# $Id$ # Documentation for SCA_RandomActuator from SCA_IActuator import * class SCA_RandomActuator(SCA_IActuator): """ Random Actuator """ def setSeed(seed): """ Sets the seed of the random number generator. Equal seeds produce equal series. If the seed is 0, the generator will produce the same value on every call. @type seed: integer """ def getSeed(): """ Returns the initial seed of the generator. @rtype: integer """ def getPara1(): """ Returns the first parameter of the active distribution. Refer to the documentation of the generator types for the meaning of this value. @rtype: float """ def getPara2(): """ Returns the second parameter of the active distribution. Refer to the documentation of the generator types for the meaning of this value. @rtype: float """ def getDistribution(): """ Returns the type of random distribution. @rtype: distribution type @return: KX_RANDOMACT_BOOL_CONST, KX_RANDOMACT_BOOL_UNIFORM, KX_RANDOMACT_BOOL_BERNOUILLI, KX_RANDOMACT_INT_CONST, KX_RANDOMACT_INT_UNIFORM, KX_RANDOMACT_INT_POISSON, KX_RANDOMACT_FLOAT_CONST, KX_RANDOMACT_FLOAT_UNIFORM, KX_RANDOMACT_FLOAT_NORMAL, KX_RANDOMACT_FLOAT_NEGATIVE_EXPONENTIAL """ def setProperty(property): """ Set the property to which the random value is assigned. If the generator and property types do not match, the assignment is ignored. @type property: string @param property: The name of the property to set. """ def getProperty(): """ Returns the name of the property to set. @rtype: string """ def setBoolConst(value): """ Sets this generator to produce a constant boolean value. @param value: The value to return. @type value: boolean """ def setBoolUniform(): """ Sets this generator to produce a uniform boolean distribution. The generator will generate True or False with 50% chance. """ def setBoolBernouilli(value): """ Sets this generator to produce a Bernouilli distribution. @param value: Specifies the proportion of False values to produce. - 0.0: Always generate True - 1.0: Always generate False @type value: float """ def setIntConst(value): """ Sets this generator to always produce the given value. @param value: the value this generator produces. @type value: integer """ def setIntUniform(lower_bound, upper_bound): """ Sets this generator to produce a random value between the given lower and upper bounds (inclusive). @type lower_bound: integer @type upper_bound: integer """ def setIntPoisson(value): """ Generate a Poisson-distributed number. This performs a series of Bernouilli tests with parameter value. It returns the number of tries needed to achieve succes. @type value: float """ def setFloatConst(value): """ Always generate the given value. @type value: float """ def setFloatUniform(lower_bound, upper_bound): """ Generates a random float between lower_bound and upper_bound with a uniform distribution. @type lower_bound: float @type upper_bound: float """ def setFloatNormal(mean, standard_deviation): """ Generates a random float from the given normal distribution. @type mean: float @param mean: The mean (average) value of the generated numbers @type standard_deviation: float @param standard_deviation: The standard deviation of the generated numbers. """ def setFloatNegativeExponential(half_life): """ Generate negative-exponentially distributed numbers. The half-life 'time' is characterized by half_life. @type half_life: float """