# $Id$ # Documentation for SCA_DelaySensor from SCA_ISensor import * class SCA_DelaySensor(SCA_ISensor): """ The Delay sensor generates positive and negative triggers at precise time, expressed in number of frames. The delay parameter defines the length of the initial OFF period. A positive trigger is generated at the end of this period. The duration parameter defines the length of the ON period following the OFF period. There is a negative trigger at the end of the ON period. If duration is 0, the sensor stays ON and there is no negative trigger. The sensor runs the OFF-ON cycle once unless the repeat option is set: the OFF-ON cycle repeats indefinately (or the OFF cycle if duration is 0). Use SCA_ISensor::reset() at any time to restart sensor. Properties: @ivar delay: length of the initial OFF period as number of frame, 0 for immediate trigger. @type delay: integer. @ivar duration: length of the ON period in number of frame after the initial OFF period. If duration is greater than 0, a negative trigger is sent at the end of the ON pulse. @type duration: integer @ivar repeat: 1 if the OFF-ON cycle should be repeated indefinately, 0 if it should run once. @type repeat: integer """ def setDelay(delay): """ DEPRECATED: use the delay property Set the initial delay before the positive trigger. @param delay: length of the initial OFF period as number of frame, 0 for immediate trigger @type delay: integer """ def setDuration(duration): """ DEPRECATED: use the duration property Set the duration of the ON pulse after initial delay and the generation of the positive trigger. If duration is greater than 0, a negative trigger is sent at the end of the ON pulse. @param duration: length of the ON period in number of frame after the initial OFF period @type duration: integer """ def setRepeat(repeat): """ DEPRECATED: use the repeat property Set if the sensor repeat mode. @param repeat: 1 if the OFF-ON cycle should be repeated indefinately, 0 if it should run once. @type repeat: integer """ def getDelay(): """ DEPRECATED: use the delay property Return the delay parameter value. @rtype: integer """ def getDuration(): """ DEPRECATED: use the duration property Return the duration parameter value @rtype: integer """ def getRepeat(): """ DEPRECATED: use the repeat property Return the repeat parameter value @rtype: KX_TRUE or KX_FALSE """