/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "DNA_action_types.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_constraint_types.h" #include "DNA_curve_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "BKE_action.h" #include "BKE_armature.h" #include "BKE_constraint.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_ipo.h" #include "BKE_object.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BIF_editaction.h" #include "BIF_editarmature.h" #include "BIF_editconstraint.h" #include "BIF_poseobject.h" #include "BIF_interface.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_space.h" #include "BIF_toolbox.h" #include "blendef.h" #include "nla.h" #include "mydevice.h" ListBase *get_active_constraint_channels (Object *ob, int forcevalid) { char ipstr[64]; if (!ob) return NULL; /* See if we are a bone constraint */ if (ob->flag & OB_POSEMODE) { bActionChannel *achan; bPoseChannel *pchan; pchan = get_active_posechannel(ob); if (pchan) { /* Make sure we have an action */ if (!ob->action){ if (!forcevalid) return NULL; ob->action=add_empty_action(ID_PO); } /* Make sure we have an actionchannel */ achan = get_action_channel(ob->action, pchan->name); if (!achan){ if (!forcevalid) return NULL; achan = MEM_callocN (sizeof(bActionChannel), "actionChannel"); strcpy (achan->name, pchan->name); sprintf (ipstr, "%s.%s", ob->action->id.name+2, achan->name); ipstr[23]=0; achan->ipo= add_ipo(ipstr, ID_AC); BLI_addtail (&ob->action->chanbase, achan); } return &achan->constraintChannels; } else return NULL; } /* else we return object constraints */ else { if(ob->ipoflag & OB_ACTION_OB) { bActionChannel *achan = get_action_channel(ob->action, "Object"); if(achan) return &achan->constraintChannels; else return NULL; } return &ob->constraintChannels; } } /* if object in posemode, active bone constraints, else object constraints */ ListBase *get_active_constraints(Object *ob) { if (!ob) return NULL; if (ob->flag & OB_POSEMODE) { bPoseChannel *pchan; pchan = get_active_posechannel(ob); if (pchan) return &pchan->constraints; } else return &ob->constraints; return NULL; } /* single constraint */ bConstraint *get_active_constraint(Object *ob) { ListBase *lb= get_active_constraints(ob); if(lb) { bConstraint *con; for(con= lb->first; con; con=con->next) if(con->flag & CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE) return con; } return NULL; } /* single channel, for ipo */ bConstraintChannel *get_active_constraint_channel(Object *ob) { bConstraint *con; bConstraintChannel *chan; if (ob->flag & OB_POSEMODE) { if(ob->action) { bPoseChannel *pchan; pchan = get_active_posechannel(ob); if(pchan) { for(con= pchan->constraints.first; con; con= con->next) if(con->flag & CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE) break; if(con) { bActionChannel *achan = get_action_channel(ob->action, pchan->name); if(achan) { for(chan= achan->constraintChannels.first; chan; chan= chan->next) if(!strcmp(chan->name, con->name)) break; return chan; } } } } } else { for(con= ob->constraints.first; con; con= con->next) if(con->flag & CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE) break; if(con) { ListBase *lb= get_active_constraint_channels(ob, 0); if(lb) { for(chan= lb->first; chan; chan= chan->next) if(!strcmp(chan->name, con->name)) break; return chan; } } } return NULL; } bConstraint *add_new_constraint(short type) { bConstraint *con; con = MEM_callocN(sizeof(bConstraint), "constraint"); /* Set up a generic constraint datablock */ con->type = type; con->flag |= CONSTRAINT_EXPAND; con->enforce=1.0F; /* Load the data for it */ con->data = new_constraint_data(con->type); strcpy (con->name, "Const"); return con; } void add_constraint_to_object(bConstraint *con, Object *ob) { ListBase *list; list = &ob->constraints; if (list) { unique_constraint_name(con, list); BLI_addtail(list, con); con->flag |= CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE; for(con= con->prev; con; con= con->prev) con->flag &= ~CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE; } } char *get_con_subtarget_name(bConstraint *con, Object *target) { /* * If the target for this constraint is target, return a pointer * to the name for this constraints subtarget ... NULL otherwise */ switch (con->type) { case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ACTION: { bActionConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIKE: { bLocateLikeConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIKE: { bRotateLikeConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC: { bKinematicConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRACKTO: { bTrackToConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MINMAX: { bMinMaxConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCKTRACK: { bLockTrackConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_STRETCHTO: { bStretchToConstraint *data = con->data; if (data->tar==target) return data->subtarget; } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_FOLLOWPATH: /* wonder if this is relevent, since this constraint * cannot have a subtarget - theeth */ { /* * bFollowPathConstraint *data = con->data; */ return NULL; } break; } return NULL; } /* checks validity of object pointers, and NULLs, if Bone doesnt exist it sets the CONSTRAINT_DISABLE flag */ static void test_constraints (Object *owner, const char* substring) { bConstraint *curcon; ListBase *conlist= NULL; int type; if (owner==NULL) return; /* Check parents */ /* Get the constraint list for this object */ if (strlen (substring)){ switch (owner->type){ case OB_ARMATURE: type = TARGET_BONE; break; default: type = TARGET_OBJECT; break; } } else type = TARGET_OBJECT; switch (type){ case TARGET_OBJECT: conlist = &owner->constraints; break; case TARGET_BONE: { Bone *bone; bPoseChannel *chan; bone = get_named_bone(((bArmature*)owner->data), substring); chan = get_pose_channel (owner->pose, substring); if (bone && chan){ conlist = &chan->constraints; } } break; } /* Cycle constraints */ if (conlist){ for (curcon = conlist->first; curcon; curcon=curcon->next){ curcon->flag &= ~CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; switch (curcon->type){ case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ACTION: { bActionConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIKE: { bLocateLikeConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MINMAX: { bMinMaxConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIKE: { bRotateLikeConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC: { bKinematicConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRACKTO: { bTrackToConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)) { data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->reserved2==data->reserved1){ curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->reserved2+3==data->reserved1){ curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCKTRACK: { bLockTrackConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->lockflag==data->trackflag){ curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->lockflag+3==data->trackflag){ curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_STRETCHTO: { bStretchToConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if ( (data->tar == owner) && (!get_named_bone(get_armature(owner), data->subtarget))) { curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; case CONSTRAINT_TYPE_FOLLOWPATH: { bFollowPathConstraint *data = curcon->data; if (!exist_object(data->tar)){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->tar->type != OB_CURVE){ data->tar = NULL; curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->upflag==data->trackflag){ curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } if (data->upflag+3==data->trackflag){ curcon->flag |= CONSTRAINT_DISABLE; break; } } break; } } } } static void test_bonelist_constraints (Object *owner, ListBase *list) { Bone *bone; for (bone = list->first; bone; bone=bone->next) { test_constraints(owner, bone->name); test_bonelist_constraints (owner, &bone->childbase); } } void object_test_constraints (Object *owner) { test_constraints(owner, ""); if(owner->type==OB_ARMATURE) { bArmature *arm; arm = get_armature(owner); if (arm) test_bonelist_constraints (owner, &arm->bonebase); } } /* context: active object in posemode, active channel, optional selected channel */ void add_constraint(int only_IK) { Object *ob= OBACT, *obsel=NULL; bPoseChannel *pchanact=NULL, *pchansel=NULL; bConstraint *con=NULL; Base *base; short nr; /* paranoia checks */ if(ob==NULL || ob==G.obedit) return; if(ob->pose && (ob->flag & OB_POSEMODE)) { /* find active channel */ for(pchanact= ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchanact; pchanact= pchanact->next) if(pchanact->bone->flag & BONE_ACTIVE) break; if(pchanact==NULL) return; /* find selected bone */ for(pchansel= ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchansel; pchansel= pchansel->next) { if(pchansel!=pchanact) if(pchansel->bone->flag & BONE_SELECTED) break; } } /* find selected object */ for(base= FIRSTBASE; base; base= base->next) if( TESTBASE(base) && base->object!