli_instances(re, obr, dob); for (i=1; i<=ob->totcol; i++) { Material* ma = give_render_material(re, ob, i); if (ma && ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_VOLUME) add_volume(re, obr, ma); } } /* and one render object per particle system */ if (ob->particlesystem.first) { psysindex= 1; for (psys=ob->particlesystem.first; psys; psys=psys->next, psysindex++) { if (!psys_check_enabled(ob, psys)) continue; obr= RE_addRenderObject(re, ob, par, index, psysindex, ob->lay); if ((dob && !dob->animated) || (ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI)) { obr->flag |= R_INSTANCEABLE; copy_m4_m4(obr->obmat, ob->obmat); } if (dob) psys->flag |= PSYS_USE_IMAT; init_render_object_data(re, obr, timeoffset); if (!(re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW)) psys_render_restore(ob, psys); psys->flag &= ~PSYS_USE_IMAT; /* only add instance for objects that have not been used for dupli */ if (!(ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI)) { obi= RE_addRenderInstance(re, obr, ob, par, index, psysindex, NULL, ob->lay); if (dob) set_dupli_tex_mat(re, obi, dob, omat); } else find_dupli_instances(re, obr, dob); } } } /* par = pointer to duplicator parent, needed for object lookup table */ /* index = when duplicater copies same object (particle), the counter */ static void init_render_object(Render *re, Object *ob, Object *par, DupliObject *dob, float omat[4][4], int timeoffset) { static double lasttime= 0.0; double time; float mat[4][4]; if (ob->type==OB_LAMP) add_render_lamp(re, ob); else if (render_object_type(ob->type)) add_render_object(re, ob, par, dob, omat, timeoffset); else { mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, mat); } time= PIL_check_seconds_timer(); if (time - lasttime > 1.0) { lasttime= time; /* clumsy copying still */ re->i.totvert= re->totvert; re->i.totface= re->totvlak; re->i.totstrand= re->totstrand; re->i.tothalo= re->tothalo; re->i.totlamp= re->totlamp; re->stats_draw(re->sdh, &re->i); } ob->flag |= OB_DONE; } void RE_Database_Free(Render *re) { LampRen *lar; /* will crash if we try to free empty database */ if (!re->i.convertdone) return; /* statistics for debugging render memory usage */ if ((G.debug & G_DEBUG) && (G.is_rendering)) { if ((re->r.scemode & (R_BUTS_PREVIEW|R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW))==0) { BKE_image_print_memlist(); MEM_printmemlist_stats(); } } /* FREE */ for (lar= re->lampren.first; lar; lar= lar->next) { freeshadowbuf(lar); if (lar->jitter) MEM_freeN(lar->jitter); if (lar->shadsamp) MEM_freeN(lar->shadsamp); if (lar->sunsky) MEM_freeN(lar->sunsky); curvemapping_free(lar->curfalloff); } free_volume_precache(re); BLI_freelistN(&re->lampren); BLI_freelistN(&re->lights); free_renderdata_tables(re); /* free orco */ free_mesh_orco_hash(re); if (re->main) { end_render_materials(re->main); end_render_textures(re); free_pointdensities(re); } free_camera_inside_volumes(re); if (re->wrld.aosphere) { MEM_freeN(re->wrld.aosphere); re->wrld.aosphere= NULL; if (re->scene && re->scene->world) re->scene->world->aosphere= NULL; } if (re->wrld.aotables) { MEM_freeN(re->wrld.aotables); re->wrld.aotables= NULL; if (re->scene && re->scene->world) re->scene->world->aotables= NULL; } if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) free_render_qmcsampler(re); if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) freeraytree(re); free_sss(re); free_occ(re); free_strand_surface(re); re->totvlak=re->totvert=re->totstrand=re->totlamp=re->tothalo= 0; re->i.convertdone = FALSE; re->bakebuf= NULL; if (re->scene) if (re->scene->r.scemode & R_FREE_IMAGE) if ((re->r.scemode & (R_BUTS_PREVIEW|R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW))==0) BKE_image_free_all_textures(); if (re->memArena) { BLI_memarena_free(re->memArena); re->memArena = NULL; } } static int allow_render_object(Render *re, Object *ob, int nolamps, int onlyselected, Object *actob) { /* override not showing object when duplis are used with particles */ if (ob->transflag & OB_DUPLIPARTS) { /* pass */ /* let particle system(s) handle showing vs. not showing */ } else if ((ob->transflag & OB_DUPLI) && !(ob->transflag & OB_DUPLIFRAMES)) { return 0; } /* don't add non-basic meta objects, ends up having renderobjects with no geometry */ if (ob->type == OB_MBALL && ob!=BKE_mball_basis_find(re->scene, ob)) return 0; if (nolamps && (ob->type==OB_LAMP)) return 0; if (onlyselected && (ob!=actob && !