/** * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Blender * Foundation also sells licenses for use in proprietary software under * the Blender License. See http://www.blender.org/BL/ for information * about this. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #ifndef WIN32 #include #else #include #include "BLI_winstuff.h" #endif #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_space_types.h" #include "DNA_image_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" // only for uvedit_selectionCB() (struct Object) #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_displist.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_interface.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_drawimage.h" #include "BIF_editview.h" #include "BIF_space.h" #include "BIF_editsima.h" #include "BIF_toolbox.h" #include "BIF_mywindow.h" #include "BSE_drawipo.h" #include "BSE_edit.h" #include "BSE_trans_types.h" #include "BDR_editobject.h" #include "blendef.h" #include "mydevice.h" struct uvvertsort { unsigned int v; unsigned char tf_sel; char flag; TFace *tface; }; static int compuvvert(const void *u1, const void *u2) { const struct uvvertsort *v1=u1, *v2=u2; if (v1->v > v2->v) return 1; else if (v1->v < v2->v) return -1; return 0; } int is_uv_tface_editing_allowed_silent(void) { Mesh *me; if(G.obedit) return 0; if(G.sima->mode!=SI_TEXTURE) return 0; if(!(G.f & G_FACESELECT)) return 0; me= get_mesh(OBACT); if(me==0 || me->tface==0) return 0; return 1; } int is_uv_tface_editing_allowed(void) { if(G.obedit) error("Unable to perform function in EditMode"); return is_uv_tface_editing_allowed_silent(); } static void setLinkedLimit(float *limit) { if(G.sima->image && G.sima->image->ibuf && G.sima->image->ibuf->x > 0 && G.sima->image->ibuf->y > 0) { limit[0]= 5.0/(float)G.sima->image->ibuf->x; limit[1]= 5.0/(float)G.sima->image->ibuf->y; } else limit[0]= limit[1]= 5.0/256.0; } void clever_numbuts_sima(void) { float ocent[2], cent[2]= {0.0, 0.0}; int imx, imy; int i, nactive= 0; Mesh *me; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); if (G.sima->image && G.sima->image->ibuf) { imx= G.sima->image->ibuf->x; imy= G.sima->image->ibuf->y; } else imx= imy= 256; for (i=0; itotface; i++) { MFace *mf= &((MFace*) me->mface)[i]; TFace *tf= &((TFace*) me->tface)[i]; if (!mf->v3 || !(tf->flag & TF_SELECT)) continue; if (tf->flag & TF_SEL1) { cent[0]+= tf->uv[0][0]; cent[1]+= tf->uv[0][1]; nactive++; } if (tf->flag & TF_SEL2) { cent[0]+= tf->uv[1][0]; cent[1]+= tf->uv[1][1]; nactive++; } if (tf->flag & TF_SEL3) { cent[0]+= tf->uv[2][0]; cent[1]+= tf->uv[2][1]; nactive++; } if (mf->v4 && (tf->flag & TF_SEL4)) { cent[0]+= tf->uv[3][0]; cent[1]+= tf->uv[3][1]; nactive++; } } if (nactive) { cent[0]= (cent[0]*imx)/nactive; cent[1]= (cent[1]*imy)/nactive; add_numbut(0, NUM|FLO, "LocX:", -imx*20, imx*20, ¢[0], NULL); add_numbut(1, NUM|FLO, "LocY:", -imy*20, imy*20, ¢[1], NULL); ocent[0]= cent[0]; ocent[1]= cent[1]; if (do_clever_numbuts((nactive==1)?"Active Vertex":"Selected Center", 2, REDRAW)) { float delta[2]; delta[0]= (cent[0]-ocent[0])/imx; delta[1]= (cent[1]-ocent[1])/imy; for (i=0; itotface; i++) { MFace *mf= &((MFace*) me->mface)[i]; TFace *tf= &((TFace*) me->tface)[i]; if (!mf->v3 || !(tf->flag & TF_SELECT)) continue; if (tf->flag & TF_SEL1) { tf->uv[0][0]+= delta[0]; tf->uv[0][1]+= delta[1]; } if (tf->flag & TF_SEL2) { tf->uv[1][0]+= delta[0]; tf->uv[1][1]+= delta[1]; } if (tf->flag & TF_SEL3) { tf->uv[2][0]+= delta[0]; tf->uv[2][1]+= delta[1]; } if (mf->v4 && (tf->flag & TF_SEL4)) { tf->uv[3][0]+= delta[0]; tf->uv[3][1]+= delta[1]; } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } static void sima_pixelgrid(float *loc, float sx, float sy) { float y; float x; if(G.sima->flag & SI_NOPIXELSNAP) { loc[0]= sx; loc[1]= sy; } else { if(G.sima->image && G.sima->image->ibuf) { x= G.sima->image->ibuf->x; y= G.sima->image->ibuf->y; sx= floor(x*sx)/x; if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) { CLAMP(sx, 0, 1.0); } loc[0]= sx; sy= floor(y*sy)/y; if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) { CLAMP(sy, 0, 1.0); } loc[1]= sy; } else { loc[0]= sx; loc[1]= sy; } } } static void be_square_tface_uv(Mesh *me) { TFace *tface; MFace *mface; int a; /* if 1 vertex selected: doit (with the selected vertex) */ for(a=me->totface, mface= me->mface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(mface->v4) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) { if( tface->uv[1][0] == tface->uv[2][0] ) { tface->uv[1][1]= tface->uv[0][1]; tface->uv[3][0]= tface->uv[0][0]; } else { tface->uv[1][0]= tface->uv[0][0]; tface->uv[3][1]= tface->uv[0][1]; } } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) { if( tface->uv[2][1] == tface->uv[3][1] ) { tface->uv[2][0]= tface->uv[1][0]; tface->uv[0][1]= tface->uv[1][1]; } else { tface->uv[2][1]= tface->uv[1][1]; tface->uv[0][0]= tface->uv[1][0]; } } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) { if( tface->uv[3][0] == tface->uv[0][0] ) { tface->uv[3][1]= tface->uv[2][1]; tface->uv[1][0]= tface->uv[2][0]; } else { tface->uv[3][0]= tface->uv[2][0]; tface->uv[1][1]= tface->uv[2][1]; } } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL4) { if( tface->uv[0][1] == tface->uv[1][1] ) { tface->uv[0][0]= tface->uv[3][0]; tface->uv[2][1]= tface->uv[3][1]; } else { tface->uv[0][1]= tface->uv[3][1]; tface->uv[2][0]= tface->uv[3][0]; } } } } } } void tface_do_clip(void) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; int a, b; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); tface= me->tface; for(a=0; atotface; a++, tface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { for(b=0; b<4; b++) { CLAMP(tface->uv[b][0], 0.0, 1.0); CLAMP(tface->uv[b][1], 0.0, 1.0); } } } } void transform_tface_uv(int mode) { MFace *mface; TFace *tface; Mesh *me; TransVert *transmain, *tv; float dist, xdist, ydist, aspx, aspy; float asp, dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, phi, dphi, co, si; float size[2], sizefac; float dx, dy, dvec2[2], dvec[2], div, cent[2]; float x, y, min[2], max[2], vec[2], xtra[2], ivec[2]; int xim, yim, tot=0, a, b, firsttime=1, afbreek=0, align= 0; int propmode= 0, proptot= 0, midtog= 0, proj= 0, prop_recalc= 1; unsigned short event = 0; short mval[2], val, xo, yo, xn, yn, xc, yc; char str[80]; extern float prop_size, prop_cent[3]; extern int prop_mode; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); if(G.f & G_PROPORTIONAL) propmode= 1; min[0]= min[1]= 10000.0; max[0]= max[1]= -10000.0; calc_image_view(G.sima, 'f'); if(G.sima->image && G.sima->image->ibuf) { xim= G.sima->image->ibuf->x; yim= G.sima->image->ibuf->y; } else { xim= yim= 256; } aspx = (float)xim/256.0; aspy = (float)yim/256.0; /* which vertices are involved? */ tface= me->tface; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) tot++; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) tot++; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) tot++; if(mface->v4 && (tface->flag & TF_SEL4)) tot++; if(propmode) { if(mface->v4) proptot+=4; else proptot+=3; } } } if(tot==0) return; if(propmode) tot= proptot; G.moving= 1; prop_size/= 3; tv=transmain= MEM_callocN(tot*sizeof(TransVert), "transmain"); tface= me->tface; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(mface->v3 && tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if (tface->flag & TF_SEL1 || propmode) { tv->loc= tface->uv[0]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) tv->flag= 1; tv++; } if (tface->flag & TF_SEL2 || propmode) { tv->loc= tface->uv[1]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) tv->flag= 1; tv++; } if (tface->flag & TF_SEL3 || propmode) { tv->loc= tface->uv[2]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) tv->flag= 1; tv++; } if(mface->v4) { if (tface->flag & TF_SEL4 || propmode) { tv->loc= tface->uv[3]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL4) tv->flag= 1; tv++; } } } } a= tot; tv= transmain; while(a--) { tv->oldloc[0]= tv->loc[0]; tv->oldloc[1]= tv->loc[1]; if(tv->flag) { DO_MINMAX2(tv->loc, min, max); } tv++; } cent[0]= (min[0]+max[0])/2.0; cent[1]= (min[1]+max[1])/2.0; prop_cent[0]= cent[0]; prop_cent[1]= cent[1]; ipoco_to_areaco_noclip(G.v2d, cent, mval); xc= mval[0]; yc= mval[1]; getmouseco_areawin(mval); xo= xn= mval[0]; yo= yn= mval[1]; dvec[0]= dvec[1]= 0.0; dx1= xc-xn; dy1= yc-yn; phi= 0.0; sizefac= sqrt( (float)((yc-yn)*(yc-yn)+(xn-xc)*(xn-xc)) ); if(sizefac<2.0) sizefac= 2.0; while(afbreek==0) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(((mval[0]!=xo || mval[1]!=yo) && !