/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef snprintf #define snprintf _snprintf #endif #endif #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_brush_types.h" #include "DNA_camera_types.h" #include "DNA_color_types.h" #include "DNA_constraint_types.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_effect_types.h" #include "DNA_group_types.h" #include "DNA_key_types.h" #include "DNA_lamp_types.h" #include "DNA_lattice_types.h" #include "DNA_material_types.h" #include "DNA_meta_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_nla_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_object_force.h" #include "DNA_radio_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_texture_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_vfont_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "DNA_world_types.h" #include "DNA_packedFile_types.h" #include "BKE_blender.h" #include "BKE_brush.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_colortools.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_packedFile.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_vfontdata.h" #include "BLI_editVert.h" #include "BLI_dynstr.h" #include "BSE_filesel.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_editarmature.h" #include "BIF_editconstraint.h" #include "BIF_editdeform.h" #include "BIF_editfont.h" #include "BIF_editkey.h" #include "BIF_editmesh.h" #include "BIF_interface.h" #include "BIF_meshtools.h" #include "BIF_mywindow.h" #include "BIF_poseobject.h" #include "BIF_renderwin.h" #include "BIF_resources.h" #include "BIF_retopo.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_scrarea.h" #include "BIF_space.h" #include "BIF_toets.h" #include "BIF_toolbox.h" #include "BIF_previewrender.h" #include "BIF_butspace.h" #ifdef WITH_VERSE #include "BIF_verse.h" #endif #include "mydevice.h" #include "blendef.h" #include "BKE_action.h" #include "BKE_anim.h" #include "BKE_armature.h" #include "BKE_constraint.h" #include "BKE_curve.h" #include "BKE_displist.h" #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h" #include "BKE_effect.h" #include "BKE_font.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_ipo.h" #include "BKE_lattice.h" #include "BKE_material.h" #include "BKE_mball.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_texture.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BDR_drawobject.h" #include "BDR_editcurve.h" #include "BDR_editface.h" #include "BDR_editobject.h" #include "BDR_sculptmode.h" #include "BDR_vpaint.h" #include "BDR_unwrapper.h" #include "BSE_drawview.h" #include "BSE_editipo.h" #include "BSE_edit.h" #include "BSE_filesel.h" #include "BSE_headerbuttons.h" #include "BSE_trans_types.h" #include "BSE_view.h" #include "BSE_seqaudio.h" #include "RE_render_ext.h" // make_sticky #include "butspace.h" // own module #include "multires.h" static float editbutweight= 1.0; float editbutvweight= 1; static int actmcol= 0, acttface= 0; extern ListBase editNurb; /* *************************** Unicode Character Groups ****************** */ unicodect uctabname[125] = { {"All", "All", 0x0000, 0xffff}, {"Basic Latin", "Basic Latin", 0x0000, 0x007f}, {"Latin 1 Supp", "Latin-1 Supplement", 0x0080, 0x00ff}, {"Latin Ext. A.", "Latin Extended-A", 0x0100, 0x017F}, {"Latin Ext. B.", "Latin Extended-B", 0x0180,0x024F}, {"Latin Ext. Add.", "Latin Extended Additional", 0x1e00, 0x1eff}, {"IPA Ext", "IPA Extensions", 0x0250, 0x02AF}, {"Spacing Mod.", "Spacing Modifier Letters", 0x02b0, 0x02ff}, {"Comb. Dia.", "Combining Diacritical Marks", 0x0300, 0x036F}, {"Greek, Coptic", "Greek and Coptic", 0x0370, 0x03ff}, {"Greek Ext.", "Greek Extended", 0x1f00, 0x1fff}, {"Cyrillic", "Cyrillic", 0x0400, 0x04ff}, {"Cyrillic Supp.", "Cyrillic Supplementary", 0x0500, 0x052f}, {"Armenian", "Armenian", 0x0530, 0x058f}, {"Hebrew", "Hebrew", 0x0590, 0x05ff}, {"Arabic", "Arabic", 0x0600, 0x06ff}, {"Syriac", "Syriac", 0x0700, 0x074f}, {"Thaana", "Thaana", 0x0780, 0x07bf}, {"Devanagari", "Devanagari", 0x0900, 0x097f}, {"Bengali", "Bengali", 0x0980, 0x09ff}, {"Gurmukhi", "Gurmukhi", 0x0a00, 0x0a7f}, {"Gujarati", "Gujarati", 0x0a80, 0x0aff}, {"Oriya", "Oriya", 0x0b00, 0x0b7f}, {"Tamil", "Tamil", 0x0b80, 0x0bff}, {"Tegulu", "Tegulu", 0x0c00, 0x0c7f}, {"Kannada", "Kannada", 0x0c80, 0x0cff}, {"Malayalam", "Malayalam", 0x0d00, 0x0d7f}, {"Sinhala", "Sinhala", 0x0d80, 0x0dff}, {"Thai", "Thai", 0x0e00, 0x0e7f}, {"Lao", "Lao", 0x0e80, 0x0eff}, {"Tibetan", "Tibetan", 0x0f00, 0x0fff}, {"Myanmar", "Myanmar", 0x1000, 0x109f}, {"Georgian", "Georgian", 0x10a0, 0x10ff}, {"Ethiopic", "Ethiopic", 0x1200, 0x137f}, {"Cherokee", "Cherokee", 0x13a0, 0x13ff}, {"Unif. Canadian", "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics", 0x1400, 0x167f}, {"Ogham", "Ogham", 0x1680, 0x169f}, {"Runic", "Runic", 0x16a0, 0x16ff}, {"Tagalog", "Tagalog", 0x1700, 0x171f}, {"Hanunoo", "Hanunoo", 0x1720, 0x173f}, {"Buhid", "Buhid", 0x1740, 0x175f}, {"Tagbanwa", "Tagbanwa", 0x1760, 0x177f}, {"Khmer", "Khmer", 0x1780, 0x17ff}, {"Khmer Symb", "Khmer Symbols", 0x19e0, 0x19ff}, {"Mongolian", "Mongolian", 0x1800, 0x18af}, {"Limbu", "Limbu", 0x1900, 0x194f}, {"Tai Le", "Tai Le", 0x1950, 0x197f}, {"Phon. Ext.", "Phonetic Extensions", 0x1d00, 0x1d7f}, {"Gen. Punct.", "General Punctutation", 0x2000, 0x206f}, {"Super, Sub", "Superscripts and Subscripts", 0x2070, 0x209f}, {"Curr. Symb.", "Currency Symbols", 0x20a0, 0x20cf}, {"Comb. Diacrit.", "Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols", 0x20d0, 0x20ff}, {"Letter Symb", "Letterlike Symbols", 0x2100, 0x214f}, {"Numb. Forms", "Number Forms", 0x2150, 0x218f}, {"Arrows", "Arrows", 0x2190, 0x21ff}, {"Math Oper.", "Mathematical Operators", 0x2200, 0x22ff}, {"Misc. Tech.", "Miscellaneous Technical", 0x2300, 0x23ff}, {"Ctrl. Pict.", "Control Pictures", 0x2400, 0x243f}, {"OCR", "Optical Character Recognition", 0x2440, 0x245f}, {"Enc. Alpha", "Enclosed Alphanumerics", 0x2460, 0x24ff}, {"Bow Drawing", "Box Drawing", 0x2500, 0x257f}, {"BLock Elem.", "Block Elements", 0x2580, 0x259f}, {"Geom. Shapes", "Geometric Shapes", 0x25a0, 0x25ff}, {"Misc. Symb.", "Miscellaneous Symbols", 0x2600, 0x26ff}, {"Dingbats", "Dingbats", 0x2700, 0x27bf}, {"Misc. Math A", "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A", 0x27c0, 0x27ef}, {"Supp. Arrows-A", "Supplemental Arrows-A", 0x27f0, 0x27ff}, {"Braille Pat.", "Braille Patterns", 0x2800, 0x28ff}, {"Supp. Arrows-B", "Supplemental Arrows-B", 0x2900, 0x297f}, {"Misc. Math B", "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B", 0x2980, 0x29ff}, {"Supp. Math Op.", "Supplemental Mathematical Operators", 0x2a00, 0x2aff}, {"Misc. Symb.", "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows", 0x2b00, 0x2bff}, {"Kangxi Rad.", "Kangxi Radicals", 0x2f00, 0x2fdf}, {"Ideographic", "Ideographic Description Characters", 0x2ff0, 0x2fff}, {"Hiragana", "Hiragana", 0x3040, 0x309f}, {"Katakana", "Katakana", 0x30a0, 0x30ff}, {"Katakana Ext.", "Katakana Phonetic Extensions", 0x31f0, 0x31ff}, {"Bopomofo", "Bopomofo", 0x3100, 0x312f}, {"Bopomofo Ext.", "Bopomofo Extended", 0x31a0, 0x31bf}, {"Hangul", "Hangul Jamo", 0x1100, 0x11ff}, {"Hangul Comp.", "Hangul Compatibility Jamo", 0x3130, 0x318f}, {"Hangul Syll.", "Hangul Syllables", 0xac00, 0xd7af}, {"Kanbun", "Kanbun", 0x3190, 0x319f}, {"Yijing Hex.", "Yijing Hexagram Symbols", 0x4dc0, 0x4dff}, {"Yi Syllables", "Yi Syllables", 0xa000, 0xa48f}, {"Yi Radicals", "Yi Radicals", 0xa490, 0xa4cf}, {"High Surr.", "High Surrogate Area", 0xd800, 0xdbff}, {"Low Surr.", "Low Surrogates", 0xdc00, 0xdfff}, {"Priv. Use Area", "Private Use Area", 0xe000, 0xf8ff}, {"CJK Rad. Supp.", "CJK Radicals Supplement", 0x2e80, 0x2eff}, {"CJK Ideographs", "CJK Unified Ideographs", 0x4e00, 0x9faf}, {"CJK Ideog. Ext. A", "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A", 0x3400, 0x4dbf}, {"CJK Ideog. Ext. B", "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B", 0x20000, 0x2a6df}, {"CJK Symbols.", "CJK Symbols and Punctuation", 0x3000, 0x303f}, {"Enclosed CJK", "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months", 0x3200, 0x32ff}, {"CJK Comp.", "CJK Compatibility", 0x3300, 0x33ff}, {"CJK Comp. Ideog.", "CJK Compatibility Ideographs", 0xf900, 0xfaff}, {"CJK Comp. Forms", "CJK Compatibility Forms", 0xfe30, 0xfe4f}, {"CJK Comp. Supp.", "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement", 0x2f800, 0x2fa1f}, {"Alpha. Pres. Forms", "Alphabetic Presentation Forms", 0xfb00, 0xfb4f}, {"Arabic Pres. A", "Arabic Presentation Forms-A", 0xfb50, 0xfdff}, {"Arabic Pres. B", "Arabic Presentation Forms-B", 0xfe70, 0xfeff}, {"Var. Sel.", "Variation Selectors", 0xfe00, 0xfe0f}, {"Comb. Half", "Combining Half Marks", 0xfe20, 0xfe2f}, {"Sml. From Var.", "Small Form Variants", 0xfe50, 0xfe6f}, {"Half, Full Forms", "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms", 0xff00, 0xffef}, {"Specials", "Specials", 0xfff0, 0xffff}, {"Lin. B Syllab.", "Linear B Syllabary", 0x10000, 0x1007f}, {"Lin. B Idog.", "Linear B Ideograms", 0x10080, 0x100ff}, {"Aegean Num.", "Aegean Numbers", 0x10100, 0x1013f}, {"Old Italic", "Old Italic", 0x10300, 0x1032f}, {"Gothic", "Gothic", 0x10330, 0x1034f}, {"Ugaritic", "Ugaritic", 0x10380, 0x1039f}, {"Deseret", "Deseret", 0x10400, 0x1044f}, {"Shavian", "Shavian", 0x10450, 0x1047f}, {"Osmanya", "Osmanya", 0x10480, 0x104af}, {"Cypriot Syll", "Cypriot Syllabary", 0x10800, 0x1083f}, {"Bysantine Mus.", "Bysantine Musical Symbols", 0x1d000, 0x1d0ff}, {"Music Symb.", "Musical Symbols", 0x1d100, 0x1d1ff}, {"Tai Xuan Symb", "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols", 0x1d300, 0x1d35f}, {"Math. Alpha Symb.", "Mathematical Alpanumeric Symbols", 0x1d400, 0x1d7ff}, {"Tags", "Tags", 0xe0000, 0xe007f}, {"Var. Supp", "Variation Selectors Supplement", 0xe0100, 0xe01ef}, {"Supp. Priv. A", "Supplementary Private Use Area-A", 0xf0000, 0xffffd}, {"Supp. Priv. B", "Supplementary Private Use Area-B", 0x100000, 0x10fffd} }; /* *************************** static functions prototypes ****************** */ VFont *exist_vfont(char *str); /* *************** */ void do_common_editbuts(unsigned short event) // old name, is a mix of object and editing events.... { EditMesh *em = G.editMesh; EditFace *efa; Base *base; Object *ob= OBACT; Nurb *nu; Curve *cu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; unsigned int local; int a, bit, index= -1; switch(event) { case B_MATWICH: if(G.obedit && G.obedit->actcol>0) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) { efa= em->faces.first; while(efa) { if(efa->f & SELECT) { if(index== -1) index= efa->mat_nr; else if(index!=efa->mat_nr) { error("Mixed colors"); return; } } efa= efa->next; } } else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( isNurbsel(nu) ) { if(index== -1) index= nu->mat_nr; else if(index!=nu->mat_nr) { error("Mixed colors"); return; } } nu= nu->next; } } if(index>=0) { G.obedit->actcol= index+1; scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } } break; case B_MATNEW: new_material_to_objectdata(ob); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); BIF_undo_push("New material"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D_Z, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); break; case B_MATDEL: delete_material_index(); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); BIF_undo_push("Delete material index"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D_Z, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); break; case B_MATASS: if(G.obedit && G.obedit->actcol>0) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) { efa= em->faces.first; while(efa) { if(efa->f & SELECT) efa->mat_nr= G.obedit->actcol-1; efa= efa->next; } } else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( isNurbsel(nu) ) nu->mat_nr= nu->charidx= G.obedit->actcol-1; nu= nu->next; } } else if (G.obedit->type == OB_FONT) { if (mat_to_sel()) { allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D_Z, 0); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); shade_buttons_change_3d(); BIF_undo_push("Assign material index"); } break; case B_MATSEL: case B_MATDESEL: if(G.obedit) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) { if (event==B_MATSEL) { editmesh_select_by_material(G.obedit->actcol-1); } else { editmesh_deselect_by_material(G.obedit->actcol-1); } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(nu->mat_nr==G.obedit->actcol-1) { if(nu->bezt) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if(event==B_MATSEL) { bezt->f1 |= 1; bezt->f2 |= 1; bezt->f3 |= 1; } else { bezt->f1 &= ~1; bezt->f2 &= ~1; bezt->f3 &= ~1; } } bezt++; } } else if(nu->bp) { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(event==B_MATSEL) bp->f1 |= 1; else bp->f1 &= ~1; } bp++; } } } nu= nu->next; } BIF_undo_push("Select material index"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } countall(); break; case B_HIDE: if(G.obedit) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) hide_mesh(0); else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) hideNurb(0); } break; case B_REVEAL: if(G.obedit) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) reveal_mesh(); else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) revealNurb(); } else if(G.f & G_FACESELECT) reveal_tface(); break; case B_SELSWAP: if(G.obedit) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) selectswap_mesh(); else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) selectswapNurb(); } break; case B_AUTOTEX: if(ob && G.obedit==0) { if(ELEM3(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF, OB_FONT)) tex_space_curve(ob->data); } break; case B_DOCENTRE: docentre(0); break; case B_DOCENTRENEW: docentre_new(); break; case B_DOCENTRECURSOR: docentre_cursor(); break; case B_SETSMOOTH: case B_SETSOLID: if(G.obedit) { if(G.obedit->type == OB_MESH) { mesh_set_smooth_faces((event==B_SETSMOOTH)); } else { nurb_set_smooth((event==B_SETSMOOTH)); } } else if(G.vd) { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(TESTBASELIB(base)) { if(base->object->type==OB_MESH) { mesh_set_smooth_flag(base->object, (event==B_SETSMOOTH)); } else if ELEM(base->object->type, OB_SURF, OB_CURVE) { cu= base->object->data; nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { if(event==B_SETSMOOTH) nu->flag |= ME_SMOOTH; else nu->flag &= ~ME_SMOOTH; nu= nu->next; } makeDispListCurveTypes(base->object, 0); } } base= base->next; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); if(event == B_SETSMOOTH) BIF_undo_push("Set Smooth"); else BIF_undo_push("Set Solid"); } break; case B_CHANGEDEP: DAG_scene_sort(G.scene); // makes new dag if(ob) ob->recalc |= OB_RECALC; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_ADDKEY: insert_shapekey(ob); set_sculpt_object(ob); break; case B_SETKEY: ob->shapeflag |= OB_SHAPE_TEMPLOCK; set_sculpt_object(ob); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_LOCKKEY: ob->shapeflag &= ~OB_SHAPE_TEMPLOCK; set_sculpt_object(ob); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_NEXTKEY: { Key *key= ob_get_key(ob); if(ob->shapenr == BLI_countlist(&key->block)) ob->shapenr= 1; else ob->shapenr++; set_sculpt_object(ob); do_common_editbuts(B_SETKEY); break; } case B_PREVKEY: { Key *key= ob_get_key(ob); if(ob->shapenr <= 1) ob->shapenr= BLI_countlist(&key->block); else ob->shapenr--; set_sculpt_object(ob); do_common_editbuts(B_SETKEY); break; } case B_NAMEKEY: allspace(REMAKEIPO, 0); allqueue (REDRAWIPO, 0); break; case B_DELKEY: set_sculpt_object(NULL); delete_key(OBACT); set_sculpt_object(ob); allqueue(REDRAWACTION, 0); break; default: if (G.vd==NULL) break; if(event>=B_OBLAY && event<=B_OBLAY+31) { local= BASACT->lay & 0xFF000000; BASACT->lay -= local; if(BASACT->lay==0 || (G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY)==0) { bit= event-B_OBLAY; BASACT->lay= 1<lay += local; /* optimal redraw */ if( (ob->lay & G.vd->lay) && (BASACT->lay & G.vd->lay) ); else if( (ob->lay & G.vd->lay)==0 && (BASACT->lay & G.vd->lay)==0 ); else { allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); DAG_scene_sort(G.scene); } ob->lay= BASACT->lay; } } } /* *************************** MESH ******************************** */ static void verify_customdata_name_func(void *data1, void *data2) { CustomData *data= (CustomData*)data1; CustomDataLayer *layer= (CustomDataLayer*)data2; CustomData_set_layer_unique_name(data, layer - data->layers); } static void delete_customdata_layer(void *data1, void *data2) { Mesh *me= (Mesh*)data1; CustomData *data= (G.obedit)? &G.editMesh->fdata: &me->fdata; CustomDataLayer *layer= (CustomDataLayer*)data2; int type= layer->type; int index= CustomData_get_layer_index(data, type); CustomData_set_layer_active(data, type, layer - &data->layers[index]); if(G.obedit) { EM_free_data_layer(data, type); } else if(me) { CustomData_free_layer_active(data, type, me->totface); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); } if(!CustomData_has_layer(data, type)) { if(type == CD_MCOL && (G.f & G_VERTEXPAINT)) G.f &= ~G_VERTEXPAINT; /* get out of vertexpaint mode */ if(type == CD_MTFACE && (G.f & G_FACESELECT)) set_faceselect(); /* get out of faceselect mode */ } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); if(type == CD_MTFACE) BIF_undo_push("Delete UV Texture"); else if(type == CD_MCOL) BIF_undo_push("Delete Vertex Color"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } static int customdata_buttons(uiBlock *block, Mesh *me, CustomData *data, int type, int *activep, int setevt, int newevt, char *label, char *shortlabel, char *browsetip, char *newtip, char *deltip, int x, int y) { CustomDataLayer *layer; uiBut *but; int i, count= CustomData_number_of_layers(data, type); if(count >= MAX_MTFACE) { uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, label, x,y,220,19, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, ""); } else { uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, label, x,y,140,19, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, newevt, "New", x+140,y,80,19, 0,0,0,0,0, newtip); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } y -= (count)? 24: 19; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); for (count=1, i=0; itotlayer; i++) { layer= &data->layers[i]; if(layer->type == type) { *activep= layer->active + 1; uiDefButI(block, ROW, setevt, "", x,y,25,19, activep, 1.0, count, 0, 0, "Set active UV texture layer"); but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, setevt, "", x+25,y,170,19, layer->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "UV texture layer name"); uiButSetFunc(but, verify_customdata_name_func, data, layer); but= uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, VICON_X, x+195,y,25,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Delete UV texture layer"); uiButSetFunc(but, delete_customdata_layer, me, layer); count++; y -= 19; } } uiBlockEndAlign(block); return y; } static void editing_panel_mesh_type(Object *ob, Mesh *me) { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; float val; CustomData *fdata; int yco; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if( uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Mesh", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ME_AUTOSMOOTH, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Auto Smooth",10,180,170,19, &me->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Treats all set-smoothed faces with angles less than Degr: as 'smooth' during render"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Degr:", 10,160,170,19, &me->smoothresh, 1, 80, 0, 0, "Defines maximum angle between face normals that 'Auto Smooth' will operate on"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* Retopo */ if(G.obedit) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but= uiDefButBitC(block,TOG,1,B_NOP, "Retopo", 10,130,170,19, &G.editMesh->retopo_mode, 0,0,0,0, "Turn on the re-topology tool"); uiButSetFunc(but,retopo_toggle,ob,me); if(G.editMesh->retopo_mode) { but= uiDefButBitC(block,TOG,2,B_NOP,"Paint", 10,110,55,19, &G.editMesh->retopo_mode,0,0,0,0, ""); uiButSetFunc(but,retopo_paint_toggle,ob,me); but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Retopo All", 65,110,115,19, 0,0,0,0,0, "Apply the re-topology tool to all selected vertices"); uiButSetFunc(but,retopo_do_all,ob,me); } uiBlockEndAlign(block); } uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DOCENTRE, "Centre", 10, 80, 65, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Shifts object data to be centered about object's origin"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DOCENTRENEW, "Centre New", 75, 80, 105, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Shifts object's origin to center of object data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DOCENTRECURSOR, "Centre Cursor", 10, 60, 170, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Shifts object's origin to cursor location"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ME_TWOSIDED, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Double Sided", 10,30,170,19, &me->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Render/display the mesh as double or single sided"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ME_NOPUNOFLIP, REDRAWVIEW3D, "No V.Normal Flip", 10,10,170,19, &me->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Disables flipping of vertexnormals during render"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_meshpoin_but, ID_ME, B_REDR, "TexMesh: ", 190,180,220,19, &me->texcomesh, "Derive texture coordinates from another mesh."); if(me->msticky) val= 1.0; else val= 0.0; uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Sticky", 190,155,140,19, 0, val, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if(me->msticky==NULL) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MAKESTICKY, "Make", 330,155, 80,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Creates Sticky coordinates from the current camera view background picture"); } else uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_DELSTICKY, "Delete", 330,155, 80,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Deletes Sticky texture coordinates"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); fdata= (G.obedit)? &G.editMesh->fdata: &me->fdata; yco= customdata_buttons(block, me, fdata, CD_MTFACE, &acttface, B_SETTFACE, B_NEWTFACE, "UV Texture", "UV Texture:", "Set active UV texture", "Creates a new UV texture layer", "Removes the current UV texture layer", 190, 130); yco= customdata_buttons(block, me, fdata, CD_MCOL, &actmcol, B_SETMCOL, B_NEWMCOL, "Vertex Color", "Vertex Color:", "Sets active vertex color layer", "Creates a new vertex color layer", "Removes the current vertex color layer", 190, yco-5); if(yco < 0) uiNewPanelHeight(block, 204 - yco); } /* *************************** MODIFIERS ******************************** */ void do_modifier_panels(unsigned short event) { Object *ob = OBACT; switch(event) { case B_MODIFIER_REDRAW: allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); break; case B_MODIFIER_RECALC: ob->softflag |= OB_SB_RESET; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); countall(); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); break; } } static void modifiers_add(void *ob_v, int type) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(type); if (mti->flags&eModifierTypeFlag_RequiresOriginalData) { ModifierData *md = ob->modifiers.first; while (md && modifierType_getInfo(md->type)->type==eModifierTypeType_OnlyDeform) { md = md->next; } BLI_insertlinkbefore(&ob->modifiers, md, modifier_new(type)); } else { BLI_addtail(&ob->modifiers, modifier_new(type)); } BIF_undo_push("Add modifier"); } typedef struct MenuEntry { char *name; int ID; } MenuEntry; static int menuEntry_compare_names(const void *entry1, const void *entry2) { return strcmp(((MenuEntry *)entry1)->name, ((MenuEntry *)entry2)->name); } static uiBlock *modifiers_add_menu(void *ob_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; uiBlock *block; int i, yco=0; int numEntries = 0; MenuEntry entries[NUM_MODIFIER_TYPES]; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "modifier_add_menu", UI_EMBOSSP, UI_HELV, curarea->win); uiBlockSetButmFunc(block, modifiers_add, ob); for (i=eModifierType_None+1; iflags&eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsCVs) || (ob->type==OB_MESH && (mti->flags&eModifierTypeFlag_AcceptsMesh))) { entries[numEntries].name = mti->name; entries[numEntries].ID = i; ++numEntries; } } qsort(entries, numEntries, sizeof(*entries), menuEntry_compare_names); for(i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) uiDefBut(block, BUTM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, entries[i].name, 0, yco -= 20, 160, 19, NULL, 0, 0, 1, entries[i].ID, ""); uiTextBoundsBlock(block, 50); uiBlockSetDirection(block, UI_DOWN); return block; } static void modifiers_del(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md; /* It seems on rapid delete it is possible to * get called twice on same modifier, so make * sure it is in list. */ for (md=ob->modifiers.first; md; md=md->next) if (md==md_v) break; if (!md) return; BLI_remlink(&ob->modifiers, md_v); modifier_free(md_v); BIF_undo_push("Del modifier"); } int mod_moveUp(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md = md_v; if (md->prev) { ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type); if (mti->type!