(ob->flag & SELECT))) return 0; return 1; } static int allow_render_dupli_instance(Render *UNUSED(re), DupliObject *dob, Object *obd) { ParticleSystem *psys; Material *ma; short a, *totmaterial; /* don't allow objects with halos. we need to have * all halo's to sort them globally in advance */ totmaterial= give_totcolp(obd); if (totmaterial) { for (a= 0; a<*totmaterial; a++) { ma= give_current_material(obd, a + 1); if (ma && (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_HALO)) return 0; } } for (psys=obd->particlesystem.first; psys; psys=psys->next) if (!ELEM5(psys->part->ren_as, PART_DRAW_BB, PART_DRAW_LINE, PART_DRAW_PATH, PART_DRAW_OB, PART_DRAW_GR)) return 0; /* don't allow lamp, animated duplis, or radio render */ return (render_object_type(obd->type) && (!(dob->type == OB_DUPLIGROUP) || !dob->animated)); } static void dupli_render_particle_set(Render *re, Object *ob, int timeoffset, int level, int enable) { /* ugly function, but we need to set particle systems to their render * settings before calling object_duplilist, to get render level duplis */ Group *group; GroupObject *go; ParticleSystem *psys; DerivedMesh *dm; if (re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) return; if (level >= MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) return; if (ob->transflag & OB_DUPLIPARTS) { for (psys=ob->particlesystem.first; psys; psys=psys->next) { if (ELEM(psys->part->ren_as, PART_DRAW_OB, PART_DRAW_GR)) { if (enable) psys_render_set(ob, psys, re->viewmat, re->winmat, re->winx, re->winy, timeoffset); else psys_render_restore(ob, psys); } } if (enable) { /* this is to make sure we get render level duplis in groups: * the derivedmesh must be created before init_render_mesh, * since object_duplilist does dupliparticles before that */ dm = mesh_create_derived_render(re->scene, ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH|CD_MASK_MTFACE|CD_MASK_MCOL); dm->release(dm); for (psys=ob->particlesystem.first; psys; psys=psys->next) psys_get_modifier(ob, psys)->flag &= ~eParticleSystemFlag_psys_updated; } } if (ob->dup_group==NULL) return; group= ob->dup_group; for (go= group->gobject.first; go; go= go->next) dupli_render_particle_set(re, go->ob, timeoffset, level+1, enable); } static int get_vector_renderlayers(Scene *sce) { SceneRenderLayer *srl; unsigned int lay= 0; for (srl= sce->r.layers.first; srl; srl= srl->next) if (srl->passflag & SCE_PASS_VECTOR) lay |= srl->lay; return lay; } static void add_group_render_dupli_obs(Render *re, Group *group, int nolamps, int onlyselected, Object *actob, int timeoffset, int level) { GroupObject *go; Object *ob; /* simple preventing of too deep nested groups */ if (level>MAX_DUPLI_RECUR) return; /* recursively go into dupligroups to find objects with OB_RENDER_DUPLI * that were not created yet */ for (go= group->gobject.first; go; go= go->next) { ob= go->ob; if (ob->flag & OB_DONE) { if (ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI) { if (allow_render_object(re, ob, nolamps, onlyselected, actob)) { init_render_object(re, ob, NULL, NULL, NULL, timeoffset); ob->transflag &= ~OB_RENDER_DUPLI; if (ob->dup_group) add_group_render_dupli_obs(re, ob->dup_group, nolamps, onlyselected, actob, timeoffset, level+1); } } } } } /* additional data for dupli objects outside * of the main dupli list */ typedef struct DupliObjectExtra { float omat[4][4]; } DupliObjectExtra; static void database_init_objects(Render *re, unsigned int renderlay, int nolamps, int onlyselected, Object *actob, int timeoffset) { Base *base; Object *ob; Group *group; ObjectInstanceRen *obi; Scene *sce_iter; int lay, vectorlay; /* for duplis we need the Object texture mapping to work as if * untransformed, set_dupli_tex_mat sets the matrix to allow that * NULL is just for init */ set_dupli_tex_mat(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* loop over all objects rather then using SETLOOPER because we may * reference an mtex-mapped object which isn't rendered or is an * empty in a dupli group. We could scan all render material/lamp/world * mtex's for mapto objects but its easier just to set the * 'imat' / 'imat_ren' on all and unlikely to be a performance hit * See bug: [#28744] - campbell */ for (ob= re->main->object.first; ob; ob= ob->id.next) { float mat[4][4]; /* imat objects has to be done here, since displace can have texture using Object map-input */ mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(ob->imat_ren, mat); copy_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->imat_ren); /* each object should only be rendered once */ ob->flag &= ~OB_DONE; ob->transflag &= ~OB_RENDER_DUPLI; } for (SETLOOPER(re->scene, sce_iter, base)) { ob= base->object; /* in the prev/next pass for making speed vectors, avoid creating * objects that are not on a renderlayer with a vector pass, can * save a lot of time in complex scenes */ vectorlay= get_vector_renderlayers(re->scene); lay= (timeoffset)? renderlay & vectorlay: renderlay; /* if the object has been restricted from rendering in the outliner, ignore it */ if (is_object_hidden(re, ob)) continue; /* OB_DONE means the object itself got duplicated, so was already converted */ if (ob->flag & OB_DONE) { /* OB_RENDER_DUPLI means instances for it were already created, now * it still needs to create the ObjectRen containing the data */ if (ob->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI) { if (allow_render_object(re, ob, nolamps, onlyselected, actob)) { init_render_object(re, ob, NULL, NULL, NULL, timeoffset); ob->transflag &= ~OB_RENDER_DUPLI; } } } else if ((base->lay & lay) || (ob->type==OB_LAMP && (base->lay & re->lay)) ) { if ((ob->transflag & OB_DUPLI) && (ob->type!