=ob ) obsel= base->object; /* the only_IK caller has checked for posemode! */ if(only_IK) { for(con= pchanact->constraints.first; con; con= con->next) { if(con->type==CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC) break; } if(con) { error("Pose Channel already has IK"); return; } if(pchansel) nr= pupmenu("Add IK Constraint%t|To Selected Bone%x10"); else if(obsel) nr= pupmenu("Add IK Constraint%t|To Selected Object%x10"); else nr= pupmenu("Add IK Constraint%t|To New Empty Object%x10|Without Target%x11"); } else { if(pchanact) { if(pchansel) nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to selected Bone%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5|Stretch To%x7"); else if(obsel && obsel->type==OB_CURVE) nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to selected Object%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5|Follow Path%x6|Stretch To%x7"); else if(obsel) nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to selected Object%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5|Stretch To%x7"); else nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to New Empty Object%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5|Stretch To%x7"); } else { if(obsel && obsel->type==OB_CURVE) nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to selected Object%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5|Follow Path%x6"); else if(obsel) nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to selected Object%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5"); else nr= pupmenu("Add Constraint to New Empty Object%t|Copy Location%x1|Copy Rotation%x2|Track To%x3|Floor%x4|Locked Track%x5"); } } if(nr<1) return; /* handle IK separate */ if(nr==10 || nr==11) { /* prevent weird chains... */ if(pchansel) { bPoseChannel *pchan= pchanact; while(pchan) { if(pchan==pchansel) break; pchan= pchan->parent; } if(pchan) { error("IK root cannot be linked to IK tip"); return; } pchan= pchansel; while(pchan) { if(pchan==pchanact) break; pchan= pchan->parent; } if(pchan) { error("IK tip cannot be linked to IK root"); return; } } con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_KINEMATIC); BLI_addtail(&pchanact->constraints, con); pchanact->constflag |= PCHAN_HAS_IK; // for draw, but also for detecting while pose solving if(nr==11) pchanact->constflag |= PCHAN_HAS_TARGET; } else { if(nr==1) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCLIKE); else if(nr==2) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_ROTLIKE); else if(nr==3) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_TRACKTO); else if(nr==4) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_MINMAX); else if(nr==5) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_LOCKTRACK); else if(nr==6) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_FOLLOWPATH); else if(nr==7) con = add_new_constraint(CONSTRAINT_TYPE_STRETCHTO); if(con==NULL) return; /* paranoia */ if(pchanact) { BLI_addtail(&pchanact->constraints, con); pchanact->constflag |= PCHAN_HAS_CONST; /* for draw */ } else { BLI_addtail(&ob->constraints, con); } } /* set the target */ if(pchansel) { set_constraint_target(con, ob, pchansel->name); } else if(obsel) { set_constraint_target(con, obsel, NULL); } else if(nr!=11) { /* add new empty as target */ Base *base= BASACT, *newbase; Object *obt; obt= add_object(OB_EMPTY); /* set layers OK */ newbase= BASACT; newbase->lay= base->lay; obt->lay= newbase->lay; /* transform cent to global coords for loc */ if(pchanact) { if(only_IK) VecMat4MulVecfl(obt->loc, ob->obmat, pchanact->pose_tail); else VecMat4MulVecfl(obt->loc, ob->obmat, pchanact->pose_head); } else VECCOPY(obt->loc, ob->obmat[3]); set_constraint_target(con, obt, NULL); /* restore, add_object sets active */ BASACT= base; base->flag |= SELECT; } /* active flag */ con->flag |= CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE; for(con= con->prev; con; con= con->prev) con->flag &= ~CONSTRAINT_ACTIVE; DAG_scene_sort(G.scene); // sort order of objects if(pchanact) { ob->pose->flag |= POSE_RECALC; // sort pose channels DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); // and all its relations } else DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_OB); // and all its relations allqueue (REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue (REDRAWBUTSOBJECT, 0); allqueue (REDRAWOOPS, 0); if(only_IK) BIF_undo_push("Add IK Constraint"); else BIF_undo_push("Add Constraint"); }