/* * $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2006 by Nicholas Bishop * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * Implements the Sculpt Mode tools * * BDR_sculptmode.h * */ #include "GHOST_Types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_arithb.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_dynstr.h" #include "DNA_armature_types.h" #include "DNA_brush_types.h" #include "DNA_image_types.h" #include "DNA_key_types.h" #include "DNA_mesh_types.h" #include "DNA_meshdata_types.h" #include "DNA_modifier_types.h" #include "DNA_object_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_texture_types.h" #include "DNA_view3d_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "BKE_customdata.h" #include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h" #include "BKE_depsgraph.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_image.h" #include "BKE_key.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_mesh.h" #include "BKE_modifier.h" #include "BKE_texture.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "BIF_editkey.h" #include "BIF_editview.h" #include "BIF_glutil.h" #include "BIF_gl.h" #include "BIF_interface.h" #include "BIF_mywindow.h" #include "BIF_previewrender.h" #include "BIF_resources.h" #include "BIF_screen.h" #include "BIF_space.h" #include "BIF_toolbox.h" #include "BDR_drawobject.h" #include "BDR_sculptmode.h" #include "BSE_drawview.h" #include "BSE_edit.h" #include "BSE_view.h" #include "IMB_imbuf_types.h" #include "blendef.h" #include "multires.h" #include "mydevice.h" #include "RE_render_ext.h" #include #include #include /* ===== STRUCTS ===== * */ /* Used by vertex_users to store face indices in a list */ typedef struct IndexNode { struct IndexNode* next,* prev; int Index; } IndexNode; /* ActiveData stores an Index into the mvert array of Mesh, plus Fade, which stores how far the vertex is from the brush center, scaled to the range [0,1]. */ typedef struct ActiveData { struct ActiveData *next, *prev; unsigned int Index; float Fade; } ActiveData; typedef struct GrabData { char firsttime; ListBase active_verts[8]; unsigned char index; vec3f delta, delta_symm; float depth; } GrabData; typedef struct ProjVert { short co[2]; char inside; } ProjVert; typedef struct EditData { vec3f center; float size; char flip; short mouse[2]; /* View normals */ vec3f up, right, out; GrabData *grabdata; float *layer_disps; vec3f *layer_store; char clip[3]; float cliptol[3]; } EditData; typedef struct RectNode { struct RectNode *next, *prev; rcti r; } RectNode; static ProjVert *projverts= NULL; SculptData *sculpt_data() { return &G.scene->sculptdata; } void sculpt_init_session(); SculptSession *sculpt_session() { if(!sculpt_data()->session) sculpt_init_session(); return sculpt_data()->session; } /* ===== MEMORY ===== * * Allocate/initialize/free data */ void sculptmode_init(Scene *sce) { SculptData *sd; if(!sce) { error("Unable to initialize sculptmode: bad scene"); return; } sd= &sce->sculptdata; memset(sd, 0, sizeof(SculptData)); sd->drawbrush.size=sd->smoothbrush.size=sd->pinchbrush.size=sd->inflatebrush.size=sd->grabbrush.size=sd->layerbrush.size= 50; sd->drawbrush.strength=sd->smoothbrush.strength=sd->pinchbrush.strength=sd->inflatebrush.strength=sd->grabbrush.strength=sd->layerbrush.strength= 25; sd->drawbrush.dir=sd->pinchbrush.dir=sd->inflatebrush.dir=sd->layerbrush.dir= 1; sd->drawbrush.airbrush=sd->smoothbrush.airbrush=sd->pinchbrush.airbrush=sd->inflatebrush.airbrush=sd->layerbrush.airbrush= 0; sd->drawbrush.view= 0; sd->brush_type= DRAW_BRUSH; sd->texact= -1; sd->texfade= 1; sd->averaging= 1; sd->texscale= 100; sd->texrept= SCULPTREPT_DRAG; sd->draw_mode= 0; sd->tablet_size=3; sd->tablet_strength=10; } void sculptmode_undo_init(); void sculpt_init_session() { sculpt_data()->session= MEM_callocN(sizeof(SculptSession), "SculptSession"); sculptmode_undo_init(); } /* Free G.sculptdata->vertexusers */ void sculptmode_free_vertexusers(SculptSession *ss) { if(ss && ss->vertex_users){ MEM_freeN(ss->vertex_users); MEM_freeN(ss->vertex_users_mem); ss->vertex_users= NULL; ss->vertex_users_mem= NULL; ss->vertex_users_size= 0; } } typedef struct SculptUndoStep { struct SculptUndoStep *next, *prev; SculptUndoType type; char *str; MVert *verts; MEdge *edges; MFace *faces; int totvert, totedge, totface; PartialVisibility *pv; Multires *mr; } SculptUndoStep; typedef struct SculptUndo { ListBase steps; SculptUndoStep *cur; } SculptUndo; void sculptmode_undo_debug_print_type(SculptUndoType t) { if(t & SUNDO_VERT) printf("VERT,"); if(t & SUNDO_TOPO) printf("TOPO,"); if(t & SUNDO_PVIS) printf("PVIS,"); if(t & SUNDO_MRES) printf("MRES,"); } void sculptmode_undo_push_debug_print() { SculptUndo *su= sculpt_session()->undo; if(su) { int i; SculptUndoStep *sus; for(i=1, sus= su->steps.first; sus; ++i, sus= sus->next) { printf("%d(%p): ",i,sus); if(sus == su->cur) printf("A"); else printf("-"); printf(" type("); sculptmode_undo_debug_print_type(sus->type); printf(") v(%p) f/e/vc/fc/ec(%p,%p,%d,%d,%d) pv(%p) name(%s)\n",sus->verts,sus->faces,sus->edges,sus->totvert,sus->totface,sus->totedge,sus->pv,sus->str); } } else printf("No undo data"); printf("\n"); } void sculptmode_undo_init() { sculpt_session()->undo= MEM_callocN(sizeof(SculptUndo), "Sculpt Undo"); sculptmode_undo_push("Original", SUNDO_VERT|SUNDO_TOPO|SUNDO_PVIS|SUNDO_MRES); } void sculptmode_undo_free_link(SculptUndoStep *sus) { if(sus->verts) MEM_freeN(sus->verts); if(sus->edges) MEM_freeN(sus->edges); if(sus->faces) MEM_freeN(sus->faces); if(sus->pv) sculptmode_pmv_free(sus->pv); if(sus->mr) multires_free(sus->mr); } void sculptmode_undo_pull_chopped(SculptUndoStep *sus) { SculptUndoStep *f; for(f= sus; f && !(sus->type & SUNDO_TOPO); f= f->prev) if(f->type & SUNDO_TOPO) { sus->edges= f->edges; f->edges= NULL; sus->faces= f->faces; f->faces= NULL; sus->totvert= f->totvert; sus->totedge= f->totedge; sus->totface= f->totface; sus->type |= SUNDO_TOPO; break; } for(f= sus; f && !(sus->type & SUNDO_PVIS); f= f->prev) if(f->type & SUNDO_PVIS) { sus->pv= f->pv; f->pv= NULL; sus->type |= SUNDO_PVIS; break; } for(f= sus; f && !