=OB_MBALL)) { DupliObject *dob; ListBase *duplilist; DupliObjectExtra *duplilist_extra = NULL; int totdob, i; /* create list of duplis generated by this object, particle * system need to have render settings set for dupli particles */ dupli_render_particle_set(re, ob, timeoffset, 0, 1); duplilist = object_duplilist(re->eval_ctx, re->scene, ob); totdob = BLI_countlist(duplilist); if (totdob > 0) duplilist_extra = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(DupliObjectExtra) * totdob, "DupliObject extra data"); dupli_render_particle_set(re, ob, timeoffset, 0, 0); /* set dupli obmats */ for (dob= duplilist->first, i = 0; dob; dob= dob->next, ++i) { copy_m4_m4(duplilist_extra[i].omat, dob->ob->obmat); copy_m4_m4(dob->ob->obmat, dob->mat); } for (dob= duplilist->first, i = 0; dob; dob= dob->next, ++i) { DupliObjectExtra *dob_extra = &duplilist_extra[i]; Object *obd= dob->ob; /* group duplis need to set ob matrices correct, for deform. so no_draw is part handled */ if (!(obd->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI) && dob->no_draw) continue; if (is_object_hidden(re, obd)) continue; if (obd->type==OB_MBALL) continue; if (!allow_render_object(re, obd, nolamps, onlyselected, actob)) continue; copy_m4_m4(obd->obmat, dob->mat); if (allow_render_dupli_instance(re, dob, obd)) { ParticleSystem *psys; ObjectRen *obr = NULL; int psysindex; float mat[4][4]; obi=NULL; /* instances instead of the actual object are added in two cases, either * this is a duplivert/face/particle, or it is a non-animated object in * a dupligroup that has already been created before */ if (dob->type != OB_DUPLIGROUP || (obr=find_dupligroup_dupli(re, obd, 0))) { mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, dob->mat); /* ob = particle system, use that layer */ obi= RE_addRenderInstance(re, NULL, obd, ob, dob->persistent_id[0], 0, mat, ob->lay); /* fill in instance variables for texturing */ set_dupli_tex_mat(re, obi, dob, dob_extra->omat); if (dob->type != OB_DUPLIGROUP) { copy_v3_v3(obi->dupliorco, dob->orco); obi->dupliuv[0]= dob->uv[0]; obi->dupliuv[1]= dob->uv[1]; } else { /* for the second case, setup instance to point to the already * created object, and possibly setup instances if this object * itself was duplicated. for the first case find_dupli_instances * will be called later. */ assign_dupligroup_dupli(re, obi, obr, dob); if (obd->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI) find_dupli_instances(re, obr, dob); } } /* same logic for particles, each particle system has it's own object, so * need to go over them separately */ psysindex= 1; for (psys=obd->particlesystem.first; psys; psys=psys->next) { if (dob->type != OB_DUPLIGROUP || (obr=find_dupligroup_dupli(re, obd, psysindex))) { if (obi == NULL) mul_m4_m4m4(mat, re->viewmat, dob->mat); obi= RE_addRenderInstance(re, NULL, obd, ob, dob->persistent_id[0], psysindex++, mat, obd->lay); set_dupli_tex_mat(re, obi, dob, dob_extra->omat); if (dob->type != OB_DUPLIGROUP) { copy_v3_v3(obi->dupliorco, dob->orco); obi->dupliuv[0]= dob->uv[0]; obi->dupliuv[1]= dob->uv[1]; } else { assign_dupligroup_dupli(re, obi, obr, dob); if (obd->transflag & OB_RENDER_DUPLI) find_dupli_instances(re, obr, dob); } } } if (obi==NULL) /* can't instance, just create the object */ init_render_object(re, obd, ob, dob, dob_extra->omat, timeoffset); if (dob->type != OB_DUPLIGROUP) { obd->flag |= OB_DONE; obd->transflag |= OB_RENDER_DUPLI; } } else init_render_object(re, obd, ob, dob, dob_extra->omat, timeoffset); if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } /* restore obmats * NOTE: this has to happen in reverse order, since nested * dupli objects can repeatedly override the obmat */ for (dob= duplilist->last, i = totdob - 1; dob; dob= dob->prev, --i) { copy_m4_m4(dob->ob->obmat, duplilist_extra[i].omat); } free_object_duplilist(duplilist); if (duplilist_extra) MEM_freeN(duplilist_extra); if (allow_render_object(re, ob, nolamps, onlyselected, actob)) init_render_object(re, ob, NULL, NULL, NULL, timeoffset); } else if (allow_render_object(re, ob, nolamps, onlyselected, actob)) init_render_object(re, ob, NULL, NULL, NULL, timeoffset); } if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } /* objects in groups with OB_RENDER_DUPLI set still need to