# $Id$ # Documentation for SCA_2DFilterActuator from SCA_IActuator import * from SCA_ILogicBrick import * class SCA_2DFilterActuator(SCA_IActuator): """ Create, enable and disable 2D filters Properties: The following properties don't have an immediate effect. You must active the actuator to get the result. The actuator is not persistent: it automatically stops itself after setting up the filter but the filter remains active. To stop a filter you must activate the actuator with 'type' set to RAS_2DFILTER_DISABLED or RAS_2DFILTER_NOFILTER. @ivar shaderText: shader source code for custom shader @type shaderText: string @ivar disableMotionBlur: action on motion blur: 0=enable, 1=disable @type disableMotionBlur: integer @ivar type: type of 2D filter, use one of the following constants: RAS_2DFILTER_ENABLED (-2) : enable the filter that was previously disabled RAS_2DFILTER_DISABLED (-1) : disable the filter that is currently active RAS_2DFILTER_NOFILTER (0) : disable and destroy the filter that is currently active RAS_2DFILTER_MOTIONBLUR (1) : create and enable preset filters RAS_2DFILTER_BLUR (2) RAS_2DFILTER_SHARPEN (3) RAS_2DFILTER_DILATION (4) RAS_2DFILTER_EROSION (5) RAS_2DFILTER_LAPLACIAN (6) RAS_2DFILTER_SOBEL (7) RAS_2DFILTER_PREWITT (8) RAS_2DFILTER_GRAYSCALE (9) RAS_2DFILTER_SEPIA (10) RAS_2DFILTER_INVERT (11) RAS_2DFILTER_CUSTOMFILTER (12) : customer filter, the code code is set via shaderText property @type type: integer @ivar passNb: order number of filter in the stack of 2D filters. Filters are executed in increasing order of passNb. Only be one filter can be defined per passNb. @type passNb: integer (0-100) @ivar value: argument for motion blur filter @type value: float (0.0-100.0) """