(sus->type & SUNDO_MRES); f= f->prev) if(f->type & SUNDO_MRES) { sus->mr= f->mr; f->mr= NULL; sus->type |= SUNDO_MRES; break; } } void sculptmode_undo_free(Scene *sce) { SculptSession *ss= sce->sculptdata.session; SculptUndoStep *sus; if(ss && ss->undo) { for(sus= ss->undo->steps.first; sus; sus= sus->next) sculptmode_undo_free_link(sus); BLI_freelistN(&ss->undo->steps); MEM_freeN(ss->undo); ss->undo= NULL; } } void sculptmode_undo_push(char *str, SculptUndoType type) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); int cnt= U.undosteps-1; SculptUndo *su= ss->undo; SculptUndoStep *n, *sus, *chop, *path; Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); if(U.undosteps==0) { sculptmode_undo_free(G.scene); return; } n= MEM_callocN(sizeof(SculptUndoStep), "SculptUndo"); /* Chop off undo data after cur */ for(sus= su->steps.last; sus && sus != su->cur; sus= path) { path= sus->prev; sculptmode_undo_free_link(sus); BLI_freelinkN(&su->steps, sus); } /* Initialize undo data */ n->type= type; n->str= str; if(type & SUNDO_VERT) n->verts= MEM_dupallocN(me->mvert); if(type & SUNDO_TOPO) { n->edges= MEM_dupallocN(me->medge); n->faces= MEM_dupallocN(me->mface); n->totvert= me->totvert; n->totedge= me->totedge; n->totface= me->totface; } if(type & SUNDO_PVIS) { if(me->pv) n->pv= sculptmode_copy_pmv(me->pv); } if(type & SUNDO_MRES) { if(me->mr) n->mr= multires_copy(me->mr); } /* Add new undo step */ BLI_addtail(&su->steps, n); /* Chop off undo steps pass MAXSZ */ for(chop= su->steps.last; chop && cnt; chop= chop->prev, --cnt); if(!cnt && chop) { /* Make sure that non-vert data isn't lost */ sculptmode_undo_pull_chopped(chop); for(sus= su->steps.first; sus && sus != chop; sus= path) { path= sus->next; sculptmode_undo_free_link(sus); BLI_freelinkN(&su->steps, sus); } } su->cur= n; } void sculptmode_undo_update(SculptUndoStep *newcur) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); SculptUndoStep *oldcur= ss->undo->cur, *sus; Object *ob= OBACT; Mesh *me= get_mesh(ob); int forward= 0; SculptUndoType type= SUNDO_VERT; /* No update if undo step hasn't changed */ if(newcur == oldcur) return; /* Discover direction of undo */ for(sus= oldcur; sus && sus != newcur; sus= sus->next); if(sus == newcur) forward= 1; set_sculpt_object(NULL); /* Verts */ if(newcur->verts) { CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, me->totvert); me->mvert= MEM_dupallocN(newcur->verts); CustomData_add_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_ASSIGN, me->mvert, newcur->totvert); } /* Check if faces/edges have been modified between oldcur and newcur */ for(sus= forward?oldcur->next:newcur->next; sus && sus != (forward?newcur->next:oldcur->next); sus= sus->next) if(sus->type & SUNDO_TOPO) { type |= SUNDO_TOPO; break; } for(sus= forward?oldcur->next:newcur->next; sus && sus != (forward?newcur->next:oldcur->next); sus= sus->next) if(sus->type & SUNDO_PVIS) { type |= SUNDO_PVIS; break; } for(sus= forward?oldcur->next:newcur->next; sus && sus != (forward?newcur->next:oldcur->next); sus= sus->next) if(sus->type & SUNDO_MRES) { type |= SUNDO_MRES; break; } if(type & SUNDO_TOPO) for(sus= newcur; sus; sus= sus->prev) { if(sus->type & SUNDO_TOPO) { CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->edata, CD_MEDGE, me->totedge); CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE, me->totface); me->medge= MEM_dupallocN(sus->edges); me->mface= MEM_dupallocN(sus->faces); CustomData_add_layer(&me->edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_ASSIGN, me->medge, sus->totedge); CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE, CD_ASSIGN, me->mface, sus->totface); me->totvert= sus->totvert; me->totedge= sus->totedge; me->totface= sus->totface; break; } } if(type & SUNDO_PVIS) for(sus= newcur; sus; sus= sus->prev) if(sus->type & SUNDO_PVIS) { if(me->pv) sculptmode_pmv_free(me->pv); me->pv= NULL; if(sus->pv) me->pv= sculptmode_copy_pmv(sus->pv); break; } if(type & SUNDO_MRES) for(sus= newcur; sus; sus= sus->prev) if(sus->type & SUNDO_MRES) { if(me->mr) multires_free(me->mr); me->mr= NULL; if(sus->mr) me->mr= multires_copy(sus->mr); break; } ss->undo->cur= newcur; set_sculpt_object(ob); if(!sculpt_data()->draw_mode || modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob)) DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); if(G.vd->depths) G.vd->depths->damaged= 1; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } void sculptmode_undo() { SculptUndo *su= sculpt_session()->undo; if(su && su->cur->prev) sculptmode_undo_update(su->cur->prev); } void sculptmode_redo() { SculptUndo *su= sculpt_session()->undo; if(su && su->cur->next) sculptmode_undo_update(su->cur->next); } void sculptmode_undo_menu() { SculptUndo *su= sculpt_session()->undo; SculptUndoStep *sus; DynStr *ds= BLI_dynstr_new(); char *menu; if(!su) return; BLI_dynstr_append(ds, "Sculpt Mode Undo History %t"); for(sus= su->steps.first; sus; sus= sus->next) { BLI_dynstr_append(ds, "|"); BLI_dynstr_append(ds, sus->str); } menu= BLI_dynstr_get_cstring(ds); BLI_dynstr_free(ds); if(menu) { short event= pupmenu_col(menu, 20); MEM_freeN(menu); if(event>0) { int a= 1; for(sus= su->steps.first; sus; sus= sus->next, a++) if(a==event) break; sculptmode_undo_update(sus); } } } void sculptmode_propset_end(int); void sculptmode_free_session(Scene *sce) { SculptSession *ss= sce->sculptdata.session; if(ss) { sculptmode_free_vertexusers(ss); if(ss->texrndr) { if(ss->texrndr->rect) MEM_freeN(ss->texrndr->rect); MEM_freeN(ss->texrndr); } sculptmode_undo_free(sce); sculptmode_propset_end(1); MEM_freeN(ss); sce->sculptdata.session= NULL; } } void sculptmode_free_all(Scene *sce) { SculptData *sd= &sce->sculptdata; int a; sculptmode_free_session(sce); for(a=0; amtex[a]; if(mtex) { if(mtex->tex) mtex->tex->id.us--; MEM_freeN(mtex); } } } void calc_vertex_users() { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); int i,j; IndexNode *node= NULL; Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); sculptmode_free_vertexusers(ss); /* Allocate an array of ListBases, one per vertex */ ss->vertex_users= MEM_callocN(sizeof(ListBase) * me->totvert, "vertex_users"); ss->vertex_users_size= me->totvert; ss->vertex_users_mem= MEM_callocN(sizeof(IndexNode)*me->totface*4, "vertex_users_mem"); node= ss->vertex_users_mem; /* Find the users */ for(i=0; itotface; ++i){ for(j=0; j<(me->mface[i].v4?4:3); ++j, ++node) { node->Index=i; BLI_addtail(&ss->vertex_users[((unsigned int*)(&me->mface[i]))[j]], node); } } } void set_sculpt_object(Object *ob) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); if(ss) { if(ss->keyblock) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(ss->active_ob); if(me) { mesh_to_key(me, ss->keyblock); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ss->active_ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); } } if(ob) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(ob); calc_vertex_users(); /* Load in key */ ss->keyblock= ob_get_keyblock(ob); if(ss->keyblock) key_to_mesh(ss->keyblock, me); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, ob, OB_RECALC_DATA); } ss->active_ob= ob; } } /* ===== INTERFACE ===== */ void sculptmode_rem_tex(void *junk0,void *junk1) { MTex *mtex= G.scene->sculptdata.mtex[G.scene->sculptdata.texact]; if(mtex) { if(mtex->tex) mtex->tex->id.us--; MEM_freeN(mtex); G.scene->sculptdata.mtex[G.scene->sculptdata.texact]= NULL; BIF_undo_push("Unlink brush texture"); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); } } /* ===== OPENGL ===== * * Simple functions to get data from the GL */ void init_sculptmatrices() { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); const double badvalue= 1.0e-6; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixf(OBACT->obmat); glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, ss->modelviewmat); glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, ss->projectionmat); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, (GLint *)ss->viewport); /* Very strange code here - it seems that certain bad values in the modelview matrix can cause gluUnProject to give bad results. */ if(ss->modelviewmat[0] < badvalue && ss->modelviewmat[0] > -badvalue) ss->modelviewmat[0]= 0; if(ss->modelviewmat[5] < badvalue && ss->modelviewmat[5] > -badvalue) ss->modelviewmat[5]= 0; /* Set up viewport so that gluUnProject will give correct values */ ss->viewport[0] = 0; ss->viewport[1] = 0; glPopMatrix(); } /* Uses window coordinates (x,y) to find the depth in the GL depth buffer */ float get_depth(short x, short y) { float depth; if(x<0 || y<0) return 1; if(x>=curarea->winx || y>=curarea->winy) return 1; if(G.vd->depths && xdepths->w && ydepths->h) return G.vd->depths->depths[y*G.vd->depths->w+x]; x+= curarea->winrct.xmin; y+= curarea->winrct.ymin; glReadPixels(x, y, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &depth); return depth; } /* Uses window coordinates (x,y) and depth component z to find a point in modelspace */ vec3f unproject(const short x, const short y, const float z) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); double ux, uy, uz; vec3f p; gluUnProject(x,y,z, ss->modelviewmat, ss->projectionmat, (GLint *)ss->viewport, &ux, &uy, &uz ); p.x= ux; p.y= uy; p.z= uz; return p; } void project(const float v[3], short p[2]) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); double ux, uy, uz; gluProject(v[0],v[1],v[2], ss->modelviewmat, ss->projectionmat, (GLint *)ss->viewport, &ux, &uy, &uz); p[0]= ux; p[1]= uy; } /* ===== Sculpting ===== * */ char brush_size() { const BrushData *b= sculptmode_brush(); float size= b->size; const GHOST_TabletData *td= get_tablet_data(); if(td && sculpt_data()->brush_type!=GRAB_BRUSH) { const float size_factor= G.scene->sculptdata.tablet_size / 10.0f; if(td->Active==1 || td->Active==2) size*= G.scene->sculptdata.tablet_size==0?1: (1-size_factor) + td->Pressure*size_factor; } return size; } float brush_strength(EditData *e) { const BrushData* b= sculptmode_brush(); float dir= b->dir==1 ? 1 : -1; float pressure= 1; const GHOST_TabletData *td= get_tablet_data(); float flip= e->flip ? -1:1; if(td) { const float strength_factor= G.scene->sculptdata.tablet_strength / 10.0f; if(td->Active==1 || td->Active==2) pressure= G.scene->sculptdata.tablet_strength==0?1: (1-strength_factor) + td->Pressure*strength_factor; /* Flip direction for eraser */ if(td->Active==2) dir= -dir; } switch(G.scene->sculptdata.brush_type){ case DRAW_BRUSH: case LAYER_BRUSH: return b->strength / 5000.0f * dir * pressure * flip; case SMOOTH_BRUSH: return b->strength / 50.0f * pressure; case PINCH_BRUSH: return b->strength / 1000.0f * dir * pressure * flip; case GRAB_BRUSH: return 1; case INFLATE_BRUSH: return b->strength / 5000.0f * dir * pressure * flip; default: return 0; } } /* For clipping against a mirror modifier */ void sculpt_clip(const EditData *e, float *co, const float val[3]) { char i; for(i=0; i<3; ++i) { if(e->clip[i] && (fabs(co[i]) <= e->cliptol[i])) co[i]= 0.0f; else co[i]= val[i]; } } /* Currently only for the draw brush; finds average normal for all active vertices */ vec3f calc_area_normal(const vec3f *outdir, const int view, const ListBase* active_verts) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); vec3f area_normal= {0,0,0}; ActiveData *node= active_verts->first; while(node){ area_normal.x+= me->mvert[node->Index].no[0]; area_normal.y+= me->mvert[node->Index].no[1]; area_normal.z+= me->mvert[node->Index].no[2]; node= node->next; } Normalise(&area_normal.x); if(outdir) { area_normal.x= outdir->x * view + area_normal.x * (100-view); area_normal.y= outdir->y * view + area_normal.y * (100-view); area_normal.z= outdir->z * view + area_normal.z * (100-view); } Normalise(&area_normal.x); return area_normal; } void do_draw_brush(const EditData *e, const ListBase* active_verts) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); const vec3f area_normal= calc_area_normal(&e->out, sculptmode_brush()->view, active_verts); ActiveData *node= active_verts->first; while(node){ float *co= me->mvert[node->Index].co; const float val[3]= {co[0]+area_normal.x*node->Fade, co[1]+area_normal.y*node->Fade, co[2]+area_normal.z*node->Fade}; sculpt_clip(e, co, val); node= node->next; } } vec3f neighbor_average(const int vert) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); int i, skip= -1, total=0; IndexNode *node= ss->vertex_users[vert].first; vec3f avg= {0,0,0}; char ncount= BLI_countlist(&ss->vertex_users[vert]); MFace *f; /* Don't modify corner vertices */ if(ncount==1) { VecCopyf(&avg.x, me->mvert[vert].co); return avg; } while(node){ f= &me->mface[node->Index]; if(f->v4) { skip= (f->v1==vert?2: f->v2==vert?3: f->v3==vert?0: f->v4==vert?1:-1); } for(i=0; i<(f->v4?4:3); ++i) { if(i != skip && (ncount!=2 || BLI_countlist(&ss->vertex_users[(&f->v1)[i]]) <= 2)) { VecAddf(&avg.x,&avg.x,me->mvert[(&f->v1)[i]].co); ++total; } } node= node->next; } if(total>0) { avg.x/= total; avg.y/= total; avg.z/= total; } else VecCopyf(&avg.x, me->mvert[vert].co); return avg; } void do_smooth_brush(const EditData *e, const ListBase* active_verts) { ActiveData *node= active_verts->first; Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); while(node){ float *co= me->mvert[node->Index].co; const vec3f avg= neighbor_average(node->Index); const float val[3]= {co[0]+(avg.x-co[0])*node->Fade, co[1]+(avg.y-co[1])*node->Fade, co[2]+(avg.z-co[2])*node->Fade}; sculpt_clip(e, co, val); node= node->next; } } void do_pinch_brush(const EditData *e, const ListBase* active_verts) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); ActiveData *node= active_verts->first; while(node) { float *co= me->mvert[node->Index].co; const float val[3]= {co[0]+(e->center.x-co[0])*node->Fade, co[1]+(e->center.y-co[1])*node->Fade, co[2]+(e->center.z-co[2])*node->Fade}; sculpt_clip(e, co, val); node= node->next; } } void do_grab_brush(EditData *e) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); ActiveData *node= e->grabdata->active_verts[e->grabdata->index].first; float