/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): Brecht Van Lommel. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/render/intern/source/occlusion.c * \ingroup render */ #include #include #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_memarena.h" #include "BLI_threads.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BLT_translation.h" #include "BKE_node.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "RE_shader_ext.h" /* local includes */ #include "occlusion.h" #include "render_types.h" #include "rendercore.h" #include "renderdatabase.h" #include "shading.h" /* ------------------------- Declarations --------------------------- */ #define INVPI ((float)M_1_PI) #define TOTCHILD 8 #define CACHE_STEP 3 typedef struct OcclusionCacheSample { float co[3], n[3], ao[3], env[3], indirect[3], intensity, dist2; int x, y, filled; } OcclusionCacheSample; typedef struct OcclusionCache { OcclusionCacheSample *sample; int x, y, w, h, step; } OcclusionCache; typedef struct OccFace { int obi; int facenr; } OccFace; typedef struct OccNode { float co[3], area; float sh[9], dco; float occlusion, rad[3]; int childflag; union { //OccFace face; int face; struct OccNode *node; } child[TOTCHILD]; } OccNode; typedef struct OcclusionTree { MemArena *arena; float (*co)[3]; /* temporary during build */ OccFace *face; /* instance and face indices */ float *occlusion; /* occlusion for faces */ float (*rad)[3]; /* radiance for faces */ OccNode *root; OccNode **stack[BLENDER_MAX_THREADS]; int maxdepth; int totface; float error; float distfac; int dothreadedbuild; int totbuildthread; int doindirect; OcclusionCache *cache; int num_threads; } OcclusionTree; typedef struct OcclusionThread { Render *re; StrandSurface *mesh; float (*faceao)[3]; float (*faceenv)[3]; float (*faceindirect)[3]; int begin, end; int thread; } OcclusionThread; typedef struct OcclusionBuildThread { OcclusionTree *tree; int begin, end, depth; OccNode *node; } OcclusionBuildThread; /* ------------------------- Shading --------------------------- */ extern Render R; /* meh */ static void occ_shade(ShadeSample *ssamp, ObjectInstanceRen *obi, VlakRen *vlr, float *rad) { ShadeInput *shi = ssamp->shi; ShadeResult *shr = ssamp->shr; float l, u, v, *v1, *v2, *v3; /* init */ if (vlr->v4) { shi->u = u = 0.5f; shi->v = v = 0.5f; } else { shi->u = u = 1.0f / 3.0f; shi->v = v = 1.0f / 3.0f; } /* setup render coordinates */ v1 = vlr->v1->co; v2 = vlr->v2->co; v3 = vlr->v3->co; /* renderco */ l = 1.0f - u - v; shi->co[0] = l * v3[0] + u * v1[0] + v * v2[0]; shi->co[1] = l * v3[1] + u * v1[1] + v * v2[1]; shi->co[2] = l * v3[2] + u * v1[2] + v * v2[2]; shade_input_set_triangle_i(shi, obi, vlr, 0, 1, 2); /* set up view vector */ copy_v3_v3(shi->view, shi->co); normalize_v3(shi->view); /* cache for shadow */ shi->samplenr++; shi->xs = 0; /* TODO */ shi->ys = 0; shade_input_set_normals(shi); /* no normal flip */ if (shi->flippednor) shade_input_flip_normals(shi); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->co, shi->facenor, -0.0001f); /* ugly.. */ /* not a pretty solution, but fixes common cases */ if (shi->obr->ob && shi->obr->ob->transflag & OB_NEG_SCALE) { negate_v3(shi->vn); negate_v3(shi->vno); negate_v3(shi->nmapnorm); } /* init material vars */ shade_input_init_material(shi); /* render */ shade_input_set_shade_texco(shi); if (shi->mat->nodetree && shi->mat->use_nodes) { ntreeShaderExecTree(shi->mat->nodetree, shi, shr); shi->mat = vlr->mat; /* shi->mat is being set in nodetree */ } else { shade_material_loop(shi, shr); } copy_v3_v3(rad, shr->combined); } static void occ_build_shade(Render *re, OcclusionTree *tree) { ShadeSample ssamp; ObjectInstanceRen *obi; VlakRen *vlr; int a; R = *re; /* setup shade sample with correct passes */ memset(&ssamp, 0, sizeof(ShadeSample)); ssamp.shi[0].lay = re->lay; ssamp.shi[0].passflag = SCE_PASS_DIFFUSE | SCE_PASS_RGBA; ssamp.shi[0].combinedflag = ~(SCE_PASS_SPEC); ssamp.tot = 1; for (a = 0; a < tree->totface; a++) { obi = &R.objectinstance[tree->face[a].obi]; vlr = RE_findOrAddVlak(obi->obr, tree->face[a].facenr); occ_shade(&ssamp, obi, vlr, tree->rad[a]); if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } } /* ------------------------- Spherical Harmonics --------------------------- */ /* Use 2nd order SH => 9 coefficients, stored in this order: * 0 = (0,0), * 1 = (1,-1), 2 = (1,0), 3 = (1,1), * 4 = (2,-2), 5 = (2,-1), 6 = (2,0), 7 = (2,1), 8 = (2,2) */ static void sh_copy(float *shresult, float *sh) { memcpy(shresult, sh, sizeof(float) * 9); } static void sh_mul(float *sh, float f) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) sh[i] *= f; } static void sh_add(float *shresult, float *sh1, float *sh2) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) shresult[i] = sh1[i] + sh2[i]; } static void sh_from_disc(float *n, float area, float *shresult) { /* See formula (3) in: * "An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps" */ float sh[9], x, y, z; x = n[0]; y = n[1]; z = n[2]; sh[0] = 0.282095f; sh[1] = 0.488603f * y; sh[2] = 0.488603f * z; sh[3] = 0.488603f * x; sh[4] = 1.092548f * x * y; sh[5] = 1.092548f * y * z; sh[6] = 0.315392f * (3.0f * z * z - 1.0f); sh[7] = 1.092548f * x * z; sh[8] = 0.546274f * (x * x - y * y); sh_mul(sh, area); sh_copy(shresult, sh); } static float sh_eval(float *sh, float *v) { /* See formula (13) in: * "An Efficient Representation for Irradiance Environment Maps" */ static const float c1 = 0.429043f, c2 = 0.511664f, c3 = 0.743125f; static const float c4 = 0.886227f, c5 = 0.247708f; float x, y, z, sum; x = v[0]; y = v[1]; z = v[2]; sum = c1 * sh[8] * (x * x - y * y); sum += c3 * sh[6] * z * z; sum += c4 * sh[0]; sum += -c5 * sh[6]; sum += 2.0f * c1 * (sh[4] * x * y + sh[7] * x * z + sh[5] * y * z); sum += 2.0f * c2 * (sh[3] * x + sh[1] * y + sh[2] * z); return sum; } /* ------------------------------ Building --------------------------------- */ static void occ_face(const OccFace *face, float co[3], float normal[3], float *area) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi; VlakRen *vlr; float v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3]; obi = &R.objectinstance[face->obi]; vlr = RE_findOrAddVlak(obi->obr, face->facenr); if (co) { if (vlr->v4) mid_v3_v3v3(co, vlr->v1->co, vlr->v3->co); else mid_v3_v3v3v3(co, vlr->v1->co, vlr->v2->co, vlr->v3->co); if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, co); } if (normal) { normal[0] = -vlr->n[0]; normal[1] = -vlr->n[1]; normal[2] = -vlr->n[2]; if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m3_v3(obi->nmat, normal); } if (area) { copy_v3_v3(v1, vlr->v1->co); copy_v3_v3(v2, vlr->v2->co); copy_v3_v3(v3, vlr->v3->co); if (vlr->v4) copy_v3_v3(v4, vlr->v4->co); if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) { mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v1); mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v2); mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v3); if (vlr->v4) mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v4); } /* todo: correct area for instances */ if (vlr->v4) *area = area_quad_v3(v1, v2, v3, v4); else *area = area_tri_v3(v1, v2, v3); } } static void occ_sum_occlusion(OcclusionTree *tree, OccNode *node) { OccNode *child; float occ, area, totarea, rad[3]; int a, b, indirect = tree->doindirect; occ = 0.0f; totarea = 0.0f; if (indirect) zero_v3(rad); for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (node->childflag & (1 << b)) { a = node->child[b].face; occ_face(&tree->face[a], NULL, NULL, &area); occ += area * tree->occlusion[a]; if (indirect) madd_v3_v3fl(rad, tree->rad[a], area); totarea += area; } else if (node->child[b].node) { child = node->child[b].node; occ_sum_occlusion(tree, child); occ += child->area * child->occlusion; if (indirect) madd_v3_v3fl(rad, child->rad, child->area); totarea += child->area; } } if (totarea != 0.0f) { occ /= totarea; if (indirect) mul_v3_fl(rad, 1.0f / totarea); } node->occlusion = occ; if (indirect) copy_v3_v3(node->rad, rad); } static int occ_find_bbox_axis(OcclusionTree *tree, int begin, int end, float *min, float *max) { float len, maxlen = -1.0f; int a, axis = 0; INIT_MINMAX(min, max); for (a = begin; a < end; a++) { minmax_v3v3_v3(min, max, tree->co[a]); } for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) { len = max[a] - min[a]; if (len > maxlen) { maxlen = len; axis = a; } } return axis; } static void occ_node_from_face(OccFace *face, OccNode *node) { float n[3]; occ_face(face, node->co, n, &node->area); node->dco = 0.0f; sh_from_disc(n, node->area, node->sh); } static void occ_build_dco(OcclusionTree *tree, OccNode *node, const float co[3], float *dco) { int b; for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { float dist, d[3], nco[3]; if (node->childflag & (1 << b)) { occ_face(tree->face + node->child[b].face, nco, NULL, NULL); } else if (node->child[b].node) { OccNode *child = node->child[b].node; occ_build_dco(tree, child, co, dco); copy_v3_v3(nco, child->co); } else { continue; } sub_v3_v3v3(d, nco, co); dist = dot_v3v3(d, d); if (dist > *dco) *dco = dist; } } static void occ_build_split(OcclusionTree *tree, int