(mode=='w')) || firsttime) { if(propmode && prop_recalc && transmain) { a= tot; tv= transmain; while(a--) { if(tv->oldloc[0]oldloc[0]-min[0]; else if(tv->oldloc[0]>max[0]) xdist= tv->oldloc[0]-max[0]; else xdist= 0.0; xdist*= aspx; if(tv->oldloc[1]oldloc[1]-min[1]; else if(tv->oldloc[1]>max[1]) ydist= tv->oldloc[1]-max[1]; else ydist= 0.0; ydist*= aspy; dist= sqrt(xdist*xdist + ydist*ydist); if(dist==0.0) tv->fac= 1.0; else if(dist > prop_size) tv->fac= 0.0; else { dist= (prop_size-dist)/prop_size; if(prop_mode==1) tv->fac= 3.0*dist*dist - 2.0*dist*dist*dist; else tv->fac= dist*dist; } tv++; } prop_recalc= 0; } if(mode=='g') { dx= mval[0]- xo; dy= mval[1]- yo; div= G.v2d->mask.xmax-G.v2d->mask.xmin; dvec[0]+= (G.v2d->cur.xmax-G.v2d->cur.xmin)*(dx)/div; div= G.v2d->mask.ymax-G.v2d->mask.ymin; dvec[1]+= (G.v2d->cur.ymax-G.v2d->cur.ymin)*(dy)/div; if(midtog) dvec[proj]= 0.0; dvec2[0]= dvec[0]; dvec2[1]= dvec[1]; apply_keyb_grid(dvec2, 0.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/16.0, U.flag & USER_AUTOGRABGRID); apply_keyb_grid(dvec2+1, 0.0, 1.0/8.0, 1.0/16.0, U.flag & USER_AUTOGRABGRID); vec[0]= dvec2[0]; vec[1]= dvec2[1]; if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) { if(vec[0]< -min[0]) vec[0]= -min[0]; if(vec[1]< -min[1]) vec[1]= -min[1]; if(vec[0]> 1.0-max[0]) vec[0]= 1.0-max[0]; if(vec[1]> 1.0-max[1]) vec[1]= 1.0-max[1]; } tv= transmain; if (propmode) { for(a=0; aoldloc[0]+tv->fac*vec[0]; y= tv->oldloc[1]+tv->fac*vec[1]; sima_pixelgrid(tv->loc, x, y); } } else { for(a=0; aoldloc[0]+vec[0]; y= tv->oldloc[1]+vec[1]; sima_pixelgrid(tv->loc, x, y); } } ivec[0]= (vec[0]*xim); ivec[1]= (vec[1]*yim); if(G.sima->flag & SI_BE_SQUARE) be_square_tface_uv(me); sprintf(str, "X: %.4f Y: %.4f ", ivec[0], ivec[1]); headerprint(str); } else if(mode=='r') { dx2= xc-mval[0]; dy2= yc-mval[1]; div= sqrt( (dx1*dx1+dy1*dy1)*(dx2*dx2+dy2*dy2)); if(div>1.0) { dphi= (dx1*dx2+dy1*dy2)/div; dphi= saacos(dphi); if( (dx1*dy2-dx2*dy1)<0.0 ) dphi= -dphi; if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) phi+= dphi/30.0; else phi+= dphi; apply_keyb_grid(&phi, 0.0, (5.0/180)*M_PI, (1.0/180)*M_PI, U.flag & USER_AUTOROTGRID); dx1= dx2; dy1= dy2; co= cos(phi); si= sin(phi); asp= (float)yim/(float)xim; tv= transmain; for(a=0; afac); si= sin(phi*tv->fac); } x= ( co*( tv->oldloc[0]-cent[0]) - si*asp*(tv->oldloc[1]-cent[1]) ) +cent[0]; y= ( si*( tv->oldloc[0]-cent[0])/asp + co*(tv->oldloc[1]-cent[1]) ) +cent[1]; sima_pixelgrid(tv->loc, x, y); if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) { if(tv->loc[0]<0.0) tv->loc[0]= 0.0; else if(tv->loc[0]>1.0) tv->loc[0]= 1.0; if(tv->loc[1]<0.0) tv->loc[1]= 0.0; else if(tv->loc[1]>1.0) tv->loc[1]= 1.0; } } sprintf(str, "Rot: %.3f ", phi*180.0/M_PI); headerprint(str); } } else if(mode=='s') { size[0]= size[1]= (sqrt((float)((yc-mval[1])*(yc-mval[1])+(mval[0]-xc)*(mval[0]-xc))))/sizefac; if(midtog) size[proj]= 1.0; apply_keyb_grid(size, 0.0, 0.1, 0.01, U.flag & USER_AUTOSIZEGRID); apply_keyb_grid(size+1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.01, U.flag & USER_AUTOSIZEGRID); xtra[0]= xtra[1]= 0; if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) { /* boundbox limit: four step plan: XTRA X */ a=b= 0; if(size[0]*(min[0]-cent[0]) + cent[0] + xtra[0] < 0) a= -size[0]*(min[0]-cent[0]) - cent[0]; if(size[0]*(max[0]-cent[0]) + cent[0] + xtra[0] > 1.0) b= 1.0 - size[0]*(max[0]-cent[0]) - cent[0]; xtra[0]= (a+b)/2; /* SIZE X */ if(size[0]*(min[0]-cent[0]) + cent[0] + xtra[0] < 0) size[0]= (-cent[0]-xtra[0])/(min[0]-cent[0]); if(size[0]*(max[0]-cent[0]) + cent[0] +xtra[0] > 1.0) size[0]= (1.0-cent[0]-xtra[0])/(max[0]-cent[0]); /* XTRA Y */ a=b= 0; if(size[1]*(min[1]-cent[1]) + cent[1] + xtra[1] < 0) a= -size[1]*(min[1]-cent[1]) - cent[1]; if(size[1]*(max[1]-cent[1]) + cent[1] + xtra[1] > 1.0) b= 1.0 - size[1]*(max[1]-cent[1]) - cent[1]; xtra[1]= (a+b)/2; /* SIZE Y */ if(size[1]*(min[1]-cent[1]) + cent[1] +xtra[1] < 0) size[1]= (-cent[1]-xtra[1])/(min[1]-cent[1]); if(size[1]*(max[1]-cent[1]) + cent[1] + xtra[1]> 1.0) size[1]= (1.0-cent[1]-xtra[1])/(max[1]-cent[1]); } /* if(midtog==0) { */ /* if(size[1]>size[0]) size[1]= size[0]; */ /* else if(size[0]>size[1]) size[0]= size[1]; */ /* } */ tv= transmain; if (propmode) { for(a=0; afac*size[0] + 1.00-tv->fac)*(tv->oldloc[0]-cent[0])+ cent[0] + xtra[0]; y= (tv->fac*size[1] + 1.00-tv->fac)*(tv->oldloc[1]-cent[1])+ cent[1] + xtra[1]; sima_pixelgrid(tv->loc, x, y); } } else { for(a=0; aoldloc[0]-cent[0])+ cent[0] + xtra[0]; y= size[1]*(tv->oldloc[1]-cent[1])+ cent[1] + xtra[1]; sima_pixelgrid(tv->loc, x, y); } } sprintf(str, "sizeX: %.3f sizeY: %.3f", size[0], size[1]); headerprint(str); } else if(mode=='w') { /* weld / align */ tv= transmain; for(a=0; aoldloc[0]; y= tv->oldloc[1]; if(align==0) { x= cent[0]; y= cent[1]; } else if(align==1) y= cent[1]; else