# Always run tests from install path, so all required scripts and libraries # are available and we are testing the actual installation layout. # # Getting the install path of the executable is somewhat involved, as there are # no direct CMake generator expressions to get the install paths of executables. if(GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG) string(REPLACE "\${BUILD_TYPE}" "$" TEST_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) else() string(REPLACE "\${BUILD_TYPE}" "" TEST_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}) endif() # Path to Blender and Python executables for all platforms. if(MSVC) set(TEST_BLENDER_EXE ${TEST_INSTALL_DIR}/blender.exe) set(TEST_PYTHON_EXE "${TEST_INSTALL_DIR}/${BLENDER_VERSION_MAJOR}.${BLENDER_VERSION_MINOR}/python/bin/python$<$:_d>") elseif(APPLE) set(TEST_BLENDER_EXE ${TEST_INSTALL_DIR}/Blender.app/Contents/MacOS/Blender) set(TEST_PYTHON_EXE) else() set(TEST_BLENDER_EXE ${TEST_INSTALL_DIR}/blender) set(TEST_PYTHON_EXE) endif() # For testing with Valgrind # set(TEST_BLENDER_EXE valgrind --track-origins=yes --error-limit=no ${TEST_BLENDER_EXE}) # Standard Blender arguments for running tests. set(TEST_BLENDER_EXE_PARAMS --background -noaudio --factory-startup) # Python CTests if(WITH_BLENDER AND WITH_PYTHON) add_subdirectory(python) endif() # GTest add_subdirectory(gtests)