/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * - Blender Foundation, 2003-2009 * - Peter Schlaile 2005/2006 */ /** \file * \ingroup bke */ #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_sequence_types.h" #include "BLI_listbase.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BKE_movieclip.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BKE_sound.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "SEQ_sequencer.h" #include "strip_time.h" #include "utils.h" float seq_give_frame_index(Sequence *seq, float timeline_frame) { float frame_index; int sta = seq->start; int end = seq->start + seq->len - 1; if (seq->type & SEQ_TYPE_EFFECT) { end = seq->enddisp; } if (end < sta) { return -1; } if (seq->flag & SEQ_REVERSE_FRAMES) { /*reverse frame in this sequence */ if (timeline_frame <= sta) { frame_index = end - sta; } else if (timeline_frame >= end) { frame_index = 0; } else { frame_index = end - timeline_frame; } } else { if (timeline_frame <= sta) { frame_index = 0; } else if (timeline_frame >= end) { frame_index = end - sta; } else { frame_index = timeline_frame - sta; } } if (seq->strobe < 1.0f) { seq->strobe = 1.0f; } if (seq->strobe > 1.0f) { frame_index -= fmodf((double)frame_index, (double)seq->strobe); } return frame_index; } static int metaseq_start(Sequence *metaseq) { return metaseq->start + metaseq->startofs; } static int metaseq_end(Sequence *metaseq) { return metaseq->start + metaseq->len - metaseq->endofs; } static void seq_update_sound_bounds_recursive_impl(Scene *scene, Sequence *metaseq, int start, int end) { Sequence *seq; /* for sound we go over full meta tree to update bounds of the sound strips, * since sound is played outside of evaluating the imbufs, */ for (seq = metaseq->seqbase.first; seq; seq = seq->next) { if (seq->type == SEQ_TYPE_META) { seq_update_sound_bounds_recursive_impl( scene, seq, max_ii(start, metaseq_start(seq)), min_ii(end, metaseq_end(seq))); } else if (ELEM(seq->type, SEQ_TYPE_SOUND_RAM, SEQ_TYPE_SCENE)) { if (seq->scene_sound) { int startofs = seq->startofs; int endofs = seq->endofs; if (seq->startofs + seq->start < start) { startofs = start - seq->start; } if (seq->start + seq->len - seq->endofs > end) { endofs = seq->start + seq->len - end; } BKE_sound_move_scene_sound(scene, seq->scene_sound, seq->start + startofs, seq->start + seq->len - endofs, startofs + seq->anim_startofs); } } } } void seq_update_sound_bounds_recursive(Scene *scene, Sequence *metaseq) { seq_update_sound_bounds_recursive_impl( scene, metaseq, metaseq_start(metaseq), metaseq_end(metaseq)); } void BKE_sequence_calc_disp(Scene *scene, Sequence *seq) { if (seq->startofs && seq->startstill) { seq->startstill = 0; } if (seq->endofs && seq->endstill) { seq->endstill = 0; } seq->startdisp = seq->start + seq->startofs - seq->startstill; seq->enddisp = seq->start + seq->len - seq->endofs + seq->endstill; if (seq->type == SEQ_TYPE_META) { seq_update_sound_bounds_recursive(scene, seq); } } void BKE_sequence_calc(Scene *scene, Sequence *seq) { Sequence *seqm; int min, max; /* check all metas recursively */ seqm = seq->seqbase.first; while (seqm) { if (seqm->seqbase.first) { BKE_sequence_calc(scene, seqm); } seqm = seqm->next; } /* effects and meta: automatic start and end */ if (seq->type & SEQ_TYPE_EFFECT) { if (seq->seq1) { seq->startofs = seq->endofs = seq->startstill = seq->endstill = 0; if (seq->seq3) { seq->start = seq->startdisp = max_iii( seq->seq1->startdisp, seq->seq2->startdisp, seq->seq3->startdisp); seq->enddisp = min_iii(seq->seq1->enddisp, seq->seq2->enddisp, seq->seq3->enddisp); } else if (seq->seq2) { seq->start = seq->startdisp = max_ii(seq->seq1->startdisp, seq->seq2->startdisp); seq->enddisp = min_ii(seq->seq1->enddisp, seq->seq2->enddisp); } else { seq->start = seq->startdisp = seq->seq1->startdisp; seq->enddisp = seq->seq1->enddisp; } /* we cant help if strips don't overlap, it wont give useful results. * but at least ensure 'len' is never negative which causes bad bugs elsewhere. */ if (seq->enddisp < seq->startdisp) { /* simple start/end swap */ seq->start = seq->enddisp; seq->enddisp = seq->startdisp; seq->startdisp = seq->start; seq->flag |= SEQ_INVALID_EFFECT; } else { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_INVALID_EFFECT; } seq->len = seq->enddisp - seq->startdisp; } else { BKE_sequence_calc_disp(scene, seq); } } else { if (seq->type == SEQ_TYPE_META) { seqm = seq->seqbase.first; if (seqm) { min = MAXFRAME * 2; max = -MAXFRAME * 2; while (seqm) { if (seqm->startdisp < min) { min = seqm->startdisp; } if (seqm->enddisp > max) { max = seqm->enddisp; } seqm = seqm->next; } seq->start = min + seq->anim_startofs; seq->len = max - min; seq->len -= seq->anim_startofs; seq->len -= seq->anim_endofs; } seq_update_sound_bounds_recursive(scene, seq); } BKE_sequence_calc_disp(scene, seq); } } /** Comparison function suitable to be used with BLI_listbase_sort()... */ int BKE_sequencer_cmp_time_startdisp(const void *a, const void *b) { const Sequence *seq_a = a; const Sequence *seq_b = b; return (seq_a->startdisp > seq_b->startdisp); } int BKE_sequencer_find_next_prev_edit(Scene *scene, int timeline_frame, const short side, const bool do_skip_mute, const bool do_center, const bool do_unselected) { Editing *ed = BKE_sequencer_editing_get(scene, false); Sequence *seq; int dist, best_dist, best_frame = timeline_frame; int seq_frames[2], seq_frames_tot; /* In case where both is passed, * frame just finds the nearest end while frame_left the nearest start. */ best_dist = MAXFRAME * 2; if (ed == NULL) { return timeline_frame; } for (seq = ed->seqbasep->first; seq; seq = seq->next) { int i; if (do_skip_mute && (seq->flag & SEQ_MUTE)) { continue; } if (do_unselected && (seq->flag & SELECT)) { continue; } if (do_center) { seq_frames[0] = (seq->startdisp + seq->enddisp) / 2; seq_frames_tot = 1; } else { seq_frames[0] = seq->startdisp; seq_frames[1] = seq->enddisp; seq_frames_tot = 2; } for (i = 0; i < seq_frames_tot; i++) { const int seq_frame = seq_frames[i]; dist = MAXFRAME * 2; switch (side) { case SEQ_SIDE_LEFT: if (seq_frame < timeline_frame) { dist = timeline_frame - seq_frame; } break; case SEQ_SIDE_RIGHT: if (seq_frame > timeline_frame) { dist = seq_frame - timeline_frame; } break; case SEQ_SIDE_BOTH: dist = abs(seq_frame - timeline_frame); break; } if (dist < best_dist) { best_frame = seq_frame; best_dist = dist; } } } return best_frame; } float BKE_sequence_get_fps(Scene *scene, Sequence *seq) { switch (seq->type) { case SEQ_TYPE_MOVIE: { seq_open_anim_file(scene, seq, true); if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&seq->anims)) { return 0.0f; } StripAnim *strip_anim = seq->anims.first; if (strip_anim->anim == NULL) { return 0.0f; } short frs_sec; float frs_sec_base; if (IMB_anim_get_fps(strip_anim->anim, &frs_sec, &frs_sec_base, true)) { return (float)frs_sec / frs_sec_base; } break; } case SEQ_TYPE_MOVIECLIP: if (seq->clip != NULL) { return BKE_movieclip_get_fps(seq->clip); } break; case SEQ_TYPE_SCENE: if (seq->scene != NULL) { return (float)seq->scene->r.frs_sec / seq->scene->r.frs_sec_base; } break; } return 0.0f; }