if(align==2) x= cent[0]; tv->loc[0]= x; tv->loc[1]= y; if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) { if(tv->loc[0]<0.0) tv->loc[0]= 0.0; else if(tv->loc[0]>1.0) tv->loc[0]= 1.0; if(tv->loc[1]<0.0) tv->loc[1]= 0.0; else if(tv->loc[1]>1.0) tv->loc[1]= 1.0; } } if(align==0) sprintf(str, "Weld (X: Align along X, Y: Align along Y)"); else if(align==1) sprintf(str, "X Axis Align (W: Weld, Y: Align along Y)"); else if(align==2) sprintf(str, "Y Axis Align (W: Weld, X: Align along X)"); headerprint(str); } xo= mval[0]; yo= mval[1]; if(G.sima->lock || mode=='w') force_draw_plus(SPACE_VIEW3D); else force_draw(); firsttime= 0; } else BIF_wait_for_statechange(); while(qtest()) { event= extern_qread(&val); if(val) { switch(event) { case ESCKEY: case RIGHTMOUSE: case LEFTMOUSE: case SPACEKEY: case RETKEY: afbreek= 1; break; case MIDDLEMOUSE: midtog= ~midtog; if(midtog) { if( abs(mval[0]-xn) > abs(mval[1]-yn)) proj= 1; else proj= 0; firsttime= 1; } break; case WHEELDOWNMOUSE: case PADPLUSKEY: if(propmode) { prop_size*= 1.1; prop_recalc= 1; firsttime= 1; } break; case WHEELUPMOUSE: case PADMINUS: if(propmode) { prop_size*= 0.90909090; prop_recalc= 1; firsttime= 1; } break; case WKEY: case XKEY: case YKEY: if(mode=='w') { if(event==WKEY) align= 0; else if(event==XKEY) align= 1; else align= 2; } else { if(midtog) { if(event==XKEY) { if(proj==1) midtog= ~midtog; else if(proj==0) proj= 1; } else if(event==YKEY) { if(proj==0) midtog= ~midtog; else if(proj==1) proj= 0; } } else { if(event==XKEY) { midtog= ~midtog; proj= 1; } else if(event==YKEY) { midtog= ~midtog; proj= 0; } } } firsttime= 1; break; default: arrows_move_cursor(event); } } if(afbreek) break; } } if(event==ESCKEY || event == RIGHTMOUSE) { tv= transmain; for(a=0; aloc[0]= tv->oldloc[0]; tv->loc[1]= tv->oldloc[1]; } } MEM_freeN(transmain); if(mode=='g') if(G.sima->flag & SI_BE_SQUARE) be_square_tface_uv(me); G.moving= 0; prop_size*= 3; makeDispList(OBACT); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); scrarea_queue_headredraw(curarea); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } static void mirror_tface_uv(char mirroraxis) { MFace *mface; TFace *tface; Mesh *me; float min[2], max[2], cent[2]; int a, axis; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); min[0]= min[1]= 10000.0; max[0]= max[1]= -10000.0; tface= me->tface; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) { DO_MINMAX2(tface->uv[0], min, max); } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) { DO_MINMAX2(tface->uv[1], min, max); } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) { DO_MINMAX2(tface->uv[2], min, max); } if(mface->v4 && (tface->flag & TF_SEL4)) { DO_MINMAX2(tface->uv[3], min, max); } } } cent[0]= (min[0]+max[0])/2.0; cent[1]= (min[1]+max[1])/2.0; if(mirroraxis=='x') axis= 0; else axis= 1; tface= me->tface; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) tface->uv[0][axis]= 2*cent[axis] - tface->uv[0][axis]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) tface->uv[1][axis]= 2*cent[axis] - tface->uv[1][axis]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) tface->uv[2][axis]= 2*cent[axis] - tface->uv[2][axis]; if(mface->v4 && (tface->flag & TF_SEL4)) tface->uv[3][axis]= 2*cent[axis] - tface->uv[3][axis]; } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } void mirrormenu_tface_uv(void) { short mode= 0; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; mode= pupmenu("Mirror%t|X Axis%x1|Y Axis%x2|"); if(mode==-1) return; if(mode==1) mirror_tface_uv('x'); else if(mode==2) mirror_tface_uv('y'); } void select_swap_tface_uv(void) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; MFace *mface; int a, sel=0; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(tface->flag & (TF_SEL1+TF_SEL2+TF_SEL3+TF_SEL4)) { sel= 1; break; } } } mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(mface->v4) { if(sel) tface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1+TF_SEL2+TF_SEL3+TF_SEL4); else tface->flag |= (TF_SEL1+TF_SEL2+TF_SEL3+TF_SEL4); } else if(mface->v3) { if(sel) tface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1+TF_SEL2+TF_SEL3+TF_SEL4); else tface->flag |= (TF_SEL1+TF_SEL2+TF_SEL3); } } } allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } static int msel_hit(float *limit, unsigned int *hitarray, unsigned int vertexid, float **uv, float *uv2) { int i; for(i=0; i< 4; i++) { if(hitarray[i] == vertexid) { if(G.sima->flag & SI_LOCALSTICKY) { if(fabs(uv[i][0]-uv2[0]) < limit[0] && fabs(uv[i][1]-uv2[1]) < limit[1]) return 1; } else