add[3]; while(node) { float *co= me->mvert[node->Index].co; VecCopyf(add, &e->grabdata->delta_symm.x); VecMulf(add, node->Fade); VecAddf(add, add, co); sculpt_clip(e, co, add); node= node->next; } } void do_layer_brush(EditData *e, const ListBase *active_verts) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); vec3f area_normal= calc_area_normal(NULL, 0, active_verts); ActiveData *node= active_verts->first; const float bstr= brush_strength(e); while(node){ float *disp= &e->layer_disps[node->Index]; if((bstr > 0 && *disp < bstr) || (bstr < 0 && *disp > bstr)) { float *co= me->mvert[node->Index].co; *disp+= node->Fade; if(bstr < 0) { if(*disp < bstr) *disp = bstr; } else { if(*disp > bstr) *disp = bstr; } { const float val[3]= {e->layer_store[node->Index].x+area_normal.x * *disp, e->layer_store[node->Index].y+area_normal.y * *disp, e->layer_store[node->Index].z+area_normal.z * *disp}; sculpt_clip(e, co, val); } } node= node->next; } } void do_inflate_brush(const EditData *e, const ListBase *active_verts) { ActiveData *node= active_verts->first; float add[3]; Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); while(node) { float *co= me->mvert[node->Index].co; short *no= me->mvert[node->Index].no; add[0]= no[0]/ 32767.0f; add[1]= no[1]/ 32767.0f; add[2]= no[2]/ 32767.0f; VecMulf(add, node->Fade); VecAddf(add, add, co); sculpt_clip(e, co, add); node= node->next; } } float simple_strength(float p, const float len) { if(p > len) p= len; return 0.5f * (cos(M_PI*p/len) + 1); } float tex_strength(EditData *e, float *point, const float len,const unsigned vindex) { SculptData *sd= sculpt_data(); SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); float avg= 0; if(sd->texact==-1) avg= 1; else if(sd->texrept==SCULPTREPT_3D) { float jnk; const float factor= 0.01; MTex mtex; memset(&mtex,0,sizeof(MTex)); mtex.tex= sd->mtex[sd->texact]->tex; mtex.projx= 1; mtex.projy= 2; mtex.projz= 3; mtex.size[0]= sd->texscale * factor; mtex.size[1]= sd->texscale * factor; mtex.size[2]= sd->texscale * factor; externtex(&mtex,point,&avg,&jnk,&jnk,&jnk,&jnk); } else { vec3f t2; float theta, magn; float cx; int px, py; unsigned i; unsigned int *p; RenderInfo *ri= ss->texrndr; /* If no texture or Default, use smooth curve */ if(sd->texact == -1 || !sd->mtex[sd->texact] || !sd->mtex[sd->texact]->tex->type) return simple_strength(len,e->size); /* Find direction from center to point */ VecSubf(&t2.x,point,&e->center.x); Normalise(&t2.x); theta= e->right.x*t2.x+e->right.y*t2.y+e->right.z*t2.z; /* Avoid NaN errors */ if( theta < -1 ) theta = -1; else if( theta > 1 ) theta = 1; theta = acos( theta ); /* Checks whether theta should be in the III/IV quadrants using the dot product with the Up vector */ if(e->up.x*t2.x+e->up.y*t2.y+e->up.z*t2.z > 0) theta = 2 * M_PI - theta; magn= len/e->size; /* XXX: This code assumes that the texture can be treated as a square */ /* Find alpha's center, we assume a square */ cx= ri->pr_rectx/2.0f; /* Scale the magnitude to match the size of the tex */ magn*= cx; /* XXX: not sure if this +c business is correct.... Find the pixel in the tex */ px= magn * cos(theta) + cx; py= magn * sin(theta) + cx; if(sd->texrept==SCULPTREPT_TILE) { const float scale= sd->texscale; px+= e->mouse[0]; py+= e->mouse[1]; px%= (int)scale; py%= (int)scale; p= ri->rect + (int)(ri->pr_recty*py/scale) * ri->pr_rectx + (int)(ri->pr_rectx*px/scale); } else p= ri->rect + py * ri->pr_rectx + px; for(i=0; i<3; ++i) avg+= ((unsigned char*)(p))[i] / 255.0f; avg/= 3; } if(sd->texfade) avg*= simple_strength(len,e->size); /* Smooth curve */ return avg; } void sculptmode_add_damaged_rect(EditData *e, ListBase *damaged_rects) { short p[2]; const float radius= brush_size(); RectNode *rn= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(RectNode),"RectNode"); Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); unsigned i; /* Find center */ project(&e->center.x, p); rn->r.xmin= p[0]-radius; rn->r.ymin= p[1]-radius; rn->r.xmax= p[0]+radius; rn->r.ymax= p[1]+radius; BLI_addtail(damaged_rects,rn); /* Update insides */ for(i=0; itotvert; ++i) { if(!projverts[i].inside) { if(projverts[i].co[0] > rn->r.xmin && projverts[i].co[1] > rn->r.ymin && projverts[i].co[0] < rn->r.xmax && projverts[i].co[1] < rn->r.ymax) { projverts[i].inside= 1; } } } } void do_brush_action(float *vertexcosnos, EditData e, ListBase *damaged_verts, ListBase *damaged_rects) { int i; float av_dist; ListBase active_verts={0,0}; ActiveData *adata= 0; float *vert; Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); const float bstrength= brush_strength(&e); sculptmode_add_damaged_rect(&e,damaged_rects); if(!e.grabdata || (e.grabdata && e.grabdata->firsttime)) { /* Find active vertices */ for(i=0; itotvert; ++i) { if(projverts[i].inside) { vert= vertexcosnos ? &vertexcosnos[i*6] : me->mvert[i].co; av_dist= VecLenf(&e.center.x,vert); if( av_dist < e.size ) { adata= (ActiveData*)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ActiveData), "ActiveData"); adata->Index = i; adata->Fade= tex_strength(&e,vert,av_dist,i) * bstrength; if(e.grabdata && e.grabdata->firsttime) BLI_addtail(&e.grabdata->active_verts[e.grabdata->index], adata); else BLI_addtail(&active_verts, adata); } } } } switch(G.scene->sculptdata.brush_type){ case DRAW_BRUSH: do_draw_brush(&e, &active_verts); break; case SMOOTH_BRUSH: do_smooth_brush(&e, &active_verts); break; case PINCH_BRUSH: do_pinch_brush(&e, &active_verts); break; case INFLATE_BRUSH: do_inflate_brush(&e, &active_verts); break; case GRAB_BRUSH: do_grab_brush(&e); break; case LAYER_BRUSH: do_layer_brush(&e, &active_verts); break; } if(vertexcosnos) BLI_freelistN(&active_verts); else { if(!e.grabdata) addlisttolist(damaged_verts, &active_verts); } } EditData flip_editdata(EditData *e, short x, short y, short z) { EditData fe= *e; GrabData *gd= fe.grabdata; if(x) { fe.center.x= -fe.center.x; fe.up.x= -fe.up.x; fe.right.x= -fe.right.x; fe.out.x= -fe.out.x; } if(y) { fe.center.y= -fe.center.y; fe.up.y= -fe.up.y; fe.right.y= -fe.right.y; fe.out.y= -fe.out.y; } if(z) { fe.center.z= -fe.center.z; fe.up.z= -fe.up.z; fe.right.z= -fe.right.z; fe.out.z= -fe.out.z; } project(&fe.center.x,fe.mouse); if(gd) { gd->index= x + y*2 + z*4; gd->delta_symm= gd->delta; if(x) gd->delta_symm.x= -gd->delta_symm.x; if(y) gd->delta_symm.y= -gd->delta_symm.y; if(z) gd->delta_symm.z= -gd->delta_symm.z; } return fe; } void do_symmetrical_brush_actions(float *vertexcosnos, EditData *e, ListBase *damaged_verts, ListBase *damaged_rects) { const SculptData *sd= &G.scene->sculptdata; do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,0,0,0),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_x) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,1,0,0),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_y) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,0,1,0),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_z) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,0,0,1),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_x && sd->symm_y) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,1,1,0),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_x && sd->symm_z) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,1,0,1),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_y && sd->symm_z) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,0,1,1),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); if(sd->symm_x && sd->symm_y && sd->symm_z) do_brush_action(vertexcosnos,flip_editdata(e,1,1,1),damaged_verts,damaged_rects); } void add_face_normal(vec3f *norm, const MFace* face) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); vec3f c= {me->mvert[face->v1].co[0],me->mvert[face->v1].co[1],me->mvert[face->v1].co[2]}; vec3f b= {me->mvert[face->v2].co[0],me->mvert[face->v2].co[1],me->mvert[face->v2].co[2]}; vec3f a= {me->mvert[face->v3].co[0],me->mvert[face->v3].co[1],me->mvert[face->v3].co[2]}; vec3f s1, s2; VecSubf(&s1.x,&a.x,&b.x); VecSubf(&s2.x,&c.x,&b.x); norm->x+= s1.y * s2.z - s1.z * s2.y; norm->y+= s1.z * s2.x - s1.x * s2.z; norm->z+= s1.x * s2.y - s1.y * s2.x; } void update_damaged_vert(Mesh *me, ListBase *lb) { ActiveData *vert; for(vert= lb->first; vert; vert= vert->next) { vec3f norm= {0,0,0}; IndexNode *face= sculpt_session()->vertex_users[vert->Index].first; while(face){ add_face_normal(&norm,&me->mface[face->Index]); face= face->next; } Normalise(&norm.x); me->mvert[vert->Index].no[0]=norm.x*32767; me->mvert[vert->Index].no[1]=norm.y*32767; me->mvert[vert->Index].no[2]=norm.z*32767; } } void calc_damaged_verts(ListBase *damaged_verts, GrabData *grabdata) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); if(grabdata) { int i; for(i=0; i<8; ++i) update_damaged_vert(me,&grabdata->active_verts[i]); } else { update_damaged_vert(me,damaged_verts); BLI_freelistN(damaged_verts); } } BrushData *sculptmode_brush() { SculptData *sd= &G.scene->sculptdata; return (sd->brush_type==DRAW_BRUSH ? &sd->drawbrush : sd->brush_type==SMOOTH_BRUSH ? &sd->smoothbrush : sd->brush_type==PINCH_BRUSH ? &sd->pinchbrush : sd->brush_type==INFLATE_BRUSH ? &sd->inflatebrush : sd->brush_type==GRAB_BRUSH ? &sd->grabbrush : sd->brush_type==LAYER_BRUSH ? &sd->layerbrush : NULL); } void sculptmode_update_tex() { SculptData *sd= sculpt_data(); SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); RenderInfo *ri= ss->texrndr; /* Skip Default brush shape and non-textures */ if(sd->texact == -1 || !sd->mtex[sd->texact]) return; if(!ri) { ri= MEM_callocN(sizeof(RenderInfo),"brush texture render"); ss->texrndr= ri; } if(ri->rect) { MEM_freeN(ri->rect); ri->rect= NULL; } ri->curtile= 0; ri->tottile= 0; if(ri->rect) MEM_freeN(ri->rect); ri->rect = NULL; ri->pr_rectx = 128; /* FIXME: might want to allow higher/lower sizes */ ri->pr_recty = 128; BIF_previewrender(&sd->mtex[sd->texact]->tex->id, ri, NULL, PR_ICON_RENDER); } void init_editdata(SculptData *sd, EditData *e, short *mouse, short *pr_mouse, const char flip) { const float mouse_depth= get_depth(mouse[0],mouse[1]); vec3f brush_edge_loc, zero_loc, oldloc; ModifierData *md; int i; e->flip= flip; /* Convert the location and size of the brush to modelspace coords */ e->center= unproject(mouse[0],mouse[1],mouse_depth); brush_edge_loc= unproject(mouse[0] + brush_size(),mouse[1], mouse_depth); e->size= VecLenf(&e->center.x,&brush_edge_loc.x); /* Now project the Up, Right, and Out normals from view to model coords */ zero_loc= unproject(0, 0, 0); e->up= unproject(0, -1, 0); e->right= unproject(1, 0, 0); e->out= unproject(0, 0, -1); VecSubf(&e->up.x, &e->up.x, &zero_loc.x); VecSubf(&e->right.x, &e->right.x, &zero_loc.x); VecSubf(&e->out.x, &e->out.x, &zero_loc.x); Normalise(&e->up.x); Normalise(&e->right.x); Normalise(&e->out.x); /* Initialize mirror modifier clipping */ for(i=0; i<3; ++i) { e->clip[i]= 0; e->cliptol[i]= 0; } for(md= OBACT->modifiers.first; md; md= md->next) { if(md->type==eModifierType_Mirror && (md->mode & eModifierMode_Realtime)) { const MirrorModifierData *mmd = (MirrorModifierData*) md; if(mmd->flag & MOD_MIR_CLIPPING) { e->clip[mmd->axis]= 1; if(mmd->tolerance > e->cliptol[mmd->axis]) e->cliptol[mmd->axis]= mmd->tolerance; } } } if(sd->brush_type == GRAB_BRUSH) { vec3f gcenter; if(!e->grabdata) { e->grabdata= MEM_callocN(sizeof(GrabData),"grab data"); e->grabdata->firsttime= 1; e->grabdata->depth= mouse_depth; } else e->grabdata->firsttime= 0; /* Find the delta */ gcenter= unproject(mouse[0],mouse[1],e->grabdata->depth); oldloc= unproject(pr_mouse[0],pr_mouse[1],e->grabdata->depth); VecSubf(&e->grabdata->delta.x,&gcenter.x,&oldloc.x); } else if(sd->brush_type == LAYER_BRUSH) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); if(!e->layer_disps) e->layer_disps= MEM_callocN(sizeof(float)*me->totvert,"Layer disps"); if(!e->layer_store) { unsigned i; e->layer_store= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(vec3f)*me->totvert,"Layer store"); for(i=0; itotvert; ++i) VecCopyf(&e->layer_store[i].x,me->mvert[i].co); } } } void sculptmode_set_strength(const int delta) { int val = sculptmode_brush()->strength + delta; if(val < 1) val = 1; if(val > 100) val = 100; sculptmode_brush()->strength= val; } void sculptmode_propset_calctex() { SculptData *sd= sculpt_data(); SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); PropsetData *pd= sculpt_session()->propset; if(pd) { int i, j; const int tsz = 128; float *d; if(!pd->texdata) { pd->texdata= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float)*tsz*tsz, "Brush preview"); if(sd->texrept!=SCULPTREPT_3D) sculptmode_update_tex(); for(i=0; itexfade) pd->texdata[i*tsz+j]= simple_strength(magn,tsz/2); else pd->texdata[i*tsz+j]= magn < tsz/2 ? 