begin, int end, int *split) { float min[3], max[3], mid; int axis, a, enda; /* split in middle of boundbox. this seems faster than median split * on complex scenes, possibly since it avoids two distant faces to * be in the same node better? */ axis = occ_find_bbox_axis(tree, begin, end, min, max); mid = 0.5f * (min[axis] + max[axis]); a = begin; enda = end; while (a < enda) { if (tree->co[a][axis] > mid) { enda--; SWAP(OccFace, tree->face[a], tree->face[enda]); swap_v3_v3(tree->co[a], tree->co[enda]); } else a++; } *split = enda; } static void occ_build_8_split(OcclusionTree *tree, int begin, int end, int *offset, int *count) { /* split faces into eight groups */ int b, splitx, splity[2], splitz[4]; occ_build_split(tree, begin, end, &splitx); /* force split if none found, to deal with degenerate geometry */ if (splitx == begin || splitx == end) splitx = (begin + end) / 2; occ_build_split(tree, begin, splitx, &splity[0]); occ_build_split(tree, splitx, end, &splity[1]); occ_build_split(tree, begin, splity[0], &splitz[0]); occ_build_split(tree, splity[0], splitx, &splitz[1]); occ_build_split(tree, splitx, splity[1], &splitz[2]); occ_build_split(tree, splity[1], end, &splitz[3]); offset[0] = begin; offset[1] = splitz[0]; offset[2] = splity[0]; offset[3] = splitz[1]; offset[4] = splitx; offset[5] = splitz[2]; offset[6] = splity[1]; offset[7] = splitz[3]; for (b = 0; b < 7; b++) count[b] = offset[b + 1] - offset[b]; count[7] = end - offset[7]; } static void occ_build_recursive(OcclusionTree *tree, OccNode *node, int begin, int end, int depth); static void *exec_occ_build(void *data) { OcclusionBuildThread *othread = (OcclusionBuildThread *)data; occ_build_recursive(othread->tree, othread->node, othread->begin, othread->end, othread->depth); return NULL; } static void occ_build_recursive(OcclusionTree *tree, OccNode *node, int begin, int end, int depth) { ListBase threads; OcclusionBuildThread othreads[BLENDER_MAX_THREADS]; OccNode *child, tmpnode; /* OccFace *face; */ int a, b, totthread = 0, offset[TOTCHILD], count[TOTCHILD]; /* add a new node */ node->occlusion = 1.0f; /* leaf node with only children */ if (end - begin <= TOTCHILD) { for (a = begin, b = 0; a < end; a++, b++) { /* face= &tree->face[a]; */ node->child[b].face = a; node->childflag |= (1 << b); } } else { /* order faces */ occ_build_8_split(tree, begin, end, offset, count); if (depth == 1 && tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_init_threads(&threads, exec_occ_build, tree->totbuildthread); for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (count[b] == 0) { node->child[b].node = NULL; } else if (count[b] == 1) { /* face= &tree->face[offset[b]]; */ node->child[b].face = offset[b]; node->childflag |= (1 << b); } else { if (tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_lock_thread(LOCK_CUSTOM1); child = BLI_memarena_alloc(tree->arena, sizeof(OccNode)); node->child[b].node = child; /* keep track of maximum depth for stack */ if (depth >= tree->maxdepth) tree->maxdepth = depth + 1; if (tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_unlock_thread(LOCK_CUSTOM1); if (depth == 1 && tree->dothreadedbuild) { othreads[totthread].tree = tree; othreads[totthread].node = child; othreads[totthread].begin = offset[b]; othreads[totthread].end = offset[b] + count[b]; othreads[totthread].depth = depth + 1; BLI_insert_thread(&threads, &othreads[totthread]); totthread++; } else occ_build_recursive(tree, child, offset[b], offset[b] + count[b], depth + 1); } } if (depth == 1 && tree->dothreadedbuild) BLI_end_threads(&threads); } /* combine area, position and sh */ for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (node->childflag & (1 << b)) { child = &tmpnode; occ_node_from_face(tree->face + node->child[b].face, &tmpnode); } else { child = node->child[b].node; } if (child) { node->area += child->area; sh_add(node->sh, node->sh, child->sh); madd_v3_v3fl(node->co, child->co, child->area); } } if (node->area != 0.0f) mul_v3_fl(node->co, 1.0f / node->area); /* compute maximum distance from center */ node->dco = 0.0f; if (node->area > 0.0f) occ_build_dco(tree, node, node->co, &node->dco); } static void occ_build_sh_normalize(OccNode *node) { /* normalize spherical harmonics to not include area, so * we can clamp the dot product and then multiply by area */ int b; if (node->area != 0.0f) sh_mul(node->sh, 1.0f / node->area); for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (node->childflag & (1 << b)) { /* pass */ } else if (node->child[b].node) { occ_build_sh_normalize(node->child[b].node); } } } static