=eModifierTypeType_OnlyDeform) { ModifierTypeInfo *nmti = modifierType_getInfo(md->prev->type); if (nmti->flags&eModifierTypeFlag_RequiresOriginalData) return -1; } BLI_remlink(&ob->modifiers, md); BLI_insertlink(&ob->modifiers, md->prev->prev, md); } return 0; } static void modifiers_moveUp(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { if( mod_moveUp( ob_v, md_v ) ) error("Cannot move above a modifier requiring original data."); else BIF_undo_push("Move modifier"); } int mod_moveDown(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md = md_v; if (md->next) { ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type); if (mti->flags&eModifierTypeFlag_RequiresOriginalData) { ModifierTypeInfo *nmti = modifierType_getInfo(md->next->type); if (nmti->type!=eModifierTypeType_OnlyDeform) return -1; } BLI_remlink(&ob->modifiers, md); BLI_insertlink(&ob->modifiers, md->next, md); } return 0; } static void modifiers_moveDown(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { if( mod_moveDown( ob_v, md_v ) ) error("Cannot move beyond a non-deforming modifier."); else BIF_undo_push("Move modifier"); } static void modifier_testLatticeObj(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for (id= G.main->object.first; id; id= id->next) { if( strcmp(name, id->name+2)==0 ) { if (((Object *)id)->type != OB_LATTICE) { error ("Lattice deform object must be a lattice"); break; } *idpp= id; return; } } *idpp= 0; } static void modifier_testCurveObj(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for (id= G.main->object.first; id; id= id->next) { if( strcmp(name, id->name+2)==0 ) { if (((Object *)id)->type != OB_CURVE) { error ("Curve deform object must be a curve"); break; } *idpp= id; return; } } *idpp= 0; } static void modifier_testMeshObj(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for (id= G.main->object.first; id; id= id->next) { if( strcmp(name, id->name+2)==0 ) { if (((Object *)id)->type != OB_MESH) { error ("Boolean modifier object must be a mesh"); break; } *idpp= id; return; } } *idpp= 0; } static void modifier_testArmatureObj(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for (id= G.main->object.first; id; id= id->next) { if( strcmp(name, id->name+2)==0 ) { if (((Object *)id)->type != OB_ARMATURE) { error ("Armature deform object must be an armature"); break; } *idpp= id; return; } } *idpp= 0; } static void modifier_testTexture(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for(id = G.main->tex.first; id; id = id->next) { if(strcmp(name, id->name + 2) == 0) { *idpp = id; return; } } *idpp = 0; } #if 0 /* this is currently unused, but could be useful in the future */ static void modifier_testMaterial(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for(id = G.main->mat.first; id; id = id->next) { if(strcmp(name, id->name + 2) == 0) { *idpp = id; return; } } *idpp = 0; } #endif static void modifier_testImage(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for(id = G.main->image.first; id; id = id->next) { if(strcmp(name, id->name + 2) == 0) { *idpp = id; return; } } *idpp = 0; } /* autocomplete callback for ID buttons */ void autocomplete_image(char *str, void *arg_v) { char truncate[40] = {0}; /* search if str matches the beginning of an ID struct */ if(str[0]) { ID *id; for(id = G.main->image.first; id; id = id->next) { int a; for(a = 0; a < 24 - 2; a++) { if(str[a] == 0 || str[a] != id->name[a + 2]) break; } /* found a match */ if(str[a] == 0) { /* first match */ if(truncate[0] == 0) BLI_strncpy(truncate, id->name + 2, 24); else { /* remove from truncate what is not in bone->name */ for(a = 0; a < 23; a++) { if(truncate[a] != id->name[a]) truncate[a] = 0; } } } } if(truncate[0]) BLI_strncpy(str, truncate, 24); } } static void modifiers_applyModifier(void *obv, void *mdv) { Object *ob = obv; ModifierData *md = mdv; DerivedMesh *dm; Mesh *me = ob->data; int converted = 0; if (G.obedit) { error("Modifiers cannot be applied in editmode"); return; } else if (((ID*) ob->data)->us>1) { error("Modifiers cannot be applied to multi-user data"); return; } if (md!=ob->modifiers.first) { if (!okee("Modifier is not first")) return; } if (ob->type==OB_MESH) { if(me->mr && multires_modifier_warning()) { error("Modifier changes topology; cannot apply with multires active"); return; } sculptmode_pmv_off(me); dm = mesh_create_derived_for_modifier(ob, md); if (!dm) { error("Modifier is disabled or returned error, skipping apply"); return; } DM_to_mesh(dm, me); converted = 1; dm->release(dm); } else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF)) { ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type); Curve *cu = ob->data; int numVerts; float (*vertexCos)[3]; if (!okee("Apply will only change CV points, not tesselated/bevel vertices")) return; if (!(md->mode&eModifierMode_Realtime) || (mti->isDisabled && mti->isDisabled(md))) { error("Modifier is disabled, skipping apply"); return; } vertexCos = curve_getVertexCos(cu, &cu->nurb, &numVerts); mti->deformVerts(md, ob, NULL, vertexCos, numVerts); curve_applyVertexCos(cu, &cu->nurb, vertexCos); converted = 1; MEM_freeN(vertexCos); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); } else { error("Cannot apply modifier for this object type"); return; } if (converted) { BLI_remlink(&ob->modifiers, md); modifier_free(md); if(G.f & G_SCULPTMODE) sculptmode_undo_push("Apply modifier", SUNDO_VERT|SUNDO_TOPO|SUNDO_PVIS|SUNDO_MRES); else BIF_undo_push("Apply modifier"); } if (G.f & G_SCULPTMODE) set_sculpt_object(OBACT); } static void modifiers_copyModifier(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md = md_v; ModifierData *nmd = modifier_new(md->type); modifier_copyData(md, nmd); BLI_insertlink(&ob->modifiers, md, nmd); BIF_undo_push("Copy modifier"); } static void modifiers_setOnCage(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md; int i, cageIndex = modifiers_getCageIndex(ob, NULL ); for( i = 0, md=ob->modifiers.first; md; ++i, md=md->next ) if( md == md_v ) { if( i >= cageIndex ) md->mode ^= eModifierMode_OnCage; break; } } static void modifiers_clearHookOffset(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md = md_v; HookModifierData *hmd = (HookModifierData*) md; if (hmd->object) { Mat4Invert(hmd->object->imat, hmd->object->obmat); Mat4MulSerie(hmd->parentinv, hmd->object->imat, ob->obmat, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); BIF_undo_push("Clear hook"); } } static void modifiers_cursorHookCenter(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md = md_v; HookModifierData *hmd = (HookModifierData*) md; if (G.vd) { float *curs = give_cursor(); float bmat[3][3], imat[3][3]; where_is_object(ob); Mat3CpyMat4(bmat, ob->obmat); Mat3Inv(imat, bmat); curs= give_cursor(); hmd->cent[0]= curs[0]-ob->obmat[3][0]; hmd->cent[1]= curs[1]-ob->obmat[3][1]; hmd->cent[2]= curs[2]-ob->obmat[3][2]; Mat3MulVecfl(imat, hmd->cent); BIF_undo_push("Hook cursor center"); } } static void modifiers_selectHook(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { ModifierData *md = md_v; HookModifierData *hmd = (HookModifierData*) md; hook_select(hmd); } static void modifiers_reassignHook(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { ModifierData *md = md_v; HookModifierData *hmd = (HookModifierData*) md; float cent[3]; int *indexar, tot, ok; char name[32]; ok= hook_getIndexArray(&tot, &indexar, name, cent); if (!ok) { error("Requires selected vertices or active Vertex Group"); } else { if (hmd->indexar) { MEM_freeN(hmd->indexar); } VECCOPY(hmd->cent, cent); hmd->indexar = indexar; hmd->totindex = tot; } } static void modifiers_convertToReal(void *ob_v, void *md_v) { Object *ob = ob_v; ModifierData *md = md_v; ModifierData *nmd = modifier_new(md->type); modifier_copyData(md, nmd); nmd->mode &= ~eModifierMode_Virtual; BLI_addhead(&ob->modifiers, nmd); ob->partype = PAROBJECT; BIF_undo_push("Modifier convert to real"); } static void draw_modifier(uiBlock *block, Object *ob, ModifierData *md, int *xco, int *yco, int index, int cageIndex, int lastCageIndex) { ModifierTypeInfo *mti = modifierType_getInfo(md->type); uiBut *but; int isVirtual = md->mode&eModifierMode_Virtual; int x = *xco, y = *yco, color = md->error?TH_REDALERT:TH_BUT_NEUTRAL; int editing = (G.obedit==ob); short height=26, width = 295, buttonWidth = width-120-10; char str[128]; /* rounded header */ uiBlockSetCol(block, color); /* roundbox 4 free variables: corner-rounding, nop, roundbox type, shade */ uiDefBut(block, ROUNDBOX, 0, "", x-10, y-4, width, 25, NULL, 7.0, 0.0, (!isVirtual && (md->mode&eModifierMode_Expanded))?3:15, 20, ""); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_AUTO); /* open/close icon */ if (!isVirtual) { uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSN); uiDefIconButBitI(block, ICONTOG, eModifierMode_Expanded, B_MODIFIER_REDRAW, VICON_DISCLOSURE_TRI_RIGHT, x-10, y-2, 20, 20, &md->mode, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Collapse/Expand Modifier"); } uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS); if (isVirtual) { sprintf(str, "%s parent deform", md->name); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, str, x+10, y-1, width-110, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Modifier name"); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Make Real", x+width-100, y, 80, 16, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Convert virtual modifier to a real modifier"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_convertToReal, ob, md); } else { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_REDRAW, "", x+10, y-1, buttonWidth-60, 19, md->name, 0.0, sizeof(md->name)-1, 0.0, 0.0, "Modifier name"); /* Softbody not allowed in this situation, enforce! */ if (md->type!=eModifierType_Softbody || !(ob->pd && ob->pd->deflect)) { uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, eModifierMode_Render, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, ICON_SCENE, x+10+buttonWidth-60, y-1, 19, 19,&md->mode, 0, 0, 1, 0, "Enable modifier during rendering"); uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, eModifierMode_Realtime, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, VICON_VIEW3D, x+10+buttonWidth-40, y-1, 19, 19,&md->mode, 0, 0, 1, 0, "Enable modifier during interactive display"); if (mti->flags&eModifierTypeFlag_SupportsEditmode) { uiDefIconButBitI(block, TOG, eModifierMode_Editmode, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, VICON_EDIT, x+10+buttonWidth-20, y-1, 19, 19,&md->mode, 0, 0, 1, 0, "Enable modifier during Editmode (only if enabled for display)"); } } uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSR); if (ob->type==OB_MESH && modifier_couldBeCage(md) && index<=lastCageIndex) { int icon, color; if (index==cageIndex) { color = TH_BUT_SETTING; icon = VICON_EDITMODE_HLT; } else if (indexmode&eModifierMode_Expanded)) { y -= 18; } else { int cy = y - 8; int lx = x + width - 60 - 15; if (md->type==eModifierType_Subsurf) { height = 105; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Lattice) { height = 48; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Curve) { height = 72; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Build) { height = 86; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Mirror) { height = 48; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_EdgeSplit) { EdgeSplitModifierData *emd = (EdgeSplitModifierData*) md; height = 48; if(emd->flags & MOD_EDGESPLIT_FROMANGLE) height += 19; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Displace) { DisplaceModifierData *dmd = (DisplaceModifierData *)md; height = 124; if(dmd->texmapping == MOD_DISP_MAP_OBJECT) height += 19; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_UVProject) { height = 86 + ((UVProjectModifierData *)md)->num_projectors * 19; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Decimate) { height = 48; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Wave) { height = 248; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Armature) { height = 67; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Hook) { HookModifierData *hmd = (HookModifierData*) md; height = 86; if (editing) height += 20; if(hmd->indexar==NULL) height += 20; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Softbody) { height = 26; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Boolean) { height = 48; } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Array) { height = 182; } /* roundbox 4 free variables: corner-rounding, nop, roundbox type, shade */ uiDefBut(block, ROUNDBOX, 0, "", x-10, y-height-2, width, height-2, NULL, 5.0, 0.0, 12, 40, ""); y -= 18; if (!isVirtual) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Apply", lx,(cy-=19),60,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Apply the current modifier and remove from the stack"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_applyModifier, ob, md); if (md->type!=eModifierType_Softbody) { but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Copy", lx,(cy-=19),60,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Duplicate the current modifier at the same position in the stack"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_copyModifier, ob, md); } uiBlockEndAlign(block); } lx = x + 10; cy = y + 10 - 1; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if (md->type==eModifierType_Subsurf) { SubsurfModifierData *smd = (SubsurfModifierData*) md; char subsurfmenu[]="Subsurf Type%t|Catmull-Clark%x0|Simple Subdiv.%x1"; uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, subsurfmenu, lx,(cy-=19),buttonWidth,19, &smd->subdivType, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Selects type of subdivision algorithm."); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Levels:", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &smd->levels, 1, 6, 0, 0, "Number subdivisions to perform"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_REDRAW, "Render Levels:", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &smd->renderLevels, 1, 6, 0, 0, "Number subdivisions to perform when rendering"); /* Disabled until non-EM DerivedMesh implementation is complete */ /* uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, eSubsurfModifierFlag_Incremental, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Incremental", lx, (cy-=19),90,19,&smd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use incremental calculation, even outside of mesh mode"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, eSubsurfModifierFlag_DebugIncr, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Debug", lx+90, cy,buttonWidth-90,19,&smd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Visualize the subsurf incremental calculation, for debugging effect of other modifiers"); */ uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, eSubsurfModifierFlag_ControlEdges, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Optimal Draw", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19,&smd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Skip drawing/rendering of interior subdivided edges"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, eSubsurfModifierFlag_SubsurfUv, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Subsurf UV", lx, (cy-=19),buttonWidth,19,&smd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use subsurf to subdivide UVs"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Lattice) { LatticeModifierData *lmd = (LatticeModifierData*) md; uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testLatticeObj, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &lmd->object, "Lattice object to deform with"); but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "VGroup: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &lmd->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Vertex Group name"); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_vgroup, (void *)ob); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Curve) { CurveModifierData *cmd = (CurveModifierData*) md; uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testCurveObj, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &cmd->object, "Curve object to deform with"); but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "VGroup: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &cmd->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Vertex Group name"); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_vgroup, (void *)ob); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MODIFIER_RECALC,"X", lx, (cy-=19), 19,19, &cmd->defaxis, 12.0, MOD_CURVE_POSX, 0, 0, "The axis that the curve deforms along"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MODIFIER_RECALC,"Y", (lx+buttonWidth/6), cy, 19,19, &cmd->defaxis, 12.0, MOD_CURVE_POSY, 0, 0, "The axis that the curve deforms along"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MODIFIER_RECALC,"Z", (lx+2*buttonWidth/6), cy, 19,19, &cmd->defaxis, 12.0, MOD_CURVE_POSZ, 0, 0, "The axis that the curve deforms along"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MODIFIER_RECALC,"-X", (lx+3*buttonWidth/6), cy, 24,19, &cmd->defaxis, 12.0, MOD_CURVE_NEGX, 0, 0, "The axis that the curve deforms along"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MODIFIER_RECALC,"-Y", (lx+4*buttonWidth/6), cy, 24,19, &cmd->defaxis, 12.0, MOD_CURVE_NEGY, 0, 0, "The axis that the curve deforms along"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MODIFIER_RECALC,"-Z", (lx+buttonWidth-buttonWidth/6), cy, 24,19, &cmd->defaxis, 12.0, MOD_CURVE_NEGZ, 0, 0, "The axis that the curve deforms along"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Build) { BuildModifierData *bmd = (BuildModifierData*) md; uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Start:", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &bmd->start, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 100, 0, "Specify the start frame of the effect"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Length:", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &bmd->length, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 100, 0, "Specify the total time the build effect requires"); uiDefButI(block, TOG, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Randomize", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &bmd->randomize, 0, 0, 1, 0, "Randomize the faces or edges during build."); uiDefButI(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Seed:", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &bmd->seed, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 100, 0, "Specify the seed for random if used."); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Mirror) { MirrorModifierData *mmd = (MirrorModifierData*) md; uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Merge Limit:", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &mmd->tolerance, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 10, "Distance from axis within which mirrored vertices are merged"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "X", lx, (cy-=19), 20,19, &mmd->axis, 1, 0, 0, 0, "Specify the axis to mirror about"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Y", lx+20, cy, 20,19, &mmd->axis, 1, 1, 0, 0, "Specify the axis to mirror about"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Z", lx+40, cy, 20,19, &mmd->axis, 1, 2, 0, 0, "Specify the axis to mirror about"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, MOD_MIR_CLIPPING, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Do Clipping", lx+60, cy, buttonWidth-60,19, &mmd->flag, 1, 2, 0, 0, "Prevents during Transform vertices to go through Mirror"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_EdgeSplit) { EdgeSplitModifierData *emd = (EdgeSplitModifierData*) md; uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_EDGESPLIT_FROMANGLE, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "From Edge Angle", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &emd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Split edges with high angle between faces"); if(emd->flags & MOD_EDGESPLIT_FROMANGLE) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Split Angle:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &emd->split_angle, 0.0, 180.0, 100, 2, "Angle above which to split edges"); } uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_EDGESPLIT_FROMFLAG, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "From Marked As Sharp", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &emd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Split edges that are marked as sharp"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Displace) { DisplaceModifierData *dmd = (DisplaceModifierData*) md; but = uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "VGroup: ", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->defgrp_name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Name of vertex group to displace" " (displace whole mesh if blank)"); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_vgroup, (void *)ob); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testTexture, ID_TE, B_CHANGEDEP, "Texture: ", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->texture, "Texture to use as displacement input"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Midlevel:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->midlevel, 0, 1, 10, 3, "Material value that gives no displacement"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Strength:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->strength, -1000, 1000, 10, 10, "Strength of displacement"); sprintf(str, "Direction%%t|Normal%%x%d|RGB -> XYZ%%x%d|" "Z%%x%d|Y%%x%d|X%%x%d", MOD_DISP_DIR_NOR, MOD_DISP_DIR_RGB_XYZ, MOD_DISP_DIR_Z, MOD_DISP_DIR_Y, MOD_DISP_DIR_X); uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, str, lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->direction, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Displace direction"); sprintf(str, "Texture Coordinates%%t" "|Local%%x%d|Global%%x%d|Object%%x%d|UV%%x%d", MOD_DISP_MAP_LOCAL, MOD_DISP_MAP_GLOBAL, MOD_DISP_MAP_OBJECT, MOD_DISP_MAP_UV); uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, str, lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->texmapping, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Texture coordinates used for displacement input"); if(dmd->texmapping == MOD_DISP_MAP_OBJECT) { uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &dmd->map_object, "Object to get texture coordinates from"); } } else if (md->type==eModifierType_UVProject) { UVProjectModifierData *umd = (UVProjectModifierData *) md; int i; uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_UVPROJECT_ADDUVS, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Add UVs", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth, 19, &umd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Add UV coordinates if missing"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "AspX:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth / 2, 19, &umd->aspectx, 1, 1000, 100, 2, "Horizontal Aspect Ratio"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "AspY:", lx + (buttonWidth / 2) + 1, cy, buttonWidth / 2, 19, &umd->aspecty, 1, 1000, 100, 2, "Vertical Aspect Ratio"); uiDefButI(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Projectors:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &umd->num_projectors, 1, MOD_UVPROJECT_MAXPROJECTORS, 0, 0, "Number of objects to use as projectors"); for(i = 0; i < umd->num_projectors; ++i) { uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &umd->projectors[i], "Object to use as projector"); } uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testImage, ID_IM, B_CHANGEDEP, "Image: ", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &umd->image, "Image to project (only faces with this image " "will be altered"); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_image, (void *)ob); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Decimate) { DecimateModifierData *dmd = (DecimateModifierData*) md; uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Ratio:", lx,(cy-=19),buttonWidth,19, &dmd->percent, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 0, "Defines the percentage of triangles to reduce to"); sprintf(str, "Face Count: %d", dmd->faceCount); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, str, lx, (cy-=19), 160,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Displays the current number of faces in the decimated mesh"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Wave) { WaveModifierData *wmd = (WaveModifierData*) md; uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, WAV_X, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "X", lx,(cy-=19),45,19, &wmd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable X axis motion"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, WAV_Y, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Y", lx+45,cy,45,19, &wmd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable Y axis motion"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, WAV_CYCL, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Cycl", lx+90,cy,buttonWidth-90,19, &wmd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable cyclic wave effect"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Time sta:", lx,(cy-=19),buttonWidth,19, &wmd->timeoffs, -1000.0, 1000.0, 100, 0, "Specify startingframe of the wave"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Lifetime:", lx,(cy-=19),buttonWidth,19, &wmd->lifetime, -1000.0, 1000.0, 100, 0, "Specify the lifespan of the wave"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Damptime:", lx,(cy-=19),buttonWidth,19, &wmd->damp, -1000.0, 1000.0, 100, 0, "Specify the dampingtime of the wave"); cy -= 19; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Sta x:", lx,(cy-=19),113,19, &wmd->startx, -100.0, 100.0, 100, 0, "Starting position for the X axis"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Sta y:", lx+115,cy,105,19, &wmd->starty, -100.0, 100.0, 100, 0, "Starting position for the Y axis"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Ob: ", lx, (cy-=19), 220,19, &wmd->objectcenter, "Object to use as Starting Position (leave blank to disable)"); cy -= 19; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Speed:", lx,(cy-=19),220,19, &wmd->speed, -2.