/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_storage_types.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "IMB_imbuf.h" #include "DNA_ipo_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_sequence_types.h" #include "DNA_view2d_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_sound_types.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_plugin_types.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_scene.h" #include "BIF_space.h" #include "BIF_interface.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_drawseq.h" #include "BIF_editseq.h" #include "BIF_mywindow.h" #include "BIF_toolbox.h" #include "BIF_writemovie.h" #include "BIF_editview.h" #include "BIF_scrarea.h" #include "BIF_editsound.h" #include "BSE_edit.h" #include "BSE_sequence.h" #include "BSE_filesel.h" #include "BSE_drawipo.h" #include "BSE_seqaudio.h" #include "BDR_editobject.h" #include "blendef.h" #include "mydevice.h" Sequence *last_seq=0; char last_imagename[80]= "/"; char last_sounddir[80]= ""; /* void transform_seq(int mode); already in BIF_editseq.h */ #define SEQ_DESEL ~(SELECT+SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL) static int test_overlap_seq(Sequence *); static void shuffle_seq(Sequence *); static void change_plugin_seq(char *str) /* called from fileselect */ { /* extern Sequence *last_seq; already done few lines before !!!*/ if(last_seq && last_seq->type!=SEQ_PLUGIN) return; free_plugin_seq(last_seq->plugin); last_seq->plugin= (PluginSeq *)add_plugin_seq(str, last_seq->name+2); last_seq->machine= MAX3(last_seq->seq1->machine, last_seq->seq2->machine, last_seq->seq3->machine); if( test_overlap_seq(last_seq) ) shuffle_seq(last_seq); BIF_undo_push("Load/change Sequencer plugin"); } void boundbox_seq(void) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; float min[2], max[2]; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; min[0]= 0.0; max[0]= EFRA+1; min[1]= 0.0; max[1]= 8.0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if( min[0] > seq->startdisp-1) min[0]= seq->startdisp-1; if( max[0] < seq->enddisp+1) max[0]= seq->enddisp+1; if( max[1] < seq->machine+2.0) max[1]= seq->machine+2.0; seq= seq->next; } G.v2d->tot.xmin= min[0]; G.v2d->tot.xmax= max[0]; G.v2d->tot.ymin= min[1]; G.v2d->tot.ymax= max[1]; } Sequence *find_nearest_seq(int *hand) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; float x, y, facx, facy; short mval[2]; *hand= 0; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return 0; getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x, &y); seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->machine == (int)y) { if(seq->startdisp<=x && seq->enddisp>=x) { if(seq->type < SEQ_EFFECT) { if( seq->handsize+seq->startdisp >=x ) { /* within triangle? */ facx= (x-seq->startdisp)/seq->handsize; if( (y - (int)y) <0.5) { facy= (y - 0.2 - (int)y)/0.3; if( facx < facy ) *hand= 1; } else { facy= (y - 0.5 - (int)y)/0.3; if( facx+facy < 1.0 ) *hand= 1; } } else if( -seq->handsize+seq->enddisp <=x ) { /* within triangle? */ facx= 1.0 - (seq->enddisp-x)/seq->handsize; if( (y - (int)y) <0.5) { facy= (y - 0.2 - (int)y)/0.3; if( facx+facy > 1.0 ) *hand= 2; } else { facy= (y - 0.5 - (int)y)/0.3; if( facx > facy ) *hand= 2; } } } return seq; } } seq= seq->next; } return 0; } void clear_last_seq(void) { /* from (example) ipo: when it is changed, also do effects with same ipo */ Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; StripElem *se; int a; if(last_seq) { ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; WHILE_SEQ(&ed->seqbase) { if(seq==last_seq || (last_seq->ipo && seq->ipo==last_seq->ipo)) { a= seq->len; se= seq->strip->stripdata; if(se) { while(a--) { if(se->ibuf) IMB_freeImBuf(se->ibuf); se->ibuf= 0; se->ok= 1; se++; } } } } END_SEQ } } static int test_overlap_seq(Sequence *test) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return 0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq!=test) { if(test->machine==seq->machine) { if(test->depth==seq->depth) { if( (test->enddisp <= seq->startdisp) || (test->startdisp >= seq->enddisp) ); else return 1; } } } seq= seq->next; } return 0; } static void shuffle_seq(Sequence *test) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; int a, start; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; /* is there more than 1 select: only shuffle y */ a=0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) a++; seq= seq->next; } if(a<2 && test->type==SEQ_IMAGE) { start= test->start; for(a= 1; a<50; a++) { test->start= start+a; calc_sequence(test); if( test_overlap_seq(test)==0) return; test->start= start-a; calc_sequence(test); if( test_overlap_seq(test)==0) return; } test->start= start; } test->machine++; calc_sequence(test); while( test_overlap_seq(test) ) { if(test->machine >= MAXSEQ) { error("There is no more space to add a sequence strip"); BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, test); free_sequence(test); return; } test->machine++; calc_sequence(test); } } static void