/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * Copyright 2007 Blender Foundation. All rights reserved. */ /** \file * \ingroup wm * * Read-only queries utility functions for the event system. */ #include #include #include "DNA_listBase.h" #include "DNA_scene_types.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_math.h" #include "BLI_utildefines.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "wm_event_system.h" #include "wm_event_types.h" #include "RNA_enum_types.h" #include "DEG_depsgraph.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Printing * \{ */ static void event_ids_from_type_and_value(const short type, const short val, const char **r_type_id, const char **r_val_id) { /* Type. */ RNA_enum_identifier(rna_enum_event_type_items, type, r_type_id); /* Value. */ RNA_enum_identifier(rna_enum_event_value_items, val, r_val_id); } void WM_event_print(const wmEvent *event) { if (event) { const char *unknown = "UNKNOWN"; const char *type_id = unknown; const char *val_id = unknown; const char *prev_type_id = unknown; const char *prev_val_id = unknown; event_ids_from_type_and_value(event->type, event->val, &type_id, &val_id); event_ids_from_type_and_value(event->prev_type, event->prev_val, &prev_type_id, &prev_val_id); printf( "wmEvent type:%d / %s, val:%d / %s,\n" " prev_type:%d / %s, prev_val:%d / %s,\n" " shift:%d, ctrl:%d, alt:%d, oskey:%d, keymodifier:%d, is_repeat:%d,\n" " mouse:(%d,%d), ascii:'%c', utf8:'%.*s', pointer:%p\n", event->type, type_id, event->val, val_id, event->prev_type, prev_type_id, event->prev_val, prev_val_id, (event->modifier & KM_SHIFT) != 0, (event->modifier & KM_CTRL) != 0, (event->modifier & KM_ALT) != 0, (event->modifier & KM_OSKEY) != 0, event->keymodifier, (event->flag & WM_EVENT_IS_REPEAT) != 0, event->xy[0], event->xy[1], event->ascii, BLI_str_utf8_size(event->utf8_buf), event->utf8_buf, (const void *)event); #ifdef WITH_INPUT_NDOF if (ISNDOF(event->type)) { const wmNDOFMotionData *ndof = event->customdata; if (event->type == NDOF_MOTION) { printf(" ndof: rot: (%.4f %.4f %.4f), tx: (%.4f %.4f %.4f), dt: %.4f, progress: %u\n", UNPACK3(ndof->rvec), UNPACK3(ndof->tvec), ndof->dt, ndof->progress); } else { /* ndof buttons printed already */ } } #endif /* WITH_INPUT_NDOF */ if (event->tablet.active != EVT_TABLET_NONE) { const wmTabletData *wmtab = &event->tablet; printf(" tablet: active: %d, pressure %.4f, tilt: (%.4f %.4f)\n", wmtab->active, wmtab->pressure, wmtab->x_tilt, wmtab->y_tilt); } } else { printf("wmEvent - NULL\n"); } } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Modifier/Type Queries * \{ */ bool WM_event_type_mask_test(const int event_type, const enum eEventType_Mask mask) { /* Keyboard. */ if (mask & EVT_TYPE_MASK_KEYBOARD) { if (ISKEYBOARD(event_type)) { return true; } } else if (mask & EVT_TYPE_MASK_KEYBOARD_MODIFIER) { if (ISKEYMODIFIER(event_type)) { return true; } } /* Mouse. */ if (mask & EVT_TYPE_MASK_MOUSE) { if (ISMOUSE(event_type)) { return true; } } else if (mask & EVT_TYPE_MASK_MOUSE_WHEEL) { if (ISMOUSE_WHEEL(event_type)) { return true; } } else if (mask & EVT_TYPE_MASK_MOUSE_GESTURE) { if (ISMOUSE_GESTURE(event_type)) { return true; } } /* Action Zone. */ if (mask & EVT_TYPE_MASK_ACTIONZONE) { if (IS_EVENT_ACTIONZONE(event_type)) { return true; } } return false; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Motion Queries * \{ */ bool WM_event_is_modal_drag_exit(const wmEvent *event, const short init_event_type, const short init_event_val) { /* If the release-confirm preference setting is enabled, * drag events can be canceled when mouse is released. */ if (U.flag & USER_RELEASECONFIRM) { /* option on, so can exit with km-release */ if (event->val == KM_RELEASE) { if ((init_event_val == KM_CLICK_DRAG) && (event->type == init_event_type)) { return 1; } } else { /* If the initial event wasn't a drag event then * ignore #USER_RELEASECONFIRM setting: see T26756. */ if (init_event_val != KM_CLICK_DRAG) { return 1; } } } else { /* This is fine as long as not doing km-release, otherwise some items (i.e. markers) * being tweaked may end up getting dropped all over. */ if (event->val != KM_RELEASE) { return 