/** * @file $Id$ * * ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #ifndef __SUMO_PHYSICSCONTROLLER_H #define __SUMO_PHYSICSCONTROLLER_H #include "PHY_IPhysicsController.h" #include "SM_Scene.h" #include "SM_Callback.h" /** * Sumo Physics Controller, a special kind of a PhysicsController. * A Physics Controller is a special kind of Scene Graph Transformation Controller. * Each time the scene graph get's updated, the controller get's a chance * in the 'Update' method to reflect changes. * * Sumo uses the SOLID library for collision detection. */ class SumoPhysicsController : public PHY_IPhysicsController , public SM_Callback { public: SumoPhysicsController( class SM_Scene* sumoScene, class SM_Object* sumoObj, class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate, bool dyna); virtual ~SumoPhysicsController(); /** * @name Kinematic Methods. */ /*@{*/ virtual void RelativeTranslate(float dlocX,float dlocY,float dlocZ,bool local); /** * @param drot a 3x4 matrix. This will treated as a 3x3 rotation matrix. * @warning RelativeRotate expects a 3x4 matrix. The fourth column is padding. */ virtual void RelativeRotate(const float drot[12],bool local); virtual void getOrientation(float &quatImag0,float &quatImag1,float &quatImag2,float &quatReal); virtual void setOrientation(float quatImag0,float quatImag1,float quatImag2,float quatReal); virtual void setPosition(float posX,float posY,float posZ); virtual void getPosition(PHY__Vector3& pos) const; virtual void setScaling(float scaleX,float scaleY,float scaleZ); /*@}*/ /** * @name Physics Methods */ /*@{*/ virtual void ApplyTorque(float torqueX,float torqueY,float torqueZ,bool local); virtual void ApplyForce(float forceX,float forceY,float forceZ,bool local); virtual void SetAngularVelocity(float ang_velX,float ang_velY,float ang_velZ,bool local); virtual void SetLinearVelocity(float lin_velX,float lin_velY,float lin_velZ,bool local); virtual void resolveCombinedVelocities(float linvelX,float linvelY,float linvelZ,float angVelX,float angVelY,float angVelZ); virtual void applyImpulse(float attachX,float attachY,float attachZ, float impulseX,float impulseY,float impulseZ); virtual void SetActive(bool active){}; virtual void SuspendDynamics(); virtual void RestoreDynamics(); /*@}*/ /** * reading out information from physics */ virtual void GetLinearVelocity(float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ); /** * GetVelocity parameters are in geometric coordinates (Origin is not center of mass!). */ virtual void GetVelocity(const float posX,const float posY,const float posZ,float& linvX,float& linvY,float& linvZ); virtual float getMass(); virtual void getReactionForce(float& forceX,float& forceY,float& forceZ); virtual void setRigidBody(bool rigid); virtual void PostProcessReplica(class PHY_IMotionState* motionstate,class PHY_IPhysicsController* parentctrl); // TODO: remove next line ! virtual void SetSimulatedTime(float time); virtual void WriteDynamicsToMotionState() {}; virtual void WriteMotionStateToDynamics(bool nondynaonly); /** * call from Scene Graph Node to 'update'. */ virtual bool SynchronizeMotionStates(float time); virtual void calcXform(); virtual void SetMargin(float margin) ; virtual float GetMargin() const; virtual float GetRadius() const ; virtual void SetRadius(float margin) { SetMargin(margin); } // clientinfo for raycasts for example virtual void* getNewClientInfo(); virtual void setNewClientInfo(void* clientinfo); float getFriction() { return m_friction;} float getRestitution() { return m_restitution;} /** * Sumo callback */ virtual void do_me(); class SM_Object* GetSumoObject () { return m_sumoObj; }; void GetWorldOrientation(class MT_Matrix3x3& mat); void GetWorldPosition(MT_Point3& pos); void GetWorldScaling(MT_Vector3& scale); // void SetSumoObject(class SM_Object* sumoObj) { // m_sumoObj = sumoObj; // } // void SetSumoScene(class SM_Scene* sumoScene) { // m_sumoScene = sumoScene; // } void setSumoTransform(bool nondynaonly); private: class SM_Object* m_sumoObj; class SM_Scene* m_sumoScene; // needed for replication bool m_bFirstTime; bool m_bDyna; float m_friction; float m_restitution; bool m_suspendDynamics; bool m_firstTime; bool m_bFullRigidBody; bool m_bPhantom; // special flag for objects that are not affected by physics 'resolver' // data to calculate fake velocities for kinematic objects (non-dynas) bool m_bKinematic; bool m_bPrevKinematic; float m_lastTime; class PHY_IMotionState* m_MotionState; }; #endif //__SUMO_PHYSICSCONTROLLER_H