/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "BLI_winstuff.h" #endif #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BMF_Api.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_editVert.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "DNA_sequence_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_view2d_types.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_mywindow.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_drawseq.h" #include "BIF_editseq.h" #include "BIF_drawimage.h" #include "BSE_view.h" #include "BSE_drawipo.h" #include "BSE_sequence.h" #include "BSE_seqaudio.h" int no_rightbox=0, no_leftbox= 0; static void EmbossBoxf(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel, unsigned int dark, unsigned int light) { if(sel) cpack(dark); else cpack(light); if(sel) glLineWidth(2.0); fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* top */ if(no_leftbox==0) fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); /* left */ if(sel) glLineWidth(1.0); if(sel) cpack(light); else cpack(dark); fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* bottom */ if(no_rightbox==0) fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* right */ } static char *give_seqname(Sequence *seq) { if(seq->type==SEQ_META) { if(seq->name[2]) return seq->name+2; return "META"; } else if(seq->type==SEQ_SCENE) return "SCENE"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) return "MOVIE"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_SOUND) return "AUDIO"; else if(seq->typestrip->dir; else if(seq->type==SEQ_CROSS) return "CROSS"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_GAMCROSS) return "GAMMA CROSS"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_ADD) return "ADD"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_SUB) return "SUB"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_MUL) return "MUL"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_ALPHAOVER) return "ALPHAOVER"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_ALPHAUNDER) return "ALPHAUNDER"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_OVERDROP) return "OVER DROP"; else if(seq->type==SEQ_PLUGIN) { if(seq->plugin && seq->plugin->doit) return seq->plugin->pname; return "PLUGIN"; } else return "EFFECT"; } static void draw_cfra_seq(void) { glColor3ub(0x30, 0x90, 0x50); glLineWidth(2.0); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(G.scene->r.cfra, G.v2d->cur.ymin); glVertex2f(G.scene->r.cfra, G.v2d->cur.ymax); glEnd(); glLineWidth(1.0); } static unsigned int seq_color(Sequence *seq) { switch(seq->type) { case SEQ_META: return 0x509090; case SEQ_MOVIE: return 0x805040; case SEQ_SCENE: if(seq->scene==G.scene) return 0x709050; return 0x609060; case SEQ_CROSS: return 0x505090; case SEQ_GAMCROSS: return 0x5040A0; case SEQ_ADD: return 0x6060A0; case SEQ_SUB: return 0x8060A0; case SEQ_MUL: return 0x8080A0; case SEQ_ALPHAOVER: return 0x6080A0; case SEQ_ALPHAUNDER: return 0x9080A0; case SEQ_OVERDROP: return 0x5080B0; case SEQ_PLUGIN: return 0x906000; case SEQ_SOUND: if(seq->flag & SEQ_MUTE) return 0x707060; else return 0x787850; default: return 0x906060; } } static void drawmeta_contents(Sequence *seqm, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { Sequence *seq; float dx; int nr; nr= 0; WHILE_SEQ(&seqm->seqbase) { nr++; } END_SEQ dx= (x2-x1)/nr; WHILE_SEQ(&seqm->seqbase) { cpack(seq_color(seq)); glRectf(x1, y1, x1+0.9*dx, y2); EmbossBoxf(x1, y1, x1+0.9*dx, y2, 0, 0x404040, 0xB0B0B0); x1+= dx; } END_SEQ } void drawseqwave(Sequence *seq, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { float f, height, midy; int offset, sofs, eofs; signed short* s; bSound *sound; audio_makestream(seq->sound); if (seq->flag & SEQ_MUTE) glColor3ub(0x70, 0x80, 0x80); else glColor3ub(0x70, 0xc0, 0xc0); sound = seq->sound; sofs = ((int)( (((float)(seq->startdisp-seq->start))/(float)G.scene->r.frs_sec)*(float)G.scene->audio.mixrate*4.0 )) & (~3); eofs = ((int)( (((float)(seq->enddisp-seq->start))/(float)G.scene->r.frs_sec)*(float)G.scene->audio.mixrate*4.0 )) & (~3); for (f=x1; f<=x2; f+=0.2) { offset = (int) ((float)sofs + ((f-x1)/(x2-x1)) * (float)(eofs-sofs)) & (~3); if (offset >= sound->streamlen) offset = sound->streamlen-1; s = (signed short*)(((Uint8*)sound->stream) + offset); midy = (y1+y2)/2; height = ( ( ((float)s[0]/32768 + (float)s[1]/32768)/2 ) * (y2-y1) )/2; glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(f, midy-height); glVertex2f(f, midy+height); glEnd(); } } void drawseq(Sequence *seq) { float v1[2], v2[2], x1, x2, y1, y2; unsigned int body, dark, light; int len, size; short mval[2]; char str[120], *strp; if(seq->startdisp > seq->enddisp) body= 0x707070; body= seq_color(seq); dark= 0x202020; light= 0xB0B0B0; if(G.moving && (seq->flag & SELECT)) { if(seq->flag & SEQ_OVERLAP) dark= light= 0x4040FF; else { if(seq->flag & (SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL)); else dark= light= 0xFFFFFF; } } /* body */ if(seq->startstill) x1= seq->start; else x1= seq->startdisp; y1= seq->machine+0.2; if(seq->endstill) x2= seq->start+seq->len; else x2= seq->enddisp; y2= seq->machine+0.8; cpack(body); glRectf(x1, y1, x2, y2); if (seq->type == SEQ_SOUND) drawseqwave(seq, x1, y1, x2, y2); EmbossBoxf(x1, y1, x2, y2, seq->flag & 1, dark, light); v1[1]= y1; v2[1]= y2; if(seq->type < SEQ_EFFECT) { /* decoration: the bars */ x1= seq->startdisp; x2= seq->enddisp; if(seq->startofs) { cpack(0x707070); glRectf((float)(seq->start), y1-0.2, x1, y1); EmbossBoxf((float)(seq->start), y1-0.2, x1, y1, seq->flag & 1, dark, light); } if(seq->endofs) { cpack(0x707070); glRectf(x2, y2, (float)(seq->start+seq->len), y2+0.2); EmbossBoxf(x2, y2, (float)(seq->start+seq->len), y2+0.2, seq->flag & 1, dark, light); } if(seq->startstill) { cpack(body); glRectf(x1, y1+0.1, (float)(seq->start), y1+0.5); no_rightbox= 1; EmbossBoxf(x1, y1+0.1, (float)(seq->start), y1+0.5, seq->flag & 1, dark, light); no_rightbox= 0; } if(seq->endstill) { cpack(body); glRectf((float)(seq->start+seq->len), y1+0.1, x2, y1+0.5); no_leftbox= 1; EmbossBoxf((float)(seq->start+seq->len), y1+0.1, x2, y1+0.5, seq->flag & 1, dark, light); no_leftbox= 0; } } /* calculate if seq is long enough to print a name */ x1= seq->startdisp+seq->handsize; x2= seq->enddisp-seq->handsize; /* but first the contents of a meta */ if(seq->type==SEQ_META) drawmeta_contents(seq, x1, y1+0.15, x2, y2-0.15); if(x1cur.xmin) x1= G.v2d->cur.xmin; else if(x1>G.v2d->cur.xmax) x1= G.v2d->cur.xmax; if(x2cur.xmin) x2= G.v2d->cur.xmin; else if(x2>G.v2d->cur.xmax) x2= G.v2d->cur.xmax; if(x1 != x2) { v1[0]= x1; ipoco_to_areaco_noclip(G.v2d, v1, mval); x1= mval[0]; v2[0]= x2; ipoco_to_areaco_noclip(G.v2d, v2, mval); x2= mval[0]; size= x2-x1; if(seq->type == SEQ_META) sprintf(str, "%d %s", seq->len, give_seqname(seq)); else if(seq->type == SEQ_SCENE) { if(seq->scene) sprintf(str, "%d %s %s", seq->len, give_seqname(seq), seq->scene->id.name+2); else sprintf(str, "%d %s", seq->len, give_seqname(seq)); } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq3!=seq->seq2 && seq->seq1!=seq->seq3) sprintf(str, "%d %s: %d-%d (use %d)", seq->len, give_seqname(seq), seq->seq1->machine, seq->seq2->machine, seq->seq3->machine); else sprintf(str, "%d %s: %d-%d", seq->len, give_seqname(seq), seq->seq1->machine, seq->seq2->machine); } else if(seq->name[2]) sprintf(str, "%s", seq->name+2); else { if (seq->type == SEQ_SOUND) { sprintf(str, "%d %s", seq->len, seq->strip->stripdata->name); } else { sprintf(str, "%d %s%s", seq->len, seq->strip->dir, seq->strip->stripdata->name); } } strp= str; while( (len= BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, strp)) > size) { if(len < 10) break; if(strp[1]==0) break; strp++; } mval[0]= (x1+x2-len+1)/2; mval[1]= 1; areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x1, &x2); if(seq->flag & SELECT) cpack(0xFFFFFF); else cpack(0x0); glRasterPos3f(x1, y1+0.2, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, strp); } if(seq->type < SEQ_EFFECT) { /* decoration: triangles */ x1= seq->startdisp; x2= seq->enddisp; body+= 0x101010; dark= 0x202020; light= 0xB0B0B0; /* left triangle */ if(seq->flag & SEQ_LEFTSEL) { cpack(body+0x20); if(G.moving) { if(seq->flag & SEQ_OVERLAP) dark= light= 0x4040FF; else dark= light= 0xFFFFFF; } } else { cpack(body); } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); v1[0]= x1; glVertex2fv(v1); v2[0]= x1; glVertex2fv(v2); v2[0]+= seq->handsize; v2[1]= (y1+y2)/2.0; glVertex2fv(v2); v2[1]= y2; glEnd(); cpack(light); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); v1[0]= x1; glVertex2fv(v1); v2[0]= x1; glVertex2fv(v2); v2[0]+= seq->handsize; v2[1]= (y1+y2)/2.0; glVertex2fv(v2); v2[1]= y2; cpack(dark); glVertex2fv(v1); glEnd(); } if(G.moving || (seq->flag & SEQ_LEFTSEL)) { cpack(0xFFFFFF); glRasterPos3f(x1, y1+0.2, 0.0); sprintf(str, "%d", seq->startdisp); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); } /* right triangle */ if(seq->type < SEQ_EFFECT) { dark= 0x202020; light= 0xB0B0B0; if(seq->flag & SEQ_RIGHTSEL) { cpack(body+0x20); if(G.moving) { if(seq->flag & SEQ_OVERLAP) dark= light= 0x4040FF; else dark= light= 0xFFFFFF; } } else { cpack(body); } glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); v2[0]= x2; glVertex2fv(v2); v1[0]= x2; glVertex2fv(v1); v2[0]-= seq->handsize; v2[1]= (y1+y2)/2.0; glVertex2fv(v2); v2[1]= y2; glEnd(); cpack(dark); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); v2[0]= x2; glVertex2fv(v2); v1[0]= x2; glVertex2fv(v1); v1[0]-= seq->handsize; v1[1]= (y1+y2)/2.0; glVertex2fv(v1); v1[1]= y2; cpack(light); glVertex2fv(v2); glEnd(); } if(G.moving || (seq->flag & SEQ_RIGHTSEL)) { cpack(0xFFFFFF); glRasterPos3f(x2-seq->handsize/2, y1+0.2, 0.0); sprintf(str, "%d", seq->enddisp-1); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); } } static Sequence *special_seq_update= 0; void set_special_seq_update(int val) { int x; /* if mouse over a sequence && LEFTMOUSE */ if(val) { special_seq_update= find_nearest_seq(&x); } else special_seq_update= 0; } static void draw_image_seq(void) { SpaceSeq *sseq; StripElem *se; struct ImBuf *ibuf; int x1, y1; glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); curarea->win_swap= WIN_BACK_OK; ibuf= (ImBuf *)give_ibuf_seq( (G.scene->r.cfra)); if(special_seq_update) { se = special_seq_update->curelem; if(se) { if(se->ok==2) { if(se->se1) ibuf= se->se1->ibuf; } else ibuf= se->ibuf; } } if(ibuf==0 || ibuf->rect==0) return; sseq= curarea->spacedata.first; if(sseq==0) return; /* calc location */ x1= curarea->winrct.xmin+(curarea->winx-sseq->zoom*ibuf->x)/2; y1= curarea->winrct.ymin+(curarea->winy-sseq->zoom*ibuf->y)/2; rectwrite_part(curarea->winrct.xmin, curarea->winrct.ymin, curarea->winrct.xmax, curarea->winrct.ymax, x1, y1, ibuf->x, ibuf->y, (float)sseq->zoom,(float)sseq->zoom, ibuf->rect); } static void draw_extra_seqinfo(void) { extern Sequence *last_seq; StripElem *se, *last; float xco, xfac; int sta, end; char str[256]; if(last_seq==0) return; /* xfac: size of 1 pixel */ xfac= G.v2d->cur.xmax - G.v2d->cur.xmin; xfac/= (float)(G.v2d->mask.xmax-G.v2d->mask.xmin); xco= G.v2d->cur.xmin+40*xfac; cpack(0); /* NAME */ glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); strcpy(str, give_seqname(last_seq)); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); xco += xfac*BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, str) +30.0*xfac; if(last_seq->type==SEQ_SCENE && last_seq->scene) { glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, last_seq->scene->id.name+2); xco += xfac*BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, last_seq->scene->id.name+2) +30.0*xfac; } /* LEN */ if(last_seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) sprintf(str, "len: %d From %d - %d", last_seq->len, last_seq->startdisp, last_seq->enddisp-1); else sprintf(str, "len: %d (%d)", last_seq->enddisp-last_seq->startdisp, last_seq->len); glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); xco += xfac*BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, str) +30.0*xfac; if(last_seq->type==SEQ_IMAGE) { /* CURRENT */ se= (StripElem *)give_stripelem(last_seq, (G.scene->r.cfra)); if(se) { sprintf(str, "cur: %s", se->name); glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); xco += xfac*BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, str) +30.0*xfac; } /* FIRST AND LAST */ if(last_seq->strip) { se= last_seq->strip->stripdata; last= se+last_seq->len-1; if(last_seq->startofs) se+= last_seq->startofs; if(last_seq->endofs) last-= last_seq->endofs; sprintf(str, "First: %s at %d Last: %s at %d", se->name, last_seq->startdisp, last->name, last_seq->enddisp-1); glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); xco += xfac*BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, str) +30.0*xfac; /* orig size */ sprintf(str, "OrigSize: %d x %d", last_seq->strip->orx, last_seq->strip->ory); glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); xco += xfac*BMF_GetStringWidth(G.font, str) +30.0*xfac; } } else if(last_seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { sta= last_seq->startofs; end= last_seq->len-1-last_seq->endofs; sprintf(str, "%s %s%s First: %d at %d Last: %d at %d Cur: %d", last_seq->name+2, last_seq->strip->dir, last_seq->strip->stripdata->name, sta, last_seq->startdisp, end, last_seq->enddisp-1, (G.scene->r.cfra)-last_seq->startdisp); glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); } else if(last_seq->type==SEQ_SOUND) { sta= last_seq->startofs; end= last_seq->len-1-last_seq->endofs; sprintf(str, "%s %s%s First: %d at %d Last: %d at %d Cur: %d Gain: %.2f dB Pan: %.2f", last_seq->name+2, last_seq->strip->dir, last_seq->strip->stripdata->name, sta, last_seq->startdisp, end, last_seq->enddisp-1, (G.scene->r.cfra)-last_seq->startdisp, last_seq->level, last_seq->pan); glRasterPos3f(xco, 0.3, 0.0); BMF_DrawString(G.font, str); } } void drawseqspace(ScrArea *sa, void *spacedata) { SpaceSeq *sseq; Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; int ofsx, ofsy; ed= G.scene->ed; sseq= curarea->spacedata.first; if(sseq->mainb==1) { draw_image_seq(); return; } if(ed && ed->metastack.first) glClearColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.0); else glClearColor(.40625, .40625, .40625, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); calc_scrollrcts(G.v2d, curarea->winx, curarea->winy); if(curarea->winx>SCROLLB+10 && curarea->winy>SCROLLH+10) { if(G.v2d->scroll) { ofsx= curarea->winrct.xmin; /* because of mywin */ ofsy= curarea->winrct.ymin; glViewport(ofsx+G.v2d->mask.xmin, ofsy+G.v2d->mask.ymin, ( ofsx+G.v2d->mask.xmax-1)-(ofsx+G.v2d->mask.xmin)+1, ( ofsy+G.v2d->mask.ymax-1)-( ofsy+G.v2d->mask.ymin)+1); glScissor(ofsx+G.v2d->mask.xmin, ofsy+G.v2d->mask.ymin, ( ofsx+G.v2d->mask.xmax-1)-(ofsx+G.v2d->mask.xmin)+1, ( ofsy+G.v2d->mask.ymax-1)-( ofsy+G.v2d->mask.ymin)+1); } } myortho2(G.v2d->cur.xmin, G.v2d->cur.xmax, G.v2d->cur.ymin, G.v2d->cur.ymax); cpack(0x585858); glRectf(G.v2d->cur.xmin, 0.0, G.v2d->cur.xmax, 1.0); boundbox_seq(); calc_ipogrid(); draw_ipogrid(); draw_cfra_seq(); /* sequences: first deselect */ if(ed) { seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT); else drawseq(seq); seq= seq->next; } } ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed) { seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) drawseq(seq); seq= seq->next; } } draw_extra_seqinfo(); /* restore viewport */ mywinset(curarea->win); /* ortho at pixel level curarea */ myortho2(-0.5, curarea->winx-0.5, -0.5, curarea->winy-0.5); if(curarea->winx>SCROLLB+10 && curarea->winy>SCROLLH+10) { if(G.v2d->scroll) { drawscroll(0); } } draw_area_emboss(sa); curarea->win_swap= WIN_BACK_OK; }