# $Id$ """ Documentation for the GameKeys module. ====================================== This module holds key constants for the SCA_KeyboardSensor. Alphabet keys ------------- - AKEY - BKEY - CKEY - DKEY - EKEY - FKEY - GKEY - HKEY - IKEY - JKEY - KKEY - LKEY - MKEY - NKEY - OKEY - PKEY - QKEY - RKEY - SKEY - TKEY - UKEY - VKEY - WKEY - XKEY - YKEY - ZKEY Number keys ----------- - ZEROKEY - ONEKEY - TWOKEY - THREEKEY - FOURKEY - FIVEKEY - SIXKEY - SEVENKEY - EIGHTKEY - NINEKEY Shift Modifiers --------------- - CAPSLOCKKEY - LEFTCTRLKEY - LEFTALTKEY - RIGHTALTKEY - RIGHTCTRLKEY - RIGHTSHIFTKEY - LEFTSHIFTKEY Arrow Keys ---------- - LEFTARROWKEY - DOWNARROWKEY - RIGHTARROWKEY - UPARROWKEY Numberpad Keys -------------- - PAD0 - PAD1 - PAD2 - PAD3 - PAD4 - PAD5 - PAD6 - PAD7 - PAD8 - PAD9 - PADPERIOD - PADSLASHKEY - PADASTERKEY - PADMINUS - PADENTER - PADPLUSKEY Function Keys ------------- - F1KEY - F2KEY - F3KEY - F4KEY - F5KEY - F6KEY - F7KEY - F8KEY - F9KEY - F10KEY - F11KEY - F12KEY Other Keys ---------- - ACCENTGRAVEKEY - BACKSLASHKEY - BACKSPACEKEY - COMMAKEY - DELKEY - ENDKEY - EQUALKEY - ESCKEY - HOMEKEY - INSERTKEY - LEFTBRACKETKEY - LINEFEEDKEY - MINUSKEY - PAGEDOWNKEY - PAGEUPKEY - PAUSEKEY - PERIODKEY - QUOTEKEY - RIGHTBRACKETKEY - RETKEY - SEMICOLONKEY - SLASHKEY - SPACEKEY - TABKEY Example:: # Set a connected keyboard sensor to accept F1 import GameLogic import GameKeys co = GameLogic.getCurrentController() # 'Keyboard' is a keyboard sensor sensor = co.getSensor('Keyboard') sensor.key = GameKeys.F1KEY Example:: # Do the all keys thing import GameLogic import GameKeys co = GameLogic.getCurrentController() # 'Keyboard' is a keyboard sensor sensor = co.getSensor('Keyboard') keylist = sensor.events for key in keylist: # key[0] == GameKeys.keycode, key[1] = status if key[1] == GameLogic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED: if key[0] == GameKeys.WKEY: # Activate Forward! if key[0] == GameKeys.SKEY: # Activate Backward! if key[0] == GameKeys.AKEY: # Activate Left! if key[0] == GameKeys.DKEY: # Activate Right! """ def EventToString(event): """ Return the string name of a key event. Will raise a ValueError error if its invalid. @type event: int @param event: key event from GameKeys or the keyboard sensor. @rtype: string """ def EventToCharacter(event, shift): """ Return the string name of a key event. Returns an empty string if the event cant be represented as a character. @type event: int @param event: key event from GameKeys or the keyboard sensor. @type event: bool @param event: set to true if shift is held. @rtype: string """