/* * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** \file blender/render/intern/source/sunsky.c * \ingroup render * * This feature comes from Preetham paper on "A Practical Analytic Model for Daylight" * and example code from Brian Smits, another author of that paper in * http://www.cs.utah.edu/vissim/papers/sunsky/code/ */ #include "sunsky.h" #include "math.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BKE_global.h" /** * These macros are defined for vector operations * */ /** * compute v1 = v2 op v3 * v1, v2 and v3 are vectors contains 3 float * */ #define vec3opv(v1, v2, op, v3) \ v1[0] = (v2[0] op v3[0]); \ v1[1] = (v2[1] op v3[1]);\ v1[2] = (v2[2] op v3[2]); /** * compute v1 = v2 op f1 * v1, v2 are vectors contains 3 float * and f1 is a float * */ #define vec3opf(v1, v2, op, f1)\ v1[0] = (v2[0] op (f1));\ v1[1] = (v2[1] op (f1));\ v1[2] = (v2[2] op (f1)); /** * compute v1 = f1 op v2 * v1, v2 are vectors contains 3 float * and f1 is a float * */ #define fopvec3(v1, f1, op, v2)\ v1[0] = ((f1) op v2[0]);\ v1[1] = ((f1) op v2[1]);\ v1[2] = ((f1) op v2[2]); /** * ClipColor: * clip a color to range [0,1]; * */ void ClipColor(float c[3]) { if (c[0] > 1.0f) c[0] = 1.0f; if (c[0] < 0.0f) c[0] = 0.0f; if (c[1] > 1.0f) c[1] = 1.0f; if (c[1] < 0.0f) c[1] = 0.0f; if (c[2] > 1.0f) c[2] = 1.0f; if (c[2] < 0.0f) c[2] = 0.0f; } /** * AngleBetween: * compute angle between to direction * all angles are in radians * */ static float AngleBetween(float thetav, float phiv, float theta, float phi) { float cospsi = sin(thetav) * sin(theta) * cos(phi - phiv) + cos(thetav) * cos(theta); if (cospsi > 1.0f) return 0; if (cospsi < -1.0f) return M_PI; return acos(cospsi); } /** * DirectionToThetaPhi: * this function convert a direction to it's theta and phi value * parameters: * toSun: contains direction information * theta, phi, are return values from this conversion * */ static void DirectionToThetaPhi(float *toSun, float *theta, float *phi) { *theta = acos(toSun[2]); if (fabs(*theta) < 1e-5) *phi = 0; else *phi = atan2(toSun[1], toSun[0]); } /** * PerezFunction: * compute perez function value based on input paramters * */ static float PerezFunction(struct SunSky *sunsky, const float *lam, float theta, float gamma, float lvz) { float den, num; den = ((1 + lam[0] * expf(lam[1])) * (1 + lam[2] * expf(lam[3] * sunsky->theta) + lam[4] * cosf(sunsky->theta) * cosf(sunsky->theta))); num = ((1 + lam[0] * expf(lam[1] / cosf(theta))) * (1 + lam[2] * expf(lam[3] * gamma) + lam[4] * cosf(gamma) * cosf(gamma))); return(lvz * num / den);} /** * InitSunSky: * this function compute some sun,sky parameters according to input parameters and also initiate some other sun, sky parameters * parameters: * sunSky, is a structure that contains information about sun, sky and atmosphere, in this function, most of its values initiated * turb, is atmosphere turbidity * toSun, contains sun direction * horizon_brighness, controls the brightness of the horizon colors * spread, controls colors spreed at horizon * sun_brightness, controls sun's brightness * sun_size, controls sun's size * back_scatter, controls back scatter light * */ void InitSunSky(struct SunSky *sunsky, float turb, float *toSun, float horizon_brightness, float spread,float sun_brightness, float sun_size, float back_scatter, float skyblendfac, short skyblendtype, float sky_exposure, float sky_colorspace) { float theta2; float theta3; float T; float