1 : 0; } if(sd->texact != -1 && ss->texrndr) { for(i=0; itexrndr->rect[i*tsz+j]; pd->texdata[i*tsz+j]*= (((char*)&col)[0]+((char*)&col)[1]+((char*)&col)[2])/3.0f/255.0f; } } } /* Adjust alpha with brush strength */ d= MEM_dupallocN(pd->texdata); for(i=0; istrength/200.0f+0.5f; if(!pd->tex) glGenTextures(1, (GLuint *)&pd->tex); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pd->tex); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_ALPHA, tsz, tsz, 0, GL_ALPHA, GL_FLOAT, d); MEM_freeN(d); } } void sculptmode_propset_header() { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); PropsetData *pd= ss ? ss->propset : NULL; if(pd) { char str[512]; const char *name= ""; int val= 0; if(pd->mode == PropsetSize) { name= "Size"; val= sculptmode_brush()->size; } else if(pd->mode == PropsetStrength) { name= "Strength"; val= sculptmode_brush()->strength; } sprintf(str, "Brush %s: %d", name, val); headerprint(str); } } void sculptmode_propset_end(int cancel) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); PropsetData *pd= ss ? ss->propset : NULL; if(pd) { if(cancel) { sculptmode_brush()->size= pd->origsize; sculptmode_brush()->strength= pd->origstrength; } else { if(pd->mode != PropsetSize) sculptmode_brush()->size= pd->origsize; if(pd->mode != PropsetStrength) sculptmode_brush()->strength= pd->origstrength; } glDeleteTextures(1, &pd->tex); MEM_freeN(pd->texdata); MEM_freeN(pd); ss->propset= NULL; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } } void sculptmode_propset_init(PropsetMode mode) { SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); PropsetData *pd= ss->propset; if(!pd) { short mouse[2]; pd= MEM_callocN(sizeof(PropsetData),"PropsetSize"); ss->propset= pd; getmouseco_areawin(mouse); pd->origloc[0]= mouse[0]; pd->origloc[1]= mouse[1]; if(mode == PropsetSize) pd->origloc[0]-= sculptmode_brush()->size; else if(mode == PropsetStrength) pd->origloc[0]-= 200 - 2*sculptmode_brush()->strength; pd->origsize= sculptmode_brush()->size; pd->origstrength= sculptmode_brush()->strength; sculptmode_propset_calctex(); pd->num.idx_max= 0; } pd->mode= mode; sculptmode_propset_header(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void sculpt_paint_brush(char clear) { static short mvalo[2]; short mval[2]; const short rad= sculptmode_brush()->size; getmouseco_areawin(mval); persp(PERSP_WIN); if(clear) fdrawXORcirc(mval[0], mval[1], rad); else draw_sel_circle(mval, mvalo, rad, rad, 0); mvalo[0]= mval[0]; mvalo[1]= mval[1]; } void sculptmode_propset(unsigned short event) { PropsetData *pd= sculpt_session()->propset; short mouse[2]; short tmp[2]; float dist; BrushData *brush= sculptmode_brush(); char valset= 0; handleNumInput(&pd->num, event); if(hasNumInput(&pd->num)) { float val; applyNumInput(&pd->num, &val); if(pd->mode==PropsetSize) brush->size= val; else if(pd->mode==PropsetStrength) brush->strength= val; valset= 1; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } switch(event) { case MOUSEX: case MOUSEY: if(!hasNumInput(&pd->num)) { char ctrl= G.qual & LR_CTRLKEY; getmouseco_areawin(mouse); tmp[0]= pd->origloc[0]-mouse[0]; tmp[1]= pd->origloc[1]-mouse[1]; dist= sqrt(tmp[0]*tmp[0]+tmp[1]*tmp[1]); if(pd->mode == PropsetSize) { brush->size= dist; if(ctrl) brush->size= (brush->size+5)/10*10; } else if(pd->mode == PropsetStrength) { float fin= (200.0f - dist) * 0.5f; brush->strength= fin>=0 ? fin : 0; if(ctrl) brush->strength= (brush->strength+5)/10*10; } valset= 1; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } break; case ESCKEY: case RIGHTMOUSE: brush->size= pd->origsize; brush->strength= pd->origstrength; case LEFTMOUSE: while(get_mbut()==L_MOUSE); case RETKEY: case PADENTER: sculptmode_propset_end(0); break; default: break; }; if(valset) { if(pd->mode == PropsetSize) { if(brush->size<1) brush->size= 1; if(brush->size>200) brush->size= 200; } else if(pd->mode == PropsetStrength) { if(brush->strength > 100) brush->strength= 100; sculptmode_propset_calctex(); } } sculptmode_propset_header(); } void sculptmode_selectbrush_menu() { SculptData *sd= sculpt_data(); int val; pupmenu_set_active(sd->brush_type); val= pupmenu("Select Brush%t|Draw|Smooth|Pinch|Inflate|Grab|Layer"); if(val>0) { sd->brush_type= val; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 1); } } void sculptmode_update_all_projverts() { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); unsigned i; if(projverts) MEM_freeN(projverts); projverts= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(ProjVert)*me->totvert,"ProjVerts"); for(i=0; itotvert; ++i) { project(me->mvert[i].co, projverts[i].co); projverts[i].inside= 0; } } void sculptmode_draw_wires(int only_damaged, Mesh *me) { int i; bglPolygonOffset(1.0); glDepthMask(0); BIF_ThemeColor((OBACT==OBACT)?TH_ACTIVE:TH_SELECT); for(i=0; itotedge; i++) { MEdge *med= &me->medge[i]; if((!only_damaged || (projverts[med->v1].inside || projverts[med->v2].inside)) && (med->flag & ME_EDGEDRAW)) { glDrawElements(GL_LINES, 2, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &med->v1); } } glDepthMask(1); bglPolygonOffset(0.0); } void sculptmode_draw_mesh(int only_damaged) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(OBACT); int i, j, dt, drawCurrentMat = 1, matnr= -1; persp(PERSP_VIEW); mymultmatrix(OBACT->obmat); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); init_gl_materials(OBACT, 0); glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(MVert), &me->mvert[0].co); glNormalPointer(GL_SHORT, sizeof(MVert), &me->mvert[0].no); dt= MIN2(G.vd->drawtype, OBACT->dt); if(dt==OB_WIRE) glColorMask(0,0,0,0); for(i=0; itotface; ++i) { MFace *f= &me->mface[i]; char inside= 0; int new_matnr= f->mat_nr + 1; if(new_matnr != matnr) drawCurrentMat= set_gl_material(matnr = new_matnr); /* If only_damaged!=0, only draw faces that are partially inside the area(s) modified by the brush */ if(only_damaged) { for(j=0; j<(f->v4?4:3); ++j) { if(projverts[*((&f->v1)+j)].inside) { inside= 1; break; } } } else inside= 1; if(inside && drawCurrentMat) glDrawElements(f->v4?GL_QUADS:GL_TRIANGLES, f->v4?4:3, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &f->v1); } glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glColorMask(1,1,1,1); if(dt==OB_WIRE || (OBACT->dtx & OB_DRAWWIRE)) sculptmode_draw_wires(only_damaged, me); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); } void sculptmode_correct_state() { if(!sculpt_session()) sculpt_init_session(); if(get_mesh(sculpt_session()->active_ob) != get_mesh(OBACT)) set_sculpt_object(OBACT); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); if(!sculpt_session()->vertex_users) calc_vertex_users(); if(!sculpt_session()->undo) sculptmode_undo_init(); } void sculpt() { SculptData *sd= sculpt_data(); SculptSession *ss= sculpt_session(); Object *ob= OBACT; short mouse[2], mvalo[2], firsttime=1, mousebut; ListBase damaged_verts= {0,0}; ListBase damaged_rects= {0,0}; float *vertexcosnos= 0; short modifier_calculations= 0; EditData e; RectNode *rn= NULL; short spacing= 32000; if((G.f & G_SCULPTMODE)==0) return; if(G.obedit) return; ob= OBACT; if(ob->id.lib) return; if(!ss) { sculpt_init_session(); ss= sd->session; } /* Make sure that the active mesh is set correctly */ if(get_mesh(OBACT) != get_mesh(ob)) set_sculpt_object(ob); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); if(!OBACT || !get_mesh(OBACT) || get_mesh(OBACT)->totface==0) return; if(ob->lay & G.vd->lay); else error("Active object is not in this layer"); persp(PERSP_VIEW); getmouseco_areawin(mvalo); /* Make sure sculptdata has been init'd properly */ if(!ss->vertex_users) calc_vertex_users(); if(!ss->undo) sculptmode_undo_init(); /* Init texture FIXME: Shouldn't be doing this every time! */ if(sd->texrept!