be created, * since they may not be part of the scene */ for (group= re->main->group.first; group; group=group->id.next) add_group_render_dupli_obs(re, group, nolamps, onlyselected, actob, timeoffset, 0); if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) RE_makeRenderInstances(re); } /* used to be 'rotate scene' */ void RE_Database_FromScene(Render *re, Main *bmain, Scene *scene, unsigned int lay, int use_camera_view) { Scene *sce; Object *camera; float mat[4][4]; float amb[3]; re->main= bmain; re->scene= scene; re->lay= lay; if (re->r.scemode & R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW) re->scene_color_manage = BKE_scene_check_color_management_enabled(scene); /* scene needs to be set to get camera */ camera= RE_GetCamera(re); /* per second, per object, stats print this */ re->i.infostr= "Preparing Scene data"; re->i.cfra= scene->r.cfra; BLI_strncpy(re->i.scene_name, scene->id.name + 2, sizeof(re->i.scene_name)); /* XXX add test if dbase was filled already? */ re->memArena = BLI_memarena_new(BLI_MEMARENA_STD_BUFSIZE, "render db arena"); re->totvlak=re->totvert=re->totstrand=re->totlamp=re->tothalo= 0; re->lights.first= re->lights.last= NULL; re->lampren.first= re->lampren.last= NULL; slurph_opt= 0; re->i.partsdone = FALSE; /* signal now in use for previewrender */ /* in localview, lamps are using normal layers, objects only local bits */ if (re->lay & 0xFF000000) lay &= 0xFF000000; /* applies changes fully */ if ((re->r.scemode & (R_NO_FRAME_UPDATE|R_BUTS_PREVIEW|R_VIEWPORT_PREVIEW))==0) BKE_scene_update_for_newframe(re->eval_ctx, re->main, re->scene, lay); /* if no camera, viewmat should have been set! */ if (use_camera_view && camera) { /* called before but need to call again in case of lens animation from the * above call to BKE_scene_update_for_newframe, fixes bug. [#22702]. * following calls don't depend on 'RE_SetCamera' */ RE_SetCamera(re, camera); normalize_m4_m4(mat, camera->obmat); invert_m4(mat); RE_SetView(re, mat); /* force correct matrix for scaled cameras */ DAG_id_tag_update_ex(re->main, &camera->id, OB_RECALC_OB); } /* store for incremental render, viewmat rotates dbase */ copy_m4_m4(re->viewmat_orig, re->viewmat); init_render_world(re); /* do first, because of ambient. also requires re->osa set correct */ if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) { init_render_qmcsampler(re); if (re->wrld.mode & (WO_AMB_OCC|WO_ENV_LIGHT|WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT)) if (re->wrld.ao_samp_method == WO_AOSAMP_CONSTANT) init_ao_sphere(&re->wrld); } /* still bad... doing all */ init_render_textures(re); copy_v3_v3(amb, &re->wrld.ambr); init_render_materials(re->main, re->r.mode, amb); set_node_shader_lamp_loop(shade_material_loop); /* MAKE RENDER DATA */ database_init_objects(re, lay, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) { set_material_lightgroups(re); for (sce= re->scene; sce; sce= sce->set) set_renderlayer_lightgroups(re, sce); /* for now some clumsy copying still */ re->i.totvert= re->totvert; re->i.totface= re->totvlak; re->i.totstrand= re->totstrand; re->i.tothalo= re->tothalo; re->i.totlamp= re->totlamp; re->stats_draw(re->sdh, &re->i); } slurph_opt= 1; } void RE_Database_Preprocess(Render *re) { if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) { int tothalo; tothalo= re->tothalo; sort_halos(re, tothalo); init_camera_inside_volumes(re); re->i.infostr = IFACE_("Creating Shadowbuffers"); re->stats_draw(re->sdh, &re->i); /* SHADOW BUFFER */ threaded_makeshadowbufs(re); /* old code checked for internal render (aka not yafray) */ { /* raytree */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) { if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) { makeraytree(re); } } /* ENVIRONMENT MAPS */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_envmaps(re); /* point density texture */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_pointdensities(re); /* voxel data texture */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_voxeldata(re); } if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) project_renderdata(re, projectverto, re->r.mode & R_PANORAMA, 0, 1); /* Occlusion */ if ((re->wrld.mode & (WO_AMB_OCC|WO_ENV_LIGHT|WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT)) && !re->test_break(re->tbh)) if (re->wrld.ao_gather_method == WO_AOGATHER_APPROX) if (re->r.mode & R_SHADOW) make_occ_tree(re); /* SSS */ if ((re->r.mode & R_SSS) && !re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_sss_tree(re); if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) volume_precache(re); } re->i.convertdone = TRUE; if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) RE_Database_Free(re); re->i.infostr = NULL; re->stats_draw(re->sdh, &re->i); } /* exported call to recalculate hoco for vertices, when