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Specify the wave speed"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Heigth:", lx,(cy-=19),220,19, &wmd->height, -2.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Specify the amplitude of the wave"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Width:", lx,(cy-=19),220,19, &wmd->width, 0.0, 5.0, 0, 0, "Specify the width of the wave"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Narrow:", lx,(cy-=19),220,19, &wmd->narrow, 0.0, 10.0, 0, 0, "Specify how narrow the wave follows"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Armature) { ArmatureModifierData *amd = (ArmatureModifierData*) md; uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testArmatureObj, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &amd->object, "Armature object to deform with"); but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "VGroup: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &amd->defgrp_name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Vertex Group name to control overall armature influence"); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_vgroup, (void *)ob); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ARM_DEF_VGROUP, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Vert.Groups", lx,cy-=19,buttonWidth/2,20, &amd->deformflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable VertexGroups defining deform"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ARM_DEF_ENVELOPE, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Envelopes", lx+buttonWidth/2,cy,(buttonWidth + 1)/2,20, &amd->deformflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable Bone Envelopes defining deform"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Hook) { HookModifierData *hmd = (HookModifierData*) md; uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Falloff: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &hmd->falloff, 0.0, 100.0, 100, 0, "If not zero, the distance from hook where influence ends"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Force: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &hmd->force, 0.0, 1.0, 100, 0, "Set relative force of hook"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &hmd->object, "Parent Object for hook, also recalculates and clears offset"); if(hmd->indexar==NULL) { but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "VGroup: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &hmd->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Vertex Group name"); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_vgroup, (void *)ob); } uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Reset", lx, (cy-=19), 80,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Recalculate and clear offset (transform) of hook"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_clearHookOffset, ob, md); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Recenter", lx+80, cy, buttonWidth-80,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Sets hook center to cursor position"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_cursorHookCenter, ob, md); if (editing) { but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Select", lx, (cy-=19), 80,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Selects effected vertices on mesh"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_selectHook, ob, md); but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Reassign", lx+80, cy, buttonWidth-80,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Reassigns selected vertices to hook"); uiButSetFunc(but, modifiers_reassignHook, ob, md); } } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Softbody) { uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, "See Softbody panel.", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Boolean) { BooleanModifierData *bmd = (BooleanModifierData*) md; uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Operation%t|Intersect%x0|Union%x1|Difference%x2", lx,(cy-=19),buttonWidth,19, &bmd->operation, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Boolean operation to perform"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testMeshObj, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth,19, &bmd->object, "Mesh object to use for boolean operation"); } else if (md->type==eModifierType_Array) { ArrayModifierData *amd = (ArrayModifierData*) md; float range = 10000; int cytop, halfwidth = (width - 5)/2 - 15; int halflx = lx + halfwidth + 10; uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSX); uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* length parameters */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); sprintf(str, "Length Fit%%t|Fixed Count%%x%d|Fixed Length%%x%d" "|Fit To Curve Length%%x%d", MOD_ARR_FIXEDCOUNT, MOD_ARR_FITLENGTH, MOD_ARR_FITCURVE); uiDefButI(block, MENU, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, str, lx, (cy-=19), buttonWidth, 19, &amd->fit_type, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Array length calculation method"); switch(amd->fit_type) { case MOD_ARR_FIXEDCOUNT: uiDefButI(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Count:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &amd->count, 1, 1000, 0, 0, "Number of duplicates to make"); break; case MOD_ARR_FITLENGTH: uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Length:", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &amd->length, 0, range, 10, 2, "Length to fit array within"); break; case MOD_ARR_FITCURVE: uiDefIDPoinBut(block, modifier_testCurveObj, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", lx, (cy -= 19), buttonWidth, 19, &amd->curve_ob, "Curve object to fit array length to"); break; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* offset parameters */ cy -= 10; cytop= cy; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_ARR_OFF_CONST, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Constant Offset", lx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset_type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Constant offset between duplicates"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "X:", lx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset[0], -range, range, 10, 3, "Constant component for duplicate offsets"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Y:", lx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset[1], -range, range, 10, 3, "Constant component for duplicate offsets"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Z:", lx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset[2], -range, range, 10, 3, "Constant component for duplicate offsets"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); cy= cytop; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_ARR_OFF_RELATIVE, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Relative Offset", halflx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset_type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Offset between duplicates relative to object width"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "X:", halflx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->scale[0], -range, range, 10, 3, "Component for duplicate offsets relative to object width"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Y:", halflx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->scale[1], -range, range, 10, 3, "Component for duplicate offsets relative to object width"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Z:", halflx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->scale[2], -range, range, 10, 3, "Component for duplicate offsets relative to object width"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* vertex merging parameters */ cy -= 10; cytop= cy; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_ARR_MERGE, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Merge", lx, (cy-=19), halfwidth/2, 19, &amd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Merge vertices in adjacent duplicates"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_ARR_MERGEFINAL, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "First Last", lx + halfwidth/2, cy, (halfwidth+1)/2, 19, &amd->flags, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Merge vertices in first duplicate with vertices" " in last duplicate"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Limit:", lx, (cy-=19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->merge_dist, 0, 1.0f, 1, 4, "Limit below which to merge vertices"); /* offset ob */ cy = cytop; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, MOD_ARR_OFF_OBJ, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "Object Offset", halflx, (cy -= 19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset_type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Add an object transformation to the total offset"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "Ob: ", halflx, (cy -= 19), halfwidth, 19, &amd->offset_ob, "Object from which to take offset transformation"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } uiBlockEndAlign(block); y-=height; } if (md->error) { char str[512]; y -= 20; uiBlockSetCol(block, color); /* roundbox 4 free variables: corner-rounding, nop, roundbox type, shade */ uiDefBut(block, ROUNDBOX, 0, "", x-10, y, width, 20, NULL, 5.0, 0.0, 15, 40, ""); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_AUTO); sprintf(str, "Modifier Error: %s", md->error); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, B_NOP, str, x+15, y+15, width-35, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ""); } y -= 3+6; *xco = x; *yco = y; } static void editing_panel_modifiers(Object *ob) { ModifierData *md; uiBlock *block; char str[64]; int xco, yco, i, lastCageIndex, cageIndex = modifiers_getCageIndex(ob, &lastCageIndex); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_modifiers", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if( uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Modifiers", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiNewPanelHeight(block, 204); uiDefBlockBut(block, modifiers_add_menu, ob, "Add Modifier", 0, 190, 130, 20, "Add a new modifier"); sprintf(str, "To: %s", ob->id.name+2); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 1, str, 140, 190, 150, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Object whose modifier stack is being edited"); xco = 0; yco = 160; md = modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob); for (i=0; md; i++, md=md->next) { draw_modifier(block, ob, md, &xco, &yco, i, cageIndex, lastCageIndex); if (md->mode&eModifierMode_Virtual) i--; } if(yco < 0) uiNewPanelHeight(block, 204-yco); } static char *make_key_menu(Key *key) { KeyBlock *kb; int index= 1; char *str, item[64]; for (kb = key->block.first; kb; kb=kb->next, index++); str= MEM_mallocN(index*40, "key string"); str[0]= 0; index= 1; for (kb = key->block.first; kb; kb=kb->next, index++) { sprintf (item, "|%s%%x%d", kb->name, index); strcat(str, item); } return str; } static void editing_panel_shapes(Object *ob) { uiBlock *block; Key *key= NULL; KeyBlock *kb; int icon; char *strp; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_shapes", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); uiNewPanelTabbed("Modifiers", "Editing"); if( uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Shapes", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_ADDKEY, "Add Shape Key" , 10, 180, 150, 20, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Add new Shape Key"); key= ob_get_key(ob); if(key==NULL) { /* label aligns add button */ uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "", 170, 180,140,20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); return; } uiDefButS(block, TOG, B_RELKEY, "Relative", 170, 180,140,20, &key->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Makes Shape Keys relative"); kb= BLI_findlink(&key->block, ob->shapenr-1); if(kb==NULL) { ob->shapenr= 1; kb= key->block.first; } uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if(ob->shapeflag & OB_SHAPE_LOCK) icon= ICON_PIN_HLT; else icon= ICON_PIN_DEHLT; uiDefIconButBitS(block, TOG, OB_SHAPE_LOCK, B_LOCKKEY, icon, 10,150,25,20, &ob->shapeflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Always show the current Shape for this Object"); uiSetButLock(G.obedit==ob, "Unable to perform in EditMode"); uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_PREVKEY, ICON_TRIA_LEFT, 35,150,20,20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Previous Shape Key"); strp= make_key_menu(key); uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_SETKEY, strp, 55,150,20,20, &ob->shapenr, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Browses existing choices or adds NEW"); MEM_freeN(strp); uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_NEXTKEY, ICON_TRIA_RIGHT, 75,150,20,20, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Next Shape Key"); uiClearButLock(); uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_NAMEKEY, "", 95, 150, 190, 20, kb->name, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Current Shape Key name"); uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_DELKEY, ICON_X, 285,150,25,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Deletes current Shape Key"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); if(key->type && (ob->shapeflag & OB_SHAPE_LOCK)==0 && ob->shapenr!=1) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); make_rvk_slider(block, ob, ob->shapenr-1, 10, 120, 150, 20, "Key value, when used it inserts an animation curve point"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Min ", 160,120, 75, 20, &kb->slidermin, -10.0, 10.0, 100, 1, "Minumum for slider"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_REDR, "Max ", 235,120, 75, 20, &kb->slidermax, -10.0, 10.0, 100, 1, "Maximum for slider"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } if(key->type && ob->shapenr!=1) uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_MODIFIER_RECALC, "VGroup: ", 10, 90, 150,19, &kb->vgroup, 0.0, 31.0, 0, 0, "Vertex Weight Group name, to blend with Basis Shape"); if(key->type==0) uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Slurph:", 10, 60, 150, 19, &(key->slurph), -500.0, 500.0, 0, 0, "Creates a delay in amount of frames in applying keypositions, first vertex goes first"); } /* *************************** FONT ******************************** */ static short give_vfontnr(VFont *vfont) { VFont *vf; short nr= 1; vf= G.main->vfont.first; while(vf) { if(vf==vfont) return nr; nr++; vf= vf->id.next; } return -1; } static VFont *give_vfontpointer(int nr) /* nr= button */ { VFont *vf; short tel= 1; vf= G.main->vfont.first; while(vf) { if(tel==nr) return vf; tel++; vf= vf->id.next; } return G.main->vfont.first; } VFont *exist_vfont(char *str) { VFont *vf; vf= G.main->vfont.first; while(vf) { if(strcmp(vf->name, str)==0) return vf; vf= vf->id.next; } return 0; } static char *give_vfontbutstr(void) { VFont *vf; int len= 0; char *str, di[FILE_MAXDIR], fi[FILE_MAXFILE]; vf= G.main->vfont.first; while(vf) { strcpy(di, vf->name); BLI_splitdirstring(di, fi); len+= strlen(fi)+4; vf= vf->id.next; } str= MEM_callocN(len+21, "vfontbutstr"); strcpy(str, "FONTS %t"); vf= G.main->vfont.first; while(vf) { if(vf->id.us==0) strcat(str, "|0 "); else strcat(str, "| "); strcpy(di, vf->name); BLI_splitdirstring(di, fi); strcat(str, fi); vf= vf->id.next; } return str; } static void load_buts_vfont(char *name) { VFont *vf; Curve *cu; if(OBACT && OBACT->type==OB_FONT) cu= OBACT->data; else return; vf= exist_vfont(name); if(vf==0) { vf= load_vfont(name); if(vf==0) return; } else id_us_plus((ID *)vf); switch(cu->curinfo.flag & CU_STYLE) { case CU_BOLD: if(cu->vfontb) cu->vfontb->id.us--; cu->vfontb= vf; break; case CU_ITALIC: if(cu->vfonti) cu->vfonti->id.us--; cu->vfonti= vf; break; case (CU_BOLD|CU_ITALIC): if(cu->vfontbi) cu->vfontbi->id.us--; cu->vfontbi= vf; break; default: if(cu->vfont) cu->vfont->id.us--; cu->vfont= vf; break; } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("Load vector font"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } static void set_unicode_text_fs(char *file) { if (file > 0) paste_unicodeText(file); } void do_fontbuts(unsigned short event) { Curve *cu; VFont *vf; Object *ob; ScrArea *sa; char str[80]; int ctevt; char *ctmenu; DynStr *ds; int i, style=0; ob= OBACT; switch(event) { case B_MAKEFONT: DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_STYLETOSELU: case B_STYLETOSELB: case B_STYLETOSELI: switch (event) { case B_STYLETOSELU: style = CU_UNDERLINE; break; case B_STYLETOSELB: style = CU_BOLD; break; case B_STYLETOSELI: style = CU_ITALIC; break; } if (style_to_sel(style, ((Curve*)ob->data)->curinfo.flag & style)) { text_to_curve(ob, 0); makeDispListCurveTypes(ob, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_FASTFONT: if (G.obedit) { DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case B_INSTB: cu= ob->data; if (cu->totbox < 256) { for (i = cu->totbox; i>cu->actbox; i--) cu->tb[i]= cu->tb[i-1]; cu->tb[cu->actbox]= cu->tb[cu->actbox-1]; cu->actbox++; cu->totbox++; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); text_to_curve(ob, 0); makeDispListCurveTypes(ob, 0); } else { error("Do you really need that many text frames?"); } break; case B_DELTB: cu= ob->data; if (cu->totbox > 1) { for (i = cu->actbox-1; i < cu->totbox; i++) cu->tb[i]= cu->tb[i+1]; cu->totbox--; cu->actbox--; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); text_to_curve(ob, 0); makeDispListCurveTypes(ob, 0); } break; case B_TOUPPER: to_upper(); break; case B_LOADFONT: vf= give_vfontpointer(G.buts->texnr); if(vf && vf->id.prev!=vf->id.next) strcpy(str, vf->name); else strcpy(str, U.fontdir); sa= closest_bigger_area(); areawinset(sa->win); activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "SELECT FONT", str, load_buts_vfont); break; case B_PACKFONT: if (ob) { cu= ob->data; if(cu && cu->vfont) { if (cu->vfont->packedfile) { if (G.fileflags & G_AUTOPACK) { if (okee("Disable AutoPack ?")) { G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; } } if ((G.fileflags & G_AUTOPACK) == 0) { if (unpackVFont(cu->vfont, PF_ASK) == RET_OK) { DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } else { cu->vfont->packedfile = newPackedFile(cu->vfont->name); } } } allqueue(REDRAWHEADERS, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_LOAD3DTEXT: if (!G.obedit) { error("Only in editmode!"); return; } if (G.obedit->type != OB_FONT) return; activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Open Text File", G.sce, load_3dtext_fs); break; case B_LOREM: if (!G.obedit) { error("Only in editmode!"); return; } if (G.obedit->type != OB_FONT) return; add_lorem(); break; case B_SETFONT: if(ob) { cu= ob->data; vf= give_vfontpointer(G.buts->texnr); if(vf) { id_us_plus((ID *)vf); switch(cu->curinfo.flag & CU_STYLE) { case CU_BOLD: cu->vfontb->id.us--; cu->vfontb= vf; break; case CU_ITALIC: cu->vfonti->id.us--; cu->vfonti= vf; break; case (CU_BOLD|CU_ITALIC): cu->vfontbi->id.us--; cu->vfontbi= vf; break; default: cu->vfont->id.us--; cu->vfont= vf; break; } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("Set vector font"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } } break; case B_SETCHAR: G.charmin = 0x0000; G.charmax = 0xffff; if(G.charstart < 0) G.charstart = 0; if(G.charstart > (0xffff - 12*6)) G.charstart = 0xffff - (12*6); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_SETUPCHAR: G.charstart = G.charstart - (12*6); if(G.charstart < 0) G.charstart = 0; if(G.charstart < G.charmin) G.charstart = G.charmin; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_SETCAT: // Create new dynamic string ds = BLI_dynstr_new(); // Fill the dynamic string with entries for(i=0;i<104;i++) { BLI_dynstr_append(ds, "|"); BLI_dynstr_append(ds, uctabname[i].name); } // Create the menu string from dyn string ctmenu = BLI_dynstr_get_cstring(ds); // Call the popup menu ctevt = pupmenu_col(ctmenu, 40); G.charstart = uctabname[ctevt-1].start; G.charmin = uctabname[ctevt-1].start; G.charmax = uctabname[ctevt-1].end; // Free all data BLI_dynstr_free(ds); MEM_freeN(ctmenu); // And refresh allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_SETDOWNCHAR: G.charstart = G.charstart + (12*6); if(G.charstart > (0xffff - 12*6)) G.charstart = 0xffff - (12*6); if(G.charstart > G.charmax - 12*6) G.charstart = G.charmax - 12*6; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_SETUNITEXT: sa= closest_bigger_area(); areawinset(sa->win); if(ob==G.obedit) { activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Open Text File", G.sce, set_unicode_text_fs); } break; case B_TEXTONCURVE: if(ob) { cu= ob->data; if(cu->textoncurve && cu->textoncurve->type!