=SCULPTREPT_3D) sculptmode_update_tex(); getmouseco_areawin(mouse); mvalo[0]= mouse[0]; mvalo[1]= mouse[1]; if (U.flag & USER_LMOUSESELECT) mousebut = R_MOUSE; else mousebut = L_MOUSE; /* If modifier_calculations is true, then extra time must be spent updating the mesh. This takes a *lot* longer, so it's worth skipping if the modifier stack is empty. */ modifier_calculations= modifiers_getVirtualModifierList(ob) != NULL; init_sculptmatrices(); sculptmode_update_all_projverts(); e.grabdata= NULL; e.layer_disps= NULL; e.layer_store= NULL; /* Capture original copy */ if(sd->draw_mode) glAccum(GL_LOAD, 1); while (get_mbut() & mousebut) { getmouseco_areawin(mouse); if(firsttime || mouse[0]!=mvalo[0] || mouse[1]!=mvalo[1] || sculptmode_brush()->airbrush) { firsttime= 0; spacing+= sqrt(pow(mvalo[0]-mouse[0],2)+pow(mvalo[1]-mouse[1],2)); if(modifier_calculations) vertexcosnos= mesh_get_mapped_verts_nors(ob); if(G.scene->sculptdata.brush_type != GRAB_BRUSH && (sd->spacing==0 || spacing>sd->spacing)) { char i; float t= G.scene->sculptdata.averaging-1; const float sub= 1/(t+1); t/= (t+1); for(i=0; isculptdata.averaging; ++i) { short avgco[2]= {mvalo[0]*t+mouse[0]*(1-t), mvalo[1]*t+mouse[1]*(1-t)}; init_editdata(&G.scene->sculptdata,&e,avgco,mvalo,get_qual()==LR_SHIFTKEY); if(get_depth(mouse[0],mouse[1]) < 1.0) ss->pivot= e.center; /* The brush always has at least one area it affects, right beneath the mouse. It can have up to seven other areas that must also be modified, if all three axes of symmetry are on. */ do_symmetrical_brush_actions(vertexcosnos,&e,&damaged_verts,&damaged_rects); t-= sub; } spacing= 0; } else if(sd->brush_type==GRAB_BRUSH) { init_editdata(&G.scene->sculptdata,&e,mouse,mvalo,0); ss->pivot= unproject(mouse[0],mouse[1],e.grabdata->depth); do_symmetrical_brush_actions(vertexcosnos,&e,&damaged_verts,&damaged_rects); } if(modifier_calculations) DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); if(modifier_calculations || sd->brush_type == GRAB_BRUSH || !sd->draw_mode) { calc_damaged_verts(&damaged_verts,e.grabdata); scrarea_do_windraw(curarea); screen_swapbuffers(); } else { /* Optimized drawing */ calc_damaged_verts(&damaged_verts,e.grabdata); /* Draw the stored image to the screen */ glAccum(GL_RETURN, 1); /* Clear each of the area(s) modified by the brush */ for(rn=damaged_rects.first; rn; rn= rn->next) { float col[3]; rcti clp= rn->r; rcti *win= &curarea->winrct; clp.xmin+= win->xmin; clp.xmax+= win->xmin; clp.ymin+= win->ymin; clp.ymax+= win->ymin; if(clp.xminxmax && clp.xmax>win->xmin && clp.yminymax && clp.ymax>win->ymin) { if(clp.xminxmin) clp.xmin= win->xmin; if(clp.yminymin) clp.ymin= win->ymin; if(clp.xmax>win->xmax) clp.xmax= win->xmax; if(clp.ymax>win->ymax) clp.ymax= win->ymax; glScissor(clp.xmin+1, clp.ymin+1, clp.xmax-clp.xmin-2,clp.ymax-clp.ymin-2); } BIF_GetThemeColor3fv(TH_BACK, col); glClearColor(col[0], col[1], col[2], 0.0); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } /* Draw all the polygons that are inside the modified area(s) */ glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); sculptmode_draw_mesh(1); glAccum(GL_LOAD, 1); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); /* Draw cursor */ sculpt_paint_brush(1); myswapbuffers(); } BLI_freelistN(&damaged_rects); mvalo[0]= mouse[0]; mvalo[1]= mouse[1]; if(modifier_calculations) MEM_freeN(vertexcosnos); } else BIF_wait_for_statechange(); } if(projverts) MEM_freeN(projverts); projverts= NULL; if(e.layer_disps) MEM_freeN(e.layer_disps); if(e.layer_store) MEM_freeN(e.layer_store); /* Free GrabData */ if(e.grabdata) { int i; for(i=0; i<8; ++i) BLI_freelistN(&e.grabdata->active_verts[i]); MEM_freeN(e.grabdata); } switch(G.scene->sculptdata.brush_type) { case DRAW_BRUSH: sculptmode_undo_push("Draw Brush", SUNDO_VERT); break; case SMOOTH_BRUSH: sculptmode_undo_push("Smooth Brush", SUNDO_VERT); break; case PINCH_BRUSH: sculptmode_undo_push("Pinch Brush", SUNDO_VERT); break; case INFLATE_BRUSH: sculptmode_undo_push("Inflate Brush", SUNDO_VERT); break; case GRAB_BRUSH: sculptmode_undo_push("Grab Brush", SUNDO_VERT); break; case LAYER_BRUSH: sculptmode_undo_push("Layer Brush", SUNDO_VERT); break; default: sculptmode_undo_push("Sculpting", SUNDO_VERT); break; } if(G.vd->depths) G.vd->depths->damaged= 1; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void set_sculptmode() { if(G.f & G_SCULPTMODE) { G.f &= ~G_SCULPTMODE; set_sculpt_object(NULL); sculptmode_free_session(G.scene); } else { G.f |= G_SCULPTMODE; if(!sculptmode_brush()) sculptmode_init(G.scene); if(G.vd->twflag) G.vd->twflag= 0; sculpt_init_session(); set_sculpt_object(OBACT); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY); } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } /* Partial Mesh Visibility */ PartialVisibility *sculptmode_copy_pmv(PartialVisibility *pmv) { PartialVisibility *n= MEM_dupallocN(pmv); n->vert_map= MEM_dupallocN(pmv->vert_map); n->edge_map= MEM_dupallocN(pmv->edge_map); n->old_edges= MEM_dupallocN(pmv->old_edges); n->old_faces= MEM_dupallocN(pmv->old_faces); return n; } void sculptmode_pmv_free(PartialVisibility *pv) { MEM_freeN(pv->vert_map); MEM_freeN(pv->edge_map); MEM_freeN(pv->old_faces); MEM_freeN(pv->old_edges); MEM_freeN(pv); } void sculptmode_revert_pmv(Mesh *me) { if(me->pv) { unsigned i; MVert *nve, *old_verts; Object *ob= OBACT; /* Temporarily exit sculptmode */ set_sculpt_object(NULL); /* Reorder vertices */ nve= me->mvert; old_verts = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MVert)*me->pv->totvert,"PMV revert verts"); for(i=0; ipv->totvert; ++i) old_verts[i]= nve[me->pv->vert_map[i]]; /* Restore verts, edges and faces */ CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, me->totvert); CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->edata, CD_MEDGE, me->totedge); CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE, me->totface); CustomData_add_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_ASSIGN, old_verts, me->pv->totvert); CustomData_add_layer(&me->edata, CD_MEDGE, CD_ASSIGN, me->pv->old_edges, me->pv->totedge); CustomData_add_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE, CD_ASSIGN, me->pv->old_faces, me->pv->totface); mesh_update_customdata_pointers(me); me->totvert= me->pv->totvert; me->totedge= me->pv->totedge; me->totface= me->pv->totface; me->pv->old_edges= NULL; me->pv->old_faces= NULL; /* Free maps */ MEM_freeN(me->pv->edge_map); me->pv->edge_map= NULL; MEM_freeN(me->pv->vert_map); me->pv->vert_map= NULL; set_sculpt_object(ob); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); } } void sculptmode_pmv_off(Mesh *me) { if(me->pv) { sculptmode_revert_pmv(me); MEM_freeN(me->pv); me->pv= NULL; } } /* mode: 0=hide outside selection, 1=hide inside selection */ void sculptmode_do_pmv(Object *ob, rcti *hb_2d, int mode) { Mesh *me= get_mesh(ob); vec3f hidebox[6]; vec3f plane_normals[4]; float plane_ds[4]; unsigned i, j; unsigned ndx_show, ndx_hide; MVert *nve; unsigned face_cnt_show= 0, face_ndx_show= 0; unsigned edge_cnt_show= 0, edge_ndx_show= 0; unsigned *old_map= NULL; const unsigned SHOW= 0, HIDE=1; /* Convert hide box from 2D to 3D */ hidebox[0]= unproject(hb_2d->xmin, hb_2d->ymax, 1); hidebox[1]= unproject(hb_2d->xmax, hb_2d->ymax, 1); hidebox[2]= unproject(hb_2d->xmax, hb_2d->ymin, 1); hidebox[3]= unproject(hb_2d->xmin, hb_2d->ymin, 1); hidebox[4]= unproject(hb_2d->xmin, hb_2d->ymax, 0); hidebox[5]= unproject(hb_2d->xmax, hb_2d->ymin, 0); /* Calculate normals for each side of hide box */ CalcNormFloat(&hidebox[0].x,&hidebox[1].x,&hidebox[4].x,&plane_normals[0].x); CalcNormFloat(&hidebox[1].x,&hidebox[2].x,&hidebox[5].x,&plane_normals[1].x); CalcNormFloat(&hidebox[2].x,&hidebox[3].x,&hidebox[5].x,&plane_normals[2].x); CalcNormFloat(&hidebox[3].x,&hidebox[0].x,&hidebox[4].x,&plane_normals[3].x); /* Calculate D for each side of hide box */ for(i= 0; i<4; ++i) plane_ds[i]= hidebox[i].x*plane_normals[i].x + hidebox[i].y*plane_normals[i].y + hidebox[i].z*plane_normals[i].z; /* Add partial visibility to mesh */ if(!me->pv) { me->pv= MEM_callocN(sizeof(PartialVisibility),"PartialVisibility"); } else { old_map= MEM_callocN(sizeof(unsigned)*me->pv->totvert,"PMV oldmap"); for(i=0; ipv->totvert; ++i) { old_map[i]= me->pv->vert_map[i]totvert?0:1; } sculptmode_revert_pmv(me); } /* Kill sculpt data */ set_sculpt_object(NULL); /* Initalize map with which verts are to be hidden */ me->pv->vert_map= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(unsigned)*me->totvert, "PMV vertmap"); me->pv->totvert= me->totvert; me->totvert= 0; for(i=0; ipv->totvert; ++i) { me->pv->vert_map[i]= mode ? HIDE:SHOW; for(j=0; j<4; ++j) { if(me->mvert[i].co[0] * plane_normals[j].x + me->mvert[i].co[1] * plane_normals[j].y + me->mvert[i].co[2] * plane_normals[j].z < plane_ds[j] ) { me->pv->vert_map[i]= mode ? SHOW:HIDE; /* Vert is outside the hide box */ break; } } if(old_map && old_map[i]) me->pv->vert_map[i]= 1; if(!me->pv->vert_map[i]) ++me->totvert; } if(old_map) MEM_freeN(old_map); /* Find out how many faces to show */ for(i=0; itotface; ++i) { if(!me->pv->vert_map[me->mface[i].v1] && !me->pv->vert_map[me->mface[i].v2] && !me->pv->vert_map[me->mface[i].v3]) { if(me->mface[i].v4) { if(!me->pv->vert_map[me->mface[i].v4]) ++face_cnt_show; } else ++face_cnt_show; } } /* Find out how many edges to show */ for(i=0; itotedge; ++i) { if(!me->pv->vert_map[me->medge[i].v1] && !me->pv->vert_map[me->medge[i].v2]) ++edge_cnt_show; } /* Create new vert array and reset each vert's map with map[old]=new index */ nve= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MVert)*me->pv->totvert, "PMV verts"); ndx_show= 0; ndx_hide= me->totvert; for(i=0; ipv->totvert; ++i) { if(me->pv->vert_map[i]) { me->pv->vert_map[i]= ndx_hide; nve[me->pv->vert_map[i]]= me->mvert[i]; ++ndx_hide; } else { me->pv->vert_map[i]= ndx_show; nve[me->pv->vert_map[i]]= me->mvert[i]; ++ndx_show; } } CustomData_free_layer_active(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, me->pv->totvert); me->mvert= CustomData_add_layer(&me->vdata, CD_MVERT, CD_ASSIGN, nve, me->totvert); /* Create new face array */ me->pv->old_faces= me->mface; me->pv->totface= me->totface; me->mface= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MFace)*face_cnt_show, "PMV faces"); for(i=0; itotface; ++i) { MFace *pr_f= &me->pv->old_faces[i]; char show= 0; if(me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v1] < me->totvert && me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v2] < me->totvert && me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v3] < me->totvert) { if(pr_f->v4) { if(me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v4] < me->totvert) show= 1; } else show= 1; } if(show) { MFace *cr_f= &me->mface[face_ndx_show]; *cr_f= *pr_f; cr_f->v1= me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v1]; cr_f->v2= me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v2]; cr_f->v3= me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v3]; cr_f->v4= pr_f->v4 ? me->pv->vert_map[pr_f->v4] : 0; test_index_face(cr_f,NULL,0,pr_f->v4?4:3); ++face_ndx_show; } } me->totface= face_cnt_show; CustomData_set_layer(&me->fdata, CD_MFACE, me->mface); /* Create new edge array */ me->pv->old_edges= me->medge; me->pv->totedge= me->totedge; me->medge= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(MEdge)*edge_cnt_show, "PMV edges"); me->pv->edge_map= MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int)*me->pv->totedge,"PMV edgemap"); for(i=0; itotedge; ++i) { if(me->pv->vert_map[me->pv->old_edges[i].v1] < me->totvert && me->pv->vert_map[me->pv->old_edges[i].v2] < me->totvert) { MEdge *cr_e= &me->medge[edge_ndx_show]; me->pv->edge_map[i]= edge_ndx_show; *cr_e= me->pv->old_edges[i]; cr_e->v1= me->pv->vert_map[me->pv->old_edges[i].v1]; cr_e->v2= me->pv->vert_map[me->pv->old_edges[i].v2]; ++edge_ndx_show; } else me->pv->edge_map[i]= -1; } me->totedge= edge_cnt_show; CustomData_set_layer(&me->edata, CD_MEDGE, me->medge); set_sculpt_object(ob); DAG_object_flush_update(G.scene, OBACT, OB_RECALC_DATA); } rcti sculptmode_pmv_box() { short down[2], mouse[2]; rcti ret; getmouseco_areawin(down); while((get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) || (get_mbut()&R_MOUSE)) { getmouseco_areawin(mouse); scrarea_do_windraw(curarea); persp(PERSP_WIN); glLineWidth(2); setlinestyle(2); sdrawXORline(down[0],down[1],mouse[0],down[1]); sdrawXORline(mouse[0],down[1],mouse[0],mouse[1]); sdrawXORline(mouse[0],mouse[1],down[0],mouse[1]); sdrawXORline(down[0],mouse[1],down[0],down[1]); setlinestyle(0); glLineWidth(1); persp(PERSP_VIEW); screen_swapbuffers(); backdrawview3d(0); } ret.xmin= down[0]mouse[0]?down[0]:mouse[0]; ret.ymax= down[1]>mouse[1]?down[1]:mouse[1]; return ret; } void sculptmode_pmv(int mode) { Object *ob= OBACT; rcti hb_2d= sculptmode_pmv_box(); /* Get 2D hide box */ sculptmode_correct_state(); waitcursor(1); if(hb_2d.xmax-hb_2d.xmin > 3 && hb_2d.ymax-hb_2d.ymin > 3) { init_sculptmatrices(); sculptmode_do_pmv(ob,&hb_2d,mode); } else sculptmode_pmv_off(get_mesh(ob)); scrarea_do_windraw(curarea); sculptmode_undo_push("Partial mesh hide", SUNDO_VERT|SUNDO_TOPO|SUNDO_PVIS); waitcursor(0); }