# $Id$ # Documentation for KX_ConstraintActuator from SCA_IActuator import * class KX_ConstraintActuator(SCA_IActuator): """ A constraint actuator limits the position, rotation, distance or orientation of an object. """ def setDamp(time): """ Sets the time this constraint is delayed. @param time: The number of frames to delay. Negative values are ignored. @type time: integer """ def getDamp(): """ Returns the damping time of the constraint. @rtype: integer """ def setMin(lower): """ Sets the lower bound of the constraint. For rotational and orientation constraints, lower is specified in degrees. @type lower: float """ def getMin(): """ Gets the lower bound of the constraint. For rotational and orientation constraints, the lower bound is returned in radians. @rtype: float """ def setMax(upper): """ Sets the upper bound of the constraint. For rotational and orientation constraints, upper is specified in degrees. @type upper: float """ def getMax(): """ Gets the upper bound of the constraint. For rotational and orientation constraints, the upper bound is returned in radians. @rtype: float """ def setLimit(limit): """ Sets the type of constraint. See module L{GameLogic} for valid constraint types. @param limit: Position constraints: KX_CONSTRAINTACT_LOCX, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_LOCY, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_LOCZ, Rotation constraints: KX_CONSTRAINTACT_ROTX, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_ROTY or KX_CONSTRAINTACT_ROTZ Distance contraints: KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRPX, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRPY, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRPZ, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRNX, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRNY, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRNZ, Orientation constraints: KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_ORIX, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_ORIY, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_ORIZ """ def getLimit(): """ Gets the type of constraint. See module L{GameLogic} for valid constraints. @return: Position constraints: KX_CONSTRAINTACT_LOCX, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_LOCY, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_LOCZ, Rotation constraints: KX_CONSTRAINTACT_ROTX, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_ROTY, KX_CONSTRAINTACT_ROTZ, Distance contraints: KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRPX, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRPY, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRPZ, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRNX, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRNY, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_DIRNZ, Orientation constraints: KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_ORIX, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_ORIY, KX_ACT_CONSTRAINT_ORIZ """ def setRotDamp(duration): """ Sets the time constant of the orientation constraint. @param duration: If the duration is negative, it is set to 0. @type duration: integer """ def getRotDamp(): """ Returns the damping time for application of the constraint. @rtype: integer """ def setDirection(vector): """ Sets the reference direction in world coordinate for the orientation constraint @type vector: 3-tuple """ def getDirection(): """ Returns the reference direction of the orientation constraint in world coordinate. @rtype: 3-tuple """ def setOption(option): """ Sets several options of the distance constraint. @type option: integer @param option: Binary combination of the following values: 64 : Activate alignment to surface 128 : Detect material rather than property 256 : No deactivation if ray does not hit target 512 : Activate distance control """ def getOption(): """ Returns the option parameter. @rtype: integer """ def setTime(duration): """ Sets the activation time of the actuator. @type duration: integer @param duration: The actuator disables itself after this many frame. If set to 0 or negative, the actuator is not limited in time. """ def getTime(): """ Returns the time parameter. @rtype: integer """ def setProperty(property): """ Sets the name of the property or material for the ray detection of the distance constraint. @type property: string @param property: If empty, the ray will detect any collisioning object. """ def getProperty(): """ Returns the property parameter. @rtype: string """ def setDistance(distance): """ Sets the target distance in distance constraint. @type distance: float """ def getDistance(): """ Returns the distance parameter. @rtype: float """ def setRayLength(length): """ Sets the maximum ray length of the distance constraint. @type length: float """ def getRayLength(): """ Returns the length of the ray @rtype: float """