=OB_CURVE) { error("Only Curve Objects"); cu->textoncurve= 0; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } DAG_scene_sort(G.scene); // makes new dag DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } static void editing_panel_char_type(Object *ob, Curve *cu) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_char_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); uiNewPanelTabbed("Font", "Editing"); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Char", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; // Set the selected font G.selfont = cu->vfont; uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_SETUNITEXT, ICON_TEXT, 0,210,20,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Load Unicode Text file"); // Unicode categorization selection button uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SETCAT, "Unicode Table", 22,210,226,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Select Unicode Table"); uiDefButI(block, NUM, /*B_SETUPCHAR*/ 0, "", 250,210,50,20, &G.charstart, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, "UT"); // Character selection button uiDefBut(block, CHARTAB, B_SETCHAR, "", 0, 0, 264, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Select character"); // Buttons to change the max, min uiDefButI(block, BUT, B_SETUPCHAR, "U", 280, 185, 15, 15, &G.charstart, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, "Scroll character table up"); uiDefButI(block, BUT, B_SETDOWNCHAR, "D", 280, 0, 15, 15, &G.charstart, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, "Scroll character table down"); } static void editing_panel_font_type(Object *ob, Curve *cu) { uiBlock *block; char *strp; static int packdummy = 0; char str[32]; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_font_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Font", "Editing", 640, 0, 470, 204)==0) return; switch(cu->curinfo.flag & CU_STYLE) { case CU_BOLD: G.buts->texnr= give_vfontnr(cu->vfontb); break; case CU_ITALIC: G.buts->texnr= give_vfontnr(cu->vfonti); break; case (CU_BOLD|CU_ITALIC): G.buts->texnr= give_vfontnr(cu->vfontbi); break; default: G.buts->texnr= give_vfontnr(cu->vfont); break; } strp= give_vfontbutstr(); // vfd= cu->vfont->data; uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_LOADFONT, "Load", 480,188,68,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Load a new font"); uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_SETFONT, strp, 550,188,220,20, &G.buts->texnr, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Change font for object"); if (cu->vfont->packedfile) { packdummy = 1; } else { packdummy = 0; } uiDefIconButI(block, TOG|BIT|0, B_PACKFONT, ICON_PACKAGE, 772,188,20,20, &packdummy, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Pack/Unpack this font"); /* This doesn't work anyway */ // uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, vfd->name, 480, 165,314,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Postscript name of the font"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_LOAD3DTEXT, "Insert Text", 480, 165, 90, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Insert text file at cursor"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_LOREM, "Lorem", 575, 165, 70, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Insert a paragraph of Lorem Ipsum at cursor"); uiDefButC(block, TOG|BIT|2,B_STYLETOSELU, "U", 727,165,20,20, &(cu->curinfo.flag), 0,0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, CU_BOLD, B_STYLETOSELB, "B", 752,165,20,20, &(cu->curinfo.flag), 0,0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, CU_ITALIC, B_STYLETOSELI, "i", 772,165,20,20, &(cu->curinfo.flag), 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockEndAlign(block); MEM_freeN(strp); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MAKEFONT, "Left", 480,135,47,20, &cu->spacemode, 0.0,0.0, 0, 0, "Left align the text from the object centre"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MAKEFONT, "Center", 527,135,47,20, &cu->spacemode, 0.0,1.0, 0, 0, "Middle align the text from the object centre"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MAKEFONT, "Right", 574,135,47,20, &cu->spacemode, 0.0,2.0, 0, 0, "Right align the text from the object centre"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MAKEFONT, "Justify", 621,135,47,20, &cu->spacemode, 0.0,3.0, 0, 0, "Fill completed lines to maximum textframe width by expanding whitespace"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_MAKEFONT, "Flush", 668,135,47,20, &cu->spacemode, 0.0,4.0, 0, 0, "Fill every line to maximum textframe width, distributing space among all characters"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_TOUPPER, "ToUpper", 715,135,78,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toggle between upper and lower case in editmode"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_FAST, B_FASTFONT, "Fast Edit", 715,105,78,20, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Don't fill polygons while editing"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, B_TEXTONCURVE, "TextOnCurve:", 480,105,220,19, &cu->textoncurve, "Apply a deforming curve to the text"); uiDefBut(block, TEX,REDRAWVIEW3D, "Ob Family:", 480,84,220,19, cu->family, 0.0, 20.0, 0, 0, "Blender uses font from selfmade objects"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Size:", 480,56,155,20, &cu->fsize, 0.1,10.0, 10, 0, "Size of the text"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Linedist:", 640,56,155,20, &cu->linedist, 0.0,10.0, 10, 0, "Distance between text lines"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Word spacing:", 795,56,155,20, &cu->wordspace, 0.0,10.0, 10, 0, "Distance factor between words"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Spacing:", 480,34,155,20, &cu->spacing, 0.0,10.0, 10, 0, "Spacing of individual characters"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "X offset:", 640,34,155,20, &cu->xof, -50.0,50.0, 10, 0, "Horizontal position from object centre"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "UL position:", 795,34,155,20, &cu->ulpos, -0.2,0.8, 10, 0, "Vertical position of underline"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Shear:", 480,12,155,20, &cu->shear, -1.0,1.0, 10, 0, "Italic angle of the characters"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Y offset:", 640,12,155,20, &cu->yof, -50.0,50.0, 10, 0, "Vertical position from object centre"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "UL height:", 795,12,155,20, &cu->ulheight, 0.01,0.5, 10, 0, "Thickness of underline"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); sprintf(str, "%d TextFrame: ", cu->totbox); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButI(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, str, 805, 188, 145, 20, &cu->actbox, 1.0, cu->totbox, 0, 10, "Textbox to show settings for"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_INSTB, "Insert", 805, 168, 72, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Insert a new text frame after the current one"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DELTB, "Delete", 877, 168, 73, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Delete current text frame and shift the others up"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "X:", 805, 148, 72, 20, &(cu->tb[cu->actbox-1].x), -50.0, 50.0, 10, 0, "Horizontal offset of text frame"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Y:", 877, 148, 73, 20, &(cu->tb[cu->actbox-1].y), -50.0, 50.0, 10, 0, "Horizontal offset of text frame"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Width:", 805, 128, 145, 20, &(cu->tb[cu->actbox-1].w), 0.0, 50.0, 10, 0, "Horizontal offset of text frame"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_MAKEFONT, "Height:", 805, 108, 145, 20, &(cu->tb[cu->actbox-1].h), 0.0, 50.0, 10, 0, "Horizontal offset of text frame"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } /* *************************** CURVE ******************************** */ void do_curvebuts(unsigned short event) { extern Nurb *lastnu; extern ListBase editNurb; /* from editcurve */ Object *ob; Curve *cu; Nurb *nu; ob= OBACT; if(ob==0) return; switch(event) { case B_CONVERTPOLY: case B_CONVERTBEZ: case B_CONVERTBSPL: case B_CONVERTCARD: case B_CONVERTNURB: if(G.obedit) { setsplinetype(event-B_CONVERTPOLY); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case B_UNIFU: case B_ENDPU: case B_BEZU: case B_UNIFV: case B_ENDPV: case B_BEZV: if(G.obedit) { nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(isNurbsel(nu)) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { if(eventflagu &= 1; nu->flagu += ((event-B_UNIFU)<<1); makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } else if(nu->pntsv>1) { nu->flagv &= 1; nu->flagv += ((event-B_UNIFV)<<1); makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } } } nu= nu->next; } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case B_SETWEIGHT: if(G.obedit) { weightflagNurb(1, editbutweight, 0); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case B_SETW1: editbutweight= 1.0; scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); break; case B_SETW2: editbutweight= sqrt(2.0)/4.0; scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); break; case B_SETW3: editbutweight= 0.25; scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); break; case B_SETW4: editbutweight= sqrt(0.5); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); break; case B_SETORDER: if(G.obedit) { nu= lastnu; if(nu && (nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS ) { if(nu->orderu>nu->pntsu) { nu->orderu= nu->pntsu; scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); if(nu->orderv>nu->pntsv) { nu->orderv= nu->pntsv; scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case B_SUBSURFTYPE: /* fallthrough */ case B_MAKEDISP: if(G.vd) { DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSALL, 0); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 1); /* 1, because header->win==0! */ } break; case B_SUBDIVCURVE: subdivideNurb(); break; case B_SPINNURB: if( (G.obedit==NULL) || (G.obedit->type!=OB_SURF) || (G.vd==NULL) || ((G.obedit->lay & G.vd->lay) == 0) ) return; spinNurb(0, 0); countall(); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_CU3D: /* allow 3D curve */ if(G.obedit) { cu= G.obedit->data; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { nu->type &= ~CU_2D; if((cu->flag & CU_3D)==0) nu->type |= CU_2D; test2DNurb(nu); nu= nu->next; } } if(ob->type==OB_CURVE) { cu= ob->data; nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { nu->type &= ~CU_2D; if((cu->flag & CU_3D)==0) nu->type |= CU_2D; test2DNurb(nu); nu= nu->next; } } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_SETRESOLU: if(ob->type==OB_CURVE) { cu= ob->data; if(ob==G.obedit) nu= editNurb.first; else nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { nu->resolu= cu->resolu; nu= nu->next; } } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSALL, 0); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 1); /* 1, because header->win==0! */ break; } } static void editing_panel_curve_tools(Object *ob, Curve *cu) { Nurb *nu; extern ListBase editNurb; /* from editcurve */ extern Nurb *lastnu; uiBlock *block; short *sp; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_curve_tools", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Curve Tools", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Make Knots",562,173,102, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); if(ob->type==OB_CURVE) { uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Convert", 463,173,72, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_CONVERTPOLY,"Poly", 467,152,72, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Converts selected into regular Polygon vertices"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_CONVERTBEZ,"Bezier", 467,132,72, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Converts selected to Bezier triples"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_CONVERTNURB,"Nurb", 467,112,72, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Converts selected to Nurbs Points"); } uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_UNIFU,"Uniform U", 565,152,102, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; interpolated result doesn't go to end points in U"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_UNIFV,"V", 670,152,50, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; interpolated result doesn't go to end points in V"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_ENDPU,"Endpoint U", 565,132,102, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; interpolated result is forced to end points in U"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_ENDPV,"V", 670,132,50, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; interpolated result is forced to end points in V"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_BEZU,"Bezier U", 565,112,102, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; make knots array mimic a Bezier in U"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_BEZV,"V", 670,112,50, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; make knots array mimic a Bezier in V"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETWEIGHT,"Set Weight", 465,11,95,49, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; set weight for select points"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,0,"Weight:", 565,36,102,22, &editbutweight, 0.01, 100.0, 10, 0, "The weight you can assign"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETW1,"1.0", 670,36,50,22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETW2,"sqrt(2)/4",565,11,55,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETW3,"0.25", 620,11,45,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETW4,"sqrt(0.5)",665,11,55,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockEndAlign(block); if(ob==G.obedit) { nu= lastnu; if(nu==NULL) nu= editNurb.first; if(nu) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); sp= &(nu->orderu); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_SETORDER, "Order U:", 565,90,102, 19, sp, 2.0, 6.0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; the amount of control points involved"); sp= &(nu->orderv); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_SETORDER, "V:", 670,90,50, 19, sp, 2.0, 6.0, 0, 0, "Nurbs only; the amount of control points involved"); sp= &(nu->resolu); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_MAKEDISP, "Resol U:", 565,70,102, 19, sp, 1.0, 1024.0, 0, 0, "The amount of new points interpolated per control vertex pair"); sp= &(nu->resolv); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_MAKEDISP, "V:", 670,70,50, 19, sp, 1.0, 1024.0, 0, 0, "The amount of new points interpolated per control vertex pair"); } } } static void editing_panel_curve_tools1(Object *ob, Curve *cu) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_curve_tools1", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Curve Tools1", "Editing", 960, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SUBDIVCURVE, "Subdivide", 400,180,150,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Subdivide selected"); if(ob->type==OB_SURF) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SPINNURB, "Spin", 400,160,150,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Spin selected 360 degrees"); } uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_HIDE, "Hide", 400,120,150,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Hides selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_REVEAL, "Reveal", 400,100,150,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Reveals selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SELSWAP, "Select Swap", 400,80,150,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Selects unselected faces, and deselects selected faces"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "NSize:", 400, 40, 150, 19, &G.scene->editbutsize, 0.001, 1.0, 10, 0, "Normal size for drawing"); if(G.obedit) { uiBut *but; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but= uiDefButBitS(block,TOG,CU_RETOPO,B_NOP, "Retopo", 560,180,100,19, &cu->flag, 0,0,0,0, "Turn on the re-topology tool"); uiButSetFunc(but,retopo_toggle,0,0); if(cu->flag & CU_RETOPO) { but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Retopo All", 560,160,100,19, 0,0,0,0,0, "Apply the re-topology tool to all selected vertices"); uiButSetFunc(but,retopo_do_all,0,0); } } } /* only for bevel or taper */ static void test_obcurpoin_but(char *name, ID **idpp) { ID *id; for(id= G.main->object.first; id; id= id->next) { if( strcmp(name, id->name+2)==0 ) { if (((Object *)id)->type != OB_CURVE) { error ("Bevel/Taper Object must be a Curve"); break; } if(id == (ID *)OBACT) { error ("Cannot Bevel/Taper own Object"); break; } *idpp= id; return; } } *idpp= NULL; } /* for curve, surf and font! */ static void editing_panel_curve_type(Object *ob, Curve *cu) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_curve_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Curve and Surface", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_UV_ORCO, 0, "UV Orco", 600,160,150,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Forces to use UV coordinates for texture mapping 'orco'"); if(ob->type==OB_SURF) uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_NOPUNOFLIP, REDRAWVIEW3D, "No Puno Flip", 600,140,150,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Don't flip vertex normals while render"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DOCENTRE, "Centre", 600, 115, 55, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Shifts object data to be centered about object's origin"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DOCENTRENEW, "Centre New", 655, 115, 95, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Shifts object's origin to center of object data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DOCENTRECURSOR, "Centre Cursor", 600, 95, 150, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Shifts object's origin to cursor location"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); if(cu->key) { /* uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Slurph:", 600,25,140,19, &(cu->key->slurph), -500.0, 500.0,0,0); ,""*/ uiDefButS(block, TOG, B_RELKEY, "Relative Keys", 600, 72,150,19, &cu->key->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); } if(ob->type!=OB_SURF) { if(ob->type==OB_CURVE) { extern float prlen; // buttons_object.c, should be moved.... char str[32]; sprintf(str, "%.4f", prlen); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_PRINTLEN, "PrintLen", 600,135,75,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, str, 675,135,75,19, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_RECALCPATH, "PathLen:", 600,50,150,19, &cu->pathlen, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "If no speed Ipo was set, the amount of frames of the path"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_PATH, B_RECALCPATH, "CurvePath", 600,30,75,19 , &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enables curve to become translation path"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_FOLLOW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "CurveFollow",675,30,75,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Makes curve path children to rotate along path"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_STRETCH, B_CURVECHECK, "CurveStretch", 600,10,150,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Option for curve-deform: makes deformed child to stretch along entire path"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_OFFS_PATHDIST, REDRAWVIEW3D, "PathDist Offs", 600,-10,150,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Children will use TimeOffs value as path distance offset"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_SETRESOLU, "DefResolU:", 760,160,150,19, &cu->resolu, 1.0, 1024.0, 0, 0, "Default resolution"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_NOP, "RenResolU", 760,140,150,19, &cu->resolu_ren, 0.0f, 1024, 0, 0, "Set resolution for rendering. A value of zero skips this operation."); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MAKEDISP, "Width:", 760,90,150,19, &cu->width, 0.0, 2.0, 1, 0, "Make interpolated result thinner or fatter"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MAKEDISP, "Extrude:", 760,70,150,19, &cu->ext1, 0.0, 5.0, 10, 0, "Curve extrusion size when not using a bevel object"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_MAKEDISP, "Bevel Depth:", 760,50,150,19, &cu->ext2, 0.0, 2.0, 1, 0, "Bevel depth when not using a bevel object"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_MAKEDISP, "BevResol:", 760,30,150,19, &cu->bevresol, 0.0, 32.0, 0, 0, "Bevel resolution when depth is non-zero and not using a bevel object"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obcurpoin_but, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "BevOb:", 760,10,150,19, &cu->bevobj, "Curve object name that defines the bevel shape"); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obcurpoin_but, ID_OB, B_CHANGEDEP, "TaperOb:", 760,-10,150,19, &cu->taperobj, "Curve object name that defines the taper (width)"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_SETTING1); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_BACK, B_MAKEDISP, "Back", 760,115,50,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw filled back for extruded/beveled curves"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_FRONT, B_MAKEDISP, "Front",810,115,50,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw filled front for extruded/beveled curves"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CU_3D, B_CU3D, "3D", 860,115,50,19, &cu->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Allow Curve to be 3d, it doesn't fill then"); } } /* *************************** CAMERA ******************************** */ static void editing_panel_camera_type(Object *ob, Camera *cam) { uiBlock *block; float grid=0.0; if(G.vd) grid= G.vd->grid; if(grid<1.0) grid= 1.0; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_camera_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Camera", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 10, "Lens:", 10, 180, 150, 20, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); if(cam->type==CAM_ORTHO) { uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "Scale:", 10, 160, 150, 20, &cam->ortho_scale, 0.01, 1000.0, 50, 0, "Specify the ortho scaling of the used camera"); } else { uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "Lens:", 10, 160, 150, 20, &cam->lens, 1.0, 250.0, 100, 0, "Specify the lens of the camera"); } /* qdn: focal dist. param. from yafray now enabled for Blender as well, to use with defocus composit node */ uiDefButF(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "DoFDist:", 10, 140, 150, 20 /*0, 125, 150, 20*/, &cam->YF_dofdist, 0.0, 5000.0, 50, 0, "Sets distance to point of focus (enable 'Limits' to make visible in 3Dview)"); uiDefButS(block, TOG, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Orthographic", 10, 115, 150, 20, &cam->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Render orthogonally"); //10, 135, 150, 20, &cam->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Render orthogonally"); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Clipping:", 10, 90, 150, 20, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "Start:", 10, 70, 150, 20, &cam->clipsta, 0.001*grid, 100.0*grid, 10, 0, "Specify the startvalue of the the field of view"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "End:", 10, 50, 150, 20, &cam->clipend, 1.0, 5000.0*grid, 100, 0, "Specify the endvalue of the the field of view"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "Size:", 170, 25, 150, 20, &cam->drawsize, 0.1*grid, 10.0, 10, 0, "The size that the camera is displayed in the 3D View (different to the object's scale)"); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Shift:", 10, 25, 150, 20, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "X:", 10, 5, 75, 20, &cam->shiftx, -2.0, 2.0, 1, 2, "Horizontally shifts the camera view, without changing the perspective"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,REDRAWVIEW3D, "Y:", 85, 5, 75, 20, &cam->shifty, -2.0, 2.0, 1, 2, "Vertically shifts the camera view, without changing the perspective"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Show:", 170, 180, 150, 20, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, TOG|BIT|0, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Limits", 170, 160, 150, 20, &cam->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw the field of view"); uiDefButS(block, TOG|BIT|1, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Mist", 170, 140, 150, 20, &cam->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw a line that indicates the mist area"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, TOG|BIT|4, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Name", 170, 115, 150, 20, &cam->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw the active camera's name in camera view"); uiDefButS(block, TOG|BIT|3, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Title Safe", 170, 95, 150, 20, &cam->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw a the title safe zone in camera view"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, TOG|BIT|2, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Passepartout", 170, 70, 150, 20, &cam->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw a darkened passepartout over the off-screen area in camera view"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Alpha: ", 170, 50, 150, 20, &cam->passepartalpha, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "The opacity (darkness) of the passepartout"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } /* yafray: extra camera panel to set Depth-of-Field parameters */ static void editing_panel_camera_yafraydof(Object *ob, Camera *cam) { uiBlock *block; char *mst1, *mst2; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_camera_yafraydof", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); uiNewPanelTabbed("Camera", "Editing"); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Yafray DoF", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefButF(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "DoFDist:", 10, 147, 180, 20, &cam->YF_dofdist, 0.0, 5000.0, 50, 0, "Sets distance to point of focus (use camera 'ShowLimits' to make visible in 3Dview)"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Aperture:", 10, 125, 180, 20, &cam->YF_aperture, 0.0, 2.0, 1, 0, "Sets lens aperture, the larger, the more blur (use small values, 0 is no DoF)"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, CAM_YF_NO_QMC, B_DIFF, "Random sampling", 10, 90, 180, 20, &cam->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use noisy random Lens sampling instead of QMC"); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Bokeh", 10, 60, 180, 19, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); mst1 = "Bokeh Type%t|Disk1%x0|Disk2%x1|Triangle%x2|Square%x3|Pentagon%x4|Hexagon%x5|Ring%x6"; uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_REDR, mst1, 10, 40, 89, 20, &cam->YF_bkhtype, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Sets Bokeh type"); if ((cam->YF_bkhtype!