#ifndef __BL_MATERIAL_H__ #define __BL_MATERIAL_H__ #include "STR_String.h" #include "MT_Point2.h" // -- struct MTex; struct Material; struct Image; struct MTFace; struct MTex; struct Material; struct EnvMap; // -- /** max units this will default to users available units to build with more available, just increment this value although the more you add the slower the search time will be. we will go for three, which should be enough */ #define MAXTEX 3 //match in RAS_TexVert & RAS_OpenGLRasterizer // different mapping modes class BL_Mapping { public: int mapping; float scale[3]; float offsets[3]; int projplane[3]; STR_String objconame; STR_String uvCoName; }; // base material struct class BL_Material { private: int num_users; bool share; public: // ----------------------------------- BL_Material(); int IdMode; unsigned int ras_mode; bool glslmat; STR_String texname[MAXTEX]; unsigned int flag[MAXTEX]; int tile,tilexrep[MAXTEX],tileyrep[MAXTEX]; STR_String matname; STR_String mtexname[MAXTEX]; float matcolor[4]; float speccolor[3]; short transp, pad; float hard, spec_f; float alpha, emit, color_blend[MAXTEX], ref; float amb; int blend_mode[MAXTEX]; int mode; int num_enabled; int material_index; BL_Mapping mapping[MAXTEX]; STR_String imageId[MAXTEX]; Material* material; MTFace* tface; Image* img[MAXTEX]; EnvMap* cubemap[MAXTEX]; unsigned int rgb[4]; MT_Point2 uv[4]; MT_Point2 uv2[4]; STR_String uvName; STR_String uv2Name; void SetConversionRGB(unsigned int *rgb); void GetConversionRGB(unsigned int *rgb); void SetConversionUV(const STR_String& name, MT_Point2 *uv); void GetConversionUV(MT_Point2 *uv); void SetConversionUV2(const STR_String& name, MT_Point2 *uv); void GetConversionUV2(MT_Point2 *uv); void SetSharedMaterial(bool v); bool IsShared(); void SetUsers(int num); }; // BL_Material::IdMode enum BL_IdMode { DEFAULT_BLENDER=-1, TEXFACE, ONETEX, TWOTEX, GREATERTHAN2 }; // BL_Material::blend_mode[index] enum BL_BlendMode { BLEND_MIX=1, BLEND_ADD, BLEND_SUB, BLEND_MUL, BLEND_SCR }; // ------------------------------------- // BL_Material::flag[index] enum BL_flag { MIPMAP=1, // set to use mipmaps CALCALPHA=2, // additive USEALPHA=4, // use actual alpha channel TEXALPHA=8, // use alpha combiner functions TEXNEG=16, // negate blending HASIPO=32, USENEGALPHA=64 }; // BL_Material::ras_mode enum BL_ras_mode { POLY_VIS=1, COLLIDER=2, ZSORT=4, ALPHA=8, TRIANGLE=16, USE_LIGHT=32, WIRE=64 }; // ------------------------------------- // BL_Material::mapping[index]::mapping enum BL_MappingFlag { USEENV =1, // -- USEREFL =2, USEOBJ =4, USENORM =8, USEORCO =16, USEUV =32, USETANG =64, DISABLE =128, USECUSTOMUV=256 }; // BL_Material::BL_Mapping::projplane enum BL_MappingProj { PROJN=0, PROJX, PROJY, PROJZ }; // ------------------------------------ //extern void initBL_Material(BL_Material* mat); extern MTex* getImageFromMaterial(Material *mat, int index); extern int getNumTexChannels( Material *mat ); // ------------------------------------ #endif