return 1; } } return 0; } void mouse_select_sima(void) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface, *closesttface= NULL; MFace *mface, *closestmface= NULL; int a, redraw= 0, uvcent[2], selectsticky= 0, sticky, actface; int temp, dist= 0x7FFFFFF, fdist= 0x7FFFFFF, fdistmin= 0x7FFFFFF; short mval[2], uval[2], val= 0; char *flagpoin= 0; unsigned int hitvert[4]= {0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFFFF}; float *hituv[4], limit[2]; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); getmouseco_areawin(mval); setLinkedLimit(limit); actface= (G.qual & LR_ALTKEY || G.sima->flag & SI_SELACTFACE); sticky= (G.qual & LR_CTRLKEY || G.sima->flag & SI_STICKYUVS || G.sima->flag & SI_LOCALSTICKY); /* go for one run through all faces. collect all information needed */ mface= me->mface; tface= me->tface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT && mface->v3) { uvco_to_areaco_noclip(tface->uv[0], uval); uvcent[0]= uval[0]; uvcent[1]= uval[1]; temp= abs(mval[0]-uval[0]) + abs(mval[1]-uval[1]); if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) temp += 5; if(tempflag; dist= temp; val= TF_SEL1; hitvert[1]= hitvert[2]= hitvert[3]= 0xFFFFFFFF; hitvert[0]= mface->v1; hituv[0]= tface->uv[0]; } uvco_to_areaco_noclip(tface->uv[1], uval); temp= abs(mval[0]-uval[0]) + abs(mval[1]-uval[1]); uvcent[0] += uval[0]; uvcent[1] += uval[1]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) temp += 5; if(tempflag; dist= temp; val= TF_SEL2; hitvert[0]= hitvert[2]= hitvert[3]= 0xFFFFFFFF; hitvert[1]= mface->v2; hituv[1]= tface->uv[1]; } uvco_to_areaco_noclip(tface->uv[2], uval); temp= abs(mval[0]-uval[0]) + abs(mval[1]-uval[1]); uvcent[0] += uval[0]; uvcent[1] += uval[1]; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) temp += 5; if(tempflag; dist= temp; val= TF_SEL3; hitvert[0]= hitvert[1]= hitvert[3]= 0xFFFFFFFF; hitvert[2]= mface->v3; hituv[2]= tface->uv[2]; } if(mface->v4) { uvco_to_areaco_noclip(tface->uv[3], uval); uvcent[0] += uval[0]; uvcent[1] += uval[1]; temp= abs(mval[0]-uval[0]) + abs(mval[1]-uval[1]); if(tface->flag & TF_SEL4) temp += 5; if(tempflag; dist= temp; val= TF_SEL4; hitvert[0]= hitvert[1]= hitvert[2]= 0xFFFFFFFF; hitvert[3] = mface->v4; hituv[3]= tface->uv[3]; } uvcent[0] /= 4; uvcent[1] /= 4; } else { uvcent[0] /= 3; uvcent[1] /= 3; } /* find face closest to mouse */ if(actface) { fdist= abs(mval[0]- uvcent[0])+ abs(mval[1]- uvcent[1]); if (fdist < fdistmin){ closesttface= tface; closestmface= mface; fdistmin= fdist; } } } } if(!flagpoin) return; if(actface && closesttface) { closesttface->flag |= TF_ACTIVE; hitvert[0]= closestmface->v1; hituv[0]= closesttface->uv[0]; hitvert[1]= closestmface->v2; hituv[1]= closesttface->uv[1]; hitvert[2]= closestmface->v3; hituv[2]= closesttface->uv[2]; if(closestmface->v4) { hitvert[3]= closestmface->v4; hituv[3]= closesttface->uv[3]; } } if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { /* (de)select face */ if(actface) { if(!(~closesttface->flag & (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3)) && (!closestmface->v4 || closesttface->flag & TF_SEL4)) { closesttface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); selectsticky= 0; } else { closesttface->flag |= TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4; selectsticky= 1; } } /* (de)select uv node */ else { if(*flagpoin & val) { *flagpoin &= ~val; selectsticky= 0; } else { *flagpoin |= val; selectsticky= 1; } } /* (de)select sticky uv nodes */ if(sticky || actface) { mface= me->mface; tface= me->tface; /* deselect */ if(selectsticky==0) { for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(!(tface->flag & TF_SELECT && mface->v3)) continue; if(closesttface && tface!=closesttface) tface->flag &=~ TF_ACTIVE; if (!sticky) continue; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v1,hituv,tface->uv[0])) tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL1; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v2,hituv,tface->uv[1])) tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL2; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v3,hituv,tface->uv[2])) tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL3; if (mface->v4) if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v4,hituv,tface->uv[3])) tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL4; } } /* select */ else { for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(!(tface->flag & TF_SELECT && mface->v3)) continue; if(closesttface && tface!