=0) && (cam->YF_bkhtype!=6)) { mst2 = "Bokeh Bias%t|Uniform%x0|Center%x1|Edge%x2"; uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_REDR, mst2, 100, 40, 90, 20, &cam->YF_bkhbias, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Sets Bokeh bias"); if (cam->YF_bkhtype>1) uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Rotation:", 10, 15, 180, 20, &cam->YF_bkhrot, 0.0, 360.0, 100, 0, "Shape rotation amount in degrees"); } } /* **************************** CAMERA *************************** */ void do_cambuts(unsigned short event) { Object *ob; Camera *cam; ob= OBACT; if (ob==0) return; cam= ob->data; switch(event) { case 0: ; break; } } /* *************************** MBALL ******************************** */ void do_mballbuts(unsigned short event) { switch(event) { case B_RECALCMBALL: DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; } } static void editing_panel_mball_type(Object *ob, MetaBall *mb) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mball_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "MetaBall", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; ob= find_basis_mball(ob); mb= ob->data; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_RECALCMBALL, "Wiresize:", 470,178,250,19, &mb->wiresize, 0.05, 1.0, 1, 0, "Polygonization resolution in 3d window"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_NOP, "Rendersize:", 470,158,250,19, &mb->rendersize, 0.05, 1.0, 1, 0, "Polygonization resolution in rendering"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_RECALCMBALL, "Threshold:", 470,138,250,19, &mb->thresh, 0.0001, 5.0, 1, 0, "Defines influence of meta elements"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_SETTING1); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Update:", 471,108,120,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Always", 471, 85, 120, 19, &mb->flag, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "While editing, always updates"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Half Res", 471, 65, 120, 19, &mb->flag, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "While editing, updates in half resolution"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Fast", 471, 45, 120, 19, &mb->flag, 0.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "While editing, updates without polygonization"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Never", 471, 25, 120, 19, &mb->flag, 0.0, 3.0, 0, 0, "While editing, doesn't update"); } static void editing_panel_mball_tools(Object *ob, MetaBall *mb) { extern MetaElem *lastelem; uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mball_tools", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if( uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "MetaBall tools", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; if(ob==G.obedit && lastelem) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_RECALCMBALL, "Stiffness:", 750,178,250,19, &lastelem->s, 0.0, 10.0, 1, 0, "Stiffness for active meta"); if(lastelem->type!=MB_BALL) uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_RECALCMBALL, "dx:", 750,158,250,19, &lastelem->expx, 0.0, 20.0, 1, 0, "X size for active meta"); if((lastelem->type!=MB_BALL)&&(lastelem->type!=MB_TUBE)) uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_RECALCMBALL, "dy:", 750,138,250,19, &lastelem->expy, 0.0, 20.0, 1, 0, "Y size for active meta"); if((lastelem->type==MB_CUBE)||(lastelem->type==MB_ELIPSOID)) uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_RECALCMBALL, "dz:", 750,118,250,19, &lastelem->expz, 0.0, 20.0, 1, 0, "Z size for active meta"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_RECALCMBALL, "Ball", 753,83,60,19, &lastelem->type, 1.0, MB_BALL, 0, 0, "Draw active meta as Ball"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_RECALCMBALL, "Tube", 753,62,60,19, &lastelem->type, 1.0, MB_TUBE, 0, 0, "Draw active meta as Ball"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_RECALCMBALL, "Plane", 814,62,60,19, &lastelem->type, 1.0, MB_PLANE, 0, 0, "Draw active meta as Plane"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_RECALCMBALL, "Elipsoid", 876,62,60,19, &lastelem->type, 1.0, MB_ELIPSOID, 0, 0, "Draw active meta as Ellipsoid"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_RECALCMBALL, "Cube", 938,62,60,19, &lastelem->type, 1.0, MB_CUBE, 0, 0, "Draw active meta as Cube"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, MB_NEGATIVE, B_RECALCMBALL, "Negative",753,16,125,19, &lastelem->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make active meta creating holes"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, MB_HIDE, B_RECALCMBALL, "Hide",878,16,125,19, &lastelem->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make active meta invisible"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } } /* *************************** LATTICE ******************************** */ void do_latticebuts(unsigned short event) { Object *ob; Lattice *lt; ob= OBACT; if(ob->type!=OB_LATTICE) return; switch(event) { case B_REGULARLAT: if(ob) { lt = ob->data; if(ob==G.obedit) resizelattice(editLatt, lt->opntsu, lt->opntsv, lt->opntsw, NULL); else resizelattice(ob->data, lt->opntsu, lt->opntsv, lt->opntsw, NULL); ob->softflag |= OB_SB_REDO; DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } case B_RESIZELAT: if(ob) { lt = ob->data; resizelattice(ob->data, lt->opntsu, lt->opntsv, lt->opntsw, ob); ob->softflag |= OB_SB_REDO; DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case B_DRAWLAT: allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_LATTCHANGED: lt= ob->data; if(lt->flag & LT_OUTSIDE) outside_lattice(lt); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; } } static void editing_panel_lattice_type(Object *ob, Lattice *lt) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_lattice_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Lattice", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiSetButLock(lt->key!=0, "Not with VertexKeys"); uiSetButLock(ob==G.obedit, "Unable to perform function in EditMode"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); lt->opntsu = lt->pntsu; lt->opntsv = lt->pntsv; lt->opntsw = lt->pntsw; uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_RESIZELAT, "U:", 469, 178,100,19, <->opntsu, 1.0, 64.0, 0, 0, "Points in U direction"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "Lin", 572, 178, 40, 19, <->typeu, 1.0, (float)KEY_LINEAR, 0, 0, "Set Linear interpolation"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "Card", 613, 178, 40, 19, <->typeu, 1.0, (float)KEY_CARDINAL, 0, 0, "Set Cardinal interpolation"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "B", 652, 178, 40, 19, <->typeu, 1.0, (float)KEY_BSPLINE, 0, 0, "Set B-spline interpolation"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_RESIZELAT, "V:", 469, 156,100,19, <->opntsv, 1.0, 64.0, 0, 0, "Points in V direction"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "Lin", 572, 156, 40, 19, <->typev, 2.0, (float)KEY_LINEAR, 0, 0, "Set Linear interpolation"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "Card", 613, 156, 40, 19, <->typev, 2.0, (float)KEY_CARDINAL, 0, 0, "Set Cardinal interpolation"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "B", 652, 156, 40, 19, <->typev, 2.0, (float)KEY_BSPLINE, 0, 0, "Set B-spline interpolation"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_RESIZELAT, "W:", 469, 134,100,19, <->opntsw, 1.0, 64.0, 0, 0, "Points in W direction"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "Lin", 572, 134, 40, 19, <->typew, 3.0, (float)KEY_LINEAR, 0, 0, "Set Linear interpolation"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "Card", 613, 134, 40, 19, <->typew, 3.0, (float)KEY_CARDINAL, 0, 0, "Set Cardinal interpolation"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, B_LATTCHANGED, "B", 652, 134, 40, 19, <->typew, 3.0, (float)KEY_BSPLINE, 0, 0, "Set B-spline interpolation"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_REGULARLAT, "Make Regular", 469,98,102,31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make Lattice regular"); uiClearButLock(); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, LT_OUTSIDE, B_LATTCHANGED, "Outside", 571,98,122,31, <->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Only draw, and take into account, the outer vertices"); if(lt->key) { uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Slurph:", 469,60,120,19, &(lt->key->slurph), -500.0, 500.0, 0, 0, "Set time value to denote 'slurph' (sequential delay) vertices with key framing"); uiDefButS(block, TOG, B_RELKEY, "Relative Keys", 469,40,120,19, <->key->type, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use relative keys (instead of absolute)"); } } /* *************************** ARMATURE ******************************** */ void do_armbuts(unsigned short event) { Object *ob= OBACT; switch(event) { case B_ARM_RECALCDATA: DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_ARM_STRIDE: if(ob && ob->pose) { bPoseChannel *pchan; bActionStrip *strip; for (pchan=ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan=pchan->next) if(pchan->flag & POSE_STRIDE) break; /* we put the stride bone name in the strips, for lookup of action channel */ for (strip=ob->nlastrips.first; strip; strip=strip->next){ if(strip->flag & ACTSTRIP_USESTRIDE) { if(pchan) BLI_strncpy(strip->stridechannel, pchan->name, 32); else strip->stridechannel[0]= 0; } } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWNLA, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } break; } } static void validate_stridebutton_cb(void *pchanv, void *poin) { Object *ob= OBACT; bPoseChannel *pchan; if(ob && ob->pose) { for (pchan=ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan=pchan->next){ if(pchan!=pchanv) pchan->flag &= ~POSE_STRIDE; } } } static int editbone_to_parnr (EditBone *bone) { EditBone *ebone; int index; for (ebone=G.edbo.first, index=0; ebone; ebone=ebone->next, index++){ if (ebone==bone) return index; } return -1; } /* the "IK" button in editbuttons */ static void attach_bone_to_parent_cb(void *bonev, void *arg2_unused) { EditBone *ebone= bonev; if (ebone->parent && (ebone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) { /* Attach this bone to its parent */ VECCOPY(ebone->head, ebone->parent->tail); } } static void parnr_to_editbone(EditBone *bone) { if (bone->parNr == -1){ bone->parent = NULL; bone->flag &= ~BONE_CONNECTED; } else{ bone->parent = BLI_findlink(&G.edbo, bone->parNr); attach_bone_to_parent_cb(bone, NULL); } } static void parnr_to_editbone_cb(void *bonev, void *arg2_unused) { EditBone *curBone= bonev; parnr_to_editbone(curBone); } static void build_bonestring (char *string, EditBone *bone) { EditBone *curBone; EditBone *pBone; int skip=0; int index, numbones, i; char (*qsort_ptr)[32] = NULL; sprintf (string, "Parent%%t| %%x%d", -1); /* That space is there * for a reason */ numbones = BLI_countlist(&G.edbo); /* * This will hold the bone names temporarily so we can sort them */ if (numbones > 0) qsort_ptr = MEM_callocN (numbones * sizeof (qsort_ptr[0]), "qsort_ptr"); numbones = 0; for (curBone = G.edbo.first, index=0; curBone; curBone=curBone->next, index++){ /* Make sure this is a valid child */ if (curBone != bone){ skip=0; for (pBone=curBone->parent; pBone; pBone=pBone->parent){ if (pBone==bone){ skip=1; break; } } if (skip) continue; sprintf (qsort_ptr[numbones], "|%s%%x%d", curBone->name, index); numbones++; } } qsort (qsort_ptr, numbones, sizeof (qsort_ptr[0]), ( int (*)(const void *, const void *) ) strcmp); for (i=0; i < numbones; ++i) { sprintf (string, "%s%s", string, qsort_ptr[i]); } if (qsort_ptr) MEM_freeN(qsort_ptr); } /* assumes armature editmode */ /* exported to drawview.c via BIF_butspace.h */ void validate_editbonebutton_cb(void *bonev, void *namev) { EditBone *eBone= bonev; char oldname[32], newname[32]; /* need to be on the stack */ BLI_strncpy(newname, eBone->name, 32); BLI_strncpy(oldname, (char *)namev, 32); /* restore */ BLI_strncpy(eBone->name, oldname, 32); armature_bone_rename(G.obedit->data, oldname, newname); // editarmature.c allqueue(REDRAWALL, 0); } /* assumes armature posemode */ static void validate_posebonebutton_cb(void *bonev, void *namev) { Bone *bone= bonev; Object *ob= OBACT; char oldname[32], newname[32]; /* need to be on the stack */ BLI_strncpy(newname, bone->name, 32); BLI_strncpy(oldname, (char *)namev, 32); /* restore */ BLI_strncpy(bone->name, oldname, 32); armature_bone_rename(ob->data, oldname, newname); // editarmature.c allqueue(REDRAWALL, 0); } static void armature_layer_cb(void *lay_v, void *value_v) { short *layer= lay_v; int value= (int)value_v; if(*layer==0 || G.qual==0) *layer= value; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWACTION, 0); allqueue(REDRAWNLA, 0); } static void editing_panel_armature_type(Object *ob, bArmature *arm) { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; int a; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_armature_type", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Armature", "Editing", 320, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Editing Options", 10,180,150,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, ARM_MIRROR_EDIT, B_DIFF, "X-Axis Mirror", 10, 160,100,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable X-axis mirrored editing"); uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, OB_DRAWXRAY,REDRAWVIEW3D, "X-Ray", 110,160,100,20, &ob->dtx, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw armature in front of solid objects"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, ARM_AUTO_IK, B_DIFF, "Auto IK", 210,160,100,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Adds temporal IK chains while grabbing Bones"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Display Options", 10,141,150,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); /* layers */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { short dx= 18; but= uiDefButBitS(block, BUT_TOGDUAL, 1<layer, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(but, armature_layer_cb, &arm->layer, (void *)(1<layer, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(but, armature_layer_cb, &arm->layer, (void *)(1<pose) ob->pose->proxy_layer= arm->layer; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButI(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Octahedron", 10, 100,90,20, &arm->drawtype, 0, ARM_OCTA, 0, 0, "Draw bones as octahedra"); uiDefButI(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Stick", 100, 100,55,20, &arm->drawtype, 0, ARM_LINE, 0, 0, "Draw bones as simple 2d lines with dots"); uiDefButI(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "B-Bone", 155, 100,70,20, &arm->drawtype, 0, ARM_B_BONE, 0, 0, "Draw bones as boxes, showing subdivision and b-splines"); uiDefButI(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Envelope", 225, 100,85,20, &arm->drawtype, 0, ARM_ENVELOPE, 0, 0, "Draw bones as extruded spheres, showing deformation influence volume"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, ARM_DRAWAXES, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Axes", 10, 80,100,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw bone axes"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, ARM_DRAWNAMES, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Names", 110,80,100,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw bone names"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOGN, ARM_NO_CUSTOM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Shapes", 210,80,100,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Draw custom bone shapes"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Ghost: ", 10,60,150,20, &arm->ghostep, 0.0f, 30.0f, 0, 0, "Draw Ghosts around current frame, for current Action"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Step: ", 160,60,150,20, &arm->ghostsize, 1.0f, 20.0f, 0, 0, "How many frames between Ghost instances"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Deform Options", 10,40,150,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ARM_DEF_VGROUP, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Vertex Groups", 10, 20,150,20, &arm->deformflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable VertexGroups defining deform (not for Modifiers)"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, ARM_DEF_ENVELOPE, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Envelopes", 160,20,150,20, &arm->deformflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable Bone Envelopes defining deform (not for Modifiers)"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, ARM_RESTPOS, B_ARM_RECALCDATA,"Rest Position", 10,0,150,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Show armature rest position, no posing possible"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, ARM_DELAYDEFORM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Delay Deform", 160,0,150,20, &arm->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Don't deform children when manipulating bones in pose mode"); } /* autocomplete callback for editbones */ static void autocomplete_editbone(char *str, void *arg_v) { char truncate[40]= {0}; if(G.obedit==NULL) return; /* search if str matches the beginning of an ID struct */ if(str[0]) { EditBone *ebone; for (ebone=G.edbo.first; ebone; ebone=ebone->next) { int a; if(ebone->name==str) continue; for(a=0; a<31; a++) { if(str[a]==0 || str[a]!=ebone->name[a]) break; } /* found a match */ if(str[a]==0) { /* first match */ if(truncate[0]==0) BLI_strncpy(truncate, ebone->name, 32); else { /* remove from truncate what is not in bone->name */ for(a=0; a<31; a++) { if(truncate[a] && truncate[a]!=ebone->name[a]) truncate[a]= 0; } } } } if(truncate[0]) BLI_strncpy(str, truncate, 32); } } static void editing_panel_armature_bones(Object *ob, bArmature *arm) { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; EditBone *curBone; char *boneString=NULL; int by=180; int index, a; /* Draw the bone name block */ block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_armature_bones", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Armature Bones", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; /* this is a variable height panel, newpanel doesnt force new size on existing panels */ /* so first we make it default height */ uiNewPanelHeight(block, 204); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Selected Bones", 0,by,158,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Only show in Armature Editmode"); by-=20; for (curBone=G.edbo.first, index=0; curBone; curBone=curBone->next, index++){ if ((curBone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) && (curBone->layer & arm->layer)) { /* Bone naming button */ but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, REDRAWVIEW3D, "BO:", -10,by,117,18, curBone->name, 0, 31, 0, 0, "Change the bone name"); uiButSetFunc(but, validate_editbonebutton_cb, curBone, NULL); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_editbone, (void *)OBACT); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "child of", 107,by,73,18, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, ""); boneString = MEM_mallocN((BLI_countlist(&G.edbo) * 64)+64, "Bone str"); build_bonestring (boneString, curBone); curBone->parNr = editbone_to_parnr(curBone->parent); but = uiDefButI(block, MENU,REDRAWVIEW3D, boneString, 180,by,120,18, &curBone->parNr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Parent"); /* last arg NULL means button will put old string there */ uiButSetFunc(but, parnr_to_editbone_cb, curBone, NULL); MEM_freeN(boneString); /* Connect to parent flag */ if (curBone->parent){ but=uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, BONE_CONNECTED, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Con", 300,by,32,18, &curBone->flag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Connect this Bone to Parent"); uiButSetFunc(but, attach_bone_to_parent_cb, curBone, NULL); } /* Segment, dist and weight buttons */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Segm: ", -10,by-19,117,18, &curBone->segments, 1.0, 32.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Subdivisions for B-bones"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Dist:", 110, by-19, 105, 18, &curBone->dist, 0.0, 1000.0, 10.0, 0.0, "Bone deformation distance"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Weight:", 225, by-19,105, 18, &curBone->weight, 0.0F, 1000.0F, 10.0F, 0.0F, "Bone deformation weight"); /* bone types */ uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, BONE_HINGE, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Hinge", -10,by-38,85,18, &curBone->flag, 1.0, 32.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Don't inherit rotation or scale from parent Bone"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOGN, BONE_NO_DEFORM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Deform", 75, by-38, 85, 18, &curBone->flag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Indicate if Bone deforms geometry"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, BONE_MULT_VG_ENV, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Mult", 160,by-38,85,18, &curBone->flag, 1.0, 32.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Multiply Bone Envelope with VertexGroup"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, BONE_HIDDEN_A, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Hide", 245,by-38,85,18, &curBone->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toggles display of this bone in Edit Mode"); /* layers */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { short dx= 21; but= uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, 1<layer, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Don't draw this layer for group-duplicators"); uiButSetFunc(but, armature_layer_cb, &curBone->layer, (void *)(1<layer, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Don't draw this layer for group-duplicators"); uiButSetFunc(but, armature_layer_cb, &curBone->layer, (void *)(1<id.lib) return 0; if(arm->id.lib) { if(pchan==NULL) uiSetButLock(1, "Can't edit library data"); else if(ob->proxy && bone->layer & arm->layer_protected) { uiSetButLock(1, "Can't edit protected proxy channel"); return 1; } else uiClearButLock(); } return 0; } static void editing_panel_pose_bones(Object *ob, bArmature *arm) { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; bPoseChannel *pchan; Bone *curBone; int by, a; int index, zerodof, zerolimit; /* Draw the bone name block */ block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_pose_bones", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Armature Bones", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; /* this is a variable height panel, newpanel doesnt force new size on existing panels */ /* so first we make it default height */ uiNewPanelHeight(block, 204); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Selected Bones", 0,180,158,18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Only show in Armature Editmode/Posemode"); by= 160; for (pchan=ob->pose->chanbase.first, index=0; pchan; pchan=pchan->next, index++){ curBone= pchan->bone; if ((curBone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) && (curBone->layer & arm->layer)) { if(ob_arm_bone_pchan_lock(ob, arm, curBone, pchan)) uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "Proxy Locked", 160, 180,150,18, NULL, 1, 0, 0, 0, ""); /* Bone naming button */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but=uiDefBut(block, TEX, REDRAWVIEW3D, "BO:", -10,by,117,19, curBone->name, 0, 24, 0, 0, "Change the bone name"); uiButSetFunc(but, validate_posebonebutton_cb, curBone, NULL); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_bone, (void *)ob); /* Dist and weight buttons */ uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Dist:", 107, by, 105, 19, &curBone->dist, 0.0, 1000.0, 10.0, 0.0, "Bone deformation distance"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Weight:", 220, by, 110, 19, &curBone->weight, 0.0F, 1000.0F, 10.0F, 0.0F, "Bone deformation weight"); /* Segment, ease in/out buttons */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Segm: ", -10,by-19,117,19, &curBone->segments, 1.0, 32.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Subdivisions for B-bones"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "In:", 107, by-19,105, 19, &curBone->ease1, 0.0, 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, "First length of Bezier handle"); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Out:", 220, by-19, 110, 19, &curBone->ease2, 0.0, 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, "Second length of Bezier handle"); /* bone types */ uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, BONE_HINGE, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Hinge", -10,by-38,80,19, &curBone->flag, 1.0, 32.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Don't inherit rotation or scale from parent Bone"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOGN, BONE_NO_DEFORM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Deform", 70, by-38, 80, 19, &curBone->flag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Indicate if Bone deforms geometry"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, BONE_MULT_VG_ENV, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Mult", 150,by-38,80,19, &curBone->flag, 1.0, 32.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Multiply Bone Envelope with VertexGroup"); ob_arm_bone_pchan_lock(ob, arm, curBone, pchan); uiDefIDPoinBut(block, test_obpoin_but, ID_OB, REDRAWVIEW3D, "OB:", 230,by-38,100,19, &pchan->custom, "Object that defines custom draw type for this Bone"); ob_arm_bone_pchan_lock(ob, arm, curBone, NULL); /* layers */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { short dx= 21; but= uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, 1<layer, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(but, armature_layer_cb, &curBone->layer, (void *)(1<layer, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiButSetFunc(but, armature_layer_cb, &curBone->layer, (void *)(1<ikflag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Disable X DoF for IK"); if ((pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_XDOF)==0) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Stiff X:", -10, by-80, 114, 19, &pchan->stiffness[0], 0.0, 0.99, 1.0, 0.0, "Resistance to bending for X axis"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, BONE_IK_XLIMIT, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Limit X", -10,by-100,114,19, &pchan->ikflag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Limit rotation over X axis"); if ((pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_XLIMIT)) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Min X:", -10, by-120, 114, 19, &pchan->limitmin[0], -180.0, 0.0, 1000, 1, "Minimum X limit"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Max X:", -10, by-140, 114, 19, &pchan->limitmax[0], 0.0, 180.0f, 1000, 1, "Maximum X limit"); zerolimit = 0; } zerodof = 0; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, BONE_IK_NO_YDOF, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Lock Y Rot", 104,by-60,113,19, &pchan->ikflag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Disable Y DoF for IK"); if ((pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_YDOF)==0) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Stiff Y:", 104, by-80, 114, 19, &pchan->stiffness[1], 0.0, 0.99, 1.0, 0.0, "Resistance to twisting over Y axis"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, BONE_IK_YLIMIT, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Limit Y", 104,by-100,113,19, &pchan->ikflag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Limit rotation over Y axis"); if ((pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_YLIMIT)) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Min Y:", 104, by-120, 113, 19, &pchan->limitmin[1], -180.0, 0.0, 1000, 1, "Minimum Y limit"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Max Y:", 104, by-140, 113, 19, &pchan->limitmax[1], 0.0, 180.0, 1000, 1, "Maximum Y limit"); zerolimit = 0; } zerodof = 0; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, BONE_IK_NO_ZDOF, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Lock Z Rot", 217,by-60,113,19, &pchan->ikflag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Disable Z DoF for IK"); if ((pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_ZDOF)==0) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Stiff Z:", 217, by-80, 114, 19, &pchan->stiffness[2], 0.0, 0.99, 1.0, 0.0, "Resistance to bending for Z axis"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, BONE_IK_ZLIMIT, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Limit Z", 217,by-100,113,19, &pchan->ikflag, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "Limit rotation over Z axis"); if ((pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ZLIMIT)) { uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Min Z:", 217, by-120, 113, 19, &pchan->limitmin[2], -180.0, 0.0, 1000, 1, "Minimum Z limit"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Max Z:", 217, by-140, 113, 19, &pchan->limitmax[2], 0.0, 180.0, 1000, 1, "Maximum Z limit"); zerolimit = 0; } zerodof = 0; } uiBlockEndAlign(block); by -= (zerodof)? 82: (zerolimit)? 122: 162; uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_ARM_RECALCDATA, "Stretch:", -10, by, 113, 19, &pchan->ikstretch, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, "Allow scaling of the bone for IK"); by -= 20; } else { but= uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, POSE_STRIDE, B_ARM_STRIDE, "Stride Root", -10, by-60, 113, 19, &pchan->flag, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Set this PoseChannel to define the Stride distance"); uiButSetFunc(but, validate_stridebutton_cb, pchan, NULL); uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "(DoF only for IK chains)", 110,by-60, 190, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); by -= 82; } if(by < -200) break; // for time being... extreme long panels are very slow } } if(by<0) { uiNewPanelHeight(block, 204 - by); } } /* *************************** MESH ******************************** */ /* from this object to all objects with same ob->data */ static void copy_linked_vgroup_channels(Object *ob) { Base *base; for(base=FIRSTBASE; base; base= base->next) { if(base->object->type==ob->type) { if(base->object!=ob) { BLI_freelistN(&base->object->defbase); duplicatelist(&base->object->defbase, &ob->defbase); base->object->actdef= ob->actdef; DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, base->object, OB_RECALC_DATA); } } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } void do_vgroupbuts(unsigned short event) { Object *ob= OBACT; switch(event) { case B_NEWVGROUP: add_defgroup (ob); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); break; case B_DELVGROUP: del_defgroup (ob); allqueue (REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); BIF_undo_push("Delete vertex group"); break; case B_ASSIGNVGROUP: assign_verts_defgroup (); allqueue (REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); BIF_undo_push("Assign to vertex group"); break; case B_REMOVEVGROUP: remove_verts_defgroup (0); allqueue (REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); BIF_undo_push("Remove from vertex group"); break; case B_SELVGROUP: sel_verts_defgroup(1); allqueue (REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); countall(); break; case B_DESELVGROUP: sel_verts_defgroup(0); allqueue (REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); countall(); break; case B_LINKEDVGROUP: copy_linked_vgroup_channels(ob); break; } } void do_meshbuts(unsigned short event) { Object *ob; Mesh *me; MCol *mcol; EditMesh *em= G.editMesh; float fac; int count; /* store num of changes made to see if redraw & undo are needed*/ int layernum; short randfac; ob= OBACT; if(ob && ob->type==OB_MESH) { me= get_mesh(ob); if(me==NULL) return; switch(event) { case B_DELSTICKY: if(me->msticky) { CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->vdata, CD_MSTICKY, me->totvert); me->msticky= NULL; BIF_undo_push("Delete Sticky"); } allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_MAKESTICKY: RE_make_sticky(); BIF_undo_push("Make Sticky"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_NEWMCOL: if(G.obedit) { layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&em->fdata, CD_MCOL); EM_add_data_layer(&em->fdata, CD_MCOL); CustomData_set_layer_active(&em->fdata, CD_MCOL, layernum); } else if(me) { mcol= me->mcol; layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL); if(mcol) CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL, CD_DUPLICATE, mcol, me->totface); else CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL, CD_CALLOC, NULL, me->totface); CustomData_set_layer_active(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL, layernum); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); if(!mcol) shadeMeshMCol(ob, me); } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("New Vertex Color"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_SETMCOL: if (G.obedit || me) { CustomData *fdata= (G.obedit)? &em->fdata: &me->fdata; CustomData_set_layer_active(fdata, CD_MCOL, actmcol-1); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("Set Active Vertex Color"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } break; case B_NEWTFACE: if(G.obedit) { layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&em->fdata, CD_MTFACE); EM_add_data_layer(&em->fdata, CD_MTFACE); CustomData_set_layer_active(&em->fdata, CD_MTFACE, layernum); } else if(me) { layernum= CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE); if(me->mtface) CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, CD_DUPLICATE, me->mtface, me->totface); else CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, CD_DEFAULT, NULL, me->totface); CustomData_set_layer_active(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE, layernum); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("New UV Texture"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; case B_SETTFACE: if (G.obedit || me) { CustomData *fdata= (G.obedit)? &em->fdata: &me->fdata; if (G.f & G_FACESELECT) select_mface_from_tface(me); CustomData_set_layer_active(fdata, CD_MTFACE, acttface-1); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); if (G.f & G_FACESELECT) select_tface_from_mface(me); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("Set Active UV Texture"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } break; case B_FLIPNORM: if(G.obedit) { flip_editnormals(); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, G.obedit, OB_RECALC_DATA); BIF_undo_push("Flip Normals"); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; } } if(G.obedit==NULL || (G.obedit->type!=OB_MESH)) return; switch(event) { case B_SPIN: if( select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) spin_mesh(G.scene->toolsettings->step, G.scene->toolsettings->degr, 0, 0); break; case B_SPINDUP: if( select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) spin_mesh(G.scene->toolsettings->step, G.scene->toolsettings->degr, 0, 1); break; case B_EXTR: G.f |= G_DISABLE_OK; if( select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) extrude_mesh(); G.f -= G_DISABLE_OK; break; case B_SCREW: if( select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) screw_mesh(G.scene->toolsettings->step, G.scene->toolsettings->turn); break; case B_EXTREP: if( select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) extrude_repeat_mesh(G.scene->toolsettings->step, G.scene->toolsettings->extr_offs); break; case B_SPLIT: G.f |= G_DISABLE_OK; split_mesh(); G.f -= G_DISABLE_OK; break; case B_REMDOUB: count= removedoublesflag(1, G.scene->toolsettings->doublimit); notice("Removed: %d", count); if (count) { /* only undo and redraw if an action is taken */ countall (); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); BIF_undo_push("Rem Doubles"); } break; case B_SUBDIV: waitcursor(1); esubdivideflag(1, 0.0, G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag,1,0); countall(); waitcursor(0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); BIF_undo_push("Subdivide"); break; case B_FRACSUBDIV: randfac= 10; if(button(&randfac, 1, 100, "Rand fac:")==0) return; waitcursor(1); fac= -( (float)randfac )/100; esubdivideflag(1, fac, G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag,1,0); countall(); waitcursor(0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); BIF_undo_push("Fractal Subdivide"); break; case B_XSORT: if( select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) xsortvert_flag(1); break; case B_HASH: hashvert_flag(1); break; case B_TOSPHERE: vertices_to_sphere(); break; case B_VERTEXNOISE: vertexnoise(); break; case B_VERTEXSMOOTH: vertexsmooth(); break; case B_DRAWEDGES: G.f &= ~G_DRAWCREASES; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_DRAWCREASES: G.f &= ~G_DRAWEDGES; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; case B_JOINTRIA: join_triangles(); break; } /* WATCH IT: previous events only in editmode! */ } static void editing_panel_mesh_tools(Object *ob, Mesh *me) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_tools", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Mesh Tools", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 254)==0) return; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); //uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_AUTOFGON, 0, "FGon", 10,195,30,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Causes 'Subdivide' To create FGon on inner edges where possible"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_BEAUTY, 0, "Beauty", 10,195,53,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Causes 'Subdivide' to split faces in halves instead of quarters using long edges unless 'Short' is selected"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_BEAUTY_SHORT, 0, "Short", 63,195,52,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "If Beauty is set, 'Subdivide' splits faces in halves using short edges"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SUBDIV,"Subdivide", 115,195,105,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Splits selected faces into halves or quarters"); uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_DIFF, "Corner Cut Type %t|Path %x0|Innervert %x1|Fan %x2", 220, 195, 105, 19, &G.scene->toolsettings->cornertype , 0, 0, 0, 0, "Choose Quad Corner Cut Type"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_VERTEXNOISE,"Noise", 10,175,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use vertex coordinate as texture coordinate"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_HASH,"Hash", 88,175,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Randomizes selected vertex sequence data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_XSORT,"Xsort", 166,175,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sorts selected vertex data in the X direction"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FRACSUBDIV, "Fractal", 244,175,81,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Subdivides selected faces with a random factor"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_TOSPHERE,"To Sphere", 10,155,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Moves selected vertices outwards into a spherical shape"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_VERTEXSMOOTH,"Smooth", 88,155,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Flattens angles of selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SPLIT,"Split", 166,155,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Splits selected vertices to separate sub-mesh"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FLIPNORM,"Flip Normals", 244,155,81,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toggles the direction of the selected face's normals"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_REMDOUB,"Rem Doubles", 10,135,78,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Removes duplicates from selected vertices"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Limit:", 88,135,117,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->doublimit, 0.0001, 1.0, 10, 0, "Specifies the max distance 'Rem Doubles' will consider vertices as 'doubled'"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Threshold:", 205,135,120,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->select_thresh, 0.0001, 1.0, 10, 0, "Tolerence for the 'Select Group' tool (Shift+G) and 'Knife Exact' (vertex snap)."); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_EXTR,"Extrude", 10,105,315,24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Converts selected edges to faces and selects the new vertices"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SCREW,"Screw", 10,75,100,24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Activates the screw tool"); // Bish - This could use some more definition uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SPIN, "Spin", 110,75,100,24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Extrudes the selected vertices in a circle around the cursor in the indicated viewport"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SPINDUP,"Spin Dup", 210,75,115,24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Creates copies of the selected vertices in a circle around the cursor in the indicated viewport"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Degr:", 10,55,100,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->degr,-360.0,360.0, 1000, 0, "Specifies the number of degrees 'Spin' revolves"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Steps:", 110,55,100,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->step,1.0,180.0, 0, 0, "Specifies the total number of 'Spin' slices"); uiDefButS(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Turns:", 210,55,115,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->turn,1.0,360.0, 0, 0, "Specifies the number of revolutions the screw turns"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_KEEPORIG, B_DIFF, "Keep Original",10,35,200,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Keeps a copy of the original vertices and faces after executing tools"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_CLOCKWISE, B_DIFF, "Clockwise", 210,35,115,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Specifies the direction for 'Screw'"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_EXTREP, "Extrude Dup", 10,10,150,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Creates copies of the selected vertices in a straight line away from the current viewport"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Offset:", 160,10,165,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->extr_offs, 0.01, 100.0, 100, 0, "Sets the distance between each copy for 'Extrude Dup'"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_JOINTRIA, "Join Triangles", 10, -20, 120, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Convert selected triangles to Quads"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Threshold", 130, -20, 195, 19, &G.scene->toolsettings->jointrilimit, 0.0, 1.0, 5, 0, "Conversion threshold for complex islands"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_JOINTRIA_UV, 0, "Delimit UVs", 10, -40, 78, 19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0,0,0,0, "Don't join pairs where UVs don't match"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_JOINTRIA_VCOL, 0, "Delimit Vcol", 90, -40, 78, 19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0,0,0,0, "Don't join pairs where Vcols don't match"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_JOINTRIA_SHARP, 0, "Delimit Sharp", 170, -40, 78, 19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0,0,0,0, "Don't join pairs where edge is sharp"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_JOINTRIA_MAT, 0, "Delimit Mat", 250, -40, 74, 19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0,0,0,0, "Don't join pairs where material dosnt match"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } static void verify_vertexgroup_name_func(void *datav, void *data2_unused) { unique_vertexgroup_name((bDeformGroup*)datav, OBACT); } static void editing_panel_mesh_tools1(Object *ob, Mesh *me) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_tools1", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Mesh Tools 1", "Editing", 960, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SELSWAP, "Select Swap", 955, 200, 106, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Selects unselected faces, and deselects selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_HIDE, "Hide", 1061, 200, 106, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Hides selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_REVEAL, "Reveal", 1167, 200, 107, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Reveals selected faces"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "NSize:", 955, 170, 150, 19, &G.scene->editbutsize, 0.001, 2.0, 10, 0, "Sets the length to use when displaying face normals"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWNORMALS, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Normals", 955,148,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays face normals as lines"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAW_VNORMALS, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw VNormals",955,126,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays vertex normals as lines"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWFACES, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Faces", 955,88,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays all faces as shades"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWEDGES, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Edges", 955,66,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays selected edges using hilights"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWCREASES, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Creases", 955,44,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays creases created for subsurf