/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup sim */ #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "DNA_texture_types.h" #include "BKE_effect.h" #include "eigen_utils.h" #include "implicit.h" /* ================ Volumetric Hair Interaction ================ * adapted from * * Volumetric Methods for Simulation and Rendering of Hair * (Petrovic, Henne, Anderson, Pixar Technical Memo #06-08, Pixar Animation Studios) * * as well as * * "Detail Preserving Continuum Simulation of Straight Hair" * (McAdams, Selle 2009) */ /* Note about array indexing: * Generally the arrays here are one-dimensional. * The relation between 3D indices and the array offset is * offset = x + res_x * y + res_x * res_y * z */ static float I[3][3] = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}; BLI_INLINE int floor_int(float value) { return value > 0.0f ? (int)value : ((int)value) - 1; } BLI_INLINE float floor_mod(float value) { return value - floorf(value); } BLI_INLINE int hair_grid_size(const int res[3]) { return res[0] * res[1] * res[2]; } struct HairGridVert { int samples; float velocity[3]; float density; float velocity_smooth[3]; }; struct HairGrid { HairGridVert *verts; int res[3]; float gmin[3], gmax[3]; float cellsize, inv_cellsize; }; #define HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, axis) \ (min_ii(max_ii((int)((vec[axis] - gmin[axis]) * scale), 0), res[axis] - 2)) BLI_INLINE int hair_grid_offset(const float vec[3], const int res[3], const float gmin[3], float scale) { int i, j, k; i = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 0); j = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 1); k = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 2); return i + (j + k * res[1]) * res[0]; } BLI_INLINE int hair_grid_interp_weights( const int res[3], const float gmin[3], float scale, const float vec[3], float uvw[3]) { int i, j, k, offset; i = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 0); j = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 1); k = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 2); offset = i + (j + k * res[1]) * res[0]; uvw[0] = (vec[0] - gmin[0]) * scale - (float)i; uvw[1] = (vec[1] - gmin[1]) * scale - (float)j; uvw[2] = (vec[2] - gmin[2]) * scale - (float)k; #if 0 BLI_assert(0.0f <= uvw[0] && uvw[0] <= 1.0001f); BLI_assert(0.0f <= uvw[1] && uvw[1] <= 1.0001f); BLI_assert(0.0f <= uvw[2] && uvw[2] <= 1.0001f); #endif return offset; } BLI_INLINE void hair_grid_interpolate(const HairGridVert *grid, const int res[3], const float gmin[3], float scale, const float vec[3], float *density, float velocity[3], float vel_smooth[3], float density_gradient[3], float velocity_gradient[3][3]) { HairGridVert data[8]; float uvw[3], muvw[3]; int res2 = res[1] * res[0]; int offset; offset = hair_grid_interp_weights(res, gmin, scale, vec, uvw); muvw[0] = 1.0f - uvw[0]; muvw[1] = 1.0f - uvw[1]; muvw[2] = 1.0f - uvw[2]; data[0] = grid[offset]; data[1] = grid[offset + 1]; data[2] = grid[offset + res[0]]; data[3] = grid[offset + res[0] + 1]; data[4] = grid[offset + res2]; data[5] = grid[offset + res2 + 1]; data[6] = grid[offset + res2 + res[0]]; data[7] = grid[offset + res2 + res[0] + 1]; if (density) { *density = muvw[2] * (muvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[0].density + uvw[0] * data[1].density) + uvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[2].density + uvw[0] * data[3].density)) + uvw[2] * (muvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[4].density + uvw[0] * data[5].density) + uvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[6].density + uvw[0] * data[7].density)); } if (velocity) { int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { velocity[k] = muvw[2] * (muvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[0].velocity[k] + uvw[0] * data[1].velocity[k]) + uvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[2].velocity[k] + uvw[0] * data[3].velocity[k])) + uvw[2] * (muvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[4].velocity[k] + uvw[0] * data[5].velocity[k]) + uvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[6].velocity[k] + uvw[0] * data[7].velocity[k])); } } if (vel_smooth) { int k; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { vel_smooth[k] = muvw[2] * (muvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[0].velocity_smooth[k] + uvw[0] * data[1].velocity_smooth[k]) + uvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[2].velocity_smooth[k] + uvw[0] * data[3].velocity_smooth[k])) + uvw[2] * (muvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[4].velocity_smooth[k] + uvw[0] * data[5].velocity_smooth[k]) + uvw[1] * (muvw[0] * data[6].velocity_smooth[k] + uvw[0] * data[7].velocity_smooth[k])); } } if (density_gradient) { density_gradient[0] = muvw[1] * muvw[2] * (data[0].density - data[1].density) + uvw[1] * muvw[2] * (data[2].density - data[3].density) + muvw[1] * uvw[2] * (data[4].density - data[5].density) + uvw[1] * uvw[2] * (data[6].density - data[7].density); density_gradient[1] = muvw[2] * muvw[0] * (data[0].density - data[2].density) + uvw[2] * muvw[0] * (data[4].density - data[6].density) + muvw[2] * uvw[0] * (data[1].density - data[3].density) + uvw[2] * uvw[0] * (data[5].density - data[7].density); density_gradient[2] = muvw[2] * muvw[0] * (data[0].density - data[4].density) + uvw[2] * muvw[0] * (data[1].density - data[5].density) + muvw[2] * uvw[0] * (data[2].density - data[6].density) + uvw[2] * uvw[0] * (data[3].density - data[7].density); } if (velocity_gradient) { /* XXX TODO: */ zero_m3(velocity_gradient); } } void SIM_hair_volume_vertex_grid_forces(HairGrid *grid, const float x[3], const float v[3], float smoothfac, float pressurefac, float minpressure, float f[3], float dfdx[3][3], float dfdv[3][3]) { float gdensity, gvelocity[3], ggrad[3], gvelgrad[3][3], gradlen; hair_grid_interpolate(grid->verts, grid->res, grid->gmin, grid->inv_cellsize, x, &gdensity, gvelocity, nullptr, ggrad, gvelgrad); zero_v3(f); sub_v3_v3(gvelocity, v); mul_v3_v3fl(f, gvelocity, smoothfac); gradlen = normalize_v3(ggrad) - minpressure; if (gradlen > 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(ggrad, gradlen); madd_v3_v3fl(f, ggrad, pressurefac); } zero_m3(dfdx); sub_m3_m3m3(dfdv, gvelgrad, I); mul_m3_fl(dfdv, smoothfac); } void SIM_hair_volume_grid_interpolate(HairGrid *grid, const float x[3], float *density, float velocity[3], float velocity_smooth[3], float density_gradient[3], float velocity_gradient[3][3]) { hair_grid_interpolate(grid->verts, grid->res, grid->gmin, grid->inv_cellsize, x, density, velocity, velocity_smooth, density_gradient, velocity_gradient); } void SIM_hair_volume_grid_velocity( HairGrid *grid, const float x[3], const float v[3], float fluid_factor, float r_v[3]) { float gdensity, gvelocity[3], gvel_smooth[3], ggrad[3], gvelgrad[3][3]; float v_pic[3], v_flip[3]; hair_grid_interpolate(grid->verts, grid->res, grid->gmin, grid->inv_cellsize, x, &gdensity, gvelocity, gvel_smooth, ggrad, gvelgrad); /* velocity according to PIC method (Particle-in-Cell) */ copy_v3_v3(v_pic, gvel_smooth); /* velocity according to FLIP method (Fluid-Implicit-Particle) */ sub_v3_v3v3(v_flip, gvel_smooth, gvelocity); add_v3_v3(v_flip, v); interp_v3_v3v3(r_v, v_pic, v_flip, fluid_factor); } void SIM_hair_volume_grid_clear(HairGrid *grid) { const int size = hair_grid_size(grid->res); int i; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { zero_v3(grid->verts[i].velocity); zero_v3(grid->verts[i].velocity_smooth); grid->verts[i].density = 0.0f; grid->verts[i].samples = 0; } } BLI_INLINE bool hair_grid_point_valid(const float vec[3], const float gmin[3], const float gmax[3]) { return !(vec[0] < gmin[0] || vec[1] < gmin[1] || vec[2] < gmin[2] || vec[0] > gmax[0] || vec[1] > gmax[1] || vec[2] > gmax[2]); } BLI_INLINE float dist_tent_v3f3(const float a[3], float x, float y, float z) { float w = (1.0f - fabsf(a[0] - x)) * (1.0f - fabsf(a[1] - y)) * (1.0f - fabsf(a[2] - z)); return w; } BLI_INLINE float weights_sum(const float weights[8]) { float totweight = 0.0f; int i; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { totweight += weights[i]; } return totweight; } /* returns the grid array offset as well to avoid redundant calculation */ BLI_INLINE int hair_grid_weights( const int res[3], const float gmin[3], float scale, const float vec[3], float