=closesttface) tface->flag &=~ TF_ACTIVE; if (!sticky) continue; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v1,hituv,tface->uv[0])) tface->flag |= TF_SEL1; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v2,hituv,tface->uv[1])) tface->flag |= TF_SEL2; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v3,hituv,tface->uv[2])) tface->flag |= TF_SEL3; if (mface->v4) if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v4,hituv,tface->uv[3])) tface->flag |= TF_SEL4; } } } } else { /* select face and deselect other faces */ if(actface) { mface= me->mface; tface= me->tface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { tface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); if(closesttface && tface!=closesttface) tface->flag &=~ TF_ACTIVE; } if(closesttface) closesttface->flag |= (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); redraw= 1; } /* deselect uvs, and select sticky uvs */ mface= me->mface; tface= me->tface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT && mface->v3) { if(!actface) tface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); if(!sticky) continue; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v1,hituv,tface->uv[0])) tface->flag |=TF_SEL1; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v2,hituv,tface->uv[1])) tface->flag |=TF_SEL2; if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v3,hituv,tface->uv[2])) tface->flag |=TF_SEL3; if(mface->v4) if(msel_hit(limit,hitvert,mface->v4,hituv,tface->uv[3])) tface->flag |=TF_SEL4; } } if(!actface) *flagpoin |= val; } force_draw(); std_rmouse_transform(transform_tface_uv); } void borderselect_sima(void) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; MFace *mface; rcti rect; rctf rectf; int a, val; short mval[2]; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); val= get_border(&rect, 3); if(val) { mval[0]= rect.xmin; mval[1]= rect.ymin; areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &rectf.xmin, &rectf.ymin); mval[0]= rect.xmax; mval[1]= rect.ymax; areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &rectf.xmax, &rectf.ymax); mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(BLI_in_rctf(&rectf, (float)tface->uv[0][0], (float)tface->uv[0][1])) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) tface->flag |= TF_SEL1; else tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL1; } if(BLI_in_rctf(&rectf, (float)tface->uv[1][0], (float)tface->uv[1][1])) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) tface->flag |= TF_SEL2; else tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL2; } if(BLI_in_rctf(&rectf, (float)tface->uv[2][0], (float)tface->uv[2][1])) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) tface->flag |= TF_SEL3; else tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL3; } if(mface->v4 && BLI_in_rctf(&rectf, (float)tface->uv[3][0], (float)tface->uv[3][1])) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) tface->flag |= TF_SEL4; else tface->flag &= ~TF_SEL4; } } } scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } } /** This is an ugly function to set the Tface selection flags depending * on whether its UV coordinates are inside the normalized * area with radius rad and offset offset. These coordinates must be * normalized to 1.0 * Just for readability... */ void sel_uvco_inside_radius(short sel, TFace *tface, int index, float *offset, float *ell, short select_mask) { // normalized ellipse: ell[0] = scaleX, // [1] = scaleY float *uv = tface->uv[index]; float x, y, r2; x = (uv[0] - offset[0]) * ell[0]; y = (uv[1] - offset[1]) * ell[1]; r2 = x * x + y * y; if (r2 < 1.0) { if (sel == LEFTMOUSE) tface->flag |= select_mask; else tface->flag &= ~select_mask; } } // see below: /** gets image dimensions of the 2D view 'v' */ static void getSpaceImageDimension(SpaceImage *sima, float *xy) { Image *img = sima->image; float z; z = sima->zoom; if (img) { xy[0] = img->ibuf->x * z; xy[1] = img->ibuf->y * z; } else { xy[0] = 256 * z; xy[1] = 256 * z; } } /** Callback function called by circle_selectCB to enable * brush select in UV editor. */ void uvedit_selectionCB(short selecting, Object *editobj, short *mval, float rad) { float offset[2]; Mesh *me; MFace *mface; TFace *tface; int i; float ellipse[2]; // we need to deal with ellipses, as // non square textures require for circle // selection. this ellipse is normalized; r = 1.0 me = get_mesh(editobj); getSpaceImageDimension(curarea->spacedata.first, ellipse); ellipse[0] /= rad; ellipse[1] /= rad; areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &offset[0], &offset[1]); mface= me->mface; tface= me->tface; if (selecting) { for(i = 0; i < me->totface; i++) { sel_uvco_inside_radius(selecting, tface, 0, offset, ellipse, TF_SEL1); sel_uvco_inside_radius(selecting, tface, 1, offset, ellipse, TF_SEL2); sel_uvco_inside_radius(selecting, tface, 2, offset, ellipse, TF_SEL3); if (mface->v4) sel_uvco_inside_radius(selecting, tface, 3, offset, ellipse, TF_SEL4); tface++; mface++; } if(G.f & G_DRAWFACES) { /* full redraw only if necessary */ draw_sel_circle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* signal */ force_draw(); } else { /* force_draw() is no good here... */ glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); draw_tfaces(); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } } } void mouseco_to_curtile(void) { float fx, fy; short mval[2]; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0) return; if(G.sima->image && G.sima->image->tpageflag & IMA_TILES) { G.sima->flag |= SI_EDITTILE; while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { calc_image_view(G.sima, 'f'); getmouseco_areawin(mval); areamouseco_to_ipoco(G.v2d, mval, &fx, &fy); if(fx>=0.0 && fy>=0.0 && fx<1.0 && fy<1.0) { fx= (fx)*G.sima->image->xrep; fy= (fy)*G.sima->image->yrep; mval[0]= fx; mval[1]= fy; G.sima->curtile= mval[1]*G.sima->image->xrep + mval[0]; } scrarea_do_windraw(curarea); screen_swapbuffers(); } G.sima->flag &= ~SI_EDITTILE; image_changed(G.sima, 1); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } } void hide_tface_uv(int swap) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; MFace *mface; int a; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); if(swap) { mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(mface->v3 && tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if((tface->flag & (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3))==0) { if(!mface->v4) tface->flag &= ~TF_SELECT; else if(!(tface->flag & TF_SEL4)) tface->flag &= ~TF_SELECT; } } } } else { mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(mface->v3 && tface->flag & TF_SELECT) { if(tface->flag & (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3)) tface->flag &= ~TF_SELECT; else if(mface->v4 && tface->flag & TF_SEL4) tface->flag &= ~TF_SELECT; } } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } void reveal_tface_uv(void) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; MFace *mface; int a; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) if(mface->v3 && !(tface->flag & TF_HIDE)) if(!(tface->flag & TF_SELECT)) tface->flag |= (TF_SELECT|TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } void stitch_uv_tface(int mode) { MFace *mface; TFace *tface; Mesh *me; unsigned int a, b, c, vtot, vtot2, tot; float newuv[2], limit[2], *uv, *uv1; struct uvvertsort *sortblock, *sb, *sb1, *sb2; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; limit[0]= limit[1]= 20.0; if(mode==1) { add_numbut(0, NUM|FLO, "Limit:", 0.1, 1000.0, &limit[0], NULL); if (!do_clever_numbuts("Stitch UVs", 1, REDRAW)) return; } if(G.sima->image && G.sima->image->ibuf && G.sima->image->ibuf->x > 0 && G.sima->image->ibuf->y > 0) { limit[1]= limit[0]/(float)G.sima->image->ibuf->y; limit[0]= limit[0]/(float)G.sima->image->ibuf->x; } else limit[0]= limit[1]= limit[0]/256.0; me= get_mesh(OBACT); tot= 0; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface=me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if((tface->flag & TF_SELECT) && mface->v3) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) tot++; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) tot++; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) tot++; if(mface->v4 && tface->flag & TF_SEL4) tot++; } } if(tot==0) return; sb= sortblock= MEM_callocN(sizeof(struct uvvertsort)*tot,"sortstitchuv"); mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface=me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if((tface->flag & TF_SELECT) && mface->v3) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) { sb->v= mface->v1; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 0; sb++; } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) { sb->v= mface->v2; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 1; sb++; } if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) { sb->v= mface->v3; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 2; sb++; } if(mface->v4 && tface->flag & TF_SEL4) { sb->v= mface->v4; sb->tface = tface; sb->tf_sel= 3; sb++; } } } /* sort by vertex */ qsort(sortblock, tot, sizeof(struct uvvertsort), compuvvert); if(mode==0) { for (a=0, sb=sortblock; av==sb->v; b++, sb1++) { newuv[0] += sb1->tface->uv[sb1->tf_sel][0]; newuv[1] += sb1->tface->uv[sb1->tf_sel][1]; vtot++; } newuv[0] /= vtot; newuv[1] /= vtot; for (b=a, sb1=sb; btface->uv[sb1->tf_sel][0]= newuv[0]; sb1->tface->uv[sb1->tf_sel][1]= newuv[1]; } } } else if(mode==1) { for (a=0, sb=sortblock; av==sb->v; b++, sb1++) vtot++; for (b=a, sb1=sb; bflag & 2) continue; newuv[0]= 0; newuv[1]= 0; vtot2 = 0; for (c=b, sb2=sb1; ctface->uv[sb2->tf_sel]; uv1 = sb1->tface->uv[sb1->tf_sel]; if (fabs(uv[0]-uv1[0]) < limit[0] && fabs(uv[1]-uv1[1]) < limit[1]) { newuv[0] += uv[0]; newuv[1] += uv[1]; sb2->flag |= 2; sb2->flag |= 4; vtot2++; } } newuv[0] /= vtot2; newuv[1] /= vtot2; for (c=b, sb2=sb1; cflag & 4) { sb2->tface->uv[sb2->tf_sel][0]= newuv[0]; sb2->tface->uv[sb2->tf_sel][1]= newuv[1]; sb2->flag &= ~4; } } } } } MEM_freeN(sortblock); if(G.sima->flag & SI_BE_SQUARE) be_square_tface_uv(me); if(G.sima->flag & SI_CLIP_UV) tface_do_clip(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } void select_linked_tface_uv(void) { MFace *mface; TFace *tface; Mesh *me; char sel; unsigned int a, b, c, vtot, tot; float limit[2], *uv, *uv1; struct uvvertsort *sortblock, *sb, *sb1, *sb2; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); setLinkedLimit(limit); tot= 0; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface=me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if((tface->flag & TF_SELECT) && mface->v3) { tot += 3; if(mface->v4) tot++; } } if(tot==0) return; sb= sortblock= MEM_callocN(sizeof(struct uvvertsort)*tot,"sortsellinkuv"); mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface=me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if((tface->flag & TF_SELECT) && mface->v3) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL1) sb->flag |= 1; sb->v= mface->v1; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 0; sb++; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL2) sb->flag |= 1; sb->v= mface->v2; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 1; sb++; if(tface->flag & TF_SEL3) sb->flag |= 1; sb->v= mface->v3; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 2; sb++; if(mface->v4) { if(tface->flag & TF_SEL4) sb->flag |= 1; sb->v= mface->v4; sb->tface= tface; sb->tf_sel= 3; sb++; } } } /* sort by vertex */ qsort(sortblock, tot, sizeof(struct uvvertsort), compuvvert); sel= 1; while(sel) { sel= 0; /* select all tex vertices that are near a selected tex vertex */ for (a=0, sb=sortblock; av==sb->v; b++, sb1++) vtot++; for (b=a, sb1=sb; bflag & 1) continue; for (c=a, sb2=sb; cflag & 1)) continue; uv = sb2->tface->uv[sb2->tf_sel]; uv1 = sb1->tface->uv[sb1->tf_sel]; if (fabs(uv[0]-uv1[0]) < limit[0] && fabs(uv[1]-uv1[1]) < limit[1]) { sb1->flag |= 1; sel= 1; break; } } } } /* if one tex vert is selected, select the whole tface */ for (a=0, sb=sortblock; aflag & 1) { sb->tface->flag |= (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); } } /* sync the flags, one bitflag check is enough */ for (a=0, sb=sortblock; atface->flag & TF_SEL1 && !(sb->flag & 1)) { sb->flag |= 1; sel= 1; } } } MEM_freeN(sortblock); scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } void unlink_selection(void) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; MFace *mface; int a; if( is_uv_tface_editing_allowed()==0 ) return; me= get_mesh(OBACT); mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface, tface= me->tface; a>0; a--, tface++, mface++) { if(mface->v3 && !(tface->flag & TF_HIDE)) { if(mface->v4) { if(~tface->flag & (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4)) tface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3|TF_SEL4); } else { if(~tface->flag & (TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3)) tface->flag &= ~(TF_SEL1|TF_SEL2|TF_SEL3); } } } scrarea_queue_winredraw(curarea); } void toggle_uv_select(int mode) { switch(mode){ case 'f': G.sima->flag ^= SI_SELACTFACE; break; case 's': G.sima->flag ^= SI_STICKYUVS; if (G.sima->flag & SI_STICKYUVS) G.sima->flag &= ~SI_LOCALSTICKY; break; case 'l': G.sima->flag ^= SI_LOCALSTICKY; if (G.sima->flag & SI_LOCALSTICKY) G.sima->flag &= ~SI_STICKYUVS; break; case 'o': G.sima->flag &= ~SI_STICKYUVS; G.sima->flag &= ~SI_LOCALSTICKY; break; } allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); }