OcclusionTree *occ_tree_build(Render *re) { const int num_threads = re->r.threads; OcclusionTree *tree; ObjectInstanceRen *obi; ObjectRen *obr; Material *ma; VlakRen *vlr = NULL; int a, b, c, totface; /* count */ totface = 0; for (obi = re->instancetable.first; obi; obi = obi->next) { obr = obi->obr; for (a = 0; a < obr->totvlak; a++) { if ((a & 255) == 0) vlr = obr->vlaknodes[a >> 8].vlak; else vlr++; ma = vlr->mat; if ((ma->shade_flag & MA_APPROX_OCCLUSION) && (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_SURFACE)) totface++; } } if (totface == 0) return NULL; tree = MEM_callocN(sizeof(OcclusionTree), "OcclusionTree"); tree->totface = totface; /* parameters */ tree->error = get_render_aosss_error(&re->r, re->wrld.ao_approx_error); tree->distfac = (re->wrld.aomode & WO_AODIST) ? re->wrld.aodistfac : 0.0f; tree->doindirect = (re->wrld.ao_indirect_energy > 0.0f && re->wrld.ao_indirect_bounces > 0); /* allocation */ tree->arena = BLI_memarena_new(0x8000 * sizeof(OccNode), "occ tree arena"); BLI_memarena_use_calloc(tree->arena); if (re->wrld.aomode & WO_AOCACHE) tree->cache = MEM_callocN(sizeof(OcclusionCache) * num_threads, "OcclusionCache"); tree->face = MEM_callocN(sizeof(OccFace) * totface, "OcclusionFace"); tree->co = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * totface, "OcclusionCo"); tree->occlusion = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * totface, "OcclusionOcclusion"); if (tree->doindirect) tree->rad = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * totface, "OcclusionRad"); /* make array of face pointers */ for (b = 0, c = 0, obi = re->instancetable.first; obi; obi = obi->next, c++) { obr = obi->obr; for (a = 0; a < obr->totvlak; a++) { if ((a & 255) == 0) vlr = obr->vlaknodes[a >> 8].vlak; else vlr++; ma = vlr->mat; if ((ma->shade_flag & MA_APPROX_OCCLUSION) && (ma->material_type == MA_TYPE_SURFACE)) { tree->face[b].obi = c; tree->face[b].facenr = a; tree->occlusion[b] = 1.0f; occ_face(&tree->face[b], tree->co[b], NULL, NULL); b++; } } } /* threads */ tree->totbuildthread = (re->r.threads > 1 && totface > 10000) ? 8 : 1; tree->dothreadedbuild = (tree->totbuildthread > 1); /* recurse */ tree->root = BLI_memarena_alloc(tree->arena, sizeof(OccNode)); tree->maxdepth = 1; occ_build_recursive(tree, tree->root, 0, totface, 1); if (tree->doindirect) { if (!(re->test_break(re->tbh))) occ_build_shade(re, tree); if (!(re->test_break(re->tbh))) occ_sum_occlusion(tree, tree->root); } MEM_freeN(tree->co); tree->co = NULL; if (!(re->test_break(re->tbh))) occ_build_sh_normalize(tree->root); for (a = 0; a < num_threads; a++) tree->stack[a] = MEM_callocN(sizeof(OccNode) * TOTCHILD * (tree->maxdepth + 1), "OccStack"); tree->num_threads = num_threads; return tree; } static void occ_free_tree(OcclusionTree *tree) { int a; if (tree) { if (tree->arena) BLI_memarena_free(tree->arena); for (a = 0; a < tree->num_threads; a++) if (tree->stack[a]) MEM_freeN(tree->stack[a]); if (tree->occlusion) MEM_freeN(tree->occlusion); if (tree->cache) MEM_freeN(tree->cache); if (tree->face) MEM_freeN(tree->face); if (tree->rad) MEM_freeN(tree->rad); MEM_freeN(tree); } } /* ------------------------- Traversal --------------------------- */ static float occ_solid_angle(OccNode *node, const float v[3], float d2, float invd2, const float receivenormal[3]) { float dotreceive, dotemit; float ev[3]; ev[0] = -v[0] * invd2; ev[1] = -v[1] * invd2; ev[2] = -v[2] * invd2; dotemit = sh_eval(node->sh, ev); dotreceive = dot_v3v3(receivenormal, v) * invd2; CLAMP(dotemit, 0.0f, 1.0f); CLAMP(dotreceive, 0.0f, 1.0f); return ((node->area * dotemit * dotreceive) / (d2 + node->area * INVPI)) * INVPI; } static float occ_form_factor(OccFace *face, float *p, float *n) { ObjectInstanceRen *obi; VlakRen *vlr; float v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3], q0[3], q1[3], q2[3], q3[3], contrib = 0.0f; obi = &R.objectinstance[face->obi]; vlr = RE_findOrAddVlak(obi->obr, face->facenr); copy_v3_v3(v1, vlr->v1->co); copy_v3_v3(v2, vlr->v2->co); copy_v3_v3(v3, vlr->v3->co); if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) { mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v1); mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v2); mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v3); } if (form_factor_visible_quad(p, n, v1, v2, v3, q0, q1, q2, q3)) contrib += form_factor_quad(p, n, q0, q1, q2, q3); if (vlr->v4) { copy_v3_v3(v4, vlr->v4->co); if (obi->flag & R_TRANSFORMED) mul_m4_v3(obi->mat, v4); if (form_factor_visible_quad(p, n, v1, v3, v4, q0, q1, q2, q3)) contrib += form_factor_quad(p, n, q0, q1, q2, q3); } return contrib; } static void occ_lookup(OcclusionTree *tree, int thread, OccFace *exclude, const float pp[3], const float pn[3], float *occ, float rad[3], float bentn[3]) { OccNode *node, **stack; OccFace *face; float resultocc, resultrad[3], v[3], p[3], n[3], co[3], invd2; float distfac, fac, error, d2, weight, emitarea; int b, f, totstack; /* init variables */ copy_v3_v3(p, pp); copy_v3_v3(n, pn); madd_v3_v3fl(p, n, 1e-4f); if (bentn) copy_v3_v3(bentn, n); error = tree->error; distfac = tree->distfac; resultocc = 0.0f; zero_v3(resultrad); /* init stack */ stack = tree->stack[thread]; stack[0] = tree->root; totstack = 1; while (totstack) { /* pop point off the stack */ node = stack[--totstack]; sub_v3_v3v3(v, node->co, p); d2 = dot_v3v3(v, v) + 1e-16f; emitarea = MAX2(node->area, node->dco); if (d2 * error > emitarea) { if (distfac != 0.0f) { fac = 1.0f / (1.0f + distfac * d2); if (fac < 0.01f) continue; } else fac = 1.0f; /* accumulate occlusion from spherical harmonics */ invd2 = 1.0f / sqrtf(d2); weight = occ_solid_angle(node, v, d2, invd2, n); if (rad) madd_v3_v3fl(resultrad, node->rad, weight * fac); weight *= node->occlusion; if (bentn) { bentn[0] -= weight * invd2 * v[0]; bentn[1] -= weight * invd2 * v[1]; bentn[2] -= weight * invd2 * v[2]; } resultocc += weight * fac; } else { /* traverse into children */ for (b = 0; b < TOTCHILD; b++) { if (node->childflag & (1 << b)) { f = node->child[b].face; face = &tree->face[f]; /* accumulate occlusion with face form factor */ if (!exclude || !(face->obi == exclude->obi && face->facenr == exclude->facenr)) { if (bentn || distfac != 0.0f) { occ_face(face, co, NULL, NULL); sub_v3_v3v3(v, co, p); d2 = dot_v3v3(v, v) + 1e-16f; fac = (distfac == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : 1.0f / (1.0f + distfac * d2); if (fac < 0.01f) continue; } else fac = 1.0f; weight = occ_form_factor(face, p, n); if (rad) madd_v3_v3fl(resultrad, tree->rad[f], weight * fac); weight *= tree->occlusion[f]; if (bentn) { invd2 = 1.0f / sqrtf(d2); bentn[0] -= weight * invd2 * v[0]; bentn[1] -= weight * invd2 * v[1]; bentn[2] -= weight * invd2 * v[2]; } resultocc += weight * fac; } } else if (node->child[b].node) { /* push child on the stack */ stack[totstack++] = node->child[b].node; } } } } if (occ) *occ = resultocc; if (rad) copy_v3_v3(rad, resultrad); #if 0 if (rad && exclude) { int a; for (a = 0; a < tree->totface; a++) if ((tree->face[a].obi == exclude->obi && tree->face[a].facenr == exclude->facenr)) copy_v3_v3(rad, tree->rad[a]); } #endif if (bentn) normalize_v3(bentn); } static void occ_compute_bounces(Render *re, OcclusionTree *tree, int totbounce) { float (*rad)[3], (*sum)[3], (*tmp)[3], co[3], n[3], occ; int bounce, i; rad = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * tree->totface, "OcclusionBounceRad"); sum = MEM_dupallocN(tree->rad); for (bounce = 1; bounce < totbounce; bounce++) { for (i = 0; i < tree->totface; i++) { occ_face(&tree->face[i], co, n, NULL); madd_v3_v3fl(co, n, 1e-8f); occ_lookup(tree, 0, &tree->face[i], co, n, &occ, rad[i], NULL); rad[i][0] = MAX2(rad[i][0], 0.0f); rad[i][1] = MAX2(rad[i][1], 0.0f); rad[i][2] = MAX2(rad[i][2], 0.0f); add_v3_v3(sum[i], rad[i]); if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; tmp = tree->rad; tree->rad = rad; rad = tmp; occ_sum_occlusion(tree, tree->root); } MEM_freeN(rad); MEM_freeN(tree->rad); tree->rad = sum; if (!re->test_break(re->tbh)) occ_sum_occlusion(tree, tree->root); } static void occ_compute_passes(Render *re, OcclusionTree *tree, int totpass) { float *occ, co[3], n[3]; int pass, i; occ = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * tree->totface, "OcclusionPassOcc"); for (pass = 0; pass < totpass; pass++) { for (i = 0; i < tree->totface; i++) { occ_face(&tree->face[i], co, n, NULL); negate_v3(n); madd_v3_v3fl(co, n, 1e-8f); occ_lookup(tree, 0, &tree->face[i], co, n, &occ[i], NULL, NULL); if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; for (i = 0; i < tree->totface; i++) { tree->occlusion[i] -= occ[i]; //MAX2(1.0f-occ[i], 0.0f); if (tree->occlusion[i] < 0.0f) tree->occlusion[i] = 0.0f; } occ_sum_occlusion(tree, tree->root); } MEM_freeN(occ); } static void sample_occ_tree(Render *re, OcclusionTree *tree, OccFace *exclude, const float co[3], const float n[3], int thread, int onlyshadow, float *ao, float *env, float *indirect) { float nn[3], bn[3], fac, occ, occlusion, correction, rad[3]; int envcolor; envcolor = re->wrld.aocolor; if (onlyshadow) envcolor = WO_AOPLAIN; negate_v3_v3(nn, n); occ_lookup(tree, thread, exclude, co, nn, &occ, (tree->doindirect) ? rad : NULL, (env && envcolor) ? bn : NULL); correction = re->wrld.ao_approx_correction; occlusion = (1.0f - correction) * (1.0f - occ); CLAMP(occlusion, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (correction != 0.0f) occlusion += correction * expf(-occ); if (env) { /* sky shading using bent normal */ if (ELEM(envcolor, WO_AOSKYCOL, WO_AOSKYTEX)) { fac = 0.5f * (1.0f + dot_v3v3(bn, re->grvec)); env[0] = (1.0f - fac) * re->wrld.horr + fac * re->wrld.zenr; env[1] = (1.0f - fac) * re->wrld.horg + fac * re->wrld.zeng; env[2] = (1.0f - fac) * re->wrld.horb + fac * re->wrld.zenb; mul_v3_fl(env, occlusion); } else { env[0] = occlusion; env[1] = occlusion; env[2] = occlusion; } #if 0 else { /* WO_AOSKYTEX */ float dxyview[3]; bn[0] = -bn[0]; bn[1] = -bn[1]; bn[2] = -bn[2]; dxyview[0] = 1.0f; dxyview[1] = 1.0f; dxyview[2] = 0.0f; shadeSkyView(ao, co, bn, dxyview); } #endif } if (ao) { ao[0] = occlusion; ao[1] = occlusion; ao[2] = occlusion; } if (tree->doindirect) copy_v3_v3(indirect, rad); else zero_v3(indirect); } /* ---------------------------- Caching ------------------------------- */ static OcclusionCacheSample *find_occ_sample(OcclusionCache *cache, int x, int y) { x -= cache->x; y -= cache->y; x /= cache->step; y /= cache->step; x *= cache->step; y *= cache->step; if (x < 0 || x >= cache->w || y < 0 || y >= cache->h) return NULL; else return &cache->sample[y * cache->w + x]; } static int sample_occ_cache(OcclusionTree *tree, float *co, float *n, int x, int y, int thread, float *ao, float *env, float *indirect) { OcclusionCache *cache; OcclusionCacheSample *samples[4], *sample; float wn[4], wz[4], wb[4], tx, ty, w, totw, mino, maxo; float d[3], dist2; int i, x1, y1, x2, y2; if (!tree->cache) return 0; /* first try to find a sample in the same pixel */ cache = &tree->cache[thread]; if (cache->sample && cache->step) { sample = &cache->sample[(y - cache->y) * cache->w + (x - cache->x)]; if (sample->filled) { sub_v3_v3v3(d, sample->co, co); dist2 = dot_v3v3(d, d); if (dist2 < 0.5f * sample->dist2 && dot_v3v3(sample->n, n) > 0.98f) { copy_v3_v3(ao, sample->ao); copy_v3_v3(env, sample->env); copy_v3_v3(indirect, sample->indirect); return 1; } } } else return 0; /* try to interpolate between 4 neighboring pixels */ samples[0] = find_occ_sample(cache, x, y); samples[1] = find_occ_sample(cache, x + cache->step, y); samples[2] = find_occ_sample(cache, x, y + cache->step); samples[3] = find_occ_sample(cache, x + cache->step, y + cache->step); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (!samples[i] || !samples[i]->filled) return 0; /* require intensities not being too different */ mino = min_ffff(samples[0]->intensity, samples[1]->intensity, samples[2]->intensity, samples[3]->intensity); maxo = max_ffff(samples[0]->intensity, samples[1]->intensity, samples[2]->intensity, samples[3]->intensity); if (maxo - mino > 0.05f) return 0; /* compute weighted interpolation between samples */ zero_v3(ao); zero_v3(env); zero_v3(indirect); totw = 0.0f; x1 = samples[0]->x; y1 = samples[0]->y; x2 = samples[3]->x; y2 = samples[3]->y; tx = (float)(x2 - x) / (float)(x2 - x1); ty = (float)(y2 - y) / (float)(y2 - y1); wb[3] = (1.0f - tx) * (1.0f - ty); wb[2] = (tx) * (1.0f - ty); wb[1] = (1.0f - tx) * (ty); wb[0] = tx * ty; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { sub_v3_v3v3(d, samples[i]->co, co); //dist2 = dot_v3v3(d, d); wz[i] = 1.0f; //(samples[i]->dist2/(1e-4f + dist2)); wn[i] = pow(dot_v3v3(samples[i]->n, n), 32.0f); w = wb[i] * wn[i] * wz[i]; totw += w; madd_v3_v3fl(ao, samples[i]->ao, w); madd_v3_v3fl(env, samples[i]->env, w); madd_v3_v3fl(indirect, samples[i]->indirect, w); } if (totw >= 0.9f) { totw = 1.0f / totw; mul_v3_fl(ao, totw); mul_v3_fl(env, totw); mul_v3_fl(indirect, totw); return 1; } return 0; } static void sample_occ_surface(ShadeInput *shi) { StrandRen *strand = shi->strand; StrandSurface *mesh = strand->buffer->surface; const int *face, *index = RE_strandren_get_face(shi->obr, strand, 0); float w[4], *co1, *co2, *co3, *co4; if (mesh && mesh->face && mesh->co && mesh->ao && index) { face = mesh->face[*index]; co1 = mesh->co[face[0]]; co2 = mesh->co[face[1]]; co3 = mesh->co[face[2]]; if (face[3]) { co4 = mesh->co[face[3]]; interp_weights_quad_v3(w, co1, co2, co3, co4, strand->vert->co); } else { interp_weights_tri_v3(w, co1, co2, co3, strand->vert->co); } zero_v3(shi->ao); zero_v3(shi->env); zero_v3(shi->indirect); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->ao, mesh->ao[face[0]], w[0]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->env, mesh->env[face[0]], w[0]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->indirect, mesh->indirect[face[0]], w[0]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->ao, mesh->ao[face[1]], w[1]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->env, mesh->env[face[1]], w[1]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->indirect, mesh->indirect[face[1]], w[1]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->ao, mesh->ao[face[2]], w[2]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->env, mesh->env[face[2]], w[2]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->indirect, mesh->indirect[face[2]], w[2]); if (face[3]) { madd_v3_v3fl(shi->ao, mesh->ao[face[3]], w[3]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->env, mesh->env[face[3]], w[3]); madd_v3_v3fl(shi->indirect, mesh->indirect[face[3]], w[3]); } } else { shi->ao[0] = 1.0f; shi->ao[1] = 1.0f; shi->ao[2] = 1.0f; zero_v3(shi->env); zero_v3(shi->indirect); } } /* ------------------------- External Functions --------------------------- */ static void *exec_strandsurface_sample(void *data) { OcclusionThread *othread = (OcclusionThread *)data; Render *re = othread->re; StrandSurface *mesh = othread->mesh; float ao[3], env[3], indirect[3], co[3], n[3], *co1, *co2, *co3, *co4; int a, *face; for (a = othread->begin; a < othread->end; a++) { face = mesh->face[a]; co1 = mesh->co[face[0]]; co2 = mesh->co[face[1]]; co3 = mesh->co[face[2]]; if (face[3]) { co4 = mesh->co[face[3]]; mid_v3_v3v3(co, co1, co3); normal_quad_v3(n, co1, co2, co3, co4); } else { mid_v3_v3v3v3(co, co1, co2, co3); normal_tri_v3(n, co1, co2, co3); } negate_v3(n); sample_occ_tree(re, re->occlusiontree, NULL, co, n, othread->thread, 0, ao, env, indirect); copy_v3_v3(othread->faceao[a], ao); copy_v3_v3(othread->faceenv[a], env); copy_v3_v3(othread->faceindirect[a], indirect); } return NULL; } void make_occ_tree(Render *re) { OcclusionThread othreads[BLENDER_MAX_THREADS]; OcclusionTree *tree; StrandSurface *mesh; ListBase threads; float ao[3], env[3], indirect[3], (*faceao)[3], (*faceenv)[3], (*faceindirect)[3]; int a, totface, totthread, *face, *count; /* ugly, needed for occ_face */ R = *re; re->i.infostr = IFACE_("Occlusion preprocessing"); re->stats_draw(re->sdh, &re->i); re->occlusiontree = tree = occ_tree_build(re); if (tree && !re->test_break(re->tbh)) { if (re->wrld.ao_approx_passes > 0) occ_compute_passes(re, tree, re->wrld.ao_approx_passes); if (tree->doindirect && (re->wrld.mode & WO_INDIRECT_LIGHT)) occ_compute_bounces(re, tree, re->wrld.ao_indirect_bounces); for (mesh = re->strandsurface.first; mesh; mesh = mesh->next) { if (!mesh->face || !mesh->co || !mesh->ao) continue; count = MEM_callocN(sizeof(int) * mesh->totvert, "OcclusionCount"); faceao = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * mesh->totface, "StrandSurfFaceAO"); faceenv = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * mesh->totface, "StrandSurfFaceEnv"); faceindirect = MEM_callocN(sizeof(float) * 3 * mesh->totface, "StrandSurfFaceIndirect"); totthread = (mesh->totface > 10000) ? re->r.threads : 1; totface = mesh->totface / totthread; for (a = 0; a < totthread; a++) { othreads[a].re = re; othreads[a].faceao = faceao; othreads[a].faceenv = faceenv; othreads[a].faceindirect = faceindirect; othreads[a].thread = a; othreads[a].mesh = mesh; othreads[a].begin = a * totface; othreads[a].end = (a == totthread - 1) ? mesh->totface : (a + 1) * totface; } if (totthread == 1) { exec_strandsurface_sample(&othreads[0]); } else { BLI_init_threads(&threads, exec_strandsurface_sample, totthread); for (a = 0; a < totthread; a++) BLI_insert_thread(&threads, &othreads[a]); BLI_end_threads(&threads); } for (a = 0; a < mesh->totface; a++) { face = mesh->face[a]; copy_v3_v3(ao, faceao[a]); copy_v3_v3(env, faceenv[a]); copy_v3_v3(indirect, faceindirect[a]); add_v3_v3(mesh->ao[face[0]], ao); add_v3_v3(mesh->env[face[0]], env); add_v3_v3(mesh->indirect[face[0]], indirect); count[face[0]]++; add_v3_v3(mesh->ao[face[1]], ao); add_v3_v3(mesh->env[face[1]], env); add_v3_v3(mesh->indirect[face[1]], indirect); count[face[1]]++; add_v3_v3(mesh->ao[face[2]], ao); add_v3_v3(mesh->env[face[2]], env); add_v3_v3(mesh->indirect[face[2]], indirect); count[face[2]]++; if (face[3]) { add_v3_v3(mesh->ao[face[3]], ao); add_v3_v3(mesh->env[face[3]], env); add_v3_v3(mesh->indirect[face[3]], indirect); count[face[3]]++; } } for (a = 0; a < mesh->totvert; a++) { if (count[a]) { mul_v3_fl(mesh->ao[a], 1.0f / count[a]); mul_v3_fl(mesh->env[a], 