/** * $Id: * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2007 Blender Foundation. * All rights reserved. * * * Contributor(s): Blender Foundation * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include "DNA_ID.h" #include "DNA_screen_types.h" #include "DNA_userdef_types.h" #include "DNA_windowmanager_types.h" #include "MEM_guardedalloc.h" #include "BLI_blenlib.h" #include "BLI_dynstr.h" /*for WM_operator_pystring */ #include "BKE_blender.h" #include "BKE_context.h" #include "BKE_idprop.h" #include "BKE_library.h" #include "BKE_global.h" #include "BKE_main.h" #include "BKE_utildefines.h" #include "RNA_access.h" #include "RNA_define.h" #include "UI_interface.h" #include "UI_resources.h" #include "WM_api.h" #include "WM_types.h" #include "wm.h" #include "wm_window.h" #include "wm_subwindow.h" #include "wm_event_system.h" #include "ED_screen.h" static ListBase global_ops= {NULL, NULL}; /* ************ operator API, exported ********** */ wmOperatorType *WM_operatortype_find(const char *idname) { wmOperatorType *ot; for(ot= global_ops.first; ot; ot= ot->next) { if(strncmp(ot->idname, idname, OP_MAX_TYPENAME)==0) return ot; } printf("search for unknown operator %s\n", idname); return NULL; } wmOperatorType *WM_operatortype_first(void) { return global_ops.first; } /* all ops in 1 list (for time being... needs evaluation later) */ void WM_operatortype_append(void (*opfunc)(wmOperatorType*)) { wmOperatorType *ot; ot= MEM_callocN(sizeof(wmOperatorType), "operatortype"); ot->srna= RNA_def_struct(&BLENDER_RNA, "", "OperatorProperties"); opfunc(ot); RNA_def_struct_ui_text(ot->srna, ot->name, "DOC_BROKEN"); /* TODO - add a discription to wmOperatorType? */ RNA_def_struct_identifier(ot->srna, ot->idname); BLI_addtail(&global_ops, ot); } /* print a string representation of the operator, with the args that it runs * so python can run it again */ char *WM_operator_pystring(wmOperator *op) { const char *arg_name= NULL; PropertyRNA *prop, *iterprop; CollectionPropertyIterator iter; /* for building the string */ DynStr *dynstr= BLI_dynstr_new(); char *cstring, *buf; int first_iter=1; BLI_dynstr_appendf(dynstr, "%s(", op->idname); iterprop= RNA_struct_iterator_property(op->ptr); RNA_property_collection_begin(op->ptr, iterprop, &iter); for(; iter.valid; RNA_property_collection_next(&iter)) { prop= iter.ptr.data; arg_name= RNA_property_identifier(&iter.ptr, prop); if (strcmp(arg_name, "rna_type")==0) continue; buf= RNA_property_as_string(op->ptr, prop); BLI_dynstr_appendf(dynstr, first_iter?"%s=%s":", %s=%s", arg_name, buf); MEM_freeN(buf); first_iter = 0; } RNA_property_collection_end(&iter); BLI_dynstr_append(dynstr, ")"); cstring = BLI_dynstr_get_cstring(dynstr); BLI_dynstr_free(dynstr); return cstring; } /* ************ default op callbacks, exported *********** */ /* invoke callback, uses enum property named "type" */ /* only weak thing is the fixed property name... */ int WM_menu_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { PropertyRNA *prop= RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "type"); const EnumPropertyItem *item; int totitem, i, len= strlen(op->type->name) + 5; char *menu, *p; if(prop) { RNA_property_enum_items(op->ptr, prop, &item, &totitem); for (i=0; itype->name); for (i=0; iinvoke */ int WM_operator_confirm(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { char buf[512]; sprintf(buf, "OK? %%i%d%%t|%s", ICON_HELP, op->type->name); uiPupmenuOperator(C, 0, op, NULL, buf); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } /* op->poll */ int WM_operator_winactive(bContext *C) { if(CTX_wm_window(C)==NULL) return 0; return 1; } /* ************ window / screen operator definitions ************** */ static void WM_OT_window_duplicate(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Duplicate Window"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_window_duplicate"; ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= wm_window_duplicate_op; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; } static void WM_OT_save_homefile(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Save User Settings"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_save_homefile"; ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= WM_write_homefile; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER; } /* ********* recent file *********** */ static void recent_filelist(char *pup) { struct RecentFile *recent; int i, ofs= 0; char *p; p= pup + sprintf(pup, "Open Recent%%t"); if (G.sce[0]) { p+= sprintf(p, "|%s %%x%d", G.sce, 1); ofs = 1; } for (recent = G.recent_files.first, i=0; (inext, i++) { if (strcmp(recent->filename, G.sce)) { p+= sprintf(p, "|%s %%x%d", recent->filename, i+ofs+1); } } } static int recentfile_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { int event= RNA_enum_get(op->ptr, "nr"); if(event>0) { if (G.sce[0] && (event==1)) WM_read_file(C, G.sce); else { struct RecentFile *recent = BLI_findlink(&(G.recent_files), event-2); if(recent) { WM_read_file(C, recent->filename); } } } return 