deselect_all_seq(void) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; } END_SEQ BIF_undo_push("(De)select all Sequencer"); } static void recurs_sel_seq(Sequence *seqm) { Sequence *seq; seq= seqm->seqbase.first; while(seq) { if(seqm->flag & (SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL)) seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; else if(seqm->flag & SELECT) seq->flag |= SELECT; else seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; if(seq->seqbase.first) recurs_sel_seq(seq); seq= seq->next; } } void swap_select_seq(void) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; int sel=0; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) sel= 1; } END_SEQ WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { /* always deselect all to be sure */ seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; if(sel==0) seq->flag |= SELECT; } END_SEQ allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); BIF_undo_push("Swap select all Sequencer"); } void mouse_select_seq(void) { Sequence *seq; int hand; seq= find_nearest_seq(&hand); if(G.qual==0) deselect_all_seq(); if(seq) { last_seq= seq; if ((seq->type == SEQ_IMAGE) || (seq->type == SEQ_MOVIE)) { if(seq->strip) { strcpy(last_imagename, seq->strip->dir); } } else if (seq->type == SEQ_SOUND) { if(seq->strip) { strcpy(last_sounddir, seq->strip->dir); } } if(G.qual==0) { seq->flag |= SELECT; if(hand==1) seq->flag |= SEQ_LEFTSEL; if(hand==2) seq->flag |= SEQ_RIGHTSEL; } else { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(hand==0) seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; else if(hand==1) { if(seq->flag & SEQ_LEFTSEL) seq->flag &= ~SEQ_LEFTSEL; else seq->flag |= SEQ_LEFTSEL; } else if(hand==2) { if(seq->flag & SEQ_RIGHTSEL) seq->flag &= ~SEQ_RIGHTSEL; else seq->flag |= SEQ_RIGHTSEL; } } else { seq->flag |= SELECT; if(hand==1) seq->flag |= SEQ_LEFTSEL; if(hand==2) seq->flag |= SEQ_RIGHTSEL; } } recurs_sel_seq(seq); } force_draw(0); if(last_seq) allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); BIF_undo_push("Select Sequencer"); std_rmouse_transform(transform_seq); } static Sequence *alloc_sequence(int cfra, int machine) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; ed= G.scene->ed; seq= MEM_callocN( sizeof(Sequence), "addseq"); BLI_addtail(ed->seqbasep, seq); last_seq= seq; *( (short *)seq->name )= ID_SEQ; seq->name[2]= 0; seq->flag= SELECT; seq->start= cfra; seq->machine= machine; return seq; } static Sequence *sfile_to_sequence(SpaceFile *sfile, int cfra, int machine, int last) { Sequence *seq; Strip *strip; StripElem *se; int totsel, a; /* are there selected files? */ totsel= 0; for(a=0; atotfile; a++) { if(sfile->filelist[a].flags & ACTIVE) { if( (sfile->filelist[a].type & S_IFDIR)==0 ) { totsel++; } } } if(last) { /* if not, a file handed to us? */ if(totsel==0 && sfile->file[0]) totsel= 1; } if(totsel==0) return 0; /* make seq */ seq= alloc_sequence(cfra, machine); seq->len= totsel; if(totsel==1) { seq->startstill= 25; seq->endstill= 24; } calc_sequence(seq); /* strip and stripdata */ seq->strip= strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "strip"); strip->len= totsel; strip->us= 1; strcpy(strip->dir, sfile->dir); strip->stripdata= se= MEM_callocN(totsel*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); for(a=0; atotfile; a++) { if(sfile->filelist[a].flags & ACTIVE) { if( (sfile->filelist[a].type & S_IFDIR)==0 ) { strcpy(se->name, sfile->filelist[a].relname); se->ok= 1; se++; } } } /* no selected file: */ if(totsel==1 && se==strip->stripdata) { strcpy(se->name, sfile->file); se->ok= 1; } /* last active name */ strcpy(last_imagename, seq->strip->dir); return seq; } static void sfile_to_mv_sequence(SpaceFile *sfile, int cfra, int machine) { Sequence *seq; struct anim *anim; Strip *strip; StripElem *se; int totframe, a; char str[256]; totframe= 0; strcpy(str, sfile->dir); strcat(str, sfile->file); /* is it a movie? */ anim = openanim(str, IB_rect); if(anim==0) { error("The selected file is not a movie"); return; } totframe= IMB_anim_get_duration(anim); /* make seq */ seq= alloc_sequence(cfra, machine); seq->len= totframe; seq->type= SEQ_MOVIE; seq->anim= anim; calc_sequence(seq); /* strip and stripdata */ seq->strip= strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "strip"); strip->len= totframe; strip->us= 1; strcpy(strip->dir, sfile->dir); strip->stripdata= se= MEM_callocN(totframe*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); /* name movie in first strip */ strcpy(se->name, sfile->file); for(a=1; a<=totframe; a++, se++) { se->ok= 1; se->nr= a; } /* last active name */ strcpy(last_imagename, seq->strip->dir); } static Sequence *sfile_to_snd_sequence(SpaceFile *sfile, int cfra, int machine) { Sequence *seq; bSound *sound; Strip *strip; StripElem *se; double totframe; int a; char str[256]; totframe= 0.0; strcpy(str, sfile->dir); strcat(str, sfile->file); sound= sound_new_sound(str); if (!sound || sound->sample->type == SAMPLE_INVALID) { error("Unsupported audio format"); return 0; } if (sound->sample->bits != 