1.0f / count[a]); mul_v3_fl(mesh->indirect[a], 1.0f / count[a]); } } MEM_freeN(count); MEM_freeN(faceao); MEM_freeN(faceenv); MEM_freeN(faceindirect); } } } void free_occ(Render *re) { if (re->occlusiontree) { occ_free_tree(re->occlusiontree); re->occlusiontree = NULL; } } void sample_occ(Render *re, ShadeInput *shi) { OcclusionTree *tree = re->occlusiontree; OcclusionCache *cache; OcclusionCacheSample *sample; OccFace exclude; int onlyshadow; if (tree) { if (shi->strand) { sample_occ_surface(shi); } /* try to get result from the cache if possible */ else if (shi->depth != 0 || !sample_occ_cache(tree, shi->co, shi->vno, shi->xs, shi->ys, shi->thread, shi->ao, shi->env, shi->indirect)) { /* no luck, let's sample the occlusion */ exclude.obi = shi->obi - re->objectinstance; exclude.facenr = shi->vlr->index; onlyshadow = (shi->mat->mode & MA_ONLYSHADOW); sample_occ_tree(re, tree, &exclude, shi->co, shi->vno, shi->thread, onlyshadow, shi->ao, shi->env, shi->indirect); /* fill result into sample, each time */ if (tree->cache) { cache = &tree->cache[shi->thread]; if (cache->sample && cache->step) { sample = &cache->sample[(shi->ys - cache->y) * cache->w + (shi->xs - cache->x)]; copy_v3_v3(sample->co, shi->co); copy_v3_v3(sample->n, shi->vno); copy_v3_v3(sample->ao, shi->ao); copy_v3_v3(sample->env, shi->env); copy_v3_v3(sample->indirect, shi->indirect); sample->intensity = max_fff(sample->ao[0], sample->ao[1], sample->ao[2]); sample->intensity = max_ff(sample->intensity, max_fff(sample->env[0], sample->env[1], sample->env[2])); sample->intensity = max_ff(sample->intensity, max_fff(sample->indirect[0], sample->indirect[1], sample->indirect[2])); sample->dist2 = dot_v3v3(shi->dxco, shi->dxco) + dot_v3v3(shi->dyco, shi->dyco); sample->filled = 1; } } } } else { shi->ao[0] = 1.0f; shi->ao[1] = 1.0f; shi->ao[2] = 1.0f; shi->env[0] = 0.0f; shi->env[1] = 0.0f; shi->env[2] = 0.0f; shi->indirect[0] = 0.0f; shi->indirect[1] = 0.0f; shi->indirect[2] = 0.0f; } } void cache_occ_samples(Render *re, RenderPart *pa, ShadeSample *ssamp) { OcclusionTree *tree = re->occlusiontree; PixStr ps; OcclusionCache *cache; OcclusionCacheSample *sample; OccFace exclude; ShadeInput *shi; intptr_t *rd = NULL; int *ro = NULL, *rp = NULL, *rz = NULL, onlyshadow; int x, y, step = CACHE_STEP; if (!tree->cache) return; cache = &tree->cache[pa->thread]; cache->w = pa->rectx; cache->h = pa->recty; cache->x = pa->disprect.xmin; cache->y = pa->disprect.ymin; cache->step = step; cache->sample = MEM_callocN(sizeof(OcclusionCacheSample) * cache->w * cache->h, "OcclusionCacheSample"); sample = cache->sample; if (re->osa) { rd = pa->rectdaps; } else { /* fake pixel struct for non-osa */ ps.next = NULL; ps.mask = 0xFFFF; ro = pa->recto; rp = pa->rectp; rz = pa->rectz; } /* compute a sample at every step pixels */ for (y = pa->disprect.ymin; y < pa->disprect.ymax; y++) { for (x = pa->disprect.xmin; x < pa->disprect.xmax; x++, sample++, rd++, ro++, rp++, rz++) { if (!(((x - pa->disprect.xmin + step) % step) == 0 || x == pa->disprect.xmax - 1)) continue; if (!(((y - pa->disprect.ymin + step) % step) == 0 || y == pa->disprect.ymax - 1)) continue; if (re->osa) { if (!*rd) continue; shade_samples_fill_with_ps(ssamp, (PixStr *)(*rd), x, y); } else { if (!*rp) continue; ps.obi = *ro; ps.facenr = *rp; ps.z = *rz; shade_samples_fill_with_ps(ssamp, &ps, x, y); } shi = ssamp->shi; if (shi->vlr) { onlyshadow = (shi->mat->mode & MA_ONLYSHADOW); exclude.obi = shi->obi - re->objectinstance; exclude.facenr = shi->vlr->index; sample_occ_tree(re, tree, &exclude, shi->co, shi->vno, shi->thread, onlyshadow, shi->ao, shi->env, shi->indirect); copy_v3_v3(sample->co, shi->co); copy_v3_v3(sample->n, shi->vno); copy_v3_v3(sample->ao, shi->ao); copy_v3_v3(sample->env, shi->env); copy_v3_v3(sample->indirect, shi->indirect); sample->intensity = max_fff(sample->ao[0], sample->ao[1], sample->ao[2]); sample->intensity = max_ff(sample->intensity, max_fff(sample->env[0], sample->env[1], sample->env[2])); sample->intensity = max_ff(sample->intensity, max_fff(sample->indirect[0], sample->indirect[1], sample->indirect[2])); sample->dist2 = dot_v3v3(shi->dxco, shi->dxco) + dot_v3v3(shi->dyco, shi->dyco); sample->x = shi->xs; sample->y = shi->ys; sample->filled = 1; } if (re->test_break(re->tbh)) break; } } } void free_occ_samples(Render *re, RenderPart *pa) { OcclusionTree *tree = re->occlusiontree; OcclusionCache *cache; if (tree->cache) { cache = &tree->cache[pa->thread]; if (cache->sample) MEM_freeN(cache->sample); cache->w = 0; cache->h = 0; cache->step = 0; } }