0; } static int wm_recentfile_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { char pup[2048]; recent_filelist(pup); uiPupmenuOperator(C, 0, op, "nr", pup); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static void WM_OT_open_recentfile(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Open Recent File"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_open_recentfile"; ot->invoke= wm_recentfile_invoke; ot->exec= recentfile_exec; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; ot->flag= OPTYPE_REGISTER; RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "nr", PROP_ENUM, PROP_NONE); } /* *********************** */ static void WM_OT_window_fullscreen_toggle(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Toggle Fullscreen"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_window_fullscreen_toggle"; ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= wm_window_fullscreen_toggle_op; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; } static void WM_OT_exit_blender(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Exit Blender"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_exit_blender"; ot->invoke= WM_operator_confirm; ot->exec= wm_exit_blender_op; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; } /* ************ window gesture operator-callback definitions ************** */ /* * These are default callbacks for use in operators requiring gesture input */ /* **************** Border gesture *************** */ /* Border gesture has two types: 1) WM_GESTURE_CROSS_RECT: starts a cross, on mouse click it changes to border 2) WM_GESTURE_RECT: starts immediate as a border, on mouse click or release it ends It stores 4 values (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) and event it ended with (event_type) */ static void border_apply(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, int event_type) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; rcti *rect= gesture->customdata; if(rect->xmin > rect->xmax) SWAP(int, rect->xmin, rect->xmax); if(rect->ymin > rect->ymax) SWAP(int, rect->ymin, rect->ymax); /* operator arguments and storage. */ RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "xmin", rect->xmin); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "ymin", rect->ymin); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "xmax", rect->xmax); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "ymax", rect->ymax); if( RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "event_type") ) RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "event_type", event_type); op->type->exec(C, op); } static void border_end(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; WM_gesture_end(C, gesture); /* frees gesture itself, and unregisters from window */ op->customdata= NULL; ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); } int WM_border_select_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { op->customdata= WM_gesture_new(C, event, WM_GESTURE_CROSS_RECT); /* add modal handler */ WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, &CTX_wm_window(C)->handlers, op); WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } int WM_border_select_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; rcti *rect= gesture->customdata; int sx, sy; switch(event->type) { case MOUSEMOVE: wm_subwindow_getorigin(CTX_wm_window(C), gesture->swinid, &sx, &sy); if(gesture->type==WM_GESTURE_CROSS_RECT && gesture->mode==0) { rect->xmin= rect->xmax= event->x - sx; rect->ymin= rect->ymax= event->y - sy; } else { rect->xmax= event->x - sx; rect->ymax= event->y - sy; } WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); break; case LEFTMOUSE: case MIDDLEMOUSE: case RIGHTMOUSE: if(event->val==1) { if(gesture->type==WM_GESTURE_CROSS_RECT && gesture->mode==0) { gesture->mode= 1; WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); } } else { border_apply(C, op, event->type); border_end(C, op); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } break; case ESCKEY: border_end(C, op); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } /* **************** circle gesture *************** */ /* works now only for selection or modal paint stuff, calls exec while hold mouse */ int WM_gesture_circle_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { op->customdata= WM_gesture_new(C, event, WM_GESTURE_CIRCLE); /* add modal handler */ WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, &CTX_wm_window(C)->handlers, op); WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static void gesture_circle_end(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; WM_gesture_end(C, gesture); /* frees gesture itself, and unregisters from window */ op->customdata= NULL; ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); } static void gesture_circle_apply(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, int event_type) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; rcti *rect= gesture->customdata; /* operator arguments and storage. */ RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "x", rect->xmin); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "y", rect->ymin); RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "radius", rect->xmax); if( RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "event_type") ) RNA_int_set(op->ptr, "event_type", event_type); if(op->type->exec) op->type->exec(C, op); } int WM_gesture_circle_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; rcti *rect= gesture->customdata; int sx, sy; switch(event->type) { case MOUSEMOVE: wm_subwindow_getorigin(CTX_wm_window(C), gesture->swinid, &sx, &sy); rect->xmin= event->x - sx; rect->ymin= event->y - sy; WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); if(gesture->mode) gesture_circle_apply(C, op, event->type); break; case WHEELUPMOUSE: rect->xmax += 2 + rect->xmax/10; WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); break; case WHEELDOWNMOUSE: rect->xmax -= 2 + rect->xmax/10; if(rect->xmax < 1) rect->xmax= 1; WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); break; case LEFTMOUSE: case MIDDLEMOUSE: case RIGHTMOUSE: if(event->val==0) { /* key release */ gesture_circle_end(C, op); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else gesture->mode= 1; break; case ESCKEY: gesture_circle_end(C, op); return OPERATOR_CANCELLED; } return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } #if 0 /* template to copy from */ void WM_OT_circle_gesture(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Circle Gesture"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_circle_gesture"; ot->invoke= WM_gesture_circle_invoke; ot->modal= WM_gesture_circle_modal; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "x", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "y", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE); RNA_def_property(ot->srna, "radius", PROP_INT, PROP_NONE); } #endif /* **************** Tweak gesture *************** */ static int tweak_gesture_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { op->customdata= WM_gesture_new(C, event, WM_GESTURE_TWEAK); /* add modal handler */ WM_event_add_modal_handler(C, &CTX_wm_window(C)->handlers, op); WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } static void tweak_gesture_end(bContext *C, wmOperator *op) { wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; WM_gesture_end(C, gesture); /* frees gesture itself, and unregisters from window */ op->customdata= NULL; ED_area_tag_redraw(CTX_wm_area(C)); } static int tweak_gesture_modal(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event) { wmWindow *window= CTX_wm_window(C); wmGesture *gesture= op->customdata; rcti *rect= gesture->customdata; int sx, sy, val; switch(event->type) { case MOUSEMOVE: wm_subwindow_getorigin(window, gesture->swinid, &sx, &sy); rect->xmax= event->x - sx; rect->ymax= event->y - sy; if((val= wm_gesture_evaluate(C, gesture))) { wmEvent event; event= *(window->eventstate); if(gesture->event_type==LEFTMOUSE) event.type= EVT_TWEAK_L; else if(gesture->event_type==RIGHTMOUSE) event.type= EVT_TWEAK_R; else event.type= EVT_TWEAK_M; event.val= val; /* mouse coords! */ wm_event_add(window, &event); tweak_gesture_end(C, op); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } else WM_event_add_notifier(C, WM_NOTE_GESTURE_REDRAW, 0, NULL); break; case LEFTMOUSE: case RIGHTMOUSE: case MIDDLEMOUSE: if(gesture->event_type==event->type) { wm_gesture_evaluate(C, gesture); tweak_gesture_end(C, op); return OPERATOR_FINISHED; } break; } return OPERATOR_RUNNING_MODAL; } void WM_OT_tweak_gesture(wmOperatorType *ot) { ot->name= "Tweak Gesture"; ot->idname= "WM_OT_tweak_gesture"; ot->invoke= tweak_gesture_invoke; ot->modal= tweak_gesture_modal; ot->poll= WM_operator_winactive; } /* ******************************************************* */ /* called on initialize WM_exit() */ void wm_operatortype_free(void) { BLI_freelistN(&global_ops); } /* called on initialize WM_init() */ void wm_operatortype_init(void) { WM_operatortype_append(WM_OT_window_duplicate); WM_operatortype_append(WM_OT_save_homefile); WM_operatortype_append(WM_OT_window_fullscreen_toggle); WM_operatortype_append(WM_OT_exit_blender); WM_operatortype_append(WM_OT_tweak_gesture); WM_operatortype_append(WM_OT_open_recentfile); } /* default keymap for windows and screens, only call once per WM */ void wm_window_keymap(wmWindowManager *wm) { ListBase *keymap= WM_keymap_listbase(wm, "Window", 0, 0); /* note, this doesn't replace existing keymap items */ WM_keymap_verify_item(keymap, "WM_OT_window_duplicate", AKEY, KM_PRESS, KM_CTRL|KM_ALT, 0); WM_keymap_verify_item(keymap, "WM_OT_save_homefile", UKEY, KM_PRESS, KM_CTRL, 0); WM_keymap_verify_item(keymap, "WM_OT_open_recentfile", OKEY, KM_PRESS, KM_CTRL, 0); WM_keymap_verify_item(keymap, "WM_OT_window_fullscreen_toggle", FKEY, KM_PRESS, 0, 0); WM_keymap_verify_item(keymap, "WM_OT_exit_blender", QKEY, KM_PRESS, KM_CTRL, 0); }