16) { error("Only 16 bit audio is supported"); return 0; } sound->id.us=1; sound->flags |= SOUND_FLAGS_SEQUENCE; audio_makestream(sound); totframe= (int) ( ((float)(sound->streamlen-1)/( (float)G.scene->audio.mixrate*4.0 ))* (float)G.scene->r.frs_sec); /* make seq */ seq= alloc_sequence(cfra, machine); seq->len= totframe; seq->type= SEQ_SOUND; seq->sound = sound; calc_sequence(seq); /* strip and stripdata */ seq->strip= strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "strip"); strip->len= totframe; strip->us= 1; strcpy(strip->dir, sfile->dir); strip->stripdata= se= MEM_callocN(totframe*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); /* name sound in first strip */ strcpy(se->name, sfile->file); for(a=1; a<=totframe; a++, se++) { se->ok= 2; /* why? */ se->ibuf= 0; se->nr= a; } /* last active name */ strcpy(last_sounddir, seq->strip->dir); return seq; } static void add_image_strips(char *name) { SpaceFile *sfile; struct direntry *files; float x, y; int a, totfile, cfra, machine; short mval[2]; deselect_all_seq(); /* restore windowmatrices */ areawinset(curarea->win); drawseqspace(curarea, curarea->spacedata.first); /* search sfile */ sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if(sfile==0) return; /* where will it be */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x, &y); cfra= (int)(x+0.5); machine= (int)(y+0.5); waitcursor(1); /* also read contents of directories */ files= sfile->filelist; totfile= sfile->totfile; sfile->filelist= 0; sfile->totfile= 0; for(a=0; adir, files[a].relname); strcat(sfile->dir,"/"); read_dir(sfile); /* select all */ swapselect_file(sfile); if ( sfile_to_sequence(sfile, cfra, machine, 0) ) machine++; parent(sfile); } } } sfile->filelist= files; sfile->totfile= totfile; /* read directory itself */ sfile_to_sequence(sfile, cfra, machine, 1); waitcursor(0); BIF_undo_push("Add image strip Sequencer"); transform_seq('g'); } static void add_movie_strip(char *name) { SpaceFile *sfile; float x, y; int cfra, machine; short mval[2]; deselect_all_seq(); /* restore windowmatrices */ areawinset(curarea->win); drawseqspace(curarea, curarea->spacedata.first); /* search sfile */ sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if(sfile==0) return; /* where will it be */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x, &y); cfra= (int)(x+0.5); machine= (int)(y+0.5); waitcursor(1); /* read directory itself */ sfile_to_mv_sequence(sfile, cfra, machine); waitcursor(0); BIF_undo_push("Add movie strip Sequencer"); transform_seq('g'); } static void add_sound_strip(char *name) { SpaceFile *sfile; float x, y; int cfra, machine; short mval[2]; deselect_all_seq(); sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if (sfile==0) return; /* where will it be */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x, &y); cfra= (int)(x+0.5); machine= (int)(y+0.5); waitcursor(1); sfile_to_snd_sequence(sfile, cfra, machine); waitcursor(0); BIF_undo_push("Add sound strip Sequencer"); transform_seq('g'); } #if 0 static void reload_sound_strip(char *name) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq, *seqact; SpaceFile *sfile; ed= G.scene->ed; if(last_seq==0 || last_seq->type!=SEQ_SOUND) return; seqact= last_seq; /* last_seq changes in alloc_sequence */ /* search sfile */ sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if(sfile==0) return; waitcursor(1); seq = sfile_to_snd_sequence(sfile, seqact->start, seqact->machine); printf("seq->type: %i\n", seq->type); if(seq && seq!=seqact) { /* i'm not sure about this one, seems to work without it -- sgefant */ free_strip(seqact->strip); seqact->strip= seq->strip; seqact->len= seq->len; calc_sequence(seqact); seq->strip= 0; free_sequence(seq); BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); seq= ed->seqbasep->first; } waitcursor(0); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } #endif static void reload_image_strip(char *name) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq, *seqact; SpaceFile *sfile; ed= G.scene->ed; if(last_seq==0 || last_seq->type!=SEQ_IMAGE) return; seqact= last_seq; /* last_seq changes in alloc_sequence */ /* search sfile */ sfile= scrarea_find_space_of_type(curarea, SPACE_FILE); if(sfile==0) return; waitcursor(1); seq= sfile_to_sequence(sfile, seqact->start, seqact->machine, 1); if(seq && seq!