weighting"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWSEAMS, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Seams", 955,22,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays UV unwrapping seams"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWSHARP, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw Sharp", 955,0,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays sharp edges, used with the EdgeSplit modifier"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); /* Measurement drawing options */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAW_EDGELEN, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Edge Length", 1125,170,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays selected edge lengths"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAW_EDGEANG, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Edge Angles", 1125,148,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays the angles in the selected edges in degrees"); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAW_FACEAREA, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Face Area", 1125,126,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays the area of selected faces"); #ifdef WITH_VERSE if(G.editMesh->vnode) uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAW_VERSE_DEBUG, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Draw VDebug",1125,104,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays verse debug information"); #endif uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_ALLEDGES, 0, "All Edges", 1125, 22,150,19, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays all edges in object mode without optimization"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, B_MESH_X_MIRROR, B_DIFF, "X-axis mirror",1125,0,150,19, &G.scene->toolsettings->editbutflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "While using transforms, mirrors the transformation"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } char *get_vertexgroup_menustr(Object *ob) { bDeformGroup *dg; int defCount, min, index; char (*qsort_ptr)[sizeof(dg->name)+5] = NULL; // +5 for "%x99|" char *s, *menustr; int printed; defCount=BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase); if (!defCount) min=0; else min=1; if (defCount > 0) { /* * This will hold the group names temporarily * so we can sort them */ qsort_ptr = MEM_callocN (defCount * sizeof (qsort_ptr[0]), "qsort_ptr"); for (index = 1, dg = ob->defbase.first; dg; index++, dg=dg->next) { printed = snprintf (qsort_ptr[index - 1], sizeof (dg->name), dg->name); snprintf (qsort_ptr[index - 1]+printed, 5+1, "%%x%d|", index); // +1 to move the \0 } qsort (qsort_ptr, defCount, sizeof (qsort_ptr[0]), ( int (*)(const void *, const void *) ) strcmp); } s= menustr = MEM_callocN((sizeof(qsort_ptr[0]) * defCount)+30, "menustr"); // plus 30 for when defCount==0 if(defCount) { for (index = 0; index < defCount; index++) { int cnt= sprintf (s, "%s", qsort_ptr[index]); if (cnt>0) s+= cnt; } } else strcpy(menustr, "No Vertex Groups in Object"); if (qsort_ptr) MEM_freeN (qsort_ptr); return menustr; } static void editing_panel_links(Object *ob) { uiBlock *block; ID *id, *idfrom; int *poin, xco=143; float min; Material *ma; char str[64]; uiBut *but; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_links", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Link and Materials", "Editing", 0, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; buttons_active_id(&id, &idfrom); if(id) { int alone= 0; int local= 0; int browse= B_EDITBROWSE; if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { browse= B_MESHBROWSE; alone= B_MESHALONE; local= B_MESHLOCAL; uiSetButLock(G.obedit!=0, "Unable to perform function in EditMode"); } else if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) { alone= B_MBALLALONE; local= B_MBALLLOCAL; } else if ELEM3(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT, OB_SURF) { alone= B_CURVEALONE; local= B_CURVELOCAL; } else if(ob->type==OB_CAMERA) { alone= B_CAMERAALONE; local= B_CAMERALOCAL; } else if(ob->type==OB_LAMP) { alone= B_LAMPALONE; local= B_LAMPLOCAL; } else if (ob->type==OB_ARMATURE){ alone = B_ARMALONE; local = B_ARMLOCAL; } else if(ob->type==OB_LATTICE) { alone= B_LATTALONE; local= B_LATTLOCAL; } uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_SETTING2); xco= std_libbuttons(block, 143, 180, 0, NULL, browse, GS(id->name), 0, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->menunr), alone, local, 0, 0, B_KEEPDATA); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_AUTO); } if(ob) { but = uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_IDNAME, "OB:", xco, 180, 454-xco, YIC, ob->id.name+2, 0.0, 19.0, 0, 0, "Displays Active Object name. Click to change."); #ifdef WITH_VERSE if(ob->vnode) uiButSetFunc(but, test_and_send_idbutton_cb, ob, ob->id.name); else uiButSetFunc(but, test_idbutton_cb, ob->id.name, NULL); #else uiButSetFunc(but, test_idbutton_cb, ob->id.name, NULL); #endif } /* empty display handling, note it returns! */ if (ob->type==OB_EMPTY) { uiDefBut(block, LABEL,0,"Empty Display:", xco, 154, 130,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButC(block, MENU, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Empty Drawtype%t|Arrows%x1|Single Arrow%x4|Plain Axes%x2", xco, 128, 140, 20, &ob->empty_drawtype, 0, 0, 0, 0, "The Empty 3D View display style"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Size:", xco, 108, 140, 21, &ob->empty_drawsize, 0.01, 10.0, 1, 0, "The size to display the Empty"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); return; } /* vertex group... partially editmode... */ if(ob->type==OB_MESH || ob->type==OB_LATTICE) { bDeformGroup *defGroup; uiBut *but; int defCount; uiDefBut(block, LABEL,0,"Vertex Groups", 143,153,130,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); defCount=BLI_countlist(&ob->defbase); if (defCount) { char *menustr= get_vertexgroup_menustr(ob); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_MAKEDISP, menustr, 143, 132,18,21, &ob->actdef, 1, defCount, 0, 0, "Browses available vertex groups"); MEM_freeN (menustr); if (ob->actdef){ defGroup = BLI_findlink(&ob->defbase, ob->actdef-1); but= uiDefBut(block, TEX, REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"", 161,132,140-18,21, defGroup->name, 0, 31, 0, 0, "Displays current vertex group name. Click to change. (Match bone name for deformation.)"); uiButSetFunc(but, verify_vertexgroup_name_func, defGroup, NULL); uiButSetCompleteFunc(but, autocomplete_vgroup, (void *)ob); uiDefButF(block, NUM, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Weight:", 143, 111, 140, 21, &editbutvweight, 0, 1, 10, 0, "Sets the current vertex group's bone deformation strength"); } uiBlockEndAlign(block); } if (G.obedit && G.obedit==ob){ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_NEWVGROUP,"New", 143,90,70,21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Creates a new vertex group"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DELVGROUP,"Delete", 213,90,70,21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Removes the current vertex group"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_ASSIGNVGROUP,"Assign", 143,69,70,21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Assigns selected vertices to the current vertex group"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_REMOVEVGROUP,"Remove", 213,69,70,21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Removes selected vertices from the current vertex group"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SELVGROUP,"Select", 143,48,70,21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Selects vertices belonging to the current vertex group"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_DESELVGROUP,"Desel.", 213,48,70,21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Deselects vertices belonging to the current vertex group"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } else { ID *id= ob->data; if(id->us>1) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_LINKEDVGROUP, "Copy To Linked", 143,69,140,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Creates identical vertex group names in other Objects using this Object-data"); } } /* now only objects that can be visible rendered */ if ELEM5(ob->type, OB_MESH, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF, OB_FONT, OB_MBALL); else return; id= ob->data; uiSetButLock(id->lib!=NULL, "Cannot edit Library data"); if(ob->type==OB_MESH) poin= &( ((Mesh *)ob->data)->texflag ); else if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) poin= &( ((MetaBall *)ob->data)->texflag ); else poin= &( ((Curve *)ob->data)->texflag ); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, AUTOSPACE, B_AUTOTEX, "AutoTexSpace", 143,15,140,19, poin, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Adjusts active object's texture space automatically when transforming object"); sprintf(str,"%d Mat ", ob->totcol); if(ob->totcol) min= 1.0; else min= 0.0; ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma) uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, ma->id.name+2, 318,153, 103, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if(ma) uiDefButF(block, COL, B_REDR, "", 292,123,31,30, &(ma->r), 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButC(block, NUM, B_ACTCOL, str, 324,123,100,30, &ob->actcol, min, (float)(ob->totcol), 0, 0, "Displays total number of material indices and the current index"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_MATWICH, "?", 424,123,30,30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "In EditMode, sets the active material index from selected faces"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_MATNEW, "New", 292,98,80,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Adds a new Material index"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_MATDEL, "Delete", 374,98,80,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Deletes this Material index"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_MATSEL, "Select", 292,76,80,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "In EditMode, selects faces that have the active index"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_MATDESEL, "Deselect", 374,76,80,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Deselects everything with current indexnumber"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_MATASS, "Assign", 292,47,162,26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "In EditMode, assigns the active index to selected faces"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETSMOOTH,"Set Smooth", 291,15,80,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "In EditMode, sets 'smooth' rendering of selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_SETSOLID, "Set Solid", 373,15,80,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "In EditMode, sets 'solid' rendering of selected faces"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } void editing_panel_sculpting_tools() { uiBlock *block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_sculpting_tools", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Sculpt", "Editing", 300, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; sculptmode_draw_interface_tools(block,0,200); } void editing_panel_sculpting_textures() { uiBlock *block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_sculpting_textures", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Brush", "Editing", 300, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; sculptmode_draw_interface_textures(block,0,200); } void sculptmode_draw_interface_tools(uiBlock *block, unsigned short cx, unsigned short cy) { SculptData *sd; uiBut *but; if(!G.scene) return; sd= &G.scene->sculptdata; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block,LABEL,B_NOP,"Brush",cx,cy,90,19,NULL,0,0,0,0,""); cy-= 20; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block,ROW,REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"Draw",cx,cy,67,19,&sd->brush_type,14.0,DRAW_BRUSH,0,0,"Draw lines on the model"); uiDefButS(block,ROW,REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"Smooth",cx+67,cy,67,19,&sd->brush_type,14.0,SMOOTH_BRUSH,0,0,"Interactively smooth areas of the model"); uiDefButS(block,ROW,REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"Pinch",cx+134,cy,66,19,&sd->brush_type,14.0,PINCH_BRUSH,0,0,"Interactively pinch areas of the model"); cy-= 20; uiDefButS(block,ROW,REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"Inflate",cx,cy,67,19,&sd->brush_type,14,INFLATE_BRUSH,0,0,"Push vertices along the direction of their normals"); uiDefButS(block,ROW,REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"Grab", cx+67,cy,67,19,&sd->brush_type,14,GRAB_BRUSH,0,0,"Grabs a group of vertices and moves them with the mouse"); uiDefButS(block,ROW,REDRAWBUTSEDIT,"Layer", cx+134,cy,66,19,&sd->brush_type,14, LAYER_BRUSH,0,0,"Adds a layer of depth"); cy-= 25; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block,LABEL,B_NOP,"Shape",cx,cy,90,19,NULL,0,0,0,0,""); cy-= 20; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if(sd->brush_type!=SMOOTH_BRUSH && sd->brush_type!=GRAB_BRUSH) { uiDefButC(block,ROW,B_NOP,"Add",cx,cy,67,19,&sculptmode_brush()->dir,15.0,1.0,0, 0,"Add depth to model [Shift]"); uiDefButC(block,ROW,B_NOP,"Sub",cx+67,cy,67,19,&sculptmode_brush()->dir,15.0,2.0,0, 0,"Subtract depth from model [Shift]"); } if(sd->brush_type!=GRAB_BRUSH) uiDefButC(block,TOG,B_NOP,"Airbrush",cx+134,cy,66,19,&sculptmode_brush()->airbrush,0,0,0,0,"Brush makes changes without waiting for the mouse to move"); cy-= 20; but= uiDefButS(block,NUMSLI,B_NOP,"Size: ",cx,cy,200,19,&sculptmode_brush()->size,1.0,200.0,0,0,"Set brush radius in pixels"); cy-= 20; if(sd->brush_type!=GRAB_BRUSH) uiDefButC(block,NUMSLI,B_NOP,"Strength: ",cx,cy,200,19,&sculptmode_brush()->strength,1.0,100.0,0,0,"Set brush strength"); cy-= 25; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut( block,LABEL,B_NOP,"Symmetry",cx,cy,90,19,NULL,0,0,0,0,""); cy-= 20; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block,TOG,B_NOP,"X",cx,cy,67,19,&sd->symm_x,0,0,0,0,"Mirror brush across X axis"); uiDefButS(block,TOG,B_NOP,"Y",cx+67,cy,67,19,&sd->symm_y,0,0,0,0,"Mirror brush across Y axis"); uiDefButS(block,TOG,B_NOP,"Z",cx+134,cy,66,19,&sd->symm_z,0,0,0,0,"Mirror brush across Z axis"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); cx+= 210; } void sculptmode_draw_interface_textures(uiBlock *block, unsigned short cx, unsigned short cy) { SculptData *sd= &G.scene->sculptdata; MTex *mtex; int i; int orig_y= cy; char *strp; uiBut *but; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block,LABEL,B_NOP,"Texture",cx,cy,200,20,0,0,0,0,0,""); cy-= 20; /* TEX CHANNELS */ uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_NEUTRAL); for(i=-1; i<8; i++) { char str[64]; int loos; mtex= sd->mtex[i]; if(i==-1) strcpy(str, "Default"); else { if(mtex && mtex->tex) splitIDname(mtex->tex->id.name+2, str, &loos); else strcpy(str, ""); } str[10]= 0; uiDefButS(block, ROW, REDRAWBUTSEDIT, str,cx, cy, 80, 20, &sd->texact, 3.0, (float)i, 0, 0, "Texture channel"); cy-= 18; } cy= orig_y-20; cx+= 85; mtex= sd->mtex[sd->texact]; if(sd->texact != -1) { ID *id= NULL; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); if(mtex && mtex->tex) id= &mtex->tex->id; IDnames_to_pupstring(&strp, NULL, "ADD NEW %x 32767", &G.main->tex, id, &G.buts->texnr); if(mtex && mtex->tex) { uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_IDNAME, "TE:",cx,cy,115,19, mtex->tex->id.name+2, 0.0, 18.0, 0, 0, "Texture name"); cy-= 20; uiDefButS(block,MENU,B_SCULPT_TEXBROWSE, strp, cx,cy,20,19, &G.buts->texnr, 0,0,0,0, "Selects an existing texture or creates new"); uiDefIconBut(block, BUT, B_AUTOTEXNAME, ICON_AUTO, cx+21,cy,21,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Auto-assigns name to texture"); but= uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, "Clear",cx+43, cy, 72, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Erases link to texture"); uiButSetFunc(but,sculptmode_rem_tex,0,0); cy-= 20; uiDefButC(block,ROW,B_NOP, "Drag", cx, cy,39,19, &sd->texrept, 18,SCULPTREPT_DRAG,0,0,"Move the texture with the brush"); uiDefButC(block,ROW,B_NOP, "Tile", cx+39,cy,39,19, &sd->texrept, 18,SCULPTREPT_TILE,0,0,"Treat the texture as a tiled image extending across the screen"); uiDefButC(block,ROW,B_NOP, "3D", cx+78,cy,37,19, &sd->texrept, 18,SCULPTREPT_3D, 0,0,"Use vertex coords as texture coordinates"); cy-= 20; uiDefButS(block,NUM,B_NOP, "Scale", cx,cy,115,19, &sd->texscale,1,1000,0,0,"Scaling factor for texture axis"); cy-= 20; uiDefButC(block,TOG,B_NOP, "Fade", cx,cy,50,19, &sd->texfade, 0,0,0,0,"Smooth the edges of the texture"); uiDefButS(block,NUM,B_NOP, "Space", cx+50,cy,65,19, &sd->spacing, 0,500,20,0,"Non-zero inserts N pixels between dots"); cy-= 20; if(sd->brush_type == DRAW_BRUSH) uiDefButC(block,NUM,B_NOP, "View", cx+50,cy,65,19, &sculptmode_brush()->view, 0,100,20,0,"Pulls brush direction towards view"); } else { uiDefButS(block,TOG,B_SCULPT_TEXBROWSE, "Add New" ,cx, cy, 115, 19, &G.buts->texnr,-1,32767,0,0, "Adds a new texture"); uiDefButS(block,MENU,B_SCULPT_TEXBROWSE, strp, cx,cy-20,20,19, &G.buts->texnr, 0,0,0,0, "Selects an existing texture or creates new"); } MEM_freeN(strp); } else { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButC(block,TOG,B_NOP, "Fade", cx,cy,50,19, &sd->texfade, 0,0,0,0,"Smooth the edges of the texture"); uiDefButS(block,NUM,B_NOP, "Space", cx+50,cy,65,19, &sd->spacing, 0,500,20,0,"Non-zero inserts N pixels between dots"); cy-= 20; if(sd->brush_type == DRAW_BRUSH) uiDefButC(block,NUM,B_NOP, "View", cx+50,cy,65,19, &sculptmode_brush()->view, 0,100,20,0,"Pulls brush direction towards view"); } uiBlockEndAlign(block); } /* *************************** FACE/PAINT *************************** */ void do_fpaintbuts(unsigned short event) { Mesh *me; Object *ob; bDeformGroup *defGroup; MTFace *activetf, *tf; MCol *activemcol; int a; SculptData *sd= &G.scene->sculptdata; ID *id, *idtest; extern VPaint Gwp; /* from vpaint */ ToolSettings *settings= G.scene->toolsettings; int nr= 1; MTex *mtex; ob= OBACT; if(ob==NULL) return; switch(event) { case B_VPGAMMA: vpaint_dogamma(); break; case B_COPY_TF_MODE: case B_COPY_TF_UV: case B_COPY_TF_COL: case B_COPY_TF_TEX: me= get_mesh(OBACT); activetf= get_active_tface(&activemcol); if(me && activetf) { for (a=0, tf=me->mtface; a < me->totface; a++, tf++) { if(tf!=activetf && (tf->flag & TF_SELECT)) { if(event==B_COPY_TF_MODE) { tf->mode= activetf->mode; tf->transp= activetf->transp; } else if(event==B_COPY_TF_UV) { memcpy(tf->uv, activetf->uv, sizeof(tf->uv)); tf->tpage= activetf->tpage; tf->tile= activetf->tile; if(activetf->mode & TF_TILES) tf->mode |= TF_TILES; else tf->mode &= ~TF_TILES; } else if(event==B_COPY_TF_TEX) { tf->tpage= activetf->tpage; tf->tile= activetf->tile; if(activetf->mode & TF_TILES) tf->mode |= TF_TILES; else tf->mode &= ~TF_TILES; } else if(event==B_COPY_TF_COL && activemcol) memcpy(&me->mcol[a*4], activemcol, sizeof(MCol)*4); } } DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); do_shared_vertexcol(me); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } break; case B_SET_VCOL: if(G.f & G_FACESELECT) clear_vpaint_selectedfaces(); else clear_vpaint(); break; case B_REDR_3D_IMA: allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; case B_ASSIGNMESH: test_object_materials(ob->data); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_TFACE_HALO: activetf = get_active_tface(NULL); if(activetf) { activetf->mode &= ~TF_BILLBOARD2; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } break; case B_TFACE_BILLB: activetf = get_active_tface(NULL); if(activetf) { activetf->mode &= ~TF_BILLBOARD; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } break; case B_WEIGHT0_0: editbutvweight = 0.0f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_WEIGHT1_4: editbutvweight = 0.25f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_WEIGHT1_2: editbutvweight = 0.5f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_WEIGHT3_4: editbutvweight = 0.75f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_WEIGHT1_0: editbutvweight = 1.0f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_OPA1_8: Gwp.a = 0.125f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_OPA1_4: Gwp.a = 0.25f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_OPA1_2: Gwp.a = 0.5f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_OPA3_4: Gwp.a = 0.75f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_OPA1_0: Gwp.a = 1.0f; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; case B_CLR_WPAINT: defGroup = BLI_findlink(&ob->defbase, ob->actdef-1); if(defGroup) { Mesh *me= ob->data; int a; for(a=0; atotvert; a++) remove_vert_defgroup (ob, defGroup, a); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); } break; case B_SCULPT_TEXBROWSE: sd= &G.scene->sculptdata; if(G.buts->texnr== -2) { id= NULL; if(sd) { mtex= sd->mtex[sd->texact]; if(mtex) id= &mtex->tex->id; } activate_databrowse((ID *)id, ID_TE, 0, B_SCULPT_TEXBROWSE, &G.buts->texnr, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->texnr < 0) break; if(G.buts->pin) { } else if(sd && sd->texact == -1) { error("No texture channel selected"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); } else if(sd && sd->texact != -1) { id= NULL; mtex= sd->mtex[sd->texact]; if(mtex) id= &mtex->tex->id; idtest= G.main->tex.