winmat changed */ void RE_DataBase_ApplyWindow(Render *re) { project_renderdata(re, projectverto, 0, 0, 0); } /* exported call to rotate render data again, when viewmat changed */ void RE_DataBase_IncrementalView(Render *re, float viewmat[4][4], int restore) { float oldviewinv[4][4], tmat[4][4]; invert_m4_m4(oldviewinv, re->viewmat_orig); /* we have to correct for the already rotated vertexcoords */ mul_m4_m4m4(tmat, viewmat, oldviewinv); copy_m4_m4(re->viewmat, viewmat); invert_m4_m4(re->viewinv, re->viewmat); init_camera_inside_volumes(re); env_rotate_scene(re, tmat, !restore); /* SSS points distribution depends on view */ if ((re->r.mode & R_SSS) && !re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_sss_tree(re); } void RE_DataBase_GetView(Render *re, float mat[4][4]) { copy_m4_m4(mat, re->viewmat); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Speed Vectors */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void database_fromscene_vectors(Render *re, Scene *scene, unsigned int lay, int timeoffset) { Object *camera= RE_GetCamera(re); float mat[4][4]; re->scene= scene; re->lay= lay; /* XXX add test if dbase was filled already? */ re->memArena = BLI_memarena_new(BLI_MEMARENA_STD_BUFSIZE, "vector render db arena"); re->totvlak=re->totvert=re->totstrand=re->totlamp=re->tothalo= 0; re->i.totface=re->i.totvert=re->i.totstrand=re->i.totlamp=re->i.tothalo= 0; re->lights.first= re->lights.last= NULL; slurph_opt= 0; /* in localview, lamps are using normal layers, objects only local bits */ if (re->lay & 0xFF000000) lay &= 0xFF000000; /* applies changes fully */ scene->r.cfra += timeoffset; BKE_scene_update_for_newframe(re->eval_ctx, re->main, re->scene, lay); /* if no camera, viewmat should have been set! */ if (camera) { normalize_m4_m4(mat, camera->obmat); invert_m4(mat); RE_SetView(re, mat); } /* MAKE RENDER DATA */ database_init_objects(re, lay, 0, 0, NULL, timeoffset); if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) project_renderdata(re, projectverto, re->r.mode & R_PANORAMA, 0, 1); /* do this in end, particles for example need cfra */ scene->r.cfra -= timeoffset; } /* choose to use static, to prevent giving too many args to this call */ static void speedvector_project(Render *re, float zco[2], const float co[3], const float ho[4]) { static float pixelphix=0.0f, pixelphiy=0.0f, zmulx=0.0f, zmuly=0.0f; static int pano= 0; float div; /* initialize */ if (re) { pano= re->r.mode & R_PANORAMA; /* precalculate amount of radians 1 pixel rotates */ if (pano) { /* size of 1 pixel mapped to viewplane coords */ float psize; psize = BLI_rctf_size_x(&re->viewplane) / (float)re->winx; /* x angle of a pixel */ pixelphix = atan(psize / re->clipsta); psize = BLI_rctf_size_y(&re->viewplane) / (float)re->winy; /* y angle of a pixel */ pixelphiy = atan(psize / re->clipsta); } zmulx= re->winx/2; zmuly= re->winy/2; return; } /* now map hocos to screenspace, uses very primitive clip still */ if (ho[3]<0.1f) div= 10.0f; else div= 1.0f/ho[3]; /* use cylinder projection */ if (pano) { float vec[3], ang; /* angle between (0, 0, -1) and (co) */ copy_v3_v3(vec, co); ang= saacos(-vec[2]/sqrtf(vec[0]*vec[0] + vec[2]*vec[2])); if (vec[0]<0.0f) ang= -ang; zco[0]= ang/pixelphix + zmulx; ang= 0.5f*(float)M_PI - saacos(vec[1] / len_v3(vec)); zco[1]= ang/pixelphiy + zmuly; } else { zco[0]= zmulx*(1.0f+ho[0]*div); zco[1]= zmuly*(1.0f+ho[1]*div); } } static void calculate_speedvector(const float vectors[2], int step, float winsq, float winroot, const float co[3], const float ho[4], float speed[4]) { float zco[2], len; speedvector_project(NULL, zco, co, ho); zco[0]= vectors[0] - zco[0]; zco[1]= vectors[1] - zco[1]; /* enable nice masks for hardly moving stuff or float inaccuracy */ if (zco[0]<0.1f && zco[0]>-0.1f && zco[1]<0.1f && zco[1]>-0.1f ) { zco[0]= 0.0f; zco[1]= 0.0f; } /* maximize speed for image width, otherwise it never looks good */ len= zco[0]*zco[0] + zco[1]*zco[1]; if (len > winsq) { len= winroot/sqrtf(len); zco[0]*= len; zco[1]*= len; } /* note; in main vecblur loop speedvec is negated again */ if (step) { speed[2]= -zco[0]; speed[3]= -zco[1]; } else { speed[0]= zco[0]; speed[1]= zco[1]; } } static float *calculate_strandsurface_speedvectors(Render *re, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, StrandSurface *mesh) { if (mesh->co && mesh->prevco && mesh->nextco) { float winsq= (float)re->winx*(float)re->winy; /* int's can wrap on large images */ float winroot= sqrt(winsq); float (*winspeed)[4]; float ho[4], prevho[4], nextho[4], winmat[4][4], vec[2]; int a; if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_m4m4(winmat, re->winmat, obi->mat); else copy_m4_m4(winmat, re->winmat); winspeed= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*4*mesh->totvert, "StrandSurfWin"); for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { projectvert(mesh->co[a], winmat, ho); projectvert(mesh->prevco[a], winmat, prevho); speedvector_project(NULL, vec, mesh->prevco[a], prevho); calculate_speedvector(vec, 0, winsq, winroot, mesh->co[a], ho, winspeed[a]); projectvert(mesh->nextco[a], winmat, nextho); speedvector_project(NULL, vec, mesh->nextco[a], nextho); calculate_speedvector(vec, 1, winsq, winroot, mesh->co[a], ho, winspeed[a]); } return (float *)winspeed; } return NULL; } static void calculate_speedvectors(Render *re, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, float *vectors, int step) { ObjectRen *obr= obi->obr; VertRen *ver= NULL; StrandRen *strand= NULL; StrandBuffer *strandbuf; StrandSurface *mesh= NULL; float *speed, (*winspeed)[4]=NULL, ho[4], winmat[4][4]; float *co1, *co2, *co3, *co4, w[4]; float winsq= (float)re->winx*(float)re->winy, winroot= sqrt(winsq); /* int's can wrap on large images */ int a, *face, *index; if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_m4m4(winmat, re->winmat, obi->mat); else copy_m4_m4(winmat, re->winmat); if (obr->vertnodes) { for (a=0; atotvert; a++, vectors+=2) { if ((a & 255)==0) ver= obr->vertnodes[a>>8].vert; else ver++; speed= RE_vertren_get_winspeed(obi, ver, 1); projectvert(ver->co, winmat, ho); calculate_speedvector(vectors, step, winsq, winroot, ver->co, ho, speed); } } if (obr->strandnodes) { strandbuf= obr->strandbuf; mesh= (strandbuf)? strandbuf->surface: NULL; /* compute speed vectors at surface vertices */ if (mesh) winspeed= (float(*)[4])calculate_strandsurface_speedvectors(re, obi, mesh); if (winspeed) { for (a=0; atotstrand; a++, vectors+=2) { if ((a & 255)==0) strand= obr->strandnodes[a>>8].strand; else strand++; index= RE_strandren_get_face(obr, strand, 0); if (index && *index < mesh->totface) { speed= RE_strandren_get_winspeed(obi, strand, 1); /* interpolate speed vectors from strand surface */ face= mesh->face[*index]; co1= mesh->co[face[0]]; co2= mesh->co[face[1]]; co3= mesh->co[face[2]]; co4= (face[3])? mesh->co[face[3]]: NULL; interp_weights_face_v3(w, co1, co2, co3, co4, strand->vert->co); zero_v4(speed); madd_v4_v4fl(speed, winspeed[face[0]], w[0]); madd_v4_v4fl(speed, winspeed[face[1]], w[1]); madd_v4_v4fl(speed, winspeed[face[2]], w[2]); if (face[3]) madd_v4_v4fl(speed, winspeed[face[3]], w[3]); } } MEM_freeN(winspeed); } } } static int load_fluidsimspeedvectors(Render *re, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, float *vectors, int step) { ObjectRen *obr= obi->obr; Object *fsob= obr->ob; VertRen *ver= NULL; float *speed, div, zco[2], avgvel[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float zmulx= re->winx/2, zmuly= re->winy/2, len; float winsq= (float)re->winx*(float)re->winy, winroot= sqrt(winsq); /* int's can wrap on large images */ int a, j; float hoco[4], ho[4], fsvec[4], camco[4]; float mat[4][4], winmat[4][4]; float imat[4][4]; FluidsimModifierData *fluidmd = (FluidsimModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(fsob, eModifierType_Fluidsim); FluidsimSettings *fss; FluidVertexVelocity *velarray = NULL; /* only one step needed */ if (step) return 1; if (fluidmd) fss = fluidmd->fss; else return 0; copy_m4_m4(mat, re->viewmat); invert_m4_m4(imat, mat); /* set first vertex OK */ if (!fss->meshVelocities) return 0; if ( obr->totvert != fss->totvert) { //fprintf(stderr, "load_fluidsimspeedvectors - modified fluidsim mesh, not using speed vectors (%d,%d)...\n", obr->totvert, fsob->fluidsimSettings->meshSurface->totvert); // DEBUG return 0; } velarray = fss->meshVelocities; if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_m4m4(winmat, re->winmat, obi->mat); else copy_m4_m4(winmat, re->winmat); /* (bad) HACK calculate average velocity */ /* better solution would be fixing getVelocityAt() in intern/elbeem/intern/solver_util.cpp * so that also small drops/little water volumes return a velocity != 0. * But I had no luck in fixing that function - DG */ for (a=0; atotvert; a++) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) avgvel[j] += velarray[a].vel[j]; } for (j=0;j<3;j++) avgvel[j] /= (float)(obr->totvert); for (a=0; atotvert; a++, vectors+=2) { if ((a & 255)==0) ver= obr->vertnodes[a>>8].vert; else ver++; /* get fluid velocity */ fsvec[3] = 0.0f; //fsvec[0] = fsvec[1] = fsvec[2] = fsvec[3] = 0.0; fsvec[2] = 2.0f; // NT fixed test for (j=0;j<3;j++) fsvec[j] = velarray[a].vel[j]; /* (bad) HACK insert average velocity if none is there (see previous comment) */ if ((fsvec[0] == 0.0f) && (fsvec[1] == 0.0f) && (fsvec[2] == 0.0f)) { fsvec[0] = avgvel[0]; fsvec[1] = avgvel[1]; fsvec[2] = avgvel[2]; } /* transform (=rotate) to cam space */ camco[0] = dot_v3v3(imat[0], fsvec); camco[1] = dot_v3v3(imat[1], fsvec); camco[2] = dot_v3v3(imat[2], fsvec); /* get homogeneous