T2; float chi; sunsky->turbidity = turb; sunsky->horizon_brightness = horizon_brightness; sunsky->spread = spread; sunsky->sun_brightness = sun_brightness; sunsky->sun_size = sun_size; sunsky->backscattered_light = back_scatter; sunsky->skyblendfac= skyblendfac; sunsky->skyblendtype= skyblendtype; sunsky->sky_exposure= -sky_exposure; sunsky->sky_colorspace= sky_colorspace; sunsky->toSun[0] = toSun[0]; sunsky->toSun[1] = toSun[1]; sunsky->toSun[2] = toSun[2]; DirectionToThetaPhi(sunsky->toSun, &sunsky->theta, &sunsky->phi); sunsky->sunSolidAngle = 0.25 * M_PI * 1.39 * 1.39 / (150 * 150); // = 6.7443e-05 theta2 = sunsky->theta*sunsky->theta; theta3 = theta2 * sunsky->theta; T = turb; T2 = turb*turb; chi = (4.0f / 9.0f - T / 120.0f) * ((float)M_PI - 2.0f * sunsky->theta); sunsky->zenith_Y = (4.0453f * T - 4.9710f) * tanf(chi) - 0.2155f * T + 2.4192f; sunsky->zenith_Y *= 1000; // conversion from kcd/m^2 to cd/m^2 if (sunsky->zenith_Y<=0) sunsky->zenith_Y = 1e-6; sunsky->zenith_x = ( + 0.00165f * theta3 - 0.00374f * theta2 + 0.00208f * sunsky->theta + 0.0f) * T2 + ( -0.02902f * theta3 + 0.06377f * theta2 - 0.03202f * sunsky->theta + 0.00394f) * T + ( + 0.11693f * theta3 - 0.21196f * theta2 + 0.06052f * sunsky->theta + 0.25885f); sunsky->zenith_y = ( + 0.00275f * theta3 - 0.00610f * theta2 + 0.00316f * sunsky->theta + 0.0f) * T2 + ( -0.04214f * theta3 + 0.08970f * theta2 - 0.04153f * sunsky->theta + 0.00515f) * T + ( + 0.15346f * theta3 - 0.26756f * theta2 + 0.06669f * sunsky->theta + 0.26688f); sunsky->perez_Y[0] = 0.17872f * T - 1.46303f; sunsky->perez_Y[1] = -0.35540f * T + 0.42749f; sunsky->perez_Y[2] = -0.02266f * T + 5.32505f; sunsky->perez_Y[3] = 0.12064f * T - 2.57705f; sunsky->perez_Y[4] = -0.06696f * T + 0.37027f; sunsky->perez_x[0] = -0.01925f * T - 0.25922f; sunsky->perez_x[1] = -0.06651f * T + 0.00081f; sunsky->perez_x[2] = -0.00041f * T + 0.21247f; sunsky->perez_x[3] = -0.06409f * T - 0.89887f; sunsky->perez_x[4] = -0.00325f * T + 0.04517f; sunsky->perez_y[0] = -0.01669f * T - 0.26078f; sunsky->perez_y[1] = -0.09495f * T + 0.00921f; sunsky->perez_y[2] = -0.00792f * T + 0.21023f; sunsky->perez_y[3] = -0.04405f * T - 1.65369f; sunsky->perez_y[4] = -0.01092f * T + 0.05291f; /* suggested by glome in * http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=127&aid=8063&group_id=9*/ sunsky->perez_Y[0] *= sunsky->horizon_brightness; sunsky->perez_x[0] *= sunsky->horizon_brightness; sunsky->perez_y[0] *= sunsky->horizon_brightness; sunsky->perez_Y[1] *= sunsky->spread; sunsky->perez_x[1] *= sunsky->spread; sunsky->perez_y[1] *= sunsky->spread; sunsky->perez_Y[2] *= sunsky->sun_brightness; sunsky->perez_x[2] *= sunsky->sun_brightness; sunsky->perez_y[2] *= sunsky->sun_brightness; sunsky->perez_Y[3] *= sunsky->sun_size; sunsky->perez_x[3] *= sunsky->sun_size; sunsky->perez_y[3] *= sunsky->sun_size; sunsky->perez_Y[4] *= sunsky->backscattered_light; sunsky->perez_x[4] *= sunsky->backscattered_light; sunsky->perez_y[4] *= sunsky->backscattered_light; } /** * GetSkyXYZRadiance: * this function compute sky radiance according to a view parameters `theta' and `phi'and sunSky values * parameters: * sunSky, sontains sun and sky parameters * theta, is sun's theta * phi, is sun's phi * color_out, is computed color that shows sky radiance in XYZ color format * */ void GetSkyXYZRadiance(struct SunSky* sunsky, float theta, float phi, float color_out[3]) { float gamma; float x,y,Y,X,Z; float