1; } } return 0; } bool WM_event_is_last_mousemove(const wmEvent *event) { while ((event = event->next)) { if (ELEM(event->type, MOUSEMOVE, INBETWEEN_MOUSEMOVE)) { return false; } } return true; } bool WM_event_is_mouse_drag(const wmEvent *event) { return (ISMOUSE_BUTTON(event->type) && (event->val == KM_CLICK_DRAG)); } bool WM_event_is_mouse_drag_or_press(const wmEvent *event) { return WM_event_is_mouse_drag(event) || (ISMOUSE_BUTTON(event->type) && (event->val == KM_PRESS)); } int WM_event_drag_direction(const wmEvent *event) { const int delta[2] = { event->xy[0] - event->prev_press_xy[0], event->xy[1] - event->prev_press_xy[1], }; int theta = round_fl_to_int(4.0f * atan2f((float)delta[1], (float)delta[0]) / (float)M_PI); int val = KM_DIRECTION_W; if (theta == 0) { val = KM_DIRECTION_E; } else if (theta == 1) { val = KM_DIRECTION_NE; } else if (theta == 2) { val = KM_DIRECTION_N; } else if (theta == 3) { val = KM_DIRECTION_NW; } else if (theta == -1) { val = KM_DIRECTION_SE; } else if (theta == -2) { val = KM_DIRECTION_S; } else if (theta == -3) { val = KM_DIRECTION_SW; } #if 0 /* debug */ if (val == 1) { printf("tweak north\n"); } if (val == 2) { printf("tweak north-east\n"); } if (val == 3) { printf("tweak east\n"); } if (val == 4) { printf("tweak south-east\n"); } if (val == 5) { printf("tweak south\n"); } if (val == 6) { printf("tweak south-west\n"); } if (val == 7) { printf("tweak west\n"); } if (val == 8) { printf("tweak north-west\n"); } #endif return val; } bool WM_cursor_test_motion_and_update(const int mval[2]) { static int mval_prev[2] = {-1, -1}; bool use_cycle = (len_manhattan_v2v2_int(mval, mval_prev) <= WM_EVENT_CURSOR_MOTION_THRESHOLD); copy_v2_v2_int(mval_prev, mval); return !use_cycle; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Click/Drag Checks * * Values under this limit are detected as clicks. * * \{ */ int WM_event_drag_threshold(const struct wmEvent *event) { int drag_threshold; if (ISMOUSE(event->prev_press_type)) { BLI_assert(event->prev_press_type != MOUSEMOVE); /* Using the previous type is important is we want to check the last pressed/released button, * The `event->type` would include #MOUSEMOVE which is always the case when dragging * and does not help us know which threshold to use. */ if (WM_event_is_tablet(event)) { drag_threshold = U.drag_threshold_tablet; } else { drag_threshold = U.drag_threshold_mouse; } } else { /* Typically keyboard, could be NDOF button or other less common types. */ drag_threshold = U.drag_threshold; } return drag_threshold * U.dpi_fac; } bool WM_event_drag_test_with_delta(const wmEvent *event, const int drag_delta[2]) { const int drag_threshold = WM_event_drag_threshold(event); return abs(drag_delta[0]) > drag_threshold || abs(drag_delta[1]) > drag_threshold; } bool WM_event_drag_test(const wmEvent *event, const int prev_xy[2]) { int drag_delta[2]; sub_v2_v2v2_int(drag_delta, prev_xy, event->xy); return WM_event_drag_test_with_delta(event, drag_delta); } void WM_event_drag_start_mval(const wmEvent *event, const ARegion *region, int r_mval[2]) { const int *xy = (event->val == KM_CLICK_DRAG) ? event->prev_press_xy : event->xy; r_mval[0] = xy[0] - region->winrct.xmin; r_mval[1] = xy[1] - region->winrct.ymin; } void WM_event_drag_start_mval_fl(const wmEvent *event, const ARegion *region, float r_mval[2]) { const int *xy = (event->val == KM_CLICK_DRAG) ? event->prev_press_xy : event->xy; r_mval[0] = xy[0] - region->winrct.xmin; r_mval[1] = xy[1] - region->winrct.ymin; } void WM_event_drag_start_xy(const wmEvent *event, int r_xy[2]) { copy_v2_v2_int(r_xy, (event->val == KM_CLICK_DRAG) ? event->prev_press_xy : event->xy); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Preference Mapping * \{ */ int WM_userdef_event_map(int kmitype) { switch (kmitype) { case WHEELOUTMOUSE: return (U.uiflag & USER_WHEELZOOMDIR) ? WHEELUPMOUSE : WHEELDOWNMOUSE; case WHEELINMOUSE: return (U.uiflag & USER_WHEELZOOMDIR) ? WHEELDOWNMOUSE : WHEELUPMOUSE; } return kmitype; } int WM_userdef_event_type_from_keymap_type(int kmitype) { switch (kmitype) { case WHEELOUTMOUSE: return (U.uiflag & USER_WHEELZOOMDIR) ? WHEELUPMOUSE : WHEELDOWNMOUSE; case WHEELINMOUSE: return (U.uiflag & USER_WHEELZOOMDIR) ? WHEELDOWNMOUSE : WHEELUPMOUSE; } return kmitype; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event NDOF Input Access * \{ */ #ifdef WITH_INPUT_NDOF void WM_event_ndof_pan_get(const wmNDOFMotionData *ndof, float r_pan[3], const bool use_zoom) { int z_flag = use_zoom ? NDOF_ZOOM_INVERT : NDOF_PANZ_INVERT_AXIS; r_pan[0] = ndof->tvec[0] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_PANX_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); r_pan[1] = ndof->tvec[1] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_PANY_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); r_pan[2] = ndof->tvec[2] * ((U.ndof_flag & z_flag) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); } void WM_event_ndof_rotate_get(const wmNDOFMotionData *ndof, float r_rot[3]) { r_rot[0] = ndof->rvec[0] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_ROTX_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); r_rot[1] = ndof->rvec[1] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_ROTY_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); r_rot[2] = ndof->rvec[2] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_ROTZ_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); } float WM_event_ndof_to_axis_angle(const struct wmNDOFMotionData *ndof, float axis[3]) { float angle; angle = normalize_v3_v3(axis, ndof->rvec); axis[0] = axis[0] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_ROTX_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); axis[1] = axis[1] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_ROTY_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); axis[2] = axis[2] * ((U.ndof_flag & NDOF_ROTZ_INVERT_AXIS) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); return ndof->dt * angle; } void WM_event_ndof_to_quat(const struct wmNDOFMotionData *ndof, float q[4]) { float axis[3]; float angle; angle = WM_event_ndof_to_axis_angle(ndof, axis); axis_angle_to_quat(q, axis, angle); } #endif /* WITH_INPUT_NDOF */ /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event XR Input Access * \{ */ #ifdef WITH_XR_OPENXR bool WM_event_is_xr(const struct wmEvent *event) { return (event->type == EVT_XR_ACTION && event->custom == EVT_DATA_XR); } #endif /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Tablet Input Access * \{ */ float wm_pressure_curve(float pressure) { if (U.pressure_threshold_max != 0.0f) { pressure /= U.pressure_threshold_max; } CLAMP(pressure, 0.0f, 1.0f); if (U.pressure_softness != 0.0f) { pressure = powf(pressure, powf(4.0f, -U.pressure_softness)); } return pressure; } float WM_event_tablet_data(const wmEvent *event, int *pen_flip, float tilt[2]) { if (tilt) { tilt[0] = event->tablet.x_tilt; tilt[1] = event->tablet.y_tilt; } if (pen_flip) { (*pen_flip) = (event->tablet.active == EVT_TABLET_ERASER); } return event->tablet.pressure; } bool WM_event_is_tablet(const struct wmEvent *event) { return (event->tablet.active != EVT_TABLET_NONE); } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event Scroll's Absolute Deltas * * User may change the scroll behavior, and the deltas are automatically inverted. * These functions return the absolute direction, swipe up/right gives positive values. * * \{ */ int WM_event_absolute_delta_x(const struct wmEvent *event) { int dx = event->xy[0] - event->prev_xy[0]; if ((event->flag & WM_EVENT_SCROLL_INVERT) == 0) { dx = -dx; } return dx; } int WM_event_absolute_delta_y(const struct wmEvent *event) { int dy = event->xy[1] - event->prev_xy[1]; if ((event->flag & WM_EVENT_SCROLL_INVERT) == 0) { dy = -dy; } return dy; } /** \} */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** \name Event IME Input Access * \{ */ #ifdef WITH_INPUT_IME /** * Most OS's use `Ctrl+Space` / `OsKey+Space` to switch IME, * so don't type in the space character. * * \note Shift is excluded from this check since it prevented typing `Shift+Space`, see: T85517. */ bool WM_event_is_ime_switch(const struct wmEvent *event) { return (event->val == KM_PRESS) && (event->type == EVT_SPACEKEY) && (event->modifier & (KM_CTRL | KM_OSKEY | KM_ALT)); } #endif /** \} */