coordinates */ projectvert(camco, winmat, hoco); projectvert(ver->co, winmat, ho); /* now map hocos to screenspace, uses very primitive clip still */ /* use ho[3] of original vertex, xy component of vel. direction */ if (ho[3]<0.1f) div= 10.0f; else div= 1.0f/ho[3]; zco[0]= zmulx*hoco[0]*div; zco[1]= zmuly*hoco[1]*div; /* maximize speed as usual */ len= zco[0]*zco[0] + zco[1]*zco[1]; if (len > winsq) { len= winroot/sqrtf(len); zco[0]*= len; zco[1]*= len; } speed= RE_vertren_get_winspeed(obi, ver, 1); /* set both to the same value */ speed[0]= speed[2]= zco[0]; speed[1]= speed[3]= zco[1]; //if (a < 20) fprintf(stderr,"speed %d %f,%f | camco %f,%f,%f | hoco %f,%f,%f,%f\n", a, speed[0], speed[1], camco[0],camco[1], camco[2], hoco[0],hoco[1], hoco[2],hoco[3]); // NT DEBUG } return 1; } /* makes copy per object of all vectors */ /* result should be that we can free entire database */ static void copy_dbase_object_vectors(Render *re, ListBase *lb) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi, *obilb; ObjectRen *obr; VertRen *ver= NULL; float *vec, ho[4], winmat[4][4]; int a, totvector; for (obi= re->instancetable.first; obi; obi= obi->next) { obr= obi->obr; obilb= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ObjectInstanceRen), "ObInstanceVector"); memcpy(obilb, obi, sizeof(ObjectInstanceRen)); BLI_addtail(lb, obilb); obilb->totvector= totvector= obr->totvert; if (totvector > 0) { vec= obilb->vectors= MEM_mallocN(2*sizeof(float)*totvector, "vector array"); if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_m4m4(winmat, re->winmat, obi->mat); else copy_m4_m4(winmat, re->winmat); for (a=0; atotvert; a++, vec+=2) { if ((a & 255)==0) ver= obr->vertnodes[a>>8].vert; else ver++; projectvert(ver->co, winmat, ho); speedvector_project(NULL, vec, ver->co, ho); } } } } static void free_dbase_object_vectors(ListBase *lb) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi; for (obi= lb->first; obi; obi= obi->next) if (obi->vectors) MEM_freeN(obi->vectors); BLI_freelistN(lb); } void RE_Database_FromScene_Vectors(Render *re, Main *bmain, Scene *sce, unsigned int lay) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi, *oldobi; StrandSurface *mesh; ListBase *table; ListBase oldtable= {NULL, NULL}, newtable= {NULL, NULL}; ListBase strandsurface; int step; re->i.infostr = IFACE_("Calculating previous frame vectors"); re->r.mode |= R_SPEED; speedvector_project(re, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* initializes projection code */ /* creates entire dbase */ database_fromscene_vectors(re, sce, lay, -1); /* copy away vertex info */ copy_dbase_object_vectors(re, &oldtable); /* free dbase and make the future one */ strandsurface= re->strandsurface; memset(&re->strandsurface, 0, sizeof(ListBase)); re->i.convertdone = TRUE; RE_Database_Free(re); re->strandsurface= strandsurface; if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) { /* creates entire dbase */ re->i.infostr = IFACE_("Calculating next frame vectors"); database_fromscene_vectors(re, sce, lay, +1); } /* copy away vertex info */ copy_dbase_object_vectors(re, &newtable); /* free dbase and make the real one */ strandsurface= re->strandsurface; memset(&re->strandsurface, 0, sizeof(ListBase)); re->i.convertdone = TRUE; RE_Database_Free(re); re->strandsurface= strandsurface; if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) { RE_Database_FromScene(re, bmain, sce, lay, 1); RE_Database_Preprocess(re); } if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) { int vectorlay= get_vector_renderlayers(re->scene); for (step= 0; step<2; step++) { if (step) table= &newtable; else table= &oldtable; oldobi= table->first; for (obi= re->instancetable.first; obi && oldobi; obi= obi->next) { int ok= 1; FluidsimModifierData *fluidmd; if (!(obi->lay & vectorlay)) continue; obi->totvector= obi->obr->totvert; /* find matching object in old table */ if (oldobi->ob!=obi->ob || oldobi->par!=obi->par || oldobi->index!=obi->index || oldobi->psysindex!=obi->psysindex) { ok= 0; for (oldobi= table->first; oldobi; oldobi= oldobi->next) if (oldobi->ob==obi->ob && oldobi->par==obi->par && oldobi->index==obi->index && oldobi->psysindex==obi->psysindex) break; if (oldobi==NULL) oldobi= table->first; else ok= 1; } if (ok==0) { printf("speed table: missing object %s\n", obi->ob->id.name + 2); continue; } /* NT check for fluidsim special treatment */ fluidmd = (FluidsimModifierData *)modifiers_findByType(obi->ob, eModifierType_Fluidsim); if (fluidmd && fluidmd->fss && (fluidmd->fss->type & OB_FLUIDSIM_DOMAIN)) { /* use preloaded per vertex simulation data, only does calculation for step=1 */ /* NOTE/FIXME - velocities and meshes loaded unnecessarily often during the database_fromscene_vectors calls... */ load_fluidsimspeedvectors(re, obi, oldobi->vectors, step); } else { /* check if both have same amounts of vertices */ if (obi->totvector==oldobi->totvector) calculate_speedvectors(re, obi, oldobi->vectors, step); else printf("Warning: object %s has different amount of vertices or strands on other frame\n", obi->ob->id.name + 2); } /* not fluidsim */ oldobi= oldobi->next; } } } free_dbase_object_vectors(&oldtable); free_dbase_object_vectors(&newtable); for (mesh=re->strandsurface.first; mesh; mesh=mesh->next) { if (mesh->prevco) { MEM_freeN(mesh->prevco); mesh->prevco= NULL; } if (mesh->nextco) { MEM_freeN(mesh->nextco); mesh->nextco= NULL; } } re->i.infostr = NULL; re->stats_draw(re->sdh, &re->i); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Baking */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* setup for shaded view or bake, so only lamps and materials are initialized */ /* type: * RE_BAKE_LIGHT: for shaded view, only add lamps * RE_BAKE_ALL: for baking, all lamps and objects * RE_BAKE_NORMALS:for baking, no lamps and only selected objects * RE_BAKE_AO: for baking, no lamps, but all objects * RE_BAKE_TEXTURE:for baking, no lamps, only selected objects * RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS:for baking, no lamps, only selected objects * RE_BAKE_DISPLACEMENT:for baking, no lamps, only selected objects * RE_BAKE_DERIVATIVE:for baking, no lamps, only selected objects * RE_BAKE_SHADOW: for baking, only shadows, but all objects */ void RE_Database_Baking(Render *re, Main *bmain, Scene *scene, unsigned int lay, const int type, Object *actob) { Object *camera; float mat[4][4]; float amb[3]; const short onlyselected= !ELEM5(type, RE_BAKE_LIGHT, RE_BAKE_ALL, RE_BAKE_SHADOW, RE_BAKE_AO, RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS); const short nolamps= ELEM5(type, RE_BAKE_NORMALS, RE_BAKE_TEXTURE, RE_BAKE_DISPLACEMENT, RE_BAKE_DERIVATIVE, RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS); re->main= bmain; re->scene= scene; re->lay= lay; /* renderdata setup and exceptions */ re->r= scene->r; RE_init_threadcount(re); re->flag |= R_BAKING; re->excludeob= actob; if (actob) re->flag |= R_BAKE_TRACE; if (type==RE_BAKE_NORMALS && re->r.bake_normal_space==R_BAKE_SPACE_TANGENT) re->flag |= R_NEED_TANGENT; if (type==RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS) re->flag |= R_NEED_VCOL; if (!actob && ELEM6(type, RE_BAKE_LIGHT, RE_BAKE_NORMALS, RE_BAKE_TEXTURE, RE_BAKE_DISPLACEMENT, RE_BAKE_DERIVATIVE, RE_BAKE_VERTEX_COLORS)) { re->r.mode &= ~R_SHADOW; re->r.mode &= ~R_RAYTRACE; } if (!actob && (type==RE_BAKE_SHADOW)) { re->r.mode |= R_SHADOW; } /* setup render stuff */ re->memArena = BLI_memarena_new(BLI_MEMARENA_STD_BUFSIZE, "bake db arena"); re->totvlak=re->totvert=re->totstrand=re->totlamp=re->tothalo= 0; re->lights.first= re->lights.last= NULL; re->lampren.first= re->lampren.last= NULL; /* in localview, lamps are using normal layers, objects only local bits */ if (re->lay & 0xFF000000) lay &= 0xFF000000; camera= RE_GetCamera(re); /* if no camera, set unit */ if (camera) { normalize_m4_m4(mat, camera->obmat); invert_m4(mat); RE_SetView(re, mat); } else { unit_m4(mat); RE_SetView(re, mat); } copy_m3_m4(re->imat, re->viewinv); /* TODO: deep shadow maps + baking + strands */ /* strands use the window matrix and view size, there is to correct * window matrix but at least avoids malloc and crash loop [#27807] */ unit_m4(re->winmat); re->winx= re->winy= 256; /* done setting dummy values */ init_render_world(re); /* do first, because of ambient. also requires re->osa set correct */ if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) { init_render_qmcsampler(re); if (re->wrld.mode & (WO_AMB_OCC|WO_ENV_LIGHT|WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT)) if (re->wrld.ao_samp_method == WO_AOSAMP_CONSTANT) init_ao_sphere(&re->wrld); } /* still bad... doing all */ init_render_textures(re); copy_v3_v3(amb, &re->wrld.ambr); init_render_materials(re->main, re->r.mode, amb); set_node_shader_lamp_loop(shade_material_loop); /* MAKE RENDER DATA */ database_init_objects(re, lay, nolamps, onlyselected, actob, 0); set_material_lightgroups(re); /* SHADOW BUFFER */ if (type!=RE_BAKE_LIGHT) if (re->r.mode & R_SHADOW) threaded_makeshadowbufs(re); /* raytree */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) if (re->r.mode & R_RAYTRACE) makeraytree(re); /* point density texture */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_pointdensities(re); /* voxel data texture */ if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) make_voxeldata(re); /* occlusion */ if ((re->wrld.mode & (WO_AMB_OCC|WO_ENV_LIGHT|WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT)) && !re->test_break(re->tbh)) if (re->wrld.ao_gather_method == WO_AOGATHER_APPROX) if (re->r.mode & R_SHADOW) make_occ_tree(re); re->i.convertdone = true; }