/** * $Id: * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2007 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef WM_TYPES_H #define WM_TYPES_H /* exported types for WM */ #include "wm_cursors.h" #include "wm_event_types.h" /* ************** wmOperatorType ************************ */ /* flag */ #define OPTYPE_REGISTER 1 /* ************** wmEvent ************************ */ /* each event should have full modifier state */ /* event comes from eventmanager and from keymap */ typedef struct wmEvent { struct wmEvent *next, *prev; short type; /* event code itself (short, is also in keymap) */ short val; /* press, release, scrollvalue */ short x, y; /* mouse pointer position */ short prevx, prevy; /* previous mouse pointer position */ short unicode; /* future, ghost? */ char ascii; /* from ghost */ char pad1; /* modifier states */ short shift, ctrl, alt, oskey; /* oskey is apple or windowskey, value denotes order of pressed */ short keymodifier; /* rawkey modifier */ /* keymap item, set by handler (weak?) */ const char *keymap_idname; /* custom data */ short custom; /* custom data type, stylus, 6dof, see wm_event_types.h */ void *customdata; /* ascii, unicode, mouse coords, angles, vectors, dragdrop info */ short customdatafree; } wmEvent; /* ************** wmKeyMap ************************ */ /* modifier */ #define KM_SHIFT 1 #define KM_CTRL 2 #define KM_ALT 4 #define KM_OSKEY 8 /* means modifier should be pressed 2nd */ #define KM_SHIFT2 16 #define KM_CTRL2 32 #define KM_ALT2 64 #define KM_OSKEY2 128 /* val */ #define KM_ANY -1 #define KM_RELEASE 0 #define KM_PRESS 1 /* ************** notifiers ****************** */ typedef struct wmNotifier { struct wmNotifier *prev, *next; struct wmWindow *window; int swinid; int type; int value; void *data; } wmNotifier; enum { WM_NOTE_WINDOW_REDRAW, WM_NOTE_SCREEN_CHANGED, WM_NOTE_AREA_REDRAW, WM_NOTE_REGION_REDRAW, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, WM_NOTE_OBJECT_CHANGED, WM_NOTE_LAST }; /* ************** Gesture Manager data ************** */ /* wmGesture->type */ #define WM_GESTURE_TWEAK 0 #define WM_GESTURE_LINE 1 #define WM_GESTURE_RECT 2 #define WM_GESTURE_CROSS_RECT 3 #define WM_GESTURE_LASSO 4 #define WM_GESTURE_CIRCLE 5 /* wmGesture is registered to window listbase, handled by operator callbacks */ typedef struct wmGesture { struct wmGesture *next, *prev; int event_type; /* event->type */ int mode; /* for modal callback */ int type; /* gesture type define */ int swinid; /* initial subwindow id where it started */ void *customdata; /* customdata for border is a recti */ } wmGesture; /* ************** custom wmEvent data ************** */ #define DEV_STYLUS 1 #define DEV_ERASER 2 typedef struct wmTabletData { int Active; /* 0=None, 1=Stylus, 2=Eraser */ float Pressure; /* range 0.0 (not touching) to 1.0 (full pressure) */ float Xtilt; /* range 0.0 (upright) to 1.0 (tilted fully against the tablet surface) */ float Ytilt; /* as above */ } wmTabletData; struct wmTimerHandle; typedef struct wmTimerHandle wmTimerHandle; /* ****************** Messages ********************* */ enum { WM_LOG_DEBUG = 0, WM_LOG_INFO = 1000, WM_LOG_WARNING = 2000, WM_ERROR_UNDEFINED = 3000, WM_ERROR_INVALID_INPUT = 3001, WM_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT = 3002, WM_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 3003 }; typedef struct wmReport { struct wmReport *next, *prev; int type; const char *typestr; char *message; } wmReport; /* *************** migrated stuff, clean later? ******************************** */ typedef struct RecentFile { struct RecentFile *next, *prev; char *filename; } RecentFile; #endif /* WM_TYPES_H */