weights[8]) { int i, j, k, offset; float uvw[3]; i = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 0); j = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 1); k = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 2); offset = i + (j + k * res[1]) * res[0]; uvw[0] = (vec[0] - gmin[0]) * scale; uvw[1] = (vec[1] - gmin[1]) * scale; uvw[2] = (vec[2] - gmin[2]) * scale; weights[0] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i, (float)j, (float)k); weights[1] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i + 1), (float)j, (float)k); weights[2] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i, (float)(j + 1), (float)k); weights[3] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i + 1), (float)(j + 1), (float)k); weights[4] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i, (float)j, (float)(k + 1)); weights[5] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i + 1), (float)j, (float)(k + 1)); weights[6] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i, (float)(j + 1), (float)(k + 1)); weights[7] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i + 1), (float)(j + 1), (float)(k + 1)); // BLI_assert(fabsf(weights_sum(weights) - 1.0f) < 0.0001f); return offset; } BLI_INLINE void grid_to_world(HairGrid *grid, float vecw[3], const float vec[3]) { copy_v3_v3(vecw, vec); mul_v3_fl(vecw, grid->cellsize); add_v3_v3(vecw, grid->gmin); } void SIM_hair_volume_add_vertex(HairGrid *grid, const float x[3], const float v[3]) { const int res[3] = {grid->res[0], grid->res[1], grid->res[2]}; float weights[8]; int di, dj, dk; int offset; if (!hair_grid_point_valid(x, grid->gmin, grid->gmax)) { return; } offset = hair_grid_weights(res, grid->gmin, grid->inv_cellsize, x, weights); for (di = 0; di < 2; di++) { for (dj = 0; dj < 2; dj++) { for (dk = 0; dk < 2; dk++) { int voffset = offset + di + (dj + dk * res[1]) * res[0]; int iw = di + dj * 2 + dk * 4; grid->verts[voffset].density += weights[iw]; madd_v3_v3fl(grid->verts[voffset].velocity, v, weights[iw]); } } } } #if 0 BLI_INLINE void hair_volume_eval_grid_vertex(HairGridVert *vert, const float loc[3], float radius, float dist_scale, const float x2[3], const float v2[3], const float x3[3], const float v3[3]) { float closest[3], lambda, dist, weight; lambda = closest_to_line_v3(closest, loc, x2, x3); dist = len_v3v3(closest, loc); weight = (radius - dist) * dist_scale; if (weight > 0.0f) { float vel[3]; interp_v3_v3v3(vel, v2, v3, lambda); madd_v3_v3fl(vert->velocity, vel, weight); vert->density += weight; vert->samples += 1; } } BLI_INLINE int major_axis_v3(const float v[3]) { const float a = fabsf(v[0]); const float b = fabsf(v[1]); const float c = fabsf(v[2]); return a > b ? (a > c ? 0 : 2) : (b > c ? 1 : 2); } BLI_INLINE void hair_volume_add_segment_2D(HairGrid *grid, const float UNUSED(x1[3]), const float UNUSED(v1[3]), const float x2[3], const float v2[3], const float x3[3], const float v3[3], const float UNUSED(x4[3]), const float UNUSED(v4[3]), const float UNUSED(dir1[3]), const float dir2[3], const float UNUSED(dir3[3]), int resj, int resk, int jmin, int jmax, int kmin, int kmax, HairGridVert *vert, int stride_j, int stride_k, const float loc[3], int axis_j, int axis_k, int debug_i) { const float radius = 1.5f; const float dist_scale = grid->inv_cellsize; int j, k; /* boundary checks to be safe */ CLAMP_MIN(jmin, 0); CLAMP_MAX(jmax, resj - 1); CLAMP_MIN(kmin, 0); CLAMP_MAX(kmax, resk - 1); HairGridVert *vert_j = vert + jmin * stride_j; float loc_j[3] = {loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]}; loc_j[axis_j] += (float)jmin; for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; j++, vert_j += stride_j, loc_j[axis_j] += 1.0f) { HairGridVert *vert_k = vert_j + kmin * stride_k; float loc_k[3] = {loc_j[0], loc_j[1], loc_j[2]}; loc_k[axis_k] += (float)kmin; for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; k++, vert_k += stride_k, loc_k[axis_k] += 1.0f) { hair_volume_eval_grid_vertex(vert_k, loc_k, radius, dist_scale, x2, v2, x3, v3); # if 0 { float wloc[3], x2w[3], x3w[3]; grid_to_world(grid, wloc, loc_k); grid_to_world(grid, x2w, x2); grid_to_world(grid, x3w, x3); if (vert_k->samples > 0) { BKE_sim_debug_data_add_circle(wloc, 