=seqact) { free_strip(seqact->strip); seqact->strip= seq->strip; seqact->len= seq->len; calc_sequence(seqact); seq->strip= 0; free_sequence(seq); BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { /* new_stripdata is clear */ if(seq->seq1==seqact || seq->seq2==seqact || seq->seq3==seqact) { calc_sequence(seq); new_stripdata(seq); } } seq= seq->next; } } waitcursor(0); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } static int event_to_efftype(int event) { if(event==2) return SEQ_CROSS; if(event==3) return SEQ_GAMCROSS; if(event==4) return SEQ_ADD; if(event==5) return SEQ_SUB; if(event==6) return SEQ_MUL; if(event==7) return SEQ_ALPHAOVER; if(event==8) return SEQ_ALPHAUNDER; if(event==9) return SEQ_OVERDROP; if(event==10) return SEQ_PLUGIN; if(event==13) return SEQ_WIPE; if(event==14) return SEQ_GLOW; return 0; } static int add_seq_effect(int type) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq, *seq1, *seq2, *seq3; Strip *strip; float x, y; int cfra, machine; short mval[2]; if(G.scene->ed==0) return 0; ed= G.scene->ed; /* apart from last_seq there have to be 2 selected sequences */ seq1= seq3= 0; seq2= last_seq; /* last_seq changes with alloc_seq! */ seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if (seq->type == SEQ_SOUND) { error("Can't apply effects to audio sequence strips"); return 0; } if(seq != seq2) { if(seq1==0) seq1= seq; else if(seq3==0) seq3= seq; else { seq1= 0; break; } } } seq= seq->next; } if(type==10 || type==13 || type==14) { /* plugin: minimal 1 select */ if(seq2==0) { error("Need at least one selected sequence strip"); return 0; } if(seq1==0) seq1= seq2; if(seq3==0) seq3= seq2; } else { if(seq1==0 || seq2==0) { error("Need 2 selected sequence strips"); return 0; } if(seq3==0) seq3= seq2; } deselect_all_seq(); /* where will it be (cfra is not realy needed) */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x, &y); cfra= (int)(x+0.5); machine= (int)(y+0.5); seq= alloc_sequence(cfra, machine); seq->type= event_to_efftype(type); /* Allocate variable structs for effects with settings */ if(seq->type==SEQ_WIPE){ init_wipe_effect(seq); } else if(seq->type==SEQ_GLOW){ init_glow_effect(seq); } if(seq->type==SEQ_ALPHAUNDER || seq->type==SEQ_ALPHAOVER) { seq->seq2= seq1; seq->seq1= seq2; } else { seq->seq1= seq1; seq->seq2= seq2; } seq->seq3= seq3; calc_sequence(seq); seq->strip= strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "strip"); strip->len= seq->len; strip->us= 1; if(seq->len>0) strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); BIF_undo_push("Add effect strip Sequencer"); return 1; } static void load_plugin_seq(char *str) /* called from fileselect */ { Editing *ed; add_seq_effect(10); /* this sets last_seq */ free_plugin_seq(last_seq->plugin); last_seq->plugin= (PluginSeq *)add_plugin_seq(str, last_seq->name+2); if(last_seq->plugin==0) { ed= G.scene->ed; BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, last_seq); free_sequence(last_seq); last_seq= 0; } else { last_seq->machine= MAX3(last_seq->seq1->machine, last_seq->seq2->machine, last_seq->seq3->machine); if( test_overlap_seq(last_seq) ) shuffle_seq(last_seq); BIF_undo_push("Add plugin strip Sequencer"); transform_seq('g'); } } void add_sequence(int type) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; Strip *strip; Scene *sce; float x, y; int cfra, machine; short nr, event, mval[2]; char *str; if (type >= 0){ /* bypass pupmenu for calls from menus (aphex) */ switch(type){ case SEQ_SCENE: event = 101; break; case SEQ_IMAGE: event = 1; break; case SEQ_MOVIE: event = 102; break; case SEQ_SOUND: event = 103; break; case SEQ_PLUGIN: event = 10; break; case SEQ_CROSS: event = 2; break; case SEQ_ADD: event = 4; break; case SEQ_SUB: event = 5; break; case SEQ_ALPHAOVER: event = 7; break; case SEQ_ALPHAUNDER: event = 8; break; case SEQ_GAMCROSS: event = 3; break; case SEQ_MUL: event = 6; break; case SEQ_OVERDROP: event = 9; break; case SEQ_WIPE: event = 13; break; case SEQ_GLOW: event = 14; break; default: event = 0; break; } } else { event= pupmenu("Add Sequence Strip%t|Images%x1|Movie%x102|Audio%x103|Scene%x101|Plugin%x10|Cross%x2|Gamma Cross%x3|Add%x4|Sub%x5|Mul%x6|Alpha Over%x7|Alpha Under%x8|Alpha Over Drop%x9|Wipe%x13|Glow%x14"); } if(event<1) return; if(G.scene->ed==0) { ed= G.scene->ed= MEM_callocN( sizeof(Editing), "addseq"); ed->seqbasep= &ed->seqbase; } else ed= G.scene->ed; switch(event) { case 1: activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Images", last_imagename, add_image_strips); break; case 102: activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Movie", last_imagename, add_movie_strip); break; case 101: /* new menu: */ IDnames_to_pupstring(&str, NULL, NULL, &G.main->scene, (ID *)G.scene, NULL); event= pupmenu_col(str, 20); if(event> -1) { nr= 1; sce= G.main->scene.first; while(sce) { if( event==nr) break; nr++; sce= sce->id.next; } if(sce) { deselect_all_seq(); /* where ? */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &x, &y); cfra= (int)(x+0.5); machine= (int)(y+0.5); seq= alloc_sequence(cfra, machine); seq->type= SEQ_SCENE; seq->scene= sce; seq->sfra= sce->r.sfra; seq->len= sce->r.efra - sce->r.sfra + 1; seq->strip= strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "strip"); strip->len= seq->len; strip->us= 1; if(seq->len>0) strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); BIF_undo_push("Add scene strip Sequencer"); transform_seq('g'); } } MEM_freeN(str); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 13: case 14: if(last_seq==0) error("Need at least one active sequence strip"); else if(event==10) { activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Plugin", U.plugseqdir, load_plugin_seq); } else { if( add_seq_effect(event) ) transform_seq('g'); } break; case 103: if (!last_sounddir[0]) strcpy(last_sounddir, U.sounddir); activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Wav", last_sounddir, add_sound_strip); break; } } void change_sequence(void) { Scene *sce; short event; if(last_seq==0) return; if(last_seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { event= pupmenu("Change Effect%t|Switch A <-> B %x1|Switch B <-> C %x10|Plugin%x11|Recalculate%x12|Cross%x2|Gamma Cross%x3|Add%x4|Sub%x5|Mul%x6|Alpha Over%x7|Alpha Under%x8|Alpha Over Drop%x9|Wipe%x13|Glow%x14"); if(event>0) { if(event==1) { SWAP(Sequence *, last_seq->seq1, last_seq->seq2); } else if(event==10) { SWAP(Sequence *, last_seq->seq2, last_seq->seq3); } else if(event==11) { activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Plugin", U.plugseqdir, change_plugin_seq); } else if(event==12); /* recalculate: only new_stripdata */ else { /* to be sure, free plugin */ free_plugin_seq(last_seq->plugin); last_seq->plugin= 0; last_seq->type= event_to_efftype(event); switch(last_seq->type){ case SEQ_WIPE: init_wipe_effect(last_seq); break; case SEQ_GLOW: init_glow_effect(last_seq); break; } } new_stripdata(last_seq); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); BIF_undo_push("Change effect Sequencer"); } } else if(last_seq->type == SEQ_IMAGE) { if(okee("Change images")) { activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "Select Images", last_imagename, reload_image_strip); } } else if(last_seq->type == SEQ_MOVIE) { ; } else if(last_seq->type == SEQ_SCENE) { event= pupmenu("Change Scene%t|Update Start and End"); if(event==1) { sce= last_seq->scene; last_seq->len= sce->r.efra - sce->r.sfra + 1; last_seq->sfra= sce->r.sfra; new_stripdata(last_seq); calc_sequence(last_seq); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } } } static int is_a_sequence(Sequence *test) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0 || test==0) return 0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq==test) return 1; seq= seq->next; } return 0; } static void recurs_del_seq(ListBase *lb) { Sequence *seq, *seqn; seq= lb->first; while(seq) { seqn= seq->next; if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type==SEQ_SOUND && seq->sound) seq->sound->id.us--; BLI_remlink(lb, seq); if(seq==last_seq) last_seq= 0; if(seq->type==SEQ_META) recurs_del_seq(&seq->seqbase); if(seq->ipo) seq->ipo->id.us--; free_sequence(seq); } seq= seqn; } } void del_seq(void) { Sequence *seq, *seqn; MetaStack *ms; Editing *ed; int doit; if(okee("Erase selected")==0) return; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; recurs_del_seq(ed->seqbasep); /* test effects */ doit= 1; while(doit) { doit= 0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { seqn= seq->next; if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if( is_a_sequence(seq->seq1)==0 || is_a_sequence(seq->seq2)==0 || is_a_sequence(seq->seq3)==0 ) { BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); if(seq==last_seq) last_seq= 0; free_sequence(seq); doit= 1; } } seq= seqn; } } /* updates lengths etc */ seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { calc_sequence(seq); seq= seq->next; } /* free parent metas */ ms= ed->metastack.last; while(ms) { ms->parseq->strip->len= 0; /* force new alloc */ calc_sequence(ms->parseq); ms= ms->prev; } BIF_undo_push("Delete from Sequencer"); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } static void recurs_dupli_seq(ListBase *old, ListBase *new) { Sequence *seq, *seqn; StripElem *se; int a; seq= old->first; while(seq) { seq->newseq= 0; if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type==SEQ_META) { seqn= MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->newseq= seqn; BLI_addtail(new, seqn); seqn->strip= MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip); if(seq->len>0) seq->strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL); seqn->seqbase.first= seqn->seqbase.last= 0; recurs_dupli_seq(&seq->seqbase, &seqn->seqbase); } else if(seq->type == SEQ_SCENE) { seqn= MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->newseq= seqn; BLI_addtail(new, seqn); seqn->strip= MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip); if(seq->len>0) seqn->strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL); } else if(seq->type == SEQ_MOVIE) { seqn= MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->newseq= seqn; BLI_addtail(new, seqn); seqn->strip= MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip); seqn->anim= 0; if(seqn->len>0) { seqn->strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); /* copy first elem */ *seqn->strip->stripdata= *seq->strip->stripdata; se= seqn->strip->stripdata; a= seq->len; while(a--) { se->ok= 1; se++; } } seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL); } else if(seq->type == SEQ_SOUND) { seqn= MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->newseq= seqn; BLI_addtail(new, seqn); seqn->strip= MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip); seqn->anim= 