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->texnr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new tex */ if(id) idtest= (ID *)copy_texture((Tex *)id); else idtest= (ID *)add_texture("Tex"); idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id && sd) { if(sd->mtex[sd->texact]==0) { sd->mtex[sd->texact]= add_mtex(); sd->mtex[sd->texact]->texco= TEXCO_VIEW; } sd->mtex[sd->texact]->tex= (Tex *)idtest; id_us_plus(idtest); if(id) id->us--; BIF_undo_push("Texture browse"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); BIF_preview_changed(ID_TE); } } break; case B_BRUSHBROWSE: if(G.buts->menunr==-2) { activate_databrowse((ID*)settings->imapaint.brush, ID_BR, 0, B_BRUSHBROWSE, &G.buts->menunr, do_global_buttons); break; } else if(G.buts->menunr < 0) break; if(brush_set_nr(&settings->imapaint.brush, G.buts->menunr)) { BIF_undo_push("Browse Brush"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } break; case B_BRUSHDELETE: if(brush_delete(&settings->imapaint.brush)) { BIF_undo_push("Unlink Brush"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } break; case B_BRUSHKEEPDATA: brush_toggle_fake_user(settings->imapaint.brush); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; case B_BRUSHLOCAL: if(settings->imapaint.brush && settings->imapaint.brush->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_brush(settings->imapaint.brush); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } } break; case B_BTEXBROWSE: if(settings->imapaint.brush) { Brush *brush= settings->imapaint.brush; if(G.buts->menunr==-2) { MTex *mtex= brush->mtex[brush->texact]; ID *id= (ID*)((mtex)? mtex->tex: NULL); activate_databrowse(id, ID_TE, 0, B_BTEXBROWSE, &G.buts->menunr, do_global_buttons); break; } else if(G.buts->menunr < 0) break; if(brush_texture_set_nr(brush, G.buts->menunr)) { BIF_undo_push("Browse Brush Texture"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } } break; case B_BTEXDELETE: if(settings->imapaint.brush) { if (brush_texture_delete(settings->imapaint.brush)) { BIF_undo_push("Unlink Brush Texture"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSSHADING, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } } break; case B_BRUSHCHANGE: allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); break; } } /* -------------------- MODE: vpaint ------------------- */ void weight_paint_buttons(uiBlock *block) { extern VPaint Gwp; /* from vpaint */ Object *ob; ob= OBACT; if(ob==NULL) return; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Weight:",10,160,225,19, &editbutvweight, 0, 1, 10, 0, "Sets the current vertex group's bone deformation strength"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_WEIGHT0_0 , "0", 10,140,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_WEIGHT1_4 , "1/4", 55,140,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_WEIGHT1_2 , "1/2", 100,140,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_WEIGHT3_4 , "3/4", 145,140,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_WEIGHT1_0 , "1", 190,140,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Opacity ", 10,120,225,19, &Gwp.a, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "The amount of pressure on the brush"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OPA1_8 , "1/8", 10,100,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OPA1_4 , "1/4", 55,100,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OPA1_2 , "1/2", 100,100,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OPA3_4 , "3/4", 145,100,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OPA1_0 , "1", 190,100,45,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Size ", 10,80,225,19, &Gwp.size, 2.0, 64.0, 0, 0, "The size of the brush"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Mix", 250,160,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Mix the vertex colors"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Add", 250,142,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Add the vertex colors"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Sub", 250,124,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Subtract from the vertex color"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Mul", 250,106,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Multiply the vertex color"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Filter", 250, 88,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 4.0, 0, 0, "Mix the colors with an alpha factor"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Lighter", 250, 70,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 5.0, 0, 0, "Paint over darker areas only"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Darker", 250, 52,60,17, &Gwp.mode, 1.0, 6.0, 0, 0, "Paint over lighter areas only"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_SPRAY, 0, "Spray", 160,55,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Keep applying paint effect while holding mouse"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_AREA, 0, "All Faces", 10,30,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paint on all faces inside brush (otherwise only on face under mouse cursor)"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_SOFT, 0, "Vertex Dist", 85,30,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use distances to vertices (instead of all vertices of face)"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOGN, VP_HARD, 0, "Soft", 160,30,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use a soft brush"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_NORMALS, 0, "Normals", 235,30,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Applies the vertex normal before painting"); if(ob){ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_ONLYVGROUP, 0, "Vgroup", 10,0,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Only paint on verteces in the selected vertex group."); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_MIRROR_X, REDRAWVIEW3D, "X-Mirror", 85,0,75,19, &Gwp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Mirrored Paint, applying on mirrored Weight Group name"); uiDefButBitC(block, TOG, OB_DRAWWIRE, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Wire", 160,0,75,19, &ob->dtx, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays the active object's wireframe in shaded drawing modes"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_CLR_WPAINT, "Clear", 235,0,75,19, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Removes reference to this deform group from all vertices"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } } static void editing_panel_mesh_paint(void) { uiBlock *block; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_paint", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Paint", "Editing", 640, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; if(G.f & G_WEIGHTPAINT) { weight_paint_buttons(block); } else if(G.f & G_VERTEXPAINT) { extern VPaint Gvp; /* from vpaint */ uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "R ", 979,160,194,19, &Gvp.r, 0.0, 1.0, B_VPCOLSLI, 0, "The amount of red used for painting"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "G ", 979,140,194,19, &Gvp.g, 0.0, 1.0, B_VPCOLSLI, 0, "The amount of green used for painting"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "B ", 979,120,194,19, &Gvp.b, 0.0, 1.0, B_VPCOLSLI, 0, "The amount of blue used for painting"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Opacity ", 979,95,194,19, &Gvp.a, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "The amount of pressure on the brush"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Size ", 979,75,194,19, &Gvp.size, 2.0, 64.0, 0, 0, "The size of the brush"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, COL, B_REDR, "", 1176,120,28,60, &(Gvp.r), 0, 0, 0, B_VPCOLSLI, ""); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Mix", 1212,160,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Mix the vertex colors"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Add", 1212,142,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Add the vertex color"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Sub", 1212, 124,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Subtract from the vertex color"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Mul", 1212, 106,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Multiply the vertex color"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Filter", 1212, 88,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 4.0, 0, 0, "Mix the colors with an alpha factor"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Lighter", 1212, 70,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 5.0, 0, 0, "Paint over darker areas only"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_DIFF, "Darker", 1212, 52,63,17, &Gvp.mode, 1.0, 6.0, 0, 0, "Paint over lighter areas only"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SET_VCOL, "Set VertCol", 979,50,81,20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Set Vertex color of selection to current (Shift+K)"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_AREA, 0, "All Faces", 979,25,75,19, &Gvp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paint on all faces inside brush"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_SOFT, 0, "Vertex Dist", 1054,25,75,19, &Gvp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use distances to vertices (instead of paint entire faces)"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_NORMALS, 0, "Normals", 1129,25,75,19, &Gvp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Applies the vertex normal before painting"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, VP_SPRAY, 0, "Spray", 1204,25,75,19, &Gvp.flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Keep applying paint effect while holding mouse"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_VPGAMMA, "Set", 979,0,81,19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Apply Mul and Gamma to vertex colors"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Mul:", 1061,0,112,19, &Gvp.mul, 0.1, 50.0, 10, 0, "Set the number to multiply vertex colors with"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_DIFF, "Gamma:", 1174,0,102,19, &Gvp.gamma, 0.1, 5.0, 10, 0, "Change the clarity of the vertex colors"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } else { /* texture paint */ ToolSettings *settings= G.scene->toolsettings; Brush *brush= settings->imapaint.brush; ID *id; int yco, xco, butw; yco= 160; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_BRUSHCHANGE, "Draw", 0 ,yco,108,19, &settings->imapaint.tool, 7.0, PAINT_TOOL_DRAW, 0, 0, "Draw brush"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_BRUSHCHANGE, "Soften", 108 ,yco,106,19, &settings->imapaint.tool, 7.0, PAINT_TOOL_SOFTEN, 0, 0, "Soften brush"); uiDefButS(block, ROW, B_BRUSHCHANGE, "Smear", 214,yco,106,19, &settings->imapaint.tool, 7.0, PAINT_TOOL_SMEAR, 0, 0, "Smear brush"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); yco -= 30; uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_SETTING2); id= (ID*)settings->imapaint.brush; xco= std_libbuttons(block, 0, yco, 0, NULL, B_BRUSHBROWSE, ID_BR, 0, id, NULL, &(G.buts->menunr), 0, B_BRUSHLOCAL, B_BRUSHDELETE, 0, B_BRUSHKEEPDATA); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_AUTO); if(brush && !brush->id.lib) { butw= 320-(xco+10); uiDefButS(block, MENU, B_NOP, "Mix %x0|Add %x1|Subtract %x2|Multiply %x3|Lighten %x4|Darken %x5|Erase Alpha %x6|Add Alpha %x7", xco+10,yco,butw,19, &brush->blend, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Blending method for applying brushes"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_TORUS, B_BRUSHCHANGE, "Wrap", xco+10,yco-25,butw,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enables torus wrapping"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_AIRBRUSH, B_BRUSHCHANGE, "Airbrush", xco+10,yco-50,butw,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Keep applying paint effect while holding mouse (spray)"); uiDefButF(block, NUM, B_NOP, "Rate ", xco+10,yco-70,butw,19, &brush->rate, 0.01, 1.0, 0, 0, "Number of paints per second for Airbrush"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); yco -= 25; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, COL, B_VPCOLSLI, "", 0,yco,200,19, brush->rgb, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Opacity ", 0,yco-20,180,19, &brush->alpha, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "The amount of pressure on the brush"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_ALPHA_PRESSURE, B_NOP, "P", 180,yco-20,20,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enables pressure sensitivity for tablets"); uiDefButI(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Size ", 0,yco-40,180,19, &brush->size, 1, 200, 0, 0, "The size of the brush"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_SIZE_PRESSURE, B_NOP, "P", 180,yco-40,20,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enables pressure sensitivity for tablets"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Falloff ", 0,yco-60,180,19, &brush->innerradius, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "The fall off radius of the brush"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_RAD_PRESSURE, B_NOP, "P", 180,yco-60,20,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enables pressure sensitivity for tablets"); uiDefButF(block, NUMSLI, B_NOP, "Spacing ",0,yco-80,180,19, &brush->spacing, 1.0, 100.0, 0, 0, "Repeating paint on %% of brush diameter"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_SPACING_PRESSURE, B_NOP, "P", 180,yco-80,20,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enables pressure sensitivity for tablets"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); yco -= 110; uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_SETTING2); id= (brush->mtex[0])? (ID*)brush->mtex[0]->tex: NULL; xco= std_libbuttons(block, 0, yco, 0, NULL, B_BTEXBROWSE, ID_TE, 0, id, NULL, &(G.buts->menunr), 0, 0, B_BTEXDELETE, 0, 0); /*uiDefButBitS(block, TOG|BIT, BRUSH_FIXED_TEX, B_BRUSHCHANGE, "Fixed", xco+5,yco,butw,19, &brush->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Keep texture origin in fixed position");*/ uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_AUTO); } } } static void editing_panel_mesh_texface(void) { extern VPaint Gvp; /* from vpaint */ uiBlock *block; MTFace *tf; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_texface", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Texture face", "Editing", 960, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; tf = get_active_tface(NULL); if(tf) { uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_TEX, B_REDR_3D_IMA, "Tex", 600,160,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Render face with texture"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_TILES, B_REDR_3D_IMA, "Tiles", 660,160,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use tilemode for face"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_LIGHT, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Light", 720,160,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use light for face"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_INVISIBLE, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Invisible",780,160,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make face invisible"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_DYNAMIC, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Collision", 840,160,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use face for collision detection"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_SHAREDCOL, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Shared", 600,135,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Blend vertex colors across face when vertices are shared"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_TWOSIDE, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Twoside",660,135,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Render face twosided"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_OBCOL, REDRAWVIEW3D, "ObColor",720,135,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Use ObColor instead of vertex colors"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_BILLBOARD, B_TFACE_HALO, "Halo", 600,110,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Screen aligned billboard"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_BILLBOARD2, B_TFACE_BILLB, "Billboard",660,110,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Billboard with Z-axis constraint"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_SHADOW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Shadow", 720,110,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Face is used for shadow"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, TF_BMFONT, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Text", 780,110,60,19, &tf->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Enable bitmap text on face"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_BUT_SETTING1); uiDefButC(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Opaque", 600,80,60,19, &tf->transp, 2.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Render color of textured face as color"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Add", 660,80,60,19, &tf->transp, 2.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Render face transparent and add color of face"); uiDefButC(block, ROW, REDRAWVIEW3D, "Alpha", 720,80,60,19, &tf->transp, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Render polygon transparent, depending on alpha channel of the texture"); uiBlockSetCol(block, TH_AUTO); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, COL, B_VPCOLSLI, "", 769,40,40,28, &(Gvp.r), 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SET_VCOL, "Set VertCol", 809,40,103,28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Set Vertex color of selection to current (Shift+K)"); uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_COPY_TF_MODE, "Copy DrawMode", 600,7,117,28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy the drawmode from active face to selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_COPY_TF_UV, "Copy UV+tex", 721,7,85,28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy UV information and textures from active face to selected faces"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_COPY_TF_COL, "Copy VertCol", 809,7,103,28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy vertex colors from active face to selected faces"); } } void do_uvcalculationbuts(unsigned short event) { switch(event) { case B_UVAUTO_DRAWFACES: allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; } } static void editing_panel_mesh_uvautocalculation(void) { uiBlock *block; int butH= 19, butHB= 20, row= 180, butS= 10; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_uvautocalculation", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); /* make this a tab of "Texture face" to save screen space*/ uiNewPanelTabbed("Texture face", "Editing"); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "UV Calculation", "Editing", 960, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButBitI(block, TOG, G_DRAWFACES, B_UVAUTO_DRAWFACES, "Draw Faces", 100,row,200,butH, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays all faces as shades"); uiDefButBitI(block,TOG, G_DRAWEDGES, REDRAWVIEW3D,"Draw Edges",100,row-butHB,200,butH,&G.f, 2.0, 0, 0, 0, "Displays edges of visible faces"); uiDefButBitI(block,TOG, G_HIDDENEDGES, REDRAWVIEW3D,"Draw Hidden Edges",100,row-2*butHB,200,butH,&G.f, 2.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Displays edges of hidden faces"); uiDefButBitI(block,TOG, G_DRAWSEAMS, REDRAWVIEW3D,"Draw Seams",100,row-3*butHB,200,butH,&G.f, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Displays UV unwrapping seams"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); row-= 4*butHB+butS; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, MENU, REDRAWBUTSEDIT, "Unwrapper%t|Conformal%x0|Angle Based%x1",100,row,200,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->unwrapper, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Unwrap method"); uiDefButBitS(block, TOG, 1, B_NOP, "Fill Holes",100,row-butHB,200,butH,&G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Fill holes to prevent internal overlaps"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); row-= 2*butHB+butS; row= 180; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_UVAUTO_CUBESIZE ,"Cube Size:",315,row,200,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_cubesize, 0.0001, 100.0, 10, 3, "Defines the cubemap size for cube mapping"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); row-= butHB+butS; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButF(block, NUM,B_UVAUTO_CYLRADIUS ,"Cyl Radius:",315,row,200,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_radius, 0.1, 100.0, 10, 3, "Defines the radius of the UV mapping cylinder"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); row-= butHB+butS; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_UVAUTO_FACE,"View Aligns Face",315,row,200,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_mapdir,2.0, 1.0, 0.0,0.0, "View is on equator for cylindrical and spherical UV mapping"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_UVAUTO_TOP,"VA Top",315,row-butHB,100,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_mapdir,2.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0, "View is on poles for cylindrical and spherical UV mapping"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_UVAUTO_TOP,"Al Obj",415,row-butHB,100,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_mapdir,2.0, 2.0, 0.0,0.0, "Align to object for cylindrical and spherical UV mapping"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); row-= 2*butHB+butS; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_UVAUTO_ALIGNX,"Polar ZX",315,row,100,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_mapalign,2.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.0, "Polar 0 is X for cylindrical and spherical UV mapping"); uiDefButS(block, ROW,B_UVAUTO_ALIGNY,"Polar ZY",415,row,100,butH, &G.scene->toolsettings->uvcalc_mapalign,2.0, 1.0, 0.0,0.0, "Polar 0 is Y for cylindrical and spherical UV mapping"); uiBlockEndAlign(block); } void editing_panel_mesh_multires() { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; Object *ob= OBACT; Mesh *me= get_mesh(ob); int cx= 100, cy= 0; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "editing_panel_mesh_multires", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV, curarea->win); if(uiNewPanel(curarea, block, "Multires", "Editing", 500, 0, 318, 204)==0) return; if(!me->mr) { but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Add Multires", cx,cy,120,19,0,0,0,0,0,""); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_make,ob,me); } else { but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Delete Multires", cx,cy,120,19,0,0,0,0,0,""); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_delete,ob,me); cy-= 24; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Add Level", cx,cy,200,19,0,0,0,0,0,"Add a new level of subdivision at the end of the chain"); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_add_level,ob,me); cy-= 20; if(me->mr->level_count>1) { but= uiDefButC(block,NUM,B_NOP,"Level: ",cx,cy,200,19,&me->mr->newlvl,1.0,me->mr->level_count,0,0,""); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_set_level,ob,me); cy-= 20; but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Del Lower", cx,cy,100,19,0,0,0,0,0,"Remove all levels of subdivision below the current one"); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_del_lower,ob,me); but= uiDefBut(block,BUT,B_NOP,"Del Higher", cx+100,cy,100,19,0,0,0,0,0,"Remove all levels of subdivision above the current one"); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_del_higher,ob,me); cy-= 20; but= uiDefButC(block,NUM,B_NOP,"Edges: ",cx,cy,200,19,&me->mr->edgelvl,1.0,me->mr->level_count,0,0,"Set level of edges to display"); uiButSetFunc(but,multires_edge_level_update,ob,me); cy-= 20; uiBlockBeginAlign(block); cy-= 5; uiDefBut(block,LABEL,B_NOP,"Rendering",cx,cy,100,19,0,0,0,0,0,""); cy-= 20; uiDefButC(block,NUM,B_NOP,"Pin: ",cx,cy,200,19,&me->mr->pinlvl,1.0,me->mr->level_count,0,0,"Set level to apply modifiers to during render"); cy-= 20; uiDefButC(block,NUM,B_NOP,"Render: ",cx,cy,200,19,&me->mr->renderlvl,1.0,me->mr->level_count,0,0,"Set level to render"); cy-= 20; if(multires_modifier_warning()) { char *tip= "One or more modifiers are enabled that modify mesh topology"; uiDefIconBut(block,LABEL,B_NOP,ICON_ERROR, cx,cy,20,20, 0,0,0,0,0, tip); uiDefBut(block,LABEL,B_NOP, "Cannot use render level", cx+20,cy,180,19, 0,0,0,0,0, tip); } } } uiBlockEndAlign(block); } /* this is a mode context sensitive system */ void editing_panels() { Object *ob; Curve *cu; MetaBall *mb; Lattice *lt; bArmature *arm; Camera *cam; ob= OBACT; if(ob==NULL) return; if(ob->id.lib) uiSetButLock(1, "Can't edit library data"); switch(ob->type) { case OB_MESH: editing_panel_links(ob); editing_panel_mesh_type(ob, ob->data); editing_panel_modifiers(ob); editing_panel_shapes(ob); editing_panel_mesh_multires(); /* modes */ if(G.obedit) { editing_panel_mesh_tools(ob, ob->data); editing_panel_mesh_tools1(ob, ob->data); } else if(G.f & G_SCULPTMODE) { uiNewPanelTabbed("Multires", "Editing"); editing_panel_sculpting_tools(); uiNewPanelTabbed("Multires", "Editing"); editing_panel_sculpting_textures(); } else { if(G.f & G_FACESELECT) { editing_panel_mesh_texface(); editing_panel_mesh_uvautocalculation(); } if(G.f & (G_VERTEXPAINT | G_TEXTUREPAINT | G_WEIGHTPAINT) ) { editing_panel_mesh_paint(); } } break; case OB_CURVE: case OB_SURF: cu= ob->data; editing_panel_links(ob); editing_panel_curve_type(ob, cu); editing_panel_modifiers(ob); // editing_panel_shapes(ob); if(G.obedit) { editing_panel_curve_tools(ob, cu); editing_panel_curve_tools1(ob, cu); } break; case OB_MBALL: mb= ob->data; editing_panel_links(ob); editing_panel_mball_type(ob, mb); if(G.obedit) { editing_panel_mball_tools(ob, mb); } break; case OB_FONT: cu= ob->data; editing_panel_links(ob); editing_panel_curve_type(ob, cu); editing_panel_font_type(ob, cu); #ifdef INTERNATIONAL if(G.obedit) { editing_panel_char_type(ob, cu); } #endif editing_panel_modifiers(ob); break; case OB_LATTICE: lt= ob->data; editing_panel_links(ob); editing_panel_lattice_type(ob, lt); editing_panel_modifiers(ob); editing_panel_shapes(ob); break; case OB_LAMP: editing_panel_links(ob); break; case OB_EMPTY: editing_panel_links(ob); break; case OB_CAMERA: cam= ob->data; editing_panel_links(ob); // no editmode! editing_panel_camera_type(ob, cam); /* yafray: extra panel for dof parameters */ if (G.scene->r.renderer==R_YAFRAY) editing_panel_camera_yafraydof(ob, cam); break; case OB_ARMATURE: arm= ob->data; editing_panel_links(ob); // no editmode! editing_panel_armature_type(ob, arm); if(G.obedit) { editing_panel_armature_bones(ob, arm); } else if(ob->flag & OB_POSEMODE) { editing_panel_pose_bones(ob, arm); object_panel_constraint("Editing"); } break; } uiClearButLock(); }