0.01f, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3, "grid", 2525, debug_i, j, k); } if (grid->debug_value) { BKE_sim_debug_data_add_dot(wloc, 1, 0, 0, "grid", 93, debug_i, j, k); BKE_sim_debug_data_add_dot(x2w, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7, "grid", 649, debug_i, j, k); BKE_sim_debug_data_add_line(wloc, x2w, 0.3, 0.8, 0.3, "grid", 253, debug_i, j, k); BKE_sim_debug_data_add_line(wloc, x3w, 0.8, 0.3, 0.3, "grid", 254, debug_i, j, k); # if 0 BKE_sim_debug_data_add_circle( x2w, len_v3v3(wloc, x2w), 0.2, 0.7, 0.2, "grid", 255, i, j, k); # endif } } # endif } } } /* Uses a variation of Bresenham's algorithm for rasterizing a 3D grid with a line segment. * * The radius of influence around a segment is assumed to be at most 2*cellsize, * i.e. only cells containing the segment and their direct neighbors are examined. */ void SIM_hair_volume_add_segment(HairGrid *grid, const float x1[3], const float v1[3], const float x2[3], const float v2[3], const float x3[3], const float v3[3], const float x4[3], const float v4[3], const float dir1[3], const float dir2[3], const float dir3[3]) { const int res[3] = {grid->res[0], grid->res[1], grid->res[2]}; /* find the primary direction from the major axis of the direction vector */ const int axis0 = major_axis_v3(dir2); const int axis1 = (axis0 + 1) % 3; const int axis2 = (axis0 + 2) % 3; /* vertex buffer offset factors along cardinal axes */ const int strides[3] = {1, res[0], res[0] * res[1]}; const int stride0 = strides[axis0]; const int stride1 = strides[axis1]; const int stride2 = strides[axis2]; /* increment of secondary directions per step in the primary direction * NOTE: we always go in the positive direction along axis0, so the sign can be inverted */ const float inc1 = dir2[axis1] / dir2[axis0]; const float inc2 = dir2[axis2] / dir2[axis0]; /* start/end points, so increment along axis0 is always positive */ const float *start = x2[axis0] < x3[axis0] ? x2 : x3; const float *end = x2[axis0] < x3[axis0] ? x3 : x2; const float start0 = start[axis0], start1 = start[axis1], start2 = start[axis2]; const float end0 = end[axis0]; /* range along primary direction */ const int imin = max_ii(floor_int(start[axis0]) - 1, 0); const int imax = min_ii(floor_int(end[axis0]) + 2, res[axis0] - 1); float h = 0.0f; HairGridVert *vert0; float loc0[3]; int j0, k0, j0_prev, k0_prev; int i; for (i = imin; i <= imax; i++) { float shift1, shift2; /* fraction of a full cell shift [0.0, 1.0) */ int jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax; h = CLAMPIS((float)i, start0, end0); shift1 = start1 + (h - start0) * inc1; shift2 = start2 + (h - start0) * inc2; j0_prev = j0; j0 = floor_int(shift1); k0_prev = k0; k0 = floor_int(shift2); if (i > imin) { jmin = min_ii(j0, j0_prev); jmax = max_ii(j0, j0_prev); kmin = min_ii(k0, k0_prev); kmax = max_ii(k0, k0_prev); } else { jmin = jmax = j0; kmin = kmax = k0; } vert0 = grid->verts + i * stride0; loc0[axis0] = (float)i; loc0[axis1] = 0.0f; loc0[axis2] = 0.0f; hair_volume_add_segment_2D(grid, x1, v1, x2, v2, x3, v3, x4, v4, dir1, dir2, dir3, res[axis1], res[axis2], jmin - 1, jmax + 2, kmin - 1, kmax + 2, vert0, stride1, stride2, loc0, axis1, axis2, i); } } #else BLI_INLINE void hair_volume_eval_grid_vertex_sample(HairGridVert *vert, const float loc[3], float radius, float dist_scale, const float x[3], const float v[3]) { float dist, weight; dist = len_v3v3(x, loc); weight = (radius - dist) * dist_scale; if (weight > 0.0f) { madd_v3_v3fl(vert->velocity, v, weight); vert->density += weight; vert->samples += 1; } } void SIM_hair_volume_add_segment(HairGrid *grid, const float UNUSED(x1[3]), const float UNUSED(v1[3]), const float x2[3], const float v2[3], const float x3[3], const float v3[3], const float UNUSED(x4[3]), const float UNUSED(v4[3]), const float UNUSED(dir1[3]), const float UNUSED(dir2[3]), const float UNUSED(dir3[3])) { /* XXX simplified test implementation using a series of discrete sample along the segment, * instead of finding the closest point for all affected grid vertices. */ const float radius = 1.5f; const float dist_scale = grid->inv_cellsize; const int res[3] = {grid->res[0], grid->res[1], grid->res[2]}; const int stride[3] = {1, res[0], res[0] * res[1]}; const int num_samples = 10; int s; for (s = 0; s < num_samples; s++) { float x[3], v[3]; int i, j, k; float f = (float)s / (float)(num_samples - 1); interp_v3_v3v3(x, x2, x3, f); interp_v3_v3v3(v, v2, v3, f); int imin = max_ii(floor_int(x[0]) - 2, 0); int imax = min_ii(floor_int(x[0]) + 2, res[0] - 1); int jmin = max_ii(floor_int(x[1]) - 2, 0); int jmax = min_ii(floor_int(x[1]) + 2, res[1] - 1); int kmin = max_ii(floor_int(x[2]) - 2, 0); int kmax = min_ii(floor_int(x[2]) + 2, res[2] - 1); for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; k++) { for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; j++) { for (i = imin; i <= imax; i++) { float loc[3] = {(float)i, (float)j, (float)k}; HairGridVert *vert = grid->verts + i * stride[0] + j * stride[1] + k * stride[2]; hair_volume_eval_grid_vertex_sample(vert, loc, radius, dist_scale, x, v); } } } } } #endif void SIM_hair_volume_normalize_vertex_grid(HairGrid *grid) { int i, size = hair_grid_size(grid->res); /* divide velocity with density */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { float density = grid->verts[i].density; if (density > 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(grid->verts[i].velocity, 1.0f / density); } } } /* Cells with density below this are considered empty. */ static const float density_threshold = 0.001f; /* Contribution of target density pressure to the laplacian in the pressure poisson equation. * This is based on the model found in * "Two-way Coupled SPH and Particle Level Set Fluid Simulation" (Losasso et al., 2008) */ BLI_INLINE float hair_volume_density_divergence(float density, float target_density, float strength) { if (density > density_threshold && density > target_density) { return strength * logf(target_density / density); } return 0.0f; } bool SIM_hair_volume_solve_divergence(HairGrid *grid, float /*dt*/, float target_density, float target_strength) { const float flowfac = grid->cellsize; const float inv_flowfac = 1.0f / grid->cellsize; // const int num_cells = hair_grid_size(grid->res); const int res[3] = {grid->res[0], grid->res[1], grid->res[2]}; const int resA[3] = {grid->res[0] + 2, grid->res[1] + 2, grid->res[2] + 2}; const int stride0 = 1; const int stride1 = grid->res[0]; const int stride2 = grid->res[1] * grid->res[0]; const int strideA0 = 1; const int strideA1 = grid->res[0] + 2; const int strideA2 = (grid->res[1] + 2) * (grid->res[0] + 2); const int num_cells = res[0] * res[1] * res[2]; const int num_cellsA = (res[0] + 2) * (res[1] + 2) * (res[2] + 2); HairGridVert *vert_start = grid->verts - (stride0 + stride1 + stride2); HairGridVert *vert; int i, j, k; #define MARGIN_i0 (i < 1) #define MARGIN_j0 (j < 1) #define MARGIN_k0 (k < 1) #define MARGIN_i1 (i >= resA[0] - 1) #define MARGIN_j1 (j >= resA[1] - 1) #define MARGIN_k1 (k >= resA[2] - 1) #define NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_i0 (i < 2) #define NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_j0 (j < 2) #define NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_k0 (k < 2) #define NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_i1 (i >= resA[0] - 2) #define NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_j1 (j >= resA[1] - 2) #define NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_k1 (k >= resA[2] - 2) BLI_assert(num_cells >= 1); /* Calculate divergence */ lVector B(num_cellsA); for (k = 0; k < resA[2]; k++) { for (j = 0; j < resA[1]; j++) { for (i = 0; i < resA[0]; i++) { int u = i * strideA0 + j * strideA1 + k * strideA2; bool is_margin = MARGIN_i0 || MARGIN_i1 || MARGIN_j0 || MARGIN_j1 || MARGIN_k0 || MARGIN_k1; if (is_margin) { B[u] = 0.0f; continue; } vert = vert_start + i * stride0 + j * stride1 + k * stride2; const float *v0 = vert->velocity; float dx = 0.0f, dy = 0.0f, dz = 0.0f; if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_i0) { dx += v0[0] - (vert - stride0)->velocity[0]; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_i1) { dx += (vert + stride0)->velocity[0] - v0[0]; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_j0) { dy += v0[1] - (vert - stride1)->velocity[1]; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_j1) { dy += (vert + stride1)->velocity[1] - v0[1]; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_k0) { dz += v0[2] - (vert - stride2)->velocity[2]; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_k1) { dz += (vert + stride2)->velocity[2] - v0[2]; } float divergence = -0.5f * flowfac * (dx + dy + dz); /* adjustment term for target density */ float target = hair_volume_density_divergence( vert->density, target_density, target_strength); /* B vector contains the finite difference approximation of the velocity divergence. * NOTE: according to the discretized Navier-Stokes equation the RHS vector * and resulting pressure gradient should be multiplied by the (inverse) density; * however, this is already included in the weighting of hair velocities on the grid! */ B[u] = divergence - target; #if 0 { float wloc[3], loc[3]; float col0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float colp[3] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.0}; float coln[3] = {1.0, 0.0, 1.0}; float col[3]; float fac; loc[0] = (float)(i - 1); loc[1] = (float)(j - 1); loc[2] = (float)(k - 1); grid_to_world(grid, wloc, loc); if (divergence > 0.0f) { fac = CLAMPIS(divergence * target_strength, 0.0, 1.0); interp_v3_v3v3(col, col0, colp, fac); } else { fac = CLAMPIS(-divergence * target_strength, 0.0, 1.0); interp_v3_v3v3(col, col0, coln, fac); } if (fac > 0.05f) { BKE_sim_debug_data_add_circle( grid->debug_data, wloc, 0.01f, col[0], col[1], col[2], "grid", 5522, i, j, k); } } #endif } } } /* Main Poisson equation system: * This is derived from the discretization of the Poisson equation: * `div(grad(p)) = div(v)` * * The finite difference approximation yields the linear equation system described here: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Poisson_equation */ lMatrix A(num_cellsA, num_cellsA); /* Reserve space for the base equation system (without boundary conditions). * Each column contains a factor 6 on the diagonal * and up to 6 factors -1 on other places. */ A.reserve(Eigen::VectorXi::Constant(num_cellsA, 7)); for (k = 0; k < resA[2]; k++) { for (j = 0; j < resA[1]; j++) { for (i = 0; i < resA[0]; i++) { int u = i * strideA0 + j * strideA1 + k * strideA2; bool is_margin = MARGIN_i0 || MARGIN_i1 || MARGIN_j0 || MARGIN_j1 || MARGIN_k0 || MARGIN_k1; vert = vert_start + i * stride0 + j * stride1 + k * stride2; if (!is_margin && vert->density > density_threshold) { int neighbors_lo = 0; int neighbors_hi = 0; int non_solid_neighbors = 0; int neighbor_lo_index[3]; int neighbor_hi_index[3]; int n; /* check for upper bounds in advance * to get the correct number of neighbors, * needed for the diagonal element */ if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_k0 && (vert - stride2)->density > density_threshold) { neighbor_lo_index[neighbors_lo++] = u - strideA2; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_j0 && (vert - stride1)->density > density_threshold) { neighbor_lo_index[neighbors_lo++] = u - strideA1; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_i0 && (vert - stride0)->density > density_threshold) { neighbor_lo_index[neighbors_lo++] = u - strideA0; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_i1 && (vert + stride0)->density > density_threshold) { neighbor_hi_index[neighbors_hi++] = u + strideA0; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_j1 && (vert + stride1)->density > density_threshold) { neighbor_hi_index[neighbors_hi++] = u + strideA1; } if (!NEIGHBOR_MARGIN_k1 && (vert + stride2)->density > density_threshold) { neighbor_hi_index[neighbors_hi++] = u + strideA2; } // int liquid_neighbors = neighbors_lo + neighbors_hi; non_solid_neighbors = 6; for (n = 0; n < neighbors_lo; n++) { A.insert(neighbor_lo_index[n], u) = -1.0f; } A.insert(u, u) = (float)non_solid_neighbors; for (n = 0; n < neighbors_hi; n++) { A.insert(neighbor_hi_index[n], u) = -1.0f; } } else { A.insert(u, u) = 1.0f; } } } } ConjugateGradient cg; cg.setMaxIterations(100); cg.setTolerance(0.01f); cg.compute(A); lVector p = cg.solve(B); if (cg.info() == Eigen::Success) { /* Calculate velocity = grad(p) */ for (k = 0; k < resA[2]; k++) { for (j = 0; j < resA[1]; j++) { for (i = 0; i < resA[0]; i++) { int u = i * strideA0 + j * strideA1 + k * strideA2; bool is_margin = MARGIN_i0 || MARGIN_i1 || MARGIN_j0 || MARGIN_j1 || MARGIN_k0 || MARGIN_k1; if (is_margin) { continue; } vert = vert_start + i * stride0 + j * stride1 + k * stride2; if (vert->density > density_threshold) { float p_left = p[u - strideA0]; float p_right = p[u + strideA0]; float p_down = p[u - strideA1]; float p_up = p[u + strideA1]; float p_bottom = p[u - strideA2]; float p_top = p[u + strideA2]; /* finite difference estimate of pressure gradient */ float dvel[3]; dvel[0] = p_right - p_left; dvel[1] = p_up - p_down; dvel[2] = p_top - p_bottom; mul_v3_fl(dvel, -0.5f * inv_flowfac); /* pressure gradient describes velocity delta */ add_v3_v3v3(vert->velocity_smooth, vert->velocity, dvel); } else { zero_v3(vert->velocity_smooth); } } } } #if 0 { int axis = 0; float offset = 0.0f; int slice = (offset - grid->gmin[axis]) / grid->cellsize; for (k = 0; k < resA[2]; k++) { for (j = 0; j < resA[1]; j++) { for (i = 0; i < resA[0]; i++) { int u = i * strideA0 + j * strideA1 + k * strideA2; bool is_margin = MARGIN_i0 || MARGIN_i1 || MARGIN_j0 || MARGIN_j1 || MARGIN_k0 || MARGIN_k1; if (i != slice) { continue; } vert = vert_start + i * stride0 + j * stride1 + k * stride2; float wloc[3], loc[3]; float col0[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; float colp[3] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.0}; float coln[3] = {1.0, 0.0, 1.0}; float col[3]; float fac; loc[0] = (float)(i - 1); loc[1] = (float)(j - 1); loc[2] = (float)(k - 1); grid_to_world(grid, wloc, loc); float pressure = p[u]; if (pressure > 0.0f) { fac = CLAMPIS(pressure * grid->debug1, 0.0, 1.0); interp_v3_v3v3(col, col0, colp, fac); } else { fac = CLAMPIS(-pressure * grid->debug1, 0.0, 1.0); interp_v3_v3v3(col, col0, coln, fac); } if (fac > 0.05f) { BKE_sim_debug_data_add_circle( grid->debug_data, wloc, 0.01f, col[0], col[1], col[2], "grid", 5533, i, j, k); } if (!is_margin) { float dvel[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(dvel, vert->velocity_smooth, vert->velocity); # if 0 BKE_sim_debug_data_add_vector( grid->debug_data, wloc, dvel, 1, 1, 1, "grid", 5566, i, j, k); # endif } if (!is_margin) { float d = CLAMPIS(vert->density * grid->debug2, 0.0f, 1.0f); float col0[3] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3}; float colp[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; float col[3]; interp_v3_v3v3(col, col0, colp, d); # if 0 if (d > 0.05f) { BKE_sim_debug_data_add_dot( grid->debug_data, wloc, col[0], col[1], col[2], "grid", 5544, i, j, k); } # endif } } } } } #endif return true; } /* Clear result in case of error */ for (i = 0, vert = grid->verts; i < num_cells; i++, vert++) { zero_v3(vert->velocity_smooth); } return false; } #if 0 /* XXX weighting is incorrect, disabled for now */ /* Velocity filter kernel * See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filter_%28large_eddy_simulation%29 */ BLI_INLINE void hair_volume_filter_box_convolute( HairVertexGrid *grid, float invD, const int kernel_size[3], int i, int j, int k) { int res = grid->res; int p, q, r; int minp = max_ii(i - kernel_size[0], 0), maxp = min_ii(i + kernel_size[0], res - 1); int minq = max_ii(j - kernel_size[1], 0), maxq = min_ii(j + kernel_size[1], res - 1); int minr = max_ii(k - kernel_size[2], 0), maxr = min_ii(k + kernel_size[2], res - 1); int offset, kernel_offset, kernel_dq, kernel_dr; HairGridVert *verts; float *vel_smooth; offset = i + (j + k * res) * res; verts = grid->verts; vel_smooth = verts[offset].velocity_smooth; kernel_offset = minp + (minq + minr * res) * res; kernel_dq = res; kernel_dr = res * res; for (r = minr; r <= maxr; r++) { for (q = minq; q <= maxq; q++) { for (p = minp; p <= maxp; p++) { madd_v3_v3fl(vel_smooth, verts[kernel_offset].velocity, invD); kernel_offset += 1; } kernel_offset += kernel_dq; } kernel_offset += kernel_dr; } } void SIM_hair_volume_vertex_grid_filter_box(HairVertexGrid *grid, int kernel_size) { int size = hair_grid_size(grid->res); int kernel_sizev[3] = {kernel_size, kernel_size, kernel_size}; int tot; float invD; int i, j, k; if (kernel_size <= 0) { return; } tot = kernel_size * 2 + 1; invD = 1.0f / (float)(tot * tot * tot); /* clear values for convolution */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { zero_v3(grid->verts[i].velocity_smooth); } for (i = 0; i < grid->res; i++) { for (j = 0; j < grid->res; j++) { for (k = 0; k < grid->res; k++) { hair_volume_filter_box_convolute(grid, invD, kernel_sizev, i, j, k); } } } /* apply as new velocity */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { copy_v3_v3(grid->verts[i].velocity, grid->verts[i].velocity_smooth); } } #endif HairGrid *SIM_hair_volume_create_vertex_grid(float cellsize, const float gmin[3], const float gmax[3]) { float scale; float extent[3]; int resmin[3], resmax[3], res[3]; float gmin_margin[3], gmax_margin[3]; int size; HairGrid *grid; int i; /* sanity check */ if (cellsize <= 0.0f) { cellsize = 1.0f; } scale = 1.0f / cellsize; sub_v3_v3v3(extent, gmax, gmin); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { resmin[i] = floor_int(gmin[i] * scale); resmax[i] = floor_int(gmax[i] * scale) + 1; /* add margin of 1 cell */ resmin[i] -= 1; resmax[i] += 1; res[i] = resmax[i] - resmin[i] + 1; /* sanity check: avoid null-sized grid */ if (res[i] < 4) { res[i] = 4; resmax[i] = resmin[i] + 4; } /* sanity check: avoid too large grid size */ if (res[i] > MAX_HAIR_GRID_RES) { res[i] = MAX_HAIR_GRID_RES; resmax[i] = resmin[i] + MAX_HAIR_GRID_RES; } gmin_margin[i] = (float)resmin[i] * cellsize; gmax_margin[i] = (float)resmax[i] * cellsize; } size = hair_grid_size(res); grid = MEM_cnew("hair grid"); grid->res[0] = res[0]; grid->res[1] = res[1]; grid->res[2] = res[2]; copy_v3_v3(grid->gmin, gmin_margin); copy_v3_v3(grid->gmax, gmax_margin); grid->cellsize = cellsize; grid->inv_cellsize = scale; grid->verts = (HairGridVert *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(HairGridVert) * size, "hair voxel data"); return grid; } void SIM_hair_volume_free_vertex_grid(HairGrid *grid) { if (grid) { if (grid->verts) { MEM_freeN(grid->verts); } MEM_freeN(grid); } } void SIM_hair_volume_grid_geometry( HairGrid *grid, float *cellsize, int res[3], float gmin[3], float gmax[3]) { if (cellsize) { *cellsize = grid->cellsize; } if (res) { copy_v3_v3_int(res, grid->res); } if (gmin) { copy_v3_v3(gmin, grid->gmin); } if (gmax) { copy_v3_v3(gmax, grid->gmax); } } #if 0 static HairGridVert *hair_volume_create_collision_grid(ClothModifierData *clmd, lfVector *lX, unsigned int numverts) { int res = hair_grid_res; int size = hair_grid_size(res); HairGridVert *collgrid; ListBase *colliders; ColliderCache *col = NULL; float gmin[3], gmax[3], scale[3]; /* 2.0f is an experimental value that seems to give good results */ float collfac = 2.0f * clmd->sim_parms->collider_friction; unsigned int v = 0; int i = 0; hair_volume_get_boundbox(lX, numverts, gmin, gmax); hair_grid_get_scale(res, gmin, gmax, scale); collgrid = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(HairGridVert) * size, "hair collider voxel data"); /* initialize grid */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { zero_v3(collgrid[i].velocity); collgrid[i].density = 0.0f; } /* gather colliders */ colliders = BKE_collider_cache_create(depsgraph, NULL, NULL); if (colliders && collfac > 0.0f) { for (col = colliders->first; col; col = col->next) { MVert *loc0 = col->collmd->x; MVert *loc1 = col->collmd->xnew; float vel[3]; float weights[8]; int di, dj, dk; for (v = 0; v < col->collmd->numverts; v++, loc0++, loc1++) { int offset; if (!hair_grid_point_valid(loc1->co, gmin, gmax)) { continue; } offset = hair_grid_weights(res, gmin, scale, lX[v], weights); sub_v3_v3v3(vel, loc1->co, loc0->co); for (di = 0; di < 2; di++) { for (dj = 0; dj < 2; dj++) { for (dk = 0; dk < 2; dk++) { int voffset = offset + di + (dj + dk * res) * res; int iw = di + dj * 2 + dk * 4; collgrid[voffset].density += weights[iw]; madd_v3_v3fl(collgrid[voffset].velocity, vel, weights[iw]); } } } } } } BKE_collider_cache_free(&colliders); /* divide velocity with density */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { float density = collgrid[i].density; if (density > 0.0f) { mul_v3_fl(collgrid[i].velocity, 1.0f / density); } } return collgrid; } #endif