0; seqn->sound->id.us++; if(seqn->ipo) seqn->ipo->id.us++; if(seqn->len>0) { seqn->strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); /* copy first elem */ *seqn->strip->stripdata= *seq->strip->stripdata; se= seqn->strip->stripdata; a= seq->len; while(a--) { se->ok= 1; se++; } } seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL); } else if(seq->type < SEQ_EFFECT) { seqn= MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->newseq= seqn; BLI_addtail(new, seqn); seqn->strip->us++; seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL); } else { if(seq->seq1->newseq) { seqn= MEM_dupallocN(seq); seq->newseq= seqn; BLI_addtail(new, seqn); seqn->seq1= seq->seq1->newseq; if(seq->seq2 && seq->seq2->newseq) seqn->seq2= seq->seq2->newseq; if(seq->seq3 && seq->seq3->newseq) seqn->seq3= seq->seq3->newseq; if(seqn->ipo) seqn->ipo->id.us++; if(seq->plugin) { seqn->plugin= MEM_dupallocN(seq->plugin); open_plugin_seq(seqn->plugin, seqn->name+2); } seqn->strip= MEM_dupallocN(seq->strip); if(seq->len>0) seq->strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); seq->flag &= SEQ_DESEL; seqn->flag &= ~(SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL); } } } seq= seq->next; } } void add_duplicate_seq(void) { Editing *ed; ListBase new; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; new.first= new.last= 0; recurs_dupli_seq(ed->seqbasep, &new); addlisttolist(ed->seqbasep, &new); BIF_undo_push("Add duplicate Sequencer"); transform_seq('g'); } int insert_gap(int gap, int cfra) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; int done=0; /* all strips >= cfra are shifted */ ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return 0; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->startdisp >= cfra) { seq->start+= gap; calc_sequence(seq); done= 1; } } END_SEQ return done; } void touch_seq_files(void) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; char str[256]; /* touch all strips with movies */ ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; if(okee("Touch and print selected movies")==0) return; waitcursor(1); WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { if(seq->strip && seq->strip->stripdata) { BLI_make_file_string(G.sce, str, seq->strip->dir, seq->strip->stripdata->name); BLI_touch(seq->name); } } } } END_SEQ waitcursor(0); } void set_filter_seq(void) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; if(okee("Set FilterY")==0) return; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { seq->flag |= SEQ_FILTERY; } } } END_SEQ } void no_gaps(void) { Editing *ed; int cfra, first= 0, done; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; for(cfra= CFRA; cfra<=EFRA; cfra++) { if(first==0) { if( evaluate_seq_frame(cfra) ) first= 1; } else { done= 1; while( evaluate_seq_frame(cfra) == 0) { done= insert_gap(-1, cfra); if(done==0) break; } if(done==0) break; } } BIF_undo_push("No gaps Sequencer"); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } /* ****************** META ************************* */ void make_meta(void) { Sequence *seq, *seqm, *next; Editing *ed; int tot; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; /* is there more than 1 select */ tot= 0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { tot++; if (seq->type == SEQ_SOUND) { error("Can't make Meta Strip from audio"); return; } } seq= seq->next; } if(tot < 2) return; if(okee("Make Meta Strip")==0) return; /* test relationships */ seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if((seq->seq1->flag & SELECT)==0) tot= 0; if((seq->seq2->flag & SELECT)==0) tot= 0; if((seq->seq3->flag & SELECT)==0) tot= 0; } } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1->flag & SELECT) tot= 0; if(seq->seq2->flag & SELECT) tot= 0; if(seq->seq3->flag & SELECT) tot= 0; } if(tot==0) break; seq= seq->next; } if(tot==0) { error("Please select all related strips"); return; } /* remove all selected from main list, and put in meta */ seqm= alloc_sequence(1, 1); seqm->type= SEQ_META; seqm->flag= SELECT; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { next= seq->next; if(seq!=seqm && (seq->flag & SELECT)) { BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); BLI_addtail(&seqm->seqbase, seq); } seq= next; } calc_sequence(seqm); seqm->strip= MEM_callocN(sizeof(Strip), "metastrip"); seqm->strip->len= seqm->len; seqm->strip->us= 1; if(seqm->len) seqm->strip->stripdata= MEM_callocN(seqm->len*sizeof(StripElem), "metastripdata"); set_meta_stripdata(seqm); BIF_undo_push("Make Meta Sequencer"); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } void un_meta(void) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq, *seqn; int doit; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; if(last_seq==0 || last_seq->type!