hfade=1, nfade=1; if (theta>(0.5f*(float)M_PI)) { hfade = 1.0f-(theta*(float)M_1_PI-0.5f)*2.0f; hfade = hfade*hfade*(3.0f-2.0f*hfade); theta = 0.5*M_PI; } if (sunsky->theta>(0.5f*(float)M_PI)) { if (theta<=0.5f*(float)M_PI) { nfade = 1.0f-(0.5f-theta*(float)M_1_PI)*2.0f; nfade *= 1.0f-(sunsky->theta*(float)M_1_PI-0.5f)*2.0f; nfade = nfade*nfade*(3.0f-2.0f*nfade); } } gamma = AngleBetween(theta, phi, sunsky->theta, sunsky->phi); // Compute xyY values x = PerezFunction(sunsky, sunsky->perez_x, theta, gamma, sunsky->zenith_x); y = PerezFunction(sunsky, sunsky->perez_y, theta, gamma, sunsky->zenith_y); Y = 6.666666667e-5f * nfade * hfade * PerezFunction(sunsky, sunsky->perez_Y, theta, gamma, sunsky->zenith_Y); if (sunsky->sky_exposure!=0.0f) Y = 1.0 - exp(Y*sunsky->sky_exposure); X = (x / y) * Y; Z = ((1 - x - y) / y) * Y; color_out[0] = X; color_out[1] = Y; color_out[2] = Z; } /** * GetSkyXYZRadiancef: * this function compute sky radiance according to a view direction `varg' and sunSky values * parameters: * sunSky, sontains sun and sky parameters * varg, shows direction * color_out, is computed color that shows sky radiance in XYZ color format * */ void GetSkyXYZRadiancef(struct SunSky* sunsky, const float varg[3], float color_out[3]) { float theta, phi; float v[3]; copy_v3_v3(v, (float*)varg); normalize_v3(v); if (v[2] < 0.001f) { v[2] = 0.001f; normalize_v3(v); } DirectionToThetaPhi(v, &theta, &phi); GetSkyXYZRadiance(sunsky, theta, phi, color_out); } /** * ComputeAttenuatedSunlight: * this function compute attenuated sun light based on sun's theta and atmosphere turbidity * parameters: * theta, is sun's theta * turbidity: is atmosphere turbidity * fTau: contains computed attenuated sun light * */ static void ComputeAttenuatedSunlight(float theta, int turbidity, float fTau[3]) { float fBeta; float fTauR, fTauA; float m; float fAlpha; int i; float fLambda[3]; fLambda[0] = 0.65f; fLambda[1] = 0.57f; fLambda[2] = 0.475f; fAlpha = 1.3f; fBeta = 0.04608365822050f * turbidity - 0.04586025928522f; m = 1.0f/(cosf(theta) + 0.15f*powf(93.885f-theta/(float)M_PI*180.0f,-1.253f)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // Rayleigh Scattering fTauR = expf( -m * 0.008735f * powf(fLambda[i], (float)(-4.08f))); // Aerosal (water + dust) attenuation fTauA = exp(-m * fBeta * powf(fLambda[i], -fAlpha)); fTau[i] = fTauR * fTauA; } } /** * InitAtmosphere: * this function initiate sunSky structure with user input parameters. * parameters: * sunSky, contains information about sun, and in this function some atmosphere parameters will initiated * sun_intens, shows sun intensity value * mief, Mie scattering factor this factor currently call with 1.0 * rayf, Rayleigh scattering factor, this factor currently call with 1.0 * inscattf, inscatter light factor that range from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 means no inscatter light and 1.0 means full inscatter light * extincf, extinction light factor that range from 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 means no extinction and 1.0 means full extinction * disf, is distance factor, multiplyed to pixle's z value to compute each pixle's distance to camera, * */ void InitAtmosphere(struct SunSky *sunSky, float sun_intens, float mief, float rayf, float inscattf, float extincf, float disf) { const float pi = 3.14159265358f; const float n = 1.003f; // refractive index const float N = 2.545e25; const float pn = 0.035f; const float T = 2.0f; float fTemp, fTemp2, fTemp3, fBeta, fBetaDash; float c = (6.544f*T - 6.51f)*1e-17f; float K[3] = {0.685f, 0.679f, 0.670f}; float vBetaMieTemp[3]; float fLambda[3],fLambda2[3], fLambda4[3]; float vLambda2[3]; float vLambda4[3]; int i; sunSky->atm_SunIntensity = sun_intens; sunSky->atm_BetaMieMultiplier = mief; sunSky->atm_BetaRayMultiplier = rayf; sunSky->atm_InscatteringMultiplier = inscattf; sunSky->atm_ExtinctionMultiplier = extincf; sunSky->atm_DistanceMultiplier = disf; sunSky->atm_HGg=0.8; fLambda[0] = 1/650e-9f; fLambda[1] = 1/570e-9f; fLambda[2] = 1/475e-9f; for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { fLambda2[i] = fLambda[i]*fLambda[i]; fLambda4[i] = fLambda2[i]*fLambda2[i]; } vLambda2[0] = fLambda2[0]; vLambda2[1] = fLambda2[1]; vLambda2[2] = fLambda2[2]; vLambda4[0] = fLambda4[0]; vLambda4[1] = fLambda4[1]; vLambda4[2] = fLambda4[2]; // Rayleigh scattering constants. fTemp = pi*pi*(n*n-1)*(n*n-1)*(6+3*pn)/(6-7*pn)/N; fBeta = 8*fTemp*pi/3; vec3opf(sunSky->atm_BetaRay, vLambda4, *, fBeta); fBetaDash = fTemp/2; vec3opf(sunSky->atm_BetaDashRay, vLambda4,*, fBetaDash); // Mie scattering constants. fTemp2 = 0.434f*c*(2*pi)*(2*pi)*0.5f; vec3opf(sunSky->atm_BetaDashMie, vLambda2, *, fTemp2); fTemp3 = 0.434f*c*pi*(2*pi)*(2*pi); vec3opv(vBetaMieTemp, K, *, fLambda); vec3opf(sunSky->atm_BetaMie, vBetaMieTemp,*, fTemp3); } /** * AtmospherePixleShader: * this function apply atmosphere effect on a pixle color `rgb' at distance `s' * parameters: * sunSky, contains information about sun parameters and user values * view, is camera view vector * s, is distance * rgb, contains rendered color value for a pixle * */ void AtmospherePixleShader( struct SunSky* sunSky, float view[3], float s, float rgb[3]) { float costheta; float Phase_1; float Phase_2; float sunColor[3]; float E[3]; float E1[3]; float I[3]; float fTemp; float vTemp1[3], vTemp2[3]; float sunDirection[3]; s *= sunSky->atm_DistanceMultiplier; sunDirection[0] = sunSky->toSun[0]; sunDirection[1] = sunSky->toSun[1]; sunDirection[2] = sunSky->toSun[2]; costheta = dot_v3v3(view, sunDirection); // cos(theta) Phase_1 = 1 + (costheta * costheta); // Phase_1 vec3opf(sunSky->atm_BetaRay, sunSky->atm_BetaRay, *, sunSky->atm_BetaRayMultiplier); vec3opf(sunSky->atm_BetaMie, sunSky->atm_BetaMie, *, sunSky->atm_BetaMieMultiplier); vec3opv(sunSky->atm_BetaRM, sunSky->atm_BetaRay, +, sunSky->atm_BetaMie); //e^(-(beta_1 + beta_2) * s) = E1 vec3opf(E1, sunSky->atm_BetaRM, *, -s/(float)M_LN2); E1[0] = exp(E1[0]); E1[1] = exp(E1[1]); E1[2] = exp(E1[2]); copy_v3_v3(E, E1); //Phase2(theta) = (1-g^2)/(1+g-2g*cos(theta))^(3/2) fTemp = 1 + sunSky->atm_HGg - 2 * sunSky->atm_HGg * costheta; fTemp = fTemp * sqrtf(fTemp); Phase_2 = (1 - sunSky->atm_HGg * sunSky->atm_HGg)/fTemp; vec3opf(vTemp1, sunSky->atm_BetaDashRay, *, Phase_1); vec3opf(vTemp2, sunSky->atm_BetaDashMie, *, Phase_2); vec3opv(vTemp1, vTemp1, +, vTemp2); fopvec3(vTemp2, 1.0f, -, E1); vec3opv(vTemp1, vTemp1, *, vTemp2); fopvec3(vTemp2, 1.0f, / , sunSky->atm_BetaRM); vec3opv(I, vTemp1, *, vTemp2); vec3opf(I, I, *, sunSky->atm_InscatteringMultiplier); vec3opf(E, E, *, sunSky->atm_ExtinctionMultiplier); //scale to color sun ComputeAttenuatedSunlight(sunSky->theta, sunSky->turbidity, sunColor); vec3opv(E, E, *, sunColor); vec3opf(I, I, *, sunSky->atm_SunIntensity); vec3opv(rgb, rgb, *, E); vec3opv(rgb, rgb, +, I); } #undef vec3opv #undef vec3opf #undef fopvec3 /* EOF */