=SEQ_META) return; if(okee("Un Meta")==0) return; addlisttolist(ed->seqbasep, &last_seq->seqbase); last_seq->seqbase.first= 0; last_seq->seqbase.last= 0; BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, last_seq); free_sequence(last_seq); /* test effects */ doit= 1; while(doit) { doit= 0; seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { seqn= seq->next; if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if( is_a_sequence(seq->seq1)==0 || is_a_sequence(seq->seq2)==0 || is_a_sequence(seq->seq3)==0 ) { BLI_remlink(ed->seqbasep, seq); if(seq==last_seq) last_seq= 0; free_sequence(seq); doit= 1; } } seq= seqn; } } /* test for effects and overlap */ WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( test_overlap_seq(seq) ) { shuffle_seq(seq); } } } END_SEQ; BIF_undo_push("Un-make Meta Sequencer"); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } void exit_meta(void) { Sequence *seq; MetaStack *ms; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; if(ed->metastack.first==0) return; ms= ed->metastack.last; BLI_remlink(&ed->metastack, ms); ed->seqbasep= ms->oldbasep; /* recalc entire meta */ set_meta_stripdata(ms->parseq); /* recalc all: the meta can have effects connected to it */ seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { calc_sequence(seq); seq= seq->next; } last_seq= ms->parseq; last_seq->flag= SELECT; recurs_sel_seq(last_seq); MEM_freeN(ms); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); BIF_undo_push("Exit meta strip Sequence"); } void enter_meta(void) { MetaStack *ms; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; if(last_seq==0 || last_seq->type!=SEQ_META || last_seq->flag==0) { exit_meta(); return; } ms= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MetaStack), "metastack"); BLI_addtail(&ed->metastack, ms); ms->parseq= last_seq; ms->oldbasep= ed->seqbasep; ed->seqbasep= &last_seq->seqbase; last_seq= 0; allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); BIF_undo_push("Enter meta strip Sequence"); } /* ****************** END META ************************* */ typedef struct TransSeq { int start, machine; int startstill, endstill; int startofs, endofs; } TransSeq; void transform_seq(int mode) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; float dx, dy, dvec[2], div; TransSeq *transmain, *ts; int tot=0, ix, iy, firsttime=1, afbreek=0, midtog= 0, proj= 0; unsigned short event = 0; short mval[2], val, xo, yo, xn, yn; char str[32]; if(mode!='g') return; /* from gesture */ /* which seqs are involved */ ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) tot++; } END_SEQ if(tot==0) return; G.moving= 1; ts=transmain= MEM_callocN(tot*sizeof(TransSeq), "transseq"); WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { ts->start= seq->start; ts->machine= seq->machine; ts->startstill= seq->startstill; ts->endstill= seq->endstill; ts->startofs= seq->startofs; ts->endofs= seq->endofs; ts++; } } END_SEQ getmouseco_areawin(mval); xo=xn= mval[0]; yo=yn= mval[1]; dvec[0]= dvec[1]= 0.0; while(afbreek==0) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(mval[0]!=xo || mval[1]!=yo || firsttime) { firsttime= 0; if(mode=='g') { dx= mval[0]- xo; dy= mval[1]- yo; div= G.v2d->mask.xmax-G.v2d->mask.xmin; dx= (G.v2d->cur.xmax-G.v2d->cur.xmin)*(dx)/div; div= G.v2d->mask.ymax-G.v2d->mask.ymin; dy= (G.v2d->cur.ymax-G.v2d->cur.ymin)*(dy)/div; if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { if(dx>1.0) dx= 1.0; else if(dx<-1.0) dx= -1.0; } dvec[0]+= dx; dvec[1]+= dy; if(midtog) dvec[proj]= 0.0; ix= floor(dvec[0]+0.5); iy= floor(dvec[1]+0.5); ts= transmain; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->flag & SEQ_LEFTSEL) { if(ts->startstill) { seq->startstill= ts->startstill-ix; if(seq->startstill<0) seq->startstill= 0; } else if(ts->startofs) { seq->startofs= ts->startofs+ix; if(seq->startofs<0) seq->startofs= 0; } else { if(ix>0) { seq->startofs= ix; seq->startstill= 0; } else if (seq->type != SEQ_SOUND) { seq->startstill= -ix; seq->startofs= 0; } } if(seq->len <= seq->startofs+seq->endofs) { seq->startofs= seq->len-seq->endofs-1; } } if(seq->flag & SEQ_RIGHTSEL) { if(ts->endstill) { seq->endstill= ts->endstill+ix; if(seq->endstill<0) seq->endstill= 0; } else if(ts->endofs) { seq->endofs= ts->endofs-ix; if(seq->endofs<0) seq->endofs= 0; } else { if(ix<0) { seq->endofs= -ix; seq->endstill= 0; } else if (seq->type != SEQ_SOUND) { seq->endstill= ix; seq->endofs= 0; } } if(seq->len <= seq->startofs+seq->endofs) { seq->endofs= seq->len-seq->startofs-1; } } if( (seq->flag & (SEQ_LEFTSEL+SEQ_RIGHTSEL))==0 ) { if(seq->typestart= ts->start+ ix; if(seq->depth==0) seq->machine= ts->machine+ iy; if(seq->machine<1) seq->machine= 1; else if(seq->machine>= MAXSEQ) seq->machine= MAXSEQ; } calc_sequence(seq); ts++; } } END_SEQ sprintf(str, "X: %d Y: %d ", ix, iy); headerprint(str); } xo= mval[0]; yo= mval[1]; /* test for effect and overlap */ WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( test_overlap_seq(seq) ) { seq->flag |= SEQ_OVERLAP; } } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq2->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq3->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); } } END_SEQ; force_draw(0); } else BIF_wait_for_statechange(); while(qtest()) { event= extern_qread(&val); if(val) { switch(event) { case ESCKEY: case LEFTMOUSE: case SPACEKEY: afbreek= 1; break; case MIDDLEMOUSE: midtog= ~midtog; if(midtog) { if( abs(mval[0]-xn) > abs(mval[1]-yn)) proj= 1; else proj= 0; firsttime= 1; } break; default: arrows_move_cursor(event); } } if(afbreek) break; } } if(event==ESCKEY) { ts= transmain; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->start= ts->start; seq->machine= ts->machine; seq->startstill= ts->startstill; seq->endstill= ts->endstill; seq->startofs= ts->startofs; seq->endofs= ts->endofs; calc_sequence(seq); seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; ts++; } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq2->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq3->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); } } END_SEQ } else { /* images, effects and overlap */ WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->type == SEQ_META) { calc_sequence(seq); seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( test_overlap_seq(seq) ) shuffle_seq(seq); } else if(seq->flag & SELECT) { calc_sequence(seq); seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( test_overlap_seq(seq) ) shuffle_seq(seq); } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) calc_sequence(seq); } END_SEQ /* as last: */ sort_seq(); } G.moving= 0; MEM_freeN(transmain); BIF_undo_push("Transform Sequencer"); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } void clever_numbuts_seq(void) { PluginSeq *pis; StripElem *se; VarStruct *varstr; int a; if(last_seq==0) return; if(last_seq->type==SEQ_PLUGIN) { pis= last_seq->plugin; if(pis->vars==0) return; varstr= pis->varstr; if(varstr) { for(a=0; avars; a++, varstr++) { add_numbut(a, varstr->type, varstr->name, varstr->min, varstr->max, &(pis->data[a]), varstr->tip); } if( do_clever_numbuts(pis->pname, pis->vars, REDRAW) ) { new_stripdata(last_seq); free_imbuf_effect_spec(CFRA); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } } } else if(last_seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { if(last_seq->mul==0.0) last_seq->mul= 1.0; add_numbut(0, TEX, "Name:", 0.0, 21.0, last_seq->name+2, 0); add_numbut(1, TOG|SHO|BIT|4, "FilterY", 0.0, 1.0, &last_seq->flag, 0); /* warning: only a single bit-button possible: we work at copied data! */ add_numbut(2, NUM|FLO, "Mul", 0.01, 5.0, &last_seq->mul, 0); if( do_clever_numbuts("Movie", 3, REDRAW) ) { se= last_seq->curelem; if(se && se->ibuf ) { IMB_freeImBuf(se->ibuf); se->ibuf= 0; } allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } } else if(last_seq->type==SEQ_SOUND) { add_numbut(0, TEX, "Name:", 0.0, 21.0, last_seq->name+2, 0); add_numbut(1, NUM|FLO, "Gain (dB):", -96.0, 6.0, &last_seq->level, 0); add_numbut(2, NUM|FLO, "Pan:", -1.0, 1.0, &last_seq->pan, 0); add_numbut(3, TOG|SHO|BIT|5, "Mute", 0.0, 1.0, &last_seq->flag, 0); if( do_clever_numbuts("Audio", 4, REDRAW) ) { se= last_seq->curelem; allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } } else if(last_seq->type==SEQ_META) { add_numbut(0, TEX, "Name:", 0.0, 21.0, last_seq->name+2, 0); if( do_clever_numbuts("Meta", 1, REDRAW) ) { allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } } } void seq_snap_menu(void) { short event; event= pupmenu("Snap %t|To Current Frame%x1"); if(event < 1) return; seq_snap(event); } void seq_snap(short event) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; /* problem: contents of meta's are all shifted to the same position... */ /* also check metas */ WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { if(seq->typestart= CFRA-seq->startofs+seq->startstill; calc_sequence(seq); } } END_SEQ /* test for effects and overlap */ WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->flag & SELECT) { seq->flag &= ~SEQ_OVERLAP; if( test_overlap_seq(seq) ) { shuffle_seq(seq); } } else if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { if(seq->seq1->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq2->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); else if(seq->seq3->flag & SELECT) calc_sequence(seq); } } END_SEQ; /* as last: */ sort_seq(); BIF_undo_push("Snap menu Sequencer"); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 0); } void borderselect_seq(void) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; rcti rect; rctf rectf, rq; int val; short mval[2]; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; val= get_border(&rect, 3); if(val) { mval[0]= rect.xmin; mval[1]= rect.ymin; areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &rectf.xmin, &rectf.ymin); mval[0]= rect.xmax; mval[1]= rect.ymax; areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &rectf.xmax, &rectf.ymax); seq= ed->seqbasep->first; while(seq) { if(seq->startstill) rq.xmin= seq->start; else rq.xmin= seq->startdisp; rq.ymin= seq->machine+0.2; if(seq->endstill) rq.xmax= seq->start+seq->len; else rq.xmax= seq->enddisp; rq.ymax= seq->machine+0.8; if(BLI_isect_rctf(&rq, &rectf, 0)) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) { seq->flag |= SELECT; } else { seq->flag &= ~SELECT